Social Studies Newsletter - May 2010



May 2010 RCSD Social Studies Newsletter

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NCSS Summer WorkshopsNCSS Summer WorkshopsNCSS Summer WorkshopsNCSS Summer Workshops The National Council for the Social Studies will present a number of professional development workshops for the summer of 2010 that feature in-depth, hands-on information that will strengthen your classroom teaching.

• Literacy Strategies to Unlock Social Studies Content, June 28-30

• Innovative Approaches to the Teaching of World History, July 14-16

• Powerful and Authentic Social Studies (PASS): A Teacher Training Institute, July 26-30

• Teaching with Documents and Works of Art: An Integrated Approach

Visit for more information.

Global Gear Up!Global Gear Up!Global Gear Up!Global Gear Up! The student application deadline for this summer’s Global Gear Up program has been extended. The program is aimed at RCSD students entering 9th grade in the

2010-2011 school year. Students will gear up for taking Global History and Geography by investigating global issues in the role of an ambassador to the United Nations. The program will run from July 7 - August 10 at Dr. Freddie Thomas High School; an application is attached to this newsletter.

Students from Walter Cooper Students from Walter Cooper Students from Walter Cooper Students from Walter Cooper

Academy Turn Learning into Academy Turn Learning into Academy Turn Learning into Academy Turn Learning into

Ownership, Action, and Change Ownership, Action, and Change Ownership, Action, and Change Ownership, Action, and Change

Their NeighborhoodTheir NeighborhoodTheir NeighborhoodTheir Neighborhood The second grade students of Dr. Walter Cooper Academy were visited on May 24 by city officials, including Mayor Robert Duffy, to discuss their findings and activities surrounding the expedition their classes participated in. Students, broken down into crews determined by the quadrant of the city in which they reside, spoke to the panelists about the things they liked about their community and what areas for improvement they saw. Following the discussion, students shared what they experienced in getting the city to demolish a vacant house near the school and presented a video that they documented the process. The event was capped of by a pizza party with the panelists and guests where the students had the chance to talk informally with city leaders. Congratulations to the second grade students and staff of the Dr. Walter Cooper Academy for a job well done.

Experience is what the Transatlantic Outreach Program is all about. Since 2001, TOP has sought to find the best and most qualified Social Studies educators and give them the opportunity to experience Modern Germany in the most dramatic way possible: in person. These all-expense-paid study tours are two weeks in length and take place during the summer. Visit for more information. Applications are due by February of 2011.

Please fill out the attached registration form if you’d like to

attend the panel discussion or dinner.

From the Director… Nothing great is ever accomplished by one person alone. We have an amazing team of teachers and teacher leaders in RCSD and one of these, the editor of this very newsletter, Mr. Stephen LaMorte, will be recognized on June 3rd by the Rochester Area Council for the Social Studies for his excellence in teaching and leading in Secondary Social Studies. Mr. LaMorte embodies a passion for the discipline. If you doubt this, just check out some of his many buttons celebrating how awesome Social Studies is! Congratulations to Stephen on this honor. I would also like to recognize the teachers and students who participated in the citywide Mock Trial event on May 12th at the Hall of Justice. Three trials were held and adjudicated by the honorable Justices Joan Kohout, Thomas Rainbow Morse, and Teresa Johnson. Students took great pride in this event and the community support and recognition of the efforts was noted in the law periodical The Daily Record. Kudos to Mr. Jack Hurley, School Without Walls, for organizing the event, arranging for the justices, coaches from the legal community, and overall support of all of us “new” to Mock Trial. Special thanks also to Robbin DeHollander, Scott Wise, and Zachary Johnson, NW College Preparatory Academy, Jack Palmieri, IIT, Edison, Mr. Donald Furiuso, Charlotte, and Mr. John DeFazio, East, for your support and encouragement of students that made the event a success. Students at Franklin International School of Finance wowed the community with their amazing Global Economic Summit in which students from the Junior and Senior class simulated the Global Economy through trading goods, building and investing in their respective countries’ infrastructure, and for sustaining a highly engaging and fast-paced trade network on May 25th. NPR covered this event held at Temple B’Rith Kodesh and support poured out for the students from the University of Rochester. Extra props and praise to Kristen Bartnick for her tireless energy and belief in the students. We hope to bring this opportunity to interested schools in the 2010-2011 School Year. Our young friends at Dr. Walter Cooper Academy’s School #10’s study of urban communities and city government resulted in major improvements to the 19th ward neighborhood as their advocacy and effort to remove an abandoned home on Brooks Avenue resulted in a razing of that building. On May 24th, Mayor Duffy and city government leaders heard directly from the students the strengths and needs in each of the quadrants of our city. The expedition resulted in high levels of student engagement and excitement! Each of these exemplify authentic performances that resulted in high levels of student engagement.

Don’t Forget Bloom!Don’t Forget Bloom!Don’t Forget Bloom!Don’t Forget Bloom!

We all learned about it in college, we all know the value of it, but we’ve all, at one point in time, whether we admit it or not, forgot about Bloom’s Taxonomy. In the 1990’s researchers revisited Bloom’s work and revised the taxonomy to reflect 21st century work and skills. While the new taxonomy looks pretty similar to the old one, there are a few notable changes. Nouns were changed to verbs and the top two rungs of higher-order thinking switched places. “Evaluating” moved down while “creating” (formerly synthesizing) moved to the top. Remember to keep classroom activities at the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. You can use the attached sheet to frame your thinking when planning class activities and help keep Bloom on your mind.

Rochester’s Teaching American History Grants

The RCSD currently has two federal Teaching American History grants: Teachers as Historians for secondary teachers, and Elementary Historians, for K-6 teachers. The TAH Lead Teachers are always available to help and support you and your students whenever needed. Please, do not hesitate to contact one of us if you need anything.

Teachers as Historians Summer Teachers as Historians Summer Teachers as Historians Summer Teachers as Historians Summer

InstituteInstituteInstituteInstitute The TAH Summer Institute will be taking place the week of July 19th! This year’s institute will center around Native American History and culture, with a specific focus on their role in the Revolutionary War. We will hear from local historians, visit the Rochester Museum and Science Center, and end on a Saturday trip to Ganondagan for the annual Native American Dance and Music Festival which will feature two Navajo code talkers. Information and registration forms have already been sent to you via e-mail. All secondary staff who teach American History are encouraged to apply.

Steve LaMorte

Mark Ferraro


Kitty Palumbo


Elementary LeadsElementary LeadsElementary LeadsElementary Leads

Stefan Cohen


Secondary LeadsSecondary LeadsSecondary LeadsSecondary Leads

Elementary HistoriansElementary HistoriansElementary HistoriansElementary Historians Thank you to all of those that participated in the Elementary Teaching American History Grant this year. It was great working with you. Attached are the dates and topics for next year. The focus for 2010-11 is early American history. Registration information will be coming in June.

TAH 2010TAH 2010TAH 2010TAH 2010----2011201120112011 While the Summer Institute will tide some of you over for a few months, we know that many of you can’t wait to participate in our 2010-2011 Teachers as Historians program. We will focus on two main topics next year: Social movements of early 19th century America (Fall 2010) and Industrialization (Spring 2011). Secondary teachers will have the opportunity to attend scholarly lectures, explore new sources and interpretations of history, and work with colleagues to create lessons and materials for classroom use. There will be another year-long lecture series as well as four new book circles to choose from. Dates, requirements, and additional information will be available in June.

Shirley DorseyShirley DorseyShirley DorseyShirley Dorsey School: School: School: School: School of the Arts

Subjects Currently TeachingSubjects Currently TeachingSubjects Currently TeachingSubjects Currently Teaching: Global I & II

Nominate Someone to be the Next Featured Teacher!Nominate Someone to be the Next Featured Teacher!Nominate Someone to be the Next Featured Teacher!Nominate Someone to be the Next Featured Teacher!

Every month, a district teacher is recognized in the Social Studies newsletter. This “featured teacher” is selected by nomination. If you know or work with someone who you think should be our featured teacher because of their love of Social Studies, amazing instructional skills, great classroom activities, or exceptional good looks, please nominate him or her. E-mail Steve LaMorte today to submit your Featured Teacher nomination and make your friends and coworkers famous!

At this point I have taught all grade levels, many subjects from K-12 in Rochester. I have taught Reading, Elementary School and all the subjects that entails, English 9 and even assisted in Music Theory. I also taught in Illinois and Kansas before Rochester – in Schools #9, #30, #38, Charlotte Jr./Sr., Franklin, SOTA

Why is Social Studies the best? Why is Social Studies the best? Why is Social Studies the best? Why is Social Studies the best? Out of everything I've taught, Social Studies has always been my favorite at both the high school and elementary level. Social Studies is the best because it never stops changing; there is always something new to learn. No one can know it all, not even the teacher. I especially enjoy learning from the students. It might be something they have seen on TV, Discovery Channel, CNN, a movie, etc.

Favorite Social Studies Topics: Favorite Social Studies Topics: Favorite Social Studies Topics: Favorite Social Studies Topics: Some of the topics my classes really delve into are Imperialism in Africa and Asia, along with these countries gaining their independence. Another topic we enjoy is the Columbian Exchange, complete with many of the edible products----corn and potato chips, chocolate, fruits, juices, tomatoes, etc. While we discuss and do large graphics of the Columbian Exchange, we also munch our way through ............ Students in the last class of the day get to take home the fresh pineapple, ears of corn, potatoes, peppers, and so forth. It is a party with a purpose.

About Shirley: About Shirley: About Shirley: About Shirley: I've been teaching since I was in elementary school myself, gathering my younger cousins around me to "play school," ..............and they never complained! I enjoy students to the point that I have traveled the world with them through the People to People Student Ambassador Program to France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, China, Australia, New Zealand, and my favorite--Fiji. You can really gain varied perspectives of people, places, and things traveling with teenagers. Never a dull moment! During spring break for the last 20 years I have been chaperoning students on a Heritage College Tour to especially Historically Black Colleges in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

Shirley was nominated by Margaret Krizan

Thanks to the Teaching American History Grant we are able offer social studies teachers this wonderful opportunity to visit and work with educators at the National Archives and Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.. This trip is subsidized by the TAH Grant and the cost to attend is $150.00. Teachers will also be responsible to cover the cost of meals while touring on their own. We will attend workshops on using documents and artifacts in our classrooms and visit many historical sites in our nation’s capitol. Please refer to the attached agenda for details. A $150.00 non-refundable payment must be received on or before June

15th to guarantee your spot. Teachers will be required to submit two lessons

and partake in a reunion meeting following the trip on September 14th, 2010.

Priority will be given to current TAH cohort members so act quickly, space is

limited, so register now !

August 2

nd –5th

Contact Kitty Palumbo @ or


Rochester City School District Social Studies Teachers

go to Washington D.C.
