Snuneymuxw Days Weekend July 16 & 17 · E-mail: Snuneymuxw First Nation...


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Volume 5 Issue 14, July 15, 2011

Snuneymuxw News is published bi-weekly. We welcome your submissions: send to or telephone (250) 713-9987.

Thursday Night Rehearsal for the Snuneymuxwqun qwuyulush Dancers. Striking a pose are dancers: Back left: Chelsie Seward Middle left: Salish Jones, Tehya Point, Kasey Wyse and Krystal Wyse. Front: Julienne Wyse-Seward.

Snuneymuxw Days Weekend

July 16 & 17

Snuneymuxw News



Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo Campus

Art Work Shq’apthut – A Gathering Place

INTRODUCTION Vancouver Island University has recently completed phase one of “Shq’apthut” “A Gathering Place” located on the Nanaimo Campus. Situated within the Snuneymuxw First Nation Traditional Territory the Gathering Place provides a special place for VIU’s Aboriginal students, First Nations Student Services and VIU commu-nity partners and is the welcoming place for all others who attend VIU. We are looking for permanent signa-ture pieces of art that will enhance the interior of the student lounge. This call for Expression of Interest is the first of a two part request: (1) Submission of Expression of Interest; and (2) Submission of Detailed Proposal. The Expression of Interest and Proposals will be reviewed by Van-couver Island University Arts and Heritage Committee. 1. Expression of Interest: Aboriginal artists are invited to submit a proposal covering an area of expertise in artwork. We request a de-scription of similar past experience, photos of past work along with reference suggestions, description of art pieces (i.e. carvings, framed prints, paddles, etc.) and a preliminary estimate of supplied cost. Preference will be given to work that reflects the spirit of the Coastal First Nations. 2. Detailed Proposal: Each shortlisted artist will then be requested to submit a sketch or model eg: wall mounted, 2D, suspended etc; a written description including: size (height, width and depth), firm price, and a schedule to produce their proposed work. A budget of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) has been allocated for this artwork. We encourage emerging professional aboriginal artists of all ages to apply to increase their portfolio and be showcased in this space that will host future generations of students.

B. SUBMISSION DETAILS Expressions of Interest should be signed, completed and received at Vancouver Island University prior to the closing date. Submissions can be dropped off or emailed in to

Snuneymuxw News


The closing date for this Expression of Interest is:

July 15, 2011 14:00 hours local time at: Vancouver Island University 900 Fifth Street Building 200, Room 226

Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 5S5


The Arts & Heritage Committee reserve the right to extend the submission date. If clarification is required for this Expressions of Interest please communicate your request by contacting the individual shown below: Sylvia Scow Office of Aboriginal Education Vancouver Island University Phone: 250-753-3245, local 2096 or e-mail address:

SFN Men’s Group We have started another men’s group.

Men are welcome to attend when they can and join at anytime program. No registration needed.

Come join Rick August SFN Addiction counsellor and Alan Caplan, a Nanaimo community counsellor with Snuneymuxw for a program especially for men. The group will focus on creating a safe place for men to:

v explore their concerns and challenges

v learn about themselves

v gain a greater understanding of healthy relationships

v understand anger

When: Monday evenings

Time: 6:00 to 8:00

Where: SFN Health Centre Kitchen

Date: Group starts Monday June 6

For Information call Rick August

SFN Addiction Counsellor Phone: 250-740-2351


Snuneymuxw News

Crabs For Sale Congratulations to Noel Brown for acquiring the Nation’s com-mercial crab license recently.

You can purchase fresh crab by calling Noel at 250.722.3321

Above: Noel at Aboriginal Day June 21st with lots of fresh crab for the fans. Right: Marvin Brown with Chief Kwulasultun.

Snuneymuxw News



House of Learning

Phone: 250 740-2300

Fax: 250 753-3492


Snuneymuxw First Nation

668 Centre Street

Nanaimo, BC

V9R 4Z4

We are taking new applications for Adult upgrading for the following


• English

• Math

• Please note that current students need to re-apply as well.

Start date: September 2011

15 spaces only.

Applications are available at the front at the Band Office.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Nancy Seward,

House of Learning/Education Coordinator @ 250 740-2300.

We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how.

Snuneymuxw News



E M P L O Y M E N T   O P P O R T U N I T Y  

Receptionist REFERENCE NO: QSL-QSES-REC-0711

Cowichan Tribes Quw’utsun Smun’eem Elementary School has an immediate opening for a Receptionist to perform reception duties, and basic office support. The successful candidate will be under the general direction of the Principal of Quw’utsun Smun’eem Elementary School. This is a full-time (27.5 hours per week) term position for the 2011/12 school year. RESPONSIBILITIES:

· Answer telephone, direct calls, record messages, greet visitors and families

· Provide word processing, photocopying, laminating services for school staff

· Maintain filing system for the program, update, and maintain correspondence as required

· Monitor student attendance

· Shopping for program

· Other related duties as assigned


• · High school graduation or equivalent and successful completion of a Business Communications or Administrative

Assistant’s program is an asset

• · Training and experience in record keeping and filing

• · Demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite programs

• · Excellent typing abilities (45-60 wpm)

• · Demonstrated ability to prepare, check and process standard forms and documents

• · Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and politely both orally and in writing

• · Ability to lift and move mail and boxes in and around the school

• · Valid B.C driver’s license and reliable transportation

• · Knowledge of Hul’q’umi’num’ language and Cowichan culture, an asset


Snuneymuxw News


Thank you Thank you to all of my relatives and friends who bought Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to help support my fundraising.

I will be going to Rock Ridge Canyon Princeton BC with Young Life. We have all worked very hard fundraising to make this trip possible.

Charlene Nelson and grandma Stella Fraser would also like to say thank you for your support and are very proud of me for working so hard on our fundraising to make this trip possible.

To all of you again I appreciate all your support to help me make this trip possi-ble.

Thank you again,

Rodney Seward

• Successful completion of a criminal record check is required

P L E A S E Q U O T E R E F E R E N C E N U M B E R Q S L - Q S E S - R E C - 0 7 1 1

when submitting your cover letter, resume, and three references to:

Human Resources Manager, Cowichan Tribes 

5760 Allenby Road Duncan, B.C.V9L 5J1 



D E A D L I N E :   4 : 0 0   P . M .   M O N D A Y ,   J U LY   2 5 ,   2 0 1 1  


Snuneymuxw News


I lhe hulquminum

i lhe huquminum utu stluwixwulh I utu suwe:n ct.

lamut tu apun ‘I’ kw xuathun sxwi’em

nilh kwuth huy.

cicawatul stiwilh

ciculh siem cicawatul hulit tu sqwals

uw hulistuxw tu sqwal u kwu hilh

ni ct shqwuli’ ct slhaqun ct

hay chq a

Let’s Speak Hulquminum

Let’s speak Hulquminum for our children and our ancestors .

See the 14 stories for us

Helping Prayer

Creator help keep our language alive

The language will live forever.

It is our life and our medicine.

Thank you


Snuneymuxw News

The Language teachers are proud to announce their most recent accomplishment, translating 14 classic children’s stories. At a recent ceremony, the teachers asked the Dance Group to bring the books alive and bless them. The ceremony symbolizes waking the language up so the children will learn, learn, learn. Our dream is to create enough curriculum so that we can offer a full language immersion class for the intermedi-ate and advance language learners. These are exciting times for the Nation’s esteemed language teachers.

Each of the books follows the teachers current lesson plans and include: animals, numbers, colors, and greetings. These books promote independent study and will create an opportunity to bring the language to each home in our community.

The teachers would like to thank Vancouver Island University and the School District for the technical support throughout the project.

hay ch qa

tiyuqatunaat Mabel Mitchell

humulh Jerry Brown

yutustenat Mandy Jones

siwut Thomas Jones

Above: Hulquminum teachers and translators Mabel Mitchell, Thomas Jones, Mandy Jones and Jerry Brown. Left: Allen Wyse and Memphis Wyse from Snuneymuxwqun qwuyulush Dancers bless the books and bring them to life. Bill Yoachim, Chief Kwulasultun and Joyce White are in the background enjoying the dance.

Snuneymuxw News



RESOLUTION HEALTH SUPPORT WORKER’s (RHSW’s) Resolution Health Support Worker’s (RHSW’s) provide emotional support to eligible former Indian Residential School stu-dents and their family members before, during and after the process of resolving,

Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Common Experience Payment (CEP) Participation in the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) , or Regional Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) TRC Community Commemoration events

RHSW Participation is coordinated through the Tsow-Tun-Le-Lum Society CULTURAL SUPPORT TEAM Services are provided by elders to eligible former Indian Residential School students and their family members. Cultural Support Team members can provide ceremony and spiritual support before, during and after,

Independent Assessment Process (IAP) Common Experience Payment (CEP) Participation in the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) , or Regional Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) TRC Community Commemoration events

Cultural Support is coordinated through the Tsow-Tun-Le-Lum Society DEADLINE FOR THE COMMON EXPERIENCE PAYMENT (CEP) APPLICATION SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 DEADLINE FOR INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT PROCESS (IAP) SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 If you have any questions don’t be shy to give us a phone call

(continued top next page)

Darren Good among BC’s fastest paddlers Snuneymuxw News


Contacts for Health Support Program

Janis Libby (Gitxsan) Cell: 250 – 668 – 6305

Daisy Elliot (Coast Salish/Kwakwaka’wakw) Cell: 250 – 713 – 6930

Sheila A. Nyman (Okonogan Salish) Cell: 250 – 713 – 6933

Rocky James (Coast Salish) Cell: 250 – 713 – 6308

Kim Good (Coast Salish) Cell: 250-816-3123

Team Coordinator Christie D. Balez Office: 250-390-3123 Cell: 250-416-1710

Attention Residential School Survivors There is a very important workshop for you on August 23, 2011. This is to provide you with information about the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement Information Workshop.

SFN Chief & Council Chambers 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, lunch provided.

• Time is running out for victims to file claims and receive compensation. It is not an easy process so the workshop will give you the information you need. Issues covered are:

• Common Experience Payment (CEP)

• Appeal Process of CEP

• Independent Assessment Process (IAP)

• Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

• Resolution Health Support Workers & Cultural Support Team

To confirm your attendance please call Karen or Jennifer at t 250.740.2300

Snuneymuxw News


Storm Water Discharges Attention: If any Snuney-muxw member notices abnor-mal storm water discharges coming from the outlet pipes that drain into the estuary along Shoreline Drive – please contact the following City of Nanaimo representa-tives immediately:

John Elliot: Manager of Utilities @ 250-758-5222


Rick Morgan: General Foreman of Wastewater @ 250-756-5306

Examples – abnormal storm water discharges:

• Continuous bubbles – (soap suds)

• Thicker, muddy look-ing water; sludge or toiletries.

• Any other discharge besides normal rain water.

Southern Vancouver Island Rail

Last month SVI Rail con-ducted some ditching alongside the tracks. There has been some de-bris accumulating within these ditches. Please be aware that excessive de-bris accumulations could cause drainage issues for yards on the lower side of the tracks as well as pro-vide additional havens for unwanted rodents. Thank you for your coop-eration.

The Housing Department will be running a series of “Energy related info bites” to assist with energy saving techniques and energy in-formation in general – please watch for them. Changing old habits are challenging but it can be done! Simple things can make the difference!

Another Energy Tid-Bit from the Housing Depart-ment: Most people’s hydro bills break down like this: 

Hot water heating – 22% (showering, washing clothes) 

Space heating – 60% (forced air heat, baseboard heat) 

Lighting – 5% 

Appliances – 13% 


Snuneymuxw News



Snuneymuxw News

Greetings from the Nanaimo Native Victory Church Children Dedication Invitation to Snuneymuxw Community Families

Greetings from the Pastors of NNVC. The Pastors of the Nanaimo Native Victory Church have been per-forming the Children Dedication Ceremony during the last 2months and still continuing until End of August 2011. It's exciting when a new child enters a family.

There's no greater moment when parents sense that children are a gift from God. In these joyful mo-ments parents often express their full appreciation to God through Children dedication. Dedicating a child acknowledges God's Sover-eignty not only over the child but also to Mom and Dad.

Parents present their children be-fore God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities.

God is calling us to you and your families and to provide His ser-vices to every family in commu-nity.

We are encouraging all families of the Snuneymuxw Band to consider bringing your children and dedi-cate them to God our Creator.

Please note that if you cannot

make it to the Church we can also perform this ceremony at your home and at any time that is con-venient to you.

Please call us at 250.754. 7866 or come and meet with us at the Parsonage of the Church. You are most welcome.


2On 27th July 2011 a group of 20 Korean Youths etc will be performing their Cultural Items at the Church com-pound that afternoon and they will go back the follow-ing morning..Please do join us on this day. Everyone are welcomed.

Thank You and God Bless,

Pastor Jone & Mere.

Photos: Children Dedication Ceremony on Sunday 3rd July 2011(10 Children dedicated). Total dedicated to date 22 chil-dren so far. (Praise God).

Snuneymuxw News


6.. If you feel threatened or fear-ful from strangers while outside, call 911. 7. If you are being followed, cross the street and go directly to the nearest well lit populated area. If you are still being fol-lowed, turn and in a loud voice say, “stop following me.” Go to an occupied home or stop a taxi and ask the driver to call the police. I 8. Do not delay in calling the police, even if the robber has threatened you; hesitate only long enough to ensure your safety, then call immediately. The faster the police are able to respond, the better the chances the robber(s) will be arrested. 9. If you are robbed, the fol-lowing information is very im-portant to the police: direction of travel, time of rob-bery, whether or not the sus-pect(s) were armed, number of suspects involved, if a vehicle was used, a description of the vehicle and direction of travel if known; and description of sus-pect(s). 10. Ask any witnesses to wait until the police arrive. Get their names and addresses if they can not stay. 11. If involved in a street-type

robbery, don’t argue, don’t fight and don’t use weapons.

*Robbers are unpredictable, do not resist,it may increase the level of violence* 12 Memorize suspect(s) physical and clothing descriptions, espe-cially tattoos, scars and other prominent features. 13 . When trying to determine age, height, weight and appearance, compare them to yourself or peo-ple that you know.

14. If a weapon is used, focus your attention on size, type and its colour.

15. Your safety is paramount, never chase or follow a robber.

Personal Safety Tips 1. Tell others where you are going and when you are expected to return and don’t walk alone if possible.

2. Follow the safest route pos-sible. Avoid short cuts and de-serted areas. Try to keep to well lit areas and walk on the side of the street where you can best see around

Avoid short cuts and deserted ar-eas; try to keep to well-lit busy streets after dark. Walk on the side of the street where you can best see around you.

3. Avoid parks and green spaces after dark. If you have to cut thru parks,listen for voices ahead of you. That should be enough to tell you to take another route

4. Walk with a purpose and be alert and aware of your surround-ings. Avoid using personal ste-reos or radios – you might not hear trouble approaching.

5. Don’t flash your cash, iPods, mobile phones or other valuables. Keep their use discreet and put them away after use. Don’t carry them or show them in an obvious manner.

Police Emergency

Dial 911

Nanaimo RCMP

First Nation Liai-sons

Cst. Mark Gaschler

Cst. Angela Lynch

250. 754.2345

Community Letters


Snuneymuxw News

Teen Dance

9 to 17 yrs. old


Snacks & Prizes

July 16th 8 pm to 12 am

At the Harewood Activity Centre

195 4th Street

(across street from Little George’s Pizza)


Snuneymuxw News Snuneymuxw News Snuneymuxw News

Acupuncture Clinic With: Bibi Bennekou R.Ac

When: Mondays from 2:30 to 4:30

Where: at the Health Centre Kitchen

Bibi is a registered acupuncturist in Nanaimo who offers clinics throughout the city and also woks at Chinawest-Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre.


• The treatment will use the acupuncture points of the ear. This will allow people to re-ceive their treatment in a group setting.

• Each treatment takes 30 to 45 minutes. APPOINTMENT

• No appointments are needed. • Please arrive sometime between 2:30 and 4:00. • The last appoint will be at 4:00.


• The cost of the treatment is $25.00. • If you have extended health benefits it will be covered through most plans. It is cov-

ered through SFN extended health benefits. • If you receive Social Assistance or Disability benefits it will be covered through your

Medical Service Plan by using your Care Card. Please bring your Care Card with you.

• If you have a low income, you might qualify for treatments through the Medical Ser-vice Plan. Please bring your Care Card and Bibi will check for you.

Rides are not provided


Snuneymuxw News

2011 Cultural Awards – Call for Nominations The City of Nanaimo Cultural Committee will again be recognizing outstanding organizations, groups or individuals in the arts and cultural fields. The public is invited to nominate organizations or individuals for the “Excellence in Culture” or “Honour in Culture” award. This is your chance to pay recognition to people and groups you know that have made a significant contribution to making Nanaimo a more cul-turally vibrant city. Each year, the “Excellence in Culture” award is presented to an organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition in the field of arts and culture. The recipient of this award would be well recognized as a “Nanaimo Artist,” having demonstrated excellence in their field, and as being a significant inspiration to others. Other recipients of this prestigious award include music teacher Brian Stovel, the Nanaimo Concert Band, internationally acclaimed jazz pianist/singer Diana Krall, author/historian Lynne Bowen, jazz trumpet player Ingrid Jensen, Vancouver Island Symphony conductor Marlin Wolfe, blues musician David Gogo. The “Honour in Culture” Award is presented to an individual, group or corporation that is known for their dedication and support of the development of the cultural fabric of Nanaimo. Previous recipients of this prestigious award have included arts administrator/volunteer Joyce Horner, theatre supporter Gordon Kirby, literary arts supporter Thora Howell, The Nanaimo Theatre Group, Arts Alive Summer School of the Fine Arts, and arts supporter Sandra Thomson Nominations for both awards will be reviewed by the Cultural Committee with recommendations to the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission for their endorsement. The awards will be presented at the Port Theatre by City Council, in the form of a framed photograph of the recipient that will be displayed in the Margaret Strongitharm Gallery at the Port Theatre. The Nanaimo Cultural Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous donation of professional photographic services by local photographer Gary Peters.

Nomination forms may be picked up at Bowen Park or Beban Park Recreation Centres or online at .

Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2011. For more informa-tion, please contact Bob Kuhn, Manager of Recreation and Culture Services at 250-755-7512. 


Snuneymuxw News Snuneymuxw News

Snapshot: Russell and Rose Scow at Canada Day.


Snuneymuxw News

iyus snuneymuxw skewyu Happy Snuneymuxw Days! Translation by Thomas Jones


Snuneymuxw News

Snuneymuxw First Nation asks that you please save the date for the

1st Annual Snuneymuxw Days July 16 & 17, 2011

Location: Snuneymuxw First Nation

The radishes are just about ready in the Community Gardens. Other vegetables coming along include pumpkins, potatoes, peas, carrots, onions and much more.

We need weeders! Come on down and help keep the weeds from tak-ing over.

There is a Community Garden on IR # 1 and on IR # 3 Raines Road.

We need you! We are looking for volunteers to help.

If you are interested in supporting your community garden please call Karen A, Jennifer D at


or Cheryl Mooney


Fresh veggies steaming


Snuneymuxw News

Planting on Centre St. Community Garden: Dave and


Join our Community Gardens Weeders needed


Snuneymuxw News


It’s that time of year again! Time for a friendly game of lacrosse between Snuneymuxw Native Sons and North Shore Indians. This year’s game will be at Frank Crane Arena on Saturday, August 13th at 3:30 pm, doors will open at 3pm. ADMISSION WILL BE $5 per person, with Children 10 and under and Elders free. Come out and cheer on your team and enjoy a good friendly game of Lacrosse. PARTIAL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS CANCER RESEARCH.

Enjoying the Lacrosse Court at the Longhouse



Red Road to Recovery

N.A. Meeting

When: Saturdays 7:30 pm

Where: 668 Centre St. in Chambers

Who: Open to all

Narcotics Anonymous

The message is that an addict, any addict, can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way of life.

Our message is hope and the promise of freedom.

Prayer Group

With Brother Mark

Mondays 7 pm

614 Centre Street

Firearms Courses 250. 740.2300

Cedar Creek Caskets Please call in your time of need.

Business (778) 424-2222

Cell (250) 228-2804 Email For more information please visit online at

Stay connected wherever you are: We can send you an email copy of the Snuneymuxw News, published every second Friday. Email or phone 250.713.9987. Send us your postal address for a mailed issue.



Looking for Work? Do you have your Class 4 Driver’s License? Level 1 First Aid? If so, contact Gary Simpson @ 250 753-551 for further details.

Firewood A fire wood lot is available. This lot is located on the Nanaimo Lakes Rd, and requires a key for the gate. Please contact Joe Seward (250) 816 2301, Juan Moreno (250) 713 9720, Chris Good (250) 716 6004 to get the key and permit for the wood lot. With the approach of fire hazard season the wood lot will soon be closed.

Donna Moon Aboriginal Community Legal Worker Call Donna 250-741-5529 or drop by on Tuesdays at the Health Centre.

Snuneymuxw News

Fire Hazard Notice As we enter the dry season please be cautious with fires.

There have already been some fires that quickly grew danger-ous.

SFN and the RCMP ask that you show due caution during the dry season, and be aware of any campfire closures that may be posted.

Employment Workshops July 15, July 22 August 5 August 12 September 9

Naming Jerome and Shana Manson are Naming their two older children

Jacob and Taylor Manson

Aug.27th, 2011 Table at noon Snuneymuxw Kitchen

Au Siem
