SmallSteps4Life Katie Shepherd inspiration, determination, excellence, equality, friendship, respect...


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Katie Shepherd

inspiration, determination, excellence, equality, friendship, respect and courage

The seven Olympic values are inspiration, determination, excellence, equality, friendship, respect and courage. Smallsteps4life promotes these on their website

inspiration, determination, excellence, equality, friendship, respect and courage

Inspiration- Paralympics value

You can be inspired from someone, you could be inspired to do something, or you could inspire someone.

Courage- Paralympics value

Being brave and confident to do the right thing, physical courage is when you are courageous in the face of pain, hurt or death Moral courage is the ability to do the right thing even when faced with shame, scandal or not being popular.

Determination- Paralympics value

Not giving up no matter how hard or challenging something is: believing in yourself to continue to the best of you ability.

Equality - Paralympics value

Everyone is equal, they receive the same treatment regardless of their race, religion, gender, height or weight.


Friendship- Olympic value

Friendship is people understanding and respecting someone even though there are differences between them. They show each other sympathy, empathy, trust, honesty, compassion and positive reciprocity.

Respect- Olympic value

Being fair, knowing yours limits, taking care of each other. A positive emotion.

Excellence- Olympic Value

Achieving your goals and trying your hardest, not only in sport but in everyday life.

‘ordinary people are capable of accomplishing extraordinary things’- Barack Obama

Eating healthy

-Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, you should be eating at least 5 fruit or veg every day.

- plenty of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods. Choose on wholegrain varieties wherever you can

- Your diet should contain some milk and dairy foods.

- Eat meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein.

- Only small amounts of foods and drinks high in fat/sugar.

Getting active

Here are some benefits of being physically active-

-Having fun

-More energy

- Being able to sleep better

- Feeling more relaxed and happier

- Having stronger muscles and bones

- Maintaining a healthy weight

Feeling good Get restTiredness affects how you feel and can make things seem much more difficult than they are. So put down that games controller and get some shut-eye!Stay upbeatDon’t let those low feelings drag you down. Nip them in the bud and do something you know will cheer you up: maybe it’s playing your favourite song, going for a jog, watching your favourite film or playing some football.Have funEver heard the phrase, "laughter is the best medicine"? When you laugh, endorphins are released, meaning you’ll probably feel more relaxed and less stressed. Pretty good for a simple chuckle.Enjoy the momentBeing enthusiastic about what you’re doing, even if it’s just hanging out with friends is perfectly natural and helps you feel better. So next time you’re doing something you enjoy, take a moment to sit back and think about the experience.
