Skincare: Discover a More Beautiful and Radiant You!!!



As the skin is the largest organ of your body, you need to take good care of it from inside as well as outside. A good skin care regimen is extremely important to maintain good skin health in the long run. Nowadays, you can find a number of online consulting platforms that offer advice in skin care. Beautiful skin begins with exceptional skin care.

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Chapter No.

Contents Page No.

1 Introduction 3 2 Types of skin 3-9 3 Does skin type

really differ between men and women?


4 How to determine your skin type


5 Skin care for different skin types


6 Some common skin problems


7 Daily skin care routine



Chapter – 1

Introduction The last barrier between our body and the environment is our skin. As the skin is the largest organ of one’s body, one needs to take good care of it from the inside as well as the outside. Great skin reflects your total wellness, and also, is the result of comprehensive skin care. The look, feel and the appearance of your skin depend largely on how you take care of it. In order to keep your skin nourished, you need to drink plenty of water every day along with proper diet and regular exercise.

Chapter - 2

Types of skin The first and foremost step in proper skin care is to know your skin type. Products that work wonders for one skin type may be disastrous for another. All are born with a specific skin type. You can definitely get a flawless, healthy and glowing complexion regardless of the skin type you have. In order to achieve this, it is crucial that you know what type of skin you have.


There are mainly 5 types of skin. There are as follows:

1. Normal skin

Normal skin looks fresh, plump and vibrant all the times. The oil glands in this skin type produce sebum at a moderate rate which results in a balanced state. The skin is neither too oily nor too dry. It is because of this reason that it requires less attention than the other skin types. If you have normal skin, regard yourself as blessed. Regular cleansing, toning and moisturising are enough to take care of your normal skin. The pores in this skin are small and almost invisible, making a little foundation to go a long way. The best advantage of having normal skin is that you will be able to have a glowing and youthful skin, and also, even if you grow older, it will require very less maintenance.


Some basic characteristics of normal skin are -

§ Even and fine texture § Almost invisible pores § Perfect balance between moisture and oil § Soft skin

2. Dry skin

Dry skin is the result of inactive oil glands that fail to produce enough sebum that is required to keep the skin naturally hydrated. Dry skin generally has a dull appearance. The pores are very fine in this skin type. Sometimes the skin becomes sensitive and itchy. Immediately after cleansing your skin, this type of skin tends to become dry and even sensitive at times. People with dry skin develop wrinkles and red patches at an early age. You must drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated from inside as well as outside, by applying rich hydrating creams or lotions. People having dry skin face many problems in cold weather. In order to avoid flaky skin and rashes, special care should be taken during winter.


Some basic characteristics of dry skin are –

§ Dry and dehydrated skin surface § Extremely fine pores § Needs to moisturise regularly to keep the skin nourished and hydrated

3. Oily skin

Oily skin has a shiny appearance, especially in the T-zone. The pores are large in this type of skin. People with oily skin may be prone to acne, blackheads and several other skin problems due to overproduction of the sebaceous glands. The good thing about having oily skin is that the effects of aging are not very evident on oily skin. The oil allows fewer wrinkles to form along with keeping the skin plump and glowing. However, the skin may look dull at times.


Some basic characteristics of oily skin are –

§ Large and visible pores § Frequent cleansing is needed to keep skin problems at bay § Looks shiny and greasy mainly in the T-zone § Appears dull at times

4. Combination skin

According to the skin care experts, combination skin is the most common skin type. Characterised by an oily T-zone area which covers the chin, nose and forehead, combination skinned people have normal to dry skin around the eyes, cheeks and mouth. There may be expression lines in this type of skin. The main challenge with this type of skin is that the dry and oily parts need different products, treatments and care.


Some basic characteristics of combination skin are –

§ Some parts are dry while others are greasy § Enlarged pores mainly on the nose area § Oily parts become shiny soon after wash on the one hand and dry parts feel tight on the other hand § Cleansing is needed to remove excess oil while proper moisturising should be done on the dry parts

5. Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin can be normal, oily or dry. This type of skin is delicate in nature, which is why skin experts feel it is more of a skin condition rather than a skin type. It reacts adversely to environmental conditions, and in order to remain in good condition, it often requires special treatment. Sensitive skin tends to react adversely to synthetically manufactured oil type ingredients, artificial colours and fragrance oils, and cosmetics containing alcohol. Some common problems with this type of skin are itchiness, red patches, spots and tingling. This skin has a fine texture and is usually thin. This fragile skin type benefits greatly from gentle and natural skin care products and treatments.


Some basic characteristics of sensitive skin are –

§ Fine pores § Premature wrinkles § Thin texture of the skin § Adverse reaction to harsh cosmetics § Develops sunburns, rashes and itches easily § Skin feels taut after washing

Chapter - 3

Does skin type really differ between men and women?


Apart from having facial hair, man’s skin is structurally different from that of a woman. Thickness of skin is increased by androgen stimulation. This is the reason why a man’s skin is about 25% thicker compared to a woman. The texture of a man’s skin is tougher than that of a woman.

The production of sebum also differs. After reaching puberty, the production of sebum becomes greater in males than females. This is the reason why men have longer lasting acne.

The collagen density is also higher in men than in women. It has been said that a woman’s skin is about 15 years older than a man who is of the same age, because of the fact that the collagen content is directly related to the signs of aging.

Chapter - 4

How to determine your skin type


It is not at all a complicated affair to determine what type of skin you have. One of the easiest ways to determine your skin type is to wipe your face with a clean tissue in the morning just after you get up. Following are the results that people with different skin types will find:

v Normal skin

Normal skinned beauties will find that the tissue is oil free and their skin feels supple

v Dry skin

Dry skinned people will find the tissue oil free and their facial skin tight and dry

v Oily skin

Oily skinned people will find that the tissue has oil spots. Also, their face, especially the nose and forehead area will look shiny.

v Combination skin

People with combination skin will find traces of oil on the tissue while wiping their nose, forehead and shin, but the other parts of their face will have no oil.


v Sensitive skin

You don’t need the tissue test to find out this skin type, as sensitive skin reacts adversely to a number of things including harsh creams, shampoos, sunlight and cosmetics.

Chapter - 5

Skin care for different skin types Different types of skin require different skin care products. The main advantage of knowing your skin type is that you know what products will suit your skin and what will not.

Skin care for normal skin


Feel blessed if you have normal skin. Compared to other skin types, it is easy to take care of normal skin. The products that are meant for normal skin can be applied to this type of skin without any hesitation. This type of skin does not breakout easily. But if it does, you can easily control it by using the right skin care products, and in no time your skin will get back its normal healthy glow.

In order to take care of your normal skin, you need to use a gentle cleanser that can work as your make up remover as well. Cleanse, tone and moisturise your face twice a day. Use a hydrating mask once a week to keep your face glowing. Use day creams and serums for the day, and night creams and firming eye creams for the night.

Skin care for dry skin

If you are a dry skinned beauty, you need to take special care of your skin, especially during the winter season. It is very important to cleanse your face with mild cleansing milk. This will prevent your skin from being dry. Also, do not wash your face more than twice, as this will strip the natural oil of your skin and leave your skin dry and dehydrated.


Use toners that are free of alcohol, as they tend to dry out your skin. Use nourishing creams containing vitamin E, as it postpones the signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. You can also massage your skin with essential oil to keep your skin hydrated all day.

Skin care for oily skin

Oily skin does not need rich moisturiser, as it has a natural barrier against moisture. It is very important that you clean your oily skin thoroughly with an oil free cleanser twice a day. This is to make sure that there is no debris clogging pores which may lead to blackheads, acne and other skin diseases. It will be better if you use cleansers containing salicylic acid.


You can exfoliate your skin twice a week, as this will remove build up over the epidermis. Gel moisturisers are good for oily skin. You can use clay based facial masks, so that it can absorb excess oil from your skin.

Skin care for combination skin

It may be quite difficult to choose products for combination skin. You have to select products that suit both the greasy and the dry part. You can find a wide range of products that are made especially for combination skin. Products that are rich in antioxidants are good for people with combination skin.

Cleanse your face using a gentle cleanser. It will be better if you use mild foaming face washes or gel based cleansers. Always use toners that have no menthol, alcohol or fragrances. Don’t forget to use sunscreens before stepping out of the house. The harmful rays of the sun fasten the process of aging. Using sunscreens and sun blocks will prevent wrinkles and premature aging.

Skin care for sensitive skin


You should be very careful while taking care of this type of skin, as this skin type is prone to irritation at the slightest provocation. If you have sensitive skin, use products that do not contain any fragrances or perfume. Also, try to use preservative free products, as they tend to dry out the skin and make the skin more vulnerable to irritation.

In order to test if the products will suit you or not, you can do a patch test by applying it on a small area of your skin. Use products that are hypo-allergenic. Use mild cleanser instead of using soaps or face washes. As sensitive skin gets sunburns very easily, use liberal amount of sunscreen whenever you go out of the house.

Chapter - 6

Some common skin problems With good skin care practices, you will be able to maintain smooth, firm and healthy skin for a longer period of time. However, eventually, sun exposure and time can take a toll on the appearance of the skin. Age, exposure to different environmental elements and a lot of other factors can lead to various skin problems. Some common skin problems are the result of viruses, genetics and other causes.



Acne is one of the most common facial skin problems. This is such a troubling skin condition that it can affect self-esteem and confidence. The sebaceous glands can become overactive and produce excessive oil which can plug follicles that can result in whiteheads and blackheads. Sometimes, these plugged follicles get inflamed, causing nodules, pimples and cysts. Acne, usually go away after a time and acnes, that are severe, can leave scars. You can find a number of treatments to treat acne effectively and also to reduce the marks it causes.

Large pores

Generally, people with oily skin face this problem. The tiny openings on the surface of the skin are called pores, through which oils are released. Large facial pores that are visible enough can cause other skin problems as well as frustration. The size of the pore is hereditary to some extent. In order to improve the appearance of large pores, it is better to see a dermatologist, as s/he can recommend treatments with effective results.



The brownish patches that appear on the skin as a result of acne or as the person ages, is commonly known as hyperpigmentation. Sun damage can worsen the condition. Sometimes, these are called as “liver spots” and resemble large freckles. Face, hands, neck, legs or feet are generally affected by hyperpigmentation. These are not harmful, but people tend to want them removed. A good cosmetic dermatologist can effectively reduce or even remove the appearance of these age spots on the skin.

Under-eye circles


Factors, such as lack of sleep, heredity, sun exposure, diet and heredity can be the reason of darkened skin beneath the eyes. In some cases, by resolving the underlying cause, the dark circles around the eyes can be reversed. Or, you can use cosmetics to conceal this problem. Effective treatments can be produced by a cosmetic dermatologist to reduce or eliminate the dark circles under eyes.



Rosacea is a facial skin problem that can be characterised by swelling and redness. Adults with fair skin usually have this problem. Rosacea can appear at any age. At first, it develops slowly, and then it gradually appears as a facial flush. Over time, the condition can worsen and it rarely resolves on its own. A cosmetic dermatologist can provide excellent results by effectively treating rosacea with oral or topical medications and various facial skin treatments such as laser therapy.

Chapter - 7

Daily skin care routine

In order to avoid skin problems or keep them under control, you need to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Don’t take it as an option. The way you feel about yourself is largely influenced by the way you look. You feel more confident and self-assured, when your skin is fresh and glowing with good health. If you take care of your skin properly, it can work great for your self-esteem. Your daily skin care routine should comprise of cleansing, toning and moisturising. Also, exfoliate your skin and use a good face mask once a week.



Whatever your skin type is, having a regular cleansing regimen is extremely important for good health of your skin. However, it is suggested by many skin experts that you should avoid excessive cleaning at any cost. Always wash your skin with a good facial cleanser that is especially designed for your skin type. This way, you can keep pimples and other skin problems under control.


The second step in your daily skin care regimen is toning. Toner not only cleanses your skin of excess cleanser that is still on your skin, but also evens out the pH level of the skin. It also boosts cell renewal and enhances the overall texture of your skin. Vitamins and minerals of a toner revitalise your skin in no time. Apply toner right after cleansing.



This is the third step in your skin care regimen. Moisturising your face is extremely important in keeping your skin hydrated. It not only helps in maintaining the normal moisture of the skin, but also puts lost moisture back into your skin and makes it supple. Apart from moisturising your face, drink plenty of water to remove toxins from your skin and keep it fresh and elastic all day long.



The process of removing old and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin is called exfoliation. Exfoliation can be done once or twice a week to give your skin a fresh and glowing look. As the outer layer of dead skin cells is removed by this process, skin care products like creams and moisturisers penetrates well into the skin and works better.

Facial mask

Include using facial masks once a week in your skin care regimen. Facial masks provide your skin with necessary hydration, suppleness and elasticity that it needs. Try using clay based face masks if you have oily skin, as clay deep cleanses your pores by removing excess oil from your face. If you have dry skin, use hydrating masks to get rid of flaky skin. Regular use of facial masks evens out your skin tone and gives you a youthful glow.
