SK-8 Valuasi Investasi SITI Strategi SI-TI/SK-8 Valuasi... · yang diajukan dalam mendukung...


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11/5/2008 Integrasi Strategi ISIT & Bisnis-MasWig 1

Strategi dan Kebijakan Sistem Informasi

Integrasi Strategi Bisnis Dan Strategi Sistem Informasi


Ir. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi, SE, MSi, MPP

Program Pasca Sarjana - Magister Ilmu Komputer - Universitas Budi Luhur

Kuliah Sessi – 8:Valuasi Investasi Sistem Informasi

Integrasi Strategi ISIT & Bisnis-MasWig2

Strategi dan Kebijakan Sistem Informasi


• Investment and Priority Setting Policies

• Evaluating IS/IT Investment

• Setting Priorities for Applications

• Benefits Management

• Benefits Management Process

• Assessing and Managing Investment


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Isu Penting terkait denganKeputusan Investasi SI/TI• Menentukan dasar pertimbangan dalam investasi

SI/TI, menggunakan berbagai cara penilaian


• Menentukan prioritas, dengan memperhatikan

cakupan manfaat bisnis dan ekonomi, keterbatasan

sumber daya, dan faktor lainnya;

• Proses pengelolaan dalam mewujudkan manfaat

yang diharapkan;

• Menguji resiko investasi berdasarkan karakteristik

aplikasi dan pendekatan dalam pengelolaannya.

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Kompetisi Investasi

• Selalu terjadi persaingan dalam “perebutan” alokasi

dana investasi.

• Investasi SI/TI pada umumnya masih dievaluasi

seperti halnya investasi untuk sektor lain.

• There is no simple answer to the question: on what

basis should IS/IT investments be assessed against

other investments?

• Diperlukan prinsip dan kebijakan penilaian manfaat

investasi SI/TI yang dapat menjadi acuan bagi

keputusan dan atau penentuan prioritas investasi.

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Mengapa Perlu Evaluasi?

• 83% Direktur Teknologi Informasi (TI) mengakui bahwa analisa biaya – manfaatyang diajukan dalam mendukung proposal investasi TI ternyata fiktif – (Grindley, 1993)

• Perguruan Tinggi Komputer masih banyakyang hanya mengajarkan manfaat kualititatif

• Kecenderungan membesar- besarkanmanfaat investasi SI/TI

• Setelah implementasi tidak ada penyajianmanfaat investasi SI/TI secara kuantitatifyang sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis

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Kelangkaan Metoda

• Belum ada standar yang diterima secara luas

• 70% organisasi pengguna SI/TI tidak memiliki dasarkebenaran formal proses evaluasi pasca implementasiinvestasi SI/TI (Cooke dan Parrish, 1992).

• Hanya separo dari proyek investasi SI/TI yang disertaidengan taksiran pra-investasi yang bersifat formal

• Teknik analisa keuangan tidak representatif dan tidakefektif

• Pedoman Standar Akuntansi Keuangan belummengakomodasikan perhitungan manfaat TI yang

terkandung dalam setiap transaksi bisnis.

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Logika Penghitungan

• Tidak dapat dihitung hanya denganreturn on investment (ROI) semata.

• Perlu dipertimbangkan faktor – faktornon-teknologi.

• Diperlukan perubahan perlakuanakuntansi

• Data akuntansi sangat penting dalammenghitung manfaat investasi SI/TI

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Manfaat Aplikasi

• Kombinasi antara manfaat aplikasi yang masing –masing bersifat substitusi, komplementer, daninovatif dengan teknik evaluasi manfaat investasi.

• Substitusi, seberapa jauh investasi SI/TI dapatmenggantikan peran manusia dalam meningkatkanefisiensi.

• Komplementer, seberapa optimal investasi SI/TI mampu meningkatkan produktifitas dengan prosesdan prosedur yang baru.

• Inovatif, dalam mencapai keunggulan bersaingdengan mengubah proses dan menciptakan peluang


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Teknik Evaluasi - 1

• Analisa Biaya-Manfaat Tradisional, mengacu

pada peningkatan efisiensi di dalam proses

organisasi yang dihasilkan dari otomatisasi,

seperti misalnya otomatisasi tagihan (invoice)

dan mengirimkannya secara elektronis

kepada pelanggan melalui layanan electronic

commerce, penghematan biaya data entry

karena digunakannya Optical Character

Reader (OCR).

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Teknik Evaluasi - 2

• Pertalian Nilai, mengacu pada perkiraanpeningkatan kinerja bisnis yang diperoleh darihubungan antara penghematan danperubahan proses bisnis. Contoh daripertalian nilai antara lain, otomatisasirekonsiliasi penjualan dan account receivables memberi peluang bagi staff keuangan untuk lebih banyak memberiperhatian kepada upaya peningkatankepuasan pelanggan, dan peningkatankolektibilitas tagihan.

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Teknik Evaluasi - 3

• Akselerasi nilai, mengacu pada

pertimbangan waktu diperolehnya manfaat

yang diterima oleh semua departemen

setelah implementasi investasi SI/TI. Masa

penerimaan manfaat investasi SI/TI dapat

berbeda dari satu departemen dengan

departemen lainnya, perbedaan ini

disebabkan oleh karakter aplikasi yang


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Teknik Evaluasi - 4

• Restrukturisasi Nilai, mengacu padapeningkatan produktivitas yang dihasilkan dariperubahan proses, struktur organisasi, sertaperan setiap fungsi dalam organisasi. Tugas –tugas yang banyak berhubungan denganpengumpulan dan pengelolaan informasiseperti perencanaan dan peramalan seringkalihanya dapat ditingkatkan dengan kombinasisistem yang bagus dan perubahan dalamtanggung jawab organisasi.

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Teknik Evaluasi - 5

• Evaluasi Inovasi, mengacu pada cara

memperkirakan nilai manfaat investasi

SI/TI bagi organisasi atas diterapkannya

strategi bisnis baru yang mengandalkan

pada pemanfaatan SI/TI. Peluncuran

layanan electronic banking dapat

mengubah citra perusahaan dan

menarik kelompok nasabah baru.

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Hubungan Antara Teknik Evaluasi, Manfaat, dan Portofolio Aplikasi





√√√Akselerasi nilai

√√√Pertalian Nilai



(daya saing)





Support High potential

Key operational


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Pendekatan Analisa ResikoInvestasi SI/TI• Quantified, financial justification of applications is easier in the

key operational and support quadrants, where most aspects of the application will be better known or can be determined, risksare lower and the rate of change is slower.

• A singular approach to investment justification will tend to produce one type of application to the exclusion of others. Thisargument is particularly strong where a scarce resource approach has been adopted and pure financial return on investment decides investment priorities—support applications will always be easier to justify finan-cially.

• The way in which applications are planned and managed by the organization will also affect the way in which they are justified—whether they are customer-related applications integral to achieving business objectives or systems intended to save major costs in one part of the organization.

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Alasan Pembenaran Investasi

SupportKey Operational

Net cost reduction through

quantified savings

Disadvantage/ Risk if it is

not done (critical failure

factors) and/or quantified



R&D project to explore

potential values and cost –

fund from R&D budget

Risk Money

Enable the achievement of

business objectives via

explicit critical success


High PotentialStrategic

£ mengacu pada manfaat yang dapat diukur dengan instrumen keuangan

£ £


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• Diperlukan mekanisme pengambilan keputusaninvestasi SI/TI berdasarkan prioritas portofolioaplikasi.

• Inadequate mechanisms for agreeing priorities are a significant cause of organizational failure to deploy IS/IT successfully

• Prioritas dapat berdasar pada logika ketergantungandan atau independensi

• Need to be set in the short term to enable the best use of resources within the acquisition lead time for further resources, assuming these are actually obtainable.

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Faktor Yang Perlu DiperhatikanDalam Menentukan Prioritas

• What is most important to do, based on

the benefits identified.

• What is capable of being done, based

on the resources available.

• What is likely to succeed, based on the

risks of failure of each investment

Kenali potensi hambatan

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Strategic Weighting Via Critical Success Factors


HIGH (3) MEDIUM (2) LOW (1)

OBJECTIVE A:- CSF 1- CSF 2- CSF 3, etc.

OBJECTIVE B:- CSF 1- CSF 2, etc.

OBJECTIVE C:- CSF 1- CSF 2, etc.



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Argumen Pendukung InvestasiKey Operasional

• financial;

• critical success factors (either directly or

by enabling strategic developments);

• risk to current business (critical failure


• infrastructure improvement.

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Contoh Efek Pembobotan PadaBerbagai Factor

HHLLTechnology cost performance enable

ower costs for existing systems7.

LMHMNew systems are required to support

major business change.6.

MHHLNeed for redevelopment of old

systems, which are out of date.5.

MLHHEnvironment is very competitive and

business performance must be



LMHHBusiness in a high-growth market and

satisfying the market demand is



HLMLBusiness is in weak position or in

declline – short-term profitability2.

HLLLAll types of investment have to be cost-

justified to meet strict ROI hurdles1.


InfrastructureBusiness risks

Objectives CSFFactors

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Benefits Management: the process of

organizing and managing such that

potential benefits arising from the use of

IT are actually realized

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The Context of Benefits Management

• Pengembangan SI/TI memerlukan kompetensiorganisasi, dalam mengelola teknologi dan bisnis.

• any major IS/IT development will consist of the mix of activities for which best practices and relevant methodologies have been developed over the last 30 years

• Metodologi Pengembangan Sistem:– SSADM (Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology),

– DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Methodology)

– SSM (Soft Systems Methodology

• Metodologi Manajemen Proyek– PRINCE (Project Management in a Controlled Environment)

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Faktor-2 Yang Meningkatkan TingkatKesuksesan Strategi SI/TI

Life-cycle roleof senior executive

initiation of the SIS in the context of the need for business change

allocation of responsibility for benefit deliveryExistence of an

organizational-change method and a willingness to invest in strategic benefits - different evaluation emphasis

Comprehensive approach to benefit management initiated in the planning phase that has a stronger business Involvement and emphasis

Planning approach, method and output and implementation roles of IS/IT and business managers

involvement in implementation as well as planning/evaluation

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Key Questions in Optimizing Benefits• Why is the investment being made - what is causing the

organization to change and how critical to its future is the successful management of the changes? (the benefit drivers)

• What types of benefit is the organization expecting from the investment overall - to reduce costs, improve operational performance, gain new customers, create a new capability, etc.? These need to be understood in general terms before detailed analysis of potential benefits in relation to the extent of change required is undertaken.

• How will other activities, strategic initiatives, business developments or organizational issues affect the particular investment either to facilitate or inhibit its progress and outcome? (the organizational context).

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Generic Sources of Benefit for Different Applications

SupportKey Operational

Business efficiency

Process elimination

and cost reduction

Business effectiveness

Business rationalization

and integration

(R&D projects)

Business innovation and


Business process


High PotentialStrategic

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Benefits Management Context



Types of



IT process and product

Benefits management process

Organizational changes


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A Process Model of Benefits Management


structure benefits

Planbenefits realization

Executebenefits plan

Review and

evaluate results


further benefits

Start from here

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Stage 1: Identification and Structuring of Benefits

• Implies an iterative process of establishing the investment objectives

and the possible business performance improvements that the system

and associated changes should or could deliver.

• The achievement of each objective could deliver a variety of different

benefits across to the organization, trading partners and customers.

• All business performance improvements are measurable, and hence so

are all the benefits delivered by information systems.

– staff headcount reductions due to automation, decrease in product rejects

due to quality control data, reduction in stock levels through a warehouse

control system, customer satisfaction, etc.

– Others can be converted into financial values

• Determination of where in the business (or even in trading partners)

each benefit should occur and, hence, who in the organization should

be responsible for its delivery

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Stage 2: Planning Benefits Realization

• Determine the changes required for delivery of each benefit and how

the IS/IT development will enable the changes and benefits to occur.

• Output, is described as a benefit dependency network, which relates

the IS/IT functionality via the business and organizational changes to

the benefits identified.

• Benefits and objectives that argue the case for investment and the

change management plan required

– Business changes, changes to working practices, processes and/or

relationships that will cause the benefits to be delivered (or begin to

be delivered)

– Enabling changes, changes that are prerequisites for making the

business changes and/or are essential to bring the new system into

effective operation.

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The Dimensions of Benefit Management


Benefits achieved? More benefits possible? Further action?

Why do we want improvement?

What improvement do we want?

Where will it occur?

Who is responsible for its delivery?

What changes are needed?

Who will be affected?

How and when can changes be made?

Can it be measured?

Can it be quantified?

Can a financial value be put on it?

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The Investment Proposal - making the case

Degree of explicitness

Doing new things

Doing things better

Stop doing -things





1. Drivers for change giving rise to2. Investment objectives which result In3. Benefits by

4. Costs:(a) Development(b) One-off(c) Infrastructure(d) Business change(e) Ongoing etc.

and incur

5. Risks associated with theinvestment that mayprevent full benefitrealization, etc.

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Stage 3: Executing the Benefits Plan

• To carry out and adjust as necessary, as issues arise affecting its achievement.

• To establish interim targets and measures to evaluate progress toward key milestones or the final implementation.

• Project manager responsible to decide what action to take in terms of reviewing the scope and specification of the system or its business justification.

• When intended benefits are no longer feasible or relevant, benefits plan should be modified accordingly, along with any consequent reduction in the IS/ IT functionality.

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Stage 4: Reviewing and Evaluating Results

• Once the new system, business changes and the benefits plan have been implemented, there must be a formal review of what was and was not achieved.

• This evaluation has two purposes:– to maximize the benefits of the particular investment;

– to learn how to improve benefits delivery from future investments.

• Should involve all the key stakeholders and focus on what has been achieved, what has not (or not yet) been achieved and why, and identify further action needed to deliver outstanding benefits.

• Another reason for evaluation: to identify any unexpected benefits that have arisen and understand how they came about.

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Stage 5: Potential for Further Benefits

• It is often impossible to identify all the benefits of a system in advance.

• More benefits are actually identifiable after the event than before it, where there is no review process these will probably never be identified.

• If maximum value is to be gained from the overall investment in IT, benefit identification should be a continuing process, from which IS/IT projects are defined.

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Reasons for Information Systems Investment Failure• Process or content risks (i.e. risks due to poor understanding or

definition of requirements or how they can be satisfied, or inadequacies in the process of development and implementation)

– Technical failure• domain of IT,

• responsible for the technical quality of the system and the technology,

• less common and is often the cheapest to overcome.

– Data failure• shared responsibility between IS/IT profes-sionals and the users who input the data,

– User failure• users misunderstanding the system,

• inadequate training,

• staff change

• Organizational failure– systems do not satisfy the organization overall, due to inadequate understanding of

how the system relates to other processes and activities

• Failure in the business environment– the systems are or become inappropriate to external or internal business requirements

due to changing business practices instigated by others.

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Identification of Potential Risks

• What kind of change will be involved?

• How ready is the organization to

accommodate the change?

• How will the organization react to the


• How dynamic is the context within which

the change is to be effected?

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Terima Kasih
