Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 23.pdf · El tema de las parábolas de hoy es el crecimiento...


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March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013

“… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.”

Parish Information

Served by the Passionist Community

Founded in 1954

MASSES Sunday: 7:00am (Espan ol), 10:00am (English) 1:00pm (Espan ol) Monday - Friday: 7:30am Wednesday: 7:30am Communion Service Saturday: 9:00am Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English)

Eucharistic Adoration First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition) Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction: 8:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00pm (or contact the office for an appt.) Sacrament of Baptism First and Third Sundays (except during Lent) Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month. Contact the office for information. Sacrament of Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a date. Anointing and Visitation of the Sick Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar Adult Faith Enrichment Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00pm Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 6:00pm

Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588

Email: Website:

St-Paul-of-the-Cross-Catholic-Church Follow@SaintPaulATL

Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor

Rev. Fr. Patrick Daugherty, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon

Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 23, 2017

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Mass Intentions for the

Week July 23-29, 2017


16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 23, 2017

9:00a Choir Rehearsal - MR1 11:30a SVDP Society Meeting - Spiritual Center 3:00p Cameroon Catholic Women - School Monday, July 24 2:00p Legion of Mary 7p-9p Children & Youth Music and Singing - Church 7p Capital Campaign: Prayer Team Meeting - MR1 Tuesday, July 25 6:00p English Prayer Group - Chapel 7:30p Hispanic Bible Study - Spiritual Center Wednesday, July 26 7:00p Adult Religious Ed. - MR1 7:00p YAM - Media Room 7:30p Mass in Spanish - Spiritual Center Thursday, July 27 3:00p Bible Study 6:00p KPCLA 301 Exe. Board Meeting - Media Room 7:00p Hispanic Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:00p Men’s Club - MR1 Friday, July 28 6:30p Hispanic Prayer Group - Church 7:00p Mass in Spanish - Church Saturday, July 29 10a-12p Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Workshop — Church and Sacristy 11a-1p KPCLA Meet & Greet - MR1


July 16, 2017 Total Offertory — $7,494.00

Needed: $12,000.00

Offertory: Envelopes & Cash $5,242.00 Mail-ins $1,690.00 Online $500.00 Hispanic Friday Evening Mass $62.00 Other Collections and Contributions: Georgia Bulletin $120.00 Peter’s Pence $30.00 U.S. Military Services Archdiocese $20.00 Assumption $11.00 Mission Cooperative $10.00 Ascension $10.00 Catholic —— Campaign $10.00 2017 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal: Goal: $39,600.00 Total Pledged and Received: $37,815.00 Amount Received: $13,400.02 Percentage of Goal Pledged: 95.49% Percentage of Goal Received: 33.84% Number of Donors: 168.00

Sunday, 10:00 am: People of the Parish Monday - Friday, 7:30 am: Intention of Donors Saturday, 9:00 am: Communion Service Saturday, 4:30 pm: Anna Stern † (req. ULTREYA)

The Pastor’s Corner

Delivering Food, Shelter and Hope to the Poorest of the Poor

Our parish will be hosting an Outreach Priest on August 5-6, 2017. Father Tim Ryan will be speaking at all Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic

Outreach. This will give us the opportunity to share in celebrating

the success of the Church in helping the poorest of the poor

around the world. Don’t miss it! Rev. Tim Ryan

My dear Parishioners,

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 will go down in the annals of the Arch-

diocese as a Red Letter Day for on that day Archbishop Gregory

ordained Father Bernard E. Shlesinger III a Bishop to serve by the

Holy Father’s appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Atlanta. The

Cathedral of Christ the King was filled to capacity with clergy,

religious and laity from across the region. Having served as a

priest in the Diocese of Raleigh for seventeen years, four of which

were spent as spiritual director at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, Bishop Shlesinger now becomes

the sole Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Both

Fathers Jerome and Patrick attended the ordination and invite all of

you to join us in congratulating and welcoming

Auxiliary Bishop Bernard E. Shlesinger III.

St. Paul of the Cross Parish also experienced another significant

event on the evening of July 19th. Gwendolyn Mason chaired her

last Finance Council meeting after serving the parish in that capaci-

ty for ten years with outstanding competence. Long time members

William Appling and Eli Jones also submitted their resignations as

well as Council Secretary Sandra Olivari, thus opening the way for

new leadership on the Finance Council. I am grateful to all for

their steady commitment to their responsibilities on this important

advisory council.

Cathy Bailey continues her presence on the Finance Council as we

welcome new members: Jennifer Darensbourg, Larry Ruder,

Vernon Martin, Juan Pacheco, and Ylonne Swails. My sincere

thanks to all for generously accepting their appoint to the Council.

Ex Officio members are Parochial Vicar Fr. Patrick Daugherty and

Bookkeeper Elmer Cortez. Finance Council Officers will be

chosen at the August 16th meeting. Once again, a big Thank You

to outgoing and incoming members of the Finance Council.

— Fr. Jerome, C.P.

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Our Sick, Homebound, Recovering And Hospitalized

Our Parish Staff

Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Facilities Manager

Warren Hayes Yvonne Fullen June Rambo

Johnny B. Strong Gwendolyn Kelly Sylvia Beal Mary Williams Helen Grant Juanita Brooks Lynda Porcher Abriyn Ellison

John Dalcour Helen Jones Catherine Goolsby Louise Todd Aaron Gallardo Grady Belcher

The Knights of Peter Claver Council 301, will sponsor a bus trip to Wind Creek Casino in Wetumpka, Alabama. The bus will leave from St Paul of the Cross at 8am, and return at 8pm on

September 26, 2017. Parking Security at Saint Paul will be provided from the time we leave until we return. The cost is $40 per person (Non-refundable). Limited seating. For more information contact, Ted Baldwin 404-762-3027, Elie Jones 404-344-9744 and/or Vernon Martin 404-344-7535.

Coming Events

July 30: Children’s Mass at 10am Mass with Anointing of the Sick at 3:00 p.m. August 5-6: CROSS MISSION APPEAL August 15: Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy Day of Obligation. Parish Office Closed. August 27: Youth & Children Religious Education begins. Sep. 4: Labor Day Mass at 9am- Parish Office Closed Sep. 9: Memorial of St. Peter Claver, Priest.

Congratulations to Aaron Gallardo-Cedillo

baptized on July 16th, 2017. Let us pray for baby Aaron, he was born prematurely and is in

NICU currently.

Felicitaciones a Aaron Gallardo-Cedillo,

bautizado el 10 de julio de 2017. Oremos por el pequeño Aaron, el nació prematuramente y se encuentra

en la unidad neonatal de cuidados intensivos actualmente.

Have you missed the Capital Campaign Meetings at Saint Paul of the Cross? Go to the website, click on events and choose Capital Campaign (2017-2020). There you will find the latest updates on our Campaign.

¿No ha podido asistir a las reuniones de la

Campaña Capital de San Pablo de la Cruz? Vaya al sitio web, haga clic en eventos y elija

Campaña Capital (2017-2020). Allí encontrará

las últimas noticias sobre nuestra Campaña.

What Happened at the Convocation on the Laity? Find Out on July 30th

Join Maria Todd, Ugo Anikpe, and Faye M.

Smith as they present a short video and share their experiences at last month’s Convocation on the

Laity held at the Passionist Retreat House in Jamaica, NY. Learn more about the broadening role of the laity in the Passionist community on Sunday, July 30, in the Media Room, after the 10:00 Mass. Refreshments will be served.

Children Mass - July 30th, 2017 at the 10am Mass. Children are expected to be at Church at 9am. After Mass, children grades K-7 will gather in the school for food and games. Parents, please pick up your children at 12:45pm. Religious Education 2017-2018 Pre-registration is available.

Mass With Anointing of the Sick: on Sunday, July 30th at 3:00 PM. Please mark your calendar and join us, we would like to have as many of our homebound members as possible to attend. Following the Mass, a reception will be held in the Rectory.

The 2017 Significant Wedding Anniversaries Celebration will take place on August 13. A significant wedding is one year, 5, 10 , 20 and so up to the line of five year increment. If you celebrated or will celebrate such anniversary this year, please inform our Administrative Assistant Patricia Elguera at 404-696-6704 as soon as possible. We look forward to celebrate this important

time of your life with you.

The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court 301 is hosting a Luncheon on Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 12 noon in the

Parish Hall. All Ladies of the Parish are invited. Come and learn about Claverism and meet the Claver Ladies. Please RSVP to Bessie Brown at 404-699-0703.


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15º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Queridos Hermanos, Hoy escuchamos otras tres parábolas del Reino del capítulo trece del Evangelio de San Mateo. El tema de las parábolas de hoy es el crecimiento del Reino. Hoy escuchamos que: -De una pequeña cantidad viene gran gracia. -El reino crece lentamente pero seguro. -El Reino crece en silencio. -Dios es paciente, dando tiempo para que el pecador se convierta. -Jesús vivió en medio de un mundo de bien y mal que llama arre-pentimiento. Podríamos decir que la parábola de la cizaña en medio del trigo nos habla de la convivencia, tolerancia y hasta respeto con toda aquellos personas y grupos que no comparten el Evangelio de Jesu-cristo. Refleja la situación en que vive la Iglesia en el mundo. Y la dificultad que a veces encontramos para saber aplicar el criterio de Jesús a situaciones concretas de nuestras vidas. La parábola recuerda igualmente que no hemos de pretender juzgar antes de tiempo. Y todavía mejor, a abstenernos de juzgar, dejándo-lo para Aquel que conoce en profundidad el corazón de cada per-sona. Ahora bien, si relacionamos la parábola del trigo y la cizaña con la de la levadura, podemos entender que la misión de los cris-tianos en el mundo es ser como el buen trigo que va creciendo hasta su madurez y que tiene la capacidad de transformar su en-torno. En perspectiva evangélica, incluso la cizaña puede llegar a transformarse en trigo. Jesús da tiempo para la conversión y noso-tros también. ALEGRÍA Nos da mucha alegría anunciar que Juan Pacheco es ahora el primer miembro de la comunidad hispana en el Consejo de Finanzas de San Pablo de la Cruz. Este es un consejo muy im-portante requerido para la Iglesia, la cual ayuda, aconseja y en oca-siones da permiso al pastor con respecto al uso de los fondos. La comunidad hispana de San Pablo de la Cruz es una parte vibrante y muy importante de la comunidad. Ha ido creciendo a lo largo de los años como el Reino. También me da alegría ver las muchas actividades y dedicación de la gente. ¡Muchas Gracias Juan!

P. Patricio, C.P.

¡Bienvenidos a San Pablo

de la Cruz!

Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7am y 1pm.

Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9am - 4:30pm.

P. Patrick Daugherty, CP: 404-696-6704 Ext. 11

Numero de Teléfono (Oficina): 404-696-6704

Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 347-819-5968

Anuncios Parroquiales y otros


Lectores: Sandra Ozuna y Antonia Pacheco

Ministros de la Eucaristía: Yulma y Armando Delgado -

Maria y Jorge Patiño

Guías: Roberto González, Juan Pacheco, Antonia

Pacheco, Enrique Wences y Verónica Cruz

Monaguillos: Nelida Ozuna - Luz Ramirez

Cross Catholic Outreach

5-6 de Agosto en San Pablo Nuestra parroquia será el anfitrión de

un Sacerdote de Cross Catholic

Outreach, el 5-6 de agosto de 2017.

El padre Tim Ryan hablará en todas las

Misas en nombre de Cross Catholic

Outreach, y explicará, cual es el

propósito de esta organización y nos

dará la oportunidad de participar en la

celebración del éxito de la Iglesia en

ayudar a los más pobres entre los

pobres de todo el mundo. No te lo pierdas!

Rev. Tim Ryan


DE 10 DE LA MAÑANA: Se espera que los niños estén en la

iglesia a las 9am. Después de la misa, los niños se reunirán en

la escuela para compartir juegos y un ligero almuerzo. Padres,

por favor recojan a sus hijos a las 12:45 pm. Pre-registración

para el año 2017-2018 de Educación Religiosa estará



30 de julio a las 3:00 de la tarde. Aparte esta fecha en su cal-

endario y únase a nosotros. Esperamos contar con la presencia

de cada miembro de la Iglesia que este atravesando por alguna

enfermedad que lo mantenga confinado en casa. Después de la

Misa, se realizará una recepción en la Rectoría.


bración tendrá lugar el día 13 de agosto durante la Misa de

10 de la mañana. Una boda significativa es de un año, 5, 10,

20, y así sucesivamente de cinco en cinco. Si usted celebró o

va a celebrar un aniversario significativo este 2017, contacte a

nuestra Asistente Administrativa, Patricia Elguera, al 404-696-

6704 lo más pronto posible. Esperamos celebrar este im-

portante momento de su vida con usted.