Situation nutritionnelle dans la région



Food Security and Nutrition Working Group OCHA, 4 juillet 2013. Situation nutritionnelle dans la région. Présentation conjointe PAM - UNICEF. Malnutrition aigue sévère: Tendance des admissions au Sahel. Tendances de admissions SAM au Sahel. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Food Security and Nutrition Working GroupOCHA, 4 juillet 2013

Présentation conjointe PAM - UNICEF

Malnutrition aigue sévère:Tendance des admissions au Sahel

SAHEL SAM admissions Follow up 2013OTP & IPF

2013nber HC

with SAM treatment

to date

Targeted SAM admissions 2013

(annual target caseload)


to date

% target to date

Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13

Burkina Faso 1658 96,000 20,540 21.4% 6,759 6,037 3,923 1,295 2,526 - Cameroon

(North and extreme North)470 57,616 23,572 40.9% 5,004 3,567 4,383 4,637 5,981 -

Chad 495 147,000 53,291 36.3% 8,403 8,778 11,348 12,715 12,047 -

Gambia 6 5,421 472 8.7% 72 112 47 241 - -

Mauritania 291 23,901 3,310 13.8% 615 849 720 263 863 -

Mali 459 125,000 21,475 17.2% 5,067 4,558 5,375 6,475 - -

Nigeria (11 states) 495 296,950 96,993 32.7% 16,451 16,918 18,089 21,914 23,621 -

Niger 901 376,724 150,524 40.0% 25,941 23,669 26,611 25,544 41,227 7,532

Senegal 832 42,843 6,079 14.2% 916 984 1,049 1,520 1,610 -

TOTAL 5607 1,171,455 376,256.00 32.1% 69,228 65,472 71,545 74,604 87,875 7,532

Tendances de admissions SAM au SahelFOLLOW UP

Targeted SAM admissions 2013 (annual target


to date

% target to date Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13

Burkina Faso 96,000 20,540 21.4% 6,759 6,037 3,923 1,295 2,526 -

results 2012 11,361

83,595 87%

Cameroon 57,616 23,572 40.9% 5,004 3,567 4,383 4,637 5,981 -


results 2012 11,606


Chad 147,000 53,291 36.3% 8,403 8,778 11,348 12,715 12,047 -


results 2012 30,730


Gambia 5,421 472 8.7% 72 112 47 241 - -


results 2012 -


Mauritania 23,901 3,310 13.8% 615 849 720 263 863 -


results 2012 1,859 4,413


Mali 125,000 21,475 17.2% 5,067 4,558 5,375 6,475 - -


results 2012 7,477 10,503


Nigeria 296,950 96,993 32.7% 16,451 16,918 18,089 21,914 23,621 -


results 2012 34,663


Niger 376,724 150,524 40.0% 25,941 23,669 26,611 25,544 41,227 7,532


results 2012 61,434 94,017


Senegal 42,843 6,079 14.2% 916 984 1,049 1,520 1,610 -


results 2012 - 706



% of expected 8,569

% of expected 59,390

Total by quarter 51,458 64,323

% of expected 1,084

% of expected 11,523

Total by quarter 12,954 16,192.50

% of expected 29,400

Total by quarter 28,529 35,661

Total by quarter 231 289

Total by quarter

% of expected

2,184 4,780




18,750 Total by quarter

% of expected


Total by quarter 2,949



% of expected

Total by quarter 16,719



76,221 Total by quarter 95,276

% of expected




Tendance des admissions SAM: Points d’attentionNiger, Cameroun, Mali, Nigeria

! Maradi, Tahoua, Zinder !Prix, malaria, eau

Soudure, dépistage massif

! Situation dégradée, mise à l’échelle !

Hors Sahel… Situations sous haute surveillance

Guinée • Malnutrition is increasingly visible among children in some eastern areas

of Guinea, particularly in the 3 prefectures of the region of Kankan : Siguiri, Mandiana and Kerouane

• Malnutrition status of the population from these areas tends to worsen annually between the two harvesting periods and during the rainy season (June-September)

• In addition to the structural causes, the sudden stop of mining activities has seriously deteriorated the households purchasing power and limited their access to market products and health facilities

• Immediate actions: nutrition inputs delivery at health centers levels (immediate needs of 13,840 estimated children under 5 suffering from GAM); launch of rapid assessment Nutrition & WASH

Guinée Bissau (SMART 2013);au niveau national : situation nutritionnelle précaire mais pas alarmante lorsqu'on regarde les chiffres pour le 0-5ans, par contre

• Par région, la situation frôle l'alerte pour la SAM et GAM sur les régions de Oio, Biombo et Bafata.

• Situation très dégradée sur la tranche d'age des 6-24 mois avec des taux de MAS dépassant le 1% au niveau national et MAG très alarmante dans la région de Bafata ( 14.5 GAM pour les 6-24), Oio (12.8 MAG pour les 6-24) et Quinara (9.2 MAG pour les 6-24;

• Ce sont également les régions de Oio, Biombo, Bafata et Bissau ou il y a le plus d'enfants non supplémentés en vit A et non déparasités

• La situation de la malnutrition des femmes (non-enceintes) très dégradée dans les regions de Gabu (16.5% ); Oio (16.3%); et Bafata (14.3%)

• Malnutrition chronique, les régions les plus touchées sont également Oio et Bafata, ainsi que Tomboli et Gabu (> 30%)

+WFP Nutrition Activities – Update on Sahel Countries

FSNWG4 July 2013

+Situation in Chad

New admissions 17, 381 new admissions for the month of May (+10.5%) June figures currently being collected

Lean season activities Blanket Feeding expected in 6 regions, for 300,000 children 6-23

months and 70,000 PLWs SMART survey being planned for the Sahel band Treatment activities through mobile clinics in refugee areas

Overall outlook Of the planned 300,000 children for the year, 129,507 have been

reached as of May (43%) Data collection requires greater government involvement Mismanagement of inputs and criteria are affecting the planning

and supply of certain feeding centres Community involvement could be improved National nutrition policy is being developed through REACH efforts

+Situation in Niger

New admissions In May: 39,866 children 6-59 months; 24,651 PLWs In June: 41,061 children 6-59 months; 25,390 PLWs (+3%)

Lean season activities (June to Sept.) Blanket feeding planned for 233,000 children 6-23 months and

97,000 PLWs Active screening and referrals for children under 5 Implementation of a monitoring system for children’s referral at the

level of health centres

Overall outlook Completeness and timeliness in the reporting system could be

improved Upward trend in admissions numbers Late rains which could have effect on food security in coming weeks Ineffectiveness of treatment in cases de santé creating bottlenecks

in areas of high population density

+Situation in Burkina Faso New admissions

In May, 17,665 new admissions June figures not yet available, but plans were made for 19,000

Lean season activities BSF for children 6-23 months has started in 6 regions

86,000 children will receive a monthly ration of Super Cereal Plus during a 4-month period

Cash for Assets activities were implemented in the same regions, will reach 21,500 households

Overall picture National protocol for the treatment of malnutrition is currently

being revised Supply problems due to availability and geography

BSF started late (end of June) due to lateness in supplies Insufficient donor contributions

+Situation in Mali New admissions

12,340 children in June (10,126 from South, 2,214 from North)

Lean season activities Screening activities National SMART survey planned (including North) Preparing health centres for increased lean season activity Blanket Feeding in North ongoing (May SMART survey showed GAM

rate of 13.5% in Gao) Operational research being done in Kayes, combining cash transfers

to PLW and Plumpy’Doz to children 6-23 months

Overall outlook 270,000 children expected to be reached in 2013 by the nutrition

cluster 60,262 children have been reached to date (22.3%) Discussions with NGOs and Govt. ongoing on how to reach more


+Situation in Mauritania

New admissions June: In M’bera refugee camp, 336 children 6-59 months and 6

PLWs Remaining June admissions expected shortly May admissions: 14 512 children and 4 089 women (not final)

Lean season activities Malnutrition screenings Plumpy’Sup will be used from Aug./Sept. for treatment of children;

trainings planned SMART and FSMS surveys

Data collection has started SMART survey in M’Bera camp planned for Aug./Sept.

Overall outlook SMART survey will inform on malnutrition prevalence during 2013

lean period Poor referral system in place linking CRENAM and CRENAS

WFP and UNICEF working with Govt. and NGOs to improve this

+Situation in The Gambia

New admission MAM activities have not yet begun

Lean season activities TSF for 28,000 children with MAM and 12,500 malnourished PLWs

expected BSF for 22,500 children Training of health workers on new nutrition protocol completed

Overall outlook No nutrition assessment planned, though a CFSVA that includes

Nutrition component is underway Awaiting arrival of food commodities for BSF Inadequate funding; due to donor restrictions, unable to get

commodity loans to start activities


Merci de votre attention

A child of less than 24 months recovers from SAM at the Saint Louis hospital, Senegal – Credit UNICEF

Merci de votre attention
