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Understanding the self B.ed 1st year

Anjali jain 403



Our college is to organize a seminar name analyzing the film on 14 september 2017.Day - thursdayDate – 14-Sep-2017Movie Name – Toilet Ek Prem Katha

Guests – Uma Ma’am, Ruchi Ma’am, Geeta Ma’am,

Review of The Movie

Cast Akshay Kumar as Keshav Sharma[12]

Bhumi Pednekar as Jaya Sharma (née Joshi)[12]

Divyendu Sharma as Narayan ("Naru") Sharma

Anupam Kher as Dinanath ("DJ Kakka") Joshi Sudhir Pandey as Pandit Vimalnath Sharma

("Panditji" or "Vimu"), Keshav and Naru's father Atul Srivastava as Atul Joshi, Jaya's Father Ayesha Raza Mishra as Vidya Joshi, Jaya's mother Rajesh Sharma as Mathur Shubha Khote as Rampyari ("Dadi") Sharma,

Keshav's grandmother Sachin Khedekar as Director Sana Khan as Akshay Kumar's unnamed lover


Director – Shree Narayan Singh

Producers :

Aruna BhatiaShital BhatiaPrerna AroraArjun N. Kapoor

Hitesh Thakkar

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha (English - Toilet: A Love Story) is a 2017 Indian Hindi-language film directed by Shree Narayan Singh. Co-produced by Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey , the film stars Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar in the lead roles, with Anupam Kher, Sudhir

Pandey and Divyendu Sharma in supporting roles.] The


of The

film was released on August 11 2017. The film is a satirical comedy in support of governmental campaigns to improve the sanitation conditions, with an emphasis on the eradication of open defecation, especially in rural areas. The film was financially successful in India.

The film starts in a village where a group of women go to a field, away from their village in the wee hours to defecate in the open, behind the cover of bushes. Keshav (Akshay Kumar) has to marry a black buffalo because his father (Panditji) is a very religious and superstitious priest, and he believes that his son's marriage to a black buffalo will help improve Keshav's fortune.Keshav meets Jaya (Bhumi Pednekar), falls in love with her and eventually convinces her to marry him. But Keshav's father is of the view that Keshav's horoscope is such that he can and should only marry a girl who has got two thumbs on one of her hands. Since Jaya does not fulfil this requirement, Keshav gets an artificial thumb made and gives it to Jaya who wears it as a ring on her thumb. Keshav's unsuspecting father agrees to their marriage.On her first morning in Keshav's house, Jaya reluctantly goes to a field to defecate, but comes back agitated without defecating and complains about it to Keshav. Despite Keshav's repeated attempts to convince Jaya to give up her stubbornness about needing a toilet, Jaya remains steadfast. He makes a couple of temporary adjustments to solve the problem without actually constructing a toilet in his house, but after a while, Jaya gets frustrated and leaves him to live at her parents' house.

After a futile attempt to convince his sarpanch and villagers to builds toilets in the village, Keshav, with the help of Jaya, contacts the concerned regulatory authority, and starts the construction of a toilet in his front yard. When the construction is finished, Keshav's father and the sarpanch arrange to demolish the toilet while Keshav is still asleep. But Keshav wakes up before the toilet is completely destroyed and protects it from complete demolition.Jaya now files for a divorce in the local court citing the unavailability of a toilet in her husband's house as the primary reason for seeking divorce. Due to its sheer absurdity, the case gets a lot of media attention. Politicians and the concerned government departments spring into action to hasten the process of constructing toilets in Keshav's village. But Keshav's father remains steadfast on his decision to not have a toilet in his house, until one day, his mother, while going out to defecate, falls on the doorstep, injures her hip and cries vehemently that she can't possibly walk to the fields to defecate, and that she must use the toilet that Keshav constructed in the front yard. After much reluctance, Keshav's father gives in and helps his mother to the toilet. He then realises that a toilet is indeed a critical requirement within a household.On the day of the hearing of the divorce case of Keshav and Jaya, the judge gets an official notice from the Chief Minister's office urging the judge to not grant their divorce as the construction of toilets in their village shall be started from the very next day. The couple comes out together happily. Keshav's father apologises to Jaya for his foolish stubbornness. In the end credits, villagers are shown lining up to use mobile toilets outside their village while construction of toilets throughout the village goes

on in full swing.

Ratings of The Movie

7.7/10 given by IMDB

4.5/10 given by Times of India 3/5 given by Hindustan Times

How it Affected me

The storyline of the movie affected me in a great manner. This film stresses on the importance of building toilets and ending open defecation. After seeing this movie, whenever I see poor people defecating in open, I never liked it and told them the importance of toilets. I made them realize that they should use public toilets as not using a toilet and defecating in open is so unhealthy and unsafe specially for women and children. Kids are the ones who are most affected due to open defecation as they are so vulnerable to diseases. And women must also defecate in toilets as their safety is very important. Why just women and children, everyone should use toilets as it also helps to keep our environment clean and keep us healthy and happy.I hope the film changes people’s mindset about this “taboo topic in Indian society”.


Date : 18-sep-17

Topic : Yoga

Faculty present: Uma Ma’am, Ruchi Ma’am, Geeta Ma’am, Ketki


Yoga expert: Rakesh Kumar JhaHe is our guider and under his guidance we did some up and yoga and some hands, wrist, and foot moments.

INTRODUCTIONSadhguru: Essentially in the tradition, once we attach the word “yoga” to anything, it indicates that it is a complete path by itself. We say hatha yoga, but we will not say asana yoga. Of course, if you come from the United States, they say anything!

The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.” Union means it brings you to the ultimate reality, where individual manifestations of life are surface bubbles in the process of creation. Right now, a coconut tree and a mango tree have popped up from the same earth. From the same earth, the human body and so many creatures have popped up. It is all the same earth.

Yoga means to move towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of the existence, the

way it is made.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.

Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.


Suryanamaskar :

Without the sun, there will be no life on earth. Surya Namaskar or 'Sun Salutation' is a very ancient technique of paying respect or expressing gratitude to the sun that is the source of all forms of life on the planet. Symbolically, the sun becomes our source of energy as well. About the history of

this technique, it has been said by the ancient rishisof India that the different parts of the body are governed by different devas (divine impulses or divine light).

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

A. It improves the blood circulation of all the important organs of the body.

B. Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs.

C. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and waist.

D. Makes the spine and waist more flexible.

E.  Helps in reducing the fat around the abdomen and thus reduces weight.

F.  Improves digestion.

G. Improves concentration power.


The lotus, or the Padma, is one of the most powerful symbols that is known to have transcended both religion and time. Over centuries, the lotus has been synonymous with detachment,

rebirth, beauty, purity, spirituality, enlightenment, material wealth, and cosmic renewal. Right from Egypt to India, the lotus has been a part of many sagas. In the Hindu iconography, Goddess Lakshmi divinely seats herself on an open lotus. Even Lord Ganesha and Lord Vishnu are occasionally shown seated on the lotus. When we speak of Buddhism, it is said that wherever Buddha set foot, a lotus bloomed.

This asana emerges from such powerful fables from the past.


These are some amazing benefits of Padmasana.

1. This asana relaxes the mind and calms the brain.2. It activates the spine, the pelvis, the abdomen, and the

bladder.3. The knees and ankles get a good stretch.4. Menstrual issues and sciatica are dealt with if this asana is

practiced regularly.5. If this asana is practiced through pregnancy, it makes birthing

easier.6. This asana opens up the hips, making them more flexible.7. This asana helps awaken the Chakras and also makes you

more aware of things.8. Your posture is sure to improve with regular practice of the

Padmasana.9. Energy levels are restored with the practice of this asana.


Vajrasana is a kneeling pose, and it takes its name from the Sanskrit word Vajra (वज्), which means diamond or thunderbolt. Asana (आसन), of course, means pose. This diamond pose is also

called Adamintine Pose. Usually, breathing exercises like Pranayama, Kapalabhati, and Anulon Vilom are done sitting in this position, and it is said that in doing so, the body becomes as strong as a diamond.BENEFITS OF VAJRASANA

1. This asana improves digestion and with regular practice, it eliminates constipation.

2. Better digestion prevents ulcers and acidity.3. This asana strengthens the back and relieves

patients suffering from lower back problems and sciatica.4. This asana strengthens the pelvic muscles too.5. It helps to ease out labor pains and also reduces menstrual

cramps.6. This asana is one of the best ones to assume when you wish

to go into a meditative state since it is an upright pose.


Sukhasana, Easy Pose, Decent Pose, or Pleasant Pose is an asana practised in yoga. Sanskrit: सुखासन; Sukh – Pleasure, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – soo-kah-sah-nah.

This pose is best-suited for meditation for both beginners and advanced practitioners. Sukhasana comes from the Sanskrit word

Sukham that means easy, pleasure, comfort, and pleasure. People of all ages can do this asana.


These are some amazing benefits of the Sukhasana.

1. It spreads a sense of calm and peace through your mind and body.

2. It relaxes your brain.3. You will feel all exhaustion, stress, and anxiety leave your

being.4. Your chest and collar bones are broadened.5. Your body alignment is improved.6. Practicing this asana helps elongate your spine.7. Your back becomes stronger and steadier.

8. This asana gives your knees and ankles a good stretch.


Tadasana, Samasthiti, or Mountain Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: ताडासन; Tada – Mountain, Asana – Posture; Pronounced As – tah-DAHS-anna

This asana is like the base or the mother of all asanas, from which the other asanas emerge. Most of the standing poses are shifts in a certain part of your body or an individual joint that spring from the Tadasana, while the other parts remain neutral.


1. This asana helps improve body posture.2. With regular practice of this asana, your knees, thighs, and

ankles become stronger.3.Your buttocks and abdomen get toned.4. Practicing this asana helps alleviate sciatica.5. This asana reduces flat feet.6. It also makes your spine more agile.7. It is an excellent asana for those who want to increase their height in their formative years.8. It also helps improve balance.9. Your digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems are regulated.


Trikona – Triangle, Asana – Pose; Sanskrit: त्रि कोणासन; Pronounced as – trih-koh-nah-sah-nah

This asana resembles a triangle, and therefore, is named so. The name comes from the Sanskrit words त्रि कोण (trikona), meaning triangle, and आसन (asana), meaning posture. This asana is known to stretch the muscles and improve the regular bodily functions. Unlike most other yoga asanas, this requires you to keep your eyes open while you practice it to maintain balance.


Take a look at the amazing Trikonasana benefits.

1. It strengthens the knees, ankles, legs, chest, and arms.

2. It completely stretches and opens up the groins, hips, hamstrings, and calves and also the chest, spine, and shoulders.

3. It increases both physical and mental stability.

4. It improves digestion and stimulates all the abdominal organs.

5. It helps reduce back pain and sciatica. It also serves as a therapy for flat feet, osteoporosis, neck pain, and infertility.6. It reduces stress and cures anxiety.

Hanuman asan

Hanumanasana or Monkey Pose is an asana. Sanskrit: हनुमानासन; Hanuman – A Hindu deity who resembles a monkey, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – hah-NU-mahn-AHS-anna.

The name comes from the Sanskrit word Hanuman. He is a Hindu deity, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, who took the avatar of a

monkey. This pose marks the giant leap made by BajrangBali to reach Lanka from India.


These are some amazing benefits of the Hanumanasana.

1. This asana helps to stretch as well as strengthen the muscles in the thighs, groin region, and hamstrings.

2. This asana also helps to stimulate the reproductive and digestive organs, thereby improving their functioning.

3. With regular practice, this asana makes the hips extremely flexible.

4. The back muscles are stretched.5. Being an intense stretch, this asana helps release stress and



In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means ‘Boat’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Pose’. So this asana is called as Naukasana. While practicing boat pose you will see the entire body takes a shape of a boat. This boat pose is beneficial to cure many physical disorders. Basically naukasana helps to strengthen the lungs, liver and pancreas.  Helps to increases the circulation of blood and maintain the sugar level.

Benefits of Naukasana (Boat-Pose)1. Helps to reduce belly fat.2. Improve the function of digestion.3. Good for developing six pack ABS.4. Regulates the function of pancreas, liver and lungs.5. Strengthens abdominal muscles.

6. Good for diabetes patient to maintain the sugar level.7. Improves the blood circulation.8. Strengthens the muscles of thigh, hips, necks and

shoulder.9. Improves the function of kidney , thyroids and prostate



Chakrasana, also called Urdva Dhanurasana is an asana. Sanskrit: ऊर्ध्वव�धनुरासन; Urdhva – Upward, Dhanur – Bow, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – OORD-vah don-your-AHS-anna

The Urdhva Dhanurasana is a backbend and also an asana that forms a part of the trailing off exercises in an Ashtanga Yoga regimen. It is also called the Chakrasana or the Wheel Pose, apart from being called the Upward Facing Bow Pose. When the pose is assumed, it resembles a wheel or an upward facing bow. This asana is known to give the spine great flexibility. When done as a part of an acrobatic or a gymnastic routine, it is called the back bridge.


These are some amazing benefits of chakra asana.

1. It gives your lungs and chest a good stretch. It also expands the shoulders and the chest.

2. This asana also gives strength to your legs, abdomen, buttocks, spine, shoulder blades, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, wrists, and arms.

3. It is known to stimulate the pituitary and thyroid glands.4. Practicing this asana also gives a good stretch to your hip

flexors, your core, and your wrist flexors.5. It is known to give relief to some lower back pains.6. It cures infertility, asthma, and osteoporosis.7. It also relieves stress and reduces depression, and makes

you feel energetic and full of life.


Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch is an asana. Sanskrit: पश्चि�मोत्तानासन; Paschima – West/Back, Uttana – Intense Stretch, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As – POSH-ee-moh-tan-AHS-anna

This seemingly simple asana is a classic Hatha Yoga pose that has many benefits. The Paschimottanasana covers a whole lot of systems in the body and is particularly useful for diabetes and high blood pressure. This asana also gives the entire body a good stretch. Interestingly, the front part of the body is called the East, and the back is usually called the West. This asana concentrates on the back of the body, and, therefore, it is named as such. In English, this asana is called the Seated Forward Bend or the Intense Dorsal Stretch.


These are some amazing benefits of Paschimottanasana.1. This asana calms the mind and also relieves mild depression

and stress.2. The shoulders, spine, and hamstrings get a good stretch.3. The kidneys, liver, uterus, and ovaries are activated.4. Practicing this asana regularly helps improve digestion.5. Menopause and menstrual discomfort can be combatted with

this asana.6. Anxiety, headaches, and fatigue are reduced.7. High blood pressure, insomnia, infertility, and sinusitis can be

cured with this asana.8. Paschimottanasana is said to cure diseases, increase

appetite, and reduce obesity.9. This asana works particularly well for women after they have

delivered a child.


Sarvangasana is a Sanskrit word which comprises ‘Sarv means Entire’; Anga means body parts and Asana means pose. It is one of the few yoga poses that stimulates and regulates the entire body i.e. show benefits from toes to

fingers. Sarvangasana is known for many important health benefits. The shoulder Stand pose is worked well for the different internal organs of the body and also smoothes the functions of these sensitive organs. Because of its significant roles in the management and preventions of diseases and disorders, the yogasana is known as ‘Mother Of Asanas’. It is one the greatest boons conferred to the humanity by our ancient saints and sages. Since the mother is the harbinger of harmony and happiness at home, in the same way Sarvangasana is strived for harmony and happiness for the body. After learning its technique properly, it is recommended that the Sadhak (practitioner) should perform it every day to make oneself fit and healthy.Top 5 benefits of Sarvangasana

1. Prevents thyroid problems: Sarvangasana helps thyroid and parathyroid glands to bathe in blood thereby absorb nutrients from blood thus good for the health of these glands and their functions. It also revitalizes the throat and neck regions ensuring blood flow to it.

2. Good for heart health: In the pose, the body is inverted and venous blood flow to the heart without any strain by force of gravity thus good for the proper functioning of heart and also prevents palpitations.

3. Soothes headache: During performing Sarvangasana, the head remains in the inverted position and supply of blood to it is regulated by firm chinlock that leads to soothe of nerves and headache. Regular performing of this asana may cure headache and migraine completely.

4. Treats hypertension: The pose shows soothing impacts on the nerves thus good for those who are suffering from

hypertension, irritation, shortness of temper and nervous breakdown.

5. Treats insomnia: Due to inverted position of the asana, blood circulation to the ENT region gets enhances and facilitates nutrients supply in this region.


The Sanskrit word ‘shava‘ means ‘corpse‘. This pose looks like sleeping pose. It is very simple and everyone can do this asana.

But friends this pose needs lots of concentration. You have to concentrate on each part of the body.Beneficial for improving concentration, curing insomnia, calming mind, releasing stress, fatigue and depression.


1. It relaxes your whole body.2. Releases stress, fatigue, depression and tension.3. Improves concentration.4. Cures insomnia.5. Relaxes your muscles.6. Calms the mind and improves mental health.7. Excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation.8. Beneficial for those suffering from neurological

problem, asthma, constipation, diabetes, indigestion.

HOW YOGA AFFECTED ME??I have experienced more profound changes in my life, relationships, and worldview. But because these changes often take place over time, as part of a subtle and organic process, it can sometimes be hard to pinpoint exactly what it is about yoga that helps me to live a better life. Yoga teaches me how to make better decisions. Everything about practicing yoga involves intention— I set apart time in my day to do it, I move in a specific manner,

breathe in a specific way. And when I am mindful and deliberate in my yoga practice, I create the opportunity to become more mindful and deliberate in my life. "The people who stick with yoga realize that they make decisions that are more constructive than destructive.

In the past, I walked on the dark side, always expecting the worst. I even thought if I imagined the worst it would not happen. Yoga taught me the opposite — that trust and visions of success and happiness are much more likely to manifest when one focuses on positive possibilities instead of worst-case scenarios.

I only suggests that one of two things will happen after you do yoga for a few years: Either you will begin to change for the better, or you will stop doing yoga."

Workshop- 3Celebration of an iconic cultural figure

Iconic figureDay: Friday

Date : 22 sep 2017

Topic: iconic figures on Rabindranath tagore, veer sarvakar, teejan bai

Faculty members : principal sir(Mishra sir), director ma’am, Uma ma’am, ruchi ma’am, ketki ma’am


Rabindranath tagore

Native name:-rabindranath thakur

Born :- 7 may 1861

Died :- 7 august 1941

Origin :- Calcutta

Occupation :- writer, song composer, play wright, essayist, painter


Rabindranath Tagore, also written Ravindranatha Thakur](7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941), sobriquet  Gurudev, was a Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Author of Gitanjali  and its "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse", he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Tagore's poetic songs were viewed as spiritual and mercurial; however, his "elegant prose and magical poetry" remain largely unknown outside Bengal. He is sometimes referred to as "the bard  of Bengal".

A Pirali Brahmin from Calcutta with ancestral gentry roots in Jessore, Tagore wrote poetry as an eight-year-old. At the age of sixteen, he released his first substantial poems under the pseudonym Bhanusiṃha ("Sun Lion"), which were seized upon by literary authorities as long-lost classics. By 1877 he graduated to his first short stories and dramas, published under his real name. As a humanist, universalist internationalist, and ardent anti-nationalist, he denounced the British Raj and advocated independence from Britain. As an exponent of the Bengal Renaissance, he advanced a vast canon that comprised paintings, sketches and doodles, hundreds of texts, and some two thousand songs; his legacy also endures in the institution he founded, Visva-Bharati University.

Tagore modernised Bengali art by spurning rigid classical forms and resisting linguistic strictures. His novels, stories, songs, dance-dramas, and essays spoke to topics political and

personal. Gitanjali(Song Offerings), Gora (Fair-Faced) and Ghare-Baire (The Home and the World) are his best-known works, and his verse, short stories, and novels were acclaimed—or panned—for their lyricism, colloquialism, naturalism, and unnatural contemplation. His compositions were chosen by two nations as national anthems: India's Jana Gana Mana and Bangladesh's Amar Shonar Bangla.. The Sri Lankan national anthem was inspired by his work.

Early life( 1861-1878)The youngest of thirteen surviving children, Tagore (nicknamed "Rabi") was born on 7 May 1861 in the Jorasanko mansion in Calcutta to Debendranath Tagore (1817–1905) and Sarada Devi (1830–1875).

Tagore was raised mostly by servants; his mother had died in his early childhood and his father travelled widely. The Tagore family was at the forefront of the Bengal renaissance. They hosted the publication of literary magazines; theatre and recitals of Bengali and Western classical music featured there regularly. Tagore's father invited several professional Dhrupad musicians to stay in the house and teach Indian classical music to the children. Tagore's oldest brother Dwijendranath was a philosopher and poet. Another brother, Satyendranath, was the first Indian appointed to the elite and formerly all-European Indian Civil Service. Yet another brother, Jyotirindranath, was a musician, composer, and playwright.His sister Swarnakumari became a novelist. Jyotirindranath's wife Kadambari Devi, slightly older than Tagore, was a dear friend and powerful influence. Her abrupt suicide in 1884, soon after he married, left him profoundly distraught for years.

Tagore largely avoided classroom schooling and preferred to roam the manor or nearby Bolpur and Panihati, which the family visited. His brother Hemendranath tutored and physically conditioned him—by having him swim the Ganges or trek through hills, by gymnastics, and by practising judo and wrestling. He learned drawing, anatomy, geography and history, literature, mathematics, Sanskrit, and English—his least favourite subject. Tagore

loathed formal education—his scholarly travails at the local Presidency College spanned a single day. Years later he held that proper teaching does not explain things; proper teaching stokes curiosity:

After his upanayan (coming-of-age) rite at age eleven, Tagore and his father left Calcutta in February 1873 to tour India for several months, visiting his father's Santiniketan estate and Amritsar before reaching the Himalayan hill station of Dalhousie. There Tagore read biographies, studied history, astronomy, modern science, and Sanskrit, and examined the classical poetry of Kālidāsa. During his 1-month stay at Amritsar in 1873 he was greatly influenced by melodious gurbani and nanak bani being sung at Golden Temple for which both father and son were regular visitors. He mentions about this in his 'MY REMINISCENCES (1912)

The golden temple of Amritsar comes back to me like a dream. Many a morning have I accompanied my father to this Gurudarbar of the Sikhs in the middle of the lake. There the sacred chanting resounds continually. My father, seated amidst the throng of worshippers, would sometimes add his voice to the hymn of praise, and finding a stranger joining in their devotions they would wax enthusiastically cordial, and we would return loaded with the sanctified offerings of sugar crystals and other sweets.

He wrote 6 poems relating to Sikhism and no. of articles in Bengali child magazine about Sikhism.

Tagore returned to Jorosanko and completed a set of major works by 1877, one of them a long poem in the Maithili style of Vidyapati. As a joke, he claimed that these were the lost works of (what he claimed was) a newly discovered 17th-century Vaiṣṇava poet Bhānusiṃha. Regional experts accepted them as the lost works of Bhānusiṃha. He debuted in the short-story genre in Bengali with "Bhikharini" ("The Beggar Woman"). Published in the same year, Sandhya Sangit (1882) includes the poem "Nirjharer Swapnabhanga" ("The Rousing of the Waterfall").

Shantiniketan (1901-1932)In 1901 Tagore moved to Santiniketan to found an ashram with a marble-floored prayer hall—The Mandir—an experimental school, groves of trees, gardens, a library. There his wife and two of his children died. His father died in 1905. He received monthly payments as part of his inheritance and income from the Maharaja of Tripura, sales of his family's jewellery, his seaside bungalow in Puri, and a derisory 2,000 rupees in book royalties. He gained Bengali and foreign readers alike; he published Naivedya (1901) and Kheya (1906) and translated poems into free verse.

In November 1913, Tagore learned he had won that year's Nobel Prize in Literature: the Swedish Academy appreciated the idealistic—and for Westerners—accessible nature of a small body of his translated material focused on the 1912 Gitanjali: Song Offerings.] He was awarded a knighthood by King George V in the 1915 Birthday Honours, but renounced it after the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

In 1921, Tagore and agricultural economist Leonard Elmhirst set up the "Institute for Rural Reconstruction", later renamed Shriniketan or "Abode of Welfare", in Surul, a village near the ashram. With it, Tagore sought to moderate Gandhi's Swaraj protests, which he occasionally blamed for British India's perceived mental — and thus ultimately colonial — decline. He sought aid from donors, officials, and scholars worldwide to "free village[s] from the shackles of helplessness and ignorance" by "vitalis[ing] knowledge". In the early 1930s he targeted ambient "abnormal caste consciousness" and untouchability. He lectured against these, he

penned Dalit heroes for his poems and his dramas, and he campaigned—successfully—to open Guruvayoor Temple to Dalits.

WorksKnown mostly for his poetry, Tagore wrote novels, essays, short stories, travelogues, dramas, and thousands of songs. Of Tagore's prose, his short stories are perhaps most highly regarded; he is indeed credited with originating the Bengali-language version of the genre. His works are frequently noted for their rhythmic, optimistic, and lyrical nature. Such stories mostly borrow from deceptively simple subject matter: commoners. Tagore's non-fiction grappled with history, linguistics, and spirituality. He wrote autobiographies. His travelogues, essays, and lectures were compiled into several volumes, including Europe Jatrir Patro (Letters from Europe) and Manusher Dhormo (The Religion of Man). His brief chat with Einstein, "Note on the Nature of Reality", is included as an appendix to the latter. On the occasion of Tagore's 150th birthday an anthology (titled Kalanukromik Rabindra Rachanabali) of the total body of his works is currently being published in Bengali in chronological order. This includes all versions of each work and fills about eighty volumes.[98] In 2011, Harvard University Press collaborated with Visva-Bharati University to publish The Essential Tagore, the largest anthology of Tagore's works available in English; it was edited by Fakrul Alam and Radha Chakravarthy and marks the 150th anniversary of Tagore's birth.

Politicsagore opposed imperialism and supported Indian nationalists, and these views were first revealed in Manast, which was mostly composed in his twenties. Evidence produced during the Hindu–German Conspiracy Trial and latter accounts affirm his awareness of the Ghadarites, and stated that he sought the support of Japanese Prime Minister Terauchi Masatake and former Premier Ōkuma Shigenobu. Yet he lampooned the Swadeshi movement; he rebuked it in The Cult of the Charkha, an acrid 1925 essay. He urged the masses to avoid victimology and instead seek self-help and education, and he saw the presence of British administration as a "political symptom of our social disease". He maintained that, even for those at the extremes of poverty, "there can be no question of blind revolution"; preferable to it was a "steady and purposeful education".

Such views enraged many. He escaped assassination—and only narrowly—by Indian expatriates during his stay in a San Francisco hotel in late 1916; the plot failed when his would-be assassins fell into argument. Tagore wrote songs lionising the Indian independence movement. Two of Tagore's more politically charged compositions, "Chitto Jetha Bhayshunyo" ("Where the Mind is Without Fear") and "Ekla Chalo Re" ("If They Answer Not to Thy Call, Walk Alone"), gained mass appeal, with the latter favoured by Gandhi. Though somewhat critical of Gandhian activism, Tagore was key in resolving a Gandhi–Ambedkar dispute involving separate

electorates for untouchables, thereby mooting at least one of Gandhi's fasts "unto death".

Quotes “Every person is worthy of an infinite wealth of love - the beauty of his soul knows no

limit.” -Rabindranath Tagore, Glimpses of Bengal 

“Who are you, reader, reading my poems a hundred years hence? I cannot send you one single flower from this wealth of the spring, one single streak of gold from yonder clouds. Open your doors and look abroad. From your blossoming garden gather fragrant memories of the vanished flowers of an hundred years before. In the joy of your heart may you feel the living joy that sang one spring morning, sending its glad voice across an hundred years.”

“Trust love even if it brings sorrow. Do not close up your heart.” ― Rabindranath Tagore, The Gardener 

“The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.”

“We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.”

“Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.”

Veer sarvarkar

Native name:- Vinayak Damodar Savarkar 

Born :- 28 may 1883

Died :- 26 may 1966

Origin :- bhagur, bombay

IntroductionVinayak Damodar Savarkar (28 May 1883 – 26 February 1966, commonly known as Swatantryaveer Savarkar) was an Indian pro-independence activist, lawyer, politician, poet, writer and playwright. He advocated the reconversion of the converted Hindus back to Hindu religion. Savarkar coined the term Hindutva (Hinduness) to create a collective "Hindu" identity as an essence of Bharat (India). His political philosophy had the elements of utilitarianism, rationalism and positivism, humanism and universalism, pragmatism and realism. Sarvarkar was also an atheist and a staunch rationalist who disapproved of orthodox beliefs in all religions.

Savarkar's revolutionary activities began while studying in India and England, where he was associated with the India House and founded student societies including Abhinav Bharat Society and the Free India Society, as well as publications espousing the cause of complete Indian independence by revolutionary means. Savarkar published The Indian War of Independence about the Indian rebellion of 1857 that was banned by British authorities. He was arrested in 1910 for his connections with the revolutionary group India House. Following a failed attempt to escape while being transported from Marseilles, Savarkar was sentenced to two life

terms of imprisonment totaling fifty years and was moved to the Cellular Jail in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, but released in 1921.

While in jail, Savarkar wrote the work describing Hindutva, espousing what it means to be a Hindu, and Hindu pride, in which he defined as all the people descended of Hindu culture as being part of Hindutva, including Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. In 1921, under restrictions after signing a plea for clemency, he was released on the condition that he renounce revolutionary activities. Traveling widely, Savarkar became a forceful orator and writer, advocating Hindu political and social unity. Serving as the president of the Hindu Mahasabha, Savarkar endorsed the ideal of India as a Hindu Rashtra  and opposed the Quit India struggle in 1942, calling it a "Quit India but keep your army" movement. He became a fierce critic of the Indian National Congress and its acceptance of India's partition. He was accused of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi but acquitted by the court.

The airport at Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar's capital, has been named Veer Savarkar International Airport. The commemorative blue plaque on India House fixed by the Historic Building and Monuments Commission for England reads "Vinayak Damodar Savarkar 1883-1966 Indian patriot and philosopher lived here". In the recent past, the Shiv Sena party has demanded that the Indian Government posthumously confer upon him India's highest civilian

award, the Bharat Ratna.

Early life Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was born in the Marathi Chitpavan Brahmin Hindu family of Damodar and Radhabai Savarkar in the village of Bhagur, near the city of Nashik, Maharashtra. He had three other siblings namely Ganesh, Narayan, and a sister named Maina. He earned the nickname "Veer" (Sanskrit:braveheart)when at the age of 12, he led fellow students against a rampaging horde of Muslims that attacked his village. Highly outnumbered, he inspired the boys to fight-on until the last Muslim was driven off. Later, he is known to have stated: "Do not fear them. The Almighty is your strength, so fight, even when facing an enemy stronger than yourself.

After the death of his parents, the eldest sibling Ganesh, known as Babarao, took responsibility of the family. Babarao played a supportive and influential role in Vinayak's teenage life. During this period, Vinayak organised a youth group called Mitra Mela (Band of Friends) and encouraged revolutionary and nationalist views of passion using this group. In 1901, Vinayak Savarkar married Yamunabai, daughter of Ramchandra Triambak Chiplunkar, who supported his university education. Subsequently, in 1902, he enrolled in Fergusson College, in Pune . As a young man, he was inspired by the new generation of radical political leaders namely Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal and Lala Lajpat Rai along with the political struggle against the partition of Bengal and the rising Swadeshi campaign. After completing his degree, nationalist activist Shyamji Krishna Varma helped Vinayak to go to England to study law, on a scholarship. It was during this period that the Garam Dal, literally "Army of the angry," was formed under the leadership of Tilak as a result of a split between the moderate, "constitutionalist" wing on the one part, and of Tilak's extremist or radical wing in the Indian National Congress. The members of the Garam Dal, did not acknowledge the agenda of the majority moderate Indian National Congress leadership which advocated dialogue with the British rulers and incremental steps towards Independence by gaining confidence of the British. Tilak was soon imprisoned for his support of revolutionary activities.

WorksSavarkar wrote more than 10,000 pages in the Marathi language. His literary works in Marathi include "Kamala", "Mazi Janmathep" (My Life Sentence), and most famously 1857 - The First War of Independence, in which Savarkar popularised the term "First War of Independence" for what the British referred to as the "Sepoy Mutiny". Another book was Kale Pani (Black Water which means "life sentence" on the island prison on the Andaman islands), which reflected the treatment of Indian Independence activists by the British. To counter the then British propagated view that India's history was a saga of continuous defeat, he wrote an inspirational historical work, Saha Soneri Pane (Six Golden Pages), recounting some of the "Golden periods" of Indian history. At the same time, religious divisions in India were beginning to be exacerbated. He described what he saw as the atrocities of British and Muslims on Hindu residents in Kerala in the book, Mopalyanche Band (Muslims' Strike) and also Gandhi Gondhal (Gandhi's Confusion), a political critique of Gandhi's politics. Savarkar, by now, had become a committed and persuasive critic of the Gandhian vision of India's future.

He is also the author of the poems Sagara pran talmalala (O Great Sea, My Heart Aches for the Motherland), and Jayostute (written in praise of freedom). When in the Cellular jail, Savarkar was denied pen and paper. He composed and wrote his poems on the prison walls with thorns and pebbles, memorised thousands lines of his poetry for years till other prisoners returning home brought them to mainland India. Savarkar is credited with several neologisms in Marathi and Hindi, including "Hutatma" (Martyr), "Mahapaur" ( Mayor), Digdarshak (leader or director, one who points in the right direction), Shatkar (a score of

six runs in cricket), Saptahik (weekly), Sansad (Parliament), "doordhwani" (telephone), "tanklekhan" (typewriting) among others.

Later life and deathAfter Gandhi's assassination Savarkar's home in Dadar, Mumbai was stoned by angry mobs. After he was acquitted of the allegations related to Gandhi's assassination and released from jail, Savarkar was arrested by the government, for making "militant Hindu nationalist speeches", he was released after agreeing to give up political activities. He continued addressing social and cultural elements of Hindutva. He resumed political activism after the ban on it was lifted, it was however limited until his death in 1966 because of ill health. His followers bestowed upon him honours and financial awards when he was alive. Two thousand RSS workers gave his funeral procession a guard of honour. According to McKean, there was public antipathy between Savarkar and the Congress for most of his political career, yet after independence Congress ministers,Vallabhbhai Patel and C. D. Deshmukh unsuccessfully sought partnership with the Hindu Mahasabha and Savarkar. It was forbidden for Congress party members to participate in public functions honouring Savarkar. Nehru refused to share the stage during the centenary celebrations of the India's First War of Independence held in Delhi. After the independence of India, Jawaharlal Nehru had put forward a proposal to demolish the Cellular Jail in the Andaman and build a hospital in its place.After the death of Nehru, the Congress government, under Prime Minister Shastri, started to pay him a monthly pension.

DEATHOn 8 November 1963, Savarkar's wife, Yamuna, died. On 1 February 1966, Savarkar renounced medicines, food and water which he termed as atmaarpan (fast until death). Before his death he had written an article titled "Atmahatya Nahi Atmaarpan" in which he argued that when one's life mission is over and ability to serve the society is left no more, it is better to end the life at will rather than waiting for death. He died on 26 February 1966 at the age of 83. He was mourned by large crowds that attended his cremation. He left behind a son Vishwas and a

daughter Prabha Chiplunkar. His first son, Prabhakar, had died in infancy. His home, possessions and other personal relics have been preserved for public display.There was no official mourning by the then Congress party government of Maharashtra or at the centre.The indifference to Savarkar continued long after his death 

Teejan bai

Born :-24 april 1956

Occupation:- pandavani folk singer

IntroductionTeejan Bai (born 24 April 1956) is an exponent of Pandavani, a traditional performing art form, from Chhattisgarh, in which she enacts tales from the Mahabharata, with musical accompaniments.

She has been awarded the Padma Shri in 1988, and Padma Bhushan in 2003 by Government of India, besides 1995 Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1995, given by Sangeet Natak

Akademi, India's National Academy of Music, Dance & Drama

EARLY LIFETeejan Bai was born in Ganiyari village, 14 kilometres (8.7 mi) north of Bhilai, to Chunuk Lal Pardhi and his wife Sukhwati. She belongs to the Pardhi Scheduled Tribe of Chhattisgarh state

The eldest among her five siblings she heard her maternal grandfather, Brijlal Pradhi, recite the Mahabharata written by Chhattisgarhi writer, Sabal Sinh Chauhan in Chhattisgarhi Hindi and instantly took a liking to it. She soon memorised much of it, and later trained informally under

Umed Singh Deshmukh.

CAREERAt age 13, she gave her first public performance in a neighbouring village, Chandrakhuri (Durg) for Rs 10., singing in the Kapalik shaili (style) of 'Pandavani', a first time for a woman, as traditionally women used to sing in the Vedamati, the sitting style. Contrary to the tradition, Teejan Bai performed standing singing out loud in her typical guttral voice and unmistakable verve, entering what was till then, a male bastion.

Within a short time, she became known in neighbouring villages and invitations poured to perform at special occasions and festivals.

Her big-break came, when Habib Tanvir, a theatre personality from Madhya Pradesh, noticed her talent, and she was called to perform for then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. In time she received national and international recognition, a Padma Shri in 1988,] Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 1995, and Padma Bhushan in 2003.

Beginning in the 1980s, she travelled all over the world as a cultural ambassador, to countries as far as England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, Tunisia, Malta, Cyprus, Romania and Mauritius.] She performed sequences from the Mahabharata in Shyam Benegal's acclaimed Doordarshan TV series Bharat Ek Khoj based on Jawaharlal Nehru's book.

Today she continues to enthrall audiences, the world over with her unique folk singing and her powerful voice; and pass on her singing to the younger generation.

PERSONAL LIFEThough she was married at 12, she was expelled by the community, the 'Pardhi' tribe, for singing Pandavani, being a woman. She built herself a small hut and started living on her own, borrowing utensils and food from neighbours, yet never left her singing, which eventually paid off for her.[6] She never went to her first husband's home and later split(divorce). In the following years, she was married twice, though none of her marriages succeeded. Later she fell in love with Tukka Ram, a former harmonium player in her troupe, and they had three children.

Today she lives with her fourth husband, Tukka Ram, her five children, in Sector 1, Bhilai, where she is employed at the Bhilai Steel Plant. She travels the world for her performances. She is also a grandmother.

Performance stylePandavani, literally means stories of Pandavas, the legendary brothers in Mahabharat, and involves enacting and singing with instrumental accompaniment an ektara or a tamburain one hand and sometimes a kartal in another. Interestingly, as the performance progresses, the tambura becomes her only prop during her performances, sometimes she uses it to personify a gada, mace of Arjun, or at times his bow or chariot, while others it becomes the hair of queen Draupadi, allowing her to play various character with effective ease and candour. [7] Her acclaimed performances are of, Draupadi cheerharan, Dushasana Vadh and Mahabharat Yudh,

between Bhishma and Arjun.

Awards 1988 Padma Shri 1995 Sangeet Natak Akademi Award 2003 Hon. D. Litt, Bilaspur University 2003 Padma Bhushan 2016 M S Subbalaxmi centenary award

How the workshop effected me?This workshop provided me a lot of information on three iconic figures rabindranath tagor, veer sarvarkar and teejan bai . though earlier, I was quite familiar with the work of figures rabindranath tagor, veer sarvarkar and teejan bai but ms. Ruchi khandewal and ms. Uma mam become great sources for adding more knowledge to my earlier knowledge not only this, I had never earlier heard about the work of teejan bai even I don’t know about her but through this workshop. I got plenty of information about her.This workshop also inspire me about the three personalities and their documentary film also add us more knowledge.

Thanks to the faculty members of VDIT ms. Ruchi khandewal and uma mam for providing information about three iconic figures rabindranath tagore, veer sarvarkar and teejan bai the information provided about these the three iconic figures made us aware of the history and culture of earlier time.



Our college organized a seminar on multiple childhood in which there are 10 groups. Each group has 10 students. Each group presented the different topics of children problems.

Day - monday

Date – 25 september 2017

Faculty members :-

Ketki Ma’am Hema Ma’am Geeta Ma’am Uma Ma’am

Topic of multiple childhood are:

1.HIGH CLASS SOCIETYIn present time this class belong to affluent category in the society who some how has landed with money more than their needs.Though they are known as high society they are mostly poor at ethical level.

2.MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETYIt will make you learn to live like a rich at some moment and like a poor at other. It is the only class where we can taste both richness (when desires are fulfilled ) and poorness(when they are not)

3.PHYSICAL DISABILTIESMany causes and conditions can impair mobility and movement. The inability to use legs , arms or the body trunk effectively because of paralysis , stiffness , pain , or other impairments is common.

4. CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITY Children and adults with learning disabilities see , hear and understand things differently. This can lead to trouble with learning new information and skills , and putting them to use. The most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with reading , writing , math , reasoning , listening and speaking.

5. DELIQUENT CHILDA Juvenile deliquent in the US is a person who is typically under the age of 17 and commits an act that otherwise would have been charged as a crime if they were an adult.6. Lower class society - Lower class (occasionally described as working class) are those employed in low-paying wage jobs with very little economic security. The term "lower class" also refers to persons with low income.The working class is sometimes separated into those who are employed but lacking financial security and an underclass—those who are long-term unemployed and/or homeless, especially those receiving welfare from the state. The latter is analogous to the Marxist term "lumpenproletariat".[25] Members of the working class are sometimes called blue-collar workers

7.Orphan child: An orphan (from the Greek: ορφανός orphanós)[1] is a child whose parents are dead, unknown, or have permanently abandoned him or her. [2][3]

In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan. When referring to animals, only the mother's condition is usually relevant (i.e. if the female parent has gone, the offspring is an orphan, regardless of the father's condition).[4]

Children who have reached adulthood before their parents died are usually not described as orphans, as the term is generally reserved for children whose parents have died while they are too young to support themselves. 8.Survivour of child abusement: Survivors are often out of touch with their feelings - confused by emotions or reactions they cannot explain. They have often been raised in environments in which a child’s normal expressions of upset or discomfort were punished or ignored. They may

have been taught to attribute the negative emotions associated with childhood trauma and abuse, such as shame and anger, towards themselves. This confusion often persists into adult life, and can result  in heightened experiences of:

Anxiety Grief and sadness Shame, self blame and guilt Alienation Helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness

Like everyone, survivors have a right to “a life worth living” (Linehan 1993), but instead survivors often live with chronic distress and pain. For many survivors, these emotions are so much a part of their day-to-day life that they don’t realise that there are alternatives. Unable to readily regulate their emotions they may seek to do so through alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or other compulsive behaviours. Many survivors also harm themselves out of a sense of despair. All of these 'coping strategies' make sense in the context of childhood trauma and abuse.Learning about emotions – what they are, where they come from, and how to respond to them – is a crucial part of finding a path to recovery. Survivors can learn new, effective ways of regulating the intensity of their feelings, so that they don’t need to use alcohol or drugs and/or cut themselves to express their emotions. For many survivors, learning about the psychological impacts of their trauma or abuse helps them to understand why they have struggled for so long, and how they can move forward.

Acknowledging these feelings, understanding where they come from and why they are so intense is an important part of any survivor’s journey.

9. Child labour: Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.[3] This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislation across the world prohibit child labour.[4][5] These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, family duties, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those

Single-parent families are families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is widowed or divorced and not remarried,or by a parent who has never married.

About half of all children born today are excepted to spend some time in a single parent family before reaching age 18.children are more apt to live in a single parent family for reasons other than the death of a spouse.About one-fourth of all children are born to an unmarried mother, half of children born to teenagers are born outside of marriage .


1.Divorce-Single parenting due to divorce means that the divorced single parent will have the primary custody of the child or children.The single parent will do the major obligation of raising the child or children but the other parent can still be involved in the family.

2.Death- single parenting due to widowhood may give a parent an unforeseen parenting obligation that will cause her to underwent difficult times of adjustment. Emotions like anger, denial, depression, bargaining and later acceptance are common to widowed single parents. These negative emotions will largely affect parenting.

3.Early pregnancy-Rising a child alone during teenage period is tough. Teen single parents underwent stresses because of young age and inability to prepare for the future. Single parenting during teenage years usually happen to kids who are rebellious from their parents.

4.Adoption-Single parenting due to the adoption is a viable option for single people who feel incomplete in life.However loneliness should not be your sole motivation to choose single parenting.


1.Strong Mother-child Bonding:

Spending one-on-one time with your little one creates a unique bond which will be stronger than the one if you were a nuclear parent.Its goes in the case of custodial parents and non-custodial parents who play a a significant role in their child’s lives.

2.Strong sense of community:

Children who have single parent will also have many supporters. Most cases , the extended family members will play a unique role in a child’s life. Single parent who do not live with their extended families try participating in community groups which may include single parent support group , churches etc.

3. share responsibilities :

Children raised by single parent will not just have token responsibilities to do ,but their contribution to the complete family system is necessary. In this way children will understand the value of their contribution and can take pleasure in their work.

4. maturity :

Children will find their parents working hard , and it will force them to collaborate and work along with their parents. Additionally , the children will also learn to manage their disappointments in life . These experiences will help children become empathetic and caring adults.


1. Financial troubles :

Most single parents work along hours to meet the financial needs of the family . It is necessary to run the household and raise the children. Their maybe chances when you have to deny your kids from their requirements , and you may have to juggle repeatedly between financial commitments.

2.Low parenting quality:

Your way of parenting suffers when many responsibilities add to your everyday life.Your long hours of working may make you miss your child’s important may not afford a babysitter to take time some valuable down time.

3.Emotional problems:

Your children are likely to suffer from self-esteem problems.They may crave for affection,which they will not get enough because of your busy schedule.Thus they may lose expectations in their relationships later in life.

4.Adjustment Difficulties:

Children will also face the issues along with their single parents.They may be a sense of loss,poverty and continous exposure to parental arguments.While the parents sense of loss is because of the missing spouse,a child’s loss will be a guide or a protector.


1.set up a routine:

Structure your day in such a way that it offers a sense of security to your child.Maintain a relatively consistent mealtime,wake up and bedtime.If you miss spending with your kids during the daytime because of your job,do nit try to make it up for the night.

2.Taking care of yourself:

Your chikd may observe you being angey,upset or sad when major life issues crop up.It is quite common in all families,be it a single parent or nuclear family.when you express your feelings,even she will feel free to express herself more.

3.Set ground Rules:

You will not have anyone else to back you up,so establishing certain ground rules will help to raise your children without much effort.Look for the ways to praise good behavior in your child.Interacting in a low voice is an easy tool better parent-child communication.

4.Remove guilt:

You may feel guilty for the things you cannot provide or the time you may not spend with your kids.For your good,try to focus on all the things to accomplish for the day and also show

the love, comfort and attention to your little ones.

HOW IT AFFECTED ME??This workshop helps me a lot in enhanching my knowledge about different glimpses of childhood. Through this workshop I want to know that all are

equal. Through play performed by the students of my class I want to know that low class society still suffers alot. And orphan or child having disabilities have a full right to study with us and our duty is to give her safe and comfortable environment. And one most important thing is that all childrens have right to study so at last I want to say only that it must be a priority to educate a child upto an extent such that he can survive in this competitive world, instead of reuning their future by employing them.





Our college has organized a group activity on 26th September 2017, in which all the students were divided into 10 groups and each group contains 8 members. In this group activity, we were instructed to make a pyramid with the help of cups. It was a great experience and we all enjoyed a lot.

Working Together:

Teamwork is generally understood as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim. For example we often use the phrase:” he or she is a good team player”. This means someone has the

interests of the team at heart, working for the good of the team. In my view, a team exists when individual strengths and skills are combined with teamwork, in the pursuit of a common direction or cause, in order to produce meaningful results for the team members and the organisation. A team combines individual strengths with a shared commitment to performance, it’s not just about getting on well together.

What Is Group Work?

Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning, that enhances the total output of the activity than when done individually. It aims to cater for individual differences, develop skills (e.g. communication skills, collaborative skills, critical thinking skills), generic knowledge and socially acceptable attitudes or to generate conforming standards of behavior and judgement, a "group mind".[1]

Specifically in psychotherapy and social work, "group work" refers to group therapy, offered by a practitioner trained in psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, counseling or other relevant discipline.

The field of Social work includes all voluntary attempts to extend benefits in response to a bio-psycho-social needs and avails them through scientific knowledge and structured methods.

There are six approaches in Social Work:

1. Social Case work2. Social Group work3. Community organization and Systems approach4. Social Welfare administration and Social Legislation's5. Social Research and Social Policy Analysis6. Social Change and Social Action.

Importance of Group Work:

Whatever form the group work takes on your course, the opportunity to work with others, rather than on your own, can provide distinct benefits.

1. Increased productivity and performance:

Groups that work well together can achieve much more than individuals working on their own. A broader range of skills can be applied to practical activities and sharing and discussing ideas can play a pivotal role in deepening your understanding of a particular subject area.

2. Skills development:

Being part of a team will help you develop your interpersonal skills such as speaking and listening as well as team working skills such as leadership, and working with and motivating others. Some of these skills will be useful throughout your academic career and all are valued by employers.

3. Knowing more about yourself:

Collaborating with others will help identify your own strengths and weaknesses (for example, you may be a better leader than listener, or you might be good at coming up with the 'big ideas' but not so good at putting them into action). Enhanced self-awareness will both help your approach to learning and will be invaluable when you come to write your CV or complete job application forms.

In order to maximize these benefits, we will need to manage your group work effectively.

Purpose of the Activity:

The purpose of this activity was teaching us the importance of working in group and unity. It also helps the students to develop a host skill, which is important in professional world.

These type of activities also improve workplace projects that involve teamwork. After completing team building activities together, employees better understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This understanding helps us work even better together on future progress vital to a company.


We all prepared ourselves before the activity. We also assigned our works so that there would be no chaos in our activity work.

Instructions About The Task:

The students were divided in various groups for the competition and each group consists of 10 students.

The structure should not hold any external physical support. The number of cups used in the base should be 10 or 12. Only medium sized cups should be used. Time limit for completing the task was 3 minutes.


The competition was fair with time limit of 3 minutes. Judging was done on the basis of height of the structure and creativity.

There was a good co-operation among the team mates to accomplish the task successfully within the given time.

Maximum and active participation was observed. Our group got second position within the first attempt in the activity.


This competition has made me realize about the importance of team spirit, a sense of cooperation, coordination and understanding the team work. Before this, I have never made a pyramid of cups.

Although I tried and got successful in the activity by achieving second position. I enjoyed it a lot and had great fun.


The level of competition was not too high but average.


Every group member was very cooperating as there were no arguments while performing the activity. This is the plus point of this activity.


Some of the students were absent that day, so the participation was not 100%.


The judgment were given by the teachers in a good way so that every student got motivated by their words and no one would feel sad after losing in the activity.


The activity can be made better by increasing the competition level. But I can say that it was a good activity as well as good experience for me.

HOW WORKSHOP AFFECTED ME??This workshop help us to work in a team and through this we know the importance of groups or unity. It also helps us in concentration and time management. By this I want to increase my competitive skills by competeting with other teams. It also helps me in increasing my performance and productivity level.