Site Promotion Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible

    in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does

    not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are

    aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(

    )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in

    this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$

    omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(

    An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations

    are unintentional(

    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no

    &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their

    o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to ataordin&l'(

    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$

    aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies

    o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane


    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 1

    2ite Promotion3asis

    Cha"ter 2


    Cha"ter /

    6eta Ta&s And 7e'%ords

    Cha"ter 8

    3uild -eader Lo'alt'

    Cha"ter 9

    6a,e The 2ite Eas' To Navi&ate And 4se Color


    Cha"ter :

    3uild Lin,s

    Cha"ter ;

    Create And Promote A 2eries 0or -eturn

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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    Gettin& a %ebsite u" and runnin& is not too di##iult to do but

    ensurin& it is done "ro"erl' in order to o"timi+e tra##i interest is the

    ,e' to a &ood "ostin&( This is %here the "romotion o# the site omes

    in onl' seond to that atual site desi&n and ontent( Get all the in#o

    'ou need here(

    2ite Promotion 2uess

    To" Ti"s To .our ite Promotion

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


    - : -

    Cha"ter 12ite Promotion 3asis


    @ere are some "oints to onsider i# one %ants to "romote a %ebsite to

    ensure o"timum results

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    The 3asis

    Puttin& in some thou&ht and e##ort is one o# the #irst thin&s the

    individual should be "re"ared to do in the uest to "romote his or her

    site( 0ailin& to s"end time in this area at the ver' onset o# the %hole

    e>erise ould "rove to be "oor deision ma,in&(

    4nderstandin& and ae"tin& that the "roess ta,es time and is an

    on&oin& e>erise is im"ortant too( ourin& #or in#ormation and ti"s

    that are urrent on "romotional methods should be done "eriodiall'(

    ellin& somethin& that ever'one else is sellin& ma' not be the best

    business endeavor to underta,e(

    It %ould be better to hoose an element that has ver' little or no

    om"etition at all and allo% the searh en&ines to do %hat the' do

    best %hih is onnet interested "arties e##etivel' and ui,l'(

    5esi&nin& sites that %or, "ro"erl' and e##iientl' is another "oint to

    onsider( )hen the "ros"et is at the intended site$ there is nothin&

    %orse that enounterin& on#usin& and misleadin& ontent(

    Contents o# this nature %ill onl' end u" &ivin& the "ros"et a ne&ative

    e>"eriene and #orin& them to leave the site out o# #rustration(

    6a,in& sure the ri&ht ,e'%ords are used and submittin& the site to

    ma*or searh en&ines is a &reat and e##etive "romotional tati(

    4se a om"rehensive automated submission tool that an "ro"erl'

    "romote the site at all ma*or searh en&ine "lat#orms( Ensurin& the

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


    - = -

    ontent material is &ood and aurate %ill also hel" to boost the

    "romotional an&le o# the e>erise(

    Cha"ter 24se 5iretories

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


    - ? -


    Promotin& a %ebsite is im"ortant to ensure the tra##i #lo% to the site

    is bein& o"timi+ed at all times( There#ore %ebsite "romotion is an

    essential "art o# havin& and ,ee"in& a site relevant and suess#ul(


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    One %a' o# e##etivel' doin& this is %ith the use o# lin, diretories

    %hih ome in the #orm o# %ebsite diretories or artile diretories(

    These tools o##er a lot o# advanta&es and are %ell %orth the e##ortto inor"orate into the %ebsite$ as the' hel" to elevate and im"rove

    the searh en&ine listin& onstantl'(

    The usual ourse o# ation a#ter a site is launh %ould t'"iall' be

    the searh en&ine s"iders &oin& to %or, ruisin& the site #or the

    relevant "oints that usuall' a##et the eventual ran,in&s &iven(

    The inde>in& and listin& results #rom these visits are then used to

    #ailitate the ran,in& e>erise( Providin& as muh assistane as

    "ossible to these s"iders %ould be an advanta&e$ hene the use o#

    diretor' lin,s %hih %ill lead them strai&ht to the individuals


    ome lin, diretories or artile diretories use the Dno #ollo% ta&s

    %hih attributes to a share o# the Goo&le Pa&e an, o# the %eb"a&e

    %here the site or artile is "ublished %hile others %ill use it to

    blo, an' P share$ althou&h this an still be made into a strai&ht

    lin, #or a #ee(

    The bene#its o# the lin, are usuall' %orth the mone'(

    4sin& the diretories lin,s %ill also #ailitate the visitors to suh

    diretories eas' aess to li,in& on the lin,s available( 4sin& an

    anhor te>t as the main lin, %ill su##iientl' attrat the interest o#

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    the visitor so one should ensure the ontents o# the #eatured

    artiles are both in#ormative and attention &rabbin&(

    Lin,s that are dee" into the %ebsites %ill "rovide si&ni#iantadvanta&es in "romotin& the entire site in the searh en&ine rather

    than *ust at the home "a&e(

    Cha"ter /6eta Ta&s And 7e'%ords

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    ite o"timi+ation is al%a's a "re reuisite o# an' ho"e#ul ne% "ostin&

    and the business$ "rodut or servie it is "romotin&( There#ore

    ensurin& all the best "ossible assistane is &iven to &et the

    o"timi+ation e>erise at its "ea, should be e>"lored #or its

    ontributin& merits(

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    6a,e It 3etter

    There are some that thin,s there is reall' no need to #ous on the

    6eta ta&s as in their o"inions these ta&s are mostl' i&nored b' thesearh en&ines and althou&h there are some merits to the thou&ht

    "roess it should nevertheless be e>"lored even #or its "ereived

    minimal bene#its(

    Even thou&h the basi "a&e themes have moved to%ards more

    ,e'%ord densit' ontent$ ontent and lin,in& and a #e% other

    bene#iial st'les there is still ome bene#its o# usin& the 6eta ta&s(

    6eta ta& desri"tions %ould have &reat im"ortane %hen it omes

    to determinin& the "ositionin& o# the %ebsite on the searh results(

    4suall' the number o# ,e'%ords used and their im"ortane and

    densit' %ithin the desri"tion ta& is "ivotal to the mani"ulation

    tatis used to hei&hten the hanes o# &arnerin& #irst "ositionin&


    This is use#ul as there are still smaller searh en&ines that do #ous

    on usin& the 6eta ta& as an evaluation "lat#orm(

    7e'%ords are still a ver' urrent and "o%er#ul tool to ensureo"timal searh en&ine ran,in&s( This is %ill the most obvious

    e>erise that the searh en&ine s"iders ado"t %hen ruisin& the

    site ontents(

    This is suh an im"ortant ontributin& #ator that a lot o# sites use

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    hosen ,e'%ords that are "o"ular at the time and inor"orate

    them into their o%n ontent even i# the relevan' #ator is not


    @o%ever it should also be noted that the over use o# the ,e'%ords

    %ill also reate a ne&ative outome but this is still a "oint o#

    ontention #or some(

    There#ore hoosin& ,e'%ords that are &oin& to &arner the desired

    attention and attration to the site is most im"ortant and %orth


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    Cha"ter 83uild -eader Lo'alt'


    The survival o# a %ebsite de"ends on man' onnetive #eatures and

    reader lo'alt' is one o# them( The reader lo'alt' element is im"ortant

    as it ensure the ontinued su""ort o# the individual thus ontributin&

    to the hei&htened tra##i #lo% to the site %hih in turn %ill &ive rise to

    the "o"ularit' issue o# the said site(

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    7ee" Them Comin& 3a,

    3asiall' %hen there is reader lo'alt' %ell established at the site it

    %ould mean several thin&s$ %hih ma' inlude the site bein& "o"ular#or the ontributin& ontent that is both interestin& and in#ormative$

    it %ould mean that there is interest in the material bein& "osted at the

    site$ it ould ontribute to the uriosit' #ator that %ill eventuall'

    enoura&e other ne% visitors and man' more interestin& reasons as to

    %h' the site boasts this lo'alt'(

    In order to be able to build suh an ideal senario o# reader lo'alt'some "oints need to be onsidered and im"lemented and the

    #ollo%in& are *ust some su&&estions to the end

    The interations are based on tan&ible bene#its( @avin& &ood o##ers

    and value #eatured at the si&ht %ould e##etivel' be able to &arner the

    interest that an be then onverted to onsistent visits %hih %ill then

    ontribute to #ormin& the reader lo'alt' base(

    Auirin& ne% ustomer base throu&h the reader lo'alt' an also be

    done %hen the said reader is enoura&ed to share the lin, %ith others

    in their o%n emailin& list(

    This %ill e##etivel' %iden the reah o# the site throu&h the assistane

    o# the urrent reader lo'alt' base(

    Providin& inentives that are si&ni#iantl' hel"#ul to the reader %ould

    also enoura&e the reader to sta' lo'al to the site(

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    0ailitatin& suh s"eial o##ers should ideall' be done a#ter some

    researh has been onduted to identi#' suitable inentives %hih

    %ould not %aste the time o# the visitor and enoura&e the ontinued

    visits #or the ontent and the inentives #eatured(

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    Cha"ter 96a,e The 2ite Eas' To Navi&ate And 4se Color Ps'holo&'


    3ein& able to stri,e a om#ortable balane in the desi&nin& and

    ontent o# a site is im"ortant to eventual result and the orres"ondin&

    ree"tion it is &oin& to reeive #rom the vie%in& tar&et audiene(

    There#ore inor"oratin& elements suh as &ood navi&ation and olor

    "s'holo&' are im"ortant and essential to the desi&n o# the site(

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    6a,e It im"le

    @o%ever in doin& so the individual should be are#ul not toover%helm the tar&et audiene %ith nie to loo, at "a&es that are not

    navi&ation #riendl' or eas' to navi&ate "a&es %ith "oorl' desi&ned


    3oth "ose some ne&ativit' and thus should be avoided at all osts(

    @avin& noted this$ the tas, o# inor"oratin& both the eas' navi&ation

    and the olor into a site desi&n and ontent should not be overl'on#usin&$ di##iult or stress#ul(

    Providin& an attrative menu that em"o%ers the user %ith an eas' to

    #ollo% navi&ation %ill enoura&e them to #eel om#ortable and e>ited

    to aess the in#ormation as the' &o alon&(

    Positionin& the navi&ation in the same areas on all "a&es and usin&

    di##erent #onts and olors is also advised( The &eneral rule o# thumb

    %ould be to ensure the visitor does not have to &o around in irles

    li,in& on lin,s that end u" not &ivin& them %hat the' %ere see,in&

    in the #irst "lae and even %orse #rustratin& them so muh that the'

    ma,e u" their mind not to visit the site a&ain(

    The use o# olors es"eiall' i# the' are "leasin& and subtle %ill "la' on

    the "h'si "ere"tion o# the vie%er( @o%ever i# there is a need to

    drive home a d'nami "oint then "erha"s the use o# more vibrant

    olors ma' be needed(

    Color have lon& been an attention &rabbin& tool that is %idel' used in

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    advertisin& "lat#orms thus usin& them %isel' #or %eb desi&ns is also

    somethin& to onsider(

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    Cha"ter :3uild Lin,s


    Lin, buildin& is an as"et o# the online en&ine that should not be

    disre&arded as unneessar' and umbersome( In atual #at a %ebsite

    that intents to reah the masses annot a##ord to overloo, this

    im"ortant tool #or its tra##i enhanement attributes(

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    There are a #e% reasons %h' the lin, buildin& should be &iven dueonsideration and the #ollo%in& are *ust some to be e>"lored

    3ein& one o# the more "o%er#ul methods o# e##etivel' and "ro"erl'

    deliverin& in#ormation to those see,in& somethin& #rom a "artiular

    nihe area is one o# the more dominant #eatures it boasts(

    Ideall' the lin,s should be onsistent %ith the material at the ori&inal

    hosts site but there are some althou&h relativel' #e% ases %here the

    lin,s are not related(

    Inludin& ualit' ontent in the sites lin,ed %ill eventuall' hel" to

    reate the redibilit' #or the site and this #eature is a hi&hl' re&arded

    one %ithin the more serious "ros"ets to an' site(

    Even the searh en&ines #avor sites %ith redible ontent and lin,s

    this ontributin& to the "ositive "arameters en&a&ed b' the searh

    en&ine methodolo&'(

    As a result o# the redibilit'$ trust and e>itement build over the

    ontent issue$ the in#lu> o# inbound lin,s %ill ontribute to more

    attention bein& &iven to the site b' searh en&ines(

    This o# ourse %ill also "ositivel' ontribute to the reevaluation o# the

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    Cha"ter ;Create And Promote A 2eries 0or-eturn"lored


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    5rum4" Interest

    F Providin& ne% in#ormation in the ontent is im"ortant as

    interested "arties %ill onl' revisit the site i# the' are assured o##indin& #resh in#ormation$ ideas$ "ost and other hel"#ul #eatures

    at the site( There#ore there is al%a's a need to sta' in#ormed in

    the area hosen so that one an "rovide suh ne% in#ormation

    #or the sites ontent matter(

    F Creatin& avenues #or the availabilit' o# the ne% "ostin&s at the

    site is also needed( Alerts and other #orms "rom"tin& and

    in#ormin& the tar&et audiene o# the ne% material available is

    euall' im"ortant as some ma' not be a%are o# the ne% #eatures

    thus #ail to visit the site(

    F e&ularl' ondutin& u"datin& e>erises at the site %ould also

    hel" to enoura&e the visitors to return to the site as the' %ould

    be assured o# not havin& to vie% outdated in#ormation %hih

    %ill in turn reate the "ereived authorit' on the sub*et matter

    "osted( The visitors %ould then be #irml' onvined that all the

    latest in#ormation an be &otten #rom this "artiular site based

    on the u"datin& e>erise that is "eriodiall' onduted(

    F Condutin& an anal'tial observation e>erise on the visitors

    statistis and their more obvious interest and searhes %ill also

    allo% the individual to ma,e a more in#ormed deision on %hat

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    - 2: -

    to #eature at his or her site( 0eaturin& ontent material that is

    relevant %ill de#initel' ensure return visits as the "artii"ants

    %ould have alread' been ativel' interested in sourin& suh

    material as "art o# their searhin& a&enda(

    F Also one should al%a's ensure that besides #eaturin& ne%

    material "eriodiall' one should also ensure that the visitor is

    Dta,en the ne% material easil' throu&h learl' sho%n lin,s(

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    Cha"ter =4se Net%or, E>han&es


    ta'in& om"etitive is al%a's a "riorit' %hen it omes to ,ee"in& the

    site relevant( In tr'in& to do so the individual needs to be onstantl'

    and ativel' loo,in& #or ne% in#ormation to be soured$ desi&ned and

    #eatured at his or her site(

    This an "rove to be an u"hill battle es"eiall' #or those %ith time

    onstraints( @o%ever %ith the e>istene o# the net%or, e>han&e

    "lat#orm this "roblem ma' have #ound its solution(

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    The e>han&e net%or, is desi&ned to "rovide in#ormation or siteontent throu&h more e##etive and e##iient hannels %hereb'

    in#ormation is disseminated and shared amon& interested "arties(

    This a""roah o# sourin& and "rovidin& in#ormation is no% &ainin&

    "o"ularit' #or more reasons than *ust bein& able to eliminate the

    individuals need to be tied to "er#ormin& these e>erises #or


    Another bene#iial use o# the net%or, e>han&e is that a variet' o#

    vie%"oints an be aessed thou&h this method( Instead o# havin&

    *ust the in#ormation based on the vie%s and e##orts o# one "erson$ the

    e>han&e e>erise #ailitates the "lat#orm to be e##etivel' boundless

    thus "rovidin& sur"risin&l' more innovative ontents based on other

    "oints o# vie%(

    This is also es"eiall' use#ul i# the other "artii"ants are more

    tehnolo&iall' sound in their ontent ontribution and an "rovide

    irre#utable in#ormation(

    Ta""in& into this %ill #urther enhane the trust%orth' element ta&&ed

    to the individuals site as the ontent is auired #or reliable soures(

    0inaniall' this ould also be an advanta&e as "ooled resoures

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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    shared are better than havin& to &et ever'thin& done alone( This

    method o# net%or, e>han&e also enoura&es interative

    develo"ments %hih in turn an lead to other branhed out ontent


    The e>erise o# researhin& and &atherin& in#ormation an o#ten be a

    rather tedious and stress#ul e>erise there#ore havin& the net%or,

    e>han&e tool reates the better s"readin& out o# the %or, load in a

    more mana&eable %a'(

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


    - /B -

    Cha"ter ?@ave A%esome Content


    In the uest to reate a site that stands above the rest e>"lorin& the

    "ossibilities o# "rovidin& a%esome ontent an be an o"tion to loo,


    As ever' site on the internet is &oin& to be "rovidin& similar

    in#ormation on related to"is$ the individual should ta,e the trouble

    to desi&n the site to #eature a%esome material(

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    The Content

    @ere are some bene#its to onsiderin& #eaturin& a%esome ontent atthe %ebsite

    )ider searh en&ine "ro#ile is about uanti#'in& the tra##i #lo% usin&

    the searh en&ine bots throu&h the "ro#ile e>erise %hih an be done

    %ith a%esome material ontent(

    3' inreasin& the level o# the ontent to sim"l' a%esome$ the tra##i

    #lo% to the site an be "henomenal(

    6a,in& researh and ualit' in#ormation a "riorit' %hen sourin& #or

    ontent material %ill eventuall' ideall' reate the "lat#orm #or

    a%esome ontent(

    This ontent an then be #eatured at the site$ %here it %ill be

    identi#ied as deservin& o# hi&her ran,in& based on ualit' %or,


    )hen the searh en&ine does this there is an automati "ositive

    reation #rom the vie%in& "arties %hereb' the' %ould #ous more on

    suh sites %hen sur#in&(

    0resh$ ne% and e>itin& one"ts %hen introdued at the site %ill be

    onsidered an a%esome element es"eiall' i# the idea is "ratial and


    Providin& suh a%esome ontent "eriodiall' %ill reate the

    e>itement that drives the tra##i to the site thus e##etivel' reatin& a

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    Dbu++ around the site(

    A%esome material ontent an also reate a &ood amount o# re#errals

    %hih is ver' &ood #or the site(

    The vie%ers %ho visit the site %ill enoura&e others to do the same

    based on the in#ormation ontent that the' themselves en*o'ed

    vie%in& and #ound to be in#ormative and bene#iial(

    This #orm o# advertisin& is somethin& mone' annot bu' and is the

    ultimate %a' o# &ainin& reo&nition #or the site #eatured(

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    - // -

    )ra""in& 4"

    0or those %ho venture into the online internet mar,etin& arena$

    understandin& that all does not un#old instantaneousl' and "ositivel'

    is "ivotal in ,ee"in& them in the &ame( Patiene and "erseverane is

    somethin& that should be "art o# the ma,eu" o# the individual

    other%ise the #ora' into this #ield %ill be short and disastrous(

    3ein& "atient %hen attem"tin& to "rodue a %innin& %ebsite is a&ood harateristi to have es"eiall' %hen most ne% omers are all

    #ired u" and read' to har&e head on into the desi&nin& and reatin&

    "art o# the e>erise(

    This %ould lead to an enthusiasm that i# le#t unurbed ould ause

    detrimental e##ets to the desi&nin& "art o# the %hole e>"eriene(

    Althou&h enthusiasm is a &ood thin& to have$ too muh o# it %ill

    ontribute to the individual tr'in& to "ut too man' items into the

    ontent material %hih %ould ultimatel' end u" on#usin& the vie%er(

    )hen "roblems arise %hih the' inventibl' %ill the individual have to

    have the reserves to ta" into in order to ,ee" the "erseverane real

    and ontinuous( ometimes this ma' mean havin& to revam" the

    %hole site #rom ontent to desi&n and ma'be even to"i hoie(

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    - /8 -

    Thou&h this ma' "rove to be di##iult #or those %ho "ereive their

    %or, as bein& #aultless$ it is still a neessar' ta, to arr' out(

    Perha"s the ontent #eatured at the time %as not %hat the "ros"et%ere loo,in& #or thus overloo,in& the site alto&ether( It does not

    al%a's mean that the site itsel# is "oorl' desi&ned or "osted(

    Throu&h the e>"eriene o# trial and error the individual is also able to

    auire valuable e>"eriene alon& the %a' %hih ma' "rove to be an

    asset in the lon& run(

    The e>"eriene %ill also arm the individual %ith the in#ormation that

    ould be used in the #uture should it be deemed bene#iial$ neessar'

    or urrent(

    Cli, @ere1 htt"1&uideri&ht&rou"(omAuto-3lo&-2amurai-2o#t%are

  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


    - /9 -

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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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  • 8/10/2019 Site Promotion Success


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