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Sipping Fuel and Saving Lives:Increasing Fuel Economy WithoutSacrificing Safety

A Report Informed by an October 3, 2006, Experts Workshopon Simultaneously Improving Vehicle Safety and FuelEconomyThrough Improvements in Vehicle Design and Materials

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Sipping Fuel and Saving Lives:Increasing Fuel Economy Without Sacrificing Safety

A Report Informed by an October 3, 2006, Experts Workshop onSimultaneously Improving Vehicle Safety and Fuel EconomyThrough Improvements in Vehicle Design and Materials

Prepared for The International Council on Clean Transportation

byDeborah GordonTransportation Policy Consultant

David L. GreeneFuel Economy Policy Expert

Marc H. RossUniversity of Michigan

Department of Physics, Emeritus Professor

Tom P. WenzelLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

June 2007


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The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) seeks to dramatically reduce

conventional pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from personal, public, and goods

transportation in order to improve air quality and human health, and mitigate climate change.

The Council is made up of the leading regulators and experts from around the world that

participate as individuals based on their experience with air quality and transportation issues.

The ICCT promotes best practices and comprehensive solutions to improve vehicle emis-

sions and efficiency, increase fuel quality and sustainability of alternative fuels, reduce pollu-

tion from the in-use fleet, and curtail emission from international goods movement.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which provided support for the report, makes

grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where

risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time. The Foundation places a

high value on sustaining and improving institutions that make positive contributions to society.

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Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 Building Higher-Fuel-Economy, Safer Vehicles

3 Introduction: Slow Progress on Vehicle Fuel Economy and Safety

5 The Potential for Improved Fuel Economy and Safety

5 Why Vehicle Fuel Economy and Safety Improvements Matter

Climate Change and Air Pollution

Oil Dependence and Economic Disruption

Oil Imports, National Security, and Trade Deficits

Injury and Fatality

7 Safety and Fuel Economy: New Realities

Reality #1: Fuel economy standards have not stopped Americans from buying large auto

Reality #2: Lightweight, fuel-efficient vehicles can be built for safety

Reality #3: Some SUVs and pickups pose safety risks for their drivers and others on the road

Reality #4: Fuel economy improvements have not occurred through market forces

11 Concepts and Technologies Underpinning Safety and Fuel Economy

Fuel Economy Technologies

Safety Technologies

Vehicle Weight

Technology Costs

15 Research Findings on Vehicle Fuel Economy and Safety

15 Challenges and Barriers

Safety Testing Limitations

Model Limitations

Safety Testing Limitations

Consumer Information Limitations

16 Opportunities for Moving Forward—Sipping Fuel and Saving Lives

18 Appendix A: List of Expert Attendees and Affiliations

21 Appendix B: Summary of Workshop Papers and PowerPoint Presentations

24 References

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The public, automakers, and policymakers have longworried about trade-offs between increased fuel econo-my in motor vehicles and reduced safety. The conclusionof a broad group of experts on safety and fuel economyin the auto sector is that no trade-off is required. Thereare a wide variety of technologies and approaches avail-able to advance vehicle fuel economy that have no effecton vehicle safety. Conversely, there are many technolo-gies and approaches available to advance vehicle safetythat are not detrimental to vehicle fuel economy.

Congress is considering new policies to increase thefuel economy of new automobiles in order to reduceoil dependence and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.The findings reported here offer reassurance on animportant dimension of that work: It is possible to sig-nificantly increase the fuel economy of motor vehicleswithout compromising their safety.

Automobiles on the road today demonstrate that high-er fuel economy and greater safety can co-exist. Someof the safest vehicles have higher fuel economy, whilesome of the least safe vehicles driven today — heavy,large trucks and SUVs — have the lowest fuel economy(see graph).

At an October 3, 2006 workshop, leading researchersfrom national laboratories, academia, auto manufactur-ers, insurance research industry, consumer and envi-ronmental groups, material supply industries, and thefederal government agreed that vehicles could bedesigned to simultaneously improve safety and fueleconomy. The real question is not whether we can real-ize this goal, but the best path to get there.

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Safety Risks of Vehicles with High and Low Fuel Economy**

Source: Wenzel and Ross 2006

* Hybrid model available

** Combined risk includes the risks to own driver and to other drivers

Note: All green cross hatch bars (////) represent fuel efficient vehicle models; All red cross hatch bars (\\\\) represent inefficientvehicle models.




























































Executive Summary

The experts’ studies reveal important new conclusionsabout fuel economy and safety, including:

• Vehicle fuel economy can be increased withoutaffecting safety, and vice versa.

• Reducing the weight and height of the heaviestSUVs and pickup trucks will simultaneouslyincrease both their fuel economy and overallsafety.

• Advanced materials can decouple size frommass, creating important new possibilities forincreasing both fuel economy and safety with-out compromising functionality.

Building Higher-Fuel-Economy,Safer VehiclesThe key to delivering both safety and fuel economy liesin vehicle design. Poor design decisions and bad tech-nology choices undermine vehicle safety as well as fueleconomy. The main factors influencing vehicle safety

include crashworthiness, crash avoidance, and built-inaggressivity. Crashworthiness considers the ability of avehicle to protect its occupants in the event of a crash.Crash avoidance is the ability of a vehicle, throughmanual and automated handling and braking, to avoida serious crash altogether. Aggressivity is determinedby designs that make a vehicle incompatible and moredangerous to others it comes into contact with.

Technologies exist today that can improve light-dutyvehicle fuel economy by up to 50 percent over the next10 years without reducing the size of vehicles. Withgasoline prices in the vicinity of $3.00 per gallon, fuelsavings alone would pay for these improvements. Ifthese technologies were carefully applied, in accor-dance with safety and environmental standards, fueleconomy could be increased dramatically with noimpact on safety. In addition, there are technologiesavailable to improve vehicle safety that would have lit-tle or no effect on fuel economy (see examples in table).

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Some Technology Options for Increasing Fuel Economy and/or Safety

Sources: UCS 2006; NRC 2002; German 2006; Authors’ estimations. “+” represent degrees of gain for each technology,+++ with the greatest gains. * The additional weight of safety technologies is small and only affects fuel economy on themargin.

Uni-body Construction/ Advanced High-Strength& Aluminum

Low-Friction 6-Cylinder Engine

Direct Injection Engine

Integrated Starter-Generator

6-Speed Automatic Transmission

Lower Rolling Resistance Tires, improved aerodynamics & accessories

Effective Electronic Seat Belt Reminders

Stronger Roof and Body Structure

Electronic Stability Control

Rollover-Activated Belt Pretensioners

Window Curtain Air Bags

Lower Aluminum Bumper Beams

Automated Event Accident Recorders

Available Vehicle Technologies Relative Fuel Economy Gain

Relative Safety Gain







no effect

no effect*

no effect*

no effect

no effect*

no effect

no effect*


no effect

no effect

no effect

no effect

no effect








Many experts at the workshop agreed that strategicweight reduction (that is, using new lightweightmaterials to reduce weight while holding vehicle size

constant and reducing the weight of the heaviesttrucks and SUVs to make them less aggressive) couldbe achieved while maintaining, or even improving,safety. Although some workshop participants dis-agreed with this conclusion, all participants did agreethat there is ample opportunity to improve fuel econo-my without reducing vehicle crashworthiness andoccupant safety. Automakers have not consistentlyoptimized their vehicle designs, and there are manydesign and behavioral variables that can affect safety.Nevertheless, some automakers—VW and Honda, forexample—are designing their lighter vehicles to be assafe as heavier vehicles and with higher fuel economy.Several manufacturers with strong safety records, espe-cially for the European market, are producing a fleet oflightweight, safe, high-fuel-economy cars.

Henry Ford himself likely would have agreed that lowvehicle mass is not inherently detrimental to safety. Heclaimed in his 1922 memoir that he would have madehis Model T lighter if he had only known how.

Introduction: Slow Progress onVehicle Fuel Economy and SafetyHenry Ford felt, when it came to automobiles, strongand light took the prize. Ford stressed, “For someclumsy reason we have come to confuse strength withweight. Weight may be desirable in a steamroller, butnowhere else. The old ox-cart weighed a ton—and ithad so much weight that it was weak! The most beau-tiful things in the world are those from which all excessweight has been eliminated. The car that I designedwas lighter than any car that had yet been made. Itwould have been lighter if I had known how to makeit so” (Ford 1922).

The Model T weighed in at 1,200 pounds and was saidto cover an estimated 20 miles on a gallon of gasoline.Henry Ford probably could not have envisioned thatvehicles with curb weights of 3 tons, such as the F-350pickup, would routinely roll off his assembly lines in

2007. Many of these trucks are so heavy that they havebeen exempt from having their fuel economy measuredand reported, but they likely travel less on a gallon ofgasoline that the century-older Model T.1 In spite oftheir excessive weight, the largest SUVs and trucks aresome of the least safe autos on the road today.

Automobiles have changed over the years—at leastsomewhat. In 1975, a typical American passenger cardrove 13.5 miles per gallon, weighed 4,058 pounds,had a 136-horsepower engine, and featured an interiorvolume of 110 cubic feet. Cars were the norm, withlight trucks comprising fewer than one in five light-duty vehicles sold—predominantly for agriculture,delivery, and other business purposes. The typical lighttruck got 11.6 miles per gallon, weighed 4,072 pounds,and had a 142-horsepower engine (Heavenrich 2006).

Thirty years later, the average 2006 model year light-duty passenger vehicle weighs in at 4,142 pounds—only 2 percent more than 1975. And the average vehi-cle fuel economy is now 21 miles per gallon, 60 percenthigher than 1975. This increase has been achieveddespite the fact that light trucks now claim 50 percentof the new light-duty vehicle fleet, and passenger carhorsepower increased 46 percent, while light truckhorsepower was up 68 percent (Heavenrich 2006).

Automakers have succeeded in increasing vehicle fueleconomy and safety. Fatality rates (deaths per capita)from auto accidents have fallen over the past fourdecades by 43 percent, while injury rates have droppedon the order of 35 percent (NHTSA 2006). And evenas new vehicles became more and more powerful,equipped with accessories that consumed increasingamounts of fuel, the average new vehicle fleet-widefuel economy stood steady at 21 miles per gallon.

In reality, unfortunately, less progress has been madethan appears to be the case. The entire 60 percent risein new vehicle fuel economy took place immediatelyafter Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) stan-dards were implemented. Since 1982 the fuel economyof new autos has not essentially changed (Heavenrich2006). The driver fatality rate per million vehicles for

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1 Current CAFE standards exempt vehicles over 8,500 pounds GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating, or total carrying capacity); manyof today’s trucks and SUVs are not regulated in terms of their fuel economy.

new, one- to three-year-old vehicles increased shortlyafter CAFE standards were adopted, but has sincedeclined by more than 50 percent (see figure above).Despite this progress in new vehicle safety in the U.S.,the European Union, Canada, and Japan have seeneven more dramatic reductions in fatality rates (see

figure below). Fewer light-duty trucks, more stringentseatbelt and drunk driving laws, tighter driver licens-ing requirements, and accelerated use of new safetytechnologies in other countries might help explain whyfatality rates have decreased more rapidly in otherdeveloped nations.

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U.S. New Light-Duty Vehicle Rated Fuel Economy and On-Road Driver Fatality Rate (per million vehicles)

International Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates*, per million vehicles and total

The Potential for Improved FuelEconomy and Safety

Improved fuel economy and safety are available inselect models. The fuel economies of the “best in theirclass” are on the order of 15–20 percent higher than the“worst in class.” For example, a similarly sized andequipped Hyundai Elantra (28 combined mpg) con-sumes 18 percent less fuel than the Mazda 6 (23 mpg).For any given model, more-powerful, automatic ver-sions have on the order of 20 percent greater fuel con-sumption than their less-powerful, manual configura-tions—VW Passat delivers 24 mpg for a manual, 4-cylinder, 2-liter engine versus 19 mpg for an automatic,6-cylinder, 3.6-liter engine. Hybrid models deliver vary-ing improvements in fuel savings, depending on thetype of hybridization and the specific design decisionsaffecting the allocation among fuel economy, weight,power, and performance. Compare today’s hybrids totheir conventional counterparts: the Ford Escape (19mpg) versus the Ford Escape Hybrid (30 mpg), a 37percent fuel savings; Honda Civic DX (29 mpg) to theCivic Hybrid (42 mpg), a 31 percent fuel savings; andthe Toyota Matrix (27 mpg) to the Toyota Prius (46mpg), a 41 percent fuel savings2 (US EPA 2007).

Many technologies are available for even further fueleconomy improvement—gasoline direct injectionengines with lean burn and turbocharging, variablevalve timing and lift control, engine idle off, cylinderdeactivation, camless valve activation, electric powersteering, electric water pumps, lightweight construc-tion, improved aerodynamic design, lower-rolling-resistance tires, and a growing number of other enginetechnology and transmission improvements. TheNational Academy of Sciences (NAS) reported in 2002that it was feasible for automakers to bring theirnational fleet-wide average fuel economy up to at least37.1 miles per gallon (NRC 2002). Other researchersclaim higher potential gains—to nearly 42 miles pergallon fleet-wide (UCS 2006).

The stunning potential for enhanced vehicle safety is nodifferent. Many safety technologies and lightweightmaterials are available—electronic stability control,stronger roofs, pillars to improve crashworthiness, com-

patible car and truck front-end heights, side curtainairbags, strong lightweight materials, and improvedseatbelts are some of the most promising technologies.In addition, more stringent seat belt and drunk drivinglaws and their enforcement, and tighter driver licensingrequirements, have already led to significant declines inon-road fatalities, and more can be done.

This report is informed by a workshop for automotiveanalysts on how fuel economy can be advanced with-out sacrificing vehicle safety. The analysts’ overarchingconclusion is that no trade-off is required betweenvehicle safety and fuel economy; these important goalscan be optimized simultaneously.

In this document we describe the benefits of improv-ing vehicle fuel economy and safety; clarify some of thecommon misunderstandings about the complex rela-tionship between fuel economy and safety; introducethe design concepts and technologies that exist todayto build safer and higher-fuel-economy autos; discussthe newest research from the workshop that informsthis report; identify a few of the challenges and barri-ers that safer, higher-fuel-economy vehicles face; andconclude with opportunities for moving forward.

Why Vehicle Fuel Economy andSafety Improvements MatterIt is becoming increasingly important to package fueleconomy and safety together in the vehicles we drive.There are many reasons for this. Improved vehicle fueleconomy and safety address many problems at once—climate change, air pollution, oil dependence, oilimports, national security, trade deficits, and the inci-dence and severity of traffic injuries and fatalities aredirectly influenced by the vehicles that manufacturersdesign and consumers purchase.

Climate Change and Air PollutionThe increase in global temperatures that has long beenpredicted to alter the climate has already begun toaffect many of Earth’s life systems. Warming over the20th century has led to shrinking glaciers, thawing per-mafrost, shifts in plant and animal habitats, and theproliferation of insects (IPCC 2001). The U.S. has

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2 EPA recently revised the methods for estimating vehicle fuel economy to better represent current driving styles and conditions. Thenew methods apply to model year 2008 and later vehicles; see for more details.

done little to rein in the irreversible damage that is beingdone—especially when it comes to U.S.-made automo-biles. The link between autos and climate change is adirect one. Every gallon of gasoline burned releasesapproximately 20 pounds of carbon dioxide. The U.S.emits more carbon dioxide (the principal greenhousegas) than Japan, Canada, Australia, and all of WesternEurope combined (EIA 2006). Even on a per-capitabasis, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are more than dou-ble those in Japan and Western European nations andgreater than Canada and Australia.

Diesel fuel has long presented a confounding concernwhen it comes to delivering greater fuel economy whileprotecting public health. Diesel engines are inherentlymore fuel-efficient than those running on gasoline. Yetthe South Coast Air Quality Management Districtfound diesel exhaust to be carcinogenic in a landmarkstudy (SCAQMD 2000). New, cleaner ultra-low-sulfurdiesel is now on the market. Cleaner diesel fuelsshould produce lower particulate emissions as well asallow the use of improved exhaust treatment devices tofurther reduce air pollutant emissions. Cleaner dieselmay make it more viable to use a diesel fuel strategy tobring about fuel economy improvements in the future.

Oil Dependence and Economic DisruptionWhile our entire economy depends to a certain extenton oil, transportation is the sector most affected.Gasoline used by motor vehicles accounts for 70 per-cent of all U.S. oil consumption (EIA 2007a).

Oil prices have fluctuated dramatically over the past35 years (see figure above). These price swings are dis-ruptive, and they make it very difficult for consumersto make rational vehicle purchase decisions. Private oilcompanies have little control over market prices.OPEC has more influence on prices through theirlong-run decisions about production capacity andtheir short-run decisions about production quotas.There are also uncontrollable factors influencing oilsupply and demand, from aging refineries to increasingfuel use by China and elsewhere to debilitating hurri-canes. A terrorist attack on Saudi oil infrastructurecould send a barrel of crude past $100; a financial-mar-ket crash could push it below $10. Perhaps the onlyguarantee is that the price of oil is unlikely to remainstable in the future, making it difficult for the marketto meet fuel economy goals without guidance frompublic policy.

Oil Imports, National Security, and TradeDeficitsThe world’s petroleum markets, once under the con-trol of private corporations in the U.S. and Europe, arenow owned and run by new corporate structures.Through the 1960s, private, Western corporations hadaccess to 85 percent of the world’s oil reserves. Today,most of the world’s oil and gas is restricted or entirelycordoned off from the West. Instead, oil nations con-trol over two-thirds of the world’s oil. (EIA 2007 b).Oil imports supply 60 percent of U.S. demands—withnearly one-half of these imports from OPEC nations.

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rel 60







1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

World Crude Oil Price Fluctuations, 1970–2006

Nigerian BonnyLight Indonesian


Saudi Arabian Light

Source: EIA 2007a

National security is, in part, influenced by oil flows. Andthese are increasingly influenced by political conditions.

Not only is the U.S. dependent on these oil-richnations, trillions of American dollars are handed overeach decade to totalitarian regimes in exchange forpetroleum. A U.S. trade deficit on the order of $300billion a year is due to oil imports (Jackson 2006).Moreover, as much as an estimated $60 billion a year isspent on military defense of oil supplies in the MiddleEast (Davis 2006). These sums are expected to rise.

Injury and FatalityAccidents, injuries, and fatalities are still numerousdespite technological advances, regulation, and publicoutreach. Over 43,000 people are killed and 2.7 mil-lion are injured a year on roads and in motor vehicles(NHTSA 2006). Beyond the pain and suffering causedby traffic accidents, this is a costly situation. Medicalexpenses, lost wages, sick leave, insurance outlays, anda host of other costs can follow a serious injury ordeath. Not only do we have to make vehicles safer fortheir own occupants, we must make vehicles morecompatible with one another to address safety con-cerns for all vehicles traveling on the road.

Safety and Fuel Economy: New RealitiesThe inherent relationship between vehicle safety andfuel economy has long been the subject of discussion.The many technologies available to improve vehicle fueleconomy (particularly those that do not involve weightreduction) have no impact on vehicle safety. Thoseapproaches that strategically reduce vehicle weight(using new lightweight materials to reduce weight whileholding vehicle size constant and reducing the weight ofthe heaviest trucks and SUVs to make them less aggres-sive) also improve fuel economy while maintaining, andperhaps even improving, vehicle safety.

Poor vehicle design decisions, including those thatinvolve badly-executed weight reduction, could com-promise safety. However, such a strategy is not requiredto meet fuel economy goals. Still researchers debate thesafety versus vehicle weight issue. We present theresearch here because it is part of the debate, notbecause it necessary to realizing fuel economy gains.

The potential to improve the fuel economy of light-duty vehicles while also improving traffic safety isdebated because of the claim that lighter vehicles are,and will forever remain, more dangerous for theiroccupants. The critical issue is whether these historicaltendencies are intrinsic, or whether they continue tochange over time with new designs, testing, and soundregulations. The reality is that these relationships arenot intrinsic to motor vehicles. Rather, the linkagesamong fuel economy, vehicle size, weight, and safetyare manageable and are more a function of smart vehi-cle design than any other single factor (Wenzel andRoss 2006).

Two National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) studies examined the effects of hypotheticalchanges in vehicle weight upon fatalities (Kahane1997, 2003). These studies did not distinguish betweenweight and size, claiming heavier vehicles are intrinsi-cally safer than light vehicles. They also did not ade-quately control for the likely correlation betweenunobserved driver attributes (inattentiveness andaggressiveness) and vehicle attributes. A statisticalanalysis of the correlation between fuel economy andtraffic fatalities covering the period from 1966 to 2002have either produced inconclusive results using state-level data (Noland 2004), or have conclusively demon-strated that there was no such correlation at thenational level (Ahmad and Greene 2005).

A more recent study by Dynamic Research, Inc. (DRI),which isolates changes in vehicle size from changes invehicle weight, found that when vehicle size is heldconstant, increases in weight increase fatalities, contra-dicting the Kahane studies’ conclusions (Van Aukenand Zellner 2005a). The DRI study (sponsored byHonda) further indicates that vehicles would be saferif they were made lighter but retained their overalldimensions. A more recent study by Wenzel and Ross(2006) found that on-road safety varies substantially,even for models of similar size and weight, suggestingthat vehicle design plays a large role in safety.

Kahane later acknowledged that his 2003 study “didnot claim that mass per se is the specific factor thatincreases or decreases fatality risk”; rather, “in thistype of analysis, ‘vehicle mass’ incorporates not onlythe effects of mass per se but also the effects of many

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other size attributes that are historically…related tomass, such as wheelbase, track width and structuralintegrity.” Changes in the relationship between vehicleweight and size, such as using new, stronger materials toreduce weight while maintaining size, or “increased useof advanced restraint systems or sophisticated crashavoidance safety devices, could have a noticeable impacton the historical relationship between vehicle mass andfatality risk in future vehicle fleets” (Kahane 2004).

The DRI and Wenzel and Ross results on the differenteffects of weight and size on safety are also consistentwith results reported by O’Neill, Evans, Kebschull,and many others. O’Neill, Joksch, and Haddon report-ed in 1974 that increases in vehicle size were “primari-ly protective,” whereas increases in vehicle weight was“primarily hostile” (O’Neill, Joksch, and Haddon1974). O’Neill later added that “cars with added crushdistance can provide increased protection not only totheir occupants but to the occupants of other vehicleswith which they may collide. Weight, on the otherhand, protects some occupants but often at theexpense of others” (O’Neill 1998). Evans reportedempirical equations for fatality risk in two-vehicle,head-on collisions that indicate that weight reductiontends to have a self-canceling effect on the total driverfatality risk (Evans 2001, 2004). But reducing thelength of either car increases the total risk to both driv-ers (Van Auken and Zellner 2005). Kebschull et al(2004) reported results based on computer crash sim-ulations of three SUV designs (a base-line SUV, reduced-weight SUV, andincreased-length SUV) in a nationallyrepresentative sample of real-worldaccidents. The computer simulationresults indicated that the reduced-weight SUV and the increased-lengthSUV both had improved overall safetycompared to the baseline vehicle.

There are excellent reasons to believethat the relationship between safety andfuel economy in any give vehicle modelcan be positive and mutually enforcing.Here are recent research findings:Increasing vehicle weight is not inher-ent to safety. Vehicle size, specificallycrush space, does provide safety in cer-

tain types of crashes. The benefits of size have beenconfused with vehicle weight, because these two attrib-utes are correlated across the vehicle fleet in any givenyear. And certain measures of size, such as bumperheight and center of gravity, are detrimental to safety:high bumpers contribute to the aggressivity of trucksin crashes with cars, and a high center of gravityincreases the propensity of SUVs and pickups to rollover. However, breakthroughs in materials and othertechnologies mean that historical correlations betweenweight and size, and thus safety, will not necessarilycontinue in the future.

These findings are supported by evidence that we nowhave in hand on vehicle fuel economy and safety.

Reality #1: Fuel economy standards have notstopped Americans from buying large autos.Data reveal what a glimpse down any street in Americashows—the size of the auto fleet has not uniformlyshifted downward under CAFE standards. Instead, theupsizing of the vehicle fleet occurred at the same timethat vehicle fuel economy increased significantly acrossthe board.

Comparing model year 2005 with 1975 (prior to imple-mentation of CAFE standards), it is clear overall thatnew vehicles got larger, not smaller (see figure;Heavenrich 2006). Today four of five new autos soldare midsize and large vehicles.

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Auto Size Shifts Over Time, 1975 to 2003

Heavenrich, 2006 Note: Car size based on interior volume; truck size based on wheelbase.

Reality #2: Lightweight, fuel-efficient vehicles can be built for safety.Poor vehicle design decisions cause unsafe autos to bebuilt. A variety of technological options for increasingthe energy efficiency of engines, transmissions, andaccessories and reducing aerodynamic drag and rollingresistance are available that are unrelated to vehiclesize or weight (NRC 2002). Technology rather thansize or weight has been the predominant factor in pastfuel economy improvements (Greene 2006).

Looking to the future, vehicle weight reduction in allvehicles offers opportunities for significant fleet-widefuel economy improvements. But this will not causeunsafe autos to be built. The simple laws of collisionsimply that velocity changes in a crash are dependenton relative, not absolute, mass, and they provide no apriori reason to think that making all vehicles lighterwould have either a good or bad effect. Thus, if allvehicles’ weights were reduced by an equal percentage,there would be no effect on safety. The key intuitiveargument linking fuel economy to vehicle weight to

safety is actually not applicable to a fleet-wide reduc-tion in weight (Greene 2006).

The greater the differences in vehicle masses, the worsethe overall safety impacts. Not only are the heaviest,largest SUVs and pickups more aggressive towardother vehicles, they also have their own safety problemsregarding rolling over and compromised crash avoid-ance capabilities. Wenzel and Ross (2006) suggest thatit is useful to consider combined risks that include boththe risk-to-driver and the risk-to-others (who share theroad) when assessing overall vehicle safety.

The safest subcompact car models have a similar com-bined risk as larger and heavier midsize and large cars(see figure). The average SUV has a similar combinedrisk as the average compact car. Combined riskincreases as pickup truck size increases. This countersthe assertions that the largest, heaviest vehicles areinherently safer than smaller, lighter models, and thathigher fuel economy translates into lower safety.

Today most of the vehicles with lowersafety risks are Asian and German mod-els, and those with higher safety risks areU.S. models. For example, the safestsubcompact car models with the lowestrisk to their own drivers are the VWJetta (54), VW Beetle (67), HyundaiElantra (86), and Honda Civic (88),while those with the highest risk are theDodge Neon (179), Chevy Cavalier(168), Pontiac Sunfire (154), and FordEscort (152) (Wenzel and Ross 2006).

Similarly, the safest SUV models with thelowest risks to their own drivers areAsian models—Lexus RX300/330 (24)and Honda CR-V (40), while those withthe highest risk are U.S. models, includ-ing the Chevy Blazer (125), GMJimmy/Envoy (110), Ford Explorer (96),and Chevy Tahoe (93) (Wenzel and Ross2006). The safety differences betweenmanufacturers are due, in part, to manu-facturing decisions on their individualdesigns and the safety technologiesincorporated into specific models.

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Combined Safety Risks*, by Vehicle Type

Source: Wenzel and Ross 2006 *Differences of less than 10 percent between vehicle types are not statistically significant.

Reality #3: Some SUVs and pickups pose safety risks for their drivers and others on the road.Most Americans—55 percent of those surveyed in arecent TIME/CNN poll—believe SUVs are safer thancars because of their sheer size (Cloud 2003). But theperception of safety is not, in reality, safety. The truthis that the correlation between specific vehicle modelsand their fuel economy and safety is influenced greatlyby design and driver behavior. Heavier SUVs and lighttrucks do not guarantee passenger safety. WitnessSUVs’ propensity to roll over and heavy pickup trucks’long stopping distance and inability to maneuver toavoid a crash. NHTSA’s previous administrator, JeffreyW. Runge, M.D., a former emergency-room doctor,stated that he wouldn’t let his children drive any SUVwith a high propensity to roll over, even “if it was thelast one on Earth.” Runge (2003) continued that con-sumers may sit in a vehicle and feel safe, “but gutinstinct…isn’t very good for buying a safe automo-bile.” Moreover, SUV and light-truck aggressivitytoward other vehicles makes them a risk to other driv-ers due to their incompatible design with other autos.

Some of the least safe vehicles on the road today— interms of both safety to their own occupants and toother vehicles on the road—are the largest SUVs andtrucks (see graph).

Reality #4: Fuel economy improvements havenot occurred through market forces.In the three decades since the first U.S. oil crisis in1973, consumers have rarely signaled their desire forhigher fuel economy. The reality is that it takesupwards of a 15-year cycle for automakers to make andconsumers to purchase an entirely new auto fleet(Greene 2006). Moreover, consumers have been foundto value only the first three years of fuel savings, notthe 14-year paybacks assumed in models (Greene2004). These conditions have made it difficult for themarket, unaided by public policies, to deliver an opti-mal level of fuel economy over time.

For the 2006 model year, less than 1 percent of all vehi-cles available for purchase achieved over 40 mpg; 3percent were above average in mileage (30–39 mpg);57 percent of the vehicles available scored an average

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Overall Driving Risks of the Most-Popular Vehicle Models



Source: Wenzel and Ross 2006.Note: Differences of less than 20 percent between models not statistically significant.

fuel economy (20–29 mpg); and 40 percent were under 20 mpg (US EPA and US DOE 2007; CAS 2006).When record-high gasoline prices appeared at U.S.pumps in summer 2006, market forces could notinstantaneously deliver a fuel-efficient product line-up.

Automakers at times have considered voluntary actionto increase fuel economy. But market-driven improve-ments are slow. Enhanced power and performancehave typically taken precedence over gasoline savings(see figure; Greene 2006).

Concepts and TechnologiesUnderpinning Safety and Fuel EconomyThe principal factors influencing vehicle fuel economyare relatively straightforward—the energy efficiency ofthe overall vehicle balanced against its demand forpower. Driver behavior and the driving environmentalso influence fuel economy, but to a lesser degree.

The elements underpinning vehicle safety are morecomplex. The most important factors3 that influencesafety are: drivers, the driving environment, and vehicledesign, including crash avoidance, crashworthiness,and specific safety features. Drowsiness, inexperience,

aggressiveness, alcohol, and distractions aresome of the underlying factors that account fordriving errors causing accidents. Poor weather,poorly designed roads, high speed limits, andstop-and-go traffic are examples of driving con-ditions that can lead to accidents.

Crash avoidance is the ability of a vehicle,through driver-controlled and automated han-dling and braking, to avoid a serious crash alto-gether. New electronic stability control (ESC)systems, which selectively apply the brakes atindividual wheels, keep the vehicle from under-steering or oversteering. ESC systems also cutpower from the engine to help slow the vehicle.These measures help the driver maintain controlof the vehicle and keep it on the road. NHTSAhas proposed requiring ESC on all new lightmotor vehicles, which shows great promise inreducing serious injuries and fatalities.

Crashworthiness refers to the ability of a vehicle to pro-tect its occupants once a crash has occurred.Standardized laboratory crash tests are used to simu-late prescribed frontal and side crashes and rollovers.Engineers strive to minimize occupant deceleration,through vehicle weight and size (to absorb energy),and to protect occupants by designing a strong andrigid compartment (to prevent intrusion) that never-theless tends to cushion those in other vehicles.

Crash compatibility is determined by the effect onevehicle’s design and engineering has on others it comesinto contact with in a crash. Crash compatibility isaffected by the geometry of protective structures, rela-tive vehicle and occupant compartment stiffness (stiffervehicles and compartments provide greater protection,but can intrude more if the crashing vehicles’ geome-tries do not match), and relative vehicle weights (heav-ier vehicles have lower crash energy absorption thanlighter vehicles). Aggressivity is determined by designsthat make a vehicle incompatible with and more dan-gerous to others it comes into contact with.

Vehicle designs can be optimized to improve safetyand fuel economy performance. Many options are

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Trends in Fuel Economy and Related Factors

Source: Greene 2006.

3 Researchers do not know the rank of the factors affecting vehicle safety; these are not listed in any particular order.

available to increase fuel economy without compro-mising vehicle safety. Likewise, there are many avenuesavailable to increase vehicle crashworthiness, crashavoidance, crash compatibility, and driver safety thathave no bearing on fuel economy. It is entirely possibleto build a safe motor vehicle that sips fuel—here’s how.

Fuel Economy TechnologiesSeveral technologies are readily available to increasefuel economy with no effect on safety: lower rollingresistance tires; smoother, lower body with redesignedmirrors for better aerodynamics; more efficient acces-sories such as electric power steering; integratedstarter-generator; 7+ speed automatic-manual trans-mission; camless valve actuation, low-friction lubri-cants; variable valve timing and lift control; and gaso-line direct-injection engines with lean burn and tur-bocharging, and other options (NRC 2002; UCS2003).

Switching to diesel fuel may be another future optionfor improving fuel economy without impacting safety.Efficient diesel engines can boost fuel economy byabout 20 percent or potentially much more. Cleandiesel fuel and advanced diesel engines equipped witheffective after-treatment devices could deliver addi-tional fuel economy benefits without exacerbatingpublic health risks through increased airtoxic emissions.

Hybrid-electric drive vehicles (HEVs) runon electricity and gasoline and have thepotential to deliver 30 to 60 percent higherfuel economy, without impacting vehiclesafety (German 2007). Hybrid-electric vehi-cles (HEVs) can be configured to obtaindifferent objectives, such as fuel savings,increased power, or additional auxiliarypower for electronic devices and powertools. Some current hybrid vehicles delivergreater fuel savings than others, while someperform better in highway driving and oth-ers in city driving, depending on the type ofhybrid system employed. Toyota’s hybrid,Prius, gets an estimated 48/45 (city/high-way) mpg, Honda’s Civic hybrid drives40/45 miles on a gallon of gasoline, Ford’shybrid Escape 4WD reports 28/27 mpg,

and the Saturn Vue gets 27/32 mpg (US EPA and USDOE 2007).

Safety TechnologiesSimilarly, there are many safety technologies that willnot affect fuel economy such as side curtain air bags;front and rear crumple zones; electronic stability con-trol; lower bumpers; rollover-activated belt pretension-ers on all seats; stronger roof; and electronic seat-beltreminders on all seats (UCS 2006).

The fatality rate in rollovers in new SUVs has been cutin half over the past six years (see figure below). Thisdecline can be attributed to manufacturers reducingthe center of gravity and increasing the track width innewer SUV models, particularly the car-based“crossover” SUVs, making them more stable. Thisillustrates quite dramatically how vehicle design affectsfatality rates in new vehicles over time.

When it comes to multi-vehicle crashes, vehicle safetydoes not only entail how well designed your vehicle is;it also depends on the compatibility between vehiclesin the event of an accident. Differences in vehiclestructural geometry may translate into one vehicleintruding into the compartment of another. Likewise,stiffer vehicles will crush less-than-softer vehicles,

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Driver Fatality Rates in Rollover Crashes in One- toThree-Year-Old Vehicles, By Year and Vehicle Type

Source: Wenzel and Ross 2006

which can increase intrusion into the occupant com-partment of the softer vehicle. And relative vehicleweights can mean that the lighter vehicle has highercrash energy absorption. This makes design configura-tion and geometry of vital importance in building asafer vehicle.

Crashworthiness is enhanced when occupant decelera-tion is minimized and occupants are adequately pro-tected in the vehicle itself. Achieving this translatesinto ample space for the vehicle to crush and absorbthe energy transferred in a crash, as well as the strengthand rigidity to prevent intrusion into the vehicle in anaccident. The more cushioned and protected the occu-pants are, the better safeguarded they are. Researchhas shown that reductions in curb weight woulddecrease fatalities, while reductions in wheelbasewould increase fatalities, in both one-and two-vehiclecrashes (Van Auken and Zellner 2005b).

The passive safety of smaller vehicles depends largelyon the vehicle’s structural design and the specific mate-rials used. And while smaller (and lighter) vehicleshave less “crush” space to absorb deceleration energyin a crash, they typically have a shorter braking dis-tance and may have better pre-crash dynamics to avoidcollisions altogether 4 (German 2006).

To further improve the safety of vehicles without com-promising fuel economy, manufacturers can developstronger vehicle compartments. The proportion ofhigh-strength materials can be increased for greateroverall integrity in crashes without increasing overallweight. In order to reduce any given vehicle’s aggressiv-ity to other vehicles, stronger structure should be com-pensated for by greater vehicle crush outside the pas-senger compartment. Optimized designs (with simula-tion) and material innovations make it possible to bal-ance the need for improved performance with theneed for weight control (German 2006).

Auto manufacturers have been improving vehicle safe-ty on the margin for decades. Some have been more

innovative than others. For example, Ford first intro-duced seat belt reminders and developed roll-stablitycontrol (Prasad 2007). And as of 2005, Honda’s vehi-cles had vehicle stability assist on light-duty trucks (82percent), side curtain air bags (60 percent), side-sup-plemental restraint system air bags (78 percent), andautomated braking systems (85 percent) (German2006). In 2006, the Honda Civic added telescopingsteering wheels (to prevent driver impact injury), high-strength steel in about 50 percent of its body, ACE(Advanced Compatibility Engineering) body struc-ture, and greater rigidity for improved handling.Manufacturers are now installing electronic stabilitycontrol; in the 2004 model year, 11 percent of cars and13 percent of SUVs had ESC as standard equipment,while another 3 percent of cars and 13 percent ofSUVs had it as an option (IIHS 2007). In 2007,NHTSA passed a rule requiring ESC be installed on allpassenger vehicles (up to 10,000 pounds) which will bephased in between 2008 and 2011 (CFR 2007).

Vehicle WeightIn addition to these technologies to independentlyincrease fuel economy and safety, reductions in vehicleweight, coupled with improved design, could simulta-neously increase both fuel economy and safety. Forexample, the softer and lighter uni-body design in pas-senger cars has distinct safety advantages over thestiffer and heavier body-on-frame designs typicallyused in light-duty trucks. Early “crossover” SUVmodels, using uni-body design, have lower risks, bothto their own drivers and to drivers of other vehicles,than conventional truck-based SUV models (Wenzeland Ross, 2005).

In the 2005 model year, half of SUVs were crossovers(car-based SUV models) with uni-body design. AndHonda’s Ridgeline pickup truck also utilizes uni-bodydesign. Strong, lightweight materials, such as alu-minum, magnesium, light steels, and carbon compos-ites, offer options to better optimize energy manage-ment and mass for all vehicles. Using a systemsapproach, where vehicles are designed to take full

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4 The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) finds that smaller, lighter vehicles are involved in more crashes. This is based oninsurance claim data that indicate that smaller cars incur higher collision insurance losses per vehicle than larger cars. It is not clear,however, that the higher losses are because smaller cars are involved in more crashes, or because the damage to smaller cars is greater,and therefore more costly. (Nevertheless, IIHS believes that there is ample opportunity to improve fuel economy without harmingthe occupant protection characteristics of vehicles.)

advantage of these new materials, can revolutionizevehicle safety and fuel economy simultaneously.

Vehicle mass (or weight) is an undisputed factor invehicle fuel economy. To illustrate the dependence,consider that a mass reduction of 10 percent, coupledwith a reduction in engine size, can increase fuel econ-omy by 8 percent (An, Friedman, and Ross 2002). It’sthe quick and easy fix that automakers hastily turnedto following the 1970s’ oil crises to readily transformtheir bulky gas-guzzlers into “overnight” gas-sippers.The major problem was that these vehicles were poor-ly designed. While a reduction in vehicle mass is oneimportant technique for improving fuel economy, it iscertainly not the only, or even the most effective, one.Many experts believe that weight reduction is not thepriority issue for increasing fuel economy as we moveforward, at least in the short term (Greene 2006).

In another illustrative exercise, researchers concludedthat the safety effect of a 100-pound weight reductionwould vary widely with crash type, increasing fatalitiesin some types of crashes and reducing them in others.For example, reducing the weight of the heaviest lighttrucks was predicted to reduce fatalities in certaintypes of crashes (between heavy trucks and other carsand light trucks) (Kahane 2003).

Additional opportunities remain to safely achievereduction in vehicle mass. Automakers can:

• Design optimal components and local struc-tures to reduce mass.

• Change the basic vehicle structure of conven-tional body-on-frame SUVs and pickups byusing car-based uni-body design (as in the“crossover SUVs” and in the Honda Ridgelinepickup truck).

• Adopt lighter propulsion components, espe-cially small engines capable of switching tohigh power by operating at high speed or withturbocharging, to maintain drivability andmaximum consumer appeal (Shahed 2006).

• Use simpler and lighter transmissions, such asautomatic “manual” or double-clutch tech-nologies or continuously variable transmis-sions.

• Continue to increase the content of light-

weight materials, such as high-strength steelssupported by advanced steel forming, lightmetals (aluminum and magnesium), and fiber-reinforced plastics (DeCicco 2005; Lovins et al.2005).

If automakers pursue this strategy, vehicle weightreduction should be accompanied by compatibledesign elements to overcome the intrinsic propertywhereby in a collision with another vehicle or roadsideobject, the lighter of the pair is more strongly deceler-ated. Depending on the details of the crash, thestronger deceleration may create a greater risk to theoccupants in a lighter vehicle. But this additional riskis relatively small compared to what frequently hap-pens in a serious crash—intrusion into the passengercompartment; vehicle rollover; or failure of therestraints to keep occupants away from contact withhard interior surfaces (Ross, Patel, and Wenzel 2006).

Technology CostsThe National Academy of Sciences’ report on CAFEstandards indicated that for passenger cars, weight-neutral fuel economy increases of from 12 percent forsubcompacts to 27 percent for large cars would be costeffective, while for light trucks, greater improvementswere achievable at marginal costs equal to the margin-al value of fuel saved (from 25 percent for small SUVsto 42 percent for large SUVs) (NRC 2002).

The NAS study was completed before the increase ingasoline prices in the past few years. David Greeneupdated the NAS results using more current gasolineprices. In June 2006, Greene found that, assuming agas price of $2.50 per gallon, fuel economy could beincreased 41 percent, with net consumer savings of$2,338. Assuming a gas price of $3.55 per gallon, fueleconomy could be increased 57 percent, with a netconsumer saving of $3,190.

In their report, Building a Better SUV, the Union ofConcerned Scientists estimates that a boost in SUVfuel economy to 36.3 miles per gallon, coupled withnew safety features and weight reduction, could save2,900 lives annually at a total cost of under $3,000 pervehicle. The lifetime fuel cost savings is about $4,400,with a projected payback of about three years.However, if the price of gasoline increases over $2.50 a

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gallon, the payback from gasoline savings becomeseven more favorable (UCS 2006).

Select vehicles with short payback times are alreadyavailable on showroom floors today. Consumer Reports (2006) found that at least two current hybridvehicle models recovered their price premium in thefirst five years and 75,000 miles of ownership. HybridToyota Prius owners save $406, and Honda CivicHybrid owners save $317, compared to the ToyotaCorolla LE sedan and the Honda Civic EX sedan,respectively. The economic savings of these models areeven greater if one factors in federal (and state, if avail-able) tax credits. (It is rumored, however, that Toyotaand Honda are subsidizing the added up-front cost ofthese hybrid models.) Future hybrid models couldhave even faster payback times if they do not trade offfuel economy for greater power.

In terms of the costs of safety improvements, NHTSAestimated that over 300,000 lives had been saved byvehicle safety technologies since 1960, and govern-ment-mandated safety standards had added about$840 in vehicle costs. NHTSA’s cost-effectiveness cal-culations examined past braking improvements, safetybelts, air bags, energy-absorbing steering columns,child safety seats, improved roof strength and sideimpact protection, shatter-resistant windshields, andinstrument panel upgrades. As of 2005, the agency hadnot evaluated newer technologies such as side air bags,electronic stability control systems, lightweight materi-als, or a host of other promising vehicle safety tech-nologies (TRB 2005). NHTSA is currently evaluatingnewer safety technologies; this should include themany safety technology and policy advances that resultin lower fatality rates in other nations.

Researchers abroad have concluded that several othervehicle safety technologies (some of which were devel-oped by U.S. automakers) are cost effective, includingseatbelt reminders, accident data recorders, electronicstability control, improved blind spot mirrors, intelli-gent speed adaptation, alcohol ignition interlocks, con-spicuous vehicle marking, under-run protection, day-time running lights, and lane departure warnings(Odgaard and Bogelund 2007).

Research Findings on VehicleFuel Economy and Safety The workshop that informed this report consideredthe most recent evidence on fuel economy and safety,including important peer reviewed studies publishedsince the National Research Council (NAS) 2002report on fuel economy standards. A wide array ofautomotive analysts have concluded that there aremany ways to sip fuel while saving lives. (see AppendixA for list of participants). The key technical findingsthat should guide future policy design are:

1. Most technologies to increase fuel economy do notaffect safety; most technologies to increase safety donot affect fuel economy.

2. There are many technological options for increasingvehicle fuel economy; reducing weight via materialsubstitution is but one of many available strategies.

3. Strategically reducing car weight while improvingvehicle structure, using advanced materials anddesigns, can simultaneously increase fuel economyand safety.

4. Reducing the weight of heavier SUVs and pickuptrucks increases fuel economy and improves thesafety of all vehicles on the road.

Different researchers who participated in the work-shop have their own specific findings that relate tovehicle safety and fuel economy. Each draws importantconclusions that can be used to enlighten future poli-cymaking efforts (see Appendix B).

Challenges and BarriersExperts remind us that vehicle design is crucial, butthere are other confounding factors in the safety/fueleconomy equation; road hazards, driving errors, andthe driving environment present distinct challenges.Examples abound: Aggressive driving reduces safetyand fuel economy. Poorly maintained vehicles reducefuel economy and safety. Poorly designed rural roadsreduce safety and can affect fuel economy under less-than-ideal driving conditions. Poor driving skillsreduce safety and fuel economy. And speeding (along

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with higher speed limits) reduces safety and fuel econ-omy. Moreover, safety testing and models developedhave limitations. Consumer information programs arelimited by funding and other factors. Long lead timescan delay goals. And consumers face trade-offsbetween vehicle performance and broader social goalswhen making purchase decisions. While these factorsraise certain challenges, they should not be an excusefor inaction. Policy designs should reduce barriers andcompensate for trade-offs, whenever possible.

Safety Testing LimitationsCrash tests cannot replicate real-world crashes—espe-cially in side impacts. The inexact science and imper-fect regime of testing vehicles may not always yield thebest solutions. This can result in unintended conse-quences. For example, left side crashes are worse thanfrontal crashes possibly due to a testing regime that hashistorically focused on front-end collision testing.Manufacturers’ design changes made to improvefrontal crash-test scores resulted in producing vehicles(especially pickups and SUVs) that are more aggres-sively designed than they need to be (especially in sideimpacts with other vehicles).

Crash tests do not reflect real-world vehicle compati-bility. Analysts have historically considered only therisk to occupants of the vehicle in question. In a largersocial context, all those on the road, including theoccupants in other vehicles, deserve to be protected. Acarefully designed program of two-vehicle crash tests(that measure the aggressivity of car vs. SUV or pickupcollisions) merits introduction.

Crash tests focus on crashworthiness, not crash avoid-ance. Heavier vehicles tend to have longer stoppingdistances and reduced maneuverability compared tolighter vehicles. As an important element in vehiclesafety, crash avoidance merits greater consideration innew testing regimes.

Model LimitationsThe limits of models used to determine the feasibilityand cost effectiveness of fuel economy and safetyimprovements can create unnecessary barriers forfuture regulations. New technologies can introduceuncertainties in models. Accurate estimates of thecosts of material substitution and weight reduction, for

example, could make current models more useful interms of policy design and assessment. Continuouslyupdating models with up-to-date technology informa-tion requires resources allocated to these purposes.

Consumer Information Limitations Limits to the vehicle safety testing regime can furtherconfuse consumers. As vehicle manufacturers strive toimprove the designs of their new vehicles to ensurethat they do not receive low safety scores, they cansteer away from better designs. But the injury risks inactual driving only weakly correlate with crash testresults (Newstead, Farmer, Narayan, and Cameron2003). Yet to a growing number of consumers, safetyratings form the basis for purchase decision. Vehiclesare designed to be crashworthy based on tests, notreal-world conditions. This information can confuseconsumers.

Opportunities for MovingForward—Sipping Fuel and Saving LivesIn 2004, the fuel economy of the average new passen-ger vehicle dropped to its lowest point since 1980, andin 2005, highway fatalities reached their highest levelsince 1990. The question remains whether the nextdecade and beyond will continue these troublesometrends. The future designs of U.S. cars, SUVs, andlight trucks will be influenced by public policies, or thelack thereof. Thousands of lives, millions of injuries,billions of gallons of gasoline, millions of tons of car-bon, and billions of U.S. consumer dollars each yearhang in the balance. Congress is now considering newpolicies to increase the fuel economy of new automo-biles in order to address many national concerns.

If the overarching goal is to pursue both safety and fueleconomy, then vehicle design is the key. Manufacturerscan make tremendous strides with technologies, andconsumers can make better purchase decisions if theyhave complete information on a large selection of safe,high fuel economy vehicle models. There are numer-ous opportunities available to improve vehicle safety,including electronic stability control to reduce vehiclerollovers; stronger roofs and pillars to improve crash-worthiness in rollovers; compatible frontal heights toreduce truck-car fatalities and injuries; side curtain air

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bags to protect occupants in side crashes; improvedseatbelt technology to protect occupants in all crashes;and many other designs and technologies.

Technologies also exist to improve fuel economy: 7speed automatic-manual transmissions; integratedstarter-generators; low-friction lubricants; electronicvariable valve and lift control; lean burn gasolinedirect-injection engines with turbocharging; lowrolling resistance tires; bodies with better aerodynam-ics; and more efficient accessories. In addition, use ofnew lightweight materials to reduce weight whilemaintaining size will increase fuel economy withoutaffecting safety.

In addition to these technologies, there are several pol-icy strategies to further improve fuel economy andsafety:

• Set fuel economy and safety performance goalsat cost-effective levels, and allow adequate timefor phase-in of vehicle redesigns.

• Develop near-term goals that use existing tech-nological potential and long-term goals to spurcontinued innovation.

• Apply the same fuel economy and safety stan-dards consistently to all vehicle types (cars,SUVs, and pickup trucks).

• Encourage modification in driver behavior(speed limits, seatbelt use, drunk driving laws,etc.) to improve fuel economy or safety.

These strategies would usher in a new fleet of higherfuel economy, safer passenger vehicles.

Well-designed targets mean that industry can put itsgenius to work to meet these goals.

The overarching question is: what are our national pri-orities? The compounded costs of vehicles that sip fueland save lives are high—lost lives, unnecessary injuries,incurred medical expenses, reduced productivity, com-promised national security, increased funding fornational defense, resource skirmishes and wars, tradedeficits, air pollution, and a host of dire impacts fromclimate change. Vehicles have long lifetimes. The autosproduced today will eventually be driven by our chil-dren. Fuel economy can be dramatically improvedwithout compromising safety. Safety can be bolsteredwithout sacrificing fuel economy. Now is the time todeliver a new generation of safer, higher-fuel-economyvehicles for the next generation of Americans.

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Participants at the October 4, 2006 Hewlett Foundation Vehicle Safety and Fuel Economy Meeting

Appendix AList of Expert Attendees and Affiliation

First Name Last Name Title Organization

Mike Brylawski Senior Consultant Rocky Mountain Institute

Joan Claybrook President Public Citizen

Dainius Dalmotas Consultant D.J. Dalmotas Consulting

Danielle Deane Program Officer, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation


John DeCicco Senior Fellow, Environmental Defense

Automotive Strategies

Ken Digges Director of Biomechanics National Crash Analysis Center

and Automotive The George Washington University

Safety Research

Clarence Ditlow Executive Director Center for Auto Safety

Michael Freedhoff Senior Policy Associate Office of Representative

Edward J. Markey (D-MA)

David Friedman Research Director, Union of Concerned Scientists

Clean Vehicles Program

John German Manager, Environmental American Honda Motor Co.

and Energy Analysis

David Greene Senior Research Staff Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Member, Center for

Transportation Analysis

Hal Harvey Program Director, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation


Eric Haxthausen Economist Environmental Defense

Ralph Hitchcock Consultant American Honda Motor Co.

Yoshiji Kadotani Chief Engineer American Honda Motor Co.

Robert Kaeser Professor, Department of Zürich University of Applied Sciences

Technology, Computer

Science, and Natural Sciences

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First Name Last Name Title Organization

Deron Lovaas Vehicles Campaign Director Natural Resources Defense Council

and Deputy Director of the

Smart Growth and


Amory Lovins Chief Executive Officer Rocky Mountain Institute

Adrian Lund President Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

Laura MacCleery Congress Watch Director Public Citizen

Carl Nash Adjunct Professor of National Crash Analysis Center

Engineering The George Washington University

Bob Noland Reader (Associate Professor) Imperial College London .

in Transport and

Environmental Policy

Franklin Nutter President Reinsurance Association of America

Deena Patel Postdoctoral Fellow Physics Department,

University of Michigan

Jason Patlis Deputy Chief of Staff, House Committee On Science

Majority Staff

David Pittle Consultant

Priya Prasad Ford Technical Fellow, Ford Research and Innovation Center

Safety Research and


Marc Ross Professor Emeritus University of Michigan

Physics Department

Joe Ryan Managing Director for The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Latin America and Program

Officer, Environment

Steven Schmidt Research Administrator, State Farm Insurance Co.

Automotive Technical

Research Unit

Robert Shull Deputy Director for Public Citizen

Auto Safety & Regulatory


David Snyder Vice President and American Insurance Association

Assistant General Counsel

First Name Last Name Title Organization

Todd Summe Market Development Alcoa, Inc.


Stephen Summers Staff Engineer National Highway Traffic

Safety Administration

Mike Van Auken Principal Engineer Dynamic Research, Inc.

William Walsh Consultant

John Waters Team Leader, Rocky Mountain Institute

Breakthrough Design Team

Tom Wenzel Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Blake Zuidema Director, Product Mittal Steel Company - USA R&D Center

Applications Division

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Tom Wenzel (Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-tory) and Marc Ross (University of Michigan), in theirbriefing paper, “Increasing the Fuel Economy andSafety of New Light-Duty Vehicles,” find that vehicledesign is the key. New safety technologies and light-weight materials will decouple any historical relation-ship among weight, size, and safety. Vehicle weight andsize provide only partial protection; they don’t help inside crashes, and they have little effect on the propen-sity to roll over. Heavier and larger trucks and SUVsare very unsafe—they kill other drivers. These vehiclesare much more aggressive toward other vehicles thanare lighter and smaller vehicles. And their aggressivityincreases as their size/weight increases. Therefore,reducing frontal height and stiffness is necessary toreduce larger truck/SUV aggressivity, and increasingfrontal height, side stiffness and crush space in cars isnecessary to improving their relative safety on the roadwith large trucks. Compact pickups are more aggres-sive than large cars of comparable mass, and compacttruck-based SUVs are more aggressive than midsizecars of comparable mass. Finally, crossover SUVs aresafer and more efficient than truck-based SUVs (17percent higher fuel economy for same interior volume;lower overall safety risks with lower fronts and uni-body design).

David Greene from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, inhis policy briefing paper, “Fuel Economy Policies andHighway Safety,” makes several important assertions.It is not fuel economy per se that affects vehicle safe-ty—no one asserts that the amount of fuel a vehicleconsumes has a direct effect on safety. The relationshipbetween fuel economy and highway safety is complex,ambiguous, poorly understood, and not measurable byany known means at the present time (NRC 2002). Infact, there is evidence supporting the current view thatthere has been no relationship between fuel economyand traffic fatalities. Generally ignored is the fact thatengine size and horsepower affect fuel economy—reducing engine size and power are also options opento manufacturers to increase fuel economy. If all vehi-cles’ weights are reduced by an equal percentage, therewould be no effect on safety. Thus, the key intuitive

argument for a link from fuel economy to vehicleweight to safety is actually not applicable to a fleet-wide reduction in weight. Recently published statisti-cal analysis of the correlation between fuel economyand traffic fatalities, covering the period from 1966 to2002, have either produced inconclusive results usingstate-level data (Noland 2004) or have conclusivelydemonstrated that there was no such correlation at thenational level (Ahmad and Greene 2005). The bottomline: significant technological options are available tomanufacturers with which greenhouse gas emissionscan be reduced and fuel economy improved withoutaffecting vehicle size or weight.

Amory Lovins and his team from the Rocky MountainInstitute, in their book, Winning the Oil Endgame,believe that the key to the next vehicle efficiencybreakthrough will be ultra-light materials now enteringthe market. Taking as much as another ton out of ourvehicles was long assumed to be unsafe and unafford-able. Today, light-weighting needn’t be either, thanksto advances in both metals and plastics. Extra-strongsteel alloys and innovative structures could doubleautomotive fuel economy and improve safety at noextra cost. BMW is currently developing carbon fiberfor use in series production cars because it’s 50 percentlighter than steel and performs extremely well in vehi-cle crash testing. And adding size without weight pro-vides protection without hostility.

David Friedman with the Union of ConcernedScientists, in his presentation, “Optimizing FuelEconomy and Safety to Avoid Tradeoffs,” posits that itis entirely possible to improve fuel economy withoutimpacting safety because many fuel economy technolo-gies are out there with no obvious safety drawbacks.Likewise, it is possible to improve safety withoutimpacting fuel economy because there are many safetyapproaches with no major fuel economy drawbacks.Thus fuel economy and safety can move forward onparallel tracks. Vehicle weight increases required forsafety improvements do not have significant impactson fuel economy. Finding a comfortable fit betweenfuel economy and safety means choosing technologies

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Appendix BSummary of Workshop Papers and PowerPoint Presentations

wisely. Lower center of gravity both reduces rolloversand improves car/truck compatibility while reducingaerodynamic drag. Material substitution and systemredesigns enhance safety while reducing weight. Thekey is to avoid unnecessary trade-offs between vehiclesafety and fuel economy; both are worthy national pri-orities.

John German, the Manager of Environmental andEnergy Analysis at American Honda Motor Company,in his presentation, “Improving Safety WithoutImpacting Fuel Economy,” claims that today’sadvances in crash technology and materials require amore sophisticated analysis to analyze separately theeffect of size and weight on safety.

But overall, a reduction in light-truck weights decreas-es fatalities, while light-truck wheelbase and/or trackreduction increases fatalities. Not just Honda, but allmanufacturers are working to improve the compatibil-ity of their vehicles on the road to increase occupantsafety. While advanced crash safety technology andcrash avoidance technology will not change any under-lying relationship between safety and size/weight norfully account for driver behavior, these technologieswill reduce the overall safety impact by reducing themagnitude of all injuries sustained. And, finally andmost important, the technologies Honda is developingwill improve the situation considerably—lightweightmaterials can both reduce overall fatalities and improvefuel economy.

Adrian Lund, with the Insurance Institute of HighwaySafety (IIHS), in his PowerPoint presentation at theworkshop, “Reflecting Vehicle Safety in InsuranceCosts,” identifies the insurance coverage variables thatenable IIHS data collection of the costs associatedwith accidents. In IIHS’s data set, which focuses on theprivate questions of loss rather than on larger socialconcerns of vehicle safety, IIHS finds that small carsincur greater insurance losses than larger cars, but thelargest 4WD SUVs incur similar or even greater lossesthan smaller SUVs. Heavier pickup trucks, SUVs,sports cars, and luxury cars have greater relative bodi-ly injury liability outlays overall than their lighter coun-terparts. The inverse is true of non-luxury, non-sportcar models. IIHS acknowledges that vehicle fuel econ-omy can be increased without affecting safety, and

safety can be increased without affecting vehicle fueleconomy. However, auto safety improvements canhave different effects on different insurance coverage.The ability of IIHS to evaluate the effect of vehiclesafety improvements, such as head restraints with bet-ter geometry, on injury claims is limited because IIHScan only evaluate injury insurance losses in no-faultstates where a driver’s own insurance covers his or herinjury expenses. Injuries related to whiplash are thesingle largest source of injury claims—24 percent of allinjury losses. Fatality insurance claims are less costlythan serious injury claims, which can entail long-termhospitalization, expensive surgeries, loss of earningpotential, etc. In sum, IIHS believes that there is ampleopportunity to improve fuel economy without harmingthe occupant protection characteristics of vehicles.

Adrian Lund (IIHS), in his PowerPoint presentationat the workshop, “CAFE and Motor Vehicle Safety:Policy Makes a Difference,” concludes that pastimprovements in fuel economy have cost lives, but thatimprovements in fuel economy in the future are possi-ble without harming safety through the use of technol-ogy. IIHS analyzed occupant death rates by vehicletype and weight, and found that car and pickup occu-pant death rates decrease as weight increases, whileother vehicle death rates increase as pickup and SUVweight increases. IIHS concludes that despite hugeimprovements in vehicle safety, the effects of car sizeand weight still exist. In its referenced report, “FasterTravel and the Price We Pay,” IIHS states thatimprovements in fuel economy are possible withoutharming safety. The link is new fuel-efficiency tech-nologies. Other opportunities beyond vehicle tech-nologies also exist to reduce fuel use and improve safe-ty, including lowering speed limits and replacing signallights with roundabouts/traffic circles. For twodecades automakers have been pumping up the per-formance capabilities of new cars. From 1980 to 2002,the average horsepower-to-weight ratio—a key meas-ure of performance—increased by 50 percent. (IIHS2003). Even the Toyota Camry is hyped for perform-ance. In a commercial for the Camry, a driver goesbackward, jumps hilltops, and swerves across fourlanes. The tagline: “My car makes me feel like the roadis my playground.” Less safety and more gas guzzling are the prices we pay for today’s “muscle”cars (IIHS 2003).

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Workshop Materials Available Online:

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