Simulation Testbed for the Accelerated Development of...


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Simulation Testbed for the Accelerated Development of AutonomicMobility Systems

Michal Jakob1, Michal Certicky1, Zbynek Moler1

Abstract— We present an open-source simulation testbedfor emerging autonomic mobility systems, in which transportvehicles and other transport resources are automaticallymanaged to serve a dynamically changing transport demand.The testbed, based on the AgentPolis framework, allowstesting and evaluating the various multiagent planning, co-ordination and resource allocation algorithms for the controland management of autonomic mobility systems. The testbedsupports all stages of the experimentation process, from theimplementation of tested control algorithms and the definitionof experiment scenarios, through simulation execution upto the analysis and interpretation of simulation results. Thetestbed aims to accelerate the development of control algo-rithms for autonomic mobility systems and to facilitate theirmutual comparison on well-defined benchmark scenarios.


The increasing deployment of ubiquitous location-awareand internet-connected devices in transport systems en-ables the realization of autonomic mobility systems, basedon continuous, automated management of transport vehi-cles to serve a dynamically changing passenger transportdemand. Several types of such systems appeared in recentyears, including real-time on-demand transport, real-timeridesharing or dynamically priced taxis [5]. More highlyinnovative services are likely to emerge with the wideradoption of electromobility and, most importantly, with theadvent of autonomous, self-driving cars.

Due to their inherent complexity, such novel mobilitysystems need to adopt the autonomic systems principles inorder to work reliably, safely and efficiently. Implementingsuch principles requires the development of multiagentplanning, coordination and resource allocation algorithmsthat would orchestrate the operation of all entities of thetransport system in the desirable way. The developmentof such control algorithms is a challenging task due tomany internal and external interdependencies that affectthe overall system behaviour.

Simulation modelling and multi-agent simulationsin particular [16] are well-established approaches foranalysing the behaviour of complex socio-technical sys-tems and have already been applied in the field of mobilitysystems (see Section II). No attempt, however, has beenso far made to provide a more universal simulation toolfor studying the behaviour of a wider range of autonomicmobility systems.

1{jakob, certicky, moler},Agent Technology Center, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Dept. ofComputer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague,Czech Republic

The presented testbed, based on the versatile AgentPolis1

[8] transport simulation framework, is our attempt to fillthis gap. The testbed allows experimenting with algorithmsfor the management and control of autonomic mobilitysystems and assessing their performance in different con-figurations and scenarios. The testbed supports all stagesof experimentation process, from the implementation oftested control algorithms and the definition of experimentscenarios, through simulation execution up to the analysisand interpretation of simulation results.

To facilitate its use, the testbed provides extensionpoints that allows control algorithms to be plugged-ineasily by implementing several predefined abstract classes.Furthermore, by providing a standardized way to importand capture key aspects of autonomic transport systemsdeployment scenarios, including road network maps, vehi-cle properties or transport demand, the testbed also makesit easy to create benchmark scenarios that can be used formutual comparison of different control algorithms.


The general idea of employing simulation testbeds toaccelerate the development of multi-agent control mecha-nisms was put forward e.g. by [13], [9].

Focusing specifically on transport, [7] employedan agent-based simulation, developed completely fromscratch, to study operational characteristics of a multi-modal transport system integrating scheduled and flexibleon-demand services. Demand-responsive transport systemswere also studied in [15]. Real-time taxi sharing schemeshave been also evaluated using simulation [12], [4])as were on-demand cooperative paratransit services withstrong emphasis on resource allocation, e.g. [6] or [10].

A common attribute of the above simulations of au-tonomic mobility systems is that these simulations weredeveloped from scratch using general-purpose program-ming languages (most often C++ or Java). This is becausenone of the existing general (such as AnyLogic2) as wellas transport-specific simulation tools (such MATSIM3)has proved suitable for simulation-based assessment ofautonomic mobility systems.


The proposed simulation testbed is built upon the ver-satile transport simulation framework AgentPolis, which





Reasoning module


Environment Object






Fig. 1: Modelling abstractions of the AgentPolis frame-work. The concepts in the white, dashed-outline boxesonly provide grouping and are not used as modellingabstractions.

provides abstractions, code libraries and software tools forbuilding and experimenting with agent-based models ofinteraction-rich multimodal transport systems. The frame-work consists of the following components:

• Modelling abstraction ontology which provides a uni-fying set of concepts for expressing agent-based simu-lation models. The abstractions refine the more gen-eral multiagent systems concepts and make them ex-pressible in object-oriented programming languages.

• Modelling element library which contains concreteimplementations of the modelling abstractions chosenso as to represent the elements frequently used in real-world transport models.

• Simulation engine, based on the discrete event simu-lation approach, which provides the runtime functio-nality for simulating AgentPolis models.

• Simulation tools which support the deployment anduse of AgentPolis models in real-world conditions byproviding data import, scenario configuration and si-mulation result analysis and visualization capabilities.

A. Modelling Abstractions

Modelling abstractions of the AgentPolis framework(figure 1) covers several dozens of modelling elements thatare used to build specific simulation models, including ourproposed AgentPolis testbed:

• Agents. The concept of the agent in AgentPolis needsto be defined loosely, since it covers a wide varietyof different types of actors (taxi drivers, travellers,dispatchers, etc.). During its lifecycle, an agent usu-ally needs to make decisions that require executingcomplex algorithms, including the ones that we wantto evaluate. In accordance with the conceptual archi-tecture of the AgentPolis framework, these algorithmsare encapsulated into so-called reasoning modules.

• Reasoning modules constitute the major source ofintelligent behaviour of modelled transport system. In

addition to the standard pathfinding module of Agent-Polis, our testbed contains interchangeable imple-mentations of the coordination or resource allocationmechanisms that we want to evaluate. In practice, thereasoning modules are Java classes that can be easilyrewritten to implement a wide variety of algorithms,or even call external tools or solvers.

• Sensors and queries process the percepts from theenvironment and allow agents to be informed aboutthe state of the environment and events happeningduring simulation execution.

• Activities provide the abstraction for defining agent’sactual behaviour in the simulation. Technically, activi-ties are reactive control structures determining whichactions the agent executes in response to certainevents (e.g. DriveVehicle).

• Actions provide a low-level abstraction for modellinghow agents actually manipulate the environment (e.g.MoveVehicle).

• Environment objects. The environment models thephysical context in which agents are situated andact. It is represented by a collection of environmentobjects, each representing a fragment of the modelledphysical reality (e.g. Vehicle).

• Communication protocols are the abstraction formodelling inter-agent communication by means ofmessage passing. Currently, the testbed provides1-to-1 messaging, 1-to-many messagingand auction protocols, that should be sufficientfor the purposes of the coordination or resourceallocation algorithms. However, additional protocolscan be added to the framework if they are needed.

Detailed description of modelling abstractions and cor-responding model elements is given in [8].

B. Control Logic Implementation

AgentPolis is a versatile framework for creating simula-tion models of a very wide range of transport systems.In addition to supporting the modelling of autonomicmobility systems, AgentPolis can also be used for activity-based transport planning models, modelling the securitytransport systems or urban goods delivery logistics [8].Although all the power and flexibility of the AgentPolisframework is accessible to the users of the AgentPolistestbed, it is normally hidden and only the relevant partsof framework are exposed through a facade of APIs andinterface designed specifically for modelling and assessingautonomic mobility systems.

Unless the tested control algorithm has some specialfeatures, its incorporation into the testbed only requiresimplementing several classes and methods. For exam-ple, to evaluate a centralized coordination mechanismfor an on-demand mobility system, the user needs toextend the DispatchingLogic class and implement itsprocessNewRequest() method.

The testbed supports both centralized and decentralizedcontrol mechanisms. For example in the case on-demand

Fig. 2: Abstract classes that need to implemented fortesting control algorithms for on-demand transport.

mobility system, the behaviour of driver agents can begoverned either centrally by (single or multiple) dispatcheragents, locally by the drivers themselves, or the combi-nation of both. The reasoning logic for individual agentsand central authorities is implemented by extending theDriverLogic or DispatchingLogic classes (seeFigure 2). The decentralized mechanisms are suitable insituations when communication capabilities are restricted,or when the agents are independent and self-interested butcan still benefit from collaboration (e.g. ridesharing [11]).

Coordination algorithms can further be divided intotwo categories. Online algorithms (sometimes called “dy-namic”, for example in [3]) process the travel demand(request) when it is announced. On the other hand, offline(or “static”) algorithms need to know the demand inadvance. The AgentPolis testbed grants the agents (driversor dispatchers) the access to requests only after they areannounced by the travellers. Nevertheless, to also cater forthe requirements of offline algorithms, there are severalbenchmarks in which the travel demand is announced longtime in advance.


After the tested algorithm is incorporated into the frame-work, the actual experimentation using the testbed followsa three-step process, as depicted in Figure 3.

A. Scenario Definition and Setup

First of all, the user needs to set up and configurethe scenario under which she wants the control algorithmto be evaluated. The scenario is described in terms of abenchmark package, which consists of the following files:

• Road network – The road network in the experimentarea represented in the OpenStreetMap(OSM))4 for-mat.

• Traffic intensities (optional) – The time-dependenttraffic intensities on individual road segments af-fecting the travel speed, represented in JavaScript


Fig. 4: An integrated transport graph combining road andpublic transport networks (Milano, Italy).

Object Notation (JSON). The ability to import trafficintensities allows more accurate assessment withoutthe necessity to simulate all vehicles in the transportsystems.

• Vehicle fleet – Description (in JSON) of all relevantvehicles with their properties including the capacity,initial position, fuel consumption, CO2 emissions ornon-standard equipment (e.g. wheelchair accessibil-ity).

• Public transport timetables (optional) – Descriptionof public transport schedules, routes and stationsin the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)5

format.• Travel demand – The exact representation in JSON

format of travel demand containing all the travelleragents with their associated trip details: origin anddestination coordinates, time windows, announcementtime and special requirements.

The AgentPolis testbed includes a benchmark importer,which loads such benchmark package, constructs the roadnetwork and creates all the environment objects and agentsaccording to it. The testbed also includes a random bench-mark generator, which allows users to generate their ownrandomized scenarios with custom numbers and types ofvehicles, travellers and their distributions.

Real-word Data Import: To facilitate working with real-word scenarios, the testbed includes tools for importingmap (OSM) and public transport (GTFS) data, and forautomatically cross-reference between them. This way, theinformation about road, cyclepath and footpath networksand public transport routes and timetables can be easilyincorporated (see Figure 4 for an example). All dataimported into the testbed can be automatically checked forconsistency in order to prevent hard-to-trace errors causedby invalid data.


Scenario definition and setup Simulation executionResult analysis and

algorithm evaluation

Runtime visualization

Log the simulation run

A. B. C.

Integrated control


Fig. 3: Three-step process of the experiment (setup, simulation, evaluation).

Design of Experiments: Robust evaluation of a controlalgorithm under a sufficiently wide range of circumstancesmay require thousands of simulation runs. To speed upthe evaluation process, the testbed provides a simulationmanagement tool leveraging the design of experimentsmethods that generate simulation configurations in a wayso that maximum information about the behaviour of thetested algorithm is obtained using a minimum number ofsimulation runs. The effectiveness of the simulation man-agement tool is further increased by the ability to executesimulations in parallel on high-performance computinggrid infrastructures.

B. Simulation Execution

Once the model is set up, the user invokes the simulationengine to execute the simulation. The AgentPolis engineemploys the discrete event simulation approach [1] inwhich the operation of the target system is modelled as adiscrete sequence of (possibly concurrent) events in time.Each event occurs at a particular time, with precision tomilliseconds of the simulation time, and marks a changeof state of the modelled system (see Figure 5). Since thereare no changes occurring between consecutive events, thesimulation can directly jump in time from one event to thenext, which, in most cases, makes it more computationallyefficient than time-stepped approaches.

Event Logging: To record simulation progress, in orderto analyse and evaluate the algorithm’s performance, theframework provides a logging mechanism that allowsdetailed recording of all the low-level simulation events.Recorded event log is later used to compute the aggregatemetrics and analyse or visualize the simulation run andalgorithm’s behaviour.

Run-time Visualization: The experiment is also pre-sented visually on the run-time, using the internal vi-sualization component of AgentPolis. It is capable ofdisplaying the transport network and agents within ourmodel, along with a convenient visualization of all theactual events (see figure 5).

Fig. 5: Runtime view of a running AgentPolis simulationmodel. Road (black), pedestrian (grey), tram (yellow) andmetro (red) networks and UrbanCitizen (green) andPTDriver (yellow) agents are shown. Simulation eventsare depicted in the overlay window.

C. Result Analysis and Visualization

From the low-level event log recorded during the simu-lation run, the testbed calculates a range of higher-level,aggregate performance metrics. By default, these include:

• total vehicle distance driven,• total fuel consumption,• total values of CO2 emissions,• average vehicle productivity (passengers per hour),• passenger’s total travel time statistics (average, me-

dian and maximum),• passenger’s on-board ride time statistics,• passenger’s waiting time statistics,• total runtime of control algorithms.

Additional metrics can be defined. In addition to low-level event logs and highly aggregated metrics, the testbedalso provides two tools for visualizing simulation runs andresults in the geospatial and temporal context.

Fig. 6: Simulation run of on-demand transport coordinationscenario exported in KML format and displayed by GoogleEarth. The input benchmark was based on historical trafficand demand data from San Francisco, 2008.

Fig. 7: Heat map representing the spatial distribution ofsuccessful trip requests shown in Google Earth.

The interactive geobrowser Google Earth6 can displaythe progress of a simulation run exported in KeyholeMarkup Language (KML)7. It is capable of displaying rel-atively large number of agents, along with simple geometryand screen overlays, over a realistic satellite imagery and3D model of the environment (see figure 6). Google Earthcan further be used to display the values of metrics as theyvary across different areas. For example, Figure 7 shows aheat map representing the spatial distribution of successfulpassenger trip requests in the simulation of an on-demandmobility system.

OpenGeo8 is an alternative JavaScript-based geovisual-ization framework that can be used to display the exper-iment progress and results in a standard web browser. Itallows displaying a variety of details about every agent in


Fig. 8: Details about a specific agent displayed in theOpenGeo frontend.

the model at any point in time (see figure 8).Together, the AgentPolis visualization tools allow in-

teractively browsing and analysing simulation results atdifferent spatial and temporal resolutions. This assists theresearchers during the development and debugging pro-cess, and allows him to find out how the tested algorithmsperform under different conditions.


An example application of the AgentPolis testbed weshow how it was used to evaluate a basic algorithm fordecentralized taxi sharing service, described in [2].

A. Scenario Setup

The scenario used for the evaluation was built usingtwo datasets containing real-world historical data from SanFrancisco Bay Area (SF), 22nd of May 2008. From thefirst dataset [14], including the GPS traces of 536 taxiscollected in SF, we extracted the travel demand (10,000requests) and a list of taxis and used them to generate thetraveller agents and taxi drivers, along with their necessaryattributes.

The second dataset, obtained from the Freeway Per-formance Measurement System (PeMS) [17], contained,among other useful information, the maximum and averagespeeds on individual segments of the SF road network,measured in 5-minute intervals. Transport network itselfwas imported from the public OSM dataset9.

B. Algorithm Implementation

To incorporate the taxi sharing control algorithminto the testbed, we modified the class implement-ing the decision making of the driver agent, sincethe algorithm is decentralized and based on the inter-actions between drivers and passengers. We extendedthe abstract class DriverLogic and implemented theprocessRequests() method.








100 requests 1000 requests 10 000 requests

Fig. 9: Run times of the simulation with 100, 1000 and10000 requests. Dark portions of the graph correspond tothe time spent by the coordination control algorithm, whilethe light portions depict the time needed to run simulationtestbed.

C. Simulation Results

One simulation run, representing 24 hours of simulationtime, with 10000 requests and 536 drivers, took 1h25minof wall-clock time, out of which only 18 seconds werespent by the simulation and the rest spent by the coor-dination control algorithm itself. The simulation used anaverage of 7GB and maximum of 8.5GB RAM on a systemwith Intel Core i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz processor, 24GBRAM, running a 64bit release of Ubuntu 12.04 OS.

Aggregate metrics (described in Section IV) were com-puted and confirmed our expectations that due to itssimplicity, the algorithm would not perform well underthe real-world conditions of the scenario. For example, themedian of passenger travel time was 1h35min, which isnot satisfactory.

Similar experiment with 536 drivers but only 1000requests needed an average of 2.5GB RAM and took17 minutes, out of which only 15 seconds were spentby the simulation. The simplest experiment, with only100 requests, required an average of 0.75GB RAM andtook 2min21s, out of which the simulation took only 14seconds. It appears that the simulation overhead does notgrow significantly with the increasing number of agents.See Figure 9 for the comparison of the simulation overheadfor different scenario sizes.


We have developed a software testbed, based on theAgentPolis framework, for simulation-based evaluation ofautonomic mobility systems. The testbed allows the usersto incorporate their own control algorithms, evaluate themwith respect to range performance metrics and comparetheir performance to alternative control algorithms underidentical conditions using benchmark scenarios based onrealistic real-world or synthetic data. The testbed will soonbe made publicly available on the AgentPolis website


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