Sims 2 Randomness 01




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The Sims 2…Utter Randomness

Episode 1

“I want a kitty.”

“So, now that I have you all to myself, why don’t you tell me what you want tonight.”“Oh, you really want to know what I want? That’s so romantic and caring of you.”“Ain’t it the truth, babe. So tell me, what do you want?”

“I want to earn $5000.”

“Um, hello? Anyone?”



“Yo, friend, wanna make a bet?”“Sure?”“I bet I can run a business by selling people the ability to spend time with me in a hot tub while I’m naked.”

“Uh, yea… that sounds like something that won’t work.”

“Shows how much you know. I’ll prove it!”

“How come I can’t use it?”

“Dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole.”

“Dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole.”

“Dig a hole, dig a hole, dig a hole.”Tink!

“Huh? What’s this?”

“Oh my gosh! It’s a rock! I could always use one of these!”

“I want a sculpture worth more at least $500.”

“Well bachelor number one gave a pretty good answer. How about it Bachelor number two? How would you save the planet from rabid hyenas?”

“I would develop an anti-rabies vaccine… no wait! Even better! I would develop a cure for rabies and inject each of those hyenas with the cure. Once cured, I’d set them free in their native lands.”

“Well, I guess that was a decent answer, but not what I’m looking for. Sorry, bachelor number two, but I’m gonna have to take home bachelor number one tonight.”

“That’s not fair! I gave a good answer. What’s wrong with me? Is it my hair? My clothes? Or is it the simple fact that-”

“-I’m not a grilled cheese sandwich? Which is it?”

“Om nom nom nom.”

“Well, to be honest, bachelor number two… I don’t think you fully understood that I’m grilled cheese in aspiration.”

“Boo hoo! I should have listened to mother and never came on this show.”

“Who’s a good little muffin cake? You are!”

“Now, you stay right here while daddy makes a phone call.”

“About eight pounds.”

“I knew this plan would work. Now if only there were more women in this thing.”

“I want to top my Business career.”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m a plant sim!”

“Well that was a good night of sleep. Wonder what today has in store for me.”

“Uh… where exactly am I?”

“I want a puppy.”

“But most of all, I really want a car!”

“Quick, there’s a house just in front of us… with hedges. Zombies hate hedges!”

“If we can just make it to the house, we should be fine. We’ll just need to block the door off!”

“Hey look! A conveniently placed couch! Hurry! Let’s block the door off before they can get in!”

“Good job, honey.”“Thanks. You did great yourself. But now what?”

“How odd. The only other thing in this house is a bed.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Oh my, how bold of you, Charles. So what are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that maybe if we could get in our Underwear, we could, ya know, woo hoo.”

“Is that it? You just want to woo hoo and that’s it? Think of the future of simkind Charles! What if we are the only two sims alive? We’ll have to repopulate the planet. I say we try for a baby!”

“Try for a baby? Are you mad woman? There’s only a bed and sofa, how exactly do you plan to survive long enough to raise that child anyway?”

“Well I was hoping to raise it with your help, but looks like you don’t want to be a proper father. Forget about it, I’d rather be eaten by zombies at this point.”“Well suit yourself, babycakes. The door is right there!”

“And they say, ‘til death do us part’. Hee hee, how cliché.”

“I want a puppy and/or a kitten!”

The End
