Simchat Torah Honorees Spamalot JFGO Statement … page 19 page 14 JFGO Statement on the Iran...


Citation preview

August 2015 Volume 54 - Number 8 Av-Elul 5775

Building Community Since 1954

page 13

page 11

Sisterhood Tea

page 7

Family Shabbat Dinner

page 8

Israeli Dancing


page 16

Simchat Torah Honorees

Spamalot page 19

page 14

JFGO Statement on the Iran Nuclear Deal

Pictured below is our wonderful group of volunteers at July’s

Family Night at Second Harvest Food Bank Event!


Staff Rabbi ................................ Joshua Neely

Cong. Life Coord. ......Susan Bernstein

Youth Director ........... Eliana Gershon

Off. Admin. .. John-Patrick Alexander

Bookkeeper ................... Patricia Young


Committee President .........................Eric Hoffman

1st Vice President.. ......... Mark Kluger

VP Membership ........... Geanne Share

VP Education ................. Sharon Sachs

Comptroller ................. Michelle Bilsky

Secretary ........................... Mollie Savage

Sisterhood President ....... Nancy Stern

Men’s Club Co-Pres.. ............................. ...................... Wayne Bilsky & Joe Ihns

Past President. ....... Arlene van de Rijn

Trustees Nicki D'Amato

Lauren Brown

Kris Crane

Judi Chisdes

Sandra Eisenberg

Andrew Feinberg

Joe Ihns

Fabienne Kaplan

Dick Katz

Michael Langman

Art Louv

Joni Okun

Harry Rein (Trustee Emeritus)

Fanny Sernik

Roz Weinstein


Committee Chairs Adult Education...... Michael Fineberg

Budget & Finance ....... Michelle Bilsky

Building & Grounds .............. Joe Ihns

Education - School ........ Sharon Sachs

Endowment ............ Andrew Feinberg

Ma’asim Tovim ..... Arlene van de Rijn

Marketing ..........................Larry Gutter

Membership ................... Geanne Share

Past Pres. Coun. .... Arlene van de Rijn

Ritual................................. Natan Brener

Ways & Means ........................................

................... Ed Borowsky & Paul Patti

Youth ............................... Matt Gordon

From Our Rabbi:

By Rabbi Joshua Neely

G od. The LORD. The Lord. G-d. HaShem. We

spend a lot of time deciding how best to refer to God. Beyond the

direct words, we have titles like Adon Olam (Master of the World)

and HaKadosh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, Blessed be He) and

HaRachaman (The Merciful). For all of our fuss and worry about

the wording and spelling and hyphens, we seldom succeed in refer-

ring to God because we don’t know what it is we are referring to.

God is the beginning, middle and end of all creation yet we spend

all our time focused on the proper execution of Torah, at best, and

the maintenance of our culture, at least.

We learn the Shema by heart but never let its profound truths enter

our heart. We thank God for sanctifying us through the mitzvot but

never let the commandments fully lead us to God through that

sanctity. We utter words of praise and thanks because we think God

wants to hear them when we are the ones who need to be listening.

We allow ourselves to hold onto a childlike imagining of God with-

out further inquiry and maturation for fear such investigations will

strip us of that comfort.

The great, mighty and awesome God, Creator, Revealer and Re-

deemer is the greatest comfort an adult can have. Our Ruler, Our

Parent is more sublime than our youthful imaginings and more du-

rable to rational comprehension. The totality of God cannot be

fathomed but our minds coupled with our spirit, both gifts of God,

do allow us to draw closer, to deepen our connection and under-


- continued on page 3


An awareness of God is the most powerfully transformative experience we can have. It

can transform our lives second to second and year to year. It adds perspective and pro-

portion to life that gives it meaning, purpose and joy. The transformation is so great

that it will change the world. In fact, the world has already been greatly changed by the

casual knowledge we already have.

On August 23, 30 and September 6 at 4:00 pm I will lead presentations on understand-

ing God. These will not answer every question, God forbid, but will open the door to

further paths of understanding and experience which will enrich your lives. Each ses-

sion will only be one hour. Rambam said that the first commandment is to know God

to the best of our ability; everything else depends on this. Come take up this first mitz-


Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, Sunday

Please call or email for an appointment.

The High Holidays

They’re Right Around The Corner!

Rosh HaShanah


13 Erev, 14 & 15

Yom Kippur


22 Erev & 23

Go to page 15 to get started on your High Holiday preparations.


From Our Congregational Life Coordinator

By Susan Bernstein

A s we approach a new school year, I am reminded of how many ways a person acquires knowl-

edge and understanding of a particular subject. I am also reminded of the section in Pirkei Avot, the only tractate of

the Mishna that does not deal with laws, but rather with advice and insights taught by leading rabbinic scholars that

deals with this very issue.

The sages of long ago knew that an ideal student had to possess both good character as well as intellectual ability.

They also knew that each student absorbs and retains information differently and formulated four categories to de-

scribe these learners. These groupings are (1) those who are quick to understand and quick to forget, (2) those who

understand with difficulty but forget with difficulty, (3) those who are quick to understand and forget with difficulty,

(4) and one who understands with difficulty but quick to forget.

The rabbis of old also categorized learners according to his/her ability to think critically:

The Sponge – soaks up everything. When you squeeze it, it gives out what it has absorbed (both dirty

water and clean).

The Funnel – takes in at one end and lets out at the other. When anything goes through, it is not

changed in any way.

The Strainer – allows the wine to pass and retains the lees. The juice and pulp come through while the

unessential parts stay in the strainer.

The Sifter – holds back the coarse and collects the fine flour.

Each mishna that deals with the character of a good student focuses on the importance of working to reach one’s

own potential. In addition to the above examples, the rabbis gave much thought when offering a description of a

good person.

Several descriptions include one who controls oneself in difficult situations, one who shows sensitivity in dealing

with others, one who is part of society, and one who is tolerant of others.

The ultimate question that was asked was “which is more important, learning or deeds?” The rabbis suggested that

the two should always be connected, but added that learning which did not have an effect on one’s character and

actions was viewed as useless.

Let us look at the individual learner, helping each to reach their potential, while instilling in them a sense of men-

schlekeit and a life of mitzvoth.

L’Shalom, Susan Bernstein 407.647.3055 ext. 304


From Our Youth Director By Eliana Gershon

T he seasons fly by so quickly, it’s hard to believe that summer is more than halfway through! I am

excited to have been in Orlando almost an entire year now, which is still mind-boggling to me. In fact, it was exactly

one year ago that I made the decision to move from Texas to Florida. With almost no exact plans and a gigantic leap of

faith, I packed all of my belongings into the back of my Toyota. I set my GPS and headed east for the Sunshine State to

see what life had in store for me next. The road trip over here was a blast, up until the second I pulled into my new

apartment complex, and I was suddenly terrified. What if I fail?

There are a few moments in my life that have reminded me how fortunate I am to be a part of B’nei Yisrael, the people

of Israel, and not to take my heritage for granted. The first I can remember was when I joined Kadima and USY when I

was a teen. Building strong friendships and having so many opportunities for leadership helped mold me into the indi-

vidual I am today. I was welcomed into that community with open arms, and my USY family made me feel at home.

The next instance that stands out in my mind is when I went off to college. Going from a high school graduating class

of 29 to a freshman class of about 8,000 was daunting to say the least, but while others struggled to find their niche, I

had an instant bond with Jewish students all over campus, and soon felt at ease.

Which brings me back to last August, when I had not the slightest clue where to begin building a life in Florida. The

Jewish community, with its unfaltering embrace, had my back yet again. Rabbi Neely, John-Patrick, Susan, and the

families of TI were quick to make me feel welcomed and accepted.

Contrary to the beliefs of many of the children I have worked with over the years, it can actually be more difficult to

make and keep friends as you get older. However, I have to say that belonging to this community is a huge exception.

Here you will find unwavering friendship and loyalty, and what’s crazy is that these things most often come from peo-

ple that may have only been in your life for a matter of months or even weeks.

When my father had a heart attack back in 1998, mere weeks after our family had moved to Dallas, a family took in us

kids--a 9-year-old, 7-year-old, and 3-year-old for a full two weeks. If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will--

Jewish hospitality truly knows no bounds. So what if I fail? Our history has proven time and time again that we will not

be defeated, and our liturgy urges our continuity and perseverance. So, life may not always be perfect, but failure is not

an option.

Help our community become even stronger! Sign your kids up for youth programming for the 2015-2016 school year

by visiting

L’Shalom, Eliana Gershon 407.647.3055 ext. 302


From Our Sisterhood President By Nancy Stern

I know it’s early, but I always start thinking about the High Holy Days when August rolls

around. Maybe because my sister (not local unfortunately) hosts a huge open house luncheon

on the first day, so she starts preparing early. Her luncheon has become a tradition for the fam-

ily and friends she has where she lives, and each year, I toy with the idea of flying up to attend.

Tradition is a big part of what makes life special and unique. Every family, and religion, has their own traditions and

rituals, and we hope that our observance of them will continue through the generations, even if we don’t know why

we do something. How many of us know we eat apples and honey at Rosh HaShanah but not why we eat apples

and honey?

It’s been hard developing our own traditions in my small nuclear family. Of course, that makes it even more impor-

tant to make sure we do develop our own traditions. A special tablecloth, candles, a round Challah … these are sim-

ple things that make Rosh HaShanah dinner special, different from the other days of the year. I also make it a point

to bring my daughters to tashlich – fun for the kids even if they don’t get the full meaning behind the ritual and

prayers (and, to hearken back to old Irish Spring commercials, I like it, too!).

What are you doing to share the traditions important to you with the ones around you? There is a large variety in

how we all observe the Sabbath and the holidays at Temple Israel, but that does not mean we cannot share them to-

gether. I personally love learning about how other people observe the various holidays and what they do to make

their home a Jewish home, how we have each chosen to make our life a Jewish life, whether it be cultural Judaism or

more religiously observant.

Going back to Rosh HaShanah and apples and honey ... common belief is that we eat apples and honey together on

Rosh HaShanah to symbolize the wish for a sweet new year. Apples are usually plentiful when you go to the store

and I’m sure we can all appreciate the variety available for us to choose from and have our favorites. Honey is

probably something most of us don’t think about – we grab the jar (or honey bear) from off the shelf in the super-

market and we’re done. Right? WRONG!!

Come join Sisterhood for an afternoon of honey tasting and learning about the differences and wonderful properties

of our local honey Sunday, August 16 at the home of Sharon Sachs. We will have a variety of honey (all kosher) for

you to taste and purchase if you desire – to make this year’s apples and honey a little different and even more special.

L’Shalom, Nancy Stern

P.S. Did you know that honey is the only kosher food to come from a non-kosher animal? (Thank you to Rabbi Neely for that fun bit

of trivia learned at last year’s Jewish Trivia Havdalah).


Game Night at Temple Israel!

Monday, August 3, at 7:00 pm in the Lounge

Whatever your game is … the first Monday of the month is your night!

Come and enjoy a great game of Texas Hold’em, Mah Jongg, Chess or

Pool (or learn how!). Refreshments will be available, and it all goes down in

the Lounge. When you arrive, enter through the front of the temple. All are


Sponsored by Temple Israel’s Men’s Club

Questions? Please call Joe Ihns at 407.267.2000.

Friday, August 7 at 6:30 pm in the Roth Social Hall

Admission to the Family Shabbat Dinner is $5 ages 6 and up

with a cap of $15 to accommodate our larger families.

Children who are in the Passport to Hebrew program are already included!

As always, our Keepers of the Flame are invited

to share good food and company with us at no charge.

RSVP online or contact John-Patrick in the office at 407.647.3055 &

Reservations will close on August 5 at 5:00 pm.

All late reservations will incur an additional $5 upcharge.

Mishna Brachot: Oral Torah Study

with Rabbi Joshua Neely

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm at Temple Israel

Come be a part of the conversation and debate that has been at the core of our people. We will study and argue over the fundamentals of prayers and blessings, with many digressions, tangents and modern applications. No previous

experience necessary! A copy of the mishna is available on theUSCJ website or at This will be a weekly

class. Contact Rabbi Joshua Neely for more details at

Join us for another Family Shabbat dinner! Though geared towards our younger families, family dinners are always open to our community and we

encourage everyone to attend. After all, we’re all one big family!


Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Florida Region Cluster Meeting: Helping Preserve the Past

Two choices of location & date

Sunday, August 9, 2015 9:30 am - 2:30 pm,

Sunday, August 16, 2015 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

B’nai Torah Congregation

6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton 33433


Congregation Kol Ami

3919 Moran Road, Tampa, 33618

(you should be back in plenty of time for the

Honey Tasting at 4:00 pm!)

Highlights of the Day:

Hear the “State of the Region” from our Regional President, Jill Tomar; get updates about Torah

Fund - Membership – Education and Programming. Please come, see friends, meet other Florida

Sisterhood members and be a part of a day of learning and community.

This event is open to ALL members of Sisterhood. Cost: $18.00 (includes lunch) Please con-

tact Nancy Stern at 407.314.3520 or if you are interested in attend-

ing. Registration deadline is August 1st. We plan to carpool, too, so don’t let the drive discourage

On Friday evenings after services we traditionally enhance our Shab-

bat joy known as Oneg Shabbat. On Friday, August 7 we will have

a special Oneg Shabbat with Israeli Dancing, led by Debbie Meitin.

You will have the opportunity to learn new dances as well as dance

to old favorites.

This evening is also Simcha Shabbat, when we celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries in August. Come join the fun!


M y name is Dylan Sachs and for my Bat Mitzvah project I have joined with Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida to organize a food drive in my community. Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida is a private, nonprofit organization that collects, stores and distributes donated food to more than 550 agencies in six Central Flor-

ida counties. Last year, the food bank distributed nearly 64 million pounds of grocery products – the equivalent of more than 53 million meals – to programs such as food pantries, soup kitchens, women’s shelters, senior centers, and day care centers. For more information, please visit In the wealthiest country in the world, many of us take for granted basic necessities such as food. Children and the elderly represent a significant portion of Second Harvest’s clients. In fact:

27% of Second Harvest's clients are children under the age of 18, and

11% are seniors over the age of 65 I am conducting a food drive, including going door to door in my neighborhood collecting donations and placing a collection bin in the Social Hall. Also, I have volunteered several times at Second Harvest sorting food.

I am asking the members of the congregation to join me in supporting this worthy cause. The collection bin will be here until August 29 and I greatly appreciate all donations made. L’Shalom, Dylan Sachs

Join us Friday & Saturday,

August 28 & 29,

In Celebration of

Dylan Sachs’

Bat Mitzvah!


I received this letter from Pam Levin last week and wanted to share it with everyone who supported the

Sneakers that Fit program in the past few years. Even months later the gifts you gave are impacting young


I look forward to another successful drive this year...look for information in November!

L’Shalom, Cathy Swerdlow


Donations for High Holiday Flowers & Break Fast

If you are interested in honoring or memorializing

someone with a High Holidays donation towards the bima flowers or the Break Fast please contact

Phyllis Kamenoff at 407-389-0828 or email at

Get ready for a sweet time with Sisterhood

and nothing says sweet like honey!

* Get the scoop on our upcoming events

* Learn about Sisterhood’s role at Temple Israel

* Meet and make new friends

* Enjoy delicious treats made by the sisters in the hood

* Join us for a honey tasting, just in time for Rosh Hashanah with a brief


* Buy fresh, local honey for your New Years celebration

...Calling All Ladies!

It’s time for the Sisterhood

Membership Tea!

Join us at the home of Sharon Sachs

from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm on Sunday, August 16

RSVP to Shirley Gold at 407.772.2899


Shabbat & A Special Sendoff

For Our College Bound Teens Join us Saturday, August 15 for a special Shabbat, where we will be

celebrating our college bound member’s journeys to their respective

houses of learning!

Tot Shabbat is a joyful and engaging program geared toward families with young

children, ages 5 and under (older siblings are welcome too). This 30-minute pro-

gram includes Shabbat themed songs, dancing, stories, a Torah parade, simple blessings, and Challah and juice too!

Tot Shabbat meets at 11:30 a.m. in a bright and cheerful kid-friendly section of our Roth Social Hall.

Bring your friends and meet other families with small children as we celebrate Shabbat with the youngest members of

our community! All are welcome, and temple membership is not required. Afterward, stay and join our entire congre-

gation for our Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon.

Tot Shabbat Saturday, August 15, at 11:30 am in the Roth Social Hall

Mazel Tov!

To new parents, Laura & David Yanowitz, on the birth of their daughter,

Allyrose Gusia Yanowitz, Wednesday, July 22!

And also to new parents, Olivia & Matt Gordon, on the birth of their son,

Calvin Zachary Gordon, Wednesday, July 29!


It’s Another Sha-Ba-B-Q!

Join us for family fun and kosher barbecue deliciousness on Friday, August 21 at 5:00 pm. Games & activities

for our families, rain or shine! Followed by a joyful Shabbat service. The Sha-Ba-BQ is free and open to the

entire community. We need to know how much food to prepare so your RSVP is a must. Bring someone

new and RSVP online by August 19.

RSVP by August 19

is a must! We need to know

how many we’ll need to feed.

No one wants to go hungry.

Use the online form

or you can contact the office at - 407.647.3055

Menu: Hamburgers & Veggie Burgers

Cole Slaw

Hot Dogs (Kosher, of course)

Baked Beans





Friday, August 21 at 5:00 pm in the Roth Social Hall

5:00 pm – Games and activities for


6:00 pm – Dinner

7:30 pm – Shabbat services


Please make every effort to attend

Help make a minyan at 9:00 am

Bagels & coffee will be served

between 9:30 am & 10:00 am.

August 30, 2015

At 10:00 am

In the Roth Social Hall

Prayerful Meditation

Special Date: Saturday, August 22 at 9:30 am in the Savage Family Chapel An experiential workshop to help open up the channels of spirit that connect us to God. Led by Rabbi

Neely, this will include meditation, guided imagery, breathing exercises and more.

Held in the Savage Family Chapel every last Shabbat of the month.

Understanding God

Sunday, August 23, 30 & September 6 - 4:00 pm in the Roth Social Hall Bridge the gap between our finite selves and the infinity of God.

First Day of School! Sunday, August 23 at 9:00 am

Registrations can be finalized at this time. There will be an opening assembly and then students will be dismissed to

class with their teachers while parents will stay for a Parent Meeting. It promises to be a great beginning to a wonder-

ful year.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando recognizes the strenuous diplomatic efforts by the United States and

its fellow members of the P5+1 to address the challenge of a nuclear-armed Iran. We reiterate our support of a diplo-

matic process to find a peaceful resolution to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. We remain deeply concerned about the threats posed by a nu-

clear-armed Iran to Israel, the United States and the global community, particularly in light of Iran's admit-

ted track record of violating U.N. resolutions on its nuclear development program and thwarting interna-

tional inspections.

The agreement at hand appears to give Iran the ability to be a nuclear threshold state at the end of the agreement’s

term. It leaves in place an enrichment capability and other critical components of Iran's nuclear industrial infrastruc-

ture; provides no authorization for “anytime, anywhere” inspections across the nuclear materials development cycle;

and includes no provisions addressing Iran's ballistic missile program. More at


The Nominating Committee Needs Members!

Please be notified that anyone interested in being selected to serve on the Nominating Commit-tee for the slate of officers and trustees for 2016 must submit his/her name to the Secretary (Mollie Savage,, 407.579.3472) no later than August 7, 2015. Only the names submitted to the Secretary shall be presented to the Board of Directors at its September meeting for a vote. The Board of Directors will select six members of Temple Israel to serve on said Nominating Committee of which three shall be members of the Board of Directors and three shall be general members not presently serving on the Board of Directors. Members of the Nomi-nating Committee are not eligible to be nominated for an office. You may contact Arlene van de Rijn, Nominating Committee Chair, for further information (Arlene van de Rijn,, 407.761.1243).

Shalom Families Community Event

Sunday, August 30 at 10:00 am

Rabbi Joshua Neely joins Shalom Families at Lukas

Nursery & Butterfly Encounter in celebration of Rosh

HaShanah. Contact for registration and more in-


High Holiday Schedule for Juniors & Tots

Junior Congregation

Grades: K-7 - Rosh HaShanah Day 1 - Monday, September 15 - 10:00 am-12:30 pm

Kol Nidre, Tuesday, September 22, start to finish beginning at 6:45 pm

Yom Kippur - Wednesday, September 23 - 10:00 am-12:30 pm


Ages: Potty trained to pre-K - Rosh HaShanah Day 1 & Yom Kippur

- 10:00 am-12:00 pm


Simchat Torah Honorees

Each Simchat Torah we honor two people whose

regular service to Temple Israel has greatly en-

hanced our religious and social experience. Please

submit your nominations as soon as possible. The

nominations will be tallied by the Ritual Commit-

tee and the results announced on Yom Kippur. Our

Hattan/Kalat Torah and Hattan/Kalat Breisheet will

be honored with an Aliyah on Simchat Torah. Any

Temple Israel member is eligible for nomination ex-

cept President Eric Hoffman and vote counter

Natan Brener.

Congregants may make a nomination by leaving a

message at 407.435.8613 or sending an e-mail to, or delivering your ballot

to the Ritual mailbox in the Synagogue office.

Thank you!

Natan Brener

Ritual Chairman


Kohen Corps

Another beautiful feature of our high holiday services is the ceremony of the kohanim (priests)

blessing the people. Judaism teaches that any person can bring God’s blessing to another person by

opening up, serving as a conduit, and praying on their behalf.

It is considered a special privilege to receive a blessing from a Kohen. If your father was or is a

Kohen and you would like to participate in blessing the people of the congregation, please sign up by

contacting Bob Kaplan at 407.862.0488 or

Shofar Corps

One of the more moving features of our High Holiday services is the sounding of multiple

shofars. If you would like to learn how to sound the shofar and participate in the ritual on Rosh

HaShanah & Yom Kippur, please call the office to sign up (407.647.3055). Rehearsals will be held

in the Office Reception Room.


Cooking for the High Holidays With Recipes from

“With These Hands-A Taste of Temple Israel Sisterhood” cookbook!

Bar B Que Brisket 1 first cut brisket --flat cut garlic salt 1 envelope dry onion soup mix 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 1/2 cups ketchup Place the brisket on an over-sized piece of heavy duty foil which has been placed on a baking pan. Sprin-kle the meat with garlic salt, brown sugar and the onion soup mix. Pour the ketchup on the top. Wrap the foil securely around the meat and place in a 325˚F oven for 3 1/2 hours. Allow it to cool and then slice the meat thinly across the grain. I like to refrigerate the meat and juice over night and re-move the fat the next day before reheating and serving. This freezes well! Submitted by Nancy Katz

Squash Pudding 1 stick margarine – divided and melted 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup nondairy creamer or milk 4 eggs -- beaten 2 boxes of frozen butternut squash -- defrosted cinnamon -- optional Preheat oven to 350˚F. Melt 1/2 stick of margarine and put into a 9x12 pan. Mix flour, sugar, cream (or milk) and beaten eggs. Mix together defrosted squash, add other ½ stick of the melted margarine and combine all. Sprinkle top with cinnamon if de-sired. Bake 1 hour in 350˚F oven. Submitted by Liz Oser, Sandy Oser's Daughter-in-law

Blintz Soufflé with Variations 2 packages cheese blintzes -- frozen 1 stick butter or margarine -- melt in baking dish 1 pint sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs OR egg substitute -- beaten 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup orange juice Preheat oven to 350˚F. Melt butter or margarine in Pyrex or aluminum foil baking dish in oven. Layer the frozen blintzes in the baking dish. Mix all other ingredients together and pour over the blintzes. The soufflé may be prepared a day ahead and refrigerated overnight. Bake for 45 minutes until brown and puffy. Cheese blintzes can be inter-mixed with fruit blintzes or just one fruit, or a combination of several, i.e. cherry, blue-berry or apple. VARIATION# 1: Rhea Rein eliminates the orange juice. VARIATION #2: Phyllis Kamenoff increases the salt to 1/2 teaspoon, decreases sugar to 2 tablespoons , and all other ingredients are halved. She bakes the soufflé at 400˚F. Serving Size: 8 Submitted by Marion Daitzman & Sandy Oser with variations from Rhea Rein & Phyllis Kamenoff


The Membership Committee has reserved seats for Temple Israel members and

guests for the Orlando Shakespeare Theater production of

SPAMALOT We have reserved 40 seats in Sections A & B of the Margeson Theater for the 2:00 pm performance with a meet & greet beginning at 1:00 pm

in Harriett’s Bar (located in the venue)

812 E Rollins St, Orlando, FL 32803

Seats are 20% discount priced for: Section A (Gray) $48 & B (Red) $36

(The seating chart is on the website,, under “Tickets”)

To express interest in attending, please contact the temple office at and 407.647.3055.

More information will be coming in the near future.

Save the Date!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

at 2:00 pm


June 2015 Donations

may be purchased or reserved. May their memories

always serve as a blessing. $360 for a perpetual

memorial plaque in the sanctuary.

Contact the synagogue office at 407.647.3055.

Special Kiddush Luncheon Mentions for: Phyllis Kamenoff

Linda Silverman

Arlene Silver

Shirley Gold

CEMETERY FUND Donor In Memory Of Celia Feldman Miriam Feldman ELAINE FARB MEMORIAL CHOIR FUND Donor In Memory Of Larry Roth Nellie Roth GENERAL FUND Donor In Honor Of Rhea & Harry Rein Malka Webman’s 80th birthday Donor In Memory Of Robert Lille Tillie Lille Sylvia Semel Robert Philip Barbara Swartz Beatrice & David Pfeffer Rosalie Dell Dorie Goldberg Joan Goldberg Roberta & Barry Schreiber Saul Schreiber The Chisdes Family Meyer Chisdes Evan Weisman Joseph Weisman Marion & Ira Daitzman Samuel Daitzman ONEG & KIDDUSH FUND Donor In Memory Of Edith Fenster Tillie Lille Ellen Kamenoff Jack Kamenoff RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Donor In Memory Of Cathy & David Swerdlow Sylvia Hershbein SIDDUR CHADDASH FUND Donor In Memory Of Kelley Morrissey Sondra Gottfried David Meltzer Marvin Meltzer David Meltzer Mitchell Meltzer David Meltzer Sylvia Hershbein David Meltzer Betty Stein David Meltzer Nellie Roth SISTERHOOD FUND Donor In Memory Of Lena & Rouben Sami Mollie Benmayor Lena & Rouben Sami and Renee Eleanor Raff Fayge & Freddy Cohen Melvin Siskind Jerry Cohen TORAH PRESERVATION FUND Donor In Memory Of Edith Fenster Abraham Krocheck TZEDAKAH FUND Donor In Honor Of Nicki D’Amato Penelope Neely Paul Patti Donor In Memory Of Robert Glasser Herman H. Glasser Julia & Michael Fineberg Sidney Fineberg Carol & Harold Plessner Mildred Plessner Lois Shaevel Jacob Scheer

June Kiddush Luncheon Hostesses: Linda Silverman Sarabecca Rosier

Karen Pinsky Arlene Silver

Debbie Amdur Emely Katz

Sharon Sachs Marion Daitzman

Sheri Stearns



August 7 Eric & Amanda Hoffman 14 Bernie & Linda Kwastel 17 Jay & Jill Gold 20 Dick & Nancy Katz 23 Joe & Eileen Lefkowitz 24 Mark & Debby Vangrov 25 Mark & Ellen Lang 25 Alan & Sandra Moss 26 Ross & Robin Katzman 28 Stephen & Carol Albert 28 Philip & Rosanne Karr 30 Daniel Wise & Lori Pearson-Wise

If we missed your birthday or anniversary, please call the office at 407.647.3055 and we will add you to the list.

13 Dee Schwartz 15 Howard Roland 15 Rouben Sami 17 David Markowitz 17 Steven Markowitz 17 Ryan Simmens 18 Hannah Erlich 18 Dylan Sachs 18 Karen Savage 20 Robert Gassman 20 Amy Supraner 21 Marty Skipper 22 Judy Arroyo 25 Emma Berg 25 Sandra Moss 25 Doug Sachs 26 Mark Vangrov 29 John Brammer 29 Peggy Katz 30 Neil Webman

1 Will Berg 1 Joshua Goldberg 1 Irene Lober 1 Robert Worman 2 Harvey Kobrin 2 Ilene Stone 3 John Feenburg 3 Audwin Luck 3 Carleigh Masin 4 Daniel Brown 5 Lizy Cohen 5 Mia Dawson 6 Stephanie Cohen 6 Rochelle Richman 8 Sandy Masin 9 Ashley McCormack 10 Brooke Simmens 11 Ira Daitzman 12 Andrea Ravinoff 12 Deborah Swerdlow 13 Hope McCormack

Thank You!

Sima Feldman, Hannah Neely, Steven Oser & Mollie Savage

For volunteering in the office

during the month of July.

A special thank you to our volunteer copy editors, without whom the Bulletin & Shabbat handout

would be rife with grammatical mishaps!

Larry Gutter, Debbie Meitin, Penelope Neely, Arlene van de Rijn, Geanne Share, Audrey St. Clair

& Cathy Swerdlow

If you are interested in being an office volunteer, please call 407.647.3055.



$25.00 (includes shipping and handling in the continental US)

If you would like to have a copy

of our Sisterhood cookbook, please let us know!

Synagogue Office: 407.647.3055,

Cathy Swerdlow: 407.862.2374,

Proceeds will benefit the charitable projects supported by Sisterhood.

Kosher Scrolls for your mezuzah

$25 each - 2.75" x 2.5"

Ketubot by Joanne Fink

Three styles of Ketubot available

We also have an anniversary

commemorative Ketubah

Open on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings

& by appointment.

Like us on Facebook! Look for Temple Israel Judaica Gift Shop.

We hope to see you at Simcha Shabbat

Friday, August 7, 7:30 pm

Anniversaries, birthdays and all other simchas will be

recognized, and you will be blessed from the pulpit.


Donation Form (You can cut out this form and mail it into the office. Make donations online at

My/Our Name making donation_____________________________________________________ Address (must include street, city, state & zip__________________________________________________________

Enclosed please find $____Please place contribution in the ______________________________Fund _____Date (default is the General Fund)

□In Honor of – person(s) name □In Memory of – person(s) name______________________________

On the occasion of________________________________________________________________________

Send notification of my/our donation to (please fill in complete name & address): Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________

For credit cards, include #_____________________________Expiration Date____ Signature_______________

Contributions may be made to honor someone on a special occasion or in memory of a departed relative or friend. Donations are tax deductible.

Giving Opportunities An important value in Jewish life is tzedakah. Temple Israel provides a simple and meaningful way of fulfilling this right-

eous act through our family of funds, and giving to Temple Israel in recognition, remembrance or celebration is an ap-

propriate way to enhance those special moments. A card will be sent acknowledging your contribution of $10 or more.

Congregation Funds

Adult Education | Cemetery | General | Library | Ma’asim Tovim | Men’s Club | Oneg/Kiddush | Rabbi’s Tzedakah

Religious School | Temple Israel Jewish Camping Scholarship | Torah Preservation | Youth Programming

Dedicated Funds

Michelle & Wayne Bilsky Education | Elaine Farb Memorial Choir | Friends of Ethan Gold Children’s Library

Harold & Hannah Rosenblum Education | Marlene A. Davis Art Education | Savage Family Chapel

Prayer Book/Torah Commentary Dedications

The dedication of a prayer book (siddur) or Torah Commentary (chumash) is a uniquely appropriate way to make a gift of

tzedakah that benefits the congregation for years to come. Your dedicated siddur or chumash will be utilized by the entire

congregation. A book plate with your specific dedication will be placed in the book prior to its addition into the congre-

gation circulation and an acknowledgement card will be sent. The appropriate minimum contribution for each sacred

book is as follows:

New Shabbat Siddur Chadash - $36

New Etz Hayim Chumash - $54

Sisterhood Funds

Temple Israel Sisterhood plays an active role in supporting all aspects of synagogue life. There are two funds that have

been established by Sisterhood:

Sisterhood Scholarship

Sisterhood General



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Temple Israel

50 South Moss Road

Winter Springs, FL 32708


Building Community Since 1954

Friday Service: 7:30 pm, Saturday Service: 9:30 am Meet & Greet every Friday at 7:00 pm before services

Sunday Minyan: 9:00 am (in the Savage Family Chapel)

Prayerful Meditation: Saturday at 9:30 am every last Shabbat of the month (in the Savage Family Chapel)

Weekday Community Minyan at the Jewish Academy: 7:45 am, Monday-Friday

Rabbi Joshua Neely
