Showdown in Washington with Pentagon Spending



This powerpoint reviews what’s at stake in the Budget showdown with clear slides and narrative. It reviews the four principles progressives have joined together to fight for and action steps you can take get involved and make a difference. This powerpoint includes some additional information about the Showdown and Pentagon spending cuts and makes the case for reducing our military spending.

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It’s our future at stake

Working families and the middle class are getting crushed

Over the last 30 years the super-rich grabbed more at our expense.

While mega corporations cut our wages and benefits and shipped our jobs overseas.

The middle class is the engine of the economy

The economy moves forward when people have good jobs, can educate their kids, afford their health care and retire in security.

We build the middle class by decisions we make together.


Opportunity and security for families.


Pave the way for businesses to innovate meet the future.


Common sense rules that benefit businesses and communities.


We’re not broke - we’ve been robbed!

Taxes on the super-rich cut in half.

Corporate taxes at historic low as share of federal revenues.

States cutting schools, health care, firefighters.

Congress approved cuts of $1.5 trillion in 2011.

“The best way to attack the deficit is to put America

back to work.” Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.

The Election is over – and now it’s time for Washington to make big decisions

If the President and Congress don’t take action by early in 2013, automatic spending cuts and tax increases will mean:

A double dip recession – driving the economy into reverse again.

4.4 million Americans will lose their jobs.

States will decide too

A Showdown Between 2 Visions

Prosperity for all – working families and

the middle class

More for millionaires and CEOs

Two visions – Four choices

1. Fair Taxes

2. Security for our seniors

3. Vital services for our families

4. Good jobs

1. Fair Taxes

• End Bush tax cuts for incomes over $250,000.

• Saves more than $1 trillion – use protect vital services for low-income people, working families and the middle class.

More for millionaires and CEOs – the House Republican budget

• Give millionaires a $160,000 tax break.

• New tax loopholes for corporations that ship jobs overseas.

Prosperity for working families & the middle class

What choice would you make?

Under the House Republican budget

1 YEAR of cuts in nutrition to 400,000 moms, babies and kids (WIC)

Cost $833 million

1 WEEK of tax cuts to 300,000 millionaires

Cost $866 million

2. Security for our Seniors

No cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Medicare for our seniors

NO cuts in Medicare benefits

• Keep Medicare’s guaranteed benefits and eligibility at 65.

• Add 8 years to the Medicare trust fund.

Cut benefits in Medicare

• Turn Medicare into a voucher for private insurance. Delay until age 67.

• Cut 8 years off of the Medicare trust fund.

Social Security for our seniors

No cuts in social security

• Extend the life of Social Security until 2075 by limiting the cap for upper income people.

Cuts In social security benefits

• Cuts in benefits –Cut benefits to middle-income seniors by 15%. Included in the Simpson-Bowles deficit plan.

Medicaid for our seniors and families

Protect Medicaid for low-income people

Cuts in Medicaid for the most vulnerable

• Slash federal funding for state Medicaid programs, limits federal funds to states no matter how many need care.

• Force states to pay more or make cuts in care.

• Keep federal promise to support Medicaid funding for– Long-term care. – Health coverage for families

and individuals.

3. Vital services for our families

Protect our families

• Keep unemployment insurance for people out of work for more than 6 months.

• No cuts to food stamps.• Protect student loans, Head

Start, Meals on Wheels and other vital programs.

Hurt our families• Cut unemployment benefit for

people out of work for more than 6 months.

• House Republican budget would deny food stamps to 8-10 million people or slash everyone’s food.

• House Republican budget in first year of cuts:– Cut 75,000 kids off of Head Start.– 1.3 million college kids lower or

no Pell Grants for tuition.– House Republicans voted to

eliminate the program that funds Meals on Wheels.

4. Good jobs for AmericaInvest in jobs for working

families and the middle class

• Jobs to rebuild our infrastructure.

• Jobs for teachers, firefighters, caring for children and seniors.

• Green jobs – making our homes and buildings energy efficient and investing in renewable energy.

• Youth jobs.• Job opportunities for people who

need more experience or education.

House Republican budget cuts 4.1 million jobs

• Huge cuts in services - $404 billion in just 2 years – would mean that 4.1 million Americans would lose their jobs in 2013 alone.

Jobs not cutsWe have tough choices to make on the Deficit.

Let’s make smart ones.

Ending long-term unemployment benefits:

12,000 jobs gone

Automatic spending cuts: 11,000 jobs gone

End Bush tax cuts for working families and the middle class:

4,000 jobs gone

End Bush tax cuts over $250,000:

2,000 jobs gone

Number of jobs gone for every $1 billion in deficit reduction:

Jobs not cuts What choice would you make for 2013?

How does Pentagon spending fit in?

2012 Federal Budget

Automatic cuts to Pentagon spending

Jobs per $ billion in spending

Showdown in WashingtonProsperity for working families

and the middle class• End the Bush tax cuts for

incomes over $250,000.• No cuts to Medicare, Medicaid

and Social Security.• Protect vital services for our

families.• Get America back to work.

More for Millionaires and CEO’s

• More tax breaks for millionaires.

• Cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

• Slash programs that working families count on.

• Try trickle down… again!

What is the deadline?

But Congress must act by early in 2013 to avoid:

•Double dip recession•4.4 million more jobs gone

It’s NOT the end of the year

Danger: Grand SwindleBeware the so called “Grand Bargain” being pushed by big corporations, like Bank of America.

We need to ask the president and members of congress

Whose side are you on?

We choose: prosperity for all

Here’s how you can send a message to the President and your member of Congress:

I choose prosperity for all!

Prepared by USAction

TAKE ACTION! Build state and local

coalition on 4 planks

Talk to members, friends and neighbors

Share stories of the impact on our families

Contact your Members of Congress.

Expose who’s behind more for millionaires.

Build the state and local coalition around 4 planks

Talk to members, friends and neighbors

Collect and share stories of the impact on our families

Contact your Members of Congress.

Strengthening America’s Values and Economy (SAVE)

For AllPrinciples:

Protect low-income and vulnerable people

Promote job creation to strengthen the economy

Increase revenues from fair sources

Seek responsible savings from the Pentagon and other areas

1,900+ groups nationwide signed letterto Congress with these principles –

individuals can send letters, too!See at

Expose who’s behind the more for millionaires & less for us.

Showdown Materials from USAction and scriptsFact sheets & postcardsSample Showdown Agenda Create your own rapSample Letters to the editor