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Should homework be abolished?Essay 1

Homework is, in my opinion, an integral part of any system of education. It is the practical part of what a child learns. I submit that if homework is abolished, the students shall have nothing to do after school. Moreover, their learning will not be enduring and permanent without it.

I should like to draw attention to the fact that the children are not fully developed in their minds at this stage. They are little capacity to retain anything without any practical demonstration in their mental faculties. If, however, a visual demonstration is given to them, it lasts longer in their memories. Homework is that practical demonstration of the learning, which is given to them at the school stage. I support, therefore, that homework should not be abolished, as it is necessary part of learning.

I strongly oppose the general view that homework keeps the students busy all the time and they have little time to play. I agree that playing is very necessary for the healthy growth of a child. However, a child does not play every time. After homework he can play with a relaxed mind them, it is not a worry at all. If, on the other hand, it remains yet to be done, his worries will grow more. Moreover, I do not agree that homework generates fear and unnecessary tension as submitted by my knowledgeable opponent. Contrary to it, it generates a sense of fulfillment and hold on the learning part. I fail to understand for what reasons the authorities even think of abolishing it.

I feel very strongly that if homework is abolished, children shall have much time. Then it would be difficult for them to pass if usefully. They would indulge in indulge in idle gossips. May I ask what, then, will they do in that spare time? In my opinion, homework is not a matter of very long hours. I support the view that the teachers giving homework know the capacity of a child. My knowledgeable opponent has submitted that it makes them busy day and night. It seems not sound and convincing. I, therefore, whole-heartedly oppose the motion that homework should be abolished.

Essay 2

I submit that homework is that unnecessary burden on a young child, which impairs his growth forever. A child learns at school for a long time and if his learning process with the addition of homework is extended, it will add a burden that will be difficult to bear. Homework is, therefore, an unnecessary burden. It should be abolished immediately. Learning with homework is, therefore, a continuous torture for the children.

I feel strongly that the school-going children are ‘little flowers’ yet to blossom in their mental faculties. If they are not given a free and fair environment, they will remain diseased forever. I submit that homework is just an elongation of the learning. This process is too heavy for the children to bear. They have many subjects at school and if the homework is counted in terms of time, it does not free them even in their sleep.

I wholeheartedly support that homework leaves the children no time for games, rest and recreation. In m opinion, playing is a necessary part of education. It helps the children grow in

the body, when mental faculties shall also be healthy. I strongly support the view that homework generates a sense of fear and avoidable tension. It leaves the children no time to play. The children cannot participate in playing with a free spirit. It is because they are not free from the fear and worry of homework that is yet to be done. Not doing the homework, sometime, generates the feeling of playing truancy from the school.

I should like to draw the attention that the children live a very hurried life. They have no time to have leisure for gossips and interaction with other children. If homework is abolished, the will read other useful material. It will increase their appetite to learn more. It shall also increase their inquisitive and rational powers. I submit that in doing homework they are deprived of this social necessity. This is of great importance in making them useful and responsible citizens. I, therefore whole-heartedly support that homework should be abolished at the earliest.

Essay 3Homework is a bitter pill for many students. Teachers always give homework. They are given to help students to revise what has been done in the class and also the finish task set in school which the pupil could not finish on time.

Education and mastery of knowledge, is a matter of skill so the more practice one has the better skill. There are skill subjects and knowledge subjects. Both these categories require drill and repetition. The teacher, to some extend, drill the student in the class but each individual student cannot be expected to do the same amount as skills of students vary from each other.

Homework need not necessarily be repeating what has been done in the class, it may be more study. The student goes through references and acquires more and better knowledge. The world of knowledge is so wide that the class alone cannot bring everything into the grasp of the student. So the student must take up some initiative of his own. This is one of the purposes of homework.

The school also must see that the students are overburdened homework. The teachers must see to it that the homework is distributed evenly throughout the week. Still there are subjects like mathematics or transcription in the lower classes which require daily attention. There are other aspects of school work which can be attended to during the weekend, for example, map making and drawing diagrams.

Simply because some boys find homework too much to cope up with, it cannot be abolished. The school should provide some facilities, so that the boys can conveniently attend to their home work and the teacherscan come willingly forward to help such boys.
