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1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the London locale in The Waste Land?

(A)St. Magnus Martyr (B) King Arthur Street (C) St. Mary Woolnoth (D) Lower Thames Street (December 2014 paper ii)

2. Which of the following novels by H.G. Wells is about the condition of England as Empire?

(A) The Island of Dr. Moreau (B) The War of the Worlds (C) Tono-Bungay (D) The Invisible Man (December 2014 paper ii)

3. Listed below are some English plays across several centuries: Twelfth Night, She Stoops to Conquer, The Importance of Being Earnest, Pygmalion and Blithe Spirit. What is common to them?

(A) All problem plays; scheming and intrigue (B) All tragedies; sin and redemption (C) All ideologically framed; class and gender (D) All romantic comedies; love and laughter (December 2014 paper ii)

4. The Uncertainty Principle is attributed to

(A) William James (B) John Dewey (C) Werner Heisenberg (D) Charles Darwin (December 2014 paper ii)

5. Dylan Thomas is associated with the group _______.

(A) The New Apocalypse (B) The Black Arts (C) The Movement (D) Deep Image Poetry (December 2014 paper ii)

6. Philosophy of Symbolic Forms is a work associated with _______.

(A) Wilhelm von Humboldt (B) Ernst Cassirer (C) Immanuel Kant (D) Battista Vico (December 2014 paper ii)

7. Surrealism is associated with

(A) Ernst Cassirer (B) Tristan Tzara (C) Henrik Ibsen (D) Andre Breton (December 2014 paper ii)

8. The Artist Hero is a theatrical creation emphasized by ________.

(A) W.B. Yeats (B) Charles Baudelaire(C) Oscar Wilde (D) Andre Gide (December 2014 paper ii)

9. What common link do you find among “The Disquieting Muses” by Sylvia Plath, “The Starry Night” by Anne Sexton, “Mourning Picture” by Adrienne Rich, and “Musee des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden?

(A) They inspired paintings. (B) They are confessional poems. (C) They are all inspired by paintings.

(D) They are all inspired by Van Gogh’s paintings. (December 2014 paper ii)

10. Here’s a famous exchange from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Silver Blaze: ‘is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?’ / ‘To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.’ / ‘The dog did nothing in the night-time.’ What was Sherlock Holmes’ response?

(A) ‘Nothing ? Nothing at all? / Rather unbelievable.’ (B) ‘That was the curious incident.’ (C) ‘Anything else, at all?’ (D) ‘That sounds rather curious, don’t you think?’ (December 2014 paper iii)

11. “The shrill, demented choirs of waiting shells, / And bugles calling for them from sad shires.” These lines are from Wilfred Owen’s:

(A)“Strange Meeting” (B) “Futility” (C) “Anthem for Doomed Youth” (D) “Duke et Decorum Est” (December 2014 paper iii)

12. “While the world moves/ In appentency on its metalled way / Of time past and time future” These lines are from:

(A) “Little Gidding” (B) “Dry Salvages” (C) “Burnt Norton” (D) “East Coker” (December 2014 paper iii)

13. While foregrounding the marginal presence of women in history in A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf refers to ______ History of England.

(A) Campbell’s (B) Trevelyan’s (C) Sander’s (D) Carter’s (December 2014 paper iii)

14. Salonieis a play written by Oscar Wilde written in

(A) English (B) Irish (C) French (D) Italian (December 2014 paper iii)

15. In which of the following works Yeats developed his theory of ‘gyres’?

(A) “A Vision” (B) “The Secret Rose” (C) “John Sherman and Dhoya” (D) “The Celtic Twilight” (December 2014 paper iii)

16. “The artist may be present in his work like God in creation, invisible and almighty, everywhere felt but nowhere seen.” Henry James is talking here about the artist’s

(A) impersonality (B) absence (C) presence (D) creativity (2014 June paper ii)

17. Identify the incorrect factor in Henry James’ theory of the novel:

(A) It should be sentimental (B) It should be objective (C) It should be realistic (D) It should be viewed as an artistic form (2014 June paper ii)

18. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II according to the code given below:

List – I (Novels) List – II (Characters)

i. Ulysses 1. Mrs. Moore

ii. A Passage to India 2. Molly Bloom

iii. To the Lighthouse 3. Gerald Crich

iv. Women in Love 4.Lily Briscoe


i ii iii iv

(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 2 1 4 3

(C) 4 2 1 3

(D) 1 3 2 4 (2014 June paper ii)

19. Which among the following novels was not written in 1922?

(A) Ulysses (B) Jacob’s room (C) Aaron’s Rod (D) A Passage to India (2014 June paper ii)

20. “A sudden blow: the great wings/beating still/ Above the staggering girl, her thighs/caressed/

By the dark webs, her nap caught in/his bill, / He holds her helpless breast upon his/breast.”

Who is the author of the above lines?