Shontelle impossible


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Shontelle Impossible

The opening off the song is a medium shot of the singer walking to a door; we don’t know what where or what she is doing. There is then a establishing shot of a block of rooms with doors as the singer opens the door, then a medium shot of the singer walking into the door, a close up of a plane ticket and then a cut to a close up of an alarm clocking showing the time ’12.14’ we know that this means in the afternoon because it is light outside. There’s another close up of a man’s arm and a woman hands around, holding them in a very caressing way. The shot after is a 1 second glimpse of the singer writing in a dairy and then a shot to a man. We don’t know who this man is yet. After this shot there’s another 1 second shot of the singer standing in the kitchen grabbing a beer. When the music starts the starting scene is the singer sitting in a bed with the light behind her coming from the window, the opening music begins with a piano. Unlike most music videos with a piano, the singer isn’t

playing the piano which shows that this is a narrative story music video. The singer appears to be in a bedroom, it’s very basic so it indicates that she could be in hotel room or a B&B. The piano instrumental is still playing in the back ground. The shot then fades into a close up of the singers face as she begins to sing the song

“i remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love”The shot then fades into a close up of shontelles head as she is singing, she appears to be in a white room, very plain and every bright, the light is shinning down on her making it very hard for us to see her, this shot last for about 3 seconds before it fades back into a close up of her face sitting on the bed, the camera is at a

high angel, this shows weakness in the singer, the camera then goes back into a medium shot of shontelle sitting on the bed, she is wrapped up in winter clothes, Sitting on the bed alone indicates that something is not right, she is unhappy and upset, the cloths she is still wearing show that she has arrived at a new place. The next shot is a shot of her and a man in the recording studio; the audience immediately think that this is her boyfriend or the man she is singing about the shot then fades back to her standing in the white room singing again. It then cuts back into the studio of her smiling, showing a happy memory. The shot then goes back to her sitting on the bed singing into a fade of the studio. This is contrasting between what is happening now and what it was like before. The bedroom shots show that she’s left her boyfriend and all the flash backs are off happy memories.

After seeing this mid shot of shontelle and the man you now know that he is her boyfriend, and you start to piece the story together. In this shot they kiss and then it fades into her singing in the white room again. This is to show innocent, to show that the man has hurt the woman.

The next shot after

Shontelle Impossible

all the fades from the studio to her sitting on the bed, she gets up and walks to the window singing, she gets to the window and places her hand there. This shows she’s frustrated, it’s a very dramatic action and therefore show’s her emotion. It then cuts to a close up off her face looking out the window singing, her face looks disappointed and upset, this contrast her looking out of the window. The next shot is of her in a nice fancy room, possible her bedroom or apartment room, she is writing in a book the next shot is an over the shoulder shot and you can see she is writing on a pad, this could be a letter or she could be writing in her dairy. It then cuts back to her looking out of the window, she then turns to face the camera and looks into the camera still singing, this wants the audience to sympathize with her. It then fades to an over the shoulder shot of her writing the dairy or letter. After that there are fades in and out of her singing either in the white room or looking out of the window. These are to show her emotions and what she is feeling. After the few fades in and out there’s a medium shot of her walking up behind her boyfriend but they end up fighting. This is a narrative story line showing the emotions of the girl and also the story of their relationship and what happened to them, showing each emotion. The next scene is the boyfriend and a group of boys celebrating, shontelle walks in on them with a bottle of wine, clearly showing she wanted a night in to celebrate with her boyfriend alone, this then cause’s another argument and you can see what happens leads up to for them to part and be upset. The next scene is her outside on rooftops with contrast the lyrics “shout it from the rooftops”The next scene is off her looking in the mirror and she is doing her make up, she then pulls out a letter that says “SCR” when her boyfriend walks past she hides it, showing that she has something to hide. Theres another shot of her standing on teh roof tops as the camera pans around her as she sings and throws her hands up in the air, this shows she is powerfull, she is standing above everyone else and everything else. The pink represents female, so its all about female power. Then from the previous shots they are all in black and white showing they are memories as well as telling a story.

The ending is in black and white of her leaving a CD behind while he is asleep, kisses his head, the music stops, the camera then zooms in to a picture of them and she walks out.
