Shaykh Shabir Moosa - Masjid Ibrahim · 2019-11-22 · Virtues of Medina Munawarrah Anas (May Allah...


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Shaykh Shabir Moosa

Virtues of Medina Munawarrah

Glad tidings for Medina MunawarahWhoever resides in Medina and bears its hardships with

patience shall be entitled to the intercession of Rasulallah(May peace be upon him).

Whoever dies in the haramain will be raised protected.

Visiting the rawdah after Hajj is equivalent to two acceptedHajj

Dajjal will never enter Medina

No plague will enter Medina

Virtues of Medina Munawarrah

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) relates from the Prophet Muhammad (May peace be upon him)

“Whoever performs 40 salah in my masjid consecutively will be the recipients of 3 benefits:

1. He will be free of the Hell-fire

2. He will be free from Punishment

3. He will be free from Hypocrisy”

Ettiquettes of entering Medina1. Ghusl before hand

2. Intention to visit the Prophet (May Peace be upon him)

3. Recite surah al takathur excessively

4. Read du’a before entering Medina

5. Continuous salawaat on the Prophet (May Peace be upon him)

6. Be aware, continuously, of the presence of the Rasul of Allah (May Peace be upon him)
