Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


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  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power




    T. L. SHAY Ph.D.

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    Copyright March, 1985 by T. L. Shay



    rights reserved. No portion of this book may be

    reproduced or transmitted in any form, mechanical or

    electronic, without written permission from the Scout

    Creek Press, except by a reviewer who may quote

    brief passages in connection with a review.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Scout Creek Press

    P.O. Box 3

    West Linn, Oregon 97068

    503) 635-1333

    This is a case study. It deals with the vital issue of

    lawful government and the potential for the abuse of

    power. It examines, in outline, some of the most

    important legal and political developments that have

    surrounded the Rajneeshee community in Oregon.

    Too often this subject has been discussed in an

    atmosphere of confrontation and misunderstanding.

    Extraneous issues, biases, personality clashes and an

    amazing array of rumors have contributed to the loss

    of factual perspective. Fear of the unknown, cultural

    and religious intolerance, media distortion and

    sensationalism have all added to an

    irrational climate

    of opinion in which reasoned accommodation has been

    rendered almost impossible. And often, actions of

    various governmental units have also failed to

    contribute clarity and justice.

    This article, therefore, is written in the belief that,

    As they struggle with the mysteries of Rajneeshism,

    what citizenr of this grand state require most is


    Unfounded claims, rumors and accusations are not

    analyzed here. It is time, instead, to abandon

    distortion and verbal overkill. For example, it is

    unfortunate, but irrelevant, that some Rajneeshees

    have used words like fascist , idiot , redneck and

    bigot in reference to their opponents. And it is

    equally unfortunate and irrelevant that some

    opponents hove referred to Rajneeshees with words

    like cultists , brain-washed , zombies and

    satanists .

    Also not considered here are Rajneeshee religious

    beliefs or practices, I festyles, morals or values. One

    of the bosi c tenets of Amer icon democracy is that as

    long as people obey the laws their faith and practices

    are not the legitimate concern of government.

    America is also founded


    a faith in equal justice

    under law cn,d an abhorrence of arbitrary and abusive

    government. Officeholders must always be public

    servants, never masters. And the rights of minorites

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    are a sacred trust for all Americans, for we are all

    members of some minority some of the time.

    This article focuses on factual events, on

    behaviors, on their consequences and their

    implications. Actions do speak louder than words.



    1nvosion of


    Of all the issues, the so-called invasion and

    subsequent take-over of Antelope has been the most

    distorted and has inflamed public opinion most


    Antelope is a tiny hamlet some 20 miles from the

    former Big Muddy Ranch. The 1980 census revealed a

    population of 39, few of whom had lived there more

    than ten years or so. Since 1970 it had been described

    as a Ghost Town . The only business, the Antelope

    Cafe and Store, was for sale, as was 75 percent of the

    property in town. Few o~tsiders had any interest in

    purchasing property there.

    In July of 1981 the followers of Bhagwan Shree

    Rajneesh bought the over-grazed, ecologically

    devastated Big Muddy Ranch. In order to have

    adequate telephone service, they purchased two

    commercial lots in Antelope to set up a trailer-based

    communications center. They also bought two of the

    several houses for sale as living quarters for the

    staff. By September they had purchased four

    additional lots. At the same time, the Rajneeshees

    were trying to develop their ranch. They were granted

    permits by Wasco and Jefferson counties to locate

    trailers there.

    Then the IOOO Friends of Oregon became

    involved. This self-styled public interest lobby

    considers itself the watch-dog of Oregon's land use

    laws. Their staff of Portland-based attorneys litigate

    a wide variety of land use cases, seeking to institute

    their own interpretation of the statutes in court

    decisions. One of those interpretations is that non

    farm uses of land must be located in an already

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    existing urban area with a designated Urban Growth

    Boundary (UGB). Moreover, again by their

    interpretation, Oregon law precludes the development

    of any new cities on rural land, regardless of the

    agricultural value or productivity of that land, without

    completion of an extensive and untested exceptions

    process .

    Based on these views, I 000 Friends' lawyers told

    the Rajneeshees that they would be opposed in court if

    they sought to have urban-type services on their

    ranch. Instead, the 1000 Friends specifically advised

    them to locate their non-farm services in Antelope,

    the nearest town with a UGB.

    In an early legal brief I000 Friends stated,

    Antelope is committed to providing essentiai

    facilities and services and Antelope is committed to

    encouraging housing inside its urban growth boundary.

    Furthermore, the Rajneeshees may not rely on the

    hostility of Antelope residents to excuse residing

    there Consequently, non-farm uses should locate in

    Antelooe, consistent with the County Comprehensive

    Plan. J

    Facing this kind of opposition and in need of

    additional facilities, the Rajneeshees purchased more

    lots in Antelope. The purchases were followed by

    increased local hostility and rumors of invasion .

    In order to use their land and buildings, the

    Rajneeshees requested remodeling and construction

    permits from the Antelope City Council. The council

    achpted a strategy of delaying the consideration and

    granting of the permit requests, offering a variety of

    justifications. They also created a previously non

    existent position of Zone Code Enforcement Officer,

    ensuring further delays, and eventually adopted a

    temporary moratorium on the issuance of permits

    entirely. Thus began the abuse of power by a local


    These actioos were clearly discriminatory and the

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    Mayor made it clear that he felt he would only

    represent the views of the longer term residents.

    Moreover, there was no candidate for Town Marshal

    and the candidates for Recorder and Treasurer

    withdrew from their uncontested races. Under these

    circumstances, the Rajneeshees decided to stand a

    write-in candidate of their own choice to oppose for

    Mayor. They also offered write-in candidates in the

    other three vacated races.

    The election results were predictable since a

    majority of the residents were Rajneeshees. The three

    Rajneeshee Council candidates, the write-in

    candidates for the uncontested posts, and the

    Rajneeshee candidate for Mayor were winners. Three

    non-Rajneeshee candidates for council seats, one a

    write-in, were also winners. However, after the

    results were tabulated, two of the non-Rajneeshee

    Councilmembers-elect refused to serve. No other non

    Rajneeshee residents of Antelope would agree to be

    appointed to the council vacancies, even though they

    were asked. Consequently, two additional Rajneeshees

    were drafted to serve. One non-Rajneeshee, having

    won an uncontested seat, did agree to take his place on

    the council.

    Now the take-over of Antelope was described as

    complete and widely reported by the media using that

    pejorative term. However, the fact that Rajneeshees

    were sworn into all but one of ten Antelope city

    government positions by February I, 1983 was not the

    result of a carefully pre-planned strate9r nor of a

    Machiavellian manipulation as some in the media

    implied. Neither was it the result of ballot-box

    stuffing nor of voter fraud, but rather an outcome

    determined by a perfectly democratic election.

    A majority of the residents of a town elected their

    city officials from among the candidates who had

    agreed to run. By the time of the election, the

    Rajneeshees had purchased more than 38 pieces of

    property, most of which, it should be recalled, had


    been for sale even before their arrival. They clearly

    constituted a majority of the town's citizens. And

    those citizens now had a government of those among

    them who had won election and agreed to serve.

    The most unfortunate thing that can be said about

    this election is that voting broke along religious lines.

    However, such patterns of election decision-making

    are not uncommon in America.


    ew axes

    When the new city council took office, they found

    that some important records and the city seal were

    missing. The treasury had a balance of just $180.16 in

    January, while bills outstanding totaled $1,338.22 by

    February I. In addition, the former City Attorney,

    who had resigned, submitted a bill for $13,900.00 for

    services rendered the old council. There was no city

    tax to help shore


    the overburdened treasury. There

    was also no city police force and other city services

    were underfunded and inadequate.

    An increase in water rates seemed one possible

    source of needed funds, so the council raised them

    from $10.00 to $20.00 for residential and from $20.00

    to $40.00 for commercial users. A $20.00 irrigation

    fee was instituted for the summer months. Fire

    protection rates were also

    incrr1sed, from $1.00 to

    $4.00 per month per property. In the absence of

    adequate property tax funding, these were the only

    means of balancing the city's budget.

    On May 17 the city's voters passed a special one

    year operating levy and agreed to pay about $18.00 per


    000.00 valuation on property to finance it. This, in

    combination with property taxes already levied for

    education, brought Antelope's tax rate into rough

    parity with those of other Wasco County towns. Since

    there was now another source of budget-balancing

    funds, the council agreed to lower water rates as


    In spite of this, non-Rajneeshee residents


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    complained bitterly about the increase in taxes.

    However, most of the longer term citizens had sold

    their property and left town during the preceding two

    years. It was reported in July of 1983 that only about

    13 of them remained to be affected by the enactment

    of the new taxes. Therefore, virtually all of the

    increased tax burden fell on the 80 or so Rajneeshee

    residents of Antelope.

    The New Names

    The take-over theme has also been related to the

    fact that the Rajneeshee majority on the city council

    voted to change many names of the streets in

    Antelope. Most were renamed after world renowned

    religious leaciers.

    Later, in August of 1984, acting upon a petition

    signed by about one-third of the residents, the Council

    approved referral of a measure to change the name of

    the town from the City of Antelope to City of

    Rajneesh. The voters were to decide the issue on

    September 18.

    The Wasco County Clerk decided that this election

    would be a controversial one and so declared there

    would be no polling place in Antelope itself. Anyone

    wishing to vote, she said, would have to


    so by

    casting an absentee ballot or by traveling the 180

    miles round trip to the Wasco County Courthouse in

    The Dalles on election day.

    The Mayor and other city officials protested. The

    County Clerk responded that state law does not

    require polls to be physically located within precincts,

    even though there had been a polling place in Antelope

    for as long as anyone could remember.

    A circuit court judge ruled that there is no specific

    law dealing with the removal of a municipal election

    outside of the boundaries of that municipality. The

    clerk's decision stood, in spite of the fact that, in

    terms of inconvenience, it represents the equivalent of

    requiring a Portland municipal election to be held in



    All but one voter, who traveled to The Dalles,

    chose to cast absentee ballots. The election results

    were 57 in favor of the name change and 22 opposed.

    Antelope is now officially the City of Rajneesh.



    One of the earliest fears of the longer term

    Antelopians and nearby ranchers was the prospect of

    an influx of Rajneeshee children into the school system

    and a resulting increase in property taxes. The

    Rajneeshees were specifically asked and agreed from

    the begiming not to send their children to the local

    school. Instead they agreed to establish a private

    school on the ranch. Nevertheless, the ranch was

    located within the Antelope School District. Thus

    Rajneeshees paid property taxes to help support a

    school which their children did not attend.

    Even so, by I 983 several of the nearby ranchers had

    petitioned the Wasco and Jefferson County Boundary

    Boards to have their property moved into either the

    Maupin or the Madras district. The petitions were

    accepted. Over 200 square miles were to be removed

    from the Antelope district, leaving only property on

    the Rajneeshee ranch and in the town itself to be

    taxed in support of the school. To achieve this clearly

    gerrymandered taxing district, Antelope and the ranch

    were connected by a one foot


    strip of land that

    stretched for fifteen miles. As a result, Rajneeshees

    would be expected to provide the bulk of the tax

    money to operate a school their children still did not


    Not surprisingly, Rajneeshees voted against a

    district budget request in June and also elected one of

    their community to a vacancy on the school board.

    The board members sent a reduced levy request to the

    voters and it too was defeated. Whereupon they

    decided to close the Antelope school and send the

    twelve non-Rajneeshee elementary schoolchildren to


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    Madras. Yet another levy, however, was requested to

    pay part of the temporary cost of their tuition and


    Before these proposals could be put to the voters,

    the Wasco County ESD determined that the School

    Board which had devised them was improperly

    constituted. The redrawing of boundaries had removed

    the property of four board members from the Ante lope

    School District. This rendered them ineligible to vote

    in the district and, therefore, to serve as members of

    the school board. Four new property owners had to be

    appointed by the ESD to fi II the vacated seats.

    Rajneeshees were selected since they were the only

    applicants and they received overwhelming support

    from the residents of the recently truncated District.

    The new board decided to keep the schoo I open for

    all students in the district. However, all non

    Rajneeshee families chose to send their children

    elsewhere. So school began in the fall of 1983 with 53

    children of Rajneeshees in attendance.

    The Lincoln School, as it is now known, has

    probably been subjected to more thorough scrutiny

    than any other institution of its kind in Oregon. A

    fact-finding team and education officials conducted

    reviews in October and November of 1983. A

    standardization team of six from the Department of

    Education completed a two-day review in April of

    1984. The State Children's Services Division sent

    investigators in June. Each visit produced a report

    that standards were being met or exceeded. The

    Lincoln School, with its expanded K through 12

    program, has held a State Certificate of

    Standardization since September of 1984. Finally, the

    Superintendent of Public Instruction personally

    surveyed the grounds and programs in February of


    The Community Church

    Another generally misunderstood issue concerns the


    Community Church, built as a Methodist-Episcopal

    institution in 1896 when the town was much larger. In

    October of 1953 it was transferred by warranty deed

    to the Antelope School District. In August of 1969 the

    school district transferred it to the City of Antelope

    with a quit-claim deed.

    After the failure of the April 1982 disincorporation

    election, the old city council, without prior notice to

    the public, transferred the building and accompanying

    lots to the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon. This

    occurred at the May 4 council meeting, without the

    matter having been listed on the agenda.

    In March of 1983 the new council began to seek the

    return of the property to the city. They alleged that

    the May action had been illegal and improper; that

    procedures had been violated and authority exceeded.

    They also contended that the old council had given

    away valuable city-owned property at a time when the

    town was in debt and that the community still needed

    the building as a location for community activities and

    the lots upon which the fire hall and a recycling center

    were situated.

    On April 29, the old council, which had been out of

    office since January, met to pass a retroactive

    ordinance , thus attempting to legitimize the May

    1982 transfer of the property to the Episcopal

    diocese. This was an unusual digression from lawful

    governmental action.

    After over a year in the courts, in July of 1984, a

    Wasco County Judge ruled against the present city

    council. His reasoning was that the transfers of 1953

    and 1969 to units of government had been invalid

    because they violated the separation of church and

    state. Therefore, the school district and city could not

    have owned the property but must be seen, rather, as

    having held it for the citizens who eventually

    transferred it to the diocese. This decision seems to

    have settled


    issue of ownership for the time

    being. However, the Judge did not specifically address

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    complaigts against the


    actions of the old

    council. The case is now on appeal.

    The Take-Overn of Wasco County

    The take-over theme was not confined to

    Antelope. By the fall of 1984 many Wasco residents

    were alarmed that the Rajneeshees might take over

    the county government in the November elections.

    Their fears were stimulated by the Sharing a Home

    program, which the Rajneeshees had initiated to

    relocate numerous street people at their ranch.

    It has been reported that 3700 homeless people

    were recruited from among the most destit~te in

    sixty-one major metropolitan areas nationwide. The

    program offered them medical attention, nutritious

    food and housing in a clean, drug-free, crime-free

    environment. It also offered them encouragement and

    support to transform their lives for the better.

    Bus fare to Oregon was provided for all and return

    fare to those boarding the buses before September 23

    who later might decide to leave. Return tickets were

    no longer promised to newcomers after that date.

    They were asked to sign an understanding to that

    effect and to consider carefully whether they were

    committed to a change of lifestyle. However, some of

    the later arrivals did eventually decide to leave the

    ranch. They subsequently called upon or were offered

    charitable resources in Portland, Madras and The

    Dalles for return transportation.

    By the end of 1984 somewhat fewer than I000

    Sharing a Home participants remained at the ranch.

    Exact figures are uncertain. Some of these have

    adopted the religion of Rajneeshism, others have not.

    The number remaining represents a 20 25 percent

    success rate in the rehabilitation of people from the

    most dehumanizing slums of our urban ghettos. Such

    an accomplishment is remarkable. It can also be

    viewed as representing a savings in taxes and

    charitable funds in the long run that will far outweigh


    the transportation costs some non-Rajneeshee

    charities contributed to those who left.

    But many viewed this program quite differently.

    No sooner had it begun than rumors began to circulate

    that the Rajneeshees were going to import hordes of

    street people in order to take over Wasco County

    government in the November elections. Two of the

    three county court commission seats were at stake and

    contested. Each candidate had indicated that he or

    she was not favorably predisposed towards the


    Any attempt by the Ra jneeshees to take over

    would have required mounting two write-in

    campaigns. Then an enormous bloc vote of

    Rajneeshees and newcomers would have had to be

    delivered. There were several media reports pointing

    out the virtual arithmetic impossibility of these fears

    being realized. But reasoned arguments had little

    effect on the situation.

    Non-Rajneeshee voter registration in the county

    soared. Anti-Rajneeshee groups in Albany and

    elsewhere announced plans to go to Wasco on or near

    election day to register and to vote illegally in order

    to save the county. Wasco officials pleaded with

    these people to stay home. Meanwhile the

    Rajneeshees announced that they would offer two

    write-in candidates and that they would take over

    Wasco County . These actions were later explained as

    a joke designed to determine how far opponents

    might go.

    Calling for public calm, the Secretary of State

    directed the Wasco County Clerk to halt all voter

    registration on October 12. She then established a

    novel plan of requiring all prospective voter

    registrants to travel tThe l?alles. ?n.d. underg? a

    screening to determine their el1g1b1ltty. Fifty

    attorneys were recruited to administer the plan.

    The Rajneeshees contested the legality of the plan


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    in U.S. District Court to no avail. They also asked

    that some provision be made to conduct screenings in

    south Wasco County. They argued that to require

    nearly 4000 potential voters to travel 180 miles round

    trip in order to be questioned placed undue burdens on

    and potentially deprived citizens of their rights to

    register and thus to vote.

    . The court did not require a south county location

    for the screenings , however, and the Secretary of

    State would not acquiesce to the request for anyone

    but the handicapped. Nineteen Rajneeshpuram

    residents submitted to the process in The Dalles on the

    first day. Two registrants were rejected as ineligible.

    However, the Secretary of State later admitted that in

    a post-election court

    challgnge both were in fact

    deemed qualified to register.

    One result of the required travel time, distance and

    first day rejections was that many Rajneeshees and

    newcomers were unable to or discouraged from

    attempting to register. Moreover, only two days were

    scheduled for screening all applicants. Many of the

    citizens of Rajneeshpuram chose to boycott a

    registration procedure they held to be prejudicial and

    unfair, and to boycott the election as well. They

    decided after the election, however, not to contest the

    results in court, although they might have had grounds.

    Another consequence of the situation was that 93

    percent of the registered voters in Wasco County

    turned out to vote in November 1984. 13,561 ballots

    were cast, of which only 249 were from

    Rajneeshpuram. The obvious arithmetic was the final

    disclaimer to all rumors of impending take-over.

    A successful Rajneeshee write-in candidate would

    have had to receive a bloc of votes in excess of 6,656

    to win by the barest of majorities. There never were

    anywhere near that many potential voters at the

    ranch, even assuming all living there were eligible,

    registered, and voted in the same way.

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    In fact, a winning write-in Rajneeshee candidate

    might have had to receive many thousands more than

    just the 6,656 minimum votes. Non-Rajneeshee

    candidates for county court/commission seats had

    already discussed the possibility of one candidate for

    each seat withdrawing at the last moment. Such a

    single candidate opposing a write-in Rajneeshee would

    have presumably received almost all of the non

    Rajneeshee votes, given the climate in the county.

    Thus it might have taken more than 13,312 votes for a

    Rajneeshee write-in candidate to win the election.

    The take-over of Wasco County existed only in

    the rumors that some anti-Rajneeshees circulated and

    in the joke the Rajneeshees instigated. One

    consequence of all of this, however, was to heighten

    the fears of some Wasco citizens. Another was to

    cause the media to largely ignore the positive results

    of the Sharing a Home program.

    The ermit roblems

    Almost from the beginning, both Wasco and

    Jefferson counties presented the Rajneeshees with

    permit problems similar to some they had experienced

    before the Antelope City Counci I. In most such cases,

    1000 Friends was once again involved.

    The land-use lobby group protested issuance of

    trailer-housing permits for workers on the ranch. They

    opposed permits for support structures. They took

    credit for Jefferson County Court /Commission action

    to limit the size of a medical facility and of a school

    in 1981, and of a church in 1982. At one point, they

    asked the Bonneville Power Administration to delay

    the provision of needed electrical power lines to the


    When the Rajneeshees requested a permit for their

    first religious festival in 1982, almost every facet of

    the proposal was opposed by 1000 Friends. They

    argued that the festival should not be allowed at all on

    ranch land. They fought to prevent the completion of

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    a needed sewage treatment lagoon. They took a stand

    against the installation of a water supply system

    needed for fire fighting.

    In this instance, state law and constitutional

    guarantees of freedom of worship and assembly

    supported the Rajneeshees' request. According to

    Oregon's mass gathering law all that is required to

    obtain a festival permit is a demonstration that public

    health and safety wi II be adequately protected. The

    Wasco County District Attorney attested to the law

    and Rajneeshee compliance at the April

    court/commission public hearing. The Wasco body

    granted the permit, stipulating deadlines, inspections

    and other requirements to be met. The stipulations,

    however, did not prevent one Commissioner who

    agreed with 1000 Friends' arguments from resigning in


    From April until August, nearly a month after the

    summer religious festival was held, I 000 Friends

    initiated a series of actions against it. They wrote to

    the Health Division, the Department of Environmental

    Quality, the Governor and even local newspapers in

    attempts to halt the issuance of permits. They filed

    petitions and argued before the Wasco County Circuit

    Court, in two separate actions before Land Use Board

    of Appeols (LUBA) and in two actions before the

    Oregon State Court of Appeals. In each case the

    rulings of the judicial bodies left permission for the

    festival intact.

    Meanwhile, the Jefferson County

    Court/Commission refused to issue a permit for the

    religious event. The Rajneeshees appealed and the

    Deschutes Circuit Court ordered the

    Court /Commission to grant the request.

    In 1982, 1983 and 1984 summer religious festivals

    were held successfully and without untoward

    incident. In 1985, however, the agreement to grant a

    festival permit was delayed by the Wasco County

    Court/Commission. The body included as newly


    elected the very Commissioner who had resigned over

    the issuance of the 1982 permit. This

    Court/Commission granted the mass gathering permit

    but with new stipulations of a sort never befor~

    required in the state. Once again, governmental

    authority was employed to single out one community

    for exceptional treatment.

    Since 1981, several state agencies have been

    involved in permit and inspection issues. One of the

    more serious and certainly more unusual examples is

    the 1985 situation in which the State Department of

    Commerce fined Rajneeshees for violating state

    electrical codes in 640 huts or winterized tents

    which had been erected at the ranch. The fine for this

    minor infraction was set at $1,400,000.00. The State

    Building Code Administrator admitted that this


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    treated. Land use statutes are, at best, ambiguous

    with regard to the topic. Goal


    which deals

    specifically with the creation of Urban Growth

    Boundaries (UGBs) does not explicitly deal with the

    incorporation of cities in areas outside of already

    existing UGBs. The Rajneeshees, Wasco County

    Court/Commission, Wasco County Circuit Court,

    LCDC, LUBA, and the State Court of Appeals, as well

    as many legislators, have all interpreted this ambiguity

    differently at different times. The result has been a

    welter of administrative and judicial confusion.

    The Oregon State Constitution is much clearer on

    the issue of incorporation. It provides for Home Rule

    and states that, The legal voters of every city and

    town are hereby granted

    pwer to enact and amend

    their municipal charter Oregon's implementing

    statutes provide that 150 or more people living in an

    area outside of an already existing city may initiate

    the incorporation of their own city. At least


    percent of them are first to petition the appropriate

    county court/commission, which then holds one or

    more public hearings and approves a detailed order for

    an election. If a majority of those residing in the

    area vote to incorporate, the county recognizes the

    creation of a new city by proclaiming the election

    results. One issue under contention is what impact, if

    any, SB I


    was intended to have on this statutory


    Implementation of SB I


    over the years has

    res~lted in land in or near existing cities being

    designated as urban or urbanizable if it falls within

    UGBs adopted by local governments and approved by

    LCDC. Almost by default, all land not falling within a

    UGB, or specifically designated for some other use

    such as forest or recreation, has been categorized as

    Exclusive Farm Use (EFU). SB 100 contained no

    explicit provision concerning the incorporation of a

    new city outside of an established UGB, that is, on

    EFU land.

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    Former State Senator Ted Hallock, one of the co

    authors of SB I 00, has explained legislative intent as

    being the protection of truly valuable agricultural

    land. He has also said that during the 1973legislative

    deliberations, the incorporation of new cities was

    never considered to be a matter governed by SB l


    I spent five months of agony fighting to get

    that bi II through the legislature, and I can tell

    you that not for one moment was any

    consideration given to the possible formation of

    new cities. My primary purpose was to protect

    good farm land from further encroachment by

    existing urban areas. Not once did we discuss

    the evolution of a new city in a semi-desert

    area what you're doing here (Rajneeshpuram)

    is totally cff'mensurate with the intent of our


    Another issue under contention is whether or not

    the statutory language adopted by a



    session amendment renders land use planning goals

    applicable to the incorporation of new cities. The

    attempt to clarify land use issues specifically related

    to annexation was worded as follows: Cities and

    counties shall exercise their planning and zoning

    responsibilities, including, but not limited to, a city or

    special district boundary change which shall mean the

    incorporation or ~rrexation of unincorporated

    territory by a city

    One judicial decision has held this language

    ambiguous and not intended by the legislature to apply

    to the incorporation of new cities. It reasoned that if

    the legislature had intended such an application, it

    would have worded the phrase to read incorporation

    of or annexation of . Another decision disagreed,

    saying that the passage is not ambiguous, although it

    could have been more artfully drafted and that it does

    rende~ ~and


    ~se goals applicable to the incorporation of

    new c1t1es.

    Meanwhile, 1000 Friends of Oregon has developed

    - 19 -

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    its own interpretation of the relationship of Oregon's

    land use planning laws to incorporation. Their

    attorneys have insisted that: urban development may

    only take place on land within established UGBs; no

    new cities may be incorporated on EFU land,

    regardless of the agricultural value of that land; and

    no urban-type services may be provided in rural areas

    without the completion of an inexplicably complex

    procedure called an exception .

    A third issue under contention is this matter of

    whether or not the exceptions process as outlined in

    Goal 2 applies to the incorporation of new cities. This

    process could years and, as of early



    never been successfully completed by anyone in the

    state who had been challenged.

    Arnold Cogan, the first Director of the Department

    of Land Conservation and Development, and head at

    the time that the land use planning goals were written,

    has clarified LCDC intent relating to new

    incorporations and Goals


    and 2. In



    explained that:

    It is important to note that Goal


    was not

    intended to prohibit new urban areas or new

    cities, nor was it anticipated that Goal 2

    exceptions to Goal


    would be required to

    justify newly urbanizing areas. Again, hod this

    been the intent of the goals, it wou\1 have been

    inserted in a clear, exp Iicit manner.

    LCDC had itself clarified this point in a May


    Exception Policy Poper. Their position was that the

    exceptions process does not apply to Goal



    Goal 14

    contains its own conflict resolution


    These are some of the central issues of

    interpretation which have been raised relative to the

    incorporation of Rajneeshpuram. However clear

    original intent may appear to be, administrative

    agencies and the courts have been embroiled in a

    - 20-

    confusing labyrinth of controversy over these issues.

    The lncorporatim of


    When the Rojneeshees purchased the 64,229 acre

    Big Muddy Ranch in July of


    they voiced their

    intention to develop an agriculturally based commune

    where they could live, work and practice their

    religion. The community was to be a home for those

    who wished to shore in an experimental application of

    religious teachings to everyday I fe.

    They purposefully bought some of the most over

    grazed and abused land in Oregon. Part of their vision

    was to practice agriculture in the most technologically

    advanced, yet ecologically restorative and supportive

    way possible. They began to implement intensive

    agricultural practices, which required the labor of a

    substantial population. This, in turn, necessitated the

    provision of housing, medical services and the like.

    Light industrial facilities, such as for the maintenance

    of equipment, were also needed.

    For its religious activities, the community required

    other types of facilities. It needed a church or

    meditation hall and means for book publication and

    distribution. There were communications needs, of

    course. And after several months there was a need to

    develop facilities for the many guests and tourists who

    began to arrive to visit the settlement.

    The ranch was about


    miles from the hamlet of

    Antelope, which provided none of the needed

    services. The nearest location of some of those.

    facilities was Madras, a city of under



    some one and one-half hours' drive away.

    Consequently, the Rajneeshees sought permits from

    Wasco and Jefferson counties for some basic facilities

    on their ranch. Trailer housing and office space were

    requested first and permits were somewhat reluctantly


    As early as September 1981




    challenged requests for basic facilities permits for the

    - 21 -

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    ranch. They contended that such services should not

    be allowed on EFU land. Recall that it was 1000

    Friends who originally told the Rajneeshees t1't they

    must locate their non-farm uses in Antelope. This

    led to Rajneeshee requests for permits in Antelope and

    the problems resulting therefrom. They also decided

    to seek the creation of their own city on ranch

    property as a means of providing services. Relying

    upon the advice of some of Oregon's finest land use

    law experts, they sought to follow the provisions of the

    state constitution and the explicit wording of

    incorporation and land use planning statutes in

    requesting the required election.

    On October i4, 1981 a petition was filed in The

    Dalles seeking the incorporation of 2,135 acres of

    Rajneeshee ranch land. A three and one-half hour

    hearing on the request was held by the Wasco County

    Court/Commission on November 4. About 200 people


    The Rajneeshees and ten or so others testified

    concerning the need for incorporation to provide non

    farm services, fire protectioo, a water system

    hospital, stores and the like. The LCDC Field

    Representative for the area testified that LCDC would

    remain neutral on the issue of incorporation. He said

    that LCDC would not become formally involved until

    after the incorporation had taken place. He added

    that the Rajneeshees had been receptive to land use

    planning goals and guidelines in preparing their


    1000 Friends attorneys and others testified against

    allowing an incorporation election primarily on the

    grounds that the creation of a city on ranch property

    would violate land use planning Goals 3 and



    reiterated their interpretation that Goal



    the incorporation of any new cities on EFU land. They

    repeated their position that the only way the

    Rajneeshees might be allowed to provide non-farm

    services on the ranch would be to go through the


    essentially untried and potentially protracted

    exceptions process .

    The Wasco County Court/Commission expressly

    disagreed with I000 Friends regarding the need for an

    exceptions process . In doing so, they relied on the

    interpretations in LCDC's 1979 Exception Policy


    In spite of the arguments of I000 Friends, the

    Wasco County Court/Commission, by a 2 to I vote,

    adopted the findings submitted by the Rajneeshees and

    granted the petition for an incorporation election.

    They set the election for May 18, 1982.

    Throughout the November 4 hearing, and during the

    many administrative and judicial proceedings they

    later initiated, 1000 Friends continually stressed their

    interest in protecting valuable agricultural land, a



    concern. In


    the Director of I



    wrote: ullification of the Rajneeshees' city status

    is the only way to restore Oregon's farmland

    protection laws to the Muddy Ranch. This has been

    the sole purposf7 of I000 Friends' efforts since

    September 1981.

    However, the November 4 hearing clearly showed

    that the acreage to be incorporated consisted largely

    of Class VI and VII soils. Much of it was also steeply

    sloped. Later the application of Federal Bureau of

    Land Management standards revealed that the portion

    of the ranch to be incorporated had the agricultural

    land use potential of supporting nine cows. This 2,135

    acres was virtually useless wasteland, unsuited for

    anything except the grazing of nine head of cattle.

    Yet complex administrative and legal battles have

    ensued. The area has seen escalating hostility. High

    costs have been incurred by a II concerned, including

    Oregon taxpayers. These have been some of the

    consequences of I000 Friends' sole purpose of

    restoring Oregon's farmland protection to nine cows.

    In pursuit of this purpose and almost immediately


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    after the Wasco Court /Commission decision, I 000

    Fri ends, often joined by three nearby ranch couples

    who are members of the organization, began a

    protracted and costly process of appeals. They sought

    to delay, modify and/or reverse the November 4


    That same month they wrote asking the Governor

    to direct LCDC to institute legal action to invalidate

    the Wasco decision. Such action did not follow. In

    December, I 000 Friends filed a notice of intent to

    appeal the November 4 decision to LUBA. They also

    filed a petition asking the Wasco County Circuit Court

    to review and ~verturn the incorporation hearing

    proceedings. The Circuit Court dismissed the request,

    deferring to the LUBA review. 1000 Friends appealed

    this dismissal to the Court of Appeals.

    In January, the organization aided a rancher in

    filing a complaint with the State Ethics Commission

    calling into question the integrity and impartiality of

    one of the Wasco County officials who had voted in

    favor of holding the incorporation election. This

    particular action was settled in May when the Ethics

    Commission dismissed all complaints against the


    Also in January, the 1000 Friends and the three

    ranch couples filed a petition asking LUBA to review

    and reject the November 4 decision to schedule an

    incorporation election.


    State Approves Rojneest1 Urom

    On March 12, 1982 the Land Use Board of Appeals

    dismissed the petition for review of the county's

    decision by a unanimous vote. In part LUBA's

    reasoning included the determination that ;tote land

    use _goals wer: not inte~ded by the legislature to apply

    to incorporation elections and the creation of new

    cities. The opinion states:

    We conclude that application of the goals is not

    feasible in the incorporation process given the

    - 24 -

    limited discretion afforded county governing

    bodies by statute in this process. Because

    application of the goals in the incorporation

    process is not feasible, we conclude the

    legislature intended to use the term

    incorporation in its nonlegal sense and, thus,

    did not intend the goals to be applied in the

    incorporation process We conclude that the

    1981 legislature in amending ORS 197 175 (I)

    did not intend to require thf goals be applied in

    the incorporation process.

    I 000 Friends filed for Court of Appeals review of

    the LUBA decision a few days later. In April, they

    requested that LUBA take action to delay the

    incorporation election; LUBA declined to do so.

    Twice, in April and in May, I 000 Friends requested the

    Wasco County Circuit Court to enjoin the election.

    Twice the circuit court declined to



    On May 18, the residents of the area voted 154 to 0

    to incorporate the City of Rajneeshpuram. Eight days

    later, the Wasco County Court /Commission proclaimed

    the incorporation and set an August 10 date for

    election of a city council.

    1000 Friends also filed for injunctions to halt this

    election, and/or prohibit any city council which might

    be elected from making any land use decisions and/or

    prohibit them from exercising any planning or zoning

    responsi bili ti es.

    The Wasco Circuit Court denied the request to

    enjoin this election. They also refused to grant a

    permanent injunction against land use decisions by a

    duly elected Rajneeshpuram City Council. The ruling

    did, however, contain the following provisions: a

    temporary order was granted stating that the city

    council did not have the right to administer county

    plaming and zoning laws within city limits; the council

    was required to delay zoning decisions until the

    Rajneeshpuram Comprehensive Land Use Plan had

    been adopted; the council was asked to notify I000


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    Friends 24 hours before any


    f its meetings and to

    provide them with an agenda.

    In spite of two requests by I 000 Friends that the

    council be enjoined from holding hearings on and

    adopting a comprehensive plan, the circuit court

    allowed the proceedings. By early September

    Rajneeshpuram had adopted a Comprehensive Pion and

    Development Code. Thus, the council replaced the

    Wasco Court /Commission as the ruling body on land

    use decisions for the 2,135 incorporated acres that

    constituted the city. By mid-September the circuit

    court had ruled that Rojneeshpuram was quite within

    the low in establishing a city council, adopting a



    bve plan and in proceeding to implement

    that plan. Not satisfied with that ruling,


    Friends asked LUBA to review the city's adoption of a

    land use plan and development code.

    Later in the fall of I 982, the three volume

    Rajneeshpuram Comprehensive Pion, which had

    received very widespread recognition for its

    thoroughness and professional quality, was adopted by

    Wasco County and submitted to LCDC for review. By

    January of 1983, 1000 Friends attorneys had filed some

    38 pages of objections to the plan.

    Their most important substantive argument against

    the pion concerned the ovailabi lity of water. I000

    Friends claimed that Rajneeshpuram's use of water

    would damage nearby farming operations. The

    Rajneeshees responded by citing hydrologist reports

    that ground water reserves were well in excess of

    projected needs, that the ranch is a self-contained

    aquifer system and that it does not draw off water

    from neighboring property. The Rajneeshees also hod

    instituted a wide variety of the most advanced water

    conservation programs and had just completed

    construction of an earthen dam and reservoir capable

    of storing up to 330 million gallons of runoff water.

    A subsequent survey conducted by the Oregon

    Water Policy Review Board confirmed that existing


    water supplies could provide for 16,000 people on the

    ranch and in the city. It reiterated that the ranch's

    ground water aquifers do not affect ground water

    availability on neighboring properties. Moreover, the

    report concluded that the effect of Rajnee~e water

    use on the John Day River was very minor .

    In February of 1983 the Mayor of Rajneeshpuram

    reported that the Department of Land Conservation

    and Development (DLCD) staff had only raised three

    minor objections to the city's comprehensive plan.

    One question related to whether the city boundary had

    been drawn in such a way as to encourage the most

    efficient provision of city services. Beyond this, the

    Mayor reported, DLCD staff hod rejected or refuted

    every objecti22 to the plan which had been raised by

    1000 Friends.


    State Disapproves Rojnees'1:>urom

    In early March 1983 a three-judge panel of the

    Oregon Court of Appeals reversed the LUBA decision

    of the previous March. They did not agree with LUBA

    that it Jacked jurisdiction to consider the Wasco

    Court/Commission decision on the grounds that



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    that time, a legally incorporated city. LCDC rejected

    the staff proposal to postpone consi1


    ation of the

    comprehensive pion by a vote of 4 to 3.

    Also worthy of note is the state legislature's June

    passage of SB 360. The bill specifically provided for

    state land use goals to apply to the incorporation of a

    new city . Obviously legislators did not believe the

    goals hod applied in such cases before their adoption of

    the explicit statutory requirement. If they believed

    the issue to hove been adequately treated by the

    statutes, they would hove been passing a redundant


    Equally worthy of note is I000 Friends' lobbying

    activity on SB 360. One other substantial argument

    they hod brought forth against Rajneeshpuram was the

    claim that it would create a precedent for the

    incorporation of cities on more fertile land. Should

    the city be allowed to exist, they argued, developers

    would use incorporation as a way in which to

    circumvent land use lows. They might incorporate

    cities on the rich agricultural lands of the Willamette

    Valley which SB I 00 hod been intended to protect.

    This fear was laid to rest by the passage of SB 360,

    which specified incorporation as a land use issue.

    However, IOOOFriends further sought to convince

    legislators to make the provisions of the new law apply

    retroactively to the incorporation of Rajneeshpuram.

    The legislature did


    include such a retroactive

    feature in the statute.

    Also in June, LCDC met to consider Rajneesh

    puram's Comprehensive Plan. Four hours of testimony

    were heard and four critical votes were taken. First,

    LCDC rejected a request from I 000 Friends for an

    enforcement order that would have stopped develop

    ment in the city. Second, they rejected a motion to

    deny the comprehensive plan because there had been

    no justification for or exception taken to two of the

    planning goals. Third, LCDC rejected a proposal to

    postpone action on the plan because of litigation


    pending before the State Supreme Court. Finally, they

    approved the comprehensive plan as being in

    compliance with 13 of the 14 statewide planning

    goals. They did return it to Rajneeshpuram, however,

    and grant 150 days to correct flaws in that portion

    dealing with the way in which the UGB had been

    drawn. All four cr~fal issues were decided on the

    basis of 4 to 3 votes.

    With the plan essentially approved, the city council

    set about making their UGB and city limits more

    compact and contiguous, as required by LCDC. In

    order to


    so they informed Wasco County of their

    intent to annex


    acres to the city and return over

    300 acres to an EFU designation. They believed this

    action, which proposed a smaller city acreage and a

    redrawn UGB, would satisfy the problem identified by


    However, the Wasco County Planning Commission

    refused to hear or consider the requested plan changes

    on four separate occasions and the Wasco County

    Court/Commission refused to hear on appeal of these

    actions. After several months of delay, the city

    council proceeded with the annexation and rezoned the


    Towards the end of June, IOOO riends had filed a

    petition asking LUBA to stay the implementation of

    the Rajneeshpuram Comprehensive Pion and to stay

    developmnent in the city. In August LUBA denied the

    stay. Not long after the city council's annexation

    action, however, IOOOFriends again filed suit seeking

    to halt development. This time they filed in the Wasco

    County Circuit Court. Wasco County later joined the

    suit, specifically objecting to development on the

    annexed acres. Both groups eventually sought not only

    to stop all construction, but also to prohibit use of any

    already completed buildings in the area.

    At the end of June I 983, the Oregon Supreme

    Court refused to review the decision of the appeals

    court to remand consideration of the Rajneeshpuram

    - 29-

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    incorporation election to LUBA. The denial of review

    was made without comment. LUBA was ordered to .

    reconsider the case on its merits.

    At this juncture one of the co-sponsors of the

    original land use law, SB 100,stated:

    I 000

    Fri ends has done a


    ot for Oreg on but on

    this issue they are full of baloney. Their inter

    pretation of Senate Bill

    I 00

    and mine are two

    completely different things We never

    envisioned an experiment like this

    (Rajneeshpuram) This city is %upport of a

    wonderful agrarian experiment.

    heLCDC Temporary'' md Retroactive Rule

    I000 Friends had failed to persuade the legislature

    to apply the provisions of SB 360 retroactively to

    Rajneeshpuram. Taking another approach, they were

    reported to have worked closely with DLCD staff to

    draft a new LCDC rule that would achieve the same


    On July 14 of 1983, LCDC promulgated an eight

    page temporary rule to go into effect immediately.

    Their stated purpose was to give direction to LUBA

    in its interpretation of the land use goals as they apply

    to the incorporation of new cities. Not only did the

    new rule interpret the goals and go into effect

    immediately, it also was to be applied retroactively to

    August 1981.

    Interestingly, according to the state statutes which

    govern LCDC's own procedures, all temporary rules

    have a life of only 180days. Within that time period

    they must be either made permanent or terminated. It

    is difficult to understand how a temporary rule, with a

    I fe of only 180 days, could be made to apply to events

    which '2'9d occurred two years, or some 700 days,


    Leaving that aside, the thrust of the retroactive

    rule was to require that county authorization of an

    - 30 -

    incorporation election for land outside of a UGB must

    include the process of filing for and justifying an

    exception to land use goals. This newly interpreted

    requirement was to apply to all county decisions on

    incorporation elections made since August 21, I 981.

    That meant that the retroactive feature of the rule

    applied to the Wasco County decision on

    Rajneeshpuram, and only to that decision.

    One observer commented:

    The astonishing thing about the administrative

    rule promulgated in July 1983 is that it was

    made retroactive to August 1981 to include the

    incorporation of Rajneeshpuram in November

    1981. This is the first time that it was stated

    publicly that the urbanization goal (Goal 14) of

    the land use law prohibits the incorporation of a



    rural land unless an exception - a

    lengthy legal process - is taken to the goal. 30

    The 1000Friends staff and the DLCD staff argued

    that the rule was not really new , but rather merely

    an interpretation of how the land use goals were

    always to have been applied to cases of incorpora

    tion. Moreover, they argued, such clarification and

    interpretation was needed to guide LUBA in its review

    of the Rajneeshpuram case.

    The incorporators' attorneys argued that the rule

    was not only completely new, but also represented

    substantial changes from the original land use goals.

    They pointed out that the new agency rule flatly

    contradicted LCDC's own 1979 policy paper, in which

    they held that the exceptions process does not apply to

    Goal 14.

    Moreover, the lawyers for the incorporators

    reasoned, any goal that now required eight pages of

    interpretation could hardly have been considered

    clear in its original form. To make such a

    clarification apply retroactively to govern a decision

    made in good faith two years earlier by Wasco County

    - 31 -

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    puram. And after the LUBA rulings, they made

    additional requests of the Wasco County Circuit

    Court. They asked the court to issue orders for the

    removal of all structures in the city which had been

    constructed under permits issued by the city since the

    adoption of the Rajneeshpuram Comprehensive Plan in

    September of 1982. They also asked the court to order

    the removal of the community's sewer and water

    systems. In sum, they sought the destruction of the

    city, based upon the LUBA rulings, which in turn had

    been based upon LCDC's retro41rtive rule, which they

    had reportedly helped to write.

    On March 21, 1984 the Court of Appeals rendered

    an opinion in the matter. They handed down a decision

    which stated that the September ruling by LUBA was

    in error. They overturned the LUBA ruling.

    In part, the appeals court opinion stated that,

    LUBA's interpretation is really a de facto goal

    amendment. The decision continued by saying that

    the incorporation of rural land is not in and of itself a

    violation of state land use planning goals. Insofar as

    the LCDC retroactive rule embodies a contrary

    misinterpretation of the goals, it too is invalid, they

    declared. The court did not elect to rule on the

    constitutionality of LCDC's retroactive rule. The case

    was remanded to LUBA for further consideration.

    1000 Friends and others requested the Court of

    Appeals to reconsider its opinion, t~


    first step in an

    appea I to the Oregon Supreme Court.

    LCDC decided to maintain its earlier position,

    disregard the appeals court ruling, and continued to

    consider Rajneeshpuram's incorporation to have been

    flawed , pending a Supreme Court decision. The

    commission members also agreed to join



    in appealing the Court of Appeals decision which

    reversed LUBA's ruling and their own concurrence.

    During these several months, LCDC also denied

    Rajneeshpuram's request not to transform the

    temporary rule into a permanent one and its petition

    - 36-

    to repeal or suspend the retroactive rule.

    The State Dis~roves Rajnees~uram



    On June 27, 1984 the Oregon Court of Appeals

    reversed its own decision of March 21. It was a 180

    degree reversal. The 3 to O March opinion was

    reversed by a minimal 6 to 4 margin. Historically,

    such a Court of Appeals reversal of itself is

    exceptionally rare.

    The majority opinion held that the city must return

    to the Wasco County Court/Commission to go through

    the difficult exceptions process . The reversal was

    explained as being necessary in order to give the



    ~ate degree of judicial respect to LCDC


    IOOO riends then said they would ask the circuit

    Court to rule the city illegal. The incorporators'

    attorneys decided to appeal the unusually reversed

    decision to the Oregon Supreme Court.

    In a related ruling on the same day, the appeals

    court held that Rajneeshpuraro had failed to complete

    a required exceptions process in annexing the 119

    acres. Of course, it would have been difficult for

    them to have known that to annex in August 1983

    required the exceptions process. The appellate court

    had only just made the process applicable to

    incorporation that day, June 27, I 984. Nevertheless,

    the decision meant that the


    19 acres reverted to EFU

    land and thus to the control of Wasco County.

    Meanwhile, 1000 Friends had brought suit in circuit

    court seeking removal of all buildings on the annexed

    acreage. Rajneeshpuram attorneys appealed the Court

    of Appeals ruling.

    Some state and county agencies decided, on the

    basis of the appeals court reversal of itself, to

    consider the city to hove been invalidly incorporated.

    For example, Wasco planning bodies, and eventually

    the Court/Commission, acting according to their own

    interpretation of LCDC, LUBA and Court of Appeals


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    decisions, voted to remove all references to Rajneesh

    puram from the county's comprehensive plan. This

    action was tantamount to rescinding the earlier

    ordinance adopting the city's comprehensive plan.

    However, the appeals court had merely required the

    incorporators to return to Wasco County to pursue the

    exceptions process. It had not declared the city to be


    The Court of Appeals reversal of its own March

    decision brought criticism from many quarters.

    Among those comments was an editorial in the Eugene

    Register Guard. It called for the legislature to pass

    clear laws concerning the incorporation of new cities.

    It went on to state, The prospect of retroactive

    municipal aborticr based on ex post facto land-use law

    is unappealing.

    Lmd Use l~ues in Perspective

    When evaluating all of the legislative, judicial and

    bureaucratic confusion and contradiction in this case,

    three vital factors must be kept in mind.

    First, the land use laws of Oregon are, at best,

    vague and ambiguous insofar as they relate to the

    incorporation of new cities in rura I areas. At worst,

    these Jaws are incomplete, inapplicable and

    incomprehensible as they relate to the issue at hand.

    The authors of SB 100 disagree as to what they

    meant to include and to exclude from the jurisdiction

    of the statute. The 1981 session of the legislature did

    not unambiguously clarify the matter. The various

    di rectors of DLCD disagree as to whether or not

    incorporation was ever meant to be or actually has

    been regulated by the goals of LCDC. LCDC members

    themselves have been divided in their understandings

    and interpretations of their own rules. Most

    importantly in this case, LCDC members were divided

    on the issue of fairness of applying their retroactive

    administrative rule.

    The petitioners for the incorporation of Rajneesh-

    - 38-

    puram have been the victims of this governmental

    chaos. Those petitioners and Wasco County officials

    acted in good faith and with the best available legal

    advice in 1981-82 when they approved incorporation.

    They made every effort to comply with the State

    Constitution, the statutes on incorporation and the

    land use laws at that time.

    Initially the Land Use Board of Appeals agreed with

    their understanding and ruled that incorporation was

    not a land use issue. The Court of Appeals read the

    regulations differently and reversed LUBA, remanding

    the case for further consideration. The state legis

    lature entered the morass in an attempt to clarify its

    position, but refused to render its clarifications

    retrooctively applicable to Rajneeshpuram.

    At this juncture LCDC decided to give guidance to

    LUBA in its application of land use laws by adopting

    the temporary and retroactive administrative rule to

    apply to Rajneeshpuram, and only to Rajneeshpuram.

    LUBA then accepted the retroactive interpretation of

    LCDC's rules and referred the matter back to Wasco


    However, on appea I from the incorporators of

    Rajneeshpuram, the Court of Appeals overturned the

    LUBA decision. Then the Court of Appeals took the

    unusual step of reversing itself, overturning its own

    earlier decision by a narrow majority. The Supreme

    Court is now deliberating the issue.

    If additional evidence is needed to illustrate the

    ambiguity of Oregon's land use laws as they may or

    may not apply to the incorporation of new cities in

    rural areas, it is available as follows. Votes taken on

    the critical incorporation issues by the various

    tribunals that have rendered decisions are listed in the

    form of a score card on the following page.

    The score card'' reveals an almost Kafkaesque

    scenario. Confusion, uncertainty and contradictions

    have plagued the decision-makers in this case. The


  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    Date, Tribunal,




    November 4, I 981, Wasco

    County/Commission approves

    incorporation election


    March 12, 1982, LUBA holds that

    land use laws


    not apply 3

    March I, 1983, Court of Appeals

    reverses LUBA and remands


    June 2, 1983, LCDC refuses

    to stop development


    June 2, I 983, LCDC refuses

    to deny comprehensive plan


    June 2, 1983, LCDC refuses

    to postpone vote on plan


    June 2, 1983, LCDC approves

    13 of 14 Goals in plan


    July I4, 1983, LCDC adopts

    temporary retroactive rule


    September 26, 1983, LUBA

    holds that exceptions process



    September 29, 1983, LCDC

    accepts LUBA September 26



    March 2 I 1984, Court of

    Appeals reverses LUBA



    June 22, I 984, Court of

    Appeals reverses Court of

    Appeals March ruling





    - 40-














    most knowledgeable administrative and judicial minds

    in state government who have participated in the

    various decisions about Rajneeshpuram s incorporation

    are in almost complete disagreement.

    In summary, no general agreement exists in the

    State of Oregon concerning the meaning of land use

    laws as they relate to the incorporation of a new city

    in a rural area. While the City of Rajneeshpuram is

    still struggling to be fully validated at law, however, it

    is an existential fact. Thousands of Oregonians live

    and work in the city or in the farming operations which

    the city supports.

    The second vital factor which must be remembered

    in evaluating this situation relates to the preservation

    of Oregon s prime agricultural land. Such preservation

    was one of the essential purposes which motivated the

    enactment of a statewide land use planning program

    from the outset.

    In this regard, it bears repeating that the land upon

    which Rajneeshpuram has been located is almost

    entirely within the least fertile classifications for soil

    types. The only possible agricultural use of the 2000

    or so acres which comprise the city would be for the

    grazing of nine cows.

    Outside of the city, there are some 62,000 acres

    now used not only for grazing, but some of which is

    under cultivation. The farming practices employed by

    the Rajneeshees on this land have been acclaimed as

    being not only efficient and highly productive, but also

    sensitive to the ecology of the area.

    Intensive farming, extensive water conservation

    projects, and vast reclamation programs have been

    employed. The most severe erosion problems on the

    ranch have been virtually eliminated. Experiments

    with new methods and new crops initiated by the

    Rajneeshees may prove to be of great benefit to future

    farming activity in the arid regions of central Oregon.

    In sum, the Rajneeshees have greatly increased the


  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    state's pool of agricultural land. In the face of that

    fact, there is an unacceptable irrationality in the

    insist~nce of 1000 Friends that their particular rigid

    and controversial interpretation of the land use laws

    must be upheld at all costs, including the physical

    dismantling of the city. In one of their legal briefs


    riends asks the court to hold that: '

    The election for the incorporation of

    Rajneeshpuram and the election of a city

    council were illegal; the proclamation declaring

    the city's incorporation is null and void; and the

    City of Rajneeshpura~ does not exist and has

    never lawfully existed.

    The protection of grazing lands that could support only

    nine cows is not a reasonable justification for the

    destruction of a city. Such a position seems all the

    less reasonable when that city is in support of an

    agrarian experiment which is adding to the total

    agriculturally productive acreage in the state.

    The third factor which must not be forgotten when

    assessing Rajneeshpuram is that it is a fully

    functioning, economically productive, crime and drug

    free city. Its structures have been planned to blend

    into the rugged landscape. It houses fifteen

    corporations and forty-seven businesses. The total

    investment in the city and the ranch has exceeded


    making a very major contribution to

    Oregon's economy. It has become one of the state's

    key tourist attractions, with some

    I 00,000


    annually, and is the center for worldwide religious

    festivals four times a year.

    Above all, Rajneeshpuram sets a standard for

    cle~n, non-polluting rural-urban harmony and

    environmental compatibility in the finest of Oregon

    traditions. And its existence harms no one.


    Religious City Issue

    The Attorney Genera I of the State of Oregon

    acting in his capacity as legal counsel for the state


    - 42 -

    represented LCDC in the land use cases. In addition,

    in October of 1983, he issued a 59 page advisory


    concerning the religious nature of the city.

    Such an opinion does not have the force of law.

    Nonetheless, it was widely welcomed by many who

    oppose the presence of Rajneeshees in Oregon.

    The AG's opinion contended that Rajneeshpuram

    violates both state and federal constitutional

    guarantees of separation of church and state. It

    expressed the belief that the city should not be

    permitted to provide any services because there is a

    pervasive and unavoidable intrusion of religion into

    city government.

    However, the AG did not fully document his

    position and admitted that he had assumed many

    facts about Rajneeshpuram in preparing the opinion.

    For example, he noted that the city's land is owned by

    a religious corporation and then assumed as fact that

    only Rajneeshees are permitted to live upon that

    land. The Mayor of Rajneeshpuram, on the other hand,

    has stated that residence is not restricted to members

    of the religion.

    The AG's opinion further claimed that the separate

    statuses of city government, the Rajneesh Investment

    Corporation, the Rajneesh Neo-Sannyas International

    Commune and the Rajneesh Foundation International

    are only technical and not substantial. It goes on to

    assert that in a pervasively religious city, exclusively

    owned and exclusively inhabited by the religion and its

    members, every city action would directly affect the

    religion .. This would clearly constitute the prohibited

    government entanglement with religion. Further

    more, the AG stated his belief that There is in effect

    a total fusion of government and of religious

    functions. In short, as presently constituted, thi~


    is fundamentally incapable of behaving as a city.

    Finally, the Attorney General asserted that the

    Secular and religious effects f l

    governmental actions

    are inextricably intertwined. However, he did not

    - 43 -

  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    cite any specific actions of the city council which

    might provide some evidence to support his claims.

    Rather, he stated that his department and other state

    agencies would investigate the validity of his

    assumptions. If they were substantiated, he planned to

    challenge the legality of Rajneeshpuram in the

    courts. In the meantime, however, he proceeded to

    give advice based on his opinion. For example, he

    recommended that the Governor sign HS 3028 and

    direct that all state revenue-sharing funds be withheld

    from the city and placed in escrow.

    By November the AG had filed suit in Wasco

    County Circuit Court against the city, the religious

    foundation, the investment corporation and the

    farming commune. His complaint was similar to his

    "opinion" and alleged that the city violates state and

    federal constitutional principles of the separation of

    church and state. He also charged that residence in

    the city is controlled by religious bodies or leaders.

    The AG's suit sought a judicial declaration that

    Rajneeshpuram may no longer exercise governmental

    powers. It also asked for a ruling that the city is

    ineligible to receive public moneys. Finally, the AG

    requested that the court award the state attorneys'

    fees and other re Iief.

    In December, Rajneeshee lawyers removed the suit

    to the U.S. District Court in Portland. The AG

    countered with a motion to remand the case back to

    the Wasco County Circuit Court. In March, the

    district court ruled against the A G's request. His suit

    was ordered to remain in federal court since it deals

    with federal statutes and provisions of the United

    States Constitution. Interestingly, the AG's own brief

    contained several pages of citations referring to

    federal provisions. Even more surprising, a few days

    later the AG filed a motion to dismiss his own case.

    This was an intriguing attempt to avoid federal

    jurisdiction in the matter.

    The AG's next move was to refile a modified

    - 44-

    complaint in the Wasco Circuit Court, naming Wasco

    County and the County Sheriff as defendants _along

    with the Rajneeshees. Rajneeshee attorneys agam had

    the case removed to the U.S. District Court since it

    still involved U.S. constitutional issues. They also

    argued that inclusion of the county ?nd the Sh~rif ~as

    a maneuver designed solely to avoid federal Jurisdic

    tion. They contended that these were not appro~riate

    defendants, but rather that they were also hostile to

    the existence of Rajneeshpuram. Nevertheless, the

    Attorney Genera I ago in requested that the case be

    returned to the county circuit court.

    In July, the federal judge ag~in rejected. the AG'~

    motion. The ruling agreed with the RaJneeshees

    contention that the county and Sheriff "must be

    aligned with the state as plaintiffs" because tryt ave

    the same interests in the case as the state.~ The

    Attorney General responded by appealing the decision

    to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the

    matter is now being considered.

    During the same time period in. which these

    complicated legal maneuvers were taking place, the

    Attorney Genera I proceeded to take ot he_r se~ ?Vs

    measures against the city. Even though his opmton

    stil I lacked the force of law and had not been upheld

    by any court, the Attorney continu.ed to use it

    as the basis for several actions detrimental to


    In December, he instructed the manager of the

    Oregon Law Enforcement Data System (LED;S) o deny

    requests from the Rajneeshpuram .P~ace (Police) F o~ce

    for access to information. In add1t1on, the Accounting

    Division of the Executive Department was advised to

    withhold money for the city's


    emergency telephone

    system. Shortly thereafter, city officials were

    informed that denial of access to LEDS would

    automatically brinq denial of access to data from the

    FBl's National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

    The Rajneesh

  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    potentially endangering the city's residents. They

    became increasingly concerned for life and safety in

    the absence of information and the emergency phone

    system. They reminded the state of the threats which

    had been directed against the community and of the

    earlier bombing of the Hotel Rajneesh in Portland.

    They emphasized that the three actions were based on

    a LUBA ruling which was under appeal and an Attorney

    General's opinion as to the city's legality which hod not

    as yet been upheld in any court of law. The Mayor of

    Rajneeshpuram noted that the city was being

    condemned as guilty until proven innocent .

    The protests were to no ova


    I. In fact, the

    Attorney General continued his policy of selectively

    treating Rajneeshpurom as non-existent. In September

    of 1984 he declared the city's Peace (Police) Force not

    to be legally constituted. This view was based on his

    belief that the city is not legally constituted.

    At that time, the Peace Force consisted of 16

    officers trained at the State Police Academy and of 30

    trained reservists. The AG has subsequently issued

    instructions to bar all training for Rajneeshpuram

    officers in the future. It should be noted, however,

    that the Oregon State Police reportedly still consider

    Rajneeshpuram to have an authorized police force.

    All of the actions by the Attorney General seem,

    once again, to single out this city for singular

    treatment by government. However the statutory and

    constitutional issues related to the city and religion

    may eventually be resolved, surely it


    only be after

    many years of litigation and appeal. In the meantime,

    the actions of the AG in attempting to enforce his

    interpretations of the law prior to formal judicial

    resolution of the matters seem designed specifically to

    inconvenience the residents of Rajneeshpuram. More

    than that, his moves against police protection

    functions for the community hove few consequences

    other than to render it increasingly vulnerable to any

    and all hostile or criminal actions.

    - 46 -

    The New Legislative Proposals

    Early in the 1985 session of the legislature, some

    politicians could not resist proposing new anti

    Rajneeshee legislation.

    Representative Fawbush announced that he was

    considering a proposal that would keep the Rajneesh

    (Antelope) police force from getting access to the

    state's Law Enforcement Data System. As it

    happened, after the AG had instructed that

    Rajneeshpuram be denied access to LEDS, the City

    Council of Rajneesh applied for access. The Fawbush

    proposal would reportedly deny cities with c

    population of less than 1,000 access to the systern.

    The City of Rajneesh is the only city which has oppli

  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    McTeague claims that city elections, city officer

    recall, initiative and referendum petitions might all be

    ineffective remedies against such a city government.

    He dismisses court suits as expensive, time consuming

    and ineffective to remedy "prospective acts". Since

    these methods may not be useful in removing

    autocratic municipal governments, he suggests his

    amendment, whereby the "Legislature could review

    overall operations of a city government and determine

    under broad polic~


    guidelines if a city is abusing

    municipal powers."~ However, his proposal includes

    no indication as to what those "broad policy guidelines"

    would be.

    History reveals that Oregon's Constitution was

    amended by initiative petition some 80 years ago to

    remove the legislature's power to repeal city

    charters. Legislators were forbidden from tampering

    with charters precisely because of abuses by the

    state's politicians. Needless to say, the Legislative

    Committee of the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) is

    reported to have voted unanimously "to oppose a

    constitutional amendment which S rould allow the

    legislature to repeal city charters."

    Of course the LOC has realized that such a vast

    and ill-defined power could be used against any and all

    cities in Oregon. However, McTeague has made it

    perfectly clear that his proposed amendment is

    directed solely at Rajneeshees by introducing two

    additional bills. HB 2892 would repeal the Charter of

    the City of Rajneesh and HB


    would repeal the

    Charter of Rajneeshpuram, upon approval in a

    referendum. Singling out the two cities which happen

    to have majorities of citizens of one religious

    conviction is undoubtedly contrary to First Amend

    ment, due process and equal protection provisions of

    the U.S. Constitution.

    McTeague's proposals have been recognized as

    discriminatory and dangerous. As one newspaper

    editorial noted:

    - 48 -

    A constitutional change drafted specifically

    to allow discrimination against one group could,

    at some future date, be turned on any group.

    Oregonians .... should continue to work within the

    legal system to seek accommodation with the

    Rajneeshees. They should reject McTeague's

    proposal to l521alize discrimination against the

    Raj neeshees.

    Interestingly, Representative Fawbush is listed as a

    co-sponsor. Sadly, the same three pieces of l~~islation

    have also been introduced in the state senate.

    Such proposals seem designed to earn OncJon the

    dubious distinction of being one of the most l>lqoted

    states in the country. At the very leust, t hoy he lie

    Governor Atiyeh's prediction as to how we will be

    viewed by posterity. In his o thu 1985

    Legislative Assembly the Governor cfoclornch

    Another generation will remember our

    uncompromising statement that religious and

    racial harassment ore offensive to Oregonians

    and wils be tolerated nowhere within our



    The buse of Power

    The entire situation surrounding the Rajneeshee

    community in Oregon has begun to take on an air of

    unreality not unlike that found in Alice's Wonderland.

    But this is reality, this is the United States and the

    Rajneeshees stand to be real victims of the

    governmental system.

    Rojneeshpurarn has become ensnared in the most

    complex incorporation/lnnd-use labyrinth ever created

    by a state qovernrm~nt. Thf? leqislotive, administrative

    and judiciol confusion is so pervasive that ttm decision

    makers who hnv, rulod on ttw lssu

  • 7/24/2019 Shay, TL 1985 Rjprm & Abuse of Power


    confrontation between the Rajneeshees and the 1000

    Friends of Oregon, we are witness to two determined,

    assertive and well-financed organizations locked in an

    intricate legal battle.

    Various units of government in Oregon have

    become involved in this confrontation. What must be

    demanded by citizens is that such governmental

    involvement be fair, open, lawful and impartial.

    Instead, there are a number of examples wherein

    government has failed in its great responsibility and

    has used its power arbitrarily. This is the abuse of

    power which must not be permitted to go unchallenged

    or uncorrected.

    In some instances, the courts have played a vital

    role in correcting arbitrary or discriminatory actions

    by government. One example is the Wasco County

    Circuit Court's order to the "old" Antelope City

    Council to cease its obstructive behavior and issue

    lawfully requested permits. Another example is the

    same court's reversal of the Jefferson County

    Court/Commission decision to refuse to grant a

    religious festival permit, an action clearly not in

    accordance with the law.

    In other instances, the courts are still considering,

    on appeal, various questionable governmental actions.

    Among such actions are the "temporary" and

    "retroactive" rule of LCDC and the LUBA decisions

    guided by that rule. Such actions include also the

    Attorney General's complaint, which has been based on

    his "assumed" facts concerning th