Shabd Manish - English



Original Poetry by Manish Thakar. Language: English

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a collection of poems, straight from heart


Written By:

Manish Thakar - Freelance Writer

- Professional Engineer - Aspiring Photographer

- Experimental Chef

People ask me, how did it start? Did we run into each other?

Actually I ran, a li'l bit.

We met, we laughed, we shared our hearts, She cried, I died (not literally!!). She then smiled,

So the sun shines!

The daytime, that sunlight, those walkways, We walked, talked, without the fear of time,

The time stopped, I guess.

I think I'm going crazy, it's not new, It has happened everytime I saw her,

In my favorite pair of jeans!

Getting tired, she slept on the couch, and her eyelashes sang to me, for me,

Oh! Let it be, they sing a lot! :)

Those nights, when we fought, and those days, when we loved,

Well, it's snowfall here!

With her, it's a morning, much more beautiful, A night, much more romantic,

and I'm lost.

I speak a lot, I play with words, She plays with her hair,

and I blush!

It's her wish that I should write, Even I want to write, about her,

and I saw her dream...

I will write someday, just for her, something big, Something what my heart says,

and I just did.

Feeling solitary;

I am in a crowd, standing still, it’s like nothing matters to me. People are happy, they r crazy, but it doesn’t excite me…

I looked around, and I found you!! Standing still, few blocks away from me.

You smiled at me, and I smiled back. I was so happy to find you there…

But how can you be there? How can I see you here, besides me?

Suddenly everything turned blue, wavy, dropping like a fall; And you dissolved into a waterfall…

It’s a mirage, in this desert of chaos. But I love mirage, coz it gives me the only chance to be with you…

Though it’s only in my memories, but yes, you are here with me. And I miss you a lot, I just can’t express,

Coz my voice won’t reach you in this chaos. I just want you to know that I miss you and I think of you;

And now I like waterfalls…

A few days back, when you called me, You were sick, you were tired,

You were bored, and you called me..

You needed a change, you wanted a strike; A strike of a blade to cut your sorrow, A strike of a storm to get rid of hollow;

A few days back when you called me…

You were so low and you were crying You wanted to sleep and your eyes were trying;

Shivering with cold, slept like a baby You were so cute, calm and steady..

A few days back when you called me…

I kept my hand on your forehead, & I rubbed gently, soothing your head,

My fingers in your hair, tangled, You got a high fever, it left me frightened;

Shivered, that was me… moaned, that was you, Tearing me apart, with those tears…

A few days back when you called me…

I sang a song for you, as I went blank, For you my beloved, I offered my neck, For you my beloved, my life’s at stack;

I put my hand on your shoulder, to comfort you, I cracked some silly jokes, to distract you;

Your smiling face, beamed in the moonlight, You laughed, & your sorrow went out of sight...

A few days back when you called me…

She likes a Vampire, She wants to be a Vampire.

She desires the company of a werewolf, Still, she wants to be a Vampire.

She's losing patience She's losing herself

Going pale She's losing blood.

She's thirsty, she wants blood, In fact, she's pale due to lack of blood..

Here I am, offering my neck to her, to bite me, to take my blood,

to quench her thirst..

Instead, she kisses me gently on neck and says, Let me die, coz Vampires don’t live,

Push me to death, coz my Edward is waiting there, I can’t take ur blood, coz if I do so, I will live.

But seeing her dying and seeing her pale, I die each and every second.

So, here I am. Going to offer her my neck and my blood again.

Even if she refuses, I will force her to live.

I want her alive, coz her Jacob is waiting within me. I can’t tell her how much I love her,

I won't tell her to live for me. I want her to live for herself.

To live with me, walk besides me

I love her and I want her to be pink again. Pink, the color of her blush.

When you hugged me, I didn't say it. When you kissed me, I didn't say it.

Even when you loved me, I didn't say it.

But now, when you want me, and you have me, and you love me, let me tell you this:

I want you to hug me, I want you to kiss me,

I want you to love me, and miss me, like I do...

I want you to love me tonight, like it’s the first night, I want you to hold me so tight, like it’s the first time.

Hold me tight, never look back and love me till this night....

And when this night's over, You’re going to miss me, I'm going to miss you,

and the distance between us remains still.

Then you can have this night to make me right, to make me smile and to feel me all night...

I am all yours, every night, every day. With every smile, with every pray.

I can feel you, can you feel me? And if you feel me, why don't you tell me?

O please tell me, if I'll be yours tonight,

Will you be mine?

If you want to be with me, I can talk with you all night...

If you want to be with me, I can walk with you down the road, right?

And then, If you want me, to hold you up whenever u fall again...

And after these all, if you insist a heart-break, How can I resist u?

You gave me so much fun, But it’s time for rise of sun.

I want to break the darken light, I want to taste the bitter bite.

Go away, go away, Get that bite for me... Go away, Go away, Break that light for me...

And if you do so,

I want to thank you, THANK YOU, You gave me fun...

I want to thank you, THANK YOU, If time won't run..

Thank you for being in my life, Let there be love forever,


So close yet so far, Like a cookie in a jar.

I can't reach you, I can't touch you. But I do one thing.

And doing at my best,

I can love you, I can miss you,

Can feel you with my eyes closed. But still you are so close yet so far.

I regret some decisions, Poured with poisons, But now I am yours,

And only yours,

Then why are you so close yet so far?

When I ask you to come in my arms, Why do you deny?

When I ask you to kiss me whole night, Why do you deny?

Oh my love!!

Please tell me what's in your heart, Why don't you accept my heart?

Why do you lie to your own heart?

I am waiting for you since when I loved you, Since then I am hoping for you,

That one day you will come to me and say it. Oh love!! Why don't you say it right now?

Say what's in your heart, Say what do you think?

And whenever I say I LOVE YOU, Why do you deny?

Why? Just Say It.

Let’s correct, the mistakes we made. Let’s correct, the phrases we said.

I had told you, I’m only for you. You had replied, you’re only for me.

But now I realize. That we were so fake.

It’s all rubbish. & let’s have a break.

I’m not for you. You’re not for me.

We met for fun. Now let’s not get bored.

& let’s sail free.

Buried inside my heart, is a secret. I want to share but I can’t as it is locked in the Pandora’s Box.

When you wish to open it and you want me to share it, You know, I can’t.

I can’t tell you what’s inside me, I can’t let you know it;

It’s a deep dark secret & I can’t share it, It’s full of sorrow and it’s full of pain.

Don’t touch me, I’m pollute. I’m a poison and I am not dilute.

I might hurt you, I might push you backwards in the time; So please don’t come any closer.

I am black, I’m no white, I want to get out of your sight.

No one can see me, no one can feel me, I am alone and I want to be alone.

I know you loved me and you still love me, And it will hurt you to leave me alone, But I don’t want you to feel the pain,

I want you to be happy…

I am sacrificing myself for your happiness. So please be happy and respect my sacrifice.

Once I’m gone, there will be no secret, no sorrow, and no pain. It will help you to live in peace with a clear sky.

I’m the dark cloud and as I am going, Please don’t cry for me.

I am happy as I am going to make you happy.

When the sun rises, I rise with you, At the dawn, I praise you,

As the sun shines, I beam with you. As the sun burns, I die for you.

You’re my sunshine, I can’t get away from you; You’re the milestone, I can’t go beyond you.

I don’t want to go, I don’t want to hide, I will face the sky, being in your arms…

I want to be with you, anywhere in the world, just with you…

Without you, I am empty; Without you, I can’t live.

So, now, here comes the moment,

I’m proposing you for the first time, this time being serious;

Will you marry me? Will you be with me, wherever I go?

Will you be mine forever, Will you marry me?

Valentine's Day. She's on her way,

I want to say Hi to her, But I need to stay.

Coz she makes me crazy, She might not understand; what I feel, She looks so pretty, she look so damn,

I can’t hold on,

Let me say, let me say, Oh please let me say...

I love you, Oh I love you,

Will u be love of my life?

Now Should I wait for your answer?

Let me wait, But don't let me wait for so long....

Coz this Valentine's will come again, I may not.

I opened my eyes, everyone is going crazy around me.

He is shouting, she is moaning, some are kissing, some are dancing...

It's a full chaotic madness happening around me, and my eyes are looking for her.

Losing my patience, I hurried towards a mob, desperate to find her, in any possible ways.

But she is not there, or my eyes must be tricking me.

She promised to come, she said she will come, but she has not come yet..

Let me wait a little more, let me wait till she comes, but what if she will not come?

I am standing still, everyone around me is moving, rushing, may be towards their loved ones,

and why should they not? It's the Valentine's after all..

But I am still, still waiting for her. She said to me, that she will come,

and she was not joking, she looked into my eyes while saying that, her eyes can't lie.

But my heart is asking me just one question, again and again, Will she come?

The street is getting empty, the sun has set,

Lights are on and again the life has picked up its pace..

But my pace; my watch isn't ticking anymore, my eyes are not blinking anymore..

Don't worry, I am good. I am still standing there, and I didn't fall! (that means I am good).

But yes, I am waiting. Waiting for her to come, waiting for her to be my Valentine!

Will she come?

© Manish Thakar

The contents of this book, including any images are a sole property of the author. Any further use of material, including mentions on social networking websites and blogs should be made only after consulting the author. Any act of copying the contents of this book without an acknowledgment from author will be considered a copyright infringement.

Any further inquiries or suggestions can be communicated to:

Manish Thakar, 313 Brintnell Blvd NW, Edmonton, AB T5Y 3J9 Canada. Email:

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