Shabbat Under the Stars


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oh �c �fIF v , j T , �C J

Shabbat Under the Stars

CANDLE LIGHTINGPraised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,who has taught us the way of holiness through theMitzvot, and enjoined upon us the kindling of theShabbat light.


Bim Bam, Bim, Bim, Bim, BamBim Bim Bim Bim Bim BamCheeri Cherri Cheeri (return to top)Shabbat Shalom (hey!) Shabbat Shalom (hey!)Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat Shalom


Hi-nei ma tov u-mah na-im,She-vet a-chim gam ya-chad

How good and how pleasant it is for brothers andsisters to dwell together in unity!


Candle lighting

'uh �,I �m �n �C Ub ��J �S �e r �J�t 'o�kIg �v Q�k��n Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h v �T t QUr �C

/, �C J k �J r"b eh �k �s v �k Ub��U �m �u

o C /o �C /o �C /o �C /o C o �C

o C o �C o �C o �C o �C o �CCheeri Cheeri Cheeri

/oIk �J , �C J /oIk �J , �C J

/oIk �J , �C J /, �C J /, �C J /, �C J

:s j��h(oD oh �j t ,�c��J oh �g�B nU cIY(v n v"B �v



Come, let us sing to the Lord.Let us acclaim the Rock of our help.

Let us draw near to God with thankfulness;Let us acclaim God with songs of praise.

For the Lord is a great God,A Sovereign exalted above all gods.

In God's hand are the depths of the earth:God's, too, are the heights of the mountains.

The sea is God's, who made it,Whose hands formed the dry land.

Come, let us worship and bow down,Let us bend the knee before the Lord, our Maker.

For Adonai is our God and we are God's people;We are the sheep God lovingly sustains.

O that today you would obey Me,And not harden your hearts as in the wilderness,

When your ancestors repeatedly doubted Me,Even though they had witnessed My great deeds.

Forty years that generation wearied Me,Questioning and misunderstanding My ways.

Therefore I vowed in My anger,That they shall not enter the Promised Land.

Psalm 95


�h �h k v�b �B r �b Uf �k:Ub�"g �J �h rUm �k v�gh ��r�b

v �sI, �C uh�b �p v �n �S e �b:Ik gh ��r�b ,Ir �n�z �C

�h �h kIs�D k "t h �F:oh �v«k$t k �F kg kIs�D Q�k��nU

. �r��t h "r �e �j �n Is�h �C r �J�t:Ik oh �r �v ,Ip�gI, �u

Uv ��G�g tUv �u o�H v Ik(r �a�t:Ur��m�h uh �s��h , �J��Ch �u

v�g ��r �f �b �u v �u�j T �J�b Ut �«C:Ub �"G«g �h �h h"b �p �k v �f �r �c �b

Ubh�"v«k$t tUv h �FIs�h it«m �u I,h �g �r n og Ub �jb�t u

:Ug��n �J �, Ik«e �C o �t oIH v

v �ch �r �n �F o �f �c c �k UJ �e T k t:r �C �s �N C v �X n oIh �F

o �fh ",Ic�t h �bU �X �b r �J�t:h �k5g �p Ut �r oD h �bU �b �j �C

rIs �C yUe �t v�b �J oh �g �C �r to "v c �c"k h"g«T og r n«t �u

:h �f �r �s Ug �s�h t«k o "v �u

h �P t �c h �T �g�C �J�b r �J�t:h �, �jUb �n(k �t iUt«c �h o �t

Lechu n'ra-n'na la-donai, naria l'tzur yish-eynu.

N'kad-ma fanav b'toda, bi-z'mirot na-ria lo.

Ki Eyl gadol Adonai, u-melech gadol al kol Elohim.

Asher b'yado mech-k'rey aretz, v'to-afot harim lo.



Sing unto the Lord a new song,Sing unto the Lord, all the earth.

Sing unto the Lord; praise God's name;Make known God's salvation day by day.

Declare God's glory among the nations;Proclaim God's wonders among all the peoples.

For great is the Lord, greatly to be praised,And alone to be revered as God.

The gods of the heathens are worthless;But the Lord made the heavens.

Splendor and majesty are before God,Strength and beauty are in God's sanctuary.

Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations,Ascribe to the Lord glory and might.

Render to God the honor due God!Come into God's courts with a gift-offering.

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;Stand in awe of the Lord, all the world.

Declare among the nations: "The Lord reigns!The world is set firm; God's justice prevails."

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad;Let the sea and all within it roar praise.

Let the field and all within it exult;Let the trees of the forest break into song.

For God comes to judge the world in righteousness,To judge the nations by Divine truth.

Psalm 96


J �s �j rh �J �h �h k Urh �J:. �r��t �v k �F �h �h k Urh ��J

In �J Uf �r �C �h �h k Urh ��J:I,�gUa �h oIh �k oIH �n Ur �¬ C

IsIc �F o �hID c Ur �P x:uh �,It �k �p �b oh �Ng �v(k �f �C

s«t �n k�K ;v �nU �h �h kIs�d h �F:oh �v«k$t(k �F(kg tUv t �rIb

oh �kh �k �t oh �Ng �v h "v«k$t(k �F h �F:v �G�g o �h�n �J �h �h u

uh�b �p �k r �s �v �u(sIv:IJ �S �e �n �C , �r��t �p �, �u z«g

oh �Ng ,Ij �P �J �n h�h k Uc �v:z«g �u sIc �F h�h k Uc �v

In �J sIc �F �h �h k Uc �v:uh �,Ir �m j �k Ut �«cU v �j �b �n Ut �G

J �s �«e(, r �s v �C h�h k Uu�j T �J �v:. �r��t �v(k �F uh�b �P �n Ukh ��j

Q�k �n �h �h o �hID c Ur �n �tyIN �T(k C k"c "T iIF �T ; t

:oh �r �Jh "n �C oh �Ng ih �s�h

. �r��t �v k"d �, �u o �h�n �> v Uj �n �G �h:It«k �nU o�H v og �r �h

IC(r �J�t(k �f �u h s �G z«k�gh:rg��h(h "m�g k �F Ub �B r �h z �t

t �c h �F �h �h h"b �p �k. �r��t �v y«P �J �k t �c h �F

e �s��m �C k "c "T(y«P �J �h :I,�bUn$t�C oh �Ng �u

Yis m'chu ha sha mayim, yis m'chu ha sha mayim, yism'chu ha sha mayim v'ta geil ha a retz.

Yiram hayam, yiram hayam, yiram hayam um'lo oh.

Yiram hayam, yiram hayam, yiram hayam um'lo oh.



Come, my friend, the Bride to meet.The holy Shabbat let us now greet.

"Keep" and "Remember" in one divine work,Our people at Sinai God's command heard.Our God is one; and One is God's name,God's is the glory! God's is the fame!

To greet Shabbat now let us go.Source of blessings, it has ever been so.Conceived before life on earth began,Last in God's work, first in God's plan.

Yerushalayim, shrine of our King,Arise from your ruins, arise and sing.Enough have you dwelled in the vale of tears,Your God will mercifully dispel your fears.

Shake off your dust, arise from the mire;Dress, my people, in your proudest attire.Through a descendant of David, the poet-king,Redemption and freedon God will bring.


The refrain Leha Dodi is sung after each stanza.

:v�k �C e �b , �C J h"b �P /v�K F ,t r �e �k h �sIs v �f �k

/s �j;h �N v k "t Ub��gh �n �a �v 's �j �t rUC �s �C rIf�z �u rIn �J

:v�K �v �, �k �u , �r��t �p �, �kU o "J �k /s �j �t In �aU s �j �t �h �h

/v �f �r �C v rIe �n th �v h �F /v �f �k"b �u Uf �k , �C J ,t r �e �k

:v�K �j �T v �c �J�j n �C v �G�g n ;Ix /v �fUx �b o �s ��E �n Jt«r "n

/v �f "p�v v QIT �n h �t �m h �nU �e /v �fUk �n rh �g Q�k��n J S �e �n

:v�k �n �j Q �h�k�g kIn�jh tUv �u /t �f �C v e �n�"g �C ,�c��J Q�k c r

:h �Ng Q "T �r t �p �, h "s �d �C h �J �c �k /h �nUe r �p�g "n h �r�gb �, �v

:V�k �t �d h �J �pb k �t v �c �r �e /h �n �jK v ,h "C h J �h i �C sh kg

Lecha dodi likrat kallah, pney shabbat n'kab-la.

Shamor vezachor bedibur echad hishmi`anu el ha-m'yuchad.Adonai echad ush'mo echad l'shem ul'tiferet v'lit-hila.

Lecha dodi...

Likrat shabbat l'chu v'neylcha, ki hi m'kor ha-b'racha,Mey-rosh mi-kedem n'sucha, sof ma-aseh b'mach-shava techila.

Lecha dodi...

Mikdash melech ir m'lucha, kumi tz'i mi-toch ha-hafeycha,Rav lach shevet b'eymek ha-bacha, v'hu yacha-mol ala-yich chemla.

Lecha dodi...

Hitna-ari mey-afar kumi, livshi bigdey tifar-teych ami,Al yad ben yishai beyt ha-lachmi, korva el nafshi g'ala.

Lecha dodi...


Arise, arise, for your light has come,The dawn has broken, the night is gone.Awake, awake, and joyously sing:Heavenly glory to you God did bring.

Be not ashamed, be not distressed,No longer bowed down like a city oppressed.In you shall your children's hopes be fulfilled;Out of your ashes you will again be rebuilt.

They who despoiled you will themselves be despoiled,Your foes will be routed, their plots will be foiled.In you will your GOD find joy and pride,Loving you as a bridegroom loves his bride.

In every way may you prosper and grow;Reverence for God may you ever know.May you see the redemption that God will bring;Songs of thanksgiving to God may you sing.

Come now, Shabbat, the day divine,Come in joy, let your brightness shine.Come to the people which greets you with pride,Come in peace, Shabbat bride.

Consoling the mourners

:o �h��k �JUrh �u iIh �m h"k "c�t r �t �J QI, �C o �f �, �t o "jb �h oIe �N vHama-kom y'na-chem et-chem b'toch sh'ar avey-ley tzi-yonviru-shala-yim.

May God who comforts Israel,Grant you solace in your bereavement.


/h �rI �t h �nU ��e Q "rIt t �c h �F /h �r �rIg �, �v h �r �rIg �, �v

:v�k �d �b Q �h�k�g �h �h sIc �F /h �r�"C s rh �J h �rU �g h �rU �g

/h �n$v �T v nU h �j�jIT �a �T v n /h �n �k �F �, t«k �u h �JI �c ", t«k

:V�K �T kg rh �g v �, �b �c �b �u 'h �Ng h"H �b�g Ux$j�h Q �C

/Q �h��g �K c �n k �F Ue�j �r �u /Q �h��xt«J v �X �J �n �k Uh �v �u

:v�K F kg i �, �j GIG �n �F /Q �h��v«k$t Q �h�k�g Gh �G�h

/h �mh ��r�g T �h �h(, �t �u /h �mI �r �p �T kt«n �GU ih �n�h

:v�kh��d�b �u v �j �n �G�b �u /h �m �r P i �C Jh �t sh kg

/v�k5v�m �cU v �j �n �G �C oD /V�k �g C , �r �y�g oIk �J �c h �tI �C

:v�K f h �tI �C 'v�K f h �tI �C /v�K;D �x og h"bUn$t QIT

Hit-or'ri hit-or'ri ki va oreych kumi ori.Uri uri shir dabeyri, k'vod Adonai ala-yich nigla.

Lecha dodi...

Lo teyvo-shi v'lo tikal-mi, ma tishto-chachi uma tehemi,Bach yechesu aniyey ami, v'niv-n'ta ir al tila.

Lecha dodi...

V'ha-yu lim-shisa shosa-yich, v'rachaku kol m'vala-yichYa-sis ala-yich Eloha-yich, kim'sos Chatan al kallah.

Lecha dodi...

Yamin us-mol tifrotzi, v'et Adonai ta-aritzi,Al yad ish ben partzi, v'nism'cha v'nagila.

Lecha dodi...

Bo'i v'shalom ateret ba'la, gam b'simcha uv-tzahala,Toch emuney am s'gula, bo'i Challah, bo'i challah.

Lecha dodi likrat kallah, pney shabbat n'kab-la.



It is good to thak You, O Lord,To sing praises to Your name,

To proclaim Your love every morning,And Your faithfulness every night.

To the sound of the ten-string lyre,With the music of the lute and harp.

Your works, O lord, bring me gladness;Of Your deeds, I joyously sing.

How great are Your deeds, O Lord;How profound are Your designs.

The superficial cannot comprehend,The foolish cannot grasp this:

Though the wicked may thrive like grass,And doers of evil seem to flourish,

Yet their doom is sure to come,For Yours is the ultimate triumph.

Those who oppose You shall be destroyed;Workers of evil are sure to be routed.

You have given me extraordinary power;I am like one who has been anointed.

I see the defeat of my foes,I hear the doom of my enemies.

The good will grow strong like the palm tree,They will thrive like the cedar of Lebanon.

Planted in the house of the Lord,They will flourish in the courts of our God.

They will yield fruit even in old age,They will remain vital and vigorous,

Proclaiming that the Lord is just,My Rock, in whom there is no unrighteousness.

Psalm 92


:, �C > v oIh �k rh �J rIn�z �n�h �h k ,Is«v �k cIy:iIh �k�g W �n �J �k r "Nz �kU

W ��S �x j r �e �«C C sh �D v �k:,Ikh"K C W �,�bUn$t �u

k�c ��b h"k�g u rIG�g h"k�g:rIB �f �C iIh�D �v h"k�g

W��k5g �p �C �h �h h �b�T �j N �G h �F:i"B r�t Wh ��s�h h "G�g n �C

�h �h Wh ��G�g n Uk �s�D v n:Wh��,«c �J �j n Ue �n�g s«t �n

g �s"h t«k rg�C Jh �t:,t«z(, �t ih �c�h t«k kh �x �fU

c �G�"g In �F oh �g �J �r j �«r �p �Ci �u��t h"k�g �«P k �F Umh��m�H u

:sg(h "s�g o �s �n �> �v �k:�h �h o�k«g �k oIr �n v �T t �u

�h �h Wh��c �h«t v"B �v h �FUs�"ct«h Wh��c �h«t v"B �v h �F:i �u��t h"k�g �«P k �F Us �r �P �, �h

h �b �r e oh "t �r �F o �r��T u:i�b�g r i �n��J �C h �,«K C

h �rUJ �C h �bh"g y"C T uoh �g "r �n hk�g oh �n �E C:h�b �z �t v�b �g�n �J �T

j �r �p �h r �n �T F eh �S m:v�D �G �h iIb �c �K C z �r��t �F

�h �h ,h "c �C oh �kU, �J:Ujh ��r �ph Ubh�"v«k$t ,Ir �m j �C

v �ch "G �C iUcUb �h sIg:Uh �v �h oh �Bb�g r �u oh �b "J �S�h �h r �J�h h �F sh �D v �k/IC v �,��k �u g t«k �u h �rUm

Tzadik ka-tamar yif-rach, k'erez ba-l'vanon yis-geh.

Sh'tulim b'veit Adonai, b'chatz-rot Eloheinu yaf-richu.

Od y'nu-vun b'sey-va, d'shey-nim v'ra-a-nanim yi-h'yu.

L'hagid ki ya-shar Adonai, tzuri v'lo av-lata bo.


BARCHU: The call to worship


Praise the Lord, Source of all blessings.

Congregation and Reader:

Praised be the Lord, Source of all blessings, forever.

MAARIV ARAVIM: Lord of night and day

Praised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe,Whose word brings on the dusk of evening.

Your wisdom opens the gates of dawn;Your understanding regulates time and seasons.

The stars above keep their appointed places,In response to Your divine will.

You create day, You create night,You alternate darkness and light.

You remove the day, You bring the night,You separate one from the other.

We call You "Lord of heavenly hosts";You are our living God.

May You rule over us as You rule over nature;Praised are You, O Lord, who brings the evening dusk.



:Q �r«c �n v �h �h , �t Uf �r �CBarchu et-Adonai ha-m'vorach.

Congregation and Reader

:s�g �u o�kIg �k Q �r«c �n v �h �h QUr �CBaruch Adonai ha-m'vorach l'olam va-ed.

ch �r�g n Ir �c �s �C r �J�t 'o�kIg �v Q�k��n Ubh�"v«k �t ' �h �h v �T t QUr �C

'oh �T �g v�B J �n v�bUc �, �cU 'oh �r�g �J j�",IP v �n �f �j �C 'oh �c �r�g

o �vh ",Ir �n �J �n �C 'oh �c �fIF v , �t r "S x �nU 'oh �B n�Z v , �t ;h �k�j nU

'Q �J �j h"b �P �n rIt k"kID 'v�k �h��k �u oIh t "rIC /IbIm �r �F gh ��e �r �C

oIh ih "C kh �S �c nU 'v�k �h��k th �c�"nU oIh rh �c�g nU /rIt h"b �P �n Q �J �j �u

Ubh�"k�g QIk �n �h sh �n �T 'o�H e �u h j k "t /In �J ,It �c �m �h �h 'v�k �h��k ih "cU

:oh �c �r�g ch �r�g n v '�h �h v �T t QUr �C /s�g �u o�kIg �k

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher bi-d'varo ma-ariv

aravim, b'chochma potey-ach sh'arim u-vitvuna m'shaneh itim,

u-macha-lif et ha-z'manim u-m'sadeyr et ha-kochavim

b'mish-m'ro-teyhem ba-rakia kir-tzono. Borrey yom va-laila goleyl ohr

mipney cho-shech v'choshech mipney ohr. U-ma-avir yom u-meyvi laila

u-mavdil beyn yom u-veyn laila Adonai tz'va-ot sh'mo. Eyl chai v'ka-yam

tamid yimloch aleynu l'olam va-ed. Baruch ata Adonai, ha-ma-ariv




God's love expressed through Torah and Mitzvot

With everlasting love You have loved Your people Israel.

You have taught us the Torah and its Mitzvot;You have instructed us in its laws and judgments.

Therefore, O Lord our God, when we lie down and when we rise up, weshall speak of Your commandments and rejoice in Your Torah andMitzvot.

For they are our life and the length of our days;On them we will meditate day and night.

May You never take away Your love from us.

Praised are You, O Lord, who loves Your people Israel.


oh �E ;j ',I �m �nU v �rIT ' �T �c��v �t W �Ng k "t �r �J �h ,h "C o�kIg , c�v t

Ub�"c �f �J �C 'Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h i "F(kg / �T �s�N �k Ub��,It oh �y �P �J �nU

Wh��,«u �m �n �cU W��, �rI, h "r �c �s �C j n �G�b �u 'Wh ��E ;j �C jh ��G�b Ub�"nUe �cU

o �nIh v�D �v�b o �v �cU 'Ubh�"n�h Q �r �«t �u Ubh�"H j o "v h �F /s�g �u o�kIg �k

'�h �h v �T t QUr �C /oh �n�kIg �k UB��N �n rh �x �T k t W �, �c�v t �u 'v�k �h��k �u

/k "t �r �G �h INg c "vIt

Ahavat olam beyt yisrael am-cha ahavta. Torah u-mitzvot, chukim

u-mish-patim, otanu li-mad'ta. Al keyn Adonai Eloheynu b'shoch-beynu

u-v'ku-meynu nasi-ach b'chukecha. V'nismach b'divrey toratecha

u-v'mitz-votecha l'olam va-ed. Ki heym cha-yeynu v'orech ya-meynu

u-va-hem neh-geh yomam va-laila. V'aha-vat-cha al tasir mimenu

l'olamim. Baruch ata Adonai, oheyv amo yisrael.




Praised be God's glorious sovereignty for ever and ever.

V'AHAVTA: You shall love the lord

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,with all your might. You shall take to heart these words which Icommand you this day. You shall teach them diligently to your children.You shall repeat them at home and away, when you lie down at night andwhen you rise up in the morning. You shall bind them as a sign uponyour arm, and they shall be a reminder above your eyes. You shallinscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on the gates of yourcities.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9


/s �j �t �h �h 'Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h 'k "t �r �G �h g n �JShema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad.

/s�g �u o�kIg �k I,Uf �k n sIc �F o "J QUr �CBaruch sheym k'vod mal-chuto l'olam va-ed.

k �f �cU 'W �J �pb k �f �cU 'W �c �c �k k �f �C 'Wh��v«k$t �h �h , "t �T �c v �t �u

kg 'oIH v W �U m �n h �f«b �t r �J�t 'v�K�"t �v oh �r �c �S v Uh �v �u /W ��s«t �n

'W��,h "c �C W �T �c �J �C 'o �C �T �r C �s �u 'Wh��b �c �k o �T �bB �J �u /W��c �c �k

'W ��s�h kg ,It �k o �T �r J �eU /W��nUe �cU 'W �C �f �J �cU 'Q �r ��S c W �T �f�k �cU

W��,h "C ,Iz;z �n kg o �T �c , �fU /Wh��bh"g ih "C ,«p �y«y �k Uh �v �u

/Wh ��r�g �J �cU

V'ahavta eyt Adonai Elohecha b'chol l'vavcha u-v'chol naf-sh'cha u-v'chol

m'odecha. V'ha-yu ha-d'varim ha-eyleh asher anochi m'tza-v'cha ha-yom

al l'va-vecha. V'shi-nan-tam l'va-necha v'dibarta bam b'shiv-t'cha

b'vey-techa u-v'lech-t'cha va-derech u-v'shoch-b'cha u-v'ku-mecha.

U-k'shar-tam l'ot al ya-decha v'ha-yu l'totafot beyn eynecha. U-ch'tav-tam

al m'zuzot bey-techa u-vish-arecha.



If you will faithfully obey the commandments which I command you this

day, to love the Lord your God and to serve the Lord with all your heart

and all your soul, then I will favor your land with rain at the proper

season, in autumn and in spring; and you will harvest your grain and wine

and oil. I will give grass in the fields for your cattle. You will eat and be


Take care not to be lured away to worship other gods. For then

the wrath of the Lord will be directed against you: The heavens will close

and there will be no rain; the earth will not yield its produce; and you will

soon perish from the good land which the Lord gave you.

Therefore, keep these words of Mine in your heart and in your

soul. Bind them as a sign upon your arm, and let them be a reminder

above your eyes. Teach them to your children, speaking of them when

you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down at night and

when you rise up in the morning. Write them upon the doorposts of your

homes and upon your gates. Thus your days and the days of your

children will be multiplied on the land which the Lord promised to your

ancestors for as long as the heavens remain over the earth.Deuteronomy 11:13-21

Do not be like servants who serve their master for the sake of receiving a

reward; be rather like servants who devotedly serve their master with no

thought of a reward; and may the awe of God be upon you. (Pirkey Avot 1:3)

The main purpose of the Mitzvot performed through physical action is to

make us sensitive to those Mitzvot performed with the heart and mind,

which are the pillars of the service of God. (Bachya)

If you think of reward, you think of yourself, not God. (Salanter)


o�f �, �t v �U m �n h �f«b �t r �J�t h ,«u �m �n(k �t Ug �n �J �T g �«n �J o �t v�h �v �u

o �f �c c �k(k �f �C Is �c�g �kU o �fh "v«k$t �h �h , �t v �c�v t �k 'oIH v

JIe �k nU v �rIh IT �g �C o �f �m �r tCr y �n h �T ,�b �u :o �f �J �pb(k �f �cU

W �s �G �C c �G�"g h �T ,�b �u :W ��r �v �m �h �u W �J«rh �, �u W��b�d �s �T �p x �t �u

o �f �c c �k v �T �p �h(i �P o �f�k Ur �n �> �v : �T �g��c �G �u �T �k f �t �u W��T �n �v �c �k

v �r �j �u :o �v�k o �,h �u�j T �J �v �u oh �r "j�tCoh �v«k$tCo �T �s c�g u o �T �r x �u

t«k v �n �s�t �v �u r �y �n v�h �v �h(t«k �u o �h�n �> v , �t rm�g �u 'o �f �C �h �h(; t

�h �hCr �J�tCv �c«Y v . �r��t �v kg "n v �r "v �n o �T �s c�t u V�kUc �h(, �t i "T �,

o �f �J �pb kg �u o �f �c c �kCkg v�K�"tCh r �c �S(, �t o �T �n G �u :o �f�k i ",«b

:o �fh"bh"g ih "C ,«p �yIy �k Uh �v �u o �f �s�h(kgC,It �k o �,«tCo �T �r J �eU

W��,h "c �C W �T �c �J �C o �C r"C s �k o �fh"b �C(, �t o �,«t o �T �s N �k �u

,IzUz �n(kgCo �T �c , �fU :W��nUe �cU W �C �f �J �cU Q �r ��S c W �T �f�k �cU

kg o �fh"b �c h "nh �u o �fh "n �hCUC �r �hCi g�n �k :Wh ��r�g �J �cU W��,h "C

o �h�n �> v h "nh �F o �v�k , ",�k o �fh ",«c�tk �h �hCg C �J�b r �J�tCv �n �s�t �v

:. �r��t �v(kg

The reward for a good deed is another good deed; and the penalty for atransgression is another transgression. (Pirkey Avot 4:2)



The Lord said to Moses: "Speak to the Children of Israel, and bid them to

make fringes in the corners of their garments throughout their

generations, putting upon the fringe of each corner a thread of blue.

"When you look upon the fringe you will be reminded of all the

commandments of the Lord and obey them. You will not be led astray by

the inclination of your heart or by the attraction of your eyes.

"Thus will you be reminded to fulfill all My commandments and

be consecrated in your God. I am the Lord your God who brought you

out of the land of Egypt to be your God. I, the Lord, am your God."Numbers 15:37-41


�T �r n �t �u k "t �r �G �h h"b �C(k �t r"C S :r«nt"K v �J«n(k �t �h �h r �nt�«H u

Ub �,�b �u o �,«r«s �k o �vh "s �d �c h "p �b F kg , �mh �m o �v�k UG�g �u 'o �v"k�t

o �,h �t �rU , �mh �m �k o �f�k v�h �v �u :,�k�"f �T kh �, �P ;�b �F v , �mh �m (kg

t«k �u o �,«tCo �,h �G�g u �h �h ,«u �m �n(k �F(, �t o �T �r f �zU I,«t

oh �b«z o �T t(r �J�t o �fh"bh"g h "r�j t �u o �f �c c �k h "r�j tCUrU �, �,

o �,h �h �v �u h �,«u �m �n(k �F(, �t o �,h �G�g u Ur �F �z �T ig�n �k :o �vh "r�j t

o �f �, �t h �,t�"mIv r �J�t o �fh "v«k$t �h �h h �b�t :o �fh "v«kt"k oh �J«s �e

:o �fh "v«k$tC�h �hCh �b�t oh �v«kt"k o �f�k ,Ih �v �k o �h �r �m �n . �r��t "n

Reader, �n$t o �fh "v«k$t �h �h

Va-yomer Adonai el moshe ley-mor: Da-beyr el b'nay yisrael v'amarta

aley-hem v'asu la-hem tzitzit al kan-fey vig-dey-hem l'doro-tam v'nat-nu al

tzitzit ha-kanaf p'til t'chey'let. V'ha-ya la-chem l'tzitzit ur-item oto

u-z'char-tem et kol mitzvot Adonai va-asitem otam v'lo ta-turu acharey

l'vav-chem v'acharey ey-ney-chem asher atem onim acha-rey-hem.

L'ma-an tiz-k'ru va-asitem et kol mitz-votai vi-h'yitem k'doshim

ley-lo-hey-chem. Ani Adonai Elo-hey-chem asher ho-tzey-ti et-chem

mey-eretz mitz-rayim li-h'yot lachem ley-lo-him ani Adonai Elo-hey-chem.

Reader Adonai Elo-hey-chem emet.


EMET VE-EMUNAH: God our Redeemer*

True and certain it is that there is One God,And there is none like our Lord.

It is God who redeemed us from the might of tyrants,And delivered us from slavery to freedom.

Great are the things that God has done;God's wonders are without number.

God brought forth Israel from Egyptian bondage,And has been our hope in every generation.

May You continue Your protecting care over Israel, O Lord,And guard all Your children from disaster.

When the Children of Israel beheld Your might,They gave thanks to You and praised Your name.

They accepted Your sovereignty willinglyAnd sang a song to You.

Moses and the Children of IsraelProclaimed in great exultation:

"Who is like You, O Lord, among the mighty?Who is like You, glorious in holiness,Revered in praises, doing wonders?"

When You rescued Israel at the Sea,Your children beheld Your power.

"This is my God!" they exclaimed, and said:"The Lord shall reign for ever and ever!"

As You delivered Israel from a power mightier than he,So may You redeem all Your children from oppression.

Praised are You, O Lord,Redeemer of Israel.

Morris Silverman, based on the Hebrew

*Adapted from earlier editions.


ih "t �u Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h tUv h �F Ubh�"k�g o�H e �u ,t«z(k �F v�bUn$t �u , �n$tUb�"F �k n oh �f�k �n sH �n Ub �"sIP v INg k "t �r �G �h Ub �j�b�t u ',�kUzUbh �"r �M �n Ub��k g �r �p �B v k "t �v oh �mh �r�g �v(k �F ; F �n Ub�"k�tID v

ih "t sg ,IkIs �d v �G«g �v :Ub �"J �pb h "c �h«t(k �f �k kUn �D o"K J �n v �ut«k �u oh �H j C Ub �"J �pb o �¬ v :r �P �x �n ih "t sg ,It�k �p �b �u oh �X �b r �e�"jUb�"b �r e o �r��H u Ubh�"c �hIt ,In �C kg Ub�"fh �r �s N v :Ub�"k �d r yINk i ,�b,I,It v«g �r p �C v �n �e �bU oh �X �b Ub��K v �G �«g �v :Ubh�"t �bIG(k �F kg

o �h ��r �m �n h "rIf �C(k �F I, �r �c�g �c v �F N v o �j h"b �C , n �s t �C oh �, �pInUuh�b �C rh �c�g N v :o�kIg ,Ur "j �k o �fIT �n k "t �r �G �h INg , �t t"mIH u

,InIv �, �C o �vh "t �bIG , �t �u o �vh "p �sIr , �t ;Ux(oh h "r �z �D ih "CI,Uf �k nU In �J �k UsIv �u Uj �C �J I, �rUc �D uh�b �c Ut �r �u /g C �yv �rh �J Ub�g W �k k "t �r �G �h h"b �cU v �J«n /o �vh"k�g Uk �C �e iIm �r �c

/o�K ;f Ur �n �t �u v �C r v �j �n �G �Ct �rIb /J �s �«E C r �S �t�b v �f �«n �F h �n /�h �h o �k "t �C v �f �«n �f(h �n

:t�k��p v "G �«g /,«K �v �,Ub�g h �k "t v�z v �J«n h"b �p �k o�h g �"eIC Wh��b �c Ut �r W �,Uf �k n

/Ur �n �t �u:s�g �u o�kIg �k Q«k �n �h �h �h

/UB��N �n e�z �j sH �n Ik �t �dU c«e�gh(, �t �h �h v �s �p(h �F /r n$t�b �u:k "t �r �G �h k t�D �h �h v �T t QUr �C

Mi chamocha ba-eylim Adonai. Mi kamocha nedar ba-kodesh. Nora

t'hilot osey fe-leh.

Malchutecha ra'u vaneicha, boke'a yam lifnei Moshe zeh eli anu ve'amru.

Adonai yimloch l'olam va'ed.

Vene'emar: Ki fadah Adonai et-ya'akov ug'alo miyad chazak mimenu.

Baruch atah Adonai ga'al Yisra'el.


HASHKIVENU: Help us to lie down in peace

I Help us, O God, to lie down in peace,And awaken us to life on the morrow.

May we always be guided by Your good counsel,And thus find shelter in Your tent of peace.

Shield us, we pray, against our foes,Against plague, destruction, and sorrow.

Strengthen us against the evil forcesWhich abound on every side.

May we always feel protectedBecause You are our merciful Sovereign.

Guard us always and everywhere;Bless us with life and peace.

Praise to You, O God of peace,Whose love is always with us,

Who shelters the people Israel,And protects Jerusalem in love.

II Grant that we lie down in peace,Secure in Your protecting love;

And shelter us throughout the night,So that we may arise tomorrow,

To face life's tasks with faith in You,Our zeal renewed and strength restored.

Save us, O our Redeemer,And guard us from all lurking foes.

Remove all sorrow, hatred, strife,And turn Your children's hearts to You.

Spread Your Tent of Peace, O Lord,Above Jerusalem, we pray,

And shield Your people Israel,Wherever they may dwell.

Praised are You, our Lord and Sovereign,Whose sheltering love spreads over us,

Sustaining all who seek Your peace,Who find their hope and strength in You.


G«r �pU /oh �H j �k Ub�"F �k n Ub �"sh �n�g v �u oIk �J �k Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h Ub�"ch �F �J vUb�"gh �JIv �u Wh��b �p �K �n v �cIy v�m"g �C Ub�"b �E , �u W��nIk �J , F ;x Ubh�"k�g

c �r��j �u r �c ��S c"hIt Ubh�"k�g "n r "x �v �u Ub �"s�g C i"d �v �u /W��n �J ig�n �kWh��p�b �F k"m �cU /Ubh �"r�j t "nU Ubh�"b �p �K �n i �y �G r "x �v �u iId�h �u c�g �r �uiUB j Q�k��n k "t h �F v �T��t Ub�"kh �M nU Ub �"r �nIJ k "t h �F Ub �"rh �T �x T

v �Tg "n oIk �J �kU oh�H j �k Ub�"tIcU Ub�",t"m r«n �JU /v �T��t oUj r �u'�h �h v �T t QUr �C /W��nIk �J , F ;x Ubh�"k�g G«r �pU /o�kIg sg �ukg �u k "t �r �G �h INg(k �F kg �u Ubh�"k�g oIk �J , F ;x G "rIP v

:o �h��k �JUr �h

Hash-kiveynu Adonai Eloheynu l'shalom v'ha-amideynu mal-keynu

l'cha-yim. U-f'ros aleynu sukat sh'lomecha v'tak-neynu b'eytzah tovah

mil-fanecha v'ho-shi-eynu l'ma-an sh'mecha. V'hageyn ba-adeynu

v'ha-seyr mey-aleynu oyeyv dever v'cherev v'ra-av v'yagon v'ha-seyr satan

mil-fa-neynu u-mey-ach-reynu. U-v-tzeyl k'nafecha tas-tireynu ki eyl

shom-reyu u-matzi-leynu ata ki eyl melech chanun v'rachum ata.

U-sh'mor tzey-teynu uvo-eynu l'cha-yim u-l'shalom mey-ata v'ad olam.

U-f'ros aleynu sukat sh'lomecha. Baruch ata Adonai ha-poreys sukat

shalom Aleynu v'al kol amo yisrael v'al y'ru-shala-yim.


VESHAMRU: Shabbat - an everlasting covenant

The people of Israel shall observe the Shabbat, maintaining it throughout

their generations as an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between Me and

the people of Israel for all time; in six days the Lord made heaven and

earth, and on the seventh day ceased this work and rested.Exodus 31:16-17


Yit-gadal v'yit-kadash sh'mey raba, B'alma di v'ra chirutey, v'yam-lich

mal-chutey b'cha-yey-chon u-v'yomey-chon u-v'cha-yay d'chol beyt yisrael

ba-agala u-viz-man kariv, v'imru amen.Congregation and Reader:

Y'hey sh'mey raba m'varach l'alam ul-almey alma-ya.Reader:

Yit-barach v'yish-tabach v'yit-pa-ar v'yit-romam v'yit-na-sey v'yit-hadar

v'yit-aleh v'yit-halal sh'mey d'kud-sha, b'rich hu, l'eyla min kol bir-chata

v'shi-rata tush-b'chata v'ne-chemata da-amiran b'alma, v'imru amen.

Magnified and sanctified be the great name of God, in the world created

according to the Divine will. May God's sovereignty soon be established,

in our lifetime and that of the entire house of Israel. And let us say:


Congregation and Reader:

May God's great name be praised to all eternity.

Hallowed and honored, extolled and exalted, adored and acclaimed be the

name of the blessed Holy One, whose glory is above all the praises,

hymns, and songs of adoration which human beings can utter. And let us

say: Amen.


o �,«r«s �k , �C > v(, �t ,IG�gk , �C > v , �t k "t �r �G �h(h"b �c Ur �n �J �u

o�kIg �k th �v ,It k "t �r �G �h h"b �C ih "cU h �bh "C :o�kIg ,h �r �C

oIH cU . �r��t �v , �t �u o �h�n �> v(, �t �h �h v �G�g oh �n�h , �J�"J(h �F

:J p�B �H u , c �J h �gh �c �> v

V'shamru v'ney yisrael et ha-shabbat la-asot et ha-shabbat l'doro-tam b'rit

olam. Bey-ni u-veyn b'ney yisrael ot hi l'olam ki shey-shet yamim asa

Adonai et ha-shama-yim v'et ha-aretz u-va-yom ha-sh'vi-i shavat



'V ",Ug �r �f t �r �c h �S t �n �k�g �C /t �C r V "n �J J S e �, �h �u k SD �, �h

,h "C(k �f �s h"H j �cU iIfh "nIh �cU iIfh"H j �C V ",Uf �k n Qh �k �nh �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /ch �r �e i n�z �cU t�k�d�g C k "t �r �G �hCongregation and Reader:

/t�H n �k�g h "n �k�g �kU ok�g �k Q r �c �n t �C r V "n �J t "v �hReader:

v�Kg �, �h �u r �S v �, �h �u t "¬b �, �h �u o nIr �, �h �u r t �P �, �h �u j C T �J �h �u Q r �C �, �h

t �, �f �r �C(k �F i �n t�K�"g �k /tUv Qh �r �C /t �J �s ;e �S V "n �J k�K v �, �h �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /t �n �k�g �C i �rh �n�t S t �, �n$j�b �u t �, �j �C �J ;T t �, �rh �J �u


The Shabbat Eve Amidah

"O Lord, open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise."


Praised are You, O Lord our God and God of our ancestors, God of

Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of

Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of Leah; Great, mighty, awesome God,

supreme over all. You are abundantly kind, O Creator of all.

Remembering the piety of our ancestors, you lovingly bring redemption to

their children's children.

On Shabbat Shuvah add:

Remember us for life, O Sovereign who delights in life. Inscribe us

in the book of life, for Your sake, O God of life.

You are our Sovereign who helps, redeems, and protects.

Praised are You, O Lord, Shield of Abraham and Sustainer of Sarah.


O Lord, mighty for all eternity, with Your saving power You grant

immortal life.

From Shmini Atzeret until Pesach add:

You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.

You sustain the living with loving kindness, and with great mercy You

bestow eternal life upon the dead. You support the falling, heal the sick,

and free the captives. You keep faith with those who sleep in the dust.

Who is like You, almighty God? Who can be compared to You, Ruler

over life and death, source of redemption?

On Shabbat Shuvah add:

Who is like You, compassionate God?'

Mercifully You remember Your creatures for life.

You are faithful in granting eternal life to the departed. Praised are You,

O Lord, who grants immortality to the departed.


The Shabbat Eve Amidah

/W��,�K �v �T sh �Dh h �pU j �T �p �T h , �p �G h�b«s�t

/Ubh�",Ic�t h "v«kt "u Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h v �T t QUr �C

/h "v«kt "u e �j �m �h h "v«k$t o �v �r �c t h "v«k$t

/v �t"k h "v«kt "u k "j �r h "v«k$t v �e �c �r h "v«k$t v �r �G h "v«k$t c«e�gh

/iIh �k�g k "t t �rIB v �u rIC �D v kIs�D v k "t �v

,Ic �t h "s �x j r "fIz �u /k«F v v"b«e �u oh �cIy oh �s �x�j k "nID

:v �c�v t �C In �J ig�n �k o �vh"b �c h"b �c �k k "tId th �c "nUOn Shabbat Shuvah add:

/oh �H j C . "p �j Q�k��n oh �H j �k Ub �"r �f�z

:oh �H j oh �v«k$t W �b g n �k oh �H j v r �p�"x �C Ub�"c �, �f �u

/i"d �nU gh ��JInU r"zIg Q�k��n

:v �r �G , r�z�g �u o �v �r �c t i"d �n �h �h v �T t QUr �C

:gh ��JIv �k c r 'v �T�t oh �, "n v"H j �n h�b«s�t o�kIg �k rIC �D v �T tFrom Shemini Atzeret to Pesach add:

:o �J��D v sh �rInU jU �r �v ch �> n

/oh �C r oh �n�j r �C oh �, "n v"H j �n s �x��j �C oh�H j k "F �k f �n

oh �rUx�t rh �T nU oh �kIj t "pIr �u oh �k �pIb Q "nIx

/r �p�g h"b "Jh �k I,�bUn$t o"H e �nU

Q�K v �nI �S h �nU ,IrUc �D kg�C WI �n �f h �n

:v�gUJ �h jh ��n �m nU v�H j �nU ,h �n "n Q�k��nOn Shabbat Shuvah add:

/oh �n�j r �C oh �H j �k uh �rUm �h r "fIz /oh �n�j r �v c t WIn �f h �n

:oh �, "N v v"H j �n '�h �h v �T t QUr �C /oh �, "n ,Ih�j v �k v �T t i �n$t�b �u29


Holy are You and hallowed is Your name, and holy ones praise You daily.

*Praised are You, O Lord, the holy God.


You consecrated the seventh day as Your own, for it marked the end and

purpose of the creation of heaven and earth. You blessed it above all the

other days and hallowed it above all the festivals, as it is written in Your


"The heavens and the earth, and all within them, were finished. By the

seventh day God had completed the work of Creation; and so God rested

from all this work. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it

because on it God ceased all the Divine work of Creation."

RETZY VI-M'NUCHATEYNU: Accept our rest, and purify our


Our God and God of our ancestors, may our Shabbat rest be acceptable

to You.

May Your Mitzvot lead us to holiness, and may we be among those

who devote themselves to Your Torah.

May we find contentment in Your blessings, and joy in Your

sustaining power.

Purify our hearts to serve You in truth, and help us to enjoy, in love

and favor, the heritage of Your holy Shabbat.

May Your people Israel, who hallow Your name, find rest on this day.

Praised are You, O Lord, who hallows the Shabbat.

*On Shabbat Shuvah conclude thus:

Praised are You, O Lord, the holy Sovereign.


WU �k �k v �h oIh(k �f �C oh �JIs �eU JIs �e W �n �J �u JIs �e v �T t

/v�k��X*:JIs �E v k "t �v �h �h v �T t QUr �C

v "G�g n ,h �k �f T W��n �J �k h �gh �c �> v oIh(, �t �T �J �S �e v �T t

i "f �u oh �B n�Z v k �F �n IT �J S �e �u oh �n�H v k �F �n IT �f r"cU . �r��t �u o �h�n �J

:W��, �rI, �C cU, �F

oIH C oh �v«k$t k f �h u :o �t �c �m(k �f �u . �r��t �v �u o �h�n �> v UK ;f �h u

h �gh �c �> v oIH C ,«C �J�H u v �G�g r �J�t IT �ftk �n h �gh �c �> v

h �gh �c �> v oIh(, �t oh �v«k$t Q �r��c �h u :v �G�g r �J�t IT �ftk �n(k �F �n

oh �v«k$t t �r �C r �a�t IT �ftk �n(k �F �n , c �J Ic h �F /I,«t J "S e �h u


Ub �"J �S e Ub�", �jUb �n �c v"m �r /Ubh "�,Ic�t h "v«kt "u Ubh�"v«k$t

Ub�"j �N G �u W��cUY �n Ub�"g �C G /W��, �rI, �C Ub �"e �k �j i ", �u Wh��,«u �m �n �C

Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h Ub�"kh �j �b v �u /, �n$t�C W �S �c�g �k Ub�"C �k r "v y �u /W��,�gUJh �C

h "J �S e �n k "t �r �G �h V �c UjU �b�h �u /W��J �s �e , C J iIm �r �cU v �c�v t �C

:, �C > v J "S e �n '�h �h v �T t QUr �C /W��n �J

*On Shabbat Shuvah conclude thus:

JIs �E v Q�k��N v �h �h v �T t QUr �C



Be gracious to Your people Israel, O Lord our God, and lovingly accept

their prayers. May our worship ever be acceptable to You.

On Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed add:

Our God and God of our ancestors, we reacll and invoke the remembrance of

our ancestors, the piety of their prayers for Messianic deliverance, the glory of

Jerusalem, Your holy city, and the destiny of the entire household of Israel. As

we seek Your love and mercy, we pray for deliverance and for life, for

happiness and for peace, on this day of

Rosh Chodesh Pesach Sukkot.

Remember us, O Lord; bless us with all that is good. Recall Your promise of

merciful redemption; spare us, have compassion upon us, and graciously save

us. To You we lift our eyes in hope; for You, our Sovereign, are a gracious

and merciful God.

May our eyes behold Your merciful return to Zion. Praise to You, O

Lord, who restores the Divine Presence to Zion.


We thankfully acknowledge You, our God and God of our ancestors,

Lord of eternity. You are the source of our strength, even as You have

been Israel's protecting shield in every generation.

We thank You and proclaim Your praise for our lives which are in

Your hand, for our souls which are in Your care, for Your miracles which

are daily with us, and for Your wondrous kindness at all times - morning,

noon, and night. Source of all goodness, your mercies never fail. Source

of compassion, Your kindnesses never cease. You are our abiding hope.


k"C e �, v �c�v t �C o �,�K �p �,U /k "t �r �G �h W �Ng �C Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h v"m �r

:W��Ng k "t �r �G �h , sIc�g sh �n �T iIm �r �k h �v �,U /iIm �r �C

On Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed add:

s"e �P �h �u /g n �> �h �u v�m �r"h �u v �t �r"h �u / gh��Dh �u 't«c�h �u v�k�gh /Ubh�",Ic�t h "v«kt "u Ubh�"v«k$t

/W ��S �cg s �u �S(i �C jh ��J �n iIr �f �z �u /Ubh�",Ic�t iIr �f �z �u /Ub�"bIs �e �pU Ub�"bIr �f �z r "f�Z �h �u

v �yh"k �p �k /Wh��b �p �k k "t �r �G �h ,h "C W �Ng ( �F iIr �f �z �u /W��J �s �e rh �g o �h�k �JUr �h iIr �f �z �u

oIh �C 'oIk �J �kU oh �H j �k oh �n�j r �kU s �x��j �kU i "j �k /v �cIy �k

On Sukkot say: On Pesach say: On Rosh Chodesh say:

J �s �«j v Jt«r,IM N v d j,IF ;X v d j

/oh �H j �k Ic Ub�"gh �JIv �u /v �f �r �c �k Ic Ub �"s �e �pU /v �cIy �k IC Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h Ub �"r �f�z :v�Z v

h �F /Ubh�"bh"g Wh��k "t h �F /Ub�"gh �JIv �u Ubh�"k�g o "j r �u Ub�"B �j �u xUj oh �n�j r �u v�gUJ �h r c �s �cU

:v �T��t oUj r �u iUB j Q�k��n k "t

�h �h v �T t QUr �C /oh �n�j r �C iIH �m �k W �cUJ �C Ubh�"bh"g v�bh��z$j �, �u

:iIH �m �k I,�bh �f �J rh �z�j N v

Ubh�",Ic�t h "v«kt "u Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h tUv v �T t �J Q�k Ub �j�b�t oh �sIn

/rIs �u rIs �k tUv v �T t Ub�"g �J �h i"d �n Ubh�"H j rUm /s�g �u o�kIg �k

kg �u W ��s�h �C oh �rUx �N v Ubh�"H j kg W��,�K �v �T r "P x �bU W �K v �sI �b

kg �u Ub��N �g oIh k �f �C �J Wh��X �b kg �u Q�k ,IsUe �P v Ubh�",In �J�b

cIY v /o �h ��r5v�m �u r �e �«c �u c �r��g ',"g(k �f �C �J Wh��,IcIy �u Wh��,It �k �p �b

o�kIg "n /Wh ��s �x�j UN�, t«k h �F o "j r �n v �u /Wh��n�j r Uk �f t«k h �F

:Q�k Ubh ��U �e


For all Your blessings we shall praise and exalt You, O our Sovereign,


On Shabbat Shuvah add:

Inscribe all the children of Your covenant for a good life.

May all living creatures always thank You and praise You in truth. O

God, You are our deliverance and our help. Praised are You, beneficent

Lord, to whom all praise is due.


Grant lasting peace to Your people Israel and to all who dwell on earth,

for You are the sovereign Lord of peace. May it please You to bless Your

people Israel, in every season and at every hour, with Your peace.

*Praised are You, O Lord, who blesses Your people Israel with peace.

*On Shabbat Shubah conclude thus:

In the book of life and blessing, peace and prosperity, may we and all Your people, the

house of Israel, be inscribed for a good and peaceful life. Praised are You, O Lord,

Source of peace.


s�g �u o�kIg �k sh �n �T Ub�"F �k n W �n �J o nIr �, �h �u Q r �C �, �h o�K ;F(kg �u

On Shabbat Shuvah add:

/W��,h �r �c h"b �C(k �F oh �cIy oh �H j �k cI, �fU

k "t �v , �n$t�C W �n �J , �t Uk �k vh �u v�k��X WU �sIh oh �H j v k«f �u

v �t�b W �kU W �n �J cIY v '�h �h v �T t QUr �C /v�k��x Ub�", �r �z�g �u Ub�",�gUJ �h

:,IsIv �k

oh �G �T k"c ", h "c �JIh(k �F kg �u W �Ng k "t �r �G �h kg c �r oIk �J

Wh��bh"g �C cIy �u /oIk �> v(k �f �k iIs �t Q�k��n tUv v �T t h �F /o�kIg �k

:W��nIk �J �C v�g �J k �f �cU ,"g k �f �C k "t �r �G �h W �Ng(, �t Q "r �c �k*:oIk �> C k "t �r �G �h INg(, �t Q "r �c �n v �h �h v �T t QUr �C

*On Shabbat Shuvah conclude thus:

c ", �F �b �u r "f�Z �b /v �cIy v �x�b �r pU oIk �J �u v �f �r �C 'oh �H j r �p�"x �C

QUr �C /oIk �J �kU oh �cIy oh �H j �k /k "t �r �G �h ,h "C W �Ng(k �f �u Ub �j�b�t /Wh��b �p �k

:oIk �J v v "GIg �h �h v �T t



O Lord, guard my tongue from eviland my lips from speaking falsehood.

Help me to ignore those who speak ill of me,and to forgive those who offend against me.

Open my heart to Your Torahthat I may eagerly do Your will.

May the words of my mouthand the meditation of my heart find favor before You,my Rock and my Redeemer.

O You, who ordain harmony in the universe,grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all humanity.


Adapted from the Hebrew

O Lord,

Guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile; and to those

who slander me, let me give no heed. May my soul be humble and

forgiving to all. Open my heart, O Lord, to Your sacred law, that Your

statutes I may know and all Your truths pursue. Frustrate the designs of

those who seek to do me ill; Speedily defeat their aims and thwart their

purposes - for the sake of Your glory and Your power, for the sake of

Your holiness and law. That Your loved ones may be delivered, O Lord,

answer me and save with Your redeeming power.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be

acceptable to You, O Lord, my Rock and my redeemer." O Source of

peace and harmony in the universe, grant peace to us and to the

household of Israel.


Based on the Hebrew - Morris Silverman (adapted)


h k �k e �n �k �u /v �n �r �n r"C S �n h , �p �GU g �r "n h �bIJ �k rIm �b /h v«k$t

'W��, �rI, �C h �C �k j , �P :v�h �v �T k«Fk r �p�g �F h �J �pb �u oIS �, h �J �pb

v �r "v �n /v�g �r hk�g oh �c �JIj v k �f �u /h �J �pb ;IS �r �T Wh��,«u �m �n �cU

ig�n �k v "G�g W��n �J ig�n �k v "G�g :o �T �c J�j n k "e �k e �u o �,�m�g r "p �v

ig�n �k :W��, �rIT ig�n �k v "G�g W��, �> ;s �e ig�n �k v "G�g W��bh �n �h

:h �b�"b�g u W �bh �n �h v�gh ��JIv Wh ��sh �s �h iUm �k �j"h

/h �k�tId �u h �rUm �h �h /Wh��b �p �k h �C �k iIh �d �v �u h �p(h "r �n �t iIm �r �k Uh �v �h

kg �u Ubh�"k�g oIk �J v �G�gh tUv 'uh �nIr �n �C oIk �J v �G«g

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /k "t �r �G �h(k �F

Yih'yu l'ratzon imrey fi, v'heg-yon libi l'fa-necha, Adonai tzuri v'go-ali.

Oseh shalom bi-m'romav, hu ya-aseh shalom Aleynu v'al kol yisrael,

v'imru amen.



Yit-gadal v'yit-kadash sh'mey raba, b'alma di v'ra chirutey, v'yam-lich

mal-chirutey b'cha-yey-chon u-v'yomey-chon u-v'cha-yey d'chol beyt

yisrael ba-agala u-viz-man kariv, v'imru amen.

Congregation and Reader:

Y'hey sh'mey raba m'varach l'alam ul-almey alma-ya.


Yit-barach v'yish-tabach v'yit-pa-ar v'yit-romam v'yit-na-sey v'yit-hadar

v'yit-aleh v'yit-halal sh'mey d'kud-sha, B'rich hu, l'eyla* min kol bir-chata

v'shi-rata tush-b'chata v'ne-chemata da-amiran b'alma, v'imru amen.

Tit-kabeyl tz'lot-hon uva-ut-hon d'chol yisrael kodam avuhon di

vi-sh'ma-ya, v'imru amen.

Y'hey sh'lama raba min sh'ma-ya v'cha-yim aleynu v'al kol yisrael, v'imru


Oseh shalom bi-m'romav hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu v'al kol yisrael, v'imru


Magnified and sanctified be the great name of God, in the world created

according to the Divine will. May God's sovereignty soon be established,

in our lifetime and that of the entire house of Israel. And let us say:


May God's great name be praised to all eternity.

Hallowed and honored, extolled and exalted, adored and acclaimed be

the name of the blessed Holy One, whose glory is above all the praises,

hymns, and songs of adoration which human beings can utter. And let us

say: Amen.

May the prayers and pleas of the whole house of Israel be accepted by

the universal Parent of us all. And let us say: Amen.

May God grant abundant peace and life to us and to all Israel. And let

us say: Amen.

May God, who ordains harmony in the universe, grant peace to us and

to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.


/V ",Ug �r �f t �r �c(h �S t �n �k�g �C /t �C r V "n �J J S e �, �h �u k SD �, �h

,h "C(k �f �s h"H j �cU iIfh "nIh �cU iIfh"H j �C V ",Uf �k n Qh �k �nh �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /ch �r �e i n�z �cU t�k�d�g C k "t �r �G �hCongregation and reader:

:t�H n �k�g h "n �k�g �kU ok�g �k Q r �c �n t �C r V "n �J t "v �hReader:

v�Kg �, �h �u r �S v �, �h �u t "¬b �, �h �u o nIr �, �h �u r t �P �, �h �u j C T �J �h �u Q r �C �, �h

t�K�"g �k /tUv Qh �r �C /t �J �s ;e �S V "n �J k�K v �, �h �u*t �, �f �r �C(k �F i �n i �rh �n�t S t �, �n$j�b �u t �, �j �C �J ;T t �, �rh �J �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /t �n �k�g �C

iIvUc�t o �s5e k "t �r �G �h(k �f �S iIv �,Ug �cU iIv �,Ik �m k "C e �, �T

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /t�H n �J �c(h �S

/k "t �r �G �h(k �F kg �u Ubh�"k�g oh�H j �u t�H n �J i �n t �C r t �n�k �J t "v �h

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u

k �F kg �u Ubh�"k�g oIk �J v �G�gh tUv uh �nIr �n �C oIk �J v �G«g

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /k "t �r �G �h

*On Shabbat Shuvah add: t�K�"g �k - l'eyla


Kiddush for Shabbat Eve

"The heavens and the earth, and all within them, were finished. By the

seventh day God had completed the work of Creation; and so God rested

from all this work. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it

because on it God ceased all the Divine work of Creation."

Come friends.

Praised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, Creator of the fruit

of the vine.

Praised are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has taught us

the way of holiness through the Mitzvot. Lovingly You have favored us

with the gift of Your holy Shabbat as our inheritance, a reminder of

Creation, first among the sacred days which recall the Exodus from


You have chosen us of all peoples for Your service, and You have given

us a sacred purpose in life. In loving favor, You have given us Your holy

Shabbat as a heritage.

Praised are You, O Lord, who hallows the Shabbat.


oIH C oh �v«k$t k f �h u :o �t �c �m(k �f �u . �r��t �v �u o �h�n �> v UK ;f �h u

h �gh �c �> v oIH C ,«C �J�H u v �G�g r �J�t IT �ftk �n h �gh �c �> v

h �gh �c �> v oIh(, �t oh �v«k$t Q �r��c �h u :v �G�g r �J�t IT �ftk �n(k �F �n

oh �v«k$t t �r �C r �a�t IT �ftk �n(k �F �n , c �J Ic h �F /I,«t J "S e �h u


/h r "c�j h �r �c x

/i �p��D v h �r �P t "rIC 'o�kIg �v Q�k��n Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h v �T t QUr �C

uh �,«u �m �n �C Ub ��J �S �e r �J�t o�kIg �v Q�k��n Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h v �T t QUr �C

iIr �F�z Ub��kh �j �b �v iIm �r �cU v �c�v t �C IJ �s �e , C J �u /Ub��c v�m ��r �u

r �f�"z J �s �«e h "t �r �e �n �k v�K �j �T oIh tUv h �F /,h �Jt "r �c v "G�g n �k

oh �Ng �v(k �F �n �T �J �S �e Ub��,It �u �T �r�j �c Ub��c h �F /o �h ��r �m �n , th �mh �k

'�h �h v �T t QUr �C /Ub��T �k j �b �v iIm �r �cU v �c�v t �C W �J �s �e , C J �u

/, �C > v J "S e �n

Va-y'chulu ha-shama-yim v'ha-aretz v'chol tz'va-am. Va-y'chal Elohim

ba-yom ha-sh'vi-i m'lachto asher asa, va-yish-bot ba-yom ha-sh'vi-i mi-kol

m'lachto asher asa, Va-y'varech Elohim et yom ha-shv'vi-i va-y'kadeysh

oto, ki vo shavat mi-kol m'lachto asher bara Elohim la-asot.

Savri chaverai

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, borey p'ri ha-gafen.

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kid-shanu

b'mitz-votav v'ratza vanu, v'shabbat kod-sho b'ahava u-v'ratzon

hin-chi-lanu zikaron l'ma-asey v'reyshit. Ki hu yom t'chila l'mik-ra-ey

kodesh zeycher lit-tziat mitz-ra-yim. Ki vanu vacharta v'otanu kidashta

mi-kol ha-amim, v'shabbat kod-sh'cha b'ahava u-v'ratzon hin-chal-tanu.

Baruch ata Adonai, m'kadesh ha-shabbat.



Let us now praise the Lord of all,Let us acclaim the Author of creation,

Who made us unlike the pegans who surrounded us,Unlike the heathens of the ancient world,

Making our heritage different from theirs,And assigning to us a unique destiny.

We bend the knee and reverently bowBefore the supreme Sovereign,The Holy One, who is to be praised,

Who spread forth the heavens and established the earth,And whose glorious presence can be found everywhere.

The Lord is our God; there is no other.Truly, our sovereign Lord is incomparable.

As it is writen in the Torah:"This day accept, with mind and heart,

That God is the Lord of heaven and earth;There is no other."


t«K �J /,h �Jt "r �C r"mIh �k v�K ;s �D , ",�k k«F v iIs�tk j�"C J �k Ubh�"k�g

t«k �J /v �n �s�t �v ,Ij �P �J �n �F Ub��n �G t«k �u ,Im �r�t �v h"hId �F Ub ��G�g

:o�bIn�v k �f �F Ub�"k �r«d �u o �v �F Ub �"e �k �j o �G

h �sInU oh �u�j T �J �nU oh �g �rIF Ub �j�b�t u

/tUv QUr �C JIs �E v oh �f�k �N v h "f �k n Q�k��n h"b �p �k

kg�N �n o �h�n �> C Ir �e �h c JInU . �r��t s "x«h �u o �h�n �J v �yIb tUv �J

, �n$t /sIg ih "t Ubh�"v«k$t tUv :oh �nIr �n h "v �c�d �C IZ ;g ,bh �f �JU

�,«c "J�v u oIH v �T �g s�h �u /I, �rI, �C cU, �F F /I,�kUz x �p��t Ub�"F �k n

. �r��t �v(kg �u kg�N �n oh�n �> C oh �v«k$t �v tUv �h �h h �F W��c �c �k(k �t

:sIg ih "t , j��T �n

Aleynu l'sha-bey-ach la-adon ha-kol, la-teyt g'dula l'yotzeyr b'reyshit.

Shelo asanu k'go-yey ha-aratzot v'lo samanu k'mish-p'chot ha-adama.

Shelo sam chel-keynu ka-hem v'gora-leynu k'chol hamonam.

Va-anachnu kor-im u-mishta-chavim u-modim.

Lifney melech malchey ha-m'lachim ha-kadosh baruch hu.

Sheh-hu noteh shama-yim v'yoseyd aretz u-mo-shav y'karo ba-shama-yim

mi-maal u-sh'chinat uzo b'gov-hey m'romim. Hu Eloheynu eyn od, emet

mal-keynu efes zu-lato, ka-katuv b'torato, v'yadah-ta ha-yom

va-ha-shey-vota el l'va-vecha ki Adonai hu ha-Elohim ba-shama-yim

mi-maal v'al ha-aretz mi-tachat, eyn od.



I Because we believe in You, O God,We hope for the day when Your majesty will prevail,

When all false gods will be removed,And all idolatry will be abolished;

When the world will be made a "Kingdom of God,"When all will invoke Your name,And the wicked will return to You.

May every human being be convincedThat to You every knee must bend,Every tongue must vow loyalty.

Before You may all bow in reverence,Proclaiming Your glory, accepting Your sovereignty.

May Your reign come soon and last forever;For sovereignty is Yours alone, now and evermore.

So is it written in Your Torah:"The Lord shall reign for ever and ever."

The prophet too, proclaimed this promise:"The Lord shall be Sovereign over all the earth;That day the Lord shall be One and God's name One."

II We therefore hope in You, O Lord our God, that we may soon behold the

glory of Your might, when You will remove the abominations from the

earth and when all idolatry will be abolished. We hope for the day when the

world will be perfected under the "Kingdom of the Almighty," and all

humanity will call upon Your name; when You will turn unto Yourself all the

wicked of the earth. May all the inhabitants of the world perceive and know

that unto You every knee must bend, every tongue vow loyalty. Before You,

O Lord our God, may they bow in worship, giving honor unto Your

glorious name. May they all accept the yoke of Your kingdom; and may You

rule over them speedily and forevermore. For the kingdom is Yours and to

all eternity You will reign in glory. As it is written in Your Torah: The Lord

shall reign for ever and ever. And it has been foretold: The Lord shall be

Sovereign over all the earth; on that day the Lord shall be One and God's

name One.

Morris Silverman (adapted)


W��Z ;g , �r��t �p �, �C v �r "v �n ,It �r �k Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h W �K v�U e �b i "F(kg

i "E , �k /iU, "r �F �h ,Ir �F oh �kh �k$t �v �u . �r��t �v i �n oh �kUK �D rh �c�g v �k

,Ib �p v �k W��n �J �c Ut �r �e �h r �G�c h"b �C(k �f �u /h S J ,Uf �k n �C o�kIg

W �k(h �F /k "c ", h "c �JIh(k �F Ug �s"h �u Urh ��Fh /. �r��t h"g �J �r(k �F Wh��k "t

Ug �r �f �h Ubh�"v«k$t �h �h Wh��b �p �k :iIJ�k(k �F g c �> �T Q �r��C(k �F g r �f �T

k«g , �t o�K ;f Uk �C eh �u /Ub�"T �h r �e �h W �n �J sIc �f �k �u /Uk«�P �h �u

,Uf �k N v h �F /s�g �u o�kIg �k v �r "v �n o �vh"k�g Q«k �n �, �u /W��,Uf �k n

:sIc �f �C QIk �n �T sg h "n �kI �g �kU th �v W �K �J

:s�g �u o�kIg �k Q«k �n �h �h �h /W��, �rI, �C cU, �F F

/. �r��t �v(k �F(kg Q�k��n �k �h �h v�h �v �u /r n$t�b �u

:s �j �t In �aU s �j �t �h �h v�h �v �h tUv v oIH C

Al keyn n'ka-veh l'cha Adonai Eloheynu Lir-ot m'heyra b-tif-eret u-zecha

l'ha-avir gilu-lim min ha-aretz v'ha-elilim karot yika-rey-tun, l'takeyn olam

b'malchut Shadai; v'chol b'ney vasar yik-r'u vi-sh'mecha l'haf-not ey-le-cha

kol rish-ey aretz. Yaki-ru v'ey-du kil yosh-vey tey-veyl, ki l'cha tichra kil

berech ti-shava kil la-shon. L'fanecha Adonai Eloheynu yich-r'u

v'yi-po-lu, v'lich-vod shim-cha y'kar yi-teynu; Viy-kab-lu chulam et ol

mal-chu-techa, v'timloch aley-hem m'heyra l'olam va-ed. Ki ha-mal-chut

shel-ha hi ul-ol-mey ad timloch b'cha-vod,

Ka-katuv b'tora-techa, Adonai yimloch l'olam va-ed.

V'ne-emar, v'ha-ya Adonai l'melech al kol ha-aretz,

Ba-yom ha-hu yi-h'yeh Adonai echad u-sh'mo echad.



Yit-gadal v'yit-kadash sh'mey raba, b'alma di v'ra chirutey, v'yam-lich

mal-chutey b'cha-yey-chon u-v'yomey-chon u-v'cha-yey d'chol beyt yisrael

ba-agala u-viz-man kariv, v'imru amen.

Congregation and Reader:

Y'hey sh'mey raba m'varach l'alam ul-almey alma-ya.


Yit-barach v'yish-tabach v'yit-pa-ar v'yit-romam v'yit-na-sey v'yit-hadar

v'yit-aleh v'yit-halal sh'mey d'kud-sha, B'rich hu, l'eyla* min kol bir-chata

v'shi-rata tush-b'chata v'ne-chemata da-amiran b'alma, v'imru amen.

Y'hey sh'lama raba min sh'ma-ya v'cha-yim aleynu v'al kol yisrael, v'imru


Oseh shalom bi-m'romav hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu v'al kol yisrael, v'imru


Magnified and sanctified be the great name of God, in the world created

according to the Divine will. May God's sovereignty soon be established,

in our lifetime and that of the entire house of Israel. And let us say:


May God's great name be praised to all eternity.

Hallowed and honored, extolled and exalted, adored and acclaimed be

the name of the blessed Holy One, whose glory is above all the praises,

hymns, and songs of adoration which human beings can utter. And let us

say: Amen.

May God grant abundant peace and life to us and to all Israel. And let

us say: Amen.

May God, who ordains harmony in the universe, grant peace to us and

to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.


/V ",Ug �r �f t �r �c(h �S t �n �k�g �C /t �C r V "n �J J S e �, �h �u k SD �, �h

,h "C(k �f �s h"H j �cU iIfh "nIh �cU iIfh"H j �C V ",Uf �k n Qh �k �nh �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /ch �r �e i n�z �cU t�k�d�g C k "t �r �G �hCongregation and reader:

:t�H n �k�g h "n �k�g �kU ok�g �k Q r �c �n t �C r V "n �J t "v �hReader:

v�Kg �, �h �u r �S v �, �h �u t "¬b �, �h �u o nIr �, �h �u r t �P �, �h �u j C T �J �h �u Q r �C �, �h

t�K�"g �k /tUv Qh �r �C /t �J �s ;e �S V "n �J k�K v �, �h �u*t �, �f �r �C(k �F i �n i �rh �n�t S t �, �n$j�b �u t �, �j �C �J ;T t �, �rh �J �u

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /t �n �k�g �C

/k "t �r �G �h(k �F kg �u Ubh�"k�g oh�H j �u t�H n �J i �n t �C r t �n�k �J t "v �h

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u

k �F kg �u Ubh�"k�g oIk �J v �G�gh tUv uh �nIr �n �C oIk �J v �G«g

:i "n �t Ur �n �t �u /k "t �r �G �h

*On Shabbat Shuvah add: t�K�"g �k - l'eyla


/iIh �k�g h "f�t �k n /, "r �> v h "f�t �k n /o �fh"k�g oIk �J

:tUv QUr �C JIs �E v /oh �f�k �N v h "f �k n Q�k �N �n

/iIh �k�g h "f�t �k n /oIk �J v h "f�t �k n /oIk �J �k o �f�tIC

:tUv QUr �C JIs �E v /oh �f�k �N v h "f �k n Q�k �N �n

/iIh �k�g h "f�t �k n /oIk �J v h "f�t �k n /oIk �J �k h �bU �f �r �C

:tUv QUr �C JIs �E v /oh �f�k �N v h "f �k n Q�k �N �n

/iIh �k�g h "f�t �k n /oIk �J v h "f�t �k n /oIk �J �k o �f �,t"m

:tUv QUr �C JIs �E v /oh �f�k �N v h "f �k n Q�k �N �n

Shalom aley-chem, mal-achey ha-sha-reyt, mal-achey el-yon,Mi-melech mal-chey ha-m'lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.

Bo-achem l'shalom, mal-achey ha-shalom, mal-achey el-yon,Mi-melech mal-chey ha-m'lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.

Bar-chuni l'shalom, mal-achey ha-shalom, mal-achey el-yon,Mi-melech mal-chey ha-m'lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.

Tzeyt-chem l'shalom, mal-achey ha-shalom, mal-achey el-yon,Mi-melech mal-chey ha-m'lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu.


Peace be unto you, O ministering angels,Messengers of the Most High, the Supreme Ruler,The Holy and Blessed One.

May your coming be in peace, O messengers of peace.Bless me with peace, O messenger of peace,And may your departure be in peace, O messengers of peace,Angels of the Most High, the Holy and Blessed one.


Created by Dennis Schnee for Congregation Beth Shalom, Wilmington, DE
