SFUSD Alcohol Awareness December 9, 2009 Ralph Cantor


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SFUSD Alcohol Awareness

December 9, 2009

Ralph Cantor

What’s the big deal about kids drinking anyways???

Demeaning behaviors Sexual behaviors Risk taking behaviors Accidents Learned behavior for partying and stress Damage to the developing brain- pre 18

Recent AMA Report on Brain Damage Risks Under 18

“The brain goes through dynamic changes during adolescence, and alcohol can seriously damage long and short term growth processes…Short-term or moderate drinking impairs learning and memory far more in youth than adults.”

Date Rape – one to two-thirds of teen sexual assaults involve alcohol

18% of Females/ 39% Males say it is acceptable for a boy to force sex if the girl is stoned or drunk

40% of children who start drinking before age 15 will become alcoholics

In television 9 out of 10 drinkers are portrayed as having no effects or only positive outcomes from their alcohol consumption

Alcohol and Teenagers:

1. Reduced sensitivity to intoxication

2. Increased sensitivity to social disinhibitions

3. Greater adverse effects to cognitive functioning

Most certainly YES

Are adolescents more susceptible to alcohol than adults?

Teenage developmental tasks

Boredom/ Developing Interests Good times Stress Social Skills Academic Skills Self Identity

Reasons for delaying message Safety Development of the prefrontal cortex Pruning and myelination Neuroadaptivity: dull pleasure center Short circuiting developmental tasks Greater need for dopamine Pharmacological solutions resulting in

pharmacological insults The research

Percentage of U.S. Adults Aged 18 and Older Dependent on Alcohol, By Age of

Drinking Onset

Prevention Factors

Supportive family (tuned in, time together, supervision, fair rules/boundaries)

Interests and exercise Youth are connected (school, activities) Social Skills Resiliency (coping with stress, celebration) A clear message – NOT NOW

Andrew Weil – Unhealthy relationshipIgnorance that the substance is a drug

and what it does to the bodyLoss of desired effect w/increasing

frequencyDifficulty separating from the drugImpairment of health or social function

Our Own Self Assessment


Ralph Cantor

(510) 653-9410


Contact Information
