SERVICE EXCELLENCE. Are you delivering good service? How would you know?


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Are you delivering

good service?

How would you know?

How good is your service?

1. Helpfulness2. Smiling3. Professional.4. Enthusiasm5. Go the extra mile.6. Empathy and understanding.7. Keeping promises8. Honesty9. Listening10. Warm and friendly.

1 Very poor

2 Poor

3 Mediocre

4 Good

5 Excellent


10 – 15 Very poor

16 – 25 Poor

26 - 35 Mediocre

36 - 45 Good

46 plus Excellent

Who are our customers?

Internal customers External customers

What is the primary objective of MONKEYNASTIX?

What are the secondary objectives of MONKEYNASTIX?

What do our clients want?

What don’t our clients want?

Which of our competitors

delivers “extra” good


What are they doing


Which of our competitors

delivers really poor service?

What are they doing


Describe good service in

any industry.

Describe good service in


Strive for zero defect.If 99.9% was good enough, then…

12 babies will be given to the wrong parents every day.

Strive for zero defect.

If 99.9% was good enough, then…

114,500 mismatched pairs of shoes will be supplied every month.

Strive for zero defect.

If 99.9% was good enough, then…

22,000 drug prescriptions

will be incorrectly filled in SA every month.

Why we lose customers.(Michael Le Boueff)

3% move to another area.5% develop other friendships.9% leave because of price.14% are dissatisfied with the product or service.

68% are lost due to the attitude of the


Change your attitude!


Body physiology changes our


Our feelings change our attitude.

He who does not smile should not keep shop.(Chinese proverb)

It costs 5 times more to attract a new customer, as opposed to keeping an existing one.

Customer service is all about expectations.

#1. Customers expect a product or service to measure up to their demands.

Customer service is all about expectations.

#2. Customers expect to be treated as persons of value – EVERY time.

Customer service is all about expectations.

#3. Customers expect that if anything goes wrong – that the problem can be corrected in an open friendly and courteous manner.

Outstanding service is about EXCEEDING customer expectations.

Reasonable service is about meeting

customers expectations.

What is a customer?

A customer is the most important person in our work life.

A customer is a person – not a number or a statistic.

A customer can NOT interrupt our work. He IS our work.

A customer is a friend not the enemy.

A customer is the person who pays our salary.

Handling unhappy clients.

Listen – show interest and empathy.Apologise.Take notes.Restate the situation.Ask for the customer’s suggestion.Propose alternatives.Get their agreement that the solution is in line with their expectations.

Handling irate customers.

Let him blow off steam. Don’t interrupt.

Don’t take criticism personally.Try to get him out of the main stream of customers.

Don’t lay blame – It fouls your own nest.

Don’t argue – Even if he is 100% wrong.

Handling irate customers cont.

Behaviour breeds behaviour – Be warm and friendly.

Don’t swear, shout or cry. Professional at all times.

Don’t make false promises.

Why is customer service so bad in South Africa?

Customers have become willing victims.

Staff are not adequately trained and motivated.

The Golden Rule of Customer Service.

Do unto others, as you would like them to do unto you.

T. E. A. M.

T – TogetherE – EveryoneA- AchievesM - More

Is customer care a true company philosophy, or just “lip service?”

A customer care programme must be driven from the top down.

To remain “In touch, in tune and competitive,” we need to use state of the art technology.

BUT, without losing the human touch.

Combine “High Tech with High Touch.”

Customers love!

Courtesy. Good, old fashioned


Customers love!

Being pampered and spoiled.

Go the extra mile.

Customers love!

Clean comfortable surroundings.

Customers love!

People want to be attended to immediately.

Don’t keep customers waiting.

Customers love!

An assurance of quality.

Give good value for money, and let your customers know.

Customers love!

An explanation.Tell customers what’s happening. Don’t keep them in the dark.

Customers love!

Knowing who they are talking with.

Let clients know your name, and call them by their name.

Customers love!

Clear easy to read comunication.

Make life easier for customers.

Customers hate!

The statements:It’s not my job!I only work here!

Customers hate!

Arguments and rudeness.

It’s easy to win arguments, but it’s also easy to lose customers.

Customers hate!

Broken promises and unreturned phone calls.

Let your word be your bond.

Customers hate!

Smoking, eating, chewing gum and private phone calls.

Professional at all times.

Customers hate!

When a job is not done properly.

This forces them to come back, wasting their time.

Customers hate!

A lack of punctuality.

Keeping customers waiting is downright rudeness.

Customers hate!


Any prejudice.Race, age, sex…

Customers hate!

Red tape.

Systems should HELP customers, not hinder them.

To deliver better service, we must have…

P. R. I. D. E.

P. R. I. D. E.

P Polite at all times.

R Respect for the client.

I Importance – Client is king/queen.

D Delight – Enjoy what you do.

E Efficient – Do your job well.

Thank you for your attention.

