Seriously Issue 4



We are taking a look at everyday life and letting you know what we think.

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In this issue... New Years Resolutions

History of Valentines Day

2011 Album Reviews

Exam Study Tips

Getting Ready For Graduation


Volume I, Issue 4+ more!

Opened in 1992 to alleviate the overwhelming crowd at Kennebecasis Valley High School, HHS is located in the heart of Hampton, New Brunswick. It now houses over 700 students, grades 9 through 12, and is the home of the Hampton Huskies sports teams. “Our vision is to develop students’ character and integrity by providing encouragement and opportunities for student success.”

1992Hampton High School





Dear Readers, Thanks for all your support and positive reviews. This magazine started out as a class project but has become something entirely more. Unfortunately this is our final publication, for a while, so we’ve decided to dedicate it to anti-bullying. Recently our school has taken a stand against bullying and we feel it is our duty to support it anyway we can. So be sure to check out all the anti-

bullying articles! But in doing so don’t forget about the rest of the entertainment found in this issue. We hope that the students that take over this magazine put as much into it as we have. We look forward to seeing what they come up with.

much love, your editors-Logan Bishop Kaitelynn Torrey

in this issue:

PHOTO: Laura Harding

History of St. Valentine

2011 Album Reviews




Anti Bullying

Valentine’s Day Ideas



S1. Lose Weight: How often have you heard of this one? Losing weight and eating healthier is the most common New Years resolution. The most important thing to do if your going to exercise more is to get into a routine, even if you just start off with going to the gym, going for a run, going to an exercise class, two days a week or more. To eat healthier try and talk to your family and try to get them to eat better with you, try to make supper time always a healthy meal. Allow yourself to have a treat once or twice a week. Make sure to limit your self.

2. Quit smoking: If you’re trying to quit smoking your going to have to cut back little by little, also if you have someone else in your house who smokes try and convince them to quit with you because the more you are around smokers the more unlikely you will be able to quit. Also consider seeking a professional’s help, this will give you motivation for another person. You may also want talk to someone who has quit smoking and ask him or her about their experience.

3. Stop Procrastinating: Get yourself a calendar! Get organized and stay organized and don’t be stressed! If you come up with a schedule all the things you have to do including time for yourself should be written down on your personal schedule. If you know what you have to do in advance you are more likely to find time to do things.

4. Spend less money: If you have a part time job or even a full time job you know what its like to want to spend all your money on pay day. If there is something you want or need to buy write in down with the price, When pay day comes pull out your list and separate the needs from the wants spend your money on the essentials first. Also start a savings account every payday decide to put 50-100$ in a savings account so you will have extra money if there is an emergency or a surprise expense. Buy some things that you want but make a promise to yourself to limit your spending.

5. Spend more time with family: Especially for teenagers and young adults with school, jobs, sports, clubs, activities, friends, its hard to find time to spend with family. Make sure to take to always find some down time to spend with yourself and your family. Spending time with your family is important because they care about you and help you to feel better about your busy schedule. Time with family is time well spent.

New Years Resolutions!By: Stephanie Wong






The beginning of the New Year is a very exciting time for many people. More than ever people become more motivated to break a bad habit, get in better shape, save their money, and anything else they can think of to do for themselves. But lets face it, most people who take on a New Years resolution don't continue it pass the month of January. Here are some tips that will hopefully help you stay true to your New Years Resolution.

Here are the top Five New Years Resolutions for 2012!

It’s that time of year again, where everything is 70% off and people slip into the post-holiday slump. Before you forfeit your New Year’s Resolutions and fall back into the same routines, refrain from drowning your ear canals with drab songs worn out by insipid radio hosts! I’d like to take this opportunity to lighten the mood, and take a look back at some my favourite albums of the recently deceased 2011.

10. 21 - AdeleNow I’m not a huge fan of Adele, but I must admit, she really has outdone herself with 21. The power behind her vocals could send shivers down any spine, one vertebra at a time. Originally from Tottenham, England, Adele’s ranked in at #1 in over 20 countries with the release of 21, and earned her place at number 10 on my list.Top tune: Turning Tables

9. Watch The Throne - Jay-Z and Kanye WestWatch The Throne has got to be one of the most hyped-up collaborative albums of all time. It’s like hearing a tug-of-war between two of the biggest names in hip-hop. The pair reference risky issues in a few songs, but by no means does the album lack their usual boasting charm. As Kanye puts it, it’s “luxury rap”, bagging number 9 on the list.Top tune: Otis

8. Wasting Light – Foo FightersComing in at number 1 on the Canadian Album Chart, the Foo Fighters are back with their seventh studio release. Dave Grohl’s grungy vocals sure were missed while the band took a break to focus on individual projects, but lock in at number 8 with, in my opinion, the best Foo album since the debut.Top tune: Arlandria

7. Circuital – My Morning JacketAfter their funky 2008 release of Evil Urges deviating from their usual sound, My Morning Jacket has amped up the ante with their sixth studio release. Circuital takes on more of a hazy melodic role, with just the right amount of fuzz, clocking in at 7 on the list.Top tune: Wonderful (The Way I Feel)

6. What Did You Expect From The Vaccines – The VaccinesHailing from West London, The Vaccines go rather unnoticed on the North American Music Charts, but the young quartet hit number 4 on UK Album Charts. This record

makes me want to recklessly wade through a mosh pit. It’s the gritty sound of audacious youth, packed into one shiny album.Top tune: Norgaard

5. The Whole Love – WilcoUsually when a band releases their eighth album, listeners know what to expect, but Chicago-based Wilco always offer an element of surprise. After years of consistency, Wilco creatively sidestepped their signature sound and Radiohead comparisons to deliver a surprisingly poppy feel-good album.Top tune: I Might

4. Helplessness Blues – Fleet FoxesHelplessness Blues is one of the most remarkable albums I’ve ever heard. The combinations of different genres show their embellished range, and the perfect balance between intricate harmonies and pounding breakdowns make it extremely difficult not to fall completely head over heels in love with Fleet Foxes. Top tune: The Shrine/An Argument

3. Oh Fortune – Dan ManganThe British Columbian indie folk-rock singer is like a heartfelt collision of Grizzly Bear, Mumford and Sons and Bon Iver. His quavering vocals and impeccable harmonies mixed with the lushly orchestral backdrop have the ability to make even the sturdiest titan weak in the knees. Oh Fortune is a genuine Canadian masterpiece.Top tune: Rows of Houses

2. Bon Iver – Bon IverWith each of the ten tracks representing a place, Justin Vernon carries out his traditional poetic lyrics and multi-layered harmonies with Bon Iver. What began as a one-man, one-guitar project has blossomed into complex, orchestral layers of pure bliss.Top tune: Holocene

1. El Camino – The Black KeysAfter my review of El Camino in the preceding issue of Seriously?, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the Black Keys are topping the list. From the electric lyrics Dan Auerbach howls to the throbbing drumbeats courtesy of Patrick Carney, El Camino is everything that is right in the music world today. Top tune: Little Black Submarines



By: Sarah Martin

When you hear Valentine’s Day most people think of the hallmark version, buying roses and chocolates for that special someone. It starts at a young age with little ones exchanging Valentines and hearing stories about Cupid and falling in love. Surprisingly not everyone knows how this day originated and came to be this around the world phenomenon.

In Ancient Rome February 14th was a Pagan holiday dedicated to honouring the Roman Goddess Juno (Goddess of women and of marriage). The next day February 15th was the beginning of the Feast of Lupercalia. In Ancient Rome the lives of boys and girls were kept separate, however on the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips and placed in jars. Names were drawn from the jar by each young man and the two would be partners for the rest of the festival. Sometimes the pairing lasted a year and often they would fall in love and shortly marry.

At the time Rome was ruled by Emperor Claudius II also know as Claudius the Cruel. The Emperor’s leagues were in need of more soldiers and he believed that there wasn’t enough because men did not want to leave their families or wives, so he banned all marriages and engagements. Saint Valentine a Roman priest continued to marry couples in secret but was apprehended and placed in jail, while in jail many couples would bring him flowers and notes letting him know that they still believed in love. He befriended a jailer’s daughter and on his final day he wrote her a farewell note signed “Your Valentine”. Saint Valentine was made an example of, he was publicly beaten and decapitated on February 14th 269 AD. Hundreds of years later in fifth century Rome Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as St. Valentine’s Day to honour the martyr and ended the pagan celebration.



By: Laura Harding

Since February is just around the corner you might be thinking about what your plans will be on Valentines Day. Many people have it in their heads that Valentines Day is a stupid holiday and it shouldn’t be celebrated, but Valentines Day can be a really fun holiday too! Even though Valentines Day is corny and all about love the holiday is still something to look forward to. So if you’re wondering what to do on Valentines Day here are some date ideas and gift ideas.

Date Night Ideas!1. Dinner and a Movie - Even though this idea is conventional it can still

be a great date, Pick your favorite restaurant get dressed up and go out for the night not only is this time to share with your significant other but this is also a night for you! Good company, good food, and a movie make for the perfect night.

2. Go Skating or Skiing - Since we live in Canada we have lots of opportunities to enjoy outdoor winter festivities. Take full advantage on the Valentines Day, if you haven’t been skating in a long time then take this opportunity to do something out of the ordinary. If your nervous because you don’t want to embarrass yourself on your date don’t worry, its something the two of you can laugh about later.

3. Go see a Concert or Show - Here’s for the entertainment lovers! See what’s going on that you both enjoy. Enjoy each other’s company and most of all enjoy the show!

Great Gifts! Play it safe and go with an original idea. Also consider making

something yourself this will show your Valentine how much you really care.


Valentine’s DayBy: Stephanie Wong

1.In what year were the Montreal Olympics held?

2. In which state is Fort Knox?

3. Crick, Watson and Wilkins determined the structure of what?

4. What type of puzzle first appeared in New York World in 1913?

5. What's removed from water in the process of desalination?

6. What type of leaves does a Koala use for food?

7. What is the name for a collection of frogs?

8. What Beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks?

9. Who took the world land speed record in 1903?

10. Who wrote Breakfast At Tiffany's?

Trivia! 1) 1976 2) Kentucky 3) DNA 4) Crossword 5) Salt 6) Eucalyptus. 7) Army 8) Hey Jude 9) Henry Ford 10) Truman Capote

RENT RENT, a musical originating on broadway, tells the story of a group of young artists struggling to create and survive in Alphabet city, New York. In the musical, HIV/AIDS affects all of the main characters in one way or another, and does well at raising awareness for it, as well as gay rights and suffering in poverty. It's won a Tony Award for best musical, along with others.

Chicago Chicago is a satire on corruption of the criminal justice system based on a play by a reporter about actual criminals/crimes she reported on. The main characters, Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart are two woman on death row together for killing their husbands, fighting for the fame that could save their lives.

Honk! This year at Hampton High School, we will be performing Honk!, a musical adaptation of the Ugly Duckling. It tells the story of Ugly, a duckling that's rejected by everyone but his mother; a cat who'd do anything to eat Ugly, and all the other barnyard animals. This musical is primarily aimed at younger children and their parents, and tries to send a valuable message to the audience: don't judge a book by its cover. Starring in our rendition of Honk! is Paul Duchesne as Ugly, Emily Preeper as the Cat, Brianna Fourier as Ida, Anthony Duchesne as Drake and many others. This is a great show to bring your kids and younger siblings to, and will be performed at the Hampton High School Theatre at the end of March, so come on out and see the talents of our actors here at HHS.

By: Cassey Worden and Michelle Raynes



It is that time of year again. It’s time to make the greatest decision you will ever make in your life. Should I go to university, community college, or straight to work? For some, this is an extremely difficult choice to make. It should be, because you will be spending each and everyday of your life, for the most part, working. This means that you should find something that you love to do, it is impossible to be happy if you do not like your job. Do not just think of it for the money.

A top paid executive may make great money, but this job is not for everyone. Some people are happier making less money and feeling much more at ease. For some, university may be their goal, and for others, they may feel that community college is good enough. As a student, I encourage anyone making this decision to choose what they feel they should do. Do not be pressured by family members or friends.

Whether you choose university, or community college, one must realize that it may be a challenge. It is also perfectly fine, if you choose to go straight to work. In some cases, people that choose to go directly to work after school, end up making almost or just as much money as one makes with a university degree. So either choice is smart. Others choose to work for a couple of years and save money. Upon saving money, they then enroll in university or community college, and virtually have no student loans. This could also be a wise choice for some.

In the end, whichever path you choose, stay positive, and never think you can’t do something. If you put your mind to it, your wildest dreams can come true. Never give up. Don’t let others choose life decisions for you. It is up to you what you want to do with your life after high school. Whether it is going straight to work or applying to a post secondary institution, it is completely your choice. Remember, make decisions for yourself, and strive for what makes you happy!

University, Community College, or Straight to Work?

By: Josh King






Now its time we take a standAnd if you’re with me raise your hand All you bullies take a seat With a husky roar you’ll know defeat

Who hasn’t been bullied? I mean honestly it has to be one of the most common things in the world, yet everyone claims to be so against it. My question is why does it still happen? Well I'm sure we could come up with a thousand scientific and physiological reasons but... that’s boring so we're gonna skip that. The real reason is because bullies need someone to pick on to make them feel better. Almost every bully does it because they know what its like to be bullied them selves. Now this is no excuse for acting like that, its merely an explanation why. It sucks to be bullied and you’ll do anything to avoid it so its only natural to take to being the bully simply because its easier to be a bully then be bullied.

Now I'm sure some are asking, "Well how do you know all this?" I know because I use to be a bully. For a long time I was the kid that made others not want to come to school. Its not a part of my past I'm proud of and honestly, its probably my biggest/only regret in life. That being said it’s just so much easier to hurt others, then to be hurt yourself. After you spend a year or so of hating your life and not wanting to walk into the school in the morning you just build a wall, and then you build a castle and from the throne that you create in your mind you start treating others badly just to make yourself feel better.

So, I guess what I want everyone to take from this is that, bullies are victims too. The things they do and the way they act are in no way justified but its so hard not to fall to that level. oh if anyone out there reading this, is sitting there saying "wow that’" trust me you might feel better about your self now but someday you’ll regret the person you are right now.

-Logan Bishop

Random Facts

Children grow faster in the springtime.

The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.

A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside.

A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 6 years!

A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

Slugs have 4 noses.

Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, my dear Watson."

More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.

March Break

March break is quickly approaching and there are many ways you could spend your week off. Some may want to go on trips, perhaps somewhere warm or maybe enjoy some spring skiing or you could spend your time relaxing and recuperating at home. Some popular places to travel to during your break is the ski hill Sunday River, which is only a two hour drive away from another great hill called Attatish. You could spend your March Break cutting through the freshly groomed snow, cuddled up by a hot fire fireplace. Spending your evenings in an outdoor heated pool and hot tub under a light snowfall at the Grand Summit hotel. Another idea would be to travel somewhere warm. Perhaps Cuba. A place where you can spend all day long on a hot sunny beach, with your feet in the sand. Some other activities would be snorkeling, swimming, and tanning! And finally if you were planning on staying home for this break, maybe it would be a good time to do all the stuff that you were two busy to do during the school week. But just because you are staying home does not mean that you cannot do something new and exciting. There are plenty of winter activities to try around here such as skiing, and if you have already done down hill try cross country or snowshoeing, that way when people ask what you did on your March break you will have something different to tell them. By: Morgin Howlett

Are you better off..

In a relationship?



By Emily MacRae & Charlotte Gardner

1. Do you enjoy the company of


a) Yes

b) No

2. Do you like watching movies with


a) Yes

b) No

3. Would you rather go somewhere

(ex. The mall) by yourself or with

someone else?

a) With someone

b) Alone

4. Are you a romantic person?

a) Yes

b) No

5. Do you like when people pay

attention to you?

a) Yes

b) No

6. Do you mind when people touch


a) Yes

b) No

7. Do you like valentine’s day?

a) Yes

b) No

8. Do you enjoy listening to


a) Yes

b) No

9. Are you interested in a long


a) Yes

b) No

10.Do you believe in love at first


a) Yes

b) No

If you chose more of…

A) You should definitely be with

someone, you are a romantic

person looking for love and are

a good listener.

B) You are better off on your own

you are independent and are

