Sequim Masonic Lodge # 213 F& · Masonic travels by...


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The first item to report is the results of our two votes on rec-

ognizing “Significant Donors”. The Lodge approved the

concept of providing a location for identifying significant

financial donors. The second vote addressed the issue of a

“tiered” concept of recognition that would identify the differ-

ent amounts of individual donators. After much discussion,

it was decided that all “significant” donators would be identi-

fied equally without identification of the amount of donation.

I thank all the Brothers who participated in these discussions

and votes. The next step in this process will be the formation of a committee to start

developing recommendations on (1) the amount of donation that determines what is

a minimum amount for this recognition, (2) the object used to display this recogni-

tion, (3) the location of this display and (4) other details as identified to assure this

project moves forward with the consent of the Brethren.

The second item to report is the election results of the 2017 Lodge Officers. Worthy

Brother Pepper Fisher has been elected as Worshipful Master, Brother John Allen

has been elected as Senior Warden, Brother George Llewellyn has been elected as

Junior Warden, WB Rich Porter has been elected as Secretary and WB Charlie Bril-

hante has been re-elected as Treasurer. I feel very confident that the Lodge leader-

ship will be in the capable hands of these worthy dedicated Masons. I am sure WB

Pepper will advise you all his appointed Line Officers soon.

On the 19th of October, our Lodge had the honor of hosting a District pizza and beer

get together with MWB Jim V. Mendoza. We had an excellent turn out and it was a

great experience getting to know our Grand Master on a more personal basis. This

dedicated Mason showed himself to be an emotional and compassionate supporter of

our military veterans. What a noble and worthy cause! Brethren, for those who

were unable to attend this meeting I can only say I sincerely hope in future meetings

like this you can find it in your hearts and schedules to attend. In my opinion all of

us are very lucky for the opportunity to meet and communicate with the finest group

of men in the world. If there is any way I can help facilitate your participation,

please let me know.

Finally, Brethren, lets renew our efforts to live and support our basic Masonic Ten-


BROTHERLY LOVE: Love for each other and for all mankind

RELIEF: Charity for others and mutual aid for fellow Masons

TRUTH: Our individual search for morality and a personal relationship with our

Supreme Architect

A reminder from Andy Rooney: That just one person

saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.

Stated Communication

2nd Thursday 7:30 PM

(Except June. 4th Thurs.

Sequim Masonic Temple

PO Box 2827

700 South 5th Ave

Sequim WA. 98382-4350

Tel. 360-504-1180

Fax. 360-504-0217

November 2016

Sequim Masonic Lodge # 213 F&AM

Stated Communication

2nd Thursday 7:30 PM

(Except June. 4th Thurs.

Masters Message By WB Rich Porter

Please make all donations and bequests payable to

Sequim Lodge #213 P.O. 2827, Sequim, WA 98382. Thank You.

Need A

Ride? Carpool to Lodge

Any brother that

would like to carpool

to the stated meeting,

please contact The

Lodge at

(360) 504-1180

1916-1917* C.F. Seal

1918-1919* Herbert Godfrey

1920* Frank D. Babcock

1921* J.H. McCourt

1922* Fred G. Evans

1923* Frank Lotzgesell

1924* Paul A. Davis

1925* LeRoy Lotzgesell

1926* Jens S. Bugge

1927* Ben H. Coon

1928* David B. Ewing

1929* Guy S. Holmes

1930* G. Henry Lotzgesell

1931* Jess S. Mantle

1932-1933* A. N. Taylor

1934* Alfred A. Evans

1935* Iris Marshall

1936* Robert Gaskell

1937* John Hopkins

1938* Rex McInnes

1939* Arthur H.Ferguson

1940* Carroll C. Kendall

1941* Herbert Lehman

1942* Leonard S. Fernie

1943* Edgar G. Caughron

1944* William T. Alton

1945* John D. Stevens

1946* George R. Godfrey

1947-1948* Conrad Z. Kirner

1949* Kenneth B. Olts

1950* Ray E. Cays

1951* Garry Edwards

1952* John F. Gilbert

1953* Walter Haller

1954* John Soderberg

1955* Edward B. Wilcox

1956* Dell Ray

1957* Archie L. Chenault

1958* John Kirner

1959 Richard H. Bekkevar

1960* Charles E. Blake Jr.

1961* Robert S. Brown

1962* Harry E. Secor

1963* Creighton C. Daniels Jr

1964 Robert J. Clark

Continued next Page

Sequim Lodge

#213Past Masters

From The South By Bro John Allen, JR Warden Pro Tem

I would like to thank all the Brethren for supporting me in my

Masonic travels by allowing me to serve you as Senior Warden

in 2017. I assure you that I will make every effort to serve you

to the best of my ability and will always be receptive to your

constructive communications. I have worked with Worthy

Brother Pepper Fisher for several years and I am excited to as-

sist and support him as I continue to learn from this excellent

man and Mason. 2017 is going to be a great year for our

Lodge as we have many exciting contributions to make for the

good of Masonry and mankind.

I owe a special “Thank you” to my Jr. and Sr. Stewarts for their excellent support and

service over this past year. Without their help the duties of Jr. Warden would have

been a great deal more difficult and tasking. I must say that I have enjoyed preparing

refreshments for our Lodge this past year and hope to continue to assist Brother George

in making our Stated Dinners a pleasant experience for all who attend.

My Brethren, as Jr Warden I have had the privilege and honor of wearing the Plumb as

the badge of my office. I have endeavored to behave in an upright manner in my duties

to God, my Brethren and my fellow man. Representing this symbol, I have tried to

keep in balance the virtues of justice, rectitude, uprightness, equity and truth. I am

grateful for the help and assistance I have received, over this past year, in enhancing

these virtues.

As Sr. Warden, I will have the privilege and honor to wear the Level as the badge of

my office. I am very aware of its symbolism of equality and of the importance 0f the

concept that all Masons meet upon the same level, regardless of their social or eco-

nomic status in the outside world. The Level also reminds all us that we are traveling

upon the Level of time “to that undiscovered country” from which none of us will ever


Brethren, the duties and expectations of the Sr. Warden are serious and carry a heavy



From The West By Pepper Fisher , Sr. Warden

It's late October and our Lodge's election for 2017 is

complete. I'm excited and ready as I'll ever be to assume the

leadership role in the East next year. As Masons, we have

established a very efficient and effective method for training

and grooming our Brothers to rise through the ranks and take

their turn at the helm. I'm glad I did it the old-fashioned way,

starting at Junior Steward, and serving a full year at every

chair (minus Chaplain and Marshall). I can attest, on a per-

sonal level, that learning your way around the inner machi-

nations of a Masonic Lodge is just like the rest of the Ma-

sonic experience: It is taught by degrees. Add to that the education we glean from

our appointments to the various committees and boards in the Lodge, and in six or

seven years we turn our fresh recruits into bona fide candidates for the Big Chair.

I remember how honored I felt when I was asked to take the Junior Steward's

position, and that feeling has never left me. I'm proud to be part of an organization

that gives our members such a profound opportunity to expand our understanding of

the things in life that mean the most: Duty, honor, charity, commitment, brotherly

love, and so much more. As your next Worshipful Master, I can promise you that

" a due observance of them I am bound by the strongest ties of fidelity and

honor". Thank you brothers, for your confidence.

Sequim Lodge

#213Past Masters Continued

Page 3 Sequim Masonic Lodge # 213

From The Secretary's Desk By WB Don Williams

2017 Dues/Grand Lodge Fee: The changeover from last year’s

plastic cards to the bar-coded paper cards for 2017 caused de-

layed delivery and subsequently the 2017 Notices to our mem-

bership was later than usual. Nonetheless, delivery of the no-

tices to current and delinquent Lodge members has been accom-

plished. Brothers receiving a 2017 notice for $25 payment is for

the 2017 Grand Lodge Fee. The 5-year $25 Lodge assessment

expired after 2016. 2016 Delinquents are reminded that, in ac-

cordance with the Washington Masonic Code (WMC), delin-

quent financial obligations to the Lodge must be satisfied by no

later than December 31, 2016 or delinquent members risk being dropped from the

Lodge for nonpayment of dues (NPD). Once again, if for any reason, any Lodge

member unable to meet his financial obligation to his Lodge is requested to con-

tact the Lodge Secretary so alternatives may be considered. January 1, 2017 is too


Elections: October 13th was our annual election of Lodge Officers, three (3)

members for 3-year terms to the Temple Corporation, Enduring Endowment Fund and

Sequim Masonic Lodge Foundation. Election results are enclosed within this Trestle

Board. Congratulations and thanks to all elected and appointed to serve our Lodge for

the ensuing year.

Lodge Contact: The Lodge telephone number is 360.504.1180. When no one is

available to take your call, just leave a message on our voicemail – we will return your

call. Our Lodge email address is Emails are al-

ways responded to.

October at Pilgrim Chapter #157 brought us a crowd of friends from

other Chapters across the area as we celebrated Friends Night with new

and interesting news about our universe. A yummy potluck meal pre-

ceded the meeting, followed by our first Pumpkin pie of the season, plus

other delicious desserts. Thanks to all our sisters and brothers who brought good

food and cheer. A special thanks goes out to those from our own and visiting chap-

ters who stepped in at the last moment to help us fill in for members who could not

attend. Reports from committees kept us informed about everything from Flea Mar-

ket sales to cards for anniversaries, birthdays and encouragement to those in need. At

our November 3rd meeting we will initiate a new member, keeping in step with our

theme for the year of “Watch Us Grow. May the Force be with our entire Masonic

Family-- Lessie Auletti, WM, Charlie Brilhante, WP

Sequim Pilgrim Chapter OES By Lessie Auletti Worthy

We will be DARK for the month November.

Our October events were OUTSTANDING. If you missed out I am

sorry. Great MASONIC fellowship.

Don't miss out in the future. We need your participation.

Olympic Peninsula Shrine Club By Brother Ed Entrican

1965* Dewey J. Woods

1966* E. William East

1967* Orum D. Medsker

1968* William McCrorie

1969 Glenn Greathouse

1970* Ivan Robb

1971* Fred E. Sindars

1972* Lee H. York

1973* George J. Easterly

1974* Donald V. Gayton

1975* Frederick R. Allen

1976* Joseph E. Herman

1977* Ray W. Mitchell

1978* Ellwood Bruce

1979* Donald M. Kirner

1980* Robert H. Bidstrup

1981 Erwin P. Jones

1982* Niel M.Lavin

1983* Coburn B. Holmstad

1984* Jimmy D. Ray

1985* Dale R. Barrell

1986 Lewis W. Kastner

1987* Walt Griffith

1988 Mark Baker

1989* Dave Stackhouse

1990* Joe J. Simpson

1991 Richard C. Abell

1992* Clyde E. Phelps

1993* Loren C. Cameron

1994* Marvin L. Conn

1995* Robert H. Patton

1996* Niel M. Lavin

1997-1998 Edward J. Grimes

1999-2000 Edwin J. Anderon ll

2001 Gerald R. Cadden

2002 Richard H. Bekkevar

2003 James R. Bekkevar

2004 Thomas J. Ledford

2004 Albert C. Evans

2005 Edward D. Lambeth

2006 Basil "Ben" Bena

2007 John F. Majors

2008 James D. Hansen

2009 Donald C. Williams

2010* JereT.Shultz

2011 Lonnie G. Pollard

2012 Kirk Al Rose

2013 Wally Seelye

2014 Charlie Brilhante

2015 Michael Cays






6:30 pm 9th - 10th & 11th DEGREES

WEDNESDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 26th 2016 6:30 pm - 18th DEGREE





Bremerton Valley Scottish Rite Dates By VWB Jim Hansen

Visitation Tuesday

May 14th

at Port




Dinner at



at 7:30

Meet at

Lodge at

5:45 Please call W.B.

Fred Johnson to


(360) 681-4301



Editor Send Articles to

Matt Tuttle

Page 4 Sequim Masonic Lodge # 213

Williams Lester 01

Erwin Jones, Jr. 03

Billie Birdsall 10

Frank Benson 15

Jesse Picard 15

Ted Grimes 16

Ron Jones 16

Bob Clark 18

Donald Wicker 20

Ron Novak 23

Aaron Hodge 25

An Allegory By WB Dick Abell

This is a story of a young lad, whose name is Thomas, who

lived in a the small farm town of Oswego Ohio.

He has just completed high school, graduating with honors.

Time to step out into the world of commerce and start in a

well known company, advancing through the various ranks and

challenges raising to a higher and higher level of abilities and

knowledge and finally arriving to the position where he’s in charge of all the activities

eventually arriving at the level of President. The degree of success of this company

could be entirely on his shoulders, it was a personal challenge of advancing through

this life successfully.

Thomas Tool and Ball Bearing company was the major employer in Oswego.

Thomas stepped through the door of TT & BB C0. and filled out an application for

work. He met Charlie Nelson who read the application and offered Thomas a job start-

ing at level I. Charlie drew on the drawing board what the job consisted of, keeping the

plant clean, all pathways uncluttered, trash taken out at the end of the shift. then issued

me the tools that he would need to complete this assignment.

Several months passed, Charlie reviewed Thomas’s progress to advance to the next

level. He was issued the books of instruction how all the machinery works, and the

safety precautions that went with the machinery. Thomas responsibilities progressed

over the years, his proficiency at each level was outstanding. He was made foreman of

the rooms three, five, seven which grew more complicated, yet rewarding to know that

he achieved that level of understanding.

As Thomas matured over the years, he realized he was advancing out of ignorance

into knowing. Understanding and applying these advanced creative ideas, his life be-

came very harmonious.

It’s interesting to note, early on this journey he joined the men’s organization, a

Lodge that fit well into his life. They contained landmarks that he must follow in order

to succeed on the journey, be it in the material world or spiritual world.

Thomas’ life really blossomed into full bloom when his mentor Charlie guided him

through the manuals of the rooms 3, 5, & 7.

He came to the realization, an idea or strong desire brought into visualization,

backed by persistence that will not be denied, supported with patience, will bring into

reality that which he sought.

Ask, and it shall be given you, -- seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened

to you. Matthew 7:7. AND SO IT IS

Visitation Monday

Nov. 7th at Quilcene /

Jefferson Lodge #107

Dinner at 6:30

Meeting at 7:30

Fill the Lodge night

If you or any of your friends have any questions about what’s going on at Sequim

Lodge, go to . Write this web address on a card and keep it with you.

You never know when someone may ask you about Masonry.

Sequim Lodge No. 213

2017 Election Results Enduring Endowment Fund (EEF) Temple Corporation (TC) 3 Year Term (2017 – 2019)___ 3 Year Term (2017 – 2019)

Phil Castell Nick Phillips

Carl Rice Steve Parsons

Lance Otis Denny White

Sequim Masonic Lodge Foundation (SMLF) 3 Year Term (2017 – 2019) Jim Hansen Tom Ledford Bob Rodgers

2017 Lodge Elected Officers

Worshipful Master: Pepper Fisher

Senior Warden: John Allen

Junior Warden: George Llewellyn

Treasurer: Charlie Brilhante

Secretary: Rich Porter

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

November 2016

2nd Degree

Sequim #213

7:00 PM

Port Angeles

# 69

7:30 P.M. Stated


Jefferson #107

6:30 Dinner

7:30 P.M. Stated

Fill the Lodge


Temple Board

7:00 pm

Mount Olympus#298

7:30 P.M. Stated

Sequim Rainbow


Port Townsend # 6 7:30 P.M. Stated


Coffee 10:00 A.M.

Sequim #213 Dinner 6:15 P.M.

Ladies Invited Stated Meeting


Coffee 10:00


O.E.S. 7:00

Sequim Rainbow


Nat’l Sojourners,

6:00 PM,

Paradise Café


Food Bank 6:00—9:30 AM


Breakfast 9:30





6:00 pm

York Rite in

Port Angeles Pot Luck Dinner

6:00 PM




7 pm


9:00 AM

Port Angeles



Jefferson #107

2:00 PM

