


Testimonies of God's faithfulness in our ministry in Peru

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Therefore Go…

Testimonies from September 2013

Hello there

To be quite honest I am not quite sure what happened to

September! This last month passed very quickly and yet at the

same time ministry-wise was also quite slow.

I had hoped to connect with the ladies from prison who are now

on the outside, but I found that it was really difficult to get hold of

them as most of them work really long hours. Others simply did not

want to be contacted. Thankfully Mary has returned from her year of Spanish language learning and will once again be taking over the leadership of the Unidos en Fe prison

ministry. Consequently I will play a more supportive role, which will be easier for me in

this new season. We are still very much hoping to be able to meet with these ladies, so

please trust with us that God will make a way for us.

One thing that has been a great joy has been the weekly bible study I have had with

Pam. It has been a real source of life to study the Word and pray with a fellow missionary

each week. Today Mary joined us and from next year a British missionary will also be

coming to the group. I am really trusting that these times will be ones of much life and

refreshing for those who find themselves in a position that often requires constant giving.

Jaime and I so appreciate all that you sow into our lives and ministry. May God honour

you for your faithfulness!

Much love, Kim

This month I was presented with the exciting opportunity to be a part of

the academic team of the Every Nation Ministry School (ENMS) in

Cape Town. The ENSM started out as the School of Campus ministry

but has expanded to include kids, youth and pastoral ministries as well as missions and

church planting. It exists to inspire, equip and release ministers to their call and destiny in

their local church.

While I was in Cape Town I was a part of the School of Campus Ministry team and am

delighted to be able to once again help with some of the curriculum development from

a distance.

Every Nation Ministry School….

This month I had the joy of returning to visit the

children of the 19A library in Villa Maria together with

Jaime and Kai. We travelled by train and then by

mototaxi (which is like a small tuktuk) and I was very

proud of how Kai handled the bumpy ride up to the


When we arrived we received a special welcome from the children all of whom were

super excited to meet Kai. Some had even taken bets as to whether he would be

blonde. It really was so special to be able to share Kai with them and to see the joy he brings wherever he goes.

There was a medium sized tremor in the south of Peru last week, so our time with the

children was spent speaking about the safety measures that one has to follow in the

case of an earthquake. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay very long, but it really was so

special to be back with the kids again. Hopefully next month we will be able to return

to spend more time with them.

Some of the other local community members have tried to close the library saying

that the space is needed for other purposes. Please keep the Rios family in your prayers as they stand firm in their commitment to creating a safe and fun environment

for the children to enjoy reading.

In the Community….

Jaime and I would love to hear from you: please write to us at or you

could call on +51 990 50 1552. My skype name is kimmysol.

Jaime, Kai and I are coming to South Africa! We will be in town

for almost two months from the 14th of November until the 8th of


During this time we want to take the opportunity to celebrate all

those who partner with us in ministry as a means of saying thank you for the important

part that you play in our ministry here in Peru.

On the afternoon of Saturday 23 November we will be having a special “Thank You” tea

at my parents home in Constantia. A proper invitation will follow shortly, but I just wanted

to let you know in advance.

It will be so special to see you and to thank you personally for all that you have sown into

our lives and ministry over this past year!

Please pray that God will help us to find times in which we are able to meet with the

ladies on parole in Lima to study the Word. May God place in their hearts the desire to

prioritise seeking Him above other temptations and distractions that they might face.

Please pray for the Rios family and for the community library of 19A. May the library be

so firmly established that no opposition from other community members will be able to

move it. Pray also that we will be more effective in reaching out to new children in the

community so that they can participate in the libraries activities.

Please continue to pray for Jaime as he continues to write his thesis. He is investigating

the impact of the growth of evangelical Christianity in the province of Cajamarca.

May God guide him to the right contacts and resources and give him wisdom as he


Please trust with us that God will continue to lead and guide our family in the way that

He would have us go. May we be sensitive to His leading and able to hear His voice.

You are invited….

Please trust with us….