September 20 Retreat




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September 20, 2014

Dear Nicole,Good Day.I want to share something I read from a bookentitle : DO YOU WANT TO KNOW GODS WILL?. Is says there that.One of the mysteries of life is the will of God. We desperately want to know what God wants us to do, but not really sure how to find It. While its true that well never know all Gods will, BUT we can eventually know what Gods plan for us by spending time with him. The more you get to know God, the more you know what God is like, and the more you know what God wants us for our lives. So you could say that the only way to know gods will is to really know God by reading the Bible and talking to him as often as you can , His personal message to you will be reveal to you in his time.Nic, I may say that your one of the blessed individual who was able to attend this retreat . I know thru this retreat your personal relationship with God will grow more that is blessing to Gods eye. Continue to be the light of you family .Your family is blessed to have you, I know how proud kuya Jeff and Ate Lydia as well as your other siblings Hilde and Pete to have you as your family. Keep up the good work for I know youll be guided by our loving God.

God Bless.Ate ChungSeptember 20, 2014

Dear Hanna,

Good Day!

First of all I would like to honor your parents Kuya Yvette and Ate Aiding for raising such a beautiful and obedient daughter like you. We just met in few occasions but I instantly know that youre a good girl by seeing you helped the chores around and not hearing complaining about this and that. When someone told me to have this letter to say something about you it makes me think who really Hanna Hallasgo Is? Hanna is a good and obedient daughter Check! Hanna is helpful Check again. Hanna is courteous Check again. Hanna is respectable, humble, raised with a religious family check, check, check. You may say that Im bias but this is all I can say to Hanna shes no perfect girl but I know shes a good person inside out. Han, I hope and I pray that thru this retreat you personal relationship with God will grow more and will give glory to God who is the source of everything. Im so proud to know you and be part of your family.God Bless always and be the inspiration to your family.

Ate Chung
