Sensory Evaluation Techniques 2


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2 Sensory Attributes and the Way We Perceive Them


I. Introduction II. Sensory Attributes

A. AppearanceB. Odor/Aroma/FragranceC. Consistency and Texture D. FlavorE. Noise

III. The Human SensesA. VisionB. Touch C. OlfactionD. Chemical/Trigeminal FactorsE. GustationF. Hearing

IV. Perception at Threshold and Above References


This chapter reviews: (1) the sensory attributes with which the book is concerned, e.g., the appear -ance, odor, flavor, and feel of different products and (2) the mechanisms by which we perceive those attributes, e.g., the visual, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile/kinesthetic senses. The briefness of the chapter is dictated by the scope of the book and is not an indication of the importance of the subject. We urge the sensory professional to study our references (pp. 21–22) and to build a good library of books and journals on sensory perception. Sensory testing is an inexact science. Experimental designs need to be based on a thorough knowledge of the physical and chemical factors behind the attributes of interest. Results of sensory tests as a rule have many possible explanations, and the chances of misinterpretation can be much reduced by every bit of new knowledge about the workings of our senses and the true nature of product attributes.


We tend to perceive the attributes of a food item in the following order:

• Appearance• Odor/aroma/fragrance• Consistency and texture• Flavor (aromatics, chemical feelings, taste)

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However, in the process of perception, most or all of the attributes overlap, i.e., the subject receives a jumble of near-simultaneous sensory impressions, and without training he or she will not be able to provide an independent evaluation of each. This section gives examples of the types of sensory attributes that exist in terms of the way in which they are perceived and the terms which may be associated with them.

Flavor, in this book, is the combined impression perceived via the chemical senses from a product in the mouth, i.e., it does not include appearance and texture. The term “aromatics” is used to indicate those volatile constituents that originate from food in the mouth and are perceived by the olfactory system via the posterior nares.


As every shopper knows, the appearance is often the only attribute on which we can base a decision to purchase or consume. Hence, we become adept at making wide and risky inferences from small clues, and test subjects will do the same in the booth. It follows that the sensory analyst must pay meticulous attention to every aspect of the appearance of test samples (Amerine et al., 1965, p. 399; McDougall, 1983) and must often attempt to obliterate or mask much of it with colored lights, opaque containers, etc.

General appearance characteristics are listed below, and an example of the description of appearance with the aid of scales is given in Chapter 11, Appendix 11.1A, pp. 177–178.

Color A phenomenon that involves both physical and psychological components: the perception by the visual system of light of wavelengths 400 to 500 nm (blue), 500 to 600 nm (green and yellow), and 600 to 800 nm (red), commonly expressed in terms of the hue, value, and chroma of the Munsell color system. The evenness of color as opposed to uneven or blotchy appearance is important. Deterioration of food is often accompanied by a color change. Good descriptions of procedures for sensory evaluation of appearance and color are given by Clydesdale (1984), McDougall (1988) and Lawless and Heymann (1998).

Size and shape Length, thickness, width, particle size, geometric shape (square, circular, etc.), distribution of pieces, e.g., of vegetables, pasta, prepared foods, etc.; size and shape as indications of defects (Kramer and Twigg, 1973; Gatchalian, 1981).

Surface texture The dullness or shininess of a surface, the roughness vs. evenness; does the surface appear wet or dry, soft or hard, crisp or tough?

Clarity The haze (Siebert et al., 1981) or opacity (McDougall, 1988) of transparent liquids or solids, the presence or absence of particles of visible size.

Carbonation For carbonated beverages, the degree of effervescence observed on pouring. This is commonly measured with Zahm-Nagel instruments* and may be judged as follows:

* 74 Jewett Ave., Buffalo, NY, tel. 716-833-1532, or via Mangel, Scheuermann & Oeters, 107 Witmer Rd., Horsham, PA 19044.

Carbonation (vols) Carbonation (% weight) Degree of effervescence Examples

1.5 or less 0.27 or less None Still drinks1.5 to 2.0 0.27 to 0.36 Light Fruit drinks2.0 to 3.0 0.36 to 0.54 Medium Beer, cider3.0 to 4.0 0.54 to 0.72 High Soft drinks, champagne

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The odor of a product is detected when its volatiles enter the nasal passage and are perceived by the olfactory system. We talk of odor when the volatiles are sniffed through the nose (voluntarily or otherwise). Aroma is the odor of a food product, and fragrance is the odor of a perfume or cosmetic. Aromatics, as mentioned earlier, are the volatiles perceived by the olfactory system from a substance in the mouth. (The term smell is not used in this book because it has a negative connotation [= malodor] to some people while to others it is the same as odor.)

The amount of volatiles that escape from a product is affected by the temperature and by the nature of the compounds. The vapor pressure of a substance increases exponentially with temper -ature according to the following formula:

log p = –0.05223a/T + b (2.1)

where p is the vapor pressure in mmHg, T is the absolute temperature (T = t°C + 273.1), and a and b are substance constants that can be found in handbooks (Howard, 1996; Lyman et al., 1982).Volatility is also influenced by the condition of a surface: at a given temperature, more volatiles escape from a soft, porous, and humid surface than from a hard, smooth, and dry one.

Many odors are released only when an enzymic reaction takes place at a freshly cut surface (e.g., the smell of an onion). Odorous molecules must be transmitted by a gas, which can be the atmosphere, water vapor, or an industrial gas, and the intensity of the perceived odor is determined by the proportion of such gas which comes into contact with the observer’s olfactory receptors (Laing, 1983).

The sorting of fragrance/aroma sensations into identifiable terms continues to challenge sensory professionals (see Chapter 10 on descriptive analysis and Civille and Lyon [1996] for a database of descriptors for many products). There is not at this point any internationally standardized odor terminology. The field is very wide; according to Harper (1972) some 17,000 odorous compounds are known, and a good perfumer can differentiate 150 to 200 odorous qualities. Many terms may be ascribed to a single compound (thymol = herb-like, green, rubber-like), and a single term may be associated with many compounds (lemon = α-pinene, β-pinene, α-limonene, β-ocimene, citral, citronellal, linalool, α-terpineol, etc.).


The third set of attributes to be considered are those perceived by sensors in the mouth, other than taste and chemical feelings. By convention we refer to:

• Viscosity (for homogeneous Newtonian liquids)• Consistency (for non-Newtonian or heterogeneous liquids and semisolids)• Texture (for solids or semisolids)

“Viscosity” refers to the rate of flow of liquids under some force, such as gravity. It can be accurately measured and varies from a low of approximately 1 cP (centipoise) for water or beer to 1000s of cP for jelly-like products. “Consistency” (of fluids like purees, sauces, juices, syrups, jellies, and cosmetics) in principle must be measured by sensory evaluation (Kramer and Twigg, 1973a); in practice, some standardization is possible by the aid of consistometers (Kramer and Twigg, 1973b; Mitchell, 1984). “Texture” is much more complex, as shown by the existence of the Journal of Texture Studies. Texture can be defined as the sensory manifestation of the structure or inner makeup of products in terms of their:

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• Reaction to stress, measured as mechanical properties (such as hardness/firmness, adhe-siveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, springiness/resilience, viscosity) by the kinesthetic sense in the muscles of the hand, fingers, tongue, jaw, or lips

• Tactile feel properties, measured as geometrical particles (grainy, gritty, crystalline, flaky) or moisture properties (wetness, oiliness, moistness, dryness) by the tactile nerves in the surface of the skin of the hand, lips, or tongue

Table 2.1 lists general mechanical, geometrical, and moisture properties of foods, skincare products, and fabrics. Note that across such a wide variety of products the textural properties are all derived from the same general classes of texture terms measured kinesthetically or tactile-wise. Additional food texture terms are listed in Chapter 11, Appendices 11.2C, 11.2D, and 11.3. Rec-ommended reviews of texture perception and measurement are those by De Man et al. (1976), Bourne (1982), and Brennan (1988).


Flavor, as an attribute of foods, beverages, and seasonings, has been defined (Amerine et al., 1965, p. 549) as the sum of perceptions resulting from stimulation of the sense ends that are grouped together at the entrance of the alimentary and respiratory tracts, but for purposes of practical sensory analysis, the authors prefer to follow Caul (1957) and restrict the term to the impressions perceived via the chemical senses from a product in the mouth. Defined in this manner, flavor includes:

• The aromatics, i.e., olfactory perceptions caused by volatile substances released from a product in the mouth via the posterior nares

• The tastes, i.e., gustatory perceptions (salty, sweet, sour, bitter) caused by soluble sub-stances in the mouth

• The chemical feeling factors, which stimulate nerve ends in the soft membranes of the buccal and nasal cavities (astringency, spice heat, cooling, bite, metallic flavor, umami taste)

A large number of individual flavor words are listed in Chapter 11, and in Civille and Lyon (loc. cit.).


The noise produced during mastication of foods or handling of fabrics is a minor but not negligible sensory attribute (see the review by Brennan, 1966). It is common to measure the pitch, loudness, and persistence of sounds produced by foods or fabrics. The pitch and loudness of the sound contribute to the overall sensory impression. Differences in pitch of some rupturing foods (crispy, crunchy, brittle) provide sensory input, which we use in the assessment of freshness/staleness. Oscilloscopic measurements by Vickers and Bourne (1976a, 1976b) permitted sharp differentiation between products described as crispy and those described as crunchy. Kinesthetically these differ-ences correspond to measurable differences in hardness, denseness, and the force of rupture (fracturability) of a product. A crackly or crisp sound on handling can bias a subject to expect stiffness in a fabric. The duration or persistence of sound from a product often suggests other properties, e.g., strength (crisp fabric), freshness (crisp apples, potato chips), toughness (squeaky clams), or thickness (plopping liquid). Table 2.2 lists common noise characteristics of foods, skincare products, and fabrics.

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TABLE 2.1The Components of Texture

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: reaction to stress, measured kinesthetically Hardness: force to attain a given deformation

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Firmness (compression) Force to compress Force to compress Hardness (bite) Force to spread Force to stretch

Cohesiveness: degree to which sample deforms (rather than ruptures)

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Cohesive Cohesive Stiffness Chewy Short Fracturable (crispy/crunchy) Viscosity Viscosity

Adhesiveness: force required to remove sample from a given surface

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Sticky (tooth/palate) Tacky Fabric/fabric friction Tooth pack Drag Hand friction (drag)

Denseness: compactness of cross-section

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Dense/heavy Dense/heavy Fullness/flimsy Airy/puffy/light Airy/light

Springiness: rate of return to original shape after some deformation

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Springy/rubbery Springy Resilient (tensile and compression)Cushy (compression)

GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES: perception of particles (size, shape, orientation) measured by tactile means

Smoothness: absence of all particles Gritty: small, hard particles Grainy: small particles Chalky/powdery: fine particles (film) Fibrous: long, stringy particles (fuzzy fabric) Lumpy/bumpy: large, even pieces or protrusions

MOISTURE PROPERTIES: perception of water, oil, fat, measured by tactile means Moistness: amount of wetness/oiliness present, when not certain whether oil and/or water Moisture release: amount of wetness/oiliness exuded

Foods Skincare Fabrics

Juicy Wets down Moisture release

Oily: amount of liquid fat Greasy: amount of solid fat

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The five senses are so well covered in textbooks (Piggott, 1988; Kling and Riggs, 1971; Sekuler and Blake, 1990; Geldard, 1972) that a description here is superfluous. We shall limit ourselves to pointing out some characteristics which are of particular importance in designing and evaluating sensory tests. A clear and brief account of the sensors and neural mechanisms by which we perceive odor, taste, vision, and hearing, followed by a chapter on intercorrelation of the senses, is found in Basic Principles of Sensory Evaluation (ASTM, 1968). Touch and kinesthesis are well described by Brennan (1988). Lawless and Heymann (1998, p. 67) review what is known about sensory interaction within and between the sensory modalities.


Light entering the lens of the eye (see Figure 2.1) is focused on the retina, where the rods and cones convert it to neural impulses which travel to the brain via the optic nerve. Some aspects of color perception which must be considered in sensory testing are:

• Subjects often give consistent responses about an object color even when filters are used to mask differences (perhaps because the filters mask hues but not always brightness and chroma).

• Subjects are influenced by adjoining or background color and the relative sizes of areas of contrasting color; blotchy appearance, as distinct from an even distribution of color, affects perception.

• The gloss and texture of a surface also affect perception of color.• Color vision differs among subjects; degrees of color blindness exist, e.g., inability to

distinguish red and orange, or blue and green; exceptional color sensitivity also exists, allowing certain subjects to discern visual differences which the panel leader cannot see.

The chief lesson to be learned from this is that attempts to mask differences in color or appearance are often unsuccessful and if undetected can cause the experimenter to erroneously conclude that a difference in flavor or texture exists.

TABLE 2.2Common Noise Characteristics of Foods, Skincare Products, and Fabrics

Noise Propertiesa

Pitch: frequency of sound

Foods Skincare Fabric

Crispy Squeak Crisp Crunchy Crackle Squeak Squeak

Loudness: intensity of soundPersistence: endurance of sound over time

a Perceived sounds (pitch, loudness, persistence) and auditory measurement.

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The group of perceptions generally described as the sense of touch can be divided into “somesthesis” (tactile sense, skinfeel) and “kinesthesis” (deep pressure sense or proprioception), both of which sense variations in physical pressure. Figur e 2.2 shows the several types of nerve endings in the skin surface, epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. These surface nerve ends are responsible for the somes-thetic sensations we call touch, pressure, heat, cold, itching, and tickling. Deep pressure, kinesthesis, is felt through nerve fibers in muscles, tendons, and joints whose main purpose is to sense the tension and relaxation of muscles. Figure 2.3 shows how the nerve fibers are buried within a tendon. Kines-thetic perceptions corresponding to the mechanical movement of muscles (heaviness, hardness, stick-iness, etc.) result from stress exerted by muscles of the hand, jaw, or tongue and the sensation of the resulting strain (compression, shear, rupture) within the sample being handled, masticated, etc. The surface sensitivity of the lips, tongue, face, and hands is much greater than that of other areas of the body, resulting in ease of detection of small force differences, particle size differences, and thermal and chemical differences from hand and oral manipulation of products.


Airborne odorants are sensed by the olfactory epithelium which is located in the roof of the nasal cavity (see Figure 2.4). Odorant molecules are sensed by the millions of tiny, hair-like cilia which cover the epithelium, by a mechanism which is one of the unsolved mysteries of science (see below). The anatomy of the nose is such that only a small fraction of inspired air reaches the olfactory epithelium via the nasal turbinates, or via the back of the mouth on swallowing (Maruniak, 1988). Optimal contact is obtained by moderate inspiration (sniffing) for 1 to 2 sec (Laing, 1983).At the end of 2 sec, the receptors have adapted to the new stimulus and one must allow 5 to 20 sec or longer for them to de-adapt before a new sniff can produce a full-strength sensation. A complication is that the odorant(s) can fill the location in which a stimulus is to be tested, thus reducing the ability of the subject to detect a particular odorant or differences among similar

FIGURE 2.1 The eye, showing the lens, retina, and optic nerve. The entrance of the optic nerve is the blind spot. The fovea is a small region, central to the retina, which is highly sensitive to detail and consists entirely of cones. (Modified from Hochberger, J.E., Perception, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964.)

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odorants. Cases of total odor blindness, anosmia, are rare, but specific anosmia, inability to detect specific odors, is not uncommon (Harper, 1972). For this reason, potential panelists should be screened for sensory acuity using odors similar to those to be tested eventually.

Whereas the senses of hearing and sight can accommodate and distinguish stimuli which are 104- to 105-fold apart, the olfactory sense has trouble accommodating a 102-fold difference between the threshold and the concentration which produces saturation of the receptors. On the other hand,

FIGURE 2.2 Composite diagram of the skin in cross section. Tactile sensations are transmitted from a variety of sites, e.g., the free nerve endings and the tactile discs in the epidermis, and the Meissner corpuscles, end bulbs of Krause, Ruffini endings, and Pacinian corpuscles in the dermis. (From Gardner, E., Fundamentals of Neurology, 5th ed., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1968. With permission.)

FIGURE 2.3 Kinesthetic sensors in a tendon and muscle joint. (Modified from Geldard, F.A., The Human Senses, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1972.)

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while the ear and the eye each can sense only one type of signal, namely, oscillations of air pressure and electromagnetic waves of 400 to 800 nm wavelength, the nose has enormous discriminating power: as mentioned previously, a trained perfumer can identify 150 to 200 different odor qualities (odor types) (Harper, loc. cit.).

The sensitivity of the receptors to different chemicals varies over a range of 1012 or more (Harper, loc. cit.; Meilgaard, 1975). Typical thresholds (see Table 2.3) vary from 1.3 × 1019 mole-cules per milliliter air for ethane to 6 × 107 molecules per milliliter for allyl mercaptan, and it is very likely that substances exist or will be discovered which are even more potent. Note that water and air are not in the list because these bathe the sensors and hence cannot be sensed.

The table illustrates how easily a chemical standard can be misflavored by impurities. For example, an average observer presented with a concentration of 1.5 × 1017 molecules per milliliter of methanol 99.99999% pure but containing 0.00001% ionone would perceive a 10 × threshold of methanol but a 100 × threshold odor of ionone. Purification by distillation and charcoal treatment might reduce the level of ionone impurity tenfold, but it would still be at 10 × threshold, or as strong as the odor of methanol itself.

The most sensitive gas chromatographic method can detect approximately 109 molecules per milliliter. This means that there are numerous odor substances, probably thousands occurring in nature, for which the nose is 10- or 100-fold more sensitive than the gas chromatograph. We are a long way away from being able to predict an odor from gas chromatographic analysis.

We do not know how the receptors generate the signals which they send to the brain, but we have some ideas (see Maruniak, 1988). We know absolutely nothing definite about the way the brain handles the incoming information to produce in our minds the perception of a given odor quality and the strength of that quality, and even much less how the brain handles mixtures of different qualities whose signals arrive simultaneously via the olfactory nerve. Moncrieff (1951)lists 14 conditions which any theory of olfaction must fulfill. Beets (1978) envisaged the existence of patterns and subpatterns of molecules on the surface of the epithelium. Odorous molecular compounds on the incoming air, in their many orientations and conformations, are attracted and briefly interact with particular sites in the pattern. Buck and Axel (1991) found evidence in mammalian olfactory mucosa of a family of approximately 1000 genes, coding for as many

FIGURE 2.4 Anatomy of the olfactory system. Signals generated by the approx. 1000 types of sensory cells pass through the cribriform plate into the olfactory bulb where they are sorted through the glomeruli before passing on to the higher olfactory centers. (Modified from Axel, R., “The molecular logic of smell,” in Scientific American, October 1995, 154–159.)

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different olfactory receptor proteins. This group then found (Axel, 1995) that each olfactory neuron expresses one and only one receptor protein, and the neurons that express a given protein all terminate in two and only two of the approximately 2000 glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. It seems to follow that the work of the brain is one of sorting and learning. For example, figuratively speaking, it may learn that if glomeruli nos. 205, 464, and 1723 are strongly stimulated, that equals the odor of geraniol.

Human sensitivity to various odors may be measured by dual flow olfactometry, using n-butanol as a standard (Moskowitz et al., 1974). Subjects show varying sensitivity to odors depending on hunger, satiety, mood, concentration, presence or absence of respiratory infections, and, in women, menstrual cycle and pregnancy (Maruniak, loc. cit.)

Given the complexity of the receptors and the enormous range shown by the thresholds for different compounds, it is not surprising that different people may receive very different perceptions from a given odorant. The largest study ever in this area was The National Geographic Smell Survey; see Gibbons and Boyd (1986); Gilbert and Wysocki (1987); Wysocki and Gilbert (1989); and Wysocki et al. (1991). The lesson to be learned from this is that if the job is to characterize or identify a new odor, one needs as large a panel as possible if the results are to have any validity for the general population. A panel of one can be very misleading.

TABLE 2.3Some Typical Threshold Values in Air

Chemical substance Molecules/mL air

Allyl mercaptan 6 × 107

Ionone 1.6 × 108

Vanillin 2 × 109

sec-Butyl mercaptan 2 × 108

Butyric acid 1.4 × 1011

6.9 × 109

Acetaldehyde 9.6 × 1012

Camphor 5 × 1012

6.4 × 1012

4 × 1014

Trimethylamine 2.2 × 1013

Phenol 7.7 × 1012

2.6 × 1013

1 × 1013

1.3 × 1015

Methanol 1.1 × 1016

1.9 × 1016

Ethanol 2.4 × 1015

2.3 × 1015

1.6 × 1017

Phenyl ethanol 1.7 × 1017

Ethane 1.3 × 1019

From Harper, R., Human Senses in Action,

Churchill Livingstone, London, 1972, 253. With permission. (The figures quoted should be treated as orders of magnitude only, since they may have been derived by different methods.)

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Chemical irritants such as ammonia, ginger, horseradish, onion, chili peppers, menthol, etc. stimulate the trigeminal nerve ends (see Figure 2.5), causing perceptions of burn, heat, cold, pungency, etc. in the mucosa of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Subjects often have difficulty separating trigeminal sensations from olfactory and/or gustatory ones. Experiments which seek to determine olfactory sensitivity among subjects can be confounded by responses to trigeminal rather than olfactory sensations.

For most compounds, the trigeminal response requires a concentration of the irritant which is orders of magnitude higher than that which stimulates the olfactory or gustatory receptors. Trigem-inal effects assume practical significance: (1) when the olfactory or gustatory threshold is high, e.g., for short-chain compounds such as formic acid or for persons with partial anosmia or ageusia, and (2) when the trigeminal threshold is low, e.g., for capsaicin.

The trigeminal response to mild irritants (such as carbonation, mouthburn caused by high concentrations of sucrose and salt in confections and snacks, the heat of peppers and other spices) may contribute to, rather than distract from, acceptance of a product.


Like olfaction, gustation is a chemical sense. It involves the detection of stimuli dissolved in water, oil, or saliva by the taste buds which are located primarily on the surface of the tongue as well as in the mucosa of the palate and areas of the throat. Figure 2.6 shows the taste system in three different perspectives. Compared with olfaction, the contact between a solution and the taste epithelium on the tongue and walls of the mouth is more regular in that every receptor is immersed for at least some seconds. There is no risk of the contact being too brief, but there is ample opportunity of oversaturation. Molecules causing strong bitterness probably bind to the receptor proteins, and some may remain for

FIGURE 2.5 Pathway of the trigeminus (V) nerve. (Modified from Netter, F.H., CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vols. 1 and 3, Ciba-Geigy Corp., Summit, NJ, 1973.) Readers interested in greater detail are referred to Boudreau (1986).

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hours or days (the cells of the olfactory and gustatory epithelium are renewed on average every 6 to 8 days [Beidler, 1960]). The prudent taster should take small sips and keep each sip in the mouth for only a couple of seconds, then wait (depending on the perceived strength) for 15 to 60 sec before tasting again. The first and second sip are the most sensitive, and one should train oneself to accomplish in those first sips all the mental comparisons and adjustments required by the task at hand. Where this is not possible, e.g., in a lengthy questionnaire with more than eight or ten questions and untrained subjects, the experimenter must be prepared to accept a lower level of discrimination.

FIGURE 2.6 Anatomical basis of gustation, showing the tongue, a cross section of a fungiform papilla, and a section thereof showing a taste bud with receptor cells. The latter carry chemosensitive villi that protrude through the taste pore. At the opposite end their axons continue until they make synaptic contact with cranial nerve VII, the chorda tympani. The surrounding epithelial cells will eventually differentiate into taste receptor cells that renew the current ones as often as once a week.

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The gustatory sensors are bathed in a complex solution, the saliva (which contains water, amino acids, proteins, sugars, organic acids, salts, etc.), and they are fed and maintained by a second solution, the blood (which contains an even more complex mixture of the same substances). Hence, we can only taste differences in the concentration of many substances, not absolute concentrations, and our sensitivity to levels (e.g., of salt) that are lower than those in saliva is low and ill defined. Typical thresholds for taste substances are shown in Figure 2.7.

The range between the weakest tastant, sucrose, and the strongest, Strophantin (a bitter alkaloid) is no more than 104, much smaller than the range of 1012 shown by odorants. The figure also shows the range of thresholds for 47 individuals, and it is seen that the most and least sensitive individuals generally differ by a factor of 102. In the case of phenylthiocarbamide (also phenylthiourea) a bimodal distribution is seen (Amerine et al., 1965, p. 109): the population consists of two groups, one with an average threshold of 0.16 g/100 mL and another with an average threshold of 0.0003 g/100 mL. Vanillin (Meilgaard et al., 1982) is another substance which appears to show two peaks, but the total number of compounds for which bimodal distributions have been reported (Amoore, 1977) is small, and their role in food preferences or in odor and taste sensitivity in general is a subject which has not been explored.

In addition to the concentration of a taste stimulus, other conditions in the mouth which affect taste perception are the temperature, viscosity, rate, duration, and area of application of the stimulus, the chemical state of the saliva, and the presence of other tastants in the solution being tasted. The incidence of ageusia, or the absence of the sense of taste, is rare. However, variability in taste sensitivity, especially for bitterness with various bitter agents, is quite common.


Figure 2.8 shows a cross section of a human ear. Vibrations in the local medium, usually air, cause the eardrum to vibrate. The vibrations are transmitted via the small bones in the middle ear to create hydraulic motion in the fluid of the inner ear, the cochlea, a spiral canal covered in hair cells which when agitated send neural impulses to the brain. Students of crispness, etc. should familiarize themselves with the concepts of intensity, measured in decibels, and pitch, determined by the frequency of sound waves. A possible source of variation or error which must be controlled in such studies is the creation and/or propagation of sound inside the cranium but outside of the ear, e.g., by movement of the jaws or teeth and propagation via the bone structure.

Psychoacoustics is the science of building vibrational models on a sound oscilloscope to represent perceived sound stimuli such as pitch, loudness, sharpness, roughness, etc. These models work for simple sounds but not for more complex ones. They can be used to answer questions such as “What kind of sound?” and “How loud?”, but they often fail to provide a sound that is appropriate to what the listener expects.

Recently academics and engineers who are responsible for sound characteristics of products have realized the need for a common vocabulary to describe sound attributes for complex sounds. This is because automobile, airframe, and industrial and consumer products manufacturers are concerned with sounds that their products produce, and how humans respond to those sounds. Author Civille is collaborating with an ANSI working group [ANSI S12/WG 36] to create a comprehensive list of words to describe different sounds and their component attributes along with a selected group of reference sounds comprised of real and synthetic auditory examples. Examples of sound attributes such as hiss, squeal, rumble, flutter, and buzz will be made available on a compact disc to be used as a tool to understand the complex sounds of products.


Perhaps this is the place to warn the reader that a threshold is not a constant for a given substance, but rather a constantly changing point on the sensory continuum from nonperceptible to easily

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FIGURE 2.7 Distribution of taste thresholds for 47 individuals. (From Amerine et al., Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food, Academic Press, New York, 1965, 109. With permission.)

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perceptible (see Chapter 8). Our thresholds change with moods and the time of the biorhythm, and also with hunger and satiety. Compounds with identical thresholds can show very different rates of increase in intensity with concentration, hence the use of the threshold as a yardstick of intensity of perception must be approached with considerable caution (Bartoshuk, 1978; Pangborn, 1984).In practical studies involving products which emit mixtures of large numbers of flavor-active substances, in which the purpose is to detect those compounds which play a role in the flavor of the product, the threshold has some utility, provided the range covered does not extend too far from the threshold, e.g., from 0.5 × threshold to 3 × threshold. Above this range, intensity of odor or taste must be measured by scaling (see Chapter 5, p. 52).


Amerine, M.A., Pangborn, R.M., and Roessler, E.B., 1965. Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food. Academic Press, New York, 602 pp.

Amoore, J.E., 1977. Specific anosmia and the concept of primary odors. Chem. Senses Flavor 2, 267–281.ASTM, 1968. Basic Principles of Sensory Evaluation. Standard Technical Publication 433, American Society

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