Selectie foto's voor kalender en wenskaarten msb


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Selectie MSB Kalender 2010

+++ Good for cover with ship



+++ also for gift cards


+++ also for gift cards



+++ Picture not sharp

+ little artificial

Selection Calender 2011

+++ To be considered as alternative

++ To be considered as alternative

++ unrealistic; picture not sharp To be considered as alternative


++ picture not sharp To be considered as alternative

+ Who is white man?

++ picture not sharp To be considered as alternative

+++ very good; also for gift cards To be considered as alternative

+ white lady?

++does it fit with fc? Sharpness? To be considered as alternative

Selection Calender 2011

+++ Not on cover but ship

+++ To be considered as alternative

+++ To be considered as alternative

+ not clear

+++ Beautiful; also for gift cards

?? Special picture


+++ Beautiful; also for gift cards?

+ Not clear; but nice picture

+ Nice but that’s all

+ lip sticks not clear w/h story

++ hand is dominating too much

+++ nice cover picture

--- very dramatic picture

--- Unclear

--- Dramatic;