SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009 SEERA-EI WP5 – Dissemination and...


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SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009


WP5 – Dissemination and liaison with pan-European


Athens, 9 April 2009

Margarita NikolovaIPM Director, SAITC

m.nikolova@daits.government.bgTodor Gurov

SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009 2/12


Overview Objectives Tasks Deliverables & Milestones Person-months per participant Timing of WP5 and its components

Planning for 1st project period (18 months) Event Actions Dissemination event monitoring


A platform for PR, communication and dissemination of information about SEERA-EI, including also liaisons and SEERA-EI branding will be provided

Ensuring that the relevant activities in eInfrastructure programme coordination on the European level are followed in detail and contributed to significantly liaison with eIRG, ESFRI and EGI

Liaison with regional eInfrastructure activities Organization of an open event of EU Ministries General dissemination activities of project results.

SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009

WP5 Task

A5.1 – Dissemination and outreach This task will ensure a wide dissemination campaign aimed at

national, regional and European levels, encompassing the audience as wide as research infrastructure operators and users, other government bodies and policy makers, and industry.

A5.2 – Related Initiatives’ liaison This task will ensure that the relevant activities in eInfrastructure

programme coordination on the European level are followed in detail and contributed to significantly.

A5.3 – Develop and maintain promotional material The project will prepare a promotional package including the project

brochure or fact sheet and a presentation, which will be updated when needed. Newsletters, distributed through existing established channels will ensure a wide information flow and dissemination activity

SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009

Deliverables and month of delivery (1)

D5.1a – SEERA-EI Promotional material – M06 This deliverable will outline the project promotional material.

The material includes a brochure or a fact sheet and an electronic presentation of the project’s main characteristics (i.e. consortium structure, goals and objectives, etc.). The aim of these materials will be to spread the project’s strategic mission and objectives with different formats adapted to the events where the SEERA-EI will be presented.

D5.2a – Intermediate report on project dissemination and outreach – M18 This deliverable will include the reports on all dissemination

activates the project will pursue. Concertation events, representation in eInfrastructure workshops and presentations to conferences are a few to name.

SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009

Deliverables and month of delivery (2)

D5.3a – Intermediate report on project liaison activities – M18 D5.3 will include reports from the result of liaison with similar

regional or European activities. Some of them have already been addressed and ranked as of high priority. To name a few, GEANT and EGEE are the cornerstone projects that the consortium will establish substantial synergies.

D5.4 – Project conference for EU audience – M30 D5.4 will report on the results of a regional workshop of

SEERA-EI with a broader audience that will also serve to increase the interaction of research communities and concentrate on project opportunities appeared by the realization of SEERA-EI.

Deliverables and month of delivery (3)

D5.1b– SEERA-EI Promotional material – M31 Second version of D5.1

D5.2b – Final report on project dissemination and outreach – M36 Second version of D5.2

D5.3b – Final report on project liaison activities – M36 Second version of D5.3


Del. no. Deliverable name Delivery date(proj. month)

Lead bene-ficiary

Est. indicative PMs

D5.1a/bSEERA-EI Promotional

materialM6/M31 GRNET 5


Intermediate report on project dissemination and outreach

M18/M36 IPP 33

D5.3a/bIntermediate report on

project liaison activities

M18/M36 SAITC 33

D5.4Project conference for

EU audience M30 TUBITAK 5

SEERA-EI project kick-off meeting, Athens, 9-10 April 2009


Milestones Lead beneficiary

Delivery date

Means of verification

Objective addressed

M5.1 - Intermediate dissemination and related activities reports available

IPP M18 D5.2aD5.3a

O8: - Enable information exchange with rest of ERA, carry out international collaboration activities, and contribute to EU policy on eInfrastructures

M5.2 - Project conference for EU audience

TUBITAK M30 D5.4 Conference

M5.3 - Final dissemination and related activities reports available

IPP M36 D5.2bD5.3b

Person-months per participant

Participant number

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10

Participant short name


Person-months per participant

6 3 5 5 5 6 7 3 3 4

Participant number

P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 -

Participant short name


Person-months per participant

4 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 2

Total PMs: 76

Timing of WP5 and its components

WP5 Activity Leaders (Task leaders)


Define the activity leader per task

Send the name + email of the activity leaders per partner to me

Create/Subscribe to the mailing lists

Communication about dissemination: „-all” list

Planning for 1st project period (18 months)

Dissemination events have to target at all society levels, including policy-makers, users, commercial environment, mass media

1 regional policy meeting + 1 regional dissemination event for broader public: where? suggestions?

1 country-level dissemination event per country targeting local public, 20 attendants per event minimum

Policy Meetings organization: 1-1 per project partner

Maintaining: Publications and paper repository Event calendar Training calendar

Promotional package, communication infrastructure

Event Actions (EA)

Plan four event minimum 1-2 month ahead Let other partners attend on the event if you are an organizer

(!visa!) Announce the event on the Dissemaination Agenda!

(automatic email will go to the appropriate lists)

Please provide enough info on: Minimal info about dissemination events (before)

Name/!DATE!/Type/Target/Location/Description/Contact/etc. Links to web presence (if any) PR materials created for the event

Minimal info about dissemination event (after) Presentations uploaded to Dissemination Portal Pictures uploaded to Dissemination Portal Evaluation Form of the training upload to Dissemination Portal

Papers/Presentations/PR/Other Media

ActionsRepository location (volunteers?)SEERA-EI project s should be mentioned in the material in

standardized mode Create the reference template

Upload the material to the common repository and comment itWhere, who, impact, etc.Digitalized version (TV/Radio/newspaper),

Dissemination event monitoring

Quantitative Number of events Number of attendees (event size) Number of communities Number of Institutes/governmental organisations Number of SMEs …

Qualitative Feedback from attendees Type of Institutes/SMEs/governmental organisations …

Action: Please send your ideasEvent organizer/participants should provide the statistics after the event

Coming events so far…

Open e-IRG Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic May 14-15, 2009

E-IRG meeting of delegates, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15, 2009

E-IRG meeting of delegates, Prague, Czech Republic, June 17, 2009

Further suggestions by participants?......


