Section A Cyber-stepmother Contents Warming up Text A Reading through Exercise Main Idea &...


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Section A



Warming up

Text A

Reading through


Main Idea & Structure

Words & Expressions

Warming up

Do you often go online? Do you know the translations of hot

words on the Internet? Have a try!

菜鸟 newbie

灌水 bump

马甲 waistcoat

斑竹 moderator

大虾 knowbie

Warming up

山寨 copycatting

囧 be sunken

槑 nuts

打酱油 get some soy sauce

凤凰男 phoenix man

Reading Through

“Stepparent” is a term we attach to men and women who marry into families where children already exist. It is most certainly a giant “step”, but one does often doubt whether the term “parent” truly applies—at least that’s how I used to feel about being a stepmother to my husband’s four children.

Para. 1



Text A

My husband and I were together for six years, and with him I watched his young children become young teenagers. Although they lived primarily with their mother, they spent a lot of time with us. Over the years, we all learned to become more comfortable with each other, and to adjust to our new family arrangement. We enjoyed holidays together, ate family meals, worked on homework, played baseball and rented videos. However, I continued to feel like I was on the outside looking in, coming uninvited to a foreign kingdom.

Para. 2


Text A

When the children moved to a town five hours away, my husband was understandably upset. In order to continue regular communication with the kids, we set up an e-mail and chat-line service right away. This technology, combined with the telephone, enabled us to correspond with them on a daily basis by sending frequent notes and messages, and even chatting together when we were all online.

Para. 3


Text A

One sad thing, though, was that these modern tools of communication could still make me feel out of touch. If a computer message came addressed to “Dad”, for example, I’d feel forgotten and neglected. If my name appeared along with his, it would brighten my day and make me feel like I was part of their core family unit. Yet, there was always a gap—some distance to be crossed—not just over the telephone wires.

Para. 4


Text A

Late one evening, as my husband was sitting in front of the television and I was catching up on my e-mail, an “instant message” appeared on the screen. It was Margo, my oldest stepdaughter, also up late and sitting in front of her computer five hours away. As we had done in the past, we sent several messages back and forth, exchanging any current news. When we would “chat” like that, she wouldn’t necessarily know if it was her dad or I on the other end of the keyboard unless she asked. That night, she didn’t ask and I didn’t identify myself either. After hearing about the latest fashions at the mall, details about a dance at her school, and a history project that was in the works, I commented that it was late and I should get to sleep. Her return message read, “Okay, talk to you later! Love you!”

Para. 5


Text A

As I read this message, a wave of sadness ran through me as I realized that she must have thought she was writing to her father the whole time. She and I would never have openly exchanged such words of affection. Feeling guilty for not identifying myself, yet not wanting to embarrass her, I simplyresponded, “Love you too! Have a good sleep!”

Para. 6


Text A

I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown accustomed to. Then, just as my fingers reached for the keys to return the screen to black, Margo’s final message appeared. It read, “Tell Dad good night for me too.” With tear-filled eyes, I turned the machine off.

Para. 7


Text A

Meaning: “Stepparent” is a name for a man or woman who is married to another person who has already had children in her/his original family.

1 “Stepparent” is a term we attach to men and women who marry into families where children already exist.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: In the past few years, we all learned how to get along with each other in a pleasant way, and change ourselves a bit in order to fit the new family


2 Over the years, we all learned to become more comfortable with each other, and to adjust to our new family arrangement.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: I still felt that I was like an unwelcome stranger to a strange place and I could not get in, but could only look into it from outside.

3 However, I continued to feel like I was on the outside looking in, coming uninvited to a foreign kingdom.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: In order to keep communicating with the children regularly, we immediately decided and began to use an e-mail and chat-line service.

4 In order to continue regular communication with the kids, we set up an e-mail and chat-line service right away.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: Through this e-mail and chat-line service, along with the telephone, we were able to communicate with them every day. We often sent them notes and messages through e-mail and even made a friendly conversation together when we were all logged on to the Internet.

5 This technology, combined with the telephone, enabled us to correspond with them on a daily basis by sending frequent notes and messages, and even chatting together when we were all online.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: When we would "talk" by exchanging e-mail messages, if she did not ask whom she was talking to, she might not know whether it was her dad or me.

6 When we would "chat" like that, she wouldn't necessarily know if it was her dad or I on the other end of the keyboard unless she asked.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: I felt I was so wrong and sorry for not telling her who I was, but I did not want to embarrass her by telling her the truth, so I only replied...

7 Feeling guilty for not identifying myself, yet not wanting to embarrass her, I simply responded...

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: Again I felt like I was an outsider to the core family unit, and had a strong feeling of pain and emptiness that I thought I had gotten used to.

8 I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown accustomed to.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: Then just as I was about to touch the keys to turn off the computer, Margo's last message came on the screen.

9 Then, just as my fingers reached for the keys to return the screen to black, Margo's final message appeared.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: With my eyes full of tears, I shut the computer off.

10 With tear-filled eyes, I turned the machine off.

Meaning of the Sentences

With the development of the Internet, there emerges a new way of communication between stepparents and the stepchildren. The text illustrates how a stepmother communicated with her stepchildren by going online and how she and the eldest stepdaughter came to exchange words of affection openly with the help of the Internet.

Main IdeaMain Idea

Main Idea & Structure

Main idea: How an anecdote changed her view


Main idea: The author’s feelings about being a stepmother to four children

Main idea: Introduction to the topic of the passage: Being a stepparent

Part II: Para. 2

Part III: Para. 3-4

Part I: Para. 1

Part IV: Para. 5-7

Main idea: How the author feels when she uses the modern tool of online chatting

New Words

Words & Expressions








respond accustomed

rent combine


Words & Expressions

attach... to

at least

combine... with

correspond with

on a daily basis

grow/be/become accustomed to


v. 【 1】 fix or connect 贴;联系 e.g. Please attach a label to each piece of luggage. 请在每件行李上贴上一个标签。 【 2】 (used in be attached to) be fond of and feel a strong connection with 喜欢;依恋 e.g. Strongly attached to his home, he refused to work abroad. 他很恋家,所以不愿去国外工作。

New Words




2. 他很喜欢那本书,不情愿借给我。

Very much attached to the book, he is not ready to lend it to me.

1. 不同的人对字词有不同的理解。

Different people attach different meanings to words.

New Words


attach… to

【 1】 connect… with 把 ······ 和 ······ 联系起来 e.g. “Workaholic” is a word attached to a person who works too hard and too many hours. “ 工作狂”是指一个人拼命地、长时间地工作。 【 2】 regard as having (special meaning or importance) 看作;

认 为 ······ (有重要性) e.g. She attached such great importance to her work that she neglected her family. 她把工作看得太重了,而忽略了家庭。




attach… to

2. 不要把他的话太当回事,你应该自己作主。

Don’t attach too much significance to his words; you should make your decision on your own.

1. 半血缘关系的兄弟指的是那些同父异母或同母异父的人。

“Half-brothers” is a term we attach to people who have one but not both the same parents.



exist v. 存在;生存

e.g. Generation gaps exist in the United States as well as in China. 代沟在美国、中国都存在。


In most parts of the world, environmental awareness does not exist.

New Words


v. pay rent for the use of 租借 e.g. They want to see the inside of the house before they agree to rent it. 在租房前,他们想看看房子里面是什么样子。n. (a stated sum of) money paid regularly for the use of a room,

building, television set, piece of land, etc. 租金 e.g. The agreement is clear in saying the rent must be paid by the tenth of every month. 协议明确规定租金要在每月的 10 号之前支付。 Exercises

New Words



2. 由于市中心的租金太贵,因此公司要搬到郊区。

Because the rent is too high in downtown areas, the company is moving to the suburbs.

1. 我得租一件晚礼服去参加我最好朋友的婚礼。

I’ll need to rent an evening dress to attend my best friend’s wedding.

New Words


combine v. (使)结合;使(联合)

e.g. If you combine powdered milk and water, you get liquid milk. 把奶粉和水混合就会得到液体牛奶。


The two young men combined to set up a company selling kids’ clothes.

New Words



combine… with 将 ······ 和 ······ 结合起来;兼有(做)


e.g. He loves business trips, as he could combine business with pleasure. 他喜欢出差,因为这样他可以把工作和娱乐结合起来。


Sickness, combined with terrible weather, worked together to prevent his trip to Hangzhou.


enable v. 使能够;使可能

e.g. A dog’s ears enable it to hear the least sound. 狗的耳朵能使它听到最细微的声响。


Computers enable people to share information with others all around the world.

New Words


v. 【 1】 exchange letters regularly 通信 e.g. They don’t need to correspond, since they are neighbors. 他们不需写信,因为他们是邻居。 【 2】 be in agreement; match; be consistent (with) or

equivalent (to) 相当;相类似 e.g. His sports clothes don’t correspond with his shy behavior. 他的运动服跟他腼腆的举止不相称。

New Words




2. 这些国家的经济衰退导致了其政治的相应衰败。

The political weakness of these countries corresponded to their economic weakness.

1. 尽管家长禁止,但男孩和女孩仍经常通信。

The boy and girl corresponded regularly, although their parents had commanded them not to do so.

New Words



correspond with 与 ······ 通信


e.g. Mr. Brown said he had corresponded with Dr. Smith and asked for his opinion on the treatment of the little boy. 布朗先生说他已经跟史密斯医生通过信,征求了他对这个小男孩治疗 的意见。


Research institutes in our country correspond with each other to exchange the latest information on this subject.


basis n. 基础;根据

e.g. Nothing can shake the basis for my belief. 没有什么能动摇我信念的基础。


The basis of their friendship was a common interest in sports.

New Words



on a daily basis 每天


e.g. The rent will be charged on a daily basis. 租金将按天计算。


You have to practice this new skill on a daily basis in order to master it.


forth adv. 向前方

e.g. They went forth into the desert. 他们向前走进了沙漠。


After having been introduced, the speaker stepped forth and began to talk.

New Words


v. 【 1】 prove or show the identity of 认出;鉴定 e.g. No one can identify him; he does not seem to come from here. 没人认识他,他好像不是本地人。 【 2】 cause or consider (someone) to be connected with 把 ······ 和 ······ 联系起来;把 ······ 和 ······等同起来 e.g. Many people identify wealth with happiness. 许多人认为有钱就是幸福。

New Words




2. 许多足球球迷被认为有暴力行为。

Many football fans are identified with violent behavior.

1. 警察已经着手调查此事,但目前尚无法查明原因。

The police have looked into the matter and have so far failed to identify the cause.

New Words


adj. 【 1】 having or showing a feeling of guilt or shame 内疚的 e.g. She felt guilty, so she told the police about what she had done. 她感到内疚,因此她将自己所做的一切都告诉了警察。

【 2】 having broken a law or disobeyed a rule 有罪的 e.g. The man was found guilty and was put into prison. 那个人被认定有罪,并被送入监狱。

New Words




2. 他被认定犯有向外国提供秘密文件的罪行。

He was found guilty of passing on secret papers to a foreign power.

1. 如果你为错误感到内疚,那道歉不就完了?

If you feel guilty about the mistake, why don’t you just apologize?

New Words


v. 【 1】 say or write (something) in reply 回答 e.g. When I asked the child if he liked the school or not, he did not respond. 我问孩子他喜欢不喜欢学校,他没有回答。 【 2】 do something in answer; react 响应;有反应 e.g. My cold won’t respond to treatment. 治疗对我的感冒不起作用。

New Words




2. 液体对温度的变化有反应。

Liquids respond to changes in temperature.

1. 那位老师鼓励学生回答问题,哪怕答错也没关系。

The teacher encourages the students to respond to her questions even with wrong answers.

New Words


accustomed adj. 习惯于 ······ 的;惯常的

e.g. Try to get yourself accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible. 你要尽快适应新的环境。

我的眼睛已适应了黑暗,因此我能看清 10 码开外东西的轮廓。

My eyes had become accustomed to the darkness, so I could pick out shapes about ten yards away.

New Words



grow/be/become accustomed to 习惯于 ······


e.g. As his eyes grew accustomed to the light he could see that the room was full of people. 待眼睛适应光线后,他看见屋子里全是人。


It proves that a domesticated animal, accustomed to being fed by hand, cannot live without man.

at least 无论如何,反正;至少;起码

e.g. There was no further doubt, at least on his part, as to what was to be done. 对于该做什么,反正他是一清二楚的。e.g. He can’t be only 20; he must be at least in his early thirties. 他不可能只有 20 岁,他至少三十出头。e.g. You’re luckier than I because at least you have a good job. 你比我幸运多了,因为你好歹还有个好工作。




at least

2. 家家都应备有至少 3 种解毒的物质。

All homes should have at least three substances to deal with poisoning.

1. 如今人们走进医生的诊疗室都希望得到检查。无论如何要量量体温吧。

People today expect to be examined when they enter a doctor’s office. At least they expect their temperature to be measured.

3. 他是个比较迟钝的学生,但是起码他能按时交作业。

He is a slow student, but at least he manages to hand in his homework on time.



Using the Right Word

Working with Expressions

Focusing on Sentence Structure


Using Topic-related Terms

Basic Writing Skills

1. “Problem student” is a term we __________ to a student who always makes trouble in school.2. You must let the kids know: one will come across many difficulties in one’s life and a life free from all worry just doesn’t ____________.3. In order to find them easily, we should make a careful _____________ of the books in the library.4. When Tim and his old classmates meet, they will always _________ about the good old days at school.

respond exist necessarily gap arrangement chat accustomed attach guilty combine





Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.

Using the Right Word

5. Learning a foreign language well can help bridge the _______ between different languages and cultures.6. Traveling abroad isn’t ____________ expensive as long as you find hotels and restaurants of reasonable prices.7. I feel really ______ about not having written to you for so long.8. These days we are ____________ so to using e-mail that we seldom use post offices.





Using the Right Word

respond exist necessarily gap arrangement chat accustomed attach guilty combine

1. The school attached great importance ________ the sports

meeting and required every student to attend it.

2. When the children grow up, they usually feel most comfortable

________ the kinds of food they had in their own homes.

3. It has been hard to adjust _______the idea of being a waitress

but now I’m getting satisfaction from work.

4. Hard work, combined ________ right methods, will always give

you an advantage over others.





Working with Expressions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition, adverb or conjunction.

5. He corresponds ________ people in the English-speaking

countries in order to improve his written English.

6. The medicine needs to be taken ________ a daily basis.

7. More people were sent out to search the lost team who had

been ________ touch with the base ( 大本营 ).

8. He was turning the pages back and ________ to look for

possible mistakes.



out of


Working with Expressions

Model 1:

I was on the outside looking in, coming to a foreign kingdom without being invited.

Key: I was on the outside looking in, coming uninvited to a foreign kingdom.

A. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the structure “come + past participle”.

Focusing on Sentence Structure

- When Sarah came dressed in her Sunday best, everyone was surprised.

- To her surprise, she found that the letter came undated.

- Just as he was about to reach the ground, the rope came untied and he fell down.

1. When Sarah came and was dressed in her Sunday best, everyone was surprised.

2. To her surprise, she found that the letter came without being dated.

3. Just as he was about to reach the ground, the rope was untied and he fell down.

Focusing on Sentence Structure

Model 1:

As I read this message, I was suddenly overcome with sadness as I realized that she must have thought she was writing to her father the whole time.

Key: As I read this message, a wave of sadness ran through me as I realized that she must have thought she was writing to her father the whole time.

B. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the expression “a wave of”.

Focusing on Sentence Structure

- When he heard the poor lady’s story, he felt a wave of sympathy.

- Knowing that he had been fooled, he felt a wave of anger.

- When she was asked to make a speech to the public, she felt a wave of embarrassment.

1. When he heard the story about the poor lady, he was overcome with sympathy.

2. Knowing that he had been fooled, a strong feeling of anger passed over him.

3. When she was asked to make a speech to the public, she was deeply embarrassed.

Focusing on Sentence Structure

A. Translate the following into English.

1. 我们明天就该开始进行那个项目了,可你却还没有准备好。 ( work on )

We are supposed to start working on that project tomorrow, but you haven’t got things ready.

2. 我今晚得把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影了。 ( catch up on )

I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you.


A. Translate the following into English.

3. 约翰不习惯这儿的新生活,所以打算搬走。( be accustomed t

o )John wants to move because he is not accustomed to the new life here.

4. 她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码。 ( reach for )

She reached for her telephone and dialed the number of a friend.


B. Translate the following into Chinese.

1. Over the years, we all learned to become more comfortable with each other, and to adjust to our new family arrangement.


2. However, I continued to feel like I was on the outside looking in, coming uninvited to a foreign kingdom.



B. Translate the following into Chinese.

3. If a computer message came addressed to “Dad”, for example, I’d feel forgotten and neglected.


4. I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown accustomed to.



Use the following words and expressions to complete the passage below. Change the form where necessary.

Many of us complain that there is a(n) 1) _______ between our parents and ourselves. Even though some of us live with our parents, we still feel 2) __________. But ask ourselves these questions: how many of us 3) _____ with our parents 4) _____________? How many of us openly exchange words of 5) _________ with our parents? For those who stay away from home, how often do we 6) _________________them either by writing letters or sending e-mail? Remember, a small effort on your part will lead to 7) ____________ in crossing the gap.

a giant “step” correspond with on a daily basisout of touch chat gap affection gap

out of touch


correspond with

Using Topic-related Terms

on a daily basis

a giant “step”

英语写作中,用于对照( comparison )和对比( contrast )的有从属连词和副词性短语等。例如:1. 用于对比的从属连词主要有 while (whilst) 和 whereas 等。例如:1) The word soon spread and some people started to cry, whilst others kicked their luggage. (Text A, Unit 4, Book 1)2) A girl may do very well in school, while a boy the same age may bring home lower marks. (Text A, Unit 10, Book 1)2. 用于对比的副词性短语主要有: in contrast, on the other hand,

however 等。例如:


Basic Writing Skills

1) She was necessary. Dad, on the other hand, felt he wasn’t much needed. (Text B, Unit 5, Book 2)2) Many people like traveling this way because the tickets are so cheap. However, this method of travel also has some negative aspects to it too. (Text A, Unit 9, Book 1)3. 用于对照的副词性短语主要有: similarly, in the same way, likewise 等。 例如:Similarly, a study of college students said they’d rather marry a drug user, a thief, or a blind person than someone who was fat. (Text B, Unit 2, Book 2)

Basic Writing Skills

Combine the following pairs of sentences or clauses to make comparisons and contrasts, using the boldface words given.

Basic Writing Skills

Model : Similarly

Men must wear a jacket and tie. Women must wear a skirt or dress.Key: Men must wear a jacket and tie. Similarly, women must wear

a skirt or dress.

Basic Writing Skills

- Lucy feels seasick. Likewise, David feels airsick.

1. likewise Lucy feels seasick (晕船 ). David feels airsick (晕机 ).

- David dislikes winter with its bare trees. In the same way, Lucy dislikes the pale winter sun.

2. in the same way David dislikes winter with its bare trees. Lucy dislikes the pale winter sun.

Basic Writing Skills

- Lucy misses her grandmother’s home cooking. Similarly, David misses his country’s native food.

3. similarly Lucy misses her grandmother’s home cooking. David misses his country’s native food.

- David opened his own store in New York. On the other hand, Lucy worked for a family as a babysitter.

4. on the other hand David opened his own store in New York. Lucy worked for a family as a babysitter.

Basic Writing Skills

- Women usually make suggestions, while men often give direct commands.

5. while Women usually make suggestions. Men often give direct commands.

- Many people believe that women talk more than men. However, research shows that men talk longer than women do.

6. however Many people believe that women talk more than men. Research shows that men talk longer than women do.

Basic Writing Skills

- Arizona has about four million people living in it, whereas Rhode Island has less than one million.

7. whereas Arizona has about four million people living in it. Rhode Island has less than one million.

- This area has warm winters. In contrast, the northern part of the country becomes very cold in winter.

8. in contrast This area has warm winters. The northern part of the country becomes very cold in winter.

Fun Time

Because of you - Kelly Clarkson

Para 1


“继父母”这个词指的是与有子女的人结婚的人。这的确是一个很大的跨越,但是人们常常怀疑“父母”这个叫法是否真的是名正言顺——至少在我成为我丈夫 4 个子女的继母后,就曾经有过这样的顾虑。

译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 2

我和丈夫在一起有 6 年了,我和他一起看着他那些小孩长成少年。虽然他们大部分时间和他们的母亲住在一起,但是他们和我们在一起的时间也不少。这些年来,我们都学会了彼此之间轻松相处,适应我们这个新的家庭组合。我们一起去度假,搞家庭聚餐,做家庭作业,打棒球,租录像带看。但我仍一直觉得自己是个置身事外的旁观者,一个陌生之地的不速之客。

译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 3

在孩子们搬到距我们有 5 小时车程外的一个镇上后,我丈夫自然十分伤心。为了继续与孩子们的定期交流,我们马上申请了电子邮件和网上聊天服务。借助这项技术,加上电话线,我们能够经常发送短信和消息,甚至是网上聊天,这样,我们每天都能与孩子们交流。

译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 4


译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 5

一天深夜,我丈夫正在看电视,而我正抓紧收发电子邮件,突然屏幕上出现了“即时信息”的提示。信息是我最大的继女马戈发来的,她坐在 5 小时车程以外地方的电脑前,也在熬夜。和以前一样,我们互发了几条信息,交流彼此的近况。我们这样“交谈”的时候,如果她不问,她就不一定知道坐在另一端键盘前的人到底是她爸爸还是我。那晚,她没有问,我也没有挑明我是谁。听她讲完商场里的新潮款式、学校舞会的细节以及她手头的一项历史作业之后,我说时间不早了,该睡觉了。她回信息说:“好吧,下次再聊。我爱你!”

译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 6


译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 7


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