Seasonings of the Senses



Seasonings of the Senses

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[b]Seasonings of the Senses [/b]

[b]Aura[/b] faint evocation [b]CL[/b] 4th

[b]Slot[/b] none; [b]Price[/b] 50 gp; [b]Weight[/b] 1/4 lbs.


This reddish powder is usually kept in a small leather pouch tied with a string. The pouch contains five portions of a seasoning, that when mixed into a meal or drink, will taste like the best meal or drink they have ever tasted. After consuming a meal or drink that has been mixed with the powder, the character gains a +5 to their next perception check due to their heightened awareness. Alternatively, they may use a half portion to gain a +2 to their next survival check, to aid in gathering additional supplies or tracking animals.


[b]Requirements[/b] Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor, purify food and drink, creator must have 5 ranks in Profession Cook [b]Cost[/b] 25 gp
