SDG 17 Report IPB University


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SustainabilityReport 2020SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development ipbofficial


Learning Programs ipbofficial

1 Diskusi Terarah Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) ipbofficial

28th May 2021

Dr. Munti Yuhana berpartisipasi sebagai Narasumber pada acara Diskusi Kelompok

Terarah Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang

diselenggarakan secara daring oleh Prodi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Kelautan dan

Perikanan, Universitas Syiah Kuala,

28th May 2021

Dr. Munti Yuhana as speaker in the focus group discussion on implementation of MBKM

curriculum. This event was held by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine and Fisheries, Syiah

Kuala University.

2 Business Talk Series (BTS) ipbofficial

Business Talk Series is a webinar event held by IPB Business School as a form of innovation to stay productive during the

COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar became a business school event to collaborate with various parties both with individuals and

institutions through sharing knowledge around updated issues that are in line with knowledge at business school.

In 2020, IPB Business School has organized Business Talk Series 13 times, inviting many figures and officials as speakers

including Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D. (Minister of Finance), Perry Warjiyo Ph.D. (Governor of BI), Dr. Agus Joko Pramono (Vice

Chairman of the House of Representatives), Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo (Minister of Agriculture), Sudin, SE (Chairman of Commission IV

DPR RI), etc. SB-IPB also invites business practitioners and company leaders to share knowledge and experience. In its

implementation, SB-IPB also collaborates with private and government institutions including Bank BTPN, Bank BRI, CWMA, AACIM,

OJK, and others.

The purpose of this activity is to expand the engagement/attachment of IPB Business School with various stakeholders both

with students, alumni, lecturers, business people, and the public in general. In addition, this activity is also a forum for discussion of the

nation’s problems and actively in finding solutions through discussion and expressing their views.

These webinar activities conducted online are expected to be a means of scientific development and critical thinking, especially

in the fields of economics, business, and management. The implementation of this Business Talk Series (BTS) can continue to be

carried out on an ongoing basis with a more scheduled implementation time in each specified period.

Link Activity:

3 Studi Banding Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba, NTT ipbofficial

11 Februari 2020

Kunjungan Ketua program studi, Firat Meiyasa, Msi dan dosen THP, Fakultas Sains dan

Teknologi, Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana, Sumba NTT ke Departemen Teknologi Hasil

Perairan FPIK-IPB University dalam rangka studi banding

11 Feb 11th 2020

The visit of the Head of the study program, Firat Meiyasa, Msi and THP lecturer, Faculty of

Science and Technology, Wira Wacana Christian University, Sumba NTT to the Department

of Aquatic Product Technology FPIK-IPB University in the context of a comparative study

4 UMT – IPB Joint International Webinar ipbofficial

23 – 24th November, 2020

Dr. Ichsan Fauzi menjadi Keynote Speaker pada acara UMT IPB Joint International

Webinar. Seminar ini merupakan program pertukaran pengajar antara Fakultas Perikanan

dan Ilmu Kelautan, IPB University dan Fakulti Perikanan dan Sains Makanan, Universiti

Malaysia Trengganu.

23 – 24th November, 2020

Dr. Ichsan Fauzi as Keynote Speaker in the UMT-IPB Joint International Webinar. The

seminar was exchange program that co-organize by FFMS-IPB University and Fakulti

Perikanan dan Sains Makanan, Universiti Malaysia Trengganu.


5 The Ocean Voice Series Kerjasama dengan Universiti Malaysia Terengganu ipbofficial

11 Oktober 2020

Salah satu seri dari The Ocean Voice Departemen ITK, FPIK IPB University yang menampilkan dosen dari Fakulti Sains dan Sekitaran Marin,

Univesriti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia. Sebagai impelementasi dari MOU antara IPB University dan UMT dan wujud dari

kebersamaan di bidang kelautan

Topik yang diangkat adalah kebersamaan dalam melakukan riset dalam bidang kelautan yang tidak terbatas antara kedua universitas.

Memberi pengetahuan kepada para generasi muda dalam bidang kelautan. Pembicara adalah Dr. Ong Meng Chuan, kegiatan ini dikoordinasi

oleh dosen Departemen ITK Riza Aitiando Pasaribu, S.Pi M.Si dan Nadya Cakasana S.Kel, M.Si sebagai host acara ini. Sampai saat ini

sudah dilihat oleh lebih dari 400 orang

Oct 11 th 2020

One of the series from The Ocean Voice Department of ITK, FPIK IPB University featuring lecturers from the Faculty of Science and the

Marine Environment, Univesriti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia. As an implementation of the MOU between IPB University and UMT

and a manifestation of togetherness in the marine sector.

The topic raised is the togetherness in conducting research in the maritime field which is not limited to the two universities Providing

knowledge to the younger generation in the marine sector The speaker is Dr Ong Meng Chuan this activity was coordinated by ITK

Department lecturer Riza Aitiando Pasaribu, S.Pi, M.Si and Nadya Cakasana, S.Kel, M.Si as the hosts of this event So far it has been viewed

by more than 400 people.

6 Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Jalin Kerjasama dengan BBPPMPVBisnis & Pariwisata serta BBPPMPV Pertanian Cianjur

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University menjalin kerjasama dengan Balai Besar Pengembangan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Vokasi

(BBPPMPV) Bisnis dan Pariwisata serta Balai Besar Pengembangan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Vokasi (BBPPMPV)

Pertanian Cianjur. Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama tersebut dilaksanakan pada (24/3) bertempat di Kampus Sekolah

Vokasi IPB University, Bogor.

Dr Arief Daryanto selaku Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Sabli, SH, MH selaku Kepala BBPPMPV Bisnis dan

Pariwisata, Dr Raden Ruli Basuni selaku Kepala BBPPMPV Pertanian Cianjur hadir secara langsung dalam kegiatan ini.

Dalam sambutannya, Dr. Arief Daryanto mengatakan. Sekarang ini kita harus mengangkat gengsi ataupun prestige

pertanian, karena pertanian sekarang sangat dibutuhkan terkait ketahanan pangan seperti food security, food safety dan

food defense yang digunakan oleh negara-negara maju. Dengan adanya pandemi COVID 19, jika ketahanan pangannya

tidak kuat maka akan runtuh, oleh karena itu sudah saatnya back to agriculture. Tentu dengan sentuhan organisasi, teknologi

dan inovasi karena pertanian adalah tentang how to produce more, yang artinya adalah bagaimana kita bisa memproduksi

lebih banyak," ujarnya. ipbofficial

7 Partnership FMIPA IPB to Support Education Implementation in FMIPA Military, Indonesia Defense University

Indonesian Defense University (IDU) is a university organized by the government (Kepres No. 5 of 2011) dated February organizes four

undergraduate programs, namely Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. 7, 2011. One of the faculties in IDU is Military Mathematics

and Natural Sciences (FMIPA Military). The faculty organizes four undergraduate programs, namely Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and

Biology. Therefore, the collaboration with FMIPA IPB University is needed to support educational activities at the Military MIPA Faculty of IDU.

Cooperation activities include the development and implementation of educational activities.

This activity is held based on the contract number of TRAK/170/UNHAN-FMIPAIPB/X/2020/UNHAN regarding the Implementation and

Development of Educational Activities for the Undergraduate Program of the Military MIPA Faculty of IDU. This activity is included in the

achievement of SDGs activities for the categories: (4) Quality Education and (17) Partnerships for the Goals. The implementation of this

collaborative activity has resulted in several achievements, including establishing an implementing team (lecturers, technicians, and practicum

assistants) from FMIPA IPB University to organize lectures and practicum activities at the Military FMIPA IDU. In addition, the preparation of

documents for courses and practicum activities, including the implementation both offline and online, is another achievement of these activities. institut-pertanian-bogor-ipb.html ipbofficial

8 Mapping Potensi dan Survei Lokasi Kerjasama IPB BadanPerencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Ende ipbofficial

A lecturer staff of the Department of Aquaculture, FFMS, IPB University, Dr. Agus Oman Sudrajat

participated as an expert in aquaculture in the mapping and survey of potential collaboration

between Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Ende, Dinas Pertanian

Kabupaten Ende, Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Ende with Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian

kepada Masyarakat IPB


Research, Innovation, and Business ipbofficial

9 SB-IPB Received a Visit from the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) ipbofficial

The IPB Business School received a visit from Mr. Kozono Masanori from the Economic Research Institute

for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) based in Jakarta on March 6, 2020. The visit was welcomed by the Dean (Prof. Dr.

Noer Azam Achsani, MS) and two SB-IPB lecturers (Dr. Siti Jahroh, B.Sc, M.Sc and Dr. Raden Dikky Indrawan, SP,

MM). The meeting discussed the possibility of research collaboration on the Food Value Chain and building

networking with several countries in ASEAN in carrying out joint research.

ERIA will conduct a study related to the Food Value Chain (FVC), which focuses on cold chain

development. The research is “The realization of higher added value from agricultural products in ASEAN countries

through the development of an effective cold chain.”

10 SATREPS: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development ipbofficial

SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint

research. The program is structured as a collaboration between the Japan Science and

Technology Agency (JST), which provides competitive research funds for science and

technology projects , and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and

Development(AMED), which provides competitive research funds for medical research

and development, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which

provides development assistance (ODA). Based on the needs of developing countries,

the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical

benefit to both local and global society.

Chiba University Teamwork and IPB Team, funding support from JICA and JST,

develop assessment of damage to rice crops due to floods, droughts and pests and plant

diseases The search for remote sensing methods and new spatial technologies, with

thermal, multispectral, or hyperspectral camera drones, and satellite imagery data,

facilitated quantitative field observation tools such as metric photoradio, teodolite,

chlorophyll meters, and various image processing and digital object recognition software.

11 Kolaborasi dengan Peneliti Jepang, FKH IPB University Kembangkan Analisis Dini Penyebaran Penyakit Infeksius dari Kelelawar di Indonesia

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2015 hingga 2020 ini

merupakan kerja sama antara Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, IPB University

dengan Riset Science and Technology Research Partnership for

Sustainable Development (SATREPS) yang terdiri dari beberapa

universitas di Jepang yaitu Nagoya University yang diwakili oleh Prof. Eichii

Hondo, Yamaguchi University yang diwakili oleh Prof. Ken Maeda, Tokyo

University of Agricultural and Technology yang diwakili oleh Prof. Mizutani,

serta Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Topik utama

penelitian dari kerjasama ini adalah “Ecological Studies on Flying Foxes

and Their Involvement in Rabies – Related and Other Viral Infectious


Secara umum pendekatan penelitian dan tujuan utama dalam kerja sama

penelitian ini yaitu:

• Pendekatan ekologi terhadap kelelawar,

• Isolasi dan identifikasi jenis virus yang mungkin ditemukan di kelelawar

melalui kultur sel,

• Identifikasi genome virus yang berhasil diisolasi dari kelelawar.

Dalam rangka menghasilkan output yang baik, kerjasama penelitian ini juga

membagun laboratorium Biosafety level 3 (BSL3) sebagai fasiltas utama

penelitian. Penelitian ini juga berperan juga sebagai salah satu usaha untuk

membagi informasi dan pengetahuan kepada para peneliti muda di FKH

IPB untuk





untuk dapat melakukan kegiatan analisis virus dan juga diagnosis

penyakit terutama yang disebabkan oleh virus pada kelelawar.

Melalui kerja sama ini, para peneliti FKH IPB selanjutnya diharapkan

secara mandiri untuk melanjutkan kegiatan penelitian untuk

mengumpulkan informasi terkait dengan infeksi virus yang terjadi di

kelelawar di Indonesia sehingga dapat mengurangi kejadian infeksi

penyakit dan penyebarannya yang berasal dari kelelawar.

Sayangnya, proses transfer ilmu dan teknologi belum dapat

dilakukan sepenuhnya sesuai dengan yang direncanakan karena

adanya penutupan terbatas kampus IPB dan juga para peneliti

Jepang harus kembali ke negaranya akibat pandemi COVID-19.

Meskipun demikian, kegiatan ini menghasilkan berbagai publikasi

ilmiah dalam jurnal internasional di antaranya Virus Genes,

SpringerLink dan Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. ipbofficial

12Implementation Of Monitoring System Of Land Cover Change In Tropical Forest (Collaboration with WRI) SDGs in research and innovation ipbofficial


1.1 Implementation Time

October 2020 – September 202

1.2 Brief Description

As implementation of the Law in the 16th Convention of

Parties (COP 16) in 2010, each developing country is

recommended to create a National Forest Monitoring

System (NFMS). Indonesia has been building NFMS

since 1990. At the beginning of its development, NFMS

operated every three years. Since 2009, the monitoring

period has been set annually after Landsat data is

publicly available. The Indonesian cloud-free mosaic

was prepared by LAPAN and then manually/visually

interpreted into 23 land cover classes by the Ministry of

Environment and Forestry. Based on this, in

collaboration with WRI, PPLH IPB will develop a

method to help better monitor changes in vegetation

cover in Indonesia's tropical forest areas. PPLH IPB,

who has experience in research related to the detection

of changes in vegetation cover, will help WRI Indonesia

develop a methodology on the issue of digital

processing of vegetation cover changes in tropical

forest ecosystems.

1.3 Benefits

- Develop algorithms to characterize changes in vegetation cover dynamics.

- Collecting reference data on changes in vegetation cover collected from field observations.

- Assess algorithm performance compared to reference data.

- Provide training to the Ministry of Environment & Forestry (KLHK) staff on how to apply algorithms

to data analysis and access the accuracy of changes in vegetation cover in forest areas.

- Disseminate the results of the dynamics of changes in vegetation cover as a web service under

the IPB server.

- Scientific publications in international journals as well as project report writing.

1.4 Obstacles & challenges

This collaborative activity was held during the pandemic, so that it was pretty challenging to carry

out field surveys and training. However, the field survey was successfully carried out with the strict

implementation of health protocols. The training activity was also successfully carried out for two

days using a hybrid system (combining online and offline system).

1.5 Outcomes / achievements

The output of this research is a methodology to characterize the dynamics of vegetation cover

change, which is applied to provide information on the dynamics of vegetation cover change, and

the resulting data will publish as a web service under the IPB server. In addition, IPB will conduct

training in data production and methodology for technical staff at the Ministry of Environment and

Forestry and disseminate work results by publishing peer-reviewed international articles.

1.6 Activity Documentation



3. tauan-tutupan-lahan.html





Community Development ipbofficial

13 Faperta IPB Accompanied Bulungan Regency Obtains a List of Seikayan Rice Varieties ipbofficial

Bulungan Regency has excellent potential to

become one of Indonesia's food barns. The regency

located in North Kalimantan Province has a diversity

of local genetic resources of rice, one of which is the

flagship is "fish rice." Head of the Center for Crop

Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing, Ministry

of Agriculture has approved the proposal of the

Regent of Bulungan, Number 1534/PVL/2020 dated

October 5, 2020, under the name of local variety

"Padi Seikayan." In preparing the proposal document,

the Regional Development Planning Agency Team

and The Agriculture Office of Bulungan Regency

were accompanied by a Faculty of Agriculture IPB.

The seriousness of the Bulungan Regency

Government in realizing Bulungan as a food barn,

among others, conducted the Regent MoU with the

Rector of IPB in January 2019. The MoU was

followed up with a cooperation agreement letter

between the Head of Regional Development

Planning Agency, Drs Muhammad Isnaini, and the

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB in 2019 and


The Faculty of Agriculture ipb team, led by

Ir Hermanu Widjaja, MSc, followed up with various

programs related to food production, especially

rice, in 2019 and added with chili and shallots in

2020. Especially for seikayan rice description,

Faperta Team strengthened breeding lecturer Dr.

Arya Widura Ritonga and Lecturer of Seed

Technology Science, Ahmad Zamzami SP, MSi.

Seikayan Rice rice, known as Fish Rice, is in great

demand by the people of Bulungan because of its

distinctive taste and fragrant aroma.

The Regent of Bulungan, H Sudjati, SH,

accompanied by ex-and the daily executor of the

Head of Regional Development Planning Agency

(Drs M Isnaini, and Iwan Sugiyanta, ST MT), The

Head of the Agriculture Office (Dr Ahmad Yani), the

daily executor of the Transmigration and Labor

Office and staff, welcomed the acquisition of the

Certificate of Seikayan Rice Crop Variety List, in the

Bulungan Regent's Room, on Thursday, November

19, 2020.

The Regent, in his speech, reaffirmed the

commitment of Bulungan District to make

Bulungan a national food barn. This is

reinforced by the affirmation of the Head of

Agriculture and Regional Development

Planning Agency office who always prioritizes

food farming programs within the bulungan

"food estate" framework." "The acquisition of

The List of Varieties of Seikayan Rice Plants

shows recognition and appreciation from the

Government about the origin of local rice

genetic resources from Bulungan Regency,

which is expected to be a means of promotion

and at the same time as a superior in its

economic utilization that can be felt especially

by the bulungan farming community," the

Regent is expected.

14Accompaniment In Constructing Compensation Formula For Community Affected By Oil Spills In North Karawang, West Java ipbofficial

1.1 Implementation Time

September 2019 – January 2020

1.2 Brief Description

The oil spill incident due to the drilling of a well in Karawang, West Java, in July 2019 had impacts on coastal ecosystems and it affected the lives of coastal communities who depend on activities on the coast.

The affected districts include fishers, fish and shrimp cultivators, salt farmers, processing groups and marketers of fishery products, marine tourism, other businesses related to coastal activities.

The calculation of the losses in community due to pollution and environmental damage involves a vast dimension. However, related to ecological damage, the most important component was compensable

damage. Some of these components can be calculated directly through the market mechanism, and some of them must be calculated through indirect measurements with the approach (revealed preference)

or the choice that emerges by calculating the willingness to accept and willingness to pay. In oil pollution incidents, a system based on a market approach is used. The input and output price variables are

assessed based on market prices, even though the products and services and the environment produced by coastal waters do not reflect market prices.

To calculate compensation for the affected coastal community, a formula was needed. It was determined based on existing rules, expert considerations, the actual condition of the affected community based on

field observations, and references. This formula would calculate the final compensation for the affected costal community, which would be carried out against individuals, per person, per profession, duration of

impact, and location.

1.3 Benefits

The benefit of this activity was a scientific basis in determining the formula of compensation for coastal communities affected by the oil spill.

1.4 Obstacles & challenges

The obstacles were collecting community data and shorter duration of interview, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

1.5 Outcomes / achievements

The achievement of this activity was the final compensation have been paid to thousands residents affected by the oil spill especially fishers,

Poklahsar, Marine Tourism, and pond cultivators

1. mpahan-minyak/2. sasi-awal3.

Campus Operation ipbofficial

15 Entrepreneurship Teaching Center to Facilitate Student Entrepreneurship

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University bersama PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia menyelenggarakan

Orientasi Program Entrepreneurship Teaching Center, (22 26/2). Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 mahasiswa

yang lulus seleksi Magang di Toko Prima Freshmart. Dekan Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Dr Arief

Daryanto mengatakan bahwa program ini dapat menarik mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan

dan gagasan. Terlebih pada masa pandemi COVID 19, pola konsumsi life banyak ditutup dan beralih ke

produk yang dijual di e-commerce.

" Untuk itu Sekolah Vokasi IPB University membangun DUDI (Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Industri) dan

IDUKA (Industri Dunia Usaha dan Dunia Kerja yang bertujuan agar para mahasiswa dapat merealisasikan

ide dan gagasan yang dapat menjadi inovasi dan lapangan kerja sendiri," jelasnya.

Agustinus Suhardi selaku Trainer dari Prima Freshmart dalam paparannya menjelaskan bahwa

program Entrepreneurship Teaching Center (ETC) merupakan bentuk kewirausahaan yang memfasilitasi

mahasiswa pada program magang di dunia kerja sehingga mahasiswa dapat memiliki pengalaman

langsung di lapangan. ipbofficial
