Science of Medicine Orientation Michael Meyers, MD Alisa Wolberg, PhD


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Science of Medicine Orientation

Michael Meyers, MDAlisa Wolberg, PhD


• Review rationale for this course• Describe the primary activities of this course• Review the requirements of the course• Discuss specific expectations for the


Goal of Course

• Why?


• Research

Goal of Course

• Why?• Specific Goals– Review the basic tenants of clinical and

translational research– Delve more deeply into basic science foundation

of clinical practice– Re-emphasize basic science from pre-clinical years– Provide a foundation for evidence-based practice

Seminars• Have to attend

• Scope of seminars broad– Goal is to touch on the objectives for the course with

each seminar– Specific objectives for each seminar

• Reading for each seminar– Review for familiarity and concepts– Not intended to be memorized– Facilitates interactive seminar


• Absence policy documented on web site– Adheres to School of Medicine absence policy

• “Excused” absences will be accommodated for every day but final presentation day– Except extenuating circumstance

• Absences must be agreed upon by both Science of Med course director AND elective preceptor


• Examples of unacceptable absences– Clinical activities within the elective– Interviews– Weddings


• Have to be present to give this on last day of rotation– We have not made exceptions for anything other than

extreme cases (eg’- delivering a baby….)– Interviews have not been considered an appropriate

conflict• If you have a conflict you believe fits the category of extenuating

circumstance, contact us

• Need to stay for all of the presentations• Expect you to attend only your session (morning or



• Must be related to your clinical rotation this month– Can’t be the talk you put together for your

research experience or some other rotation

• Must turn final presentation in to Stacey Owen by Wednesday morning prior to the presentations– Yes, we mean FINAL presentation


• Focus of presentation is on basic/translational science– Should be the bulk of your talk– Useful to relate it to clinical aspect of disease• Pitfall of taking up too much of the presentation

• One way to know that basic science is not the focus of your talk….

The Basic Science Slide


• Objectives– First slide should concisely list objectives


“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there”

--Yogi Berra


• Objectives– First slide should concisely list objectives• Frames the presentation for the audience• Gives you a reference point from which to organize the



• Research– Pubmed !!!!!


• Structure– Intro• Attention getter• Need to hook the audience.

– Body• Primary content

– Summary• Leave the audience with key points to remember

Presentation• Length of presentation– 1-1.5 slides/minute – 10 minute talk = ?– Have to focus the presentation!

• Structure– Intro

• 2-3 slides– Body

• 7-10 slides– Summary

• 1-2 slides


• References– Sources should be referenced– Annotate them at bottom of slide

Meyers MO, et al J Insignificant Med 2002


• Death By PowerPoint


• Know what you’re talking about

• If you discuss a gene/receptor/pathway/enzyme/chromosome that is altered in a disease---you should know what it’s normal function is


• Final Slide• Think/hypothesize• Come up with experiment• Not interested in whether it’s

feasible/fundable… creative about how you would use the knowledge you just accumulated to improve the disease you talked about

Seminar and Course Evaluations

• Please fill them out thoughtfully• Comments section most important