Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


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  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut





    (3rd to 8th semesters)


    ("#$% dm'ss'o)

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20!

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SCHEME for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Branchfor 3rd to 8th Semesters

    3rd  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    E"! #0 Engineering $athe%atics # - '0 00 # !

    E"! #02 Co%(uter )rogra%%ing in C # - '0 00 # !

    EE! #0# Electric Circuit Theory # - '0 00 # !

    EE! #0! Electrical $easure%ents &nstru%entation Syste%s

    # - '0 00 # !

    EE! #0' Analog Electronics # - '0 00 # !

    EE! #0* $echanical Engineering # - '0 00 # !

    EE! #0+,) Basic Electrical Engg Lab - - # '0 00 # 2

    EE! #0,)  Electronics Lab - - # '0 00 # 2

    "otal '8 *8

    +ote,/or E" ! #02 Co%(uter )rogra%%ing in C the en1 se%ester ea%ination 3ill 4e hel1 4ythe University as a theory (a(er.

    -th  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    E"! !0B Engineering $athe%atics 5 # - '0 00 # !

    E"! !02 Environ%ental Science # - '0 00 # !EE! !0# Electrical $achines # - '0 00 # !

    EE! !0! Signals an1 Syste%s # - '0 00 # !

    EE! !0' 6igital Electronics # - '0 00 # !

    EE! !0* Electro%agnetic /iel1 Theory # - '0 00 # !

    EE! !0+,)  Mechanical Engg. Lab  - - # '0 00 # 2

    EE! !0,)  Electrical Measurements &

     Instrumentation Lab

    - - # '0 00 # 2

    "otal '8 . . *8

    th  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    EE! '0 )o3er Electronics # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '02 Electrical )o3er 7enerationTrans%ission an1 6istri4ution

    # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '0# Electrical $achines # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '0! Analog & 6igital Co%%unication # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '0' 6igital Syste% 6esign # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '0* Electrical $aterial Science # - '0 00 # !

    EE! '0+,)  Electrical Machines Lab I    - - # '0 00 # 2

    EE! '0,)  Integrated Circuits Lab - - # '0 00 # 2"otal '8 . . *8

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    .th  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    EE! *0 Engineering Econo%ics an1

    )rinci(les of $anage%ent

    # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *02 Linear Control Syste% # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *0# Electrical $achines # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *0! $icro(rocessors an1$icrocontrollers

    # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *0' 6igital Signal )rocessing # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *0* "u%erical Analysis an18(ti%i9ation Theory

    # - '0 00 # !

    EE! *0+,)  Electrical Machines Lab II  - - # '0 00 # 2EE! *0,)  Mini Project - - # '0 00 # 2

    "otal '8 . . *8

    th  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    EE! +0 )o3er Syste% Analysis # - '0 00 # !

    EE! +02 $o1ern Control Theory # - '0 00 # !

    EE! +0# Electric 6rives # - '0 00 # !

    EE! +0! Elective # - '0 00 # !

    EE! +0' Elective # - '0 00 # !

    EE! +0*,)  Power Electronics Lab - - # '0 00 # 2

    EE! +0+,) System Simulation & Control Lab

    - - # '0 00 # 2

    EE! +0,)  Project  - - ! 00 - - !

    "otal ' ' *8

    Electi0e % EE! +0!,A S3itche1 $o1e )o3er

    ConvertersEE! +0!,B Electrical $achine 6esign 

    EE! +0!,C 7eneralise1 $achine TheoryEE! +0!,6 $echatronics ,7EE! +0!,E 5LS 6esign

    Electi0e %%EE! +0',A Soft Co%(uting Techni:ues ,7

    EE! +0',B ;igh 5oltage Engineering EE! +0',C Electric )o3er Utilisation

    EE! +0',6 )rofessional Ethics EE! +0',E $anage%ent nfor%ation Syste%sEE! +0',/ Satellite Co%%unication

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    8th  Semester

    Code Subject Hours/wee Mars

    ! " #/$ %nte&rnal


    EE! 0 Electrical Syste% 6esign # - '0 00 # !EE! 02 /ACTs Controllers & Custo%

    )o3er 6evices# - '0 00 # !

    EE! 0# )o3er Syste% )rotection # - '0 00 # !

    EE! 0! Elective # - '0 00 # !

    EE! 0' Elective 5 # - '0 00 # !

    EE! 0*,) Se%inar - - # 00 - - 2

    EE! 0+,) )ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    E+'- 3' E+2%+EE%+2 M4"HEM4"%CS %%%(Common for all branches)

    5bjecti0eThis course ro!ides a "uic# o!er!iew o$ the concets and results in comle% analysis that

    may be use$ul in engineering. lso it gi!es an introduction to linear algebra and 'ourier

    trans$orm which are wealths o$ ideas and results with wide area o$ alication.

    Module %, 6unctions of a Com7le 1ariable ('3 hours)/unctions of a Co%(le 5aria4le > Li%it > Continuity > 6erivative of a Co%(le function >Analytic functions > Cauchy-=ie%ann E:uations > La(lace e:uation > ;ar%onic /unctions >Confor%al $a((ing > Ea%(les? e@ sin9 cosh9 ,9@ > $o4ius Transfor%ation.

    Module %%, 6unctions of a Com7le 1ariable ('3 hours)6efinition of Line integral in the co%(le (lane > Cauchys integral theore% ,)roof of eistenceof in1efinite integral to 4e o%itte1 > n1e(en1ence of (ath > Cauchys integral for%ula >6erivatives of analytic functions ,)roof not re:uire1 > Taylor series ,"o (roof > Laurent series

    ,"o (roof > Singularities - @eros > )oles - =esi1ues > Evaluation of resi1ues > Cauchys resi1uetheore% > Evaluation of real 1efinite integrals.

    Module %%%, !inear 4lgebra ('3 hours) 9 ()roofs not re:uire1)5ector s(aces > 6efinition Ea%(les > Su4s(aces > Linear S(an > Linear n1e(en1ence > Linear6e(en1ence > Basis > 6i%ension> 8rthogonal an1 8rthonor%al Sets > 8rthogonal Basis >8rthonor%al Basis > 7ra%-Sch%i1t orthogonalisation (rocess > nner (ro1uct s(aces > 6efinition

     > Ea%(les > ne:ualities D Sch3art9 Triangle ,"o (roof.

    Module %1, 6ourier "ransforms ('3 hours)/ourier ntegral theore% ,)roof not re:uire1 > /ourier Sine an1 Cosine integral re(resentations >/ourier transfor%s > transfor%s of so%e ele%entary functions > Ele%entary (ro(erties of /ouriertransfor%s > Convolution theore% ,"o (roof > /ourier Sine an1 Cosine transfor%s > transfor%sof so%e ele%entary functions >)ro(erties of /ourier Sine an1 Cosine transfor%s.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! '

     "eaching scheme  Credits, !# hours lecture an1 hour tutorial er 3ee

    "et Boos

    Module %,

    Er3in Freysig d!anced Engineering Mathematics( )e( Gohn Hiley an1 Sons nc.Sections? 2.# 2.! 2.' 2.* 2.+ 2.IModule %%,Er3in Freysig d!anced Engineering Mathematics( )e( Gohn Hiley an1 Sons nc.Sections? #. #.2 #.# #.! !.! '. '.2 '.# '.!Module %%%,Bernae1 Fol%an 6avi1 = ;ill  Introductory Linear lgebra( n lied 'irst Course(

    )earson E1ucation.Sections? *. *.2 *.# *.! *.+ *. A((en1i.B.Module %1,Hylie C.= an1 L.C. Barrett d!anced Engineering Mathematics $c7ra3 ;ill.Sections? I. I.# I.'

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! *

    eference boos. ; S Fasana Comle% *ariables( Theory and lications( 2e )rentice ;all of n1ia.2. Gohn $ ;o3ie Comle% nalysis( S(ringer nternational E1ition.#. Anura1ha 7u(ta Comle% nalysis Ane Boos n1ia.!. Shahna9 4athul Te%t boo# o$ Engineering Mathematics( Secial $unctions and Comle%

    *ariables( )rentice ;all of n1ia.'. 7eral1 6ennis $ahan lied Mathematics S(ringer nternational E1ition.

    *. 6avi1 To3ers +uide to Linear lgebra $ac$illan $athe%atical 7ui1es.+. n1er F =ana n Introduction to Linear lgebra Ane Boos n1ia.

    . Sur

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    E+'- 3*, C5M#:"E #524MM%+2 %+ C,Co%%on for all 4ranches

    5bjecti0es• To imart the basic concets o$ comuter and in$ormation technology

    • To de!elo s#ill in roblem sol!ing concets through learning C rogramming in

     ractical aroach

    Module % (' hours)%ntroduction to Com7uters? C)U $e%ory in(ut-out(ut 1evices secon1ary storage 1evices)rocessor Conce(ts - Evolution an1 co%(arative stu1y of (rocessors. $achine language asse%4lylanguage an1 high level language. nsi1e a )C Latest tren1s an1 technologies of storage %e%ory(rocessor (rinting etc. Conce(t of )rogra% an1 1ata Syste% soft3are - B8S 8(erating Syste%-6efinition-/unctions-Hin1o3s an1 Linu. Co%(ilers an1 asse%4lers Co%(uter net3ors LA"


    Module %% ('- hours)Basic elements of C? /lo3 chart an1 algorith% > 6evelo(%ent of algorith%s for si%(le (ro4le%s.Structure of C (rogra% > 8(erators an1 e(ressions > )roce1ure an1 or1er of evaluation > %n7utand 5ut7ut functions 1eclaration 1efinition an1 initiali9ation of structures unions #ointers? Conce(ts1eclaration initiali9ation of (ointer varia4les si%(le ea%(les Conce7t of a file > /ile o(erations/ile (ointer.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! +

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour (ractical (er 3ee

    "et Boos

    . ). "orton Peter ;orton

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut


    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20!

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    '0J - La4 )ractical Tests20J - Assign%ents20J - $ain =ecor10J - =egularity in the class

    :ni0ersit; Eamination #attern

     P1T 2 nalytical3roblem sol!ing S451T "uestions )% mar#s67/ mar#s

    Can1i1ates have to ans3er E7;T :uestions out ofTE". There shall 4e %ini%u% of TH8 an1 %ai%u%of T;=EE :uestions fro% each %o1ule 3ith total TE":uestions.

     P1T B2 nalytical3Problem sol!ing 8ESC1IPTI*E "uestions 7 % 9 mar#s6:/ mar#sT3o :uestions fro% each %o1ule 3ith choice to ans3erone :uestion.

      Ma%imum Total Mar#s2 9//

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 33 E!EC"%C C%C:%" "HE5=

    5bjecti0es•  'amiliari>ation o$ !arious networ# toologies related to two- hase and three- hase

    systems• ?nderstanding the !arious methods $or analysis o$ electrical networ#s

    •  8esign o$ simle analog $ilter circuits

    Module % ('- hours)$C ecitation, "et3or ele%ents- lu%(e1 (ara%eters active an1 (assive ele%ents > 6e(en1entan1 in1e(en1ent sources- source transfor%ation- %esh analysis- no1e analysis- su(er %esh an1su(er no1e- Su(er(osition theore%- Star-1elta transfor%ation- Thevenins theore%- "ortons

    theore%- $ai%u% (o3er transfer theore%

    Stead; state ac anal;sis, Co%(le for% - (olar for% (hasor re(resentation of series circuits,current reference - (arallel circuits ,voltage reference - series (arallel- (arallel seriesco%4inations series resonance an1 (arallel resonance >4an1 3i1th :uality factor.

    Module %% ('- hours)!ocus diagram& Current (hasor locus of 1ifferent co%4inations of circuits 3ith fie1 voltage an1an ele%ent varying fro% 9ero to infinity. Cou7led circuits, 1ot convention %esh analysis no1eanalysis

    Sinusoidal stead; state in 3& 7hase circuits, # (hase # 3ire an1 # (hase ! 3ire Y an1 Kconnecte1 source an1 loa1. 4nal;sis of unbalanced three 7hase circuits, Y-Y ! 3ire circuit-neutral current- neutral i%(e1ance- Y-Y syste% 3ith neutral isolate1 ,# 3ire- neutral shift - K-Y -

    K-K syste%s- circulating currents in un4alance1 K connecte1 sources > # (hase circuits 3ith4alance1 sources an1 un4alance1 loa1s.

    Module %%% ('* hours)Measurement of 7ower and 7ower factor, one 3att%eter t3o 3att %eter an1 three 3att%eter%etho1sS;mmetrical com7onents, @ero se:uence (ositive se:uence an1 negative se:uence co%(onents-active (o3er in se:uence co%(onents. !a7lace "ransform, gate function > shifting theore%-initial an1 final value theore%- La(lace transfor% of (erio1ical signals- sinusoi1al- s:uare- inverseLa(lace transfor%$C "ransients, nitial con1itions in net3or- stea1y state an1 transient res(onses of t3o ele%ent

    circuits consisting of =L=C an1 LC circuits, 4oth classic an1 La(lace Transfor% %etho1s forste( in(ut- transient an1 stea1y state res(onses of =LC circuits 3ith ste( in(ut,La(lace transfor%%etho1 only.

    Module %1 ('* hours)4C transients, Transient an1 stea1y state res(onses of =LC circuits for sinusoi1al in(uts usingLa(lace transfor% a((roach. "ransformed circuits, Analysis of transfor%e1 circuits- solution oftransfor%e1 circuits inclu1ing %utually cou(le1 circuits. +etwor functions, 6riving (ointi%%ittance & transfer i%%ittance functions- (oles& 9eros- (ole- 9ero (lots- ti%e 1o%ain res(onsefro% (ole-9ero (lots.

    "wo 7ort networs,  @ Y h (ara%eters- relationshi( 4et3een (ara%eter sets- con1itions forsy%%etry an1 reci(rocity- interconnections of t3o (ort net3ors- o(en circuit an1 short circuit

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! I

     "eaching scheme  Credits, - # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    i%(e1ances- in(ut an1 out(ut i%(e1ances- i%age (ara%eters- attenuation an1 (hase constants-characteristic i%(e1ance- T- transfor%ation

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 0

    "et Boos. 5alen4erg ;etwor# nalysis )rentice-;all of n1ia2. F.S. Suresh Fu%ar Electric Circuits & ;etwor#s )earson E1ucation#. E1%inister Electric Circuits @ Schaum

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 3- E!EC"%C4! ME4S:EME+"S >%+S":ME+"4"%5+ S=S"EMS

    5bjecti0e• ?nderstanding the basic wor#ing rincile o$ electrical measuring instruments

    • To design and calibrate an electrical measuring instruments

    •  8e!elo an instrumentation system $or a articular alication

    Module ' ('3 hours)%ndicating %nstruments, )rinci(le- Ty(es of controls ,s(ring an1 gravity controls an1 Ty(es of6a%(ing ,e11y current air friction $oving coil instru%ents - )er%anent %agnet 1yna%o%eterty(e %eters $oving iron instru%ents > attraction an1 re(ulsion ty(e 6yna%o%eter 3att%eter >(rinci(les an1 tor:ue e:uation > Classification of errors - errors in in1icating instru%ents an1co%(ensation Accuracy (recision sensitivity resolution loa1ing effect. =ange etension of

    a%%eter an1 volt%eter 4y using shunts %ulti(liers Current transfor%ers an1 )otentialtransfor%ers > )hasor 1iagra% > ratio an1 (hase angle errors of CTs an1 )Ts > use of instru%enttransfor%ers 3ith 3att%eter

    Module %% ('3 hours)?att meters, Horing (rinci(le of 3att%eter > 6yna%o%eter an1 in1uction ty(e 3att%etersErrors & co%(ensation in Hatt%eter.Energ; Meters? A%(ere hour %eter ,A; %ercury %otor %eter -M an1 #-M energy %eters,(rinci(les an1 tor:ue e:uation > errors an1 co%(ensation static 3att%eters an1 energy %eters -(rinci(le an1 4loc 1iagra%S7ecial 7ur7ose measuring %nstruments, )o3er factor %eters ,6yna%o%eter ty(e >single an1three (hase 5i4rating ree1 fre:uency %eter - T86 %eter an1 Tri-vector %eter.

    Module %%% ('-Hrs)Measurement of resistance, 8h%%eter $egger > %easure%ent of insulation resistance 4y 1irect1eflection %etho1 > Testing of earth electro1e resistance locali9ation of ca4le fault 4y $urray an15arley loo( tests$C Bridges? ntro1uction sources & 1etectors for 6C 4ri1ge general e:uation for 4ri1ge at4alance. Hheatstone an1 Felvins 1ou4le 4ri1ge > 4rief 1escri(tion only.4C bridges, ntro1uction sources & 1etectors for a.c 4ri1ge general e:uation for 4ri1ge at4alance. $a3ells n1uctance & $a3ells n1uctance > Ca(acitance Bri1ge An1erson 4ri1ge$easure%ents of ca(acitance using Schering Bri1ge.

    #otentiometers, 7eneral (rinci(le $o1ern for%s of 1c (otentio%eters stan1ar1i9ation 5ernier

    1ial (rinci(le AC (otentio%eters > coor1inate an1 (olar ty(es a((lication of 1c an1 ac(otentio%eters.

    Module %1 ('* hours)Magnetic measurements, $easure%ent of flu %agneti9ing force an1 (er%ea4ility > ;i44erts%agnetic stan1ar1 > flu %eter > ;all Effect gauss %eter."ransducers, 6efinition - 1ifferent ty(es of trans1ucers ,Ty(es & A((lication only.$is7la; methods@ recorders, 6ifferent ty(es of 1is(lay 1evices ,C=T LE6 LC6 )6) an18LE6  1ifferent ty(es of recor1ers > galvano%etric recor1ers > (en 1riving syste% ,Basicconce(ts only.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20!

     "eaching scheme  Credits, - # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 3 4+4!52 E!EC"5+%CS


    • To $amiliari>e basic electronic elements and its characteristics

    • To de!elo understanding about BAT and 'ET circuits

    • To study linear and non linear alications o$ 5-m

    Module % ('3 hours)$iode? 6io1e as a circuit ele%ent - loa1 line - (iece3ise linear %o1el > single-(hase half 3ave an1full 3ave rectifier circuits - voltage regulation - ri((le factor - rectifier efficiency - 4ri1ge rectifier -rectifier filters - 1io1e cli((ing circuits - single level an1 t3o level cli((ers - cla%(ing circuits >@ener 1io1es - @ener voltage regulators.BA"? 8(erating (oint of a BGT > 6C 4iasing - 4ias sta4ility - ther%al runa3ay - AC Conce(ts >

    role of ca(acitors in a%(lifiers > co%%on e%itter AC e:uivalent circuit - a%(lifier gain an1i%(e1ance calculations- h (ara%eter %o1el of a BGT - co%%on e%itter an1 e%itter follo3eranalysis an1 co%(arison using hy4ri1 e:uivalent circuit >casca1e1 a%(lifiers fre:uency res(onseof a%(lifiers ,4asic conce(ts only.

    Module %% ('* hours)6E"? Construction an1 characteristics of G/ET an1 $8S/ET 4iasing a G/ET an1 $8S/ET G/ETan1 $8S/ET s%all signal %o1el - CS an1 C6 a%(lifiers.6eedbac? - Conce(ts > negative an1 (ositive fee14ac > loo( gain- a1vantages of negativefee14ac -fee14ac connection Ty(es - (ractical fee14ac circuits#ower 4m7lifiers? Consi1erations in casca1ing transistor a%(lifiers- class B an1 class AB - (o3era%(lifiers using BGT

    Module %%% ('- hours)57erational am7lifier - 1eal 8(-A%( (ro(erties - (ro(erties of (ractical 8(-A%(s - Analysis of8(-A%( circuits using i1eal 8(-A%( %o1el > o(en loo( an1 close1 loo( configuration - conce(tof virtual short an1 its relation to negative fee14ac!inear 57&4m7 Circuits? "on-inverting a%(lifier -voltage follo3er - inverting a%(lifier -su%%ing a%(lifier - su4tracting circuits - voltage to current converter for floating an1 groun1e1loa1s - 8(-A%( integrator - 8(-A%( 1ifferentiator5scillators? Basics - sta4ility an1 (ositive fee14ac- Barhausens criterion > (hase shiftoscillators- Hein 4ri1ge oscillators > crystal oscillators.

    Module %1 ('3 hours)Signal 2enerators? S:uare triangle an1 ra%( generator circuits using 8(-A%(s voltagecontrolle1 oscillatorsCom7arator Circuits? @ero crossing 1etector- regenerative co%(arator circuits4cti0e filters > 1ifferent ty(es an1 their characteristics- fre:uency res(onse of 1ifferent ty(es offilters- or1er an1 cut off fre:uency -Butter3orth lo3 (ass filter > first or1er an1 secon1 or1er filter1esign - Butter3orth high (ass filters - secon1 or1er 3i1e 4an1 an1 narro3 4an1 filters.

    "imer %C ? /unctional 1iagra%- asta4le an1 %onosta4le %o1es#hase loced loo7s? )rinci(les > 4uil1ing 4locs of )LL-Loc an1 ca(ture ranges - ca(ture(rocess - fre:uency %ulti(lication using )LL

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE '- 3. MECH4+%C4! E+2%+EE%+2


    • To imart the basics o$ the alication o$ dynamics( heat trans$er( $luid mechanics( and

    hydraulic machines.

    ,Stea% ta4le an1 )sycho%etric chart are (er%itte1 for the ea%ination.

    Module ' ('3 Hrs syste%s (ro(erties state (rocess an1 cycle Ther%o1yna%ic

    e:uili4riu% @eroth la3 Hor an1 ;eat /irst la3 > internal energy an1 enthal(y ;eat engine=efrigerator an1 heat (u%( Secon1 la3 >entro(y Ther%o1yna%ic (rocesses > iso%etriciso4aric isother%al (oly tro(ic a1ia4atic an1 isentro(ic )5 an1 TS 1iagra%s. ,Si%(le nu%erical(ro4le%s.

    Module * ('3 Hrs

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    Firchhoffs La3 ;eat Echangers L$T6 8verall ;eat Transfer Coefficient (arallel an1counter flo3 heat echangers ,Si%(le nu%erical (ro4le%s.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! *

    eference Boos 6r.6.S.Fu%ar 'luid Mechanics and 'luid Power Engineering S.F.Fataria an1 Sons.2 6r.=.F.Bensal 'luid Mechanics and 4ydraulic Machine La%i )u4lications ,) Lt1.# ).F."ag Engineering Thermodynamics Tata $c7ra3 ;ill! 6o%un13ar & Fothan1ara%an Thermal Engineering 6han(at =ai & Co. ,) Lt1.' 6.S.Fu%ar 4eat Trans$er S. F.Fataria an1 Sons* ). F. "ag 4eat Trans$er Tata $c7ra3 ;ill.

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE '- 3(#) B4S%C E!EC"%C4! E+2%+EE%+2 !4B


    •  Imlementation o$ basic electrical circuits and !eri$ication o$ basic theorems

    . Stu1y of )$$C$ volt%etera%%eter 1yna%o%eter ty(e 3att%eter cli( on

    a%%eter analog1igital %ulti%eters an1 static energy %eters.

    2. 6eter%ination of 5- characteristics of a 3ire 3oun1 rheostat an1 4 incan1escentla%(s in series & (arallel.

    #. $easure%ent of linear resistance using volt%eter-a%%eter %etho1!. 5erification of Firchoffs la3s in 6C circuit

    '. 5erification of Su(er(osition theore% in 6C circuit

    *. 5erification of Thevenins theore% in 6C circuit+. 5erification of =eci(rocity theore% in 6C circuit

    . 6eter%ination of i%(e1ance a1%ittance (o3er factor an1 realreactivea((arent(o3er 1ra3n in =LC series(arallel circuits.

    I. Single (hase (o3er %easure%ent using a 1yna%o%eter ty(e 3att%eter 4 #

    a%%eters %etho1 an1 c # volt%eters %etho1 in an =L loa1.0. #-(hase (o3er %easure%ent using one 3att%eter an1 t3o 3att%eters.

    . )o3er factor i%(rove%ent in an =L circuit

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! +

    "eaching Scheme   Credits? 2# hours (ractical (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0*0J-La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

     Semester End Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference20J - 5iva voce

    0J - /air recor1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 38(#) E!EC"5+%CS !4B54"5=

    5bjecti0es• To $amiliari>e the !arious instruments used in electronics lab

    • To $amiliari>e and conduct e%eriments on !arious analog electronic circuits

    • To introduce the concet o$ electronic circuit simulation

    . Stu1y & Use of C=8? a $easure%ent of current voltage fre:uency an1 (hase shift.

    2. =ectifiers an1 filters 3ith an1 3ithout shunt ca(acitors- Characteristics full 3ave rectifier-

    =i((le factor =ectification efficiency an1 J regulation.

    #. Secon1 or1er L) an1 B) filters using single 8)A$)

    !. =C cou(le1 a%(lifier using BGT in CE configuration- $easure%ent of gain in(ut an1

    out(ut i%(e1ance an1 fre:uency res(onse

    '. /ET a%(lifier- $easure%ent of voltage gain current gain in(ut an1 out(ut i%(e1ance

    *. Characteristics of cli((ing an1 cla%(ing circuits using 1io1es.

    +. Characteristics of voltage regulators- 6esign an1 testing of? a si%(le 9ener voltage

    regulator 4 9ener regulator 3ith e%itter follo3er out(ut

    . 8)A$) circuits > 6esign an1 set u( of inverter scale changer a11er non-inverting

    a%(lifier integrator 1ifferentiator co%(arator.

    I. )hase shift an1 Heins Bri1ge oscillator 3ith a%(litu1e sta4ili9ation using 8)A$)s.

    0. Havefor% generation > S:uare triangular an1 sa3tooth 3ave for% generation using


    . ntro1uction to circuit si%ulation-si%ulation of 8)A$) an1 other analog C circuits.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20!

    "eaching Scheme   Credits? 2# hours (ractical (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J-La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

    Semester End Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference20J - 5iva voce

    0J - /air recor1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    E+'- -'B, E+2%+EE%+2 M4"HEM4"%CS %1,Co%%on for C EC EE A B$ CS an1 T


    • To inculcate the students an ade"uate understanding o$ the basic concets o$

     robability theory.

    • To ma#e them de!elo an interest in the area which may $ind use$ul to ursue their


    • To stimulate the students understanding o$ the >-trans$orm

    • To ma#e the student get ac"uainted with the basics o$ P8E

    Module %, #robabilit; $istributions ('3 hours)=an1o% varia4les > $ean an1 5ariance of (ro4a4ility 1istri4utions > Bino%ial 6istri4ution >

    )oisson 6istri4ution > )oisson a((roi%ation to Bino%ial 1istri4ution > ;y(er 7eo%etric6istri4ution > 7eo%etric 6istri4ution > )ro4a4ility 1ensities > "or%al 6istri4ution > Unifor%6istri4ution > 7a%%a 6istri4ution.

    Module %%, Z  9 "ransforms ('3 hours)So%e ele%entary conce(ts > 6efinition of Z-transfor% > Convergence of Z-transfor% > Ea%(lesof Z-transfor% > )ro(erties of Z-transfor% > nverse Z-transfor% > Convolution Theore%

    Module %%%, Series Solutions of $ifferential Euations ('3 hours))o3er series %etho1 for solving or1inary 1ifferential e:uations > /ro4enius %etho1 for solvingor1inary 1ifferential e:uations > Bessels e:uation > Bessel functions > 7enerating functions ,"o(roof > =elation 4et3een Bessel functions > 8rthogonality (ro(erty of Bessel functions ,)roof

    not re:uire1.

    Module %1, #artial $ifferential Euations ('3 hours)ntro1uction > Solutions of e:uations of the for% /,(: N0 D /,(: N0 D /,y(: N0 D /,9(:N0 D /,: N /2,y: D Clairauts for% 9 N ( :v /,(: D Legranges for% )( O: N =

     > Classification of Linear )6Es > 6erivation of one 1i%ensional 3ave e:uation an1 one1i%ensional heat e:uation > Solution of these e:uation 4y the %etho1 of se(aration of varia4les.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! I

     "eaching scheme  Credits, !

    # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial er 3ee

    "et BoosModule %?=ichar1 A Gohnson CB 7u(ta Miller and 'reund

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 20

    eference boos. ; )arthasarathy  Engineering Mathematics( Project & Problem based aroach(

    Ane Boos n1ia.2. B 5 =a%ana 4igher Engineering Mathematics( $c7ra3;ill.

    #. G F Shar%a Business Mathematics( Theory and lications( Ane Boos n1ia.

    !. Hylie C.= an1 L.C. Barret d!anced Engineering Mathematics $c7ra3 ;ill.'. 5 = Lash%y 7orty  d!anced Engineering Mathematics-*ol. I( II. Ane Boos

    n1ia.*. Sastry S.S. d!anced Engineering Mathematics-*ol. I and II . )rentice ;all of n1ia.+. $ichael 6 7reen4erg d!anced Engineering Mathematics )earson E1ucation.. Lary C An1re3s Bhi%sen F Shiva%oggi  Integral Trans$orms $or Engineers

    )rentice ;all of n1ia.I. Ba4u =a% Engineering Mathematics *ol.I & II  )earson E1ucation.


    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    E+'- -* En0ironmental Science,Co%%on for all 4ranches

    "eaching scheme  Credits, !

    # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee


    • To understand the roblems o$ ollution( de$orestation( solid waste disosal( degradation o$

    en!ironment( loss o$ biodi!ersity and other en!ironmental issues at local and global le!els.

    • To create awareness among the students to address these issues and conser!e the

    en!ironment in a better way.

    Module % ('3 hours)The %ulti1isci(linary nature of environ%ental science - 1efinition - sco(e an1 i%(ortance - nee1 for

    (u4lic a3areness-natural resources-rene3a4le an1 non-rene3a4le resources? natural resources an1associate1 (ro4le%s - forest resources? use an1 over-e(loitation 1eforestation case stu1ies. ti%4eretraction %ining 1a%s an1 their effects on forests an1 tri4al (eo(le - 3ater resources? use an1 overutili9ation of surface an1 groun1 3ater floo1s 1rought conflicts over 3ater 1a%s - 4enefits an1(ro4le%s.- %ineral resources? use an1 e(loitation environ%ental effects of etracting an1 using%ineral resources case stu1ies.- foo1 resources? 3orl1 foo1 (ro4le%s changes cause1 4y agricultureover gra9ing effects of %o1ern agriculture fertili9er-(estici1e (ro4le%s 3ater logging salinity casestu1ies - energy resources? gro3ing energy nee1s rene3a4le an1 non-rene3a4le energy resources use

    of alternate energy resources lan1 resources? lan1 as a resource lan1 1egra1ation %an-in1uce1lan1sli1es soil erosion an1 1esertification.

    Module %% ('3 hours)Ecosyste%s - conce(t of an ecosyste%-structure an1 function of an ecosyste% - (ro1ucers consu%ers1eco%(osers - energy flo3 in the ecosyste% - ecological succession - foo1 chains foo1 3e4s an1

    ecological (yra%i1s - intro1uction ty(es characteristics features structure an1 function of the follo3ingecosyste%s? forest ecosyste%- grasslan1 ecosyste% - 1esert ecosyste% - a:uatic ecosyste% ,(on1sstrea%s laes rivers oceans estuariesBio1iversity an1 its consi1eration? intro1uction - 1efinition? genetic s(ecies an1 ecosyste% 1iversity

    -4io-geogra(hical classification of n1ia - value of 4io1iversity? consu%(tive use (ro1uctive use socialethical aesthetic an1 o(tion values - 4io1iversity at glo4al national an1 local level - n1ia as%ega-1iversity nation - hot s(ot of 4io1iversity - threats to 4io1iversity? ha4itat loss (oaching of 3il1life %an- 3il1 life conflicts - en1angere1 an1 en1e%ic s(ecies of n1ia - conservation of 4io1iversity?in-situ an1 e-situ conservation of 4io1iversity.

    Module %%% ('3 hours)Environ%ental (ollution? 1efinition causes effects an1 control %easures of? air (ollution - 3ater

    (ollution - soil (ollution - %arine (ollution - noise (ollution - ther%al (ollution - nuclear ha9ar1s -Soli13aste %anage%ent? causes effects an1 control %easures of ur4an an1 in1ustrial 3astesD e-3aste%anage%ent-role of an in1ivi1ual in (revention of (ollution - (ollution case stu1ies - 1isaster%anage%ent? floo1s earth :uae cyclone an1 lan1sli1es - environ%ental i%(act assess%ent

    Module %1 ('3 hours)Environ%ent an1 sustaina4le 1evelo(%ent - Sustaina4le use of natural resources - conversion ofrene3a4le energy resources into other for%s - case stu1ies - (ro4le%s relate1 to energy an1 energy

    au1iting - 3ater conservation rain 3ater harvesting 3atershe1 %anage%ent - case stu1ies - cli%atechange glo4al 3ar%ing aci1 rain o9one layer 1e(letion nuclear acci1ents an1 holocaust - 3aste lan1recla%ation - consu%eris% an1 3aste (ro1ucts - re1uce reuse an1 recycle conce(t of (ro1ucts - valuee1ucation for environ%ent conservation glo4al conservation %ove%ents an1 agree%ents green

    econo%y car4on foot (rint car4on tra1ing.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    "et Boos,

    . 6aniels & Frishnas3a%y Environ%ental stu1ies Hiley n1ia )vt Lt1 200I

    2. =a%an Sivau%ar ntro1uction to environ%ental science an1 engineering 2n1 e1n .

      Tata $c7ra3 ;ill 200

    #. Anin1ita Basa Environ%ental Stu1ies )earson E1ucation 200I

    !. Suresh F.6 Environ%ental Engineering an1 $anage%ent Fatson Boos 200+

    '. Benny Gose(h Environ%ental stu1ies 2n1 e1n $c7ra3 ;ill 200I


    . =aghavan "a%4iar F Tet 4oo of Environ%ental Stu1ies Scitech )u4lishers,n1ia)vt. Lt1

    2. S.) $isra S." )an1ey Essential Environ%ental stu1ies Ane 4oos )vt Lt1 200I

    #. ) " )alanisa%y ) $anian1an A 7eetha $an

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    University Ea%ination )attern

     P1T 2 nalytical3roblem sol!ing S451T "uestions )% mar#s67/ mar#s

    Can1i1ates have to ans3er E7;T :uestions out ofTE". There shall 4e %ini%u% of TH8 an1 %ai%u%of T;=EE :uestions fro% each %o1ule 3ith total TE":uestions.

     P1T B2 nalytical3Problem sol!ing 8ESC1IPTI*E "uestions 7 % 9 mar#s6:/ mar#s

    T3o :uestions fro% each %o1ule 3ith choice to ans3er

    one :uestion.

      Ma%imum Total Mar#s2 9//

      EE'- -3 E!EC"%C4! M4CH%+ES %

    5bjecti0es• Study the basic wor#ing rinciles o$ electrical machines

    • Study the er$ormance analysis o$ electrical machines

    • Study the basic concets o$ electrical machine design

    Module ' ('-hours) , Construction of 6C $achine > )rinci(le of o(eration - Ty(es of Hin1ings

     > Si%(le la( an1 3ave 3in1ings ,1evelo(e1 3in1ing 1iagra% for assign%ent only. - E$/e:uation-Ar%ature reaction -6e%agnetising an1 cross %agneti9ing a%(ereturns-Co%%utation-=eactance voltage-nter(oles-Co%(ensating 3in1ing - 6C7enerators-Ty(es-Se(arately ecite1 an1 self ecite1-shunt series an1 co%(oun1 3oun1generators-)erfor%ance characteristics - a((lications - )arallel o(eration of 6C generators

    Module %% ('- hours) , 6C $otors-)rinci(le of o(eration-Bac e%f-Tor:ue an1 s(ee1 e:uations-Ty(es- )erfor%ance characteristics a((lications - Starting-"ee1 for starter- -1esign of starterresistance - S(ee1 control- Theory of ar%ature an1 fiel1 control %etho1s-Soli1 state s(ee1 control

    %etho1s-Series %otor s(ee1 control - Losses an1 efficiency >Con1ition for %ai%u% efficiency-Testing-S3in4urnes test -;o(insons test- -=etar1ation test- Se(aration of losses.

    Module %%% ('- hours) ,Transfor%ers-Ty(es-Construction-)rinci(le of o(eration-e%fe:uation-(hasor 1iagra%-e:uivalent circuit- )er unit resistance an1 reactance oftransfor%ers-5oltage =egulation - losses-efficiency-SC & 8C test- -Su%(ners test- Se(aration oflosses - )arallel o(eration,3ith e:ual turns ratio - Auto transfor%er-Co%(arison 3ith t3o3in1ing transfor%er > #-(hase transfor%er > Ty(es of transfor%er connections P-P Q -Q P-Y

    Y-P 5-5 >Ta( changing transfor%ers-8n loa1 an1 8ff loa1 ta( changing-Cooling of transfor%ers

    Module %1 (' hours) , 6esign fun1a%entals > 6C %achines >-s(ecific loa1ing- choice ofs(ecific electric an1 %agnetic loa1ings - out(ut e:uation- %ain 1i%ensions-se(aration of 6 an1 L-choice of s(ee1 an1 nu%4er of (oles--. Transfor%er 1esign - s(ecific loa1ing >staing factor an13in1o3 s(ace factor-out(ut e:uation & 3in1o3 1i%ensions- single (hase an1 three (hase core

    ty(e transfor%ers- -s:uare an1 crucifor% cross sections only.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2#

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2!

    "et Boos. Clayton & ;ancoc Per$ormance & 8esign o$ 8C machines ELBS2. ).S. Bhi%4ra Electrical Machinery Fhanna )u4lishers

    #. $.".Ban1yo(a1hyay Electrical Machinery )rentice ;all of n1ia

    eference Boos. /it9geral1 A.E an1 Fingsley Electrical Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill2. Langs1orf A S Theory o$ C Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill#. "agrath G an1 Fothari 6 ) Electric MachinesTata $c 7ra3 ;ill!. Ste(hen G Cha(%an Electric Machinery 'undamentals $c 7ra3 ;ill.'. 5incent 6el Toro Electrical Machines and Power Systems )rentice ;all*. Charles ;u4ert Electric Machines )earson E1ucation

    +. F. $uruesh Fu%ar 8C Machines and Trans$ormers 5ias )u4lishing ;ouse

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0*0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- -- S%2+4!S > S=S"EMS

    5bjecti0e• ?nderstand the concets o$ signals and systems

    Module ' ('- hours)Signals > classification > continuous-ti%e1iscrete-ti%e 1eter%inisticnon-1eter%inistic (erio1ica(erio1ic eveno11 energy(o3er signals > ele%entary signals > e(onential sinusoi1al unitste( i%(ulse ra%( > ti%e-shifting scaling fol1ing . Syste%s > classification >continuous-ti%e1iscrete-ti%e static1yna%ic linearnon-linear ti%e-invariantvariantcausalnon-causal sta4leunsta4le - Linear Ti%e nvariant ,LT syste%s > i%(ulse res(onse >convolution integral > convolution su% > con1ition for BB8 sta4ility for CT an1 6T syste%s in

    ter%s of i%(ulse res(onse.

    Module %% ('. hours)=e(resentation of signals > )erio1ic signals > continuous-ti%e fourier series ,CT/S >Trigono%etric an1 e(onential > sy%%etry con1itions > a%(litu1e & (hase s(ectru% > (ro(ertiesof CT/S > )arservals theore% for (o3er signals > (o3er s(ectral 1ensity.Stea1y state solution of electric circuits 3ith non-sinusoi1al (erio1ic in(uts using /ourier series >effective values of voltages an1 currents > (o3er 1ue to non-sinusoi1al voltages an1 currents.R=ef.Boo. #"on-(erio1ic signals - continuous-ti%e fourier transfor% ,CT/T > a%(litu1e & (hase s(ectra -

    gate function > sa%(ling function > (ro(erties > convolution > )arsevals theore% for energysignals > energy-s(ectral 1ensity - /re:uency res(onse - Linear Constant-Coefficient 6ifferentiale:uations - revie3 of La(lace transfor% > transfer function - relation 4et3een La(lace transfor%

    an1 /ourier transfor% - (oles an1 9eros > (ole-9ero (lots - 4asic conce(t of BB8 sta4ility.

    Module %%% ('* hours))erio1ic signals - 6iscrete-ti%e /ourier series ,6T/S > (ro(erties of 6T/S > a(erio1ic signals >1iscrete-ti%e fourier transfor% ,6T/T > (ro(erties of 6T/T - )arsevals theore% > energy

    s(ectral 1ensity > > fre:uency res(onse - sa%(ling > sa%(ling theore% > i%(ulse train - "y:uistrate - aliasing.

    Module %1 (' hours)Linear Constant-Coefficient 6ifference E:uations ,LCC6E > =evie3 of @-transfor% > =egion ofConvergence ,=8C > i%(ortance of =8C - (ro(erties > inverse @-transfor% 4y long 1ivision%etho1 & (artial fraction e(ansion %etho1 > one-si1e1 @-transfor% > (ro(erties > initial value

    & final value theore% - solution of LCC6E 3ith initial con1itions >9ero in(ut res(onse an1 9erostate res(onse - syste% function > i%(ulse res(onse - (oles an1 9eros > 4asic conce(t of BB8sta4ility.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2'

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2*

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- - $%2%"4! E!EC"5+%CS


    • Creation o$ awareness about the basic rinciles o$ digital electronics.

    • Study o$ the logic design techni"ues.

    • ?nderstanding the concets behind the hardware imlementation o$ a digital comuter.

    Module % ('3 hours)!ogic gates and Boolean algebra1eal Logic 7ates-Truth Ta4les of 4asic gates- "u%4er Syste%s-Binary "u%4ers-;ea1eci%al

    "u%4ers-Co%(le%ents- Signe1 an1 unsigne1 nu%4ers-ones co%(le%ent an1 t3osco%(le%ent-Arith%etic o(erations of Binary

    an1 ;ea1eci%al "u%4ers-Binary co1es - Boolean /unctions-Canonical an1 Stan1ar1for%s-Si%(lification of Boolean /unctions 4y Farnaugh $a( u( to five varia4le %a(-"A"6

    "8= i%(le%entation.

    Module %% ('3 hours)Combinational circuits and MemoriesCo1e Converters >- A11ers-Su4tractors- BC6 A11er-$agnitu1e Co%(arator-6eco1ers an1

    Enco1ers-$ulti(leers an1 6e%ulti(leers%(le%entation of Co%4inational Logic 4y using $ulti(leers =8$ )LA an1 )AL.$e%ories - =8$ Static an1 6yna%ic =A$ =ea1Hrite $e%ory E)=8$ EE)=8$ $e%ory6eco1ing.

    Module %%% ('3 hours)Seuential Circuits

    Co%(arison of se:uential an1 co%4inational circuits-Latches /li( /lo(s - =S GF T an1 6 /li(/lo(s - Triggering of /li( /lo(s

    =egisters - Shift =egisters >6ifferent ty(es-4i1irectional shift register- =ing Counter - GohnsonCounter.=i((le Counters >Counters 3ith truncate1 se:uences.Synchronous Counters > 1esign of synchronous counters-state ta4les an1 state 1iagra%s-statere1uction an1 assign%ent-/li( /lo( Ecitation Ta4les

    Module %1 ('3 hours)Micro7rocessor 88Basic conce(ts of $icro(rocessor-nternal Architecture of 0'- register structure-Bus structure-

    nstruction set- A11ressing %o1es-Si%(le (rogra%s-Ti%ing 1iagra%- nterru(ts.)rogra%%a4le )eri(heral interface ,2'' > $o1e 02 o(erations > nterfacing 3ith 0'-(rogra%s > A6 an1 6A interfacing.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2+

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

    "et Boos. Tho%as L /loy1 8igital 'undementals  )earson E1ucation

    2. =a%esh S. 7aonar  Microrocessing rchitecture- Programming and lication(Hiley- Eastern.,$o1ule 5

    eference Boos. A. Anan1 Fu%ar 8igital Circuits );.2. B. =a% 'undamentals o$ Microrocessors and Microcontrollers );#. B. So%anathan "air 8igital Electronics and Logic 8esign );

    !. Gohn $. Yar4rough 8igital Logic lication 8esign ) H S )u4lishing Co%(any'. $aini 8igital Electronics-Princiles & Integrated Circuit s Hiley-n1ia

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- -. E!EC"5M42+E"%C 6%E!$ "HE5=

    5bjecti0es• ?nderstanding the basic rincile o$ Electric and Magnetic 'ields.

    • Studying the go!erning relations between electric and magnetic $ields.

    • Studying the rincile behind electromagnetic wa!e roagation.

    Module % ('. hours)%ntroduction, Significance of electro%agnetic %o1els5rthogonal Co&ordinate S;stems, Cartesian coor1inates-Cylin1rical Coor1inates-S(hericalCoor1inates-transfor%ation 4et3een or1inate syste%s2radient of scalar field? 7ra1ient o(erator in cylin1rical an1 s(herical coor1inates$i0ergence of a 0ector? )hysical significance-6ivergence Theore%

    Curl of a 0ector field, )hysical significance-Stoes theore%Static Electric fields, /un1a%ental (ostulates of electrostatic in free s(ace-Coulo%4sla3-electric fiel1 1ue to 1iscrete charges-continuous 1istri4ution of charge-7auss La3 an1 itsa((lications-Electric (otential 1ue to 1iscrete charges an1 charge 1istri4ution-Electric1i(ole-Con1uctors in static fiel1-6ielectrics in static fiel1-electric flu 1ensity an1 1ielectricconstant-Boun1ary con1itions for electrostatic fiel1-Ca(acitance-ca(acitances in %ulti-con1uctorsyste%-electrostatic shiel1ing-Electrostatic energy an1 forces.Solutions of Electrostatic )ro4le%s? )oissons an1 La(laces E:uations-Uni:ueness ofElectrostatic Solutions-$etho1 of i%ages-Boun1ary 5alue (ro4le%s in Cartesian or1inates.

    Module %% ('- hours)Stead; Electric Current, Current 1ensity an1 oh%s la3- electro%otive force an1 irchoffs

    la3-E:uation of continuity an1 irchoffs current la3-(o3er 1issi(ation an1 Behaviour of %agnetic %aterials-Boun1ary con1ition for %agnetostatic fiel1s -n1uctance an1 in1uctors-$agnetic energy$agnetic tor:ue an1 force-hall effect-/orces an1tor:ue on current carrying con1uctors-forces an1 tor:ues in ter%s of store1 %agnetic energy-inter%s of $utual in1uctance.

    Module %%% ('' hours)6arada;s law of electromagnetic %nduction, Stationary loo( in a ti%e varying %agneticfiel1-1eal transfor%er - %oving con1uctor in a Static %agnetic fiel1 - the electro%agnetic

    generator-$oving con1uctor in a ti%e varying fiel1 - 1is(lace%ent current -  continuity e:uation6is(lace%ent current

    Mawells euation? 6ifferential an1 integral for%s-its (hysical inter(retations- )otentialfunctions - Electromagnetic boundar; conditions? nterface 4et3een t3o lossless %e1ia-nterface 4et3een a 1ielectric an1 (erfect con1uctor - ?a0e euation and their solution,Solution of 3ave e:uation for (otentials-source free 3ave e:uations - "ime Harmonic 6ields?The use of (hasors-Ti%e har%onics electro%agnetics-source free fiel1 in si%(le %e1ia-theelectro%agnetic s(ectru%

    Module %1 (''hours)

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! 2I

    "eaching scheme  Credits, !# hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    #lane Electromagnetic ?a0es? )lane 3aves in lossless %e1ia6o((ler effect-Transverseelectro%agnetic 3aves-)olari9ation of (lane 3aves-)lane 3aves in lossy %e1ia-lo3 loss1ielectrics-goo1 con1uctors-ioni9e1 gases-7rou( velocity6low of electromagnetic #ower and #o;nting 0ector? instantaneous an1 average (o3er1ensities.+ormal incidence, nor%al inci1ence at (lane con1ucting 4oun1aries-(lane 1ielectric4oun1aries-%ulti(le 1ielectric interface.2eneral "ransmission line euations, Have characteristics on an infinite trans%issionlines-Trans%ission line (ara%eters-Characteristic i%(e1ance-=eflection fun1a%entals -at shortcircuit an1 o(en circuit reflection coefficients.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #0

    "et Boos 6avi1 F. Cheng 'ield and Da!e Electromagnetics )earson E1ucation2 /a33a9 T.Ula4y Electromagnetic $or engineers( )earson E1ucation

    eference Boos

    "anna(aneni "arayana =ao  Elements o$ Engineering Electromagnetics )earsonE1ucation2 H. ;. ;ayt Engineering Electromegnetics( $c7ra3 ;ill# $atte3 ".8 Sa1iu Elements o$ Electromagnetics( A11ison > Hesley2-n1 e1ition! 7uru an1 ;i9iroglu Electromagnetic 'ield Theory- 'undamentals' )ra%ani Electromagnetism( Theory and lications )rentice ;all of n1ia* 6avi1 G. 7riffiths Introduction to Electro 8ynamics( )rentice ;all of n1ia+ U%ran S nan & A9i9 S nan Engineering Electromagnetics )earson

    Gohn =eit9 /re1eric $ilfor1 & =o4ert Christy  'oundations o$ ElectromagneticTheory )earson

    I 7otta(u Sasi4hushana =ao  Electromagnetic 'ield Theory & Transmission LinesHiley-n1ia

    0 6ash & Fhun1ia 'undamentals o$ Electromagnetic Theory ); Lonngren 'undamentals o$ Electromagnetics with MTLB );2 So%anathan "air & 6ee(a lied Electromagnetic Theory );

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- -(#), MECH4+%C4! E+2%+EE%+2 !4B

    5bjecti0es• To strengthen the #nowledge on rinciles o$ $luid mechanics and hydraulic

    machineries through e%eriments.• To e"ui the students to carry out e%eriments( and to train them to analyse( reort and

    in$er the results.• To ac"uaint the students with the measurement o$ !arious mechanical arameters.

    . Stu1y of (lu%4ing tools an1 (i(e fittings2. Stu1y of 1ischarge %easuring instru%ents#. $easure%ent of (ressure an1 velocity!. Cali4ration of venturi%eter orifice %eter notches an1 3eirs no99le %eters an1


    '. )i(e friction > 6arcys an1 Che9ys constants $inor losses in (i(es - verification ofBernoulis theore%

    *. )erfor%ance of tur4ines > o(erating characteristics? )elton an1 /rancis tur4ine

    +. )erfor%ance of (u%(s - 8(erating characteristics ? Centrifugal an1 =eci(rocating (u%(s. Stu1y of heat transfer e:ui(%entsI. $easure%ent of ther%al con1uctivity of a %etal ro10. )erfor%ance stu1ies on a shell an1 tu4e heat echanger. Stu1y of syste%s of (etrol an1 1iesel engines2. Constant s(ee1 (erfor%ance characteristics of (etrol an1 1iesel engines.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #2

     "eaching scheme  Credits, 2 # hours (ractical (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J- La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

    End Semester Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference

    20J - 5iva voce0J - /air recor1

    eference Boos

    . . ;. Sha%es 'luid Mechanics !th E1ition $c7ra3 ;ill2. G. ). ;ol%an E%erimental Methods $or Engineers $c7ra3 ;ill#. 6. 7. She(her1 Princiles o$ Turbo Machinery $c$illan

    !. G. ). ;ol%an 4eat Trans$er $c7ra3 ;ill'. ). L. Bellani Thermal Engineering Fhanna )u4lishers

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- -8(#) E!EC"%C4! ME4S:EME+"S 4+$%+S":ME+"4"%5+ !4B


    • Calibration o$ !arious electrical measuring instruments

    •  Measurement o$ di$$erent hysical arameters using transducers

    ME4S:EME+"S !4B. a Cali4ration of single (hase energy %eter 4y 1irect loa1ing

    4 Cali4ration of single (hase static energy %eter2. Cali4ration of single (hase energy %eter 4y (hanto% loa1ing 3ith an1 3ithout (hase

    shifting transfor%er

    #. Cali4ration of #-(hase energy %eter a (hanto% loa1ing 4 using (hase shifting

    transfor%er!. $easure%ent of self an1 %utual in1uctance a air core1 coil 4 iron core1 coil'. a 6eter%ination of B- ; curve

    4 6eter%ination of hysteresis loo( using si (oint %etho1 .*. Cali4ration of a%%eter volt%eter an1 3att%eter using vernier (otentio%eter

    %+S":ME+"4"%5+ !4B. $easure%ent of resistance using Hheastones Bri1ge an1 Felvin 6ou4le 4ri1ge2. Etension of range of 3att%eter using CT & )T#. $easure%ent of 1is(lace%ent using L56T!. $easure%ent of current voltage using ;all effect trans1ucer'. Ther%ocou(le 4ase1 8" > 8// controller

    *. $easure%ent of (hysical :uantities > strain tor:ue an1 angle+. $easure%ent of te%(erature 4y =T6 %etho1

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! ##

    "eaching Scheme   Credits? 2# hours (ractical (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J-La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

    Semester End Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference20J - 5iva voce

    0J - /air recor1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- ', #5?E E!EC"5+%CS

    5bjecti0es• Study the basic concets o$ ower electronics

    • Study the di$$erent tyes o$ ower electronic con!erters

    •  nalyse ower electronic circuits

    Module % ('-hours) Structure static characteristics & s3itching ,turn-on & turn-offcharacteristics of )o3er 6io1e Silicon Controlle1 =ectifier ,SC= - 1i1t & 1v1t (rotection -structure of T=AC 7T8 )o3er Transistor )o3er $8S/ET & 7BT >Co%(arison > turn-on%etho1s of SC= > gate triggering circuits > = =C UGT triggering circuits - t3o transistor analogy- series an1 (arallel connection of SC=s > co%%utation circuits for SC= > class A B C 6 E &

    / co%%utation.

    Module %% ('- hours)Controlled rectifiers > half-3ave controlle1 rectifier 3ith = loa1 > -(hase fully controlle1 4ri1gerectifier 3ith = loa1 > 3ith =L loa1 3ith continuous & 1iscontinuous con1uction - 3ith =LE loa13ith continuous con1uction ,ri((le free --(hase half controlle1 4ri1ge rectifier 3ith = =L =LEloa1s > #-(hase half-3ave converter 3ith = loa1 > #-(hase fully controlle1 & half-controlle1converter 3ith =LE> 3avefor%s > -(hase & #-(hase 1ual converter 3ith & 3ithout circulatingcurrent > four-:ua1rant o(eration

     Module %%% ('- hours) , %n0erters > -(hase half-4ri1ge & full 4ri1ge inverter 3ith = & =Lloa1s >> voltage control - )ulse Hi1th $o1ulation > single (ulse 3i1th %ulti(le (ulse 3i1th &

    sine )H$ #-(hase 4ri1ge inverter 3ith = loa1 - 20V & 0V con1uction %o1e >-4C 0oltage controllers AC5C > -(hase full-3ave AC5C 3ith = L & =L loa1s > 3avefor%s >=$S out(ut voltage in(ut (o3er factor 3ith = loa1 . Cycloconverter  > %i1(oint ty(e & 4ri1gety(e - -(hase ste(-u( & ste(-1o3n > 3ith = & =L loa1s - 3avefor%s

    Module %1 (' hours)

    $C&$C con0erters >6C cho((ers- ,for 1c %otor loa1 > t3o-:ua1rant & four :ua1ranto(eration > (ulse 3i1th control & current li%it control >4uc-4oost converters >S3itche1

    $o1e )o3er Su((ly ,S$)S > Bloc 6iagra% of S$)C-co%(arison 3ith linear (o3er


    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #!

    "et Boos. $uha%%a1 ;. =ashi1 Power Electronics Circuits( 8e!ices and lications )earson

    E1ucation2. $ohan Un1elan1 =o44ins Power Electronics( Con!erters( lications & 8esign

    Hiley-n1ia#. L. U%anan1 Power Electronics @ Essentials & lications Hiley-n1ia

    eference Boos. ).S. Bi%4hra Power Electronics Fhanna )u4lishers "e3 6elhi

    2. Alo Gain Power Electronics2 8e!ices( Circuits and Matlab Simulations )enra%

    nternational )u4lishing ,n1ia )vt. Lt1.

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #'

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- * E!EC"%C4! #5?E 2E+E4"%5+ "4+SM%SS%5+4+$ $%S"%B:"%5+

    5bjecti0es• To understand the !arious con!entional and non- con!entional energy sources.

    • To de!elo an understanding about transmission and distribution systems.

    • To e!aluate the er$ormance o$ transmission lines

    Module % ('3 Hrs)Conventional & non-conventional sources of energy ,4asic conce(ts only> ther%al hy1roelectric

    1iesel nuclear (o3er (lants - solar 3in1 geother%al ti1al $;6 (o3er 7eneration.RLayout &1escri(tion nee1e1 > )o3er )lant econo%ics-loa1 factor > 1e%an1 factor > 1iversity factor > (lantfactor > tariff > 1e(reciation > econo%ics of (f i%(rove%ent > ca(acity of (hase a1vancing (lant.

    Module %% ('3 Hrs)8verhea1 Trans%ission Syste%s, Arrange%ent of con1uctors calculation of sag an1 tensiontrans%ission line su((orts an1 their location econo%ic s(an choice of trans%ission voltage line

    insulation ty(es string efficiency i%(ulse ratio arcing horns an1 rings failure of insulation.Corona, 6isru(tive critical voltage a1vantages an1 1isa1vantages of corona

    Module %%% ('3 Hrs)6istri4ution syste%s > classification an1 arrange%ent of 1istri4ution syste%s >5oltage 1ro(

    calculations in ra1ial an1 ring %ains > co%(arison of 1ifferent syste%s - 6C AC - single (hasethree (hase # 3ire - ! 3ire syste%s

    Un1ergroun1 ca4les? 6ifferent ty(es insulation resistance ca(acitance of single core ca4les

    gra1ing of ca4les ca(acitance of three core ca4les sheath effects.

    Module %1 ('3 Hrs))erfor%ance of Trans%ission Lines? Calculation of trans%ission line in1uctance an1 ca(acitance7$6 an1 7$= 4un1le1 con1uctors trans(osition re(resentation of short %e1iu% an1 long

    lines ABC6 constants@ Effect of ca(acitance? "o%inal " an1 %etho1s of calculations rigorous

    solution of long lines. (o3er flo3 through a trans%ission line.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #*

    "et Boos. Soni 7u(ta Bhatnagar   Course in Electrical Power 6han(at =ai & Sons

    2. S. Sivanagara

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #+

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 3 E!EC"%C4! M4CH%+ES %%

    5bjecti0es• To understand the basic wor#ing rincile o$ synchronous machines

    • To analyse the er$ormance o$ synchronous machines

    Module % (' hours)Synchronous %achines- ty(es-constructional 1etails-ty(es of ar%ature 3in1ings- 1ou4le layer-integral & fractional slot > la( > single layer > he%itro(ic 3hole-coil & %ush 3in1ings -,1evelo(e1 3in1ing 1iagra% for assign%ent only. - (rinci(le of o(eration - synchronousgenerators - E$/ e:uation-3in1ing factor- s(ace an1 ti%e har%onics - flu 1ensity 1istri4ution

    an1 their analysis- ar%ature reaction in #-(hase an1 -(hase alternators - leaage reactance -synchronous reactance - (hasor 1iagra% un1er loa1e1 con1ition - loa1 characteristics.

    Module %% (' hours)5oltage regulation of alternators- %etho1s for fin1ing regulation - e%f %%f )otier%etho1s-salient (ole %achines - t3o reaction theory > regulation 4y sli( test- reluctance (o3er -short circuit con1itions-conce(t of transient an1 su4 transient reactances - (arallel o(eration ofalternators- synchronising %etho1s - t3o alternators in (arallel > governor characteristics > loa1

    sharing - synchronising (o3er- o(eration on infinite 4us 4ars - tor:ue angle - %ai%u% (o3er >(o3er angle 1iagra% > %etho1s of ecitation - auto%atic voltage regulators

    Module %%% (' hours)Synchronous %otors- (rinci(le of o(eration- o(eration on infinite 4us 4ars - (hasor 1iagra%s-constant ecitation an1 constant (o3er out(ut circle 1iagra% - 5 curves an1 inverte1 5 curves for

    %otor an1 generator o(erations - hunting an1 su((ression - starting %etho1s > synchronouscon1enser > a((lications of synchronous %otor

    Module %1 ('* hours)6esign of synchronous %achines - s(ecific loa1ing- choice of s(ecific electric an1 %agneticloa1ings > out(ut e:uation- classification-tur4o alternators- 3ater 3heel generators- -se(aration of6 an1 L- %ain 1i%ensions - short circuit ratio an1 its i%(ortance in 1esign.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #

    "et Boos. $.7. Say Per$ormance & 8esign o$ C machines )it%an ELBS2. ).S. Bhi%4ra Electrical Machinery Fhanna )u4lishers

    #. A.F. Sa3hney  Course in Electrical Machine 8esign 6han(at =ai & Co

    eference Boos. /it9geral1 A.E an1 Fingsley Electrical Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill2. Langs1orf A S Theory o$ C Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill#. "agrath G an1 Fothari 6 ) Electric MachinesTata $c 7ra3 ;ill!. Ste(hen G Cha(%an Electric Machinery 'undamentals $c 7ra3 ;ill.'. 5incent 6el Toro Electrical Machines and Power Systems )rentice ;all

    *. Charles ;u4ert Electric Machines )earson E1ucation+. F. $uruesh Fu%ar 8C Machines and Trans$ormers 5ias )u4lishing ;ouse

    "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! #I

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2

    #0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions:ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- -, 4+4!52 > $%2%"4! C5MM:+%C4"%5+

    5bjecti0es• To imart the basic concets o$ analog & digital modulation schemes

    • To de!elo understanding about ower line communication

    Module % ('3 hours)A%(litu1e $o1ulation? S(ectru% of a%(litu1e %o1ulate1 signal-(o3er relations-A$ generationan1 1etection- 6SB SC generation an1 1etection-SSB SC generation an1 1etection-5SB%o1ulation-A$ trans%itter an1 receiver-T=/ an1 su(er hetero1yne receivers. /re:uency$o1ulation? $o1ulation in1e-S(ectru% of /$ signal-generation of /$ signal-1irect an1 in1irect%etho1s-/$ 1e%o1ulators- noise in /$ rece(tion- threshol1 effect-(re-e%(hasis an11e-e%(hasis.

    Module %% ('3 hours)/re:uency 1o%ain re(resentation of finite energy signals an1 (erio1ic signals-ES6)S6.Convolution theore%. =an1o% (rocess-revie3 of the theory of continuous ran1o% varia4les-

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- , $%2%"4! S=S"EM $ES%2+

    5bjecti0es• To ma#e students able to design and build real digital circuits

    • To ma#e students able to do *48L rogramming

    Module % ('3 hours);ar13are 1escri(tion languages-;6L 4ase1 1igital 1esign-5;6L har13are 1escri(tion language-)rogra% structure-Ty(es constants an1 arrays-/unctions an1 (roce1ures-li4raries an1(acages-structural 1esign ele%ents-1ata flo3 1esign ele%ents- 4ehavioural 1esign ele%ents-ti%e1i%ension-si%ulation >test 4enches-5;6L features for se:uential logic 1esign.

    Module %% ('3 hours)Co%4inational logic 1esign-analysis (roce1ure-1esign (roce1ure-1ocu%entation-4loc

    1iagra%-gate sy%4ols-signal na%es an1 active levels-4u44le-to- 4u44le logic 1esign-signalna%ing in ;6L (rogra%s-sche%atic structures. Circuit ti%ing- ti%ing 1iagra%s- (ro(agation

    1elay- ti%ing s(ecifications.6esign using 5;6L-1eco1ers-enco1ers-tri state 1evices-%ulti(leer-(aritygenerators-co%(arators- a11ers- su4tractors an1 ALUs >co%4inational %ulti(leers.

    Module %%% ('3 hours)Se:uential logic 1esign-cloce1 synchronous state %achine analysis-state %achinestructure-out(ut logic-characteristic e:uations-state ta4le-state e:uations-state 1iagra%-/li(-/lo(in(ut e:uations-Analysis of state %achines 3ith 6 /li(-/lo(s GF /li(-/lo(s.

    Synchronous state %achine 1esign- state ta4le 1esign ea%(le- state %ini%isation- stateassign%ent- synthesis using 6 an1 GF /li(-/lo(s- Cloce1 se:uential circuit 1esign using 5;6L-

    state %achine 1esign-state assign%ent-(i(eline1 out(uts.

    Module %1 ('3 hours)/ee14ac se:uential circuit-4asic analysisAlgorith%ic state %achine-intro1uction-co%(onents of AS$ chart-salient features-ea%(les.Co%(le (rogra%%a4le logic 1evices an1 /)7As-Wilin WC I'00 C)L6 fa%ily-function 4loc

    architecture- n(ut out(ut 4loc architecture-s3itch %atri./)7As-Wilin WC!000 /)7A fa%ily-configura4le logic 4loc-in(ut out(ut 4loc-(rogra%%a4leinterconnect.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !2

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

    "et Boos. Gohn / Haerly 8igital 8esign )earson E1ucation 6elhi 2002

    2. Ste(hen Bro3n an1 @vonoo 5ranesic 'undamentals o$ 8igital Logic with *48L 8esign $c7ra3 ;ill,AS$

    eference Boos. an 7rout( 8igital Systems 8esign with 'P+s(Elsevier.2. $orris $ano 8igital 8esign( )earson E1ucation 6elhi 2002#. 5olnei A )e1roni 8igital Electronics and 8esign with *48LElsevier!. = )a1%ana4han B Bala Tri(ura Sun1ari 8esign through *erilog 48L(Hiley n1ia'. 6avi1 $oney ;arris an1 Sarah L ;arris 8igital 8esign and Comuter rchitecture

    Elsevier*. Ga%es = Ar%strong / 7ail 7ray *48L 8esign31eresentation and Synthesis( 

    )earson E1ucation 6elhi 2002

    +. Charles S. =oth 'undamentals o$ Logic 8esign Gaico )u4lishing ;ouse III. B.;ol1s3orth =.C Hoo1s 8igital Logic 8esign "e3nes ElsevierI. $oha%%a1 A. Fari% Winghao Chen 8igital 8esign. Basic Concets and Princiles0. A Anan1au%ar 8igital Electronics )rentice ;all n1ia /e4 200I.

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !#

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- . E!EC"%C4! M4"E%4! SC%E+CE

    5bjecti0es• ?nderstanding the roerties o$ !arious materials used in electrical engineering

    • To learn how to select roer material $or a articular alication.

    Module % ('- hours) , Conducting materials, )rinci(les of $etallic con1uction ,freeelectron theory > /er%i-6irac 1istri4ution. $aterials for resistances - ,resistor rheostat

    ther%ostats 4rushes of electrical %achines la%( fila%ents fuses an1 sol1ers. Magneticmaterials, Classification of %agnetic %aterials > /erro%agnetis% > 4ehavior 4elo3 curiete%(erature > s(ontaneous %agneti9ation an1 Heiss theory of ferro%agnetis% >/erro%agnetic %aterials at high te%(eratures Curie- Heiss la3 ,no 1erivation re:uire1 >

    ;ar1 an1 Soft %agnetic %aterials an1 a((lications > /errites > %agnetic %aterials use1 inelectrical %achines instru%ents an1 relays.

    Module %% ('* hours) , $ielectric 7arameters, 6ielectric constant 1i(ole %o%ent(olari9ation (olarisa4ility 1ielectric strength ho%ogeneity linearity isotro(y. 6ielectric

    (olari9ation un1er static fiel1s > 1erivation for Electronic onic an1 6i(olar (olari9ation >

    nternal fiel1s in soli1s an1 li:ui1s. ";7es of dielectric materials and their staticdielectric constants? Ele%ental soli1 1ielectrics ionic > non (olar soli1 1ielectrics (olarsoli1s. The Clausius > $osotti E:uation ,Assu%(tions inclu1e1 > /erroelectric %aterials

    an1 their (ro(erties > s(ontaneous (olari9ation classification a((lication ferroelectric1o%ains ,Oualitative e(lanations only

    Module %%% ('- hours) $ielectric breadown, $echanis% of 4rea1o3n in gases >gro3th of current electric 1ischarge factors affecting 1ielectric strength fiel1 >

    intensifie1 ioni9ation 4y electrons avalanche %echanis% electron ioni9ation coefficientsecon1ary ioni9ation coefficient To3nsen1s criterion for s(ar 4rea1o3n. Breadownin liuids, colloi1al theory 4u44le theory 4rea1o3n 1ue to li:ui1 glo4ules electronictheory. Breadown in solids, Ther%al 1ischarge tracing. %nsulating materials, 7oo1insulator (ro(erties an1 classification on te%(erature 4asis > co%%on insulator %aterials

    use1 in electrical a((aratus > norganic %aterials,$ica glass (orcelain as4estos >8rganic %aterials ,(a(er ru44er cotton sil fi4er 3oo1 (lastics Baelite > Li:ui1

    insulators ,transfor%er oil > 7aseous insulators ,air S/* an1 hy1rogen > ageing of


    Module %1 ('* hours) , Solar energ; and Materials, Solar radiation s(ectru% U55S = Solar constant o(tical res(onse of %aterials o(tical 4an1 ga(. )hoto ther%al

    conversion > use of coatings for enhance1 solar ther%al energy collection > Solar selectivecoatings > Col1 %irror coatings > ;eat %irror coatings > Anti reflection coatings. )hoto

    voltaic conversion > Solar cells >Silicon Ca1%iu% sul(hi1e an1 7alliu% arseni1e.

    )lanner )" Gunction. -5 curve of 1ar an1 illu%inate1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut


    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !'

    "et Boos. n1ular CS an1 Thiruvenga1a% S n Introduction to Electrical Engineering  Materials( S.Chand & Co.2. ".). Singh an1 Fotalana Essentials o$ solar cells 

    #. 7.". Ti3ari Solar Energy "arosa )u4lication!. Seth S. ). & 7u(ta ). 5.   Course in Electrical Engineering Materials 6han(ath =ai

    & Sons.eferences

    . A. G. 6eer Electrical Engineering Materials( )rentice ;all of n1ia

    2. Agnihotri 8. ). an1 7u(ta B. F. Solar Selecti!e Sur$aces Gohn 3iley.#. Tereey Electrical Engineering Materials( $ir )u4lishers.!.  Aru%ugha% $.  Material Science( Anura1ha Agencies

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- (#) E!EC"%C4! M4CH%+ES !4B %

    5bjecti0e• To conduct !arious tests on dc machines and trans$ormers and to study the er$ormance.

    '. 84tain the o(en circuit characteristics of self ecite1 6C shunt generator at rate1 s(ee1Objectives:

    a )re1eter%ine the 8CC at 1ifferent s(ee1s4 6eter%ine the critical fiel1 resistancec 84tain %ai%u% voltage 4uilt u( 3ith given shunt fiel1 resistancec 84tain critical s(ee1 for a given shunt fiel1 resistance

    *. Loa1 test on 6C shunt generator

    Objectives:a 6eter%ine the eternal & internal characteristics4 6e1uce the ar%ature reaction curve

    3. Brae test on 6C shunt series %otorObjectives?

    )lot the follo3ing characteristics  i Efficiency 5s 8ut(ut  ii Line current 5s 8ut(ut  iii S(ee1 5s 8ut(ut  iv S(ee1 5s Tor:ue  v Line current 5s Tor:ue

    -. )erfor% S3in4urnes test on a 6C shunt %achineObjectives:

    )re1eter%ine the ar%ature current an1 (ercentage efficiency 3hen the %achine o(erates as a

    %otor an1 as a generator for various loa1 con1itions an1 (lot efficiency 5s out(ut curves.

    . ;o(insons test on a (air of 6C %achinesObjectives:

    6eter%ination of the efficiency of the given 1c shunt %achine 3oring as a %otor an1 generatorun1er various loa1 con1itions.

    .. =etar1ation test on a 6C %achine

    Objectives:a Se(aration of hysteresis e11y current friction & 3in1age losses4 /in1 the %o%ent of inertia of the rotating syste%

    . "o loa1 test at 1ifferent ecitations on a 6C shunt %otorObjectives:

    a Se(aration of hysteresis e11y current friction & 3in1age losses4 )lot the losses vs. s(ee1 curves

    8. 8.C. & S.C. tests on the single (hase transfor%erObjectives?)re1eter%ination of the follo3inga Efficiency at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 1ifferent (o3er factors4 =egulation at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 1ifferent (o3er factors

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !*

    "eaching Scheme   Credits? 2# hours (ractical (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    c E:uivalent circuit referre1 to ;5 an1 L5 si1es1 U)/ loa1 at 3hich efficiency is %ai%u%f )o3er factors at 3hich regulation is %ai%u% an1 9erog )lot J regulation vs. (.f. curves

    D. Loa1 test on the single (hase transfor%erObjectives:

    a 6eter%ination of the efficiency at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 unity (o3er factor

    4 6eter%ination of the regulation at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 unity (o3er factorc )lot efficient vs. out(ut & regulation 5s out(ut curves

    '. Se(aration of losses in a single (hase transfor%erObjectives:

    Se(arate the hysteresis & e11y current losses at 1ifferent voltages & 1ifferent fre:uencies ee(ing5f constant & (lot losses vs. fre:uency curves. ;ence

    i Se(arate the hysteresis & e11y current losses at nor%al voltage & 1ifferent fre:uencies &(lot losses vs. fre:uency curves

    ii Se(arate the hysteresis & e11y current losses at nor%al fre:uency & 1ifferent voltages &(lot losses vs. voltage curves.

    ''. Su%(ners testObjective:

    a )re1eter%ination of efficiency at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 (o3er factors4 )re1eter%ination of regulation at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions an1 (o3er factorsc )lot efficiency vs. out(ut & regulation vs. (o3er factor curves1 84tain the e:uivalent circuit referre1 to L5 & ;5 si1es

    '*. Scott connection of the single (hase transfor%ersObjectives?

    6eter%ine the efficiency at 1ifferent loa1 con1itions 3hena $ain transfor%er alone loa1e14 Teaser transfor%er along loa1e1c 4oth transfor%ers loa1e1 un1er 4alance1 con1itions1 4oth transfor%ers loa1e1 un1er un4alance1 con1itions

    )lot efficiency vs. out(ut curves for each case.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !+

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J-La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

    Semester End Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference20J - 5iva voce0J - /air recor1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- 8(#) %+"E24"E$ C%C:%"S !4B

    5bjecti0e•  8esign and imlementation o$ basic digital circuits

    •  'amiliarisation o$ 4ardware 8escrition Language ,*48L0

    •  Introduction o$ )/) microrocessor rogramming and inter$acing.

    . 6esign of ;alf a11er an1 half su4tractor circuits 3ith "A"6 gates using %o1e control.

    2. 6esign an1 reali9ation of ri((le counter using GF fli(-flo(.

    #. 6esign an1 reali9ation of Gohnson & =ing Counter using a GF /li( /lo( 4 Shift =egister

    !. Synchronous U)68H" Counter 1esign an1 reali9ation.

    '. %(le%entation of %ulti(leer an1 1e%ulti(leer using gates.

    *. Logic circuit %(le%entation using %ulti(leer C.

    +. 5;6L i%(le%entation of a11er circuit an1 three 4it counter.

    . 5;6L si%ulation of a11er circuit an1 counter.

    I. C ''' A((lications

    0. )LL C '*''** /re:uency %ulti(lying /SF 1e%o1ulation

    . 0' si%(le (rogra%%ing a11ition 1ata transfer %ulti(lication.

    2. 0' interfacing >3avefor% generation-s:uare 3ave generation sa3-tooth 3ave an1

    triangular 3ave

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !

    "eaching Scheme   Credits? 2# hours (ractical (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J-La4oratory (ractical an1 recor1#0J- Tests0J- =egularity in the class

    Semester End Eamination ,Ma%imum Mar#s-9//0

    +0J - )roce1ure con1ucting e(eri%ent results ta4ulation an1 inference

    20J - 5iva voce0J - /air recor1

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- .', E+2%+EE%+2 EC5+5M%CS 4+$ #%+C%#!ES 56M4+42EME+"

    ,Co%%on for CE EE EC A an1 B$

    Section ', Engineering Economics


    • The rime objecti!e o$ the Engineering Economics course is to ma#e students $amiliar

    with the economic way o$ thin#ing. This course ro!ides the students with the $oundationso$ economic theory( tools and techni"ues $or use in the rocess o$ e$$icient economicdecision-ma#ing in their engineering and managerial ro$ession

    Module % ('3 Hrs)ntro1uction to Engineering Econo%ics > Technical efficiency Econo%ic efficiency > Costconce(ts? Ele%ents of costs 8((ortunity cost Sun cost )rivate an1 Social cost $arginal cost$arginal revenue )rofit %ai%isation Brea-even analysis.Su((ly an1 6e%an1? 6eter%inants of 1e%an1 La3 of 1e%an1 6eter%inants of su((ly La3 ofsu((ly $aret e:uili4riu%. Elasticity of 1e%an1 > Ty(es of elasticity /actors affecting the (riceelasticity of 1e%an1. "ational nco%e Conce(ts? 76) an1 7") )er ca(ita inco%e $etho1s of %easuring nationalinco%e. nflation an1 6eflation? Conce(ts an1 regulatory %easures > $onetary (olicy an1 /iscal(olicy.

    Module %% ('3 Hrs)

    5alue Analysis - Ti%e value of %oney - nterest for%ulae an1 their a((lications? Single-(ay%entco%(oun1 a%ount factor Single-(ay%ent (resent 3orth factor E:ual-(ay%ent series co%(oun1a%ount factor E:ual-(ay%ent series sining fun1 factor E:ual-(ay%ent series (resent 3orthfactor E:ual-(ay%ent series ca(ital recovery factor Effective interest rate.nvest%ent criteria? )ay Bac )erio1 "et )resent 5alue nternal =ate of =eturn Benefit-costratio.


    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! !I

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    Section *, #rinci7les of Management


    • To ro!ide #nowledge on rinciles o$ management( decision ma#ing techni"ues(

    accounting rinciles and basic management streams

    Module % ('3 hours))rinci(les of %anage%ent > Evolution of %anage%ent theory an1 functions of %anage%ent8rgani9ational structure > )rinci(le an1 ty(es. 6ecision %aing > Strategic tactical & o(erational1ecisions 1ecision %aing un1er certainty ris & uncertainty an1 %ultistage 1ecisions & 1ecisiontree

    ;u%an resource %anage%ent > Basic conce(ts of

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! '

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- .* !%+E4 C5+"5! S=S"EMS

    5bjecti0e• ?nderstanding system analysis and design in classical control theory based on time

    domain and $re"uency domain aroaches.

    Module ' ('3Hrs) )rinci(le of Auto%atic control- 8(en loo( an1 close1 loo( syste%s > ea%(les

    Syste% %o1eling & a((roi%ations - %o1eling of electrical syste%s > 1yna%ic e:uations using

    FCL & F5L of =L =C an1 =LC circuits - 1evelo(%ent of 4loc 1iagra%s of electrical net3ors

    - 4loc 1iagra% re1uction - signal flo3 gra(hs - $asons gain for%ula -$o1eling of translational

    an1 rotational %echanical syste%s - 1ifferential e:uations for %ass s(ring 1ash(ot ele%ents -

    6Ale%4erts (rinci(le - 1yna%ic e:uations & transfer function for ty(ical %echanical syste%s -analogous syste%s - force-voltage & force-current analogy - to:ue-voltage & tor:ue-current

    analogy > electro%echanical syste%s - transfer function of ar%ature controlle1 1c %otor & fiel1

    controlle1 1c %otor

    . Module %% ('3 Hrs) Ti%e 1o%ain analysis > continuous syste%s -stan1ar1 test signals - transient

    an1 stea1y state res(onse >first or1er syste%s - unit i%(ulse ste( & ra%( res(onses of first or1er

    syste%s - secon1 or1er syste%s -- unit ste( res(onse of un1er 1a%(e1 secon1 or1er syste%s - ti%e

    1o%ain s(ecifications - stea1y state error - static (osition velocity & acceleration error constants

    -Conce(t of sta4ility - sta4ility & location of the (oles in S-(lane - =outh-;ur3it9 sta4ilitycriterion-=oot Locus $etho1- Construction of root locus- Effect of (oles an1 9eros an1 their

    location on the root locus.

    Module %%% ('*Hrs) /re:uency 6o%ain Analysis- /re:uency =es(onse re(resentation- )olar )lot-

    Bo1e )lot-/re:uency 6o%ain S(ecifications- $ini%u% (hase & "on-%ini%u% )hase

    Syste%s-Trans(ortation Lag- "y:uist Sta4ility CriterionSta4ility fro% (olar an1 Bo1e )lots-

    =elative Sta4ility- 7ain $argin an1 )hase $argin- $- " Circles-"ichols Chart ,Conce(t only

    Module %1 ('-Hrs) Casca1e Co%(ensation- Lea1 Lag an1 Lea1- Lag co%(ensation using =C

    net3ors- 6esign of lea1 lag an1 lea1- lag co%(ensators using fre:uency res(onse an1 root locus

    %etho1s. Transfer function of ) )6 an1 )6 controllers.

    Sa%(le1 1ata Control Syste%s - 1ata reconstruction an1 hol1 circuits- 9ero an1 first or1er hol1

     >)ulse transfer function- sta4ility in the 9- (lane- etension of =ouths sta4ility criterion for

    1iscrete 1ata syste%s-Gurys sta4ility test.

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! '2

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ' ! hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! '#

    %nternal Continuous 4ssessment ,Ma%imum Mar#s-/0

    *0J - Tests ,%ini%u% 2#0J - Assign%ents ,%ini%u% 2 such as ho%e 3or (ro4le% solving grou( 1iscussions

    :ui9 literature survey se%inar ter%-(ro

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- .3 E!EC"%C4! M4CH%+ES %%%

    5bjecti0e• To understand the basic wor#ing rincile o$ induction machines and secial electrical


    • To analyse the er$ormance o$ induction machines

    Module ' ('3 Hrs)#-(hase in1uction %otor > ty(es > constructional features > (rinci(le of o(eration > sli( > (hasor1iagra% > e:uivalent circuit > e(ression for tor:ue > tor:ue-sli( characteristics - effect of voltagevariation an1 rotor resistance on tor:ue sli( characteristics > starting tor:ue %ai%u% tor:ue &full-loa1 tor:ue - no loa1 an1 4loce1 rotor test - circle 1iagra% > (re1eter%ination ofcharacteristics fro% circle 1iagra% > %easure%ent of sli(

    Module %% ('3 Hrs)Starting > %etho1s of starting > 68L starter > autotransfor%er starter > star-1elta starter > rotorresistance starter > 1esign of rotor resistance starter%(rove%ent of starting tor:ue > 1ee( 4ar an1 1ou4le cage rotor > tor:ue-sli( characteristics -effects of s(ace har%onics > cogging & cra3ling > single (hasingS(ee1 control > stator voltage control > stator fre:uency control > (ole changing > rotor resistancecontrol > in linear in1uction %otors > (rinci(le of o(eration > construction - a((lications- ste((er %otors - reluctance %otor - s3itche1 reluctance %otor - )rinci(le of o(eration &

    construction - a((lications - 4rushless 6C %otors - (rinci(le of o(eration >construction an1a((lications

    SYLLABUS - B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering - 20! '!

     "eaching scheme  Credits, ! # hours lecture an1 hour tutorial (er 3ee

    "et Boos

    . $.7. Say Per$ormance & 8esign o$ C machines )it%an ELBS2. ).S. Bhi%4ra Electrical Machinery Fhanna )u4lishers#. A.F. Sa3hney  Course in Electrical Machine 8esign 6han(at =ai & Co!. $.".Ban1yo(a1hyay Electrical Machines-Theory & Practice );

    eference Boos. /it9geral1 A.E an1 Fingsley Electrical Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill2. Langs1orf A S Theory o$ C Machinery $c 7ra3 ;ill#. "agrath G an1 Fothari 6 ) Electric MachinesTata $c 7ra3 ;ill!. Ste(hen G Cha(%an Electric Machinery 'undamentals $c 7ra3 ;ill.'. E.7. Ganar1hanan Secial Electrical Machines ); Learning*. 5incent 6el Toro Electrical Machines and Power Systems )rentice ;all

    +. Charles ;u4ert Electric Machines )earson E1ucation. F. $uruesh Fu%ar 8C machines and Trans$ormers 5ias )u4lishing ;ouse

  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


  • 8/19/2019 Scheme and Syl Electronics and Electrical 2014(1)


    University of Calicut

    EE'- .-, M%C5#5CESS5S > M%C5C5+"5!!ES


    • ?nderstanding the architecture and rogramming o$ )/): microrocessor.

    •  Inter$acing the microrocessor with the eriherals $or a seci$ic alication.

    • ?nderstanding the architecture( rogramming and inter$acing o$ basic microcontrollers.

    Module % ('3 hours)Architecture of ntel 0* (rocessor > )in 1escri(tion > nternal 8(eration > $e%ory 6eco1ing>0* configurations? $ini%u% %o1e an1 $ai%u% %o1e - nstruction eecution > syste% 4us

    ti%ing - Ti%ing 1iagra%s > nterru(ts ? nterru(t %echanis% > Ty(es an1 (riority > nterru(tvector ta4le > Soft3are interru(ts > "on %asa4le interru(ts. 6irect %e%ory access

    Module %% ('3 hours)

    0* A11ressing %o1es > nstruction set > 6ata transfer nstructions > String nstructions >Logical nstructions > Arith%etic nstructions > transfer control nstructions > )rocessor controlinstructions. Basic Conce(ts of %o1ular (rogra%%ing > Asse%4ler 1irectives > $e%oryorgani9ation > full seg%ents an1 %o1els > $acros- Si%(le asse%4ly language (rogra%s

    ntro1uction to )entiu% %icro(rocessor > S(ecial features - )entiu% registers > )entiu% %e%ory%anage%ent

    Module %%% ('3 hours)Serial Co%%unication nterfaces > Asynchronous co%%unication > Synchronous co%%unication

     > )rogra%%a4le co
