Scene 2



Scene 2 of 1917 play

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Scene 2: A Nurse named VioletON THE TRAIN. OTTO SITS ON THE BENCHES AS IF IT WERE THE CARRIAGE OF A TRAIN. CHARACTERS WHO ARE NOT IN THE MAIN SCENE SIT IN THE CARRIAGE WITH OTTO.OTTO:My beloved baby, don't be angry that I haven't written for so long, but now that we are at war there is so terribly much to do that I scarcely know whether I'm coming or going. I'm sorry for my writing, but I can't do any better than this as I'm on the train to the front at the moment and I arrive tomorrow morning. War has reached me already as I am sleeping in the straw and instead of going on leave to see my beloved baby I am off to some field in France and God grant that we will see each other again. Pray for your Otto, as when he is in the greatest danger he will be thinking of you. Write to me often, for I am so unhappy that I might have to lose you and never be able to see you again. I think of you and kiss your little picture which I keep next to my heart and will have until I die.I close my letter with the request to give your mother my heartfelt regards, and remain, embracing you tenderly with my warmest greetings and kisses, loving you forever faithfully and sincerely, your Otto. LX: LIGHT UP ON ROSTRUM VIOLET stands on the central dais, back to back with NURSE 1 and NURSE 2 They all speak in the form of a soundscape until COVE begins to speak. NURSE 1:The trenches of the first world war. NURSE 2:Artillery ripping the sky apart. VIOLET:Sheltering the in the dirt. NURSE 2:Men lived and died on the front line, and women took on new roles back home: factory worker, farm owner - the bread-winner. VIOLET:There were women on the frontline too, alongside the men. But that bit tends to be forgotten. NURSE 1:Less well remembered. LX: LIGHT ON STAGE Cpt COVE is addressing the audience COVE:And lastly, there will be women working at the advance first aid station being set up along the trenches as of next week. They are to be treated with no less courtesy than any of you fine gentlemen could possibly afford because lets face it when youre lying there wounded its her whos going to be stood over you holding a scalpel and a bone saw, am I understood? COVE exits and the focus shifts to VIOLET conducting an operation on the rostrum. There is a German Soldier there who is screaming. The NURSES are trying to calm him down. VIOLET:Reduce the bleeding, get some bandages to bind the upper arm, they did a shit job of this at the dressing station. NURSE 1:He's German? Should we be treating him? NURSE 1 brings bandages to the table. VIOLET:Hes a soldier. Were here to treat wounded soldiers. And soak this swab in tincture of iodine, we need to clean the wound. NURSE 2:Tincture ran out this morning. VIOLET:Damn. (To soldier) Look at me, you are going to be okay, if you stay calm this will go quicker. (To nurses) Private Merchant generally carries a hip-flask; the alcohol will have to do. Go find him NURSE 2 leaves to find the SOLDIER, who is sitting nearby VIOLET: (CONT'D)How long will it take them to get a bloody translator down here? NURSE 1:I don' think they care that much, they just want them alive. NURSE 2 brings in TIM, he is on a crutch. TIM:My hipflask? NURSE 2:For an important medical procedure. It could save a man's life, now hand it over. TIM:Sure, right! Anything to help a fellow Tommy eh? He hands over the alcohol and winks. NURSE 2 turns from him and hurries back to the first aid station. VIOLET soaks a cloth in the alcohol. VIOLET:(to soldier) Okay this is going to sting but just take deep breaths... VIOLET swabs the soldiers wounds with the cloth, he screams in pain. The nurses are clearly uncomfortable but are trying to keep him calm. VIOLET and the SOLDIER then freeze as NURSE 1 & 2 step back and comment on the scene. NURSE 2:I always hate these sort of days; I'm never sure if what I am doing is right or wrong. We're shooting them down out there and then we're just fixing them again. But I guess they aren't going to fight us anymore and we can't just leave them there right? But then they would kill our men given the chance? But Violet keeps us on the right path. NURSE 1: (CONT'D)But she keeps herself distracted with her work. She will always be the thing we can count on when everything else changes so quickly. Without her I don't think I could cope with it all when the next lot come from the dressing station. At the end of the day we aren't the ones killing, and we are treating everyone. So that must be the right thing? VIOLET:Thats the last of the P.O.W.s for today She checks her watch. The nurses move the soldier back to the bench VIOLET:We should be rotated to the stationary in an hour. Unless theres an emergency we can take a rest! Well done ladies. Someone go and tell the captain that they are ready for transportation to prison camps. NURSE 2 washes hands in a bowl and leaves to find COVE. VIOLET and NURSE 1 sit on stools where they have been operating and talk. VIOLET: (CONT'D)Its strange isnt it. To think this place was once just another bit of countryside. Or a village. Or something. Now its changed so much you can hardly tell. NURSE 1:You can't even hear the birds anymore. VIOLET:Yeah, the bombs have scared them off I wander if they will ever come back? NURSE 1:See we've just got used to the noise now, I barely even notice it. VIOLET:People do that - get used to things. Its only when things change it seems unusual. Out there I've seen bakers, miners, teachers, and youd never know it. Mostly they act like they've been soldiers forever. VIOLET is lost in thought. NURSE 1, looking down at the German soldier they have just treated, she talks more to fill the silence than anything else. NURSE 1:Your man's German isn't he. VIOLET seem uncomfortable about the topic. VIOLET:My Otto? Yes he is.... NURSE 2:What? He's a German?! NURSE 1:Why do you think she cares so much? VIOLET:Erm... NURSE 1:You realise he's killing our people? As in my husband! NURSE 2:And my brother! VIOLET:Its not my fault he's on the other side! NURSE 2:(sarcastic) Oh yeah, sorry Violet, that makes it all okay then... VIOLET:We are all in this war, he has to fight for his side like we have to fight for ours! NURSE 1:You speak a lot of shit you do Violet. NURSE 2:Now we know why you care so much! VIOLET:Hey us women have to be strong, German or not everyone relies on us. NURSE 1:I don't have a problem with my job as I'm here to help, but be engaged to one... I always thought you seemed attached... Pause. NURSE 1 and 2 realise they shouldn't be getting so upset. They calm down slightly. NURSE 2:Are you not constantly paranoid? VIOLET:Yeah of course I am... NURSE 1:And do you actually believe you will see him again if he's not.... VIOLET:I don't know, I try to get on with what I have to do. NURSE 2:Well if you think we're unhappy imagine what Tim will say when he finds out. VIOLET:Please girls, don't! I understand you're upset but please! NURSE 1:It would make our job ten times worse if everyone did know, you've heard how Tim talks about the Bosch. NURSE 2:I really don't see what's in it for me... NURSE 1:It's just.... It's been a few months and I haven't heard from mine. My Larry. But he's out there somewhere. VIOLET:Oh God, I'm sorry- NURSE 1:No, don't be.... I've not had bad news so that must be good news... right? It is clear she doesn't believe her own words. Another pause before almost simultaneously they both say. VIOLET:I'm sorry- NURSE 1:I shouldn't have- They meet each others eyes again before VIOLET touches NURSE 1s arm and says. VIOLET:Perhaps not looking back is whatll keep us sane. Hold the moment for a time. They are interrupted by a sudden knocking on a post , SOLDIERS 1 and 2 have arrived. TIM:Hello ladies, and how is life in the clearing centre? I was wondering if youd finished with my hipflask, I mean Id do anything for you ladies but that stuff doesnt come cheap out here! And how are the wounded? Does it look like were winning yet? By God, this is a Bosh uniform? What's going on here? VIOLET stands up quickly. VIOLET:Theyre from the wounded prisoners of war from the German advance last night. And youre not supposed to be in here. Have your flask back. VIOLET thrusts the flask back into SOLDIER 1's hands. TIM:Its bloody empty! Youve been wasting good quality whisky on cleaning some Sausage Eaters wounds? I wouldnt bother knocking them down out there if I knew you were in here standing them back up again while I wasnt looking! VIOLET:How dare you! These are brave soldiers who've left their homes, just like you! Get out of my ward! The SOLDIERS leave though SOLDIER 1 throws one last remark over his soldier. TIM:You dont find men in these trenches. We're soldiers, people with rifles and uniform and no history. And a soldier will shoot another soldier when an officer tells him to, just because the other ones wearing the wrong colour uniform. He turns to go again, leaving VIOLET on her feet shaking with rage and emotion. The SOLDIERs path is impeded however by NURSE 2, returning with Cpt COVE who takes in the scene. COVE:Ah, Private Merchant, correct me if Im wrong. And you wouldn't be causing some kind of trouble in this ward which you are not allowed to be in would you? VIOLET regains her composure. VIOLET:Private Blakely was here for the return of a hipflask of alcohol we borrowed to sterilise the wound of a German P.O.W. sir. COVE:Was he? Good. Because I would hate to think you were causing trouble Merchant. Do you know why it is that we take such good care of our prisoners of war? TIM:No sir... VIOLET:Because they're just people, the same as our lads sir, and ours are being treated the same. COVE:Correct. A few hundred yards in the direction our lads are having the exact same treatment. So if we start kicking the heads in of these men, that would give the Bosh the right to do the same. And since you are already here, perhaps you wouldn't mind lending a hand in lifting the P.O.W.s who cant walk into the ambulances. There is a sudden flurry of motion as the soldiers aid in packing away the first aid tent before clearing the stage, leaving VIOLET alone on the rostrum. SX: 'SOMETHING THAT LASTS' BY ALEXANDER WOLFE LX: SILHOUETTE PROJECTIONS BEGIN WITH COLD SPOTLIGHT ON ROSTRUM VIOLET pulls back as if she has entered her own mind. First projection shows a man crawling through tunnels with VIOLET mimicking but is in fact trying to help a patient on the floor. VIOLET and the projection both stand up and put a sheet over someone. VIOLET looks as if its OTTO she is covering. The man sits up with his head in his hands. Again VIOLET does the same while writing a letter. (more parallels could be added). VIOLET speaks as the silhouettes are shown. SX: MUSIC GOES TO LOW VOLUME VIOLET:Otto It feels so long since you last wrote I am starting to miss you dearly, despite all the work keeping me busy. Whenever a new truck of wounded parks up outside the clearing station I am so scared that I will see your face. Of course, I cant allow the others to see how jumpy I am becoming, as they rely on me so much. I must appear strong. As strong as any soldier out there. OTTO goes to down to VIOLET, she is oblivious to him. While VIOLET talks OTTO walks behind trying to reach her but never quite making it. There is a Frantic Assembly style movement between them. VIOLET: (CONT'D)Thinking about soldiers today A rather unpleasant man named Merchant said that men stop being men when they become soldiers. I know that cant be true, because of you how you still write to me, despite my being on the other side. What should that matter, its just a case of where we were born right? Who can help that? Anyway, if there is any truth in Merchants words then please, when this war is over, remember how to stop being a soldier with a rifle and a uniform and no past, and learn how to be yourself again. I think that might be the only way we can know peace. OTTO and TIM return to the rostrum to talk OTTO:I never found out if she got any of my letters. The constant disapproval from my C.Os made it difficult to send anything. TIM:Well I can imagine they thought it was because you were sleeping with the enemy! And we probably thought the same. OTTO:You know what I shouldn't have mentioned it. Why should I if your still just going to insult me? TIM:Well excuse me if I think treating wounded P.O.Ws is sadistic when they are just going to be thrown back out to shot again! Pause TIM: (CONT'D)What did you say her name was again? OTTO:I'm not talking about it anymore. TIM:Oh come on, look I'm sorry. It's just hard to come to grasps with the fact I'm in the last hour of my life. OTTO:Fine. She's called Violet. Pause TIM:Last name? OTTO:Boyens? TIM:You shitting me! OTTO:What? TIM:Was she at Armentieres? OTTO:Um yeah I think so... TIM:I'm so sorry... she's up there now... OTTO is in shock OTTO: (CONT'D)WHAT?! I'VE GOT TO GET UP THERE!! OTTO bursts up to try and start digging at the wall. TIM grabs him to get him to calm down. TIM:No you said it yourself! We can't get out you'll bring the roof down! OTTO:She's so close! I can't die down here! TIM:Calm down! TIM pushes OTTO back and punches him. TIM: (CONT'D)Pull yourself together man! Do you want to die here scrabbling for breath? Look at me. LOOK AT ME. She will be thinking of you I know it. She loves you, otherwise she wouldn't have got so pissed when I called you lot sausage eaters. We all have someone but she will be looked after. Please don't make me have to punch you again. It just makes it harder for the both of us. I'm sorry. OTTO:...she's so close.... SHE'S SO BLOODY CLOSE!! TIM:I'm sorry. But the C.Os are understanding, they'll make sure she knows what happens... I hope they know what happened. Cove was always the best, he understood everyone's point of view, would never let us near the P.O.Ws because he knew how we felt. It was a sad day when he left....