Scan and Repair settings - and...


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Scan and Repair settings

Most settings are at the discretion of each unit’s LANDesk administrator, but some are required. There

will be a template available to look at in public settings.

When creating Scan and Repair settings, open up Patch and Compliance, expand the settings folder, and

click on your unit’s Scan and Repair.

General Settings:

When creating new settings, make sure you follow your unit’s naming scheme. Leave the number at the

end of the name that it creates. By default, in some places LANDesk will identify Scan and Repair

settings by its internal name (which will match that number) instead of the name you create. Leave “Set

As Default” unchecked.

Scan Options:

Within Scan Options make sure “Enable autofix” is NOT checked (required). We turned off spyware

scans so LANDesk does not scan for malware with every inventory scan. The spyware scan is much more

resource intensive than the inventory scan. These scans can be later set as a scheduled task depending

on how often you want it to run.

Reboot Options:

We raised snooze times and number of deferrals allowed from the default. Also sugested is to set

“After timeout, automatically” to “snooze” rather then “reboot” to avoid data loss. These settings are

ultimately up to the unit, but are recommended.
