SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Monthly Investor Report


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SC Germany Consumer 2016-1

Monthly Investor Report

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

Cover Sheet Monthly Investor Report Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Index Page

1. Portfolio Information 1

2. Reserve Accounts 2

3. Performance Data 3

4. Concentration Limits 4

5. Outstanding Notes 5

6. Original Principal Balance 6

6.1 Original PB (Graph) 7

7. Current Principal Balance 8

7.1 Current PB (Graph) 9

8. Borrower Concentration 10

9. Geographical Distribution 11

9.1 Geographical (Graph) 12

10. Collateral 13

11. Insurances 14

12. Payment Methods 15

13. Effective Interest Rate 16

13.1 Effective Interest Rate (Graph) 17

14. Seasoning 18

14.1 Seasoning (Graph) 19

15. Remaining Term 20

15.1 Remaining Term (Graph) 21

16. Original Term 22

16.1 Original Term (Graph) 23

17. Loan Concentration 24

18. Priority of Payments + Transaction Costs 25

19. Swap Counterparty Data 26

20. Retention 27

21. Conterparties 28

22. Issuer Information 29

23. Santander Consumer Bank 30

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

1. Portfolio Information Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

current period previous period

Outstanding ReceivablesNo. of


Aggregate Outstanding

Principal Amount

Aggregate Outstanding

Principal Amount

Beginning of Period 18.496 111.826.718,72 € 118.275.646,45 €

Scheduled Principal Payments 4.212.289,79 €

Prepayment Principal 2.339.410,60 €

Total Principal Collections 6.551.700,39 € 6.256.883,71 €

Total Interest Collections 586.792,99 € 621.769,54 €

Defaults 269.930,22 € 192.044,02 €

Replenishment Amount - € - €

End of Period 17.778 105.005.088,11 € 111.826.718,72 €

Purchase Shortfall Amount 3,57 € 2,88 €

Total Assets (End of Period) 105.005.091,68 € 111.826.721,60 €

Current Prepayment Rate (annualised) 22,4%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

2. Reserve Accounts Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Note BalanceBeginning of Period 111.826.721,60 €

End of Period 105.005.091,68 €

Reserve AccountsLiquidity Reserve in % Trigger Event y/n

Beginning of Period 0,7% 750.000,00 €

Cash Outflow - €

Cash Inflow - €

End of Period 0,7% 750.000,00 €

Required Liquidity Reserve Fund 0,7% 750.000,00 €

Commingling Reserve in %

Beginning of Period n/a no

Cash Outflow n/a

Cash Inflow n/a

End of Period n/a

Required Commingling Reserve Fund n/a

Set-Off Reserve in %

Beginning of Period n/a no

Cash Outflow n/a

Cash Inflow n/a

End of Period n/a

Required Set-Off Reserve Fund n/a

Current Set-Off Amount n/a

Set-Off Amount (per Loan) n/a

Set-Off Amount (in % of Outstanding Balance) n/a

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

3. Performance Data Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Note BalanceBeginning of Period 111.826.721,60 €

End of Period 105.005.091,68 €

Delinquency Data and Ratios3-MRA* /

current ratioAmount at risk Overdue amount

Number of


3-MRA* 31- 60 days past due 0,97%

31- 60 days past due period before previous period 1.096.143,63 € 47.933,88 € 125

31- 60 days past due previous period 1.008.265,48 € 48.785,44 € 123

31- 60 days past due current period 1,03% 1.153.043,48 € 57.412,81 € 132

3-MRA* 61-90 days past due 0,37%

61- 90 days past due period before previous period 452.949,76 € 39.521,16 € 65

61- 90 days past due previous period 350.102,10 € 28.924,48 € 47

61- 90 days past due current period 0,39% 437.434,92 € 35.643,44 € 56

3-MRA* 91-120 days past due 0,26%

91- 120 days past due period before previous period 424.636,75 € 40.332,88 € 46

91- 120 days past due previous period 228.415,84 € 30.319,80 € 34

91- 120 days past due current period 0,20% 225.351,94 € 23.914,34 € 23

Default Data and Ratios Amount Number of Loans

Current Default

Current Period Gross Default 269.930,22 €

Current Period Recoveries 154.025,72 €

Current Period Net Default 115.904,50 €

New Number of Defaulted Contracts 16

Cumulative Default

Cumulative Gross Default 32.808.385,43 €

Cumulative Recoveries 4.476.640,61 €

Cumulative Net Default 28.331.744,82 €

Total Number of Defaulted Contracts 2.524

3-MRA* /

current ratioRatio

3-MRA* Annualised Loss Ratio (Neue Rechtsakten) 1,92%

Annualised Loss Ratio period before previous period 4,33%

Annualised Loss Ratio previous period 0,19%

Annualised Loss Ratio current period 1,24% 1,24%

Principial Deficiency

Principial Deficiency period before previous period 153.153,16 €-

Principial Deficiency previous period 0,00 €

Principial Deficiency current period 0,00 €

* 3-MRA stands for three months rolling average

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

4. Concentration Limits Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Current Transaction Status Amortizing

Portfolio Concentrations Minimum-Trigger Maximum-Trigger Current Value Trigger Breach

Average Yield (applicable for Total Portfolio) 6,20% - - no

Remaining Term (applicable for Total Portfolio) - 68,50 - no

Early Amortisation Events Maximum-Trigger Current Value Trigger Breach

Cumulative Loss Ratio

- prior to 30 September 2017 1,80% - no

Purchase Shortfall Event - no

Period before previous period

Previous period

Current period -

Principal Deficiency Event - no

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

5. Outstanding Notes Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

1. Note Balance All notes Class A Class B Class C Class D Class EGeneral Note Information

ISIN Code XS1489761558 XS1489762366 XS1489762523 XS1489763091 XS1489763331


Initial Tranching in % 84,8% 5,8% 3,8% 1,5% 4,2%

Legal Maturity Sep 2029 Sep 2029 Sep 2029 Sep 2029 Sep 2029

Expected Maturity Okt 2020 Apr 2021 Apr 2021 Apr 2021 Apr 2021

Original Rating (DBRS / S&P) AA (sf) / AA (sf) A (sf) / A (sf) BBB (sf) / BBB(sf) BB (sf) / BB (sf) Not rated

Current Rating (DBRS / S&P)* D & S completely repaid AAA (sf) / AA (sf) AA (high) (sf) / A- (sf) AA (low) (sf) / BBB (sf) n.r. / n.r.

Initial Notes Aggregate Principal Outstanding Balance 750.000.000,00 € 635.800.000,00 € 43.200.000,00 € 28.200.000,00 € 11.300.000,00 € 31.500.000,00 €

Initial Nominal per Note 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 €

Initial Number of Notes per Class 6.358 432 282 113 315

Current Note Information

Class Principal Outstanding Balance Beginning of Period 111.826.721,60 € - € 40.826.721,60 € 28.200.000,00 € 11.300.000,00 € 31.500.000,00 €

Available Distribution Amount 7.292.521,98 €

Replenishment - €

Amortisation 6.821.629,92 €

Redemption per Class 6.821.629,92 € - € 6.821.629,92 € - € - € - €

Redemption per Note - € 15.790,81 € - € - € - €

Class Principal Outstanding Balance End of Period 105.005.091,68 € - € 34.005.091,68 € 28.200.000,00 € 11.300.000,00 € 31.500.000,00 €

Current Tranching 0,0% 32,4% 26,9% 10,8% 30,0%

Current Pool Factor 0,00 0,79 1,00 1,00 1,00

2. Payments to Investors per Note All notes Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Interest Rate Basis: 1 M-Euribor / Fixed / Floating -0,535% 0,150% 0,650% 1,000% +500 bps +945 bps

DayCount Convention 29 act/360 act/360 act/360 act/360 act/360

Interest Days

Principal Outstanding per Note Beginning of Period - € 94.506,30 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 €

> Principal Repayment per Note - € 15.790,81 € - € - € - €

Principal Outstanding per Note End of Period - € 78.715,49 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 € 100.000,00 €

> Interest accrued for the period - € 21.375,36 € 22.717,92 € 40.643,84 € 226.217,25 €

Interest Payment - € 21.375,36 € 22.717,92 € 40.643,84 € 226.217,25 €

Interest Payment per Note - € 49,48 € 80,56 € 359,68 € 718,15 €

3. Credit Enhancements Class A Class B Class C Class D Class EInitial total CE (Subordination, Reserve) 15,23% 9,47% 5,71% 4,20% 0,00%

Current CE (incl. Excess Spread) 103,09% 70,71% 43,85% 33,09% 3,09%

Current CE (excl. Excess Spread) 100,00% 67,62% 40,76% 30,00% 0,00%

* Last rating action as of 07.10.2020

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

6. Original Principal Balance Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Original Principal

Balance (Ranges in


Original Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of

Total BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


0: 1999 262.582,20 0,09% 188 1,06%

2000: 3999 4.179.545,48 1,47% 1.393 7,84%

4000: 5999 11.024.658,96 3,88% 2.236 12,58%

6000: 7999 12.770.931,04 4,49% 1.874 10,54%

8000: 9999 12.165.716,01 4,28% 1.373 7,72%

10000: 11999 21.002.689,42 7,38% 1.971 11,09%

12000: 13999 16.763.870,04 5,89% 1.311 7,37%

14000: 15999 13.405.905,80 4,71% 893 5,02%

16000: 17999 13.381.225,97 4,70% 789 4,44%

18000: 19999 12.588.165,41 4,42% 663 3,73%

20000: 21999 13.573.291,03 4,77% 647 3,64%

22000: 23999 13.325.566,92 4,68% 580 3,26%

24000: 25999 12.755.026,29 4,48% 511 2,87%

26000: 27999 13.459.164,68 4,73% 499 2,81%

28000: 29999 13.042.621,87 4,58% 450 2,53%

30000: 31999 10.981.380,43 3,86% 355 2,00%

32000: 33999 9.262.895,22 3,26% 281 1,58%

34000: 35999 8.951.856,04 3,15% 256 1,44%

36000: 37999 7.531.047,16 2,65% 204 1,15%

38000: 39999 7.561.070,09 2,66% 194 1,09%

40000: 41999 6.846.660,42 2,41% 167 0,94%

42000: 43999 5.028.990,36 1,77% 117 0,66%

44000: 45999 5.530.651,83 1,94% 123 0,69%

46000: 47999 5.357.714,36 1,88% 114 0,64%

48000: 49999 5.087.132,80 1,79% 104 0,58%

50000: 51999 3.461.468,21 1,22% 68 0,38%

52000: 53999 3.710.325,18 1,30% 70 0,39%

54000: 55999 3.896.952,37 1,37% 71 0,40%

56000: 57999 3.134.237,20 1,10% 55 0,31%

58000: 59999 2.825.315,13 0,99% 48 0,27%

60000: 61999 2.429.517,06 0,85% 40 0,22%

62000: 63999 1.945.105,03 0,68% 31 0,17%

64000: 65999 1.371.548,33 0,48% 21 0,12%

66000: 67999 1.337.721,98 0,47% 20 0,11%

68000: 69999 1.105.405,17 0,39% 16 0,09%

70000: 71999 780.467,85 0,27% 11 0,06%

72000: 73999 803.255,90 0,28% 11 0,06%

74000: 75999 300.716,72 0,11% 4 0,02%

76000: 77999 306.822,58 0,11% 4 0,02%

78000: 79999 473.236,70 0,17% 6 0,03%

80000: 81999 81.642,19 0,03% 1 0,01%

82000: 83999 248.461,52 0,09% 3 0,02%

84000: 85999 254.226,14 0,09% 3 0,02%

86000: 91999 90.756,47 0,03% 1 0,01%

92000: 99999 99.140,59 0,03% 1 0,01%

Total 284.496.682,15 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Statistics in EUR

Average Amount 16.002,74

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

6.1 Original PB (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020









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Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

7. Current Principal Balance Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Current Principal

Balance (Ranges in


Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


0: 1999 5.496.930,34 5,23% 5.987 33,68%

2000: 3999 9.900.637,50 9,43% 3.393 19,09%

4000: 5999 11.411.818,25 10,87% 2.315 13,02%

6000: 7999 9.782.856,37 9,32% 1.410 7,93%

8000: 9999 9.751.657,57 9,29% 1.088 6,12%

10000:11999 10.145.424,79 9,66% 924 5,20%

12000:13999 8.673.480,65 8,26% 669 3,76%

14000:15999 8.005.587,51 7,62% 536 3,01%

16000:17999 6.573.312,71 6,26% 388 2,18%

18000:19999 5.700.324,24 5,43% 301 1,69%

20000:21999 4.369.695,64 4,16% 209 1,18%

22000:23999 3.718.764,86 3,54% 162 0,91%

24000:25999 2.963.920,35 2,82% 119 0,67%

26000:27999 2.401.020,13 2,29% 89 0,50%

28000:29999 1.944.393,03 1,85% 67 0,38%

30000:31999 1.364.426,61 1,30% 44 0,25%

32000:33999 756.747,79 0,72% 23 0,13%

34000:35999 595.980,72 0,57% 17 0,10%

36000:37999 669.044,90 0,64% 18 0,10%

38000:39999 428.998,83 0,41% 11 0,06%

40000:41999 40.036,61 0,04% 1 0,01%

42000:43999 171.691,14 0,16% 4 0,02%

44000:45999 91.192,10 0,09% 2 0,01%

46000:47999 47.145,47 0,04% 1 0,01%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Statistics in EUR

Average Amount 5.906,46

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

7.1 Current PB (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020













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Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

8. Borrower Concentration Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

NoCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

1 47.145,47 0,0449% 1

2 45.988,13 0,0438% 1

3 45.203,97 0,0430% 1

4 43.521,36 0,0414% 1

5 43.514,14 0,0414% 1

6 42.562,46 0,0405% 1

7 42.093,18 0,0401% 1

8 40.036,61 0,0381% 1

9 39.923,29 0,0380% 1

10 39.866,06 0,0380% 1

11 39.593,43 0,0377% 1

12 39.401,65 0,0375% 1

13 39.155,01 0,0373% 1

14 39.042,36 0,0372% 1

15 38.895,79 0,0370% 1

16 38.507,44 0,0367% 1

17 38.404,88 0,0366% 1

18 38.127,35 0,0363% 1

19 38.081,57 0,0363% 1

20 37.974,68 0,0362% 2

21 37.803,09 0,0360% 1

22 37.740,50 0,0359% 1

23 37.738,79 0,0359% 1

24 37.687,45 0,0359% 1

25 37.493,79 0,0357% 1

1.005.502,45 0,9576% 26

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

9. Geographical Distribution Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

StateCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


Baden-Württemberg 11.260.750,02 10,72% 1.841 10,36%

Bayern 11.355.791,45 10,81% 2.008 11,29%

Berlin 4.767.258,36 4,54% 844 4,75%

Brandenburg 5.043.509,59 4,80% 912 5,13%

Bremen 704.696,81 0,67% 122 0,69%

Hamburg 1.840.835,81 1,75% 296 1,66%

Hessen 7.435.707,33 7,08% 1.161 6,53%

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 4.063.573,44 3,87% 702 3,95%

Niedersachsen 10.387.228,08 9,89% 1.746 9,82%

Nordrhein-Westfalen 21.931.961,32 20,89% 3.630 20,42%

Rheinland-Pfalz 5.752.674,48 5,48% 907 5,10%

Saarland 1.466.993,97 1,40% 231 1,30%

Sachsen 5.477.843,26 5,22% 1.073 6,04%

Sachsen-Anhalt 5.676.791,93 5,41% 901 5,07%

Schleswig-Holstein 3.461.768,61 3,30% 622 3,50%

Thüringen 4.109.782,09 3,91% 746 4,20%

n/a 267.921,56 0,26% 36 0,20%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

9.1 Geographical Distribution (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020









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Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

10. Collateral Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

CollateralCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


secured 24.779.270,33 23,60% 2.246 12,63%

unsecured 80.225.817,78 76,40% 15.532 87,37%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

11. Insurances Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Payment Protection


Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


No 17.668.219,63 16,83% 5.434 30,57%

Yes 87.336.868,48 83,17% 12.344 69,43%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

12. Payment Methods Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Payment MethodCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


Direct Debit 97.497.725,30 92,85% 16.919 95,17%

Other 7.507.362,81 7,15% 859 4,83%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Cycle of PaymentCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


15th of month 31.109.204,60 29,63% 5.568 31,32%

1st of month 73.895.883,51 70,37% 12.210 68,68%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

13. Effective Interest Rate Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Yield Range* Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total

Loans 0: 0 1.178,41 0,00% 4 0,02%

1: 1 68.151,50 0,06% 38 0,21%

2: 2 1.158.251,24 1,10% 528 2,97%

3: 3 14.358.816,38 13,67% 4.579 25,76%

4: 4 12.088.096,15 11,51% 1.800 10,12%

5: 5 15.398.916,39 14,66% 2.008 11,29%

6: 6 12.594.215,23 11,99% 1.691 9,51%

7: 7 27.020.271,46 25,73% 3.640 20,47%

8: 8 12.864.521,90 12,25% 2.040 11,47%

9: 9 8.441.869,07 8,04% 1.276 7,18%

10:10 917.295,37 0,87% 150 0,84%

11:11 74.296,81 0,07% 16 0,09%

12:12 19.208,20 0,02% 8 0,04%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%

Statistics in %

WA Interest 6,77%

*runs from .00 to .99

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

13.1 Effective Interest Rate (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

*runs from .00 to .99








0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 5: 5 6: 6 7: 7 8: 8 9: 9 10:10 11:11 12:12



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Yield Range*

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

14. Seasoning Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Seasoning in


Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


39:41 1.213.618,32 1,16% 215 1,21%

42:44 6.871.711,93 6,54% 1.162 6,54%

45:47 8.160.537,77 7,77% 1.567 8,81%

48:50 13.796.552,45 13,14% 2.280 12,82%

51:53 26.700.309,92 25,43% 4.279 24,07%

54:56 24.959.586,41 23,77% 3.921 22,06%

57:59 10.203.633,32 9,72% 1.817 10,22%

60:62 5.315.514,02 5,06% 1.026 5,77%

63:65 2.383.281,27 2,27% 389 2,19%

66:68 1.943.271,61 1,85% 347 1,95%

69:71 1.240.340,39 1,18% 255 1,43%

72:74 1.327.286,49 1,26% 294 1,65%

75:77 538.854,08 0,51% 118 0,66%

78:80 73.891,86 0,07% 20 0,11%

81: 276.698,27 0,26% 88 0,49%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%


WA Seasoning 53,45

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

14.1 Seasoning (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020








39:41 42:44 45:47 48:50 51:53 54:56 57:59 60:62 63:65 66:68 69:71 72:74 75:77 78:80 81:



t P






Seasoning in Months

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

15. Remaining Term Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Remaining Term in


Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total

Loans 0: 6 1.678.862,77 1,60% 2.559 14,39%

7: 13 5.986.130,53 5,70% 2.882 16,21%

14: 20 9.937.656,34 9,46% 2.376 13,36%

21: 27 12.850.562,30 12,24% 2.092 11,77%

28: 34 18.118.262,48 17,25% 2.568 14,44%

35: 41 18.043.321,91 17,18% 1.965 11,05%

42: 48 24.283.827,34 23,13% 2.278 12,81%

49: 55 11.111.220,60 10,58% 876 4,93%

56: 62 2.060.666,55 1,96% 134 0,75%

63: 69 447.378,66 0,43% 21 0,12%

70: 76 146.129,84 0,14% 7 0,04%

77: 83 159.163,86 0,15% 9 0,05%

84: 90 17.052,40 0,02% 1 0,01%

91: 97 85.499,76 0,08% 4 0,02%

98:104 22.657,67 0,02% 1 0,01%

105:108 40.216,65 0,04% 3 0,02%

109: 16.478,45 0,02% 2 0,01%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%


WA Remaining Term 34,82

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

15.1 Remaining Term (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020








0: 6 7: 13 14: 20 21: 27 28: 34 35: 41 42: 48 49: 55 56: 62 63: 69 70: 76 77: 83 84: 90 91: 97 98:104 105:108 109:



t P






Remaining Term in Months

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

16. Original Term Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Original Term in


Current Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of Total

BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total


7: 13 8,31 0,00% 1 0,01%

14: 20 15,26 0,00% 3 0,02%

21: 27 1.134,80 0,00% 7 0,04%

28: 34 520,10 0,00% 10 0,06%

35: 48 38.195,86 0,04% 106 0,60%

49: 55 769.743,06 0,73% 1.083 6,09%

56: 62 6.206.887,51 5,91% 3.834 21,57%

63: 69 3.253.207,48 3,10% 839 4,72%

70: 76 12.882.382,93 12,27% 2.699 15,18%

77: 83 5.991.704,06 5,71% 682 3,84%

84: 90 22.791.665,92 21,71% 3.500 19,69%

91: 97 24.221.059,15 23,07% 2.548 14,33%

98:104 24.519.997,12 23,35% 2.183 12,28%

105:111 2.797.891,95 2,66% 191 1,07%

112:118 874.764,21 0,83% 49 0,28%

119:120 90.879,56 0,09% 7 0,04%

121: 565.030,83 0,54% 36 0,20%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00%


WA Original Term 88,27

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

16.1 Original Term (Graph) Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020








7: 13 14: 20 21: 27 28: 34 35: 48 49: 55 56: 62 63: 69 70: 76 77: 83 84: 90 91: 97 98:104 105:111 112:118 119:120 121:



t P






Original Term in Months

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

17. Loan Concentration Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Loan ConcentrationCurrent Principal

Balance in EUR

Percentage of

Total BalanceNumber of Loans

Percentage of Total

LoansNumber of Debtors

Percentage of Total


1: 1 104.630.402,20 99,64% 17.643 99,24% 17.643 99,63%

2: 2 357.258,71 0,34% 122 0,69% 61 0,34%

3: 3 14.822,02 0,01% 9 0,05% 3 0,02%

4: 4 2.605,18 0,00% 4 0,02% 1 0,01%

Total 105.005.088,11 100,00% 17.778 100,00% 17.708 100,00%

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

18. Priority of Payments + Transaction Costs Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Priority of Payments

Available Distribution Amount 7.292.521,98 €

Senior Expenses - 1.102,00 €

Net Swap Payments - 3.964,94 €

Interest Notes Class A - - €

Interest Notes Class B - 21.375,36 €

Interest Notes Class C - 22.717,92 €

Interest Notes Class D - 40.643,84 €

Interest Notes Class E - 226.217,25 €

Replenishment - - €

Payments to Purchase Shortfall Account - - €

Principal Payments Class A - - €

Principal Payments Class B - 6.821.629,92 €

Principal Payments Class C - - €

Principal Payments Class D - - €

Principal Payments Class E - - €

Payments to Commingling Reserve Ledger - n/a

Payments to Set-Off Reserve Ledger - n/a

Payments to Seller = 154.870,75 €

Transaction Costs All notes Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Senior Expenses 1.102,00 €-

Interest accrued for the Period 310.954,37 €- - € 21.375,36 €- 22.717,92 €- 40.643,84 €- 226.217,25 €-

Cumulative Interest accrued 18.143.685,92 €- 2.004.804,56 €- 1.150.826,40 €- 1.156.986,78 €- 2.133.265,98 €- 11.697.802,20 €-

Interest Payments 310.954,37 €- - € 21.375,36 €- 22.717,92 €- 40.643,84 €- 226.217,25 €-

Cumulative Interest Payments 18.143.685,92 €- 2.004.804,56 €- 1.150.826,40 €- 1.156.986,78 €- 2.133.265,98 €- 11.697.802,20 €-

Unpaid Interest for the Period - €

Cumulative Unpaid Interest - €

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

19. Swap Counterparty Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Swap Counterparty Swap Counterparty Banco Santander S.A., London Branch


Rating Trigger & Current Ratings ConsequensesLong










1st Rating TriggerCollateral, Guarantee

or ReplacementBBB R-1M BB A-1 no

Current Counterparty Ratings AH R-1M STABLE A A-1 NEG

Current Swap Data Swap Counterparty Details Counterparty Replacement Swap Type Fixed Floating Interest Rate Swap Banco Santander S.A., London Branch Old Counterparty Abbey National Treasury Services plc

Notional Amount 42.799.997,12 € FI Structuring Current Counterparty Banco Santander S.A., London Branch

Fixed Rate -0,4200% 2 Triton Square

Floating Rate (Euribor) -0,5350% Regent's Place

Net Swap Payments - 3.964,94 € London, NW1 3AN

Notional Amount next period 42.799.996,43 € United Kingdom

Ratings as of 30.09.2020, data source: Bloomberg


Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

20. Retention Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Outstanding Balance of the Class A Notes as of the Offer Date: 635.800.000,00 €

635.800.000,00 €

0,00 €

0,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class B Notes as of the Offer Date: 43.200.000,00 €

43.200.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class B Notes as of the end of the Monthly Period: 34.005.091,68 €

34.005.091,68 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class C Notes as of the Offer Date: 28.200.000,00 €

28.200.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class C Notes as of the end of the Monthly Period: 28.200.000,00 €

28.200.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class D Notes as of the Offer Date: 11.300.000,00 €

600.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class D Notes as of the end of the Monthly Period: 11.300.000,00 €

600.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class E Notes as of the Offer Date: 31.500.000,00 €

1.600.000,00 €

Outstanding Balance of the Class E Notes as of the end of the Monthly Period: 31.500.000,00 €

1.600.000,00 €Outstanding Balance of the retained Class E Notes of the end of the Monthly Period:

Santander Consumer Bank AG confirms its compliance to have continuously retained a net economic interest in the SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 securitisation

transaction of at least 5% of the securitised Purchased Receivables pursuant to Art. 405 of the CRR (Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and

of the Council of 26 June 2013) by retaining no less than 5 % of the nominal value of each of the tranches sold or transferred to the investors.

Outstanding Balance of the Class A Notes as of the end of the Monthly Period:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class B Notes as of the Offer Date:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class A Notes as of the Offer Date:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class A Notes of the end of the Monthly Period:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class B Notes of the end of the Monthly Period:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class C Notes as of the Offer Date:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class C Notes of the end of the Monthly Period:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class D Notes as of the Offer Date:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class D Notes of the end of the Monthly Period:

Outstanding Balance of the retained Class E Notes as of the Offer Date:

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report 13.10.2020


21. Counterparties Okt 2020

from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020













Join Lead Managers: UniCredit Bank AG - - - BBB+ A-2 NEG performing

Arabellastraße 12

81925 München


Banco Santander S.A. AH R-1M STABLE A A-1 NEG performing

Santander Global Banking and Markets

2 Triton Square

Regent's Place

London NW1 3AN

United Kingdom

Paying Agent: Bank of New York Mellon AAH R-1H STABLE AA- A-1+ STABLE performing

Corporate Trust Administration

One Canada Square

London E14 5AL


Transaction Account: Bank of New York Mellon AAH R-1H STABLE AA- A-1+ STABLE performing


Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49

60327 Frankfurt am Main


Transaction Security Trustee: Wilmington Trust (London) Limited - - - - - - performing

Third Floor, 1 King's Arms Yard

London EC2R 7AF

United Kingdom

Data Trustee: Wilmington Trust (London) Limited - - - - - - performing

Third Floor, 1 King's Arms Yard

London EC2R 7AF

United Kingdom

Rating Agencies: Standard & Poor's Ratings Services DBRS

Structured Finance Surveillance Team

20 Canada Square 1 Minster Court

E14 5LH London London EC3R 7AA

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Ratings as of 30.09.2020, data source: Bloomberg


Reporting Date

Payment Date

Period No

Monthly Period

Interest Period

Collection Period

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 Reporting Date 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report Payment Date 13.10.2020

Period No 49

22. Issuer Information Monthly Period Okt 2020

Interest Period from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

Collection Period from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Deal Name: SC Germany Consumer 2016-1

Issuer: SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

The Managing Directors

Steinweg 3-5

60313 Frankfurt am Main



fax +49 (0) 69 2992 5387

LEI: 529900I59NL2I7OQ7H90

Seller of the Receivables: Santander Consumer Bank AG

Servicer Name: Santander Consumer Bank AG

Reporting Entity: Santander Consumer Bank AG

Capital Markets

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach



fax +49 (0) 2161 690 7077

SPV-Administrator: Wilmington Trust SP Services (Frankfurt) GmbH

Steinweg 3-5

60313 Frankfurt am Main



fax +49 (0) 69 2992 5387

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report 13.10.2020


23. Santander Consumer Bank Okt 2020

from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Contact DetailsCapital Markets

Tomasz Osipowicz +49-2161-690-7046

Robert Westermann +49-2161-690-7424

Michael Evers +49-2161-690-5761

Bastian Menges +49-2161-690-7085

Stefan Zilligen +49-2161-690-6069

Team ABS

Ratings Santander










- - - A- A-2 NEG

- - - A- A-2 NEG

Ratings as of 30.09.2020, data source: Bloomberg

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander Consumer Finance S.A.


Banco Santander S.A.

S & P

Interest Period

Collection Period

Reporting Date

Payment Date

Period No

Monthly Period

Santander Consumer Bank AG

Santander-Platz 1

41061 Mönchengladbach

SC Germany Consumer 2016-1 09.10.2020

Monthly Investor Report 13.10.2020


24. Glossary Okt 2020

from 14.09.2020 to 13.10.2020 = 29 days

from 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

Aggregate Outstanding Principal Amount: Shall mean in respect of all Purchased Receivables at any time, the aggregate of the Outstanding Principal Amounts of all Purchased Receivables

which, as of such time, are not defaulted receivables.

Defaulted Contracts/Defaults: Shall mean as of any date, any purchased receivable which has been declared due and payable in full in accordance to the Credit and Collection Policy

which in principal is between 120 and 180 calendar days after the due date.

Delinquent Receivable: Shall mean as of any date, any purchased receivable which is more than 30 days overdue and not a defaulted contract.

Legal Maturity: Final Payment date on which all outstanding notes will mature.

Expected Maturity: Maturity date of the notes under the assumption of inter alia (a) a 30% constant prepayment rate, (b) an exercised Clean-Up Call at 10%,

and (c) 0% cumulative gross losses.

Payment Protection Insurance: Insurance, composed of life insurance and/or accident insurance and/or temporary disability insurance and/or unemployment insurance, which covers

the risk that a Debtor in its capacity as insured person is unable to pay the Loan Instalments owed by such Debtor life insurance

Recoveries: Any amount received on defaulted contracts

Set-Off Reserve: Protection against set-off risks due to deposits

Collection Period

Reporting Date

Payment Date

Period No

Monthly Period

Interest Period
