Satyam Scam - Business Ethics


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  • 8/12/2019 Satyam Scam - Business Ethics


    Business Ethics and Corporate Governance explained ThroughSatyam Scam

    Submitted To : Dr Vijayendra GuptaDate : 3rdMarch 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Satyam Scam - Business Ethics


    SATYAM COMPUTER SERVICE LIMITEDSatyam Computer Services Limited was founded in1987 by Mr. B Ramalinga Raju.

    The company offers consulting and information

    technology services spanning various sectors,including engineering and product development,

    supply chain management, client relationship

    management, business process management andbusiness intelligence.

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    The company was listed withNew York stockexchange, National stock exchange, and the

    Mumbai stock exchange.In June 2009, the company

    unveiled its new brand identity Mahindra Satyam

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    Who is B. Ramalinga Raju?

    Ramalinga Raju was born on September 16, 1954.

    A traditional agricultural family of the KSHATRIYA

    (RAJU) Community of Andhra Pradesh.

    He founded Satyam Computers and was its

    Chairman until January 7, 2009 when he resignedfrom the Satyam board after admitting to corporate


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    Satyam was until recently perceived to be amongst

    the top Indian IT vendors.

    Raju has admitted to overstating the company's

    cash reserves by USD$ 1.5 billion. Later, a person

    involved in the investigation of the company said

    that the company's assets were not inflated, but

    instead siphoned off by Ramalinga Raju.

    Raju is currently held in Hyderabad's Chanchalguda

    jail on criminal charges including fraud, forgery,

    cheating, embezzlement and insider trading.

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    People Behind This Scam

    Ramalinga Raju : Satyam former chairman

    B Rama Raju : Brother of Ramalinga Raju

    Former Managing Director V Srinivas : Ex-Chief financial officer

    S Gopalakrishnan: Price Waterhouse Auditor

    Talluri Srinivas : Price Waterhouse Auditor

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    Career of B. Ramalinga Raju

    He was first businessman in the field of

    construction and textiles. Raju founded Satyam in 1987.

    He started an satyam computers with 20 employees

    in 1987. Satyam was listed in INDIAN STOCK EXCHANGE in


    Listed in NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE in 2001. Satyam was listed in UNESCO(amsterdum) in 2008.

    There were 53,000 employees working in Satyamin september 2008.

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    The Scam

    On 7 January 2009, companysprevious ChairmanRamalinga Raju resigned after notifying board

    members and the Securities and Exchange Board

    of India (SEBI) that Satyam's accounts had been


    Raju confessed that Satyam's balance sheet of 30

    September 2008 contained:

    1. Inflated figures for cash and bank balances of

    Rs 5,040 crores as against Rs 5,361 crore

    reflected in the books.

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    The Scam (Contd.)

    2. An accrued interest of Rs. 376 crore which was non-existent.

    3. An understated liability of Rs. 1,230 crore on

    account of funds was arranged by himself.

    4. An overstated debtors' position of Rs. 490 crore (as

    against Rs. 2,651 crore in the books.)

    5. On 22nd January 2009, CID told in the court that the

    actual number of employees is only 40,000 and not

    53,000 as reported earlier and that Mr. Raju had been

    allegedly withdrawing INR 20 crore rupees every month

    for paying these 13,000 non existent employees.

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    5,040 + 376+ 490 (Rs.


    Rs.1 230

    CrRs. 7 136


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    Confession letter by Mr. Raju

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    Before the scandal its share price was Rs 300 in

    oct 2008. Just after this scandal the share price godown to Rs 6.30.

    On 10 January 2009, the Company Law Board

    decided to bar the current board of Satyam fromfunctioning.

    Bank of America and State Farm Insurance

    terminated its engagement with the company. Job of over 40,000 technocrats were at risk.

    The GDP fell by 0.4%

    SEBI th t k k t l t l id th t if

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    SEBI, the stock market regulator, also said that, iffound guilty, its license to work in India may berevoked.

    The New York Stock Exchange has halted trading inSatyam stock

    India's National Stock Exchange has announced that

    it will remove Satyam from its S&P CNX Nifty 50-share index.

    Satyam's shares fell to 11.50 rupees on 10 January2009, their lowest level since March 1998,

    compared to a high of 544 rupees in 2008. IT sector suffered a downturn.

    Indiasglobal image was tarnished.

    h f h d ld

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    Satyam was the 2008 winner of the coveted Golden

    Peacock Award for Corporate Governance under

    Risk Management and Compliance Issues, which

    was stripped from them in the aftermath of thescandal.

    Present time its share price is 107.89. Mahendra

    Satyamsmarket growth is 7,800crore.

    Before the scandal Satyam was the 4th ranked

    among IT companies of India and on 9th jan2009 it

    became least valuable IT company in India. Countrysbooming economy was at risk.

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    Although several companies are trying to have a

    bite into Satyam Computers, according to Gartnerstudy, the company is likely to exist in its current

    form. It is expected to discontinue some of its

    businesses, service lines or cease to exist in certaingeographies.

    Huge losses to investors aside, the Satyam scandal

    has caused serious damage to India Incsreputation as well as the countrys regulatory

    authorities outside.

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    The Government certainly cannot remain aloof and

    allow Satyam to die off especially when it provides

    occupation to 53,000 odd people and indirectly

    supports more than a million Indians.

    The Satyam scam effect has started its infectious

    presence. U.S. listed stocks of other Indian

    companies have started taken a severe beating.

    Indian firms are looking into methods to avoid

    scenarios of such scams within their companies.

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    The Guilty

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    The Promoters

    Since the promoters,

    in this case, held only

    about 8 percent

    shares, their idea topush through the

    Maytas acquisition

    deal was defeated byan angry lot of


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    Directors & Independent Directors

    The Satyam board, including its five independentdirectors had approved the founder's proposal tobuy 51 per cent stake in Maytas Infrastructure andall of Maytas Properties, owned by the family

    members of Satyam chairman B Ramalinga Raju. Despite the shareholders not being taken into

    confidence, the directors went ahead with themanagement's decision.

    The decision of acquisition was, however,reversed 12 hours later after investors dumpedSatyam's stock and threatened action against themanagement.

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    If the auditors wereconned, it means thateither the bank

    statement andcertificates wereforged

    Satyam's banks -- ICICIBank, HDFC Bank, Bankof Baroda, etc

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    The SEBI

    The SEBI had in

    December given a

    clean chit to

    Satyam in theprobe on violation

    of corporate

    governance law.

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    The Government

    The government too

    is equally guilty in

    not having managed

    to save theshareholders, the

    employees and

    some clients of thecompany from

    losing heavily.

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    Mahindra Satyam

    Tech Mahindra paid Rs1757 Crorefor a 31% stake in the company, at Rs 58 pershare.

    Satyam Computer Services zoomed 15% to Rs54.20 ahead of the announcement of thehighest bidder for the company on April 13,2009.

    In India this moment was full of praise for themanner and speed with which thereconstituted board of Satyam ComputerServices found a strategic investor .

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    Not following corporate governance norms.

    Tampering with Financial Data (Creative


    Misleading the shareholders funds.

    Putting self interest at the expense of share


    Fraud, Forgery and Cheating.

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    Recommendations for

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    Recommendations for

    Corporate Governance

    In addition to the present statutory requirement, companiesshould be required to institute sufficient internalmanagement controls.

    Management should ensure that the internal audit staffs areable to prevent and detect financial statement fraud.

    Companies whose shares are publicly traded should berequired to have audit committees to monitor the internalcontrol system and provide important links to the internalaudit staff.

    Sanctions against the perpetrators of financial statementfraud should be increased by imposing fines and otherdeterrent measures like barring from corporate office.However, in this case, there is a need to prevent innocentmanagers from being too risk averse.

    S i d A di

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    Suggestions towards Auditors

    Evaluate the potential for fraud in a given auditengagement.

    Be obliged to utilise tests that provide reasonableassurance of detection of fraud

    Evaluate the strength of the overall controlenvironment

    Facilitate the identification of areas of high audit risk byreviewing the procedure analytically

    Communicate their role and responsibilities to all thosewho rely on their work (ie nature and limitation ofaudit)

    Report directly to the public any material irregularitiesand illegal acts discovered during an audit.

    There is a need to clarify the duties of external

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    There is a need to clarify the duties of external


    The management should formulate appropriate

    policies and procedures which would reduce such


    The audit report should include a letter from the

    Chairman of the audit committee discussing the

    committee's responsibilities and activities during

    the year.

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    Theories Related to our Topic

    Creative Accounting

    Whistle Blowing

    Corporate Governance

    Objectives of Corporate Governance

    Need of Corporate Governance

    Role of Corporate Governance Merits of Corporate Governance

    Demerits of Corporate Governance

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    Creative Accounting A term used to describe the practice of

    applying inappropriate accounting policies or

    entering into complex or special purpose

    transactions with the objective of making a

    companys financial statements appear todisclose a more favourable position,

    particularly in relation to the calculation of

    certain keyratios. Undesirable as it is intended to mislead users

    of financial statements.

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    Creative Accounting is Used To :

    Hide a particularly bad year for the company.

    Force an exceptionally good year.

    Smooth out results to give an impression of

    stability or sustained improvement

    Boost assets to avoid take-over.

    C i A i

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    Creative Accounting


    Allow company to choose between different

    accounting methods such as writing of

    development costs or amortizing it.

    Certain entries in the account involveunavoidable degree of estimation, judgment and


    Artificial transactions can be used to manipulatebalance sheet and move profits between

    accounting periods.

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    Is Creative Accounting Ethical?

    Difficult to draw an ethical line on creative

    accounting because

    GAAP often allow multiple accounting methods that a

    company can choose from. Estimates are employed.

    Technically not illegal but could fall into unethicalarea if the true values are grossly misrepresented

    and inflating the performance.

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    Whistle Blowing

    Whistle blowing in its most general form involves

    calling(public)attention to wrong doing, typically

    in order to avert harm.

    Whistle blowing is an attempt by a member or

    former member of an organization to disclose

    wrong doing in or by the organization.

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    Criteria For Justifiable WB

    There are three conditions that must hold forwhistle-blowing to be morally permissible, and two

    additional conditions that must hold for it to be

    morally obligatory. The three conditions that must

    hold for it to be morally permissible are:

    1. The firm through its product or policy will do

    serious and considerable harm to the public,

    whether in the person of the user of its product,

    an innocent bystander, or the general public.

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    Criteria (Contd.)2. Once an employee identifies a serious threat to the

    user of a product or to the general public, he or sheshould report it to his or her immediate superior andmake his or her moral concern known. Unless he orshe does so, the act of Whistle blowing is not


    3. If one's immediate superior does nothing effectiveabout the concern or complaint, the employee should

    exhaust the internal procedures and possibilitieswithin the firm. This usually will involve taking thematter up the managerial ladder, and if necessary andpossible to the board of directors.

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    Objectives Of Corporate Governance





    Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

    Self Evaluation Increasing Shareholders Wealth

    Need of Corporate Governance

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    Need of Corporate Governance

    Low Performance of Economy

    Failure of PSUsDisappearance of Companies

    The number of Scams and Frauds

    Growing role of market in the world

    Integration with foreign market

    New business opportunities

    New Capital formationFII, FDI

    Demand of High Performance by Investor

    Increased competition due to commencement of


    Role Of Corporate governance

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    Role Of Corporate governance1. Value based corporate culture: For any

    organization to run in effective way, it needs to

    have certain ethics, values. Long run businessneeds to have based corporate culture. Valuebased corporate culture is good practice for

    corporate governance.2. Holistic view: This holistic view is more or less

    godly, religious attitude which helps in runningorganization. It is not easier to adopt it, it needs

    special efforts and once adopted it leads todeveloping qualities of nobility, tolerance andempathy.

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    Role of CG (contd.)

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    Role of CG (contd.)5. Corporate Governance and Human Resource

    Management: For any corporate body, the

    employees and staff are just like family. For a

    company to be perfect the role of Human

    Resource Management becomes very vital, they

    both are directly linked. Every individual shouldbe treated with individual respect, his

    achievements should be recognized.

    6. Innovation:Every Corporate body needs to takerisk of innovation i.e. innovation in products, in

    services and it plays a pivotal role in corporate


    Merits of Corporate Governance

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    Merits of Corporate Governance

    Relationship with Share holders : Relationship

    helps to sustain business for a longer period. Management : Assesses to outsider on how well

    CG is being governed.

    Transparency : Attaining the trust of stakeholders,improving access to capital and financial market.

    Benefits to Shareholders : Shareholders have

    greater security on investment they have made. Benefits to National Economy : Good flow in

    capital, Important factor to bring in investment.

    Demerits of Corporate Governance

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    Demerits of Corporate Governance Corporations live & die by decisions of its BOD : -

    Sentimental business decision.

    Family owned Companies influence the decision

    (Eg. Satyam)

    Easily corruptible :- Lack of govermental


    Cost of Monitoring :- Need to pour money to stay

    in power.


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    Presented By

    Punjabi VinalSakariya Yashdas

    Shroff Shehzad

    Tilala Trupti

    Toorawa Suhel

    Vaghani Kalpesh