Sandwich Zine Issue# 1 :: March/April 2009



SZ Issue 1 :: March/April 2009. Sandwich Zine is a bi-monthly grassroots/independent online publication. We are people with ideas and emotions to express. We are individuals with different needs and wants that cannot be satisfied by standardized objects of mass culture. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the overall zine or the views of all the zine contributors. We are different from each other, enough so that we may even disagree; however, we are similar enough that we can try to understand each other’s beliefs. We are collaborative in our drive towards dissemination of independent, alternative ideas. It's the best thing since sliced bread!

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M A R C H 2 0 0 9

What to eat – what to avoid

Alkaline vs. Acidic Sandi Casciato

Did you know that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline

environment? Nor can fungus, bacteria or viruses--they all need an acidic atmosphere to thrive. Acidity affects every major gland and organ in the body and is responsible for countless maladies including cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, obesity and fatigue. An alkaline environment, on the other hand, prolongs life and creates health. Funny… I don‟t recall learning this in health class. Measuring pH: The state of alkalinity or acidity in the physical body can be measured on a pH scale, ranging from 0 to 14 with 7.0-7.5 being the preferred range. A rating of 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and more than 7 is alkaline. Because we are so divinely created, our bodies work relentlessly to maintain our blood at a level of 7.4, drawing alkaline minerals from the cells if necessary. However, if too many minerals are depleted from our alkaline reserves, acidosis results, which can be a catalyst for a variety of illnesses. Monitoring pH levels: Current levels of alkalinity/acidity can be measure by blood, urine or saliva tests. Your doctor can administer these tests or you can use pH strips at home. These can be purchased at most health stores or online. In his book, Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody has created a simplified food measurement scale to assist in determining pH levels from the foods we eat.3 Influencing pH: There are multiple factors that contribute to a healthy pH balance in your body. Nutrition, stress, sleep, exercise, sunlight, service to others, colors, music (they don‟t call it „acid rock‟ for nothing) and even the company we keep can influence our pH levels.

Alkaline Foods

Bee Pollen, chlorophyll greens, grasses (alfalfa, wheat grass), herbs, sprouts, almonds, pine nuts, broccoli, carrots, squash, spinach, soy lecithin, goat cheese, avocado, raisins, wild rice, cucumber, figs, ginger, garlic, herb teas (non-fruity), stevia, coconut, flax and olive oils, citrus fruits, cayenne, cabbage and celery.

Acidic Foods

Pork, beef, refined sugar, cheese, eggs, milk products, peanuts, wheat, chocolate (yeah, sorry about that one), coffee, tea, alcohol, beer, soft drinks and artificial sweeteners.

My favorite alkaline salad Mixed dark greens, cucumber, avocado, broccoli slaw, tomatoes, alfalfa or broccoli sprouts, chopped almonds or toasted pine nuts, dried cheeries or cranberries and goat cheese. Top with a dressing of extra-virgin olive oil and raw apple cider vinegar. Fulfilling and energizing! 12 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

My people perish for lack of knowledge. – Hosea 4:6

Nutrition: Ideally, we should strive for a diet consisting of 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods to maintain alkalinity in the body. Any effort made to increase the amount of raw and living foods to our daily diet, will assist in the alkaline process. Keep in mind that you don‟t have to abstain completely from the acidic foods that you love, just balance them out with more alkaline foods. Try including raw foods with every meal like topping your favorite sandwich with sprouts. For more detailed information on alkaline/acidic foods, see the web sites below for online charts.1

Supplementation: If testing indicates that your body is too acidic, proper supplementation can assist in restoring a proper pH. Taking calcium alone may be ineffective as the calcium will be stolen as a buffering agent before ever making it to the bones. A supplement such as Buffer pH 2 assists in proper calcium utilization by balancing pH levels while replenishing the minerals lost as a result of acidosis. Be sure to select a supplement that does both.

Exercise: Exercise--just to the point of exhaustion (attaining your target heart rate)--creates an alkaline response because of the increased oxygenation. Pushing yourself beyond that point, however, may cause the body to release excess stored acidity.3 When beginning a new fitness program, begin slowly to allow your body to adjust to the physical demands of a new routine. Gradually increase your workout while monitoring your target heart rate. A body that is accustomed to regular fitness is less likely to be affected by acidosis. Just Say ‘No’! While 98% of all drugs are acidic (prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and recreational drugs) and produce multiple side-effects, herbal remedies are alkaline and side-effects are rare. Being an herbalist at heart, my recommendation is herbs over meds whenever possible. I realize there are times when medication is necessary and please do consult with your doctor before making any changes in your current medication regimen.

Mate´ Latte´ My favorite coffee substitute

Steeped Yerba Mate´ tea, almond milk, Madagascar Bourbon pure vanilla powder and stevia. Antioxidant rich, alkaline-producing, providing mental alertness and energy without the jitters of coffee.


Just as anxiety and stress promotes an acidic environment, a peaceful disposition influences an alkaline environment. Chiropractic, massage and yoga contribute to eliminating acids and promote an alkaline environment as they align our body, calm our mind and reduce stress. Living outside of ourselves by genuine thoughtfulness and service towards

others also tips the alkaline scale in our favor. 13 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

©2009 Sandi Casciato - All Rights Reserved

Suggested Resources!


2 3 Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore A. Baroody Additional resources: THE pH Miracle by Robert Young




Mind-altering substances, including marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are extremely acid-forming and deteriorate the body‟s natural immune system. The acid-forming “high” actually unravels DNA.3 All tobacco is acidic; however, natural tobacco has half the acidity of tobacco laden with chemicals. In summary, alkalinity is conducive to health while acidosis is conducive to illness. Our bodies were divinely created to heal themselves—and they will—when our lifestyles are in sync with the divine plan. Though this subject is far too complex to cover in one article, my hope is that it will inspire you to take charge of your own health. The resources at right are provided to assist you in drawing your own conclusions.

Good health to you!

Disclaimer: Please note: I am not a medical professional and these statements are for

informational purposes only. Please check with your doctor if you have any medical concerns or

plan to begin any new diet program. 14 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 15 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 16 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



y S


Level of Success

Dignity v. Success in Business

The above graph illustrates the sobering results from a recently-concluded longitudinal study of United States business executives. Although a negative correlation between dignity and success in business has long been conjectured by social theorists, this study is the first to demonstrate quantitatively the relative loss of dignity due to upward movement within corporate environments. The sample population of 24,322 businessmen was chosen by means of geography, thus eliminating the potentially untenable conclusions resulting from overexposure to such "low-morale" cities as New York and Los Angeles.

As illustrated, dignity declines at a constant slope until it reaches an inflection point at "Level 5", which corresponds to a "conspicuous two-story brick house located at the cul-de-sac of an upper-middle class neighborhood" level of success. (One caveat to this finding is the fact that a longitudal study is inherently subjected to the bias of changes in the macro social climate. For instance, the general moral and intellectual regression experienced by American society since its existence is assumed to have skewed the data points analyzed.)

Subsequently, the marginal loss of dignity is exponential until a second inflection point at "Level 8". The implications of the existence of this second inflection point are riveting, as it appears it is actually quite difficult for human beings to rid themselves of the remaining shreds of their dignity. The exhaustion of such atomic levels of dignity requires substantial effort, and may only be accomplished through desperate measures, such as the appearance on a reality television show.

Analysis by Smith Lenny

copyright 2009 17 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 18 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

Fame, Contentment, and the Comeback 02-09

By Kati Lightholder

I’ve had a lot of thoughts on fame and contentment recently. It’s no waste of time for me to flip through magazines in check-out lines or sit on my couch and watch E! - it’s my personal research project. I don’t claim to be unique in this for I have friends who check every morning and others who scour US Weekly-weekly. I do wonder why I care so much about these people’s feelings. Everyone knows that at first glance these famous lives seem to be carefree, beautiful, and happy, but that they are often full of pressure, sadness, and anger. The thing I can’t get off of my mind with these people is their lack of contentment with their success. Maybe they can’t be content once famous - maybe fame instills in people a thirst that can’t be quenched.

Example: the show “Confessions of a Teen Idol.” Need I say more? If you’ve seen the show you know exactly what I mean. This reality show gathers once “teen idols” such as the blonde hair blue-eyed boy from the movie “The Blue Lagoon” and Eric Niles from MTV’s “The Grind” to live in a house together (of course) and go through various exercises meant to help them in the creation of a “comeback” for themselves. Some of these guys are out of touch with reality, probably due to the fame they received at such a young age, while others seem surprisingly down to earth. All of them want a comeback because they’ve experienced fame and want it back. They can’t satisfy this desire with memories of what they had. They need more.

Maybe we are not so dissimilar from these men. We may not have had fame and fortune, but we’ve all had “glory days.” Yours might be high school or even elementary school, or maybe they were last year. No matter when they were, we all have them.

I know I’d like to have back the feelings of accomplishment and happiness that I once had. “But you’re young!” you say, “With years of life ahead of you!” Hopefully I do have years ahead of me, but for now I feel as stuck as a one-hit-wonder.

Here’s why:

I’ve hit a ceiling in my job.

I am 27 years old. 19 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

I think it’s safe to say that at 27 years old one should still have some room for advancement. If I were on “Confessions of a Teen Idol” I would share the following information so that they could help me with my comeback:

· My 5 top strengths are:

1. Achiever (constant need for achievement)

2. Empathy (can sense the emotions of others)

3. Individualization (instinctively observes each person’s style)

4. Developer (can see the potential in others)

5. Significance (wants work to be a way of life rather than a job)

· I can:

-raise the standard of creativity in an organization

-understand the up and coming generation

-bring professionalism, excitement, and energy to an organization

-work accurately and efficiently

· I have:

-been promoted to manager before my first day on the job

-been offered a job with a production company in Los Angeles (due to family reasons I had to decline)

-played the lead role in Little Women at a theatre in Pittsburgh

-won a “Just Say No” poster contest in the 4th grade (Drugs Stink - spelled out in neon colored socks)

· My interests include (in no particular order):



-video production - producing



-hosting/entertaining 20 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

· I want:

-to be one of those people that wakes up in the morning and thinks; “I can’t wait to go to work.”

So, there it is. Maybe you can help me with my comeback. If you know of anyone looking for someone like me please contact me. I’m also open to your questions/ideas/suggestions. I will most likely include my findings in my next article.

I mentioned above that fame seems to instill an unquenchable thirst in people, but I now think that the culprit is success (famous or not). It’s what keeps us all moving forward (if we are true to our desires). I challenge you to listen to your desires and not let anyone fool you into ignoring them. I am dead set on creating my comeback and I want to encourage you to do the same.

Kati can be reached at: (please put “Kati Lightholder” in subject) 

Copyright 2009 21 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 22 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 23 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 24 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

WHY SHOULD I……… By dave metty

• Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god. (I mean if

he was, that’s awesome, go Jesus • Believe that there is a heaven or a hell. (god this one

kills me) • Pray that food is nourished to my body before I eat,

AND let the creator know that I am thankful. (first of all I am thankful I can eat, very. Second of all, there is absolutely no need to be redundant here. The food was created by the creator loaded with nutrients, why the F%$# would I ask for it to nourish me, that’s completely retarded)

• Believe that Jonah lived in a big fish for 3 days only to be spit out in his original destination. (fairy tale?)

• Believe that a woman was made from one rib of a man and a talking serpent deceived her into eating a forbidden fruit passing onto all of humanity the most destructive possible DNA….. SIN. (She didn’t and it never happened. Its just a story, a tale and a silly one)

• Believe that gatherings of 66 books assembled by a group of literate men in illiterate times are the chosen words of god. (And the world was flat too, remember?)

If you have any suggestions as to WHY I SHOULD believe any of this, please send your solicited suggestions to me at.. (please put “Dave Metty” in subject) I’ll share them in the next issue and hopefully we can all get to the bottom of this! Much love Dave Metty 25 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 26 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

Benjamin J. Mikalauskas English 101-15 Narrative Essay 700 Words Instructor: L. Sanders Sept. 15th, 2003

The Dish; A Story of Life.

A large clean round dish, accents of fresh rosemary and thyme, stands out against

the dirty tablecloth and assorted multicolor season-specific items scattered around the

mudroom. The hunter, H.I. recollects the strange train of events leading up to one very

emotionally draining incident.

Dressed heavily enough to stop even the most brutal of sharp ice and snow

lashings, H.I. is on a mission from God. Readily equipped with a cold blue steel rifle and

devastatingly sharp stainless steel gutting knife, he knows today will not end in failure.

Three miles into the woods the perfect target is spotted; a beautiful pure white Northwest

Snowshoe Rabbit. Big black shiny eyes, towering super sensitive upright ears, and large

padded limbs for proper insulation, the game is surely an awesome spectacle. The

moment has come to make the most of this precious situation. Muscles tight, hand steady,

and heart rate relaxed, H.I. slowly pulls the German made scope to his eye. In his view,

he recognizes the animal not to be just any ordinary object of prey. Instead, a wonderful

appreciation for life comes over him seeing the shear magnificence of its biological

splendor. Whiskers, long, rigid, and almost machine like, guard the animal’s compact

snout. Ice crystals around the eye socket can be seen melting, a tiny drop of water rolls

down the animal’s brow and disappears in white. Even from a full five hundred feet

away, the sound of that familiar sucking-squeaking noise of the rabbit’s mouth could be 27 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

heard perfectly. Chewing on small vegetation, perched upon its insignificant pile of

snow-encrusted sod, the animal is in a holy, Zen-like, natural state. Most likely

communicating gently to another rabbit below, the rabbit is not unknown to the

immediate landscape. A small bounce here, an adjustment there, this creature could be no

more at home on the earthy mound. H.I., unconscious of his proceeding action, quietly

pulls upon the warm trigger. Startled by his own selfish act, he peers through the thinned

out landscape to find the modest rabbit running off into the distance. This isn’t the case.

The rabbit is serenely in the same place, unshaken by the crash of might still echoing in

the air. H.I., beginning to wonder if the animal is deaf and did not hear his slack shot rage

through the crisp winter air, begins to approach the site. Eagerly awaiting any response

from his new hearing-impaired friend, H.I. pulls off his mask of camouflaged leaves and

scratches away a little gunpowder from his cheek. Closer, thoughts of how this splendid,

insulated rodent, could have made it this far in life. How has nature carved a guided path

for this handicapped bouncer? Has God Himself watched over and protected this innocent

creature from natural selection itself? Closer yet, a bird of prey is heard gawking

overhead, almost as to reinforce the theory of what has happened to our animal. The

hunter is nearly upon the unspoiled animal. As he removes his glasses and finds himself

slowly reaching out to the innocent, almost at hands reach, a warm, satisfied feeling

begins to take over. The gentle gloved hand begins to cautiously stroke the long, soft,

relaxed body of the Snowshoe. Now removing thick cumbersome gloves, H.I. feels the

fluffy white fur, like a baby pigeons down, so soft that human hands would surely ruin.

This is possibly the most fragile situation he has ever encountered. He begins to

delicately lift up the rabbit, as if to hold or comfort it, when suddenly, deep crimson is 28 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

spotted covering the entire underside of the animal, soaking wet, dripping relentlessly

over pure white and sky blue snow. H.I., with flooded, blood-saturated hands, begins to

feel an uncontrollable sickness rage over him. He drops the limp, lifeless rabbit and

painfully hunches over a downed tree, vomiting, howling and crying for some time.

Emotionally ridden, H.I. sorrowfully returns to the tiny, cozy cabin, to prepare his past

friend in a bed of roasted red new potatoes, sweet baby asparagus and crystallized ginger.

This evening, he will only enjoy the bottle of Hogue Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. 29 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 30 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

My Name is Red By Orhan Pamuk

508 pp. faber and faber

Painted Red

By Michelle Pond

Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006, Orhan Pamuk is one

of Turkey’s most prominent novelists and the country’s best-selling

writer. In his Nobel Lecture at the Swedish Academy, Pamuk stated,

“I believe literature to be the most valuable hoard that humanity has gathered in its quest to

understand itself.”

In his novel My Name is Red, Pamuk tenderly interlaces the history of his native Istanbul with

the inevitable tensions of East meets West. It is at once an intriguing look into Istanbul’s past, a

thrilling mystery full of deceit and murder, and a sympathetic love story.

Set in late-sixteenth century Istanbul, My Name is Red is a beautiful story of devotion and loss,

life and death, and fear and hope. Miniaturists, the artists of the time, painstakingly and lovingly

depict the world as prescribed by Allah and handed down by the reigning power. In this novel,

the sultan has covertly commissioned a book to be made in the Western manner, brazenly

breaking every rule traditionally set forth by the great masters of the East. As the novel begins,

one of the miniaturists has just been killed. At the same time, an unrequited lover returns to his

homeland seeking acknowledgment only to find himself in the midst of a murderous plot.

At once, Pamuk thrusts his readers into the plot, which is systematically told from the perspective

of multiple characters. In My Name is Red, Pamuk’s characters are the surveyors of life, each as

significant and determined as the next. Initially the constant alternation between narrators

including people, objects in paintings, the color red, and death—all of which are told in first

person—is somewhat bewildering. However, Pamuk brilliantly uses this to paint a complete

picture told by numerous storytellers. He allows the reader to become privy to the fears and

desires of each of the novel’s characters. This scrupulous approach to storytelling is perhaps one of

the book’s most intriguing qualities. The reader is not simply subject to the retelling of the same

story from different perspectives; instead, each character shares the insight that no one else can

provide and consequently each chapter is a new story with greater depth than the one that 31 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

precedes it. This technique only heightens the plot’s suspense. It is not until the final narrator has

spoken that Pamuk’s story is complete.

Pamuk cleverly uses the suspense of the plot to illustrate the complexity of life. His ability to

weave the history of Istanbul seamlessly into the lives of his characters is exceptional. The turmoil

his characters face is echoed in the discord between the East and the West.

In My Name is Red, Pamuk uses art as a backdrop for trying to make sense of the world. His

characters are confronted with the conflicts that emerge when the Western manner of painting

collides with the long-standing traditions established in Istanbul—when modernism precedes

traditionalism and the humanistic approach to life and art begins to seep into the miniaturists’

paintings. In the East, at the time this novel takes place, art portrays Allah’s visions of the world.

The artist has no individual style, no signature; his talent and skill are in his ability to reproduce

the work of the great masters and to paint the world as seen through Allah. But the influence of

the Venetians and Franks in the West, who have painted themselves into The Last Supper and

take pride in the immortality of their names and styles, is difficult if not futile to avoid.

As Western influences take hold, this foundation begins to give. As the miniaturists in Pamuk’s

novel test the boundaries of their loyalty and explore the validity and meaning of their art, Pamuk

forces his readers to question their own perception of the world and how art should depict that

world. “Did a painting become legendary for what it was or for what was said about it?” Posing

such questions, Pamuk’s characters and his readers are left grappling with the possibilities.

The artistic devotion of the miniaturists in My Name is Red is paralleled by the devotion Pamuk

has to his characters. While the miniaturists spend their lifetime perfecting their talent, Pamuk

affectionately and thoroughly develops the characters in this novel. While he doesn’t linger so

much on physical descriptions, he intimately explores his characters lives, their relationships to

one another, and their inner and external turmoil. His descriptions are thoughtful, creating

believable and empathetic characters. He can be a bit tedious at times, but does so sparingly. For

the most part each of Pamuk’s characters in My Name is Red has a distinct voice. At times,

though, the miniaturists’ voices do tend to blend together making it difficult to distinguish one 32 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

from the other. However, this may be intentional as it prolongs the identity of the murderer and

underscores the miniaturists’ kindred spirit.

As a writer, he has a remarkable gift for inspiring his readers. One of his most eloquent and

stirring chapters is “I am Red.” As a master explains the color red to someone who has never

known it, Pamuk wonderfully evokes the color. “‘If we touched it with the tip of a finger, it would

feel like something between iron and copper. If we took it in our palm it would burn. If we tasted

it, it would be full-bodied, like salted meat. If we took it between our lips, it would fill our


Finally, My Name is Red is a touching love story between a forlorn maiden, Shekure, who’s torn

by diverging allegiances to everyone but herself, and her childhood sweetheart, Black, who has

just returned from abroad. Through this delicate tale of love, Pamuk again forces his characters

and readers to confront difficult situations where no simple solution resides. For in this novel, the

burdens of life weigh heavily on the heart.

My Name is Red is a dynamic and exciting novel well worth the time you will spend reading its

508 pages. Consider reading the chronology provided at the end of the book before delving into

the novel itself because this will enhance your understanding of the story Orhan Pamuk recounts. 33 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 34 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

A local College Gazette by Ted Moses

Ted can be reached at (please put “Ted Moses” in subject)

Sports Super Bowl XLIII: Pittsburgh vs. Arizona; 5 p.m. Feb 1, Tampa, Fla.

Well, we did it! This being our 7th trip to the Super Bowl definitely classifies us as THE SUPERCITY! Final Score: 27-23

We won 6 Super Bowls, more than any NFL team. What an amazing job turned in by the coaching staff since the season began. The three teams with five Super Bowl rings are the Steelers, Dallas and San Francisco.

Dick LeBeau proved time and time again to the Pittsburgh Steelers Organization and the NFL that he is and will remain the best defensive coach that ever stepped foot in Three Rivers Stadium and Heinz Field, or on any football field for that matter. I say that with absolutely no disrespect to the Steel Curtain, their amazing players and coaches.

The 1970 Steelers survived and won 4 amazing Super Bowls from 1974 to 1980. It would have been 5 in a row had it not been for late season injuries to most of our first string offense back then. The Oakland Raiders won that playoff game in Oakland 24-7, knocking us out of what would have been our fifth straight Super Bowl. When the NFL Films show the best teams over the NFL years, ironically, the 1976 Steelers, the team that lost to Oakland is listed as No. 1, and this year’s Steelers team moved up to the No. 3 slot in the balloting. Now that’s impressive. Since the late 70’s, many rule changes have been made by the NFL to protect the quarterback and receivers mainly because of the Steel Curtain. The ability of LeBeau’s coaching brilliance makes it seem easy to not only follow all of the rule changes, but to become what I call a rebirth of The Steel Curtain. And, as far as our head coaching position goes, I am ecstatic that Bill Cower retired. Since 1994 to 2004, we had the first round in 5 playoff games at Three Rivers Stadium, only to lose 4 of them to the worst team facing us in those playoff games. My feelings are when you’re a head coach for as long as Cower has been, and won as many league Championships as he has, winning only one Super Bowl doesn’t cut it for me. 35 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

On the other hand, Mike Tomlin just broke a record as the youngest coach in the NFL at 36 years old to make it to the Super Bowl and it wasn’t a fluke. Unlike Cower and his big motivating mouth, Tomlin has the perfect balance as a head coach. He is never loud, obnoxious or critical, especially of his players that give him the same respect. Keep in mind the best NFL coaches that were winners were Chuck Noll, (certainly our best), Tom Landry, Don Shula, and currently Tony Dungy and Bill Belechick. They were great for one reason; they allowed their coaches to handle the game unless there was a moment in the game when these head coaches needed to intervene. Coach Mike Tomlin shares their same qualities. A quality Bill Cower never showed or shared. A bit of trivia I would like to share with Steeler fans. The Pittsburgh Steelers were first known as the Pittsburgh Pirates from their first year in the NFL in 1933; they remained the Pittsburgh Pirates until 1940. The name was changed to the Steelers the next year because of infringement issues against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Amazing Stories I would like to share with every student some truly amazing stories via web addresses I’m about to post here. These amazing people & places will definitely inspire any student having a bad day, either personal or school related. I’m sure you’ll enjoy all of them. Sites: 1. Versoix, Switzerland

Put this in your search engine toolbar just as you see it here; click on the ice storm. You will love this site.

2. Art in the eye of a needle Put this in your toolbar as you see it here; this video will blow you away. And something else you’ll never see. There are no negative blog comments and the blog list is very long.

3. Erik Weihenmayer Put this name in your toolbar as you see it here. The last two videos are very hard to separate as far as amazing feats. They will both blow you away.

4. Stephen Wiltshire draws Rome from memory Put this in your toolbar just as it appears here. His sketchings are incredible. 5. You Tube – Lion hugs woman Once again, place this in your toolbar as it appears here. Hope you enjoy the videos as much as I have. And these are just a few; many more to come.

“Good Night, Good Luck and Good News Tomorrow” A tribute to former news announcer Bill Burns 36 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 37 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009



Technology +

The Media +

Consumerism =

he Battle of the Bandwidth

Before reading on, STOP and check out the technologies surrounding you currently. Take a minute to realize how techno-saturated your world is at this point in time...

Now I’d like to comment on that saturation. I’d like to question the idea of art for art’s sake and what happened to that creative motive. These days, anyone can make a

song and post it on myspace, make a video and put it on youtube. Caught up in this techno-reality, I am beginning to question my role in this battle of the bandwidth, a battle we fight (or flight) everyday. Newer technologies are marketed by the media

as needed and often result in the “killing off” or replacement of old technologies.

by Alexa Raquel Casciato 38 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009



reality is this:

By putting down money in exchange for a manufactured good, one is, as a consumer, buying into the technology, and in turn, is demanding further production of the technology as well as the future creation of similar technologies. The real question here is: does one really need these technologies?

a Call for the

Conscious Consumer Culture, technology, and media all rest in

the hands of the user--the consumer--

and every person is a consumer in one way

or another. The conscious consumer is the person buying these technologies, yet aware of his/her own power over the

technologies themselves. The conscious consumer, I propose, is aware of the media’s effect, as well as aware of his/her own effect on the media. Conscious consumers own the power that they can at anytime turn off the media and turn off their

t e l e v i s i o n s . They are aware of their

choices; they can choose between products A, B, C, or they create their own product Z. This state of consciousness is necessary

for any type of revolution, reform, or

change. However, consciousness itself is not always revolutionary. For example, one can be a conscious consumer--aware of the power of consumption and aware of the choices--and one can still choose to take in that which the media feeds. At least at this point, the user is aware of his/her consumption, decisions, and the effects that these decisions may have on the culture.

The media plays off of human desires and needs; however, the conscious consumer must be aware of such ploys and marketing tactics. The way in which the media wins over one’s attention is by playing off insecurities. Does the consumer feel unloved? Sell her love

in a diamond ring. Does the consumer feel powerless or weak? Sell him power in a

large SUV or oversized home. Granted some technologies fit one’s lifestyle of passions and creativity (i.e., a compact audio recorder and player for the musical pioneer), one must find the line between need, want, and desire. Just because it is a desire or a want, does not mean one must give into the compulsion to consume.

Technology is only as strong as its user; therefore, the conscious consumer must know his or her selling point. One must define

his/her values and moral standings and thus draw lines form fitting to these standards in order to keep oneself from over-consumption. Weighing the pros and cons of a piece of technology or a consumer good, the conscious consumer makes the decision to buy or not. Consumers simply have to view their values and decide on the influence they want to have upon the future. Societies must ponder how helpful

new technologies really are before continuing to allow their production and before furthering the creation of future technological developments. The questions to be answered must be answered both as a collective society and as an individual. Since there are pros and cons to everything, how beneficial are certain technologies to one’s lifestyle, to culture, and to society. Do the pros outweigh the cons and to what extent? Which technologies should thus be avoided?

Furthermore, society, as well as the conscious consumer as an individual, must evaluate its

motives. What is the motive behind the

technology? Is it a benevolent motive? Does the inventor intend to help society or just oneself by adding praise to his/ or her name? Similarly, buyers of technology must answer their own set of questions. As a consumer, does one wish to use the technology for good, in order to benefit oneself in a productive manner? Are these digital, technological arts art for art’s sake or in order to get one’s voice heard or just to promote or popularize someone or something? Are we as consumers buying products because we find the products to be beneficial and fitting to our society, culture, and morals? Or are we just plain simply bored? Are we looking for the next best thing, that which we have never before seen, in order to humor us, to keep us company, to keep us amused? Do such technologies divide us as community-derived humans? Taking cellular phones as an example, do they isolate us further or do they bring

us closer as a society?

+ a Resolution Conclusion

Lets strive to maintain and

create technologies that create closer,

more intimate societies.

As consumers, we have more power

than we may think. Realize this power, become a

conscious consumer, and act


Sandwich :: Copyright 2009 39 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

“lima beans” sarah.rae.smaltz copyright.2009. 40 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009


I ventured into the Lower East Side of Manhattan on

a Saturday in late 2008. What I encountered was a

colorful wonderland of intoxicated mortals full of life

and energy. As I walked the streets below Houston Street

with a Heineken in my hand I made mental notes of my


After my grandmother was mugged on Grand Street,

back in 1981, she pursued the degenerate, hell bent on

killing the would-be thief with her umbrella. Luckily she

did not get her hands on him, for two alert cops tackled

the poor bastard and pummelled him into surrender. My

grandmother learned later that he had brass knuckles in

his pocket, an outstanding warrant for his arrest, and

two wives he supported with his ill-gotten gains. (The

wives didn’t know of each other.)

But that was back in the 80s when the LES was a place

where you could get stabbed just as easily as you could

score heroin. Now the streets are filled with party

people every night. They are on the lookout for a good

time in one of the many liquor-licensed establishments.

Lines snake around the corner and crowd barrel down

the streets searching for a thrill. Creative Executive’s

blow cocaine in filthy stalls, male hipsters wear tighter

pants than their girlfriends, the Bridge and Tunnel crowd

pops their collar, skateboarders smoke weed in smoky

basements, couples kiss in the streets and fights break

out in the early morning.

A limousine pulled up to the Rivington Hotel and out

stepped a soap star, who was greeted by a group of

screaming under-age girls. The soapy cut the enormous

line outside the door and handed the doorman a few bills

for opening the velvet rope for him and his emaciated

girlfriend. 41 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

A Hispanic majority still populate the Loisida

(Spanglish for LES) and much of its flavor, such as its

food and graffiti, stem from Puerto Rican and Dominican

influences. A stocky Dominicano walked his bulldog down

Delancey Street, his swagger and the contempt in his eyes

made clear that he was a long-time resident of the barrio

with a deep rooted resentment for the nightly visitors.

An individual, who moved in long before yuppies decided

to crown LES the new it-place to spend a drunken Saturday

night. A small child, who drove an electric miniature

Escalade, complete with lights and a booming stereo that

bumped Reggaeton, accompanied this muscular man and his

fierce dog. Everyone watched as the trio made their way

down the pavement. Debaucherous revellers instinctively

cleared a path for the three locals.

Down on Ludlow Street I saw two young boys argue

with an older man, sporting a baseball cap and a tattoo

on his neck. They said: “How you gonna try to sell me

that for 50, nigga?” (None of them were black). They

walked away and did a little drug deal in the shadows.

I also saw a group of Asian men walk down the

street. They all clearly had gym memberships and dressed

like Italians from Brooklyn. They spoke in thick Brooklyn

accents, not the kind bred from years spent in

Bensonhurst but an affectionated kind, which made me

suspect they were from out-of-state and had moved to the

city after college. They made sure to draw attention to

their group, but their activities were about as

interesting as watching paint dry.

Two Sikhs dressed in three-piece suits accompanied

by two pretty Indian girls staggered around Hester

Street. One Sikh pissed on an electricity box as his

friend vomited on a large pile of garbage. He mumbled

“Facebook” with vomit dripping from his mouth. The girls

smiled at their men. 42 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009

Some Wall Street types with hideously shiny faces

grinded their teeth and cruised the streets in search of

cocaine. One asked me if I had some. I answered: “No

English” They replied: “Fucking terrorist” as they

stumbled on towards their doom.

A group of stunningly gorgeous girls, religiously

huffing cigarettes, walked past packs of men and ignored

the whistles and catcalls. The girls had sex written all

over their faces and I wondered if they were for sale,

knowing I could never afford such merchandise anyway.

The nicest picture I encountered in Loisida was a

young Puerto Rican couple wrapped around each other

passionately on Avenue C. The boy kissed his girl once

more before she went into her apartment building. He

hopped in a car with some friends, who hugged him and

handed him a sweet scented blunt as the car slowly peeled


The entire night conjured up images of New York in

the days of Basquiat’s renegade reign. I even saw two

tags that read SAMO with a copyright symbol. Was it an

ode by a young admirer or did Al Diaz, the other half of

the SAMe Old Shit, come out of retirement to mark their

old stomping grounds? Just as I pondered this a

skateboarder rolled by and quickly pulled up the skirt of

one of the Indian girls as her boyfriend still puked on

the garbage. Time for a pizza slice...

As seen by Solco

Copyright 2009 43 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 44 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009 44 PREMIERE ISSUE: March/April 2009