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Progressive Learning

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Accelerated Progressive


Squadron Leader Dr. Pravin Bhatia

(Declared India’s Author of the Year by India Today) (Author of 150 international books)


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Education is conscious,

creative and intelligent observation

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This book is dedicated to

Rai Saheb Rekhchandji Mohota

Education is of two types:

One type is what we term “Education” as such–which is imparted

in schools and colleges and is a formal one.

Another type is one which is obtained in “The University of

Hard Knocks” – which is informal and is learnt through practical

difficulties in real life

In the present time, everyone goes through the first type of

education. It is rare to find a highly successful person of the second

type – although, we do notice such persons occasionally.

It was not so in the past. Education of the first type was not so

common and great men came out of the education of second type,

that is by practical experience, who are now termed in common

parlance “uneducated ones”.

One of such “uneducated” person was Rekhchand Mohota in

India. He was an originally from Rajasthan and migrated to Central

India. He selected Hinganghat, a small town in Wardha district

which now forms part of Maharashtra State. The town then

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comprised predominantly of agricultural workers--many of whom

were partially or completely unemployed. There was virtually no

industry worth any name. He commenced his life in such a

backward and poor town as a small money lender with his meager

capital, and through dint of hard work grew into a businessman. He

continued his upward journey in wealth and established a small

scale industry. His merits were recognized by the then British

Government which honored him by the title of “Rai Saheb”.

Yet, not satisfied, he continued his journey and established a

large (according to the then prevailing situation) textile industry,

which gradually changed the face of the town. It now boasts to be

an important center of textile industry.

Although this “great man” was a product of the second type of

education, he did not impose his ideas on his offspring who receive

the formal education of the first type.

The brilliance of this great man was reflected-not unnaturally–

in his offspring, one of whom achieved mastery in education of the

first type. The name of the said offspring is Ranchhoddas Mohota,

who obtained the highest academic degree of Doctor of Literature.

Not only this, he has made brilliant and innovative researches into

education, ultimately resulting in evolution of a training/teaching

technique which can undoubtedly be said to be the best in the

world. It promises to transform the human race if adopted fully by

the powers that be.

I therefore take the opportunity to dedicate this book to Late

Rai Saheb Rekhchandji Mohota who “gifted” the most valuable of

“species” of mankind.

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About the Author

The Author

Squadron Leader Dr. Pravin Bhatia (Declared India’s Author of the Year by India Today)

(Author of 150 international books)

The author of this book is a retired Squadron Leader of the Indian

Air Force. The author has written one hundred and fifty

international books. He was declared Author of the Year and

Bestseller Author of the Year in 2008 by Books Today of India

Today, the most prominent magazine of India. He has since

published four books for Partridge Publications. These have been

released in hundred cities throughout the world. These books are 1.

The Man Who Can Change the World through Education, 2. In

Quest of Abundance, 3. Creative Reading, 4. You Are a Nobody If

You Are Not Wise.

Since 2010, Squadron Leader (Dr) Pravin Bhatia has trained six

million of students in India through the revolutionary teaching

technique of Dr R D Mohota. The technique doubles marks in

examinations and reduces learning time to half. Squadron leader

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(Dr) Pravin Bhatia has made the technique popular in schools and

colleges as well as in the corporate world.

The author is co-founder of Creative Educators, the non-profit

NGO, which promotes the teaching technique of Dr R D Mohota.

The author can be contacted as per the details given below:

Squadron Leader (Dr) Pravin Bhatia

82, Kadbi Chowk,


India 440004

Mobile: 91-9552457521,


Co-founder, Creative Educators,

President Nagpur Management association,

Director Education, SAARC society International

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Table of Content

Sr Content Page

1. National Curriculum Framework 2005 1

The Value of Interaction 12

Critical Learning 12

Knowledge and Understanding 12

Language 13

Recreating Knowledge 13

Language and Education 14

Learning to Read and Write 14

Mathematics 15

The Curriculum 15

Social Sciences 15

Education for Peace 16

Habitat and Learning 17

Self-assessment and Feedback 17

School and Classroom Environment 18

Discipline 18

Educational Technology 18

Time 19

Concerns for Quality 19

Monitoring Quality 19

Vision for Teacher Education 20

Role of NGOs 20

Accelerated and Progressive Learning 21

2. Teacher Education 22

Introduction 22

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Vision 25

New Vision of Teacher Education 28

Learning 28

Learner 29

Teacher 29

Knowledge 29

The New Teacher Education Programme 29

Changing Demands of Education 30

Excellence of the Human Mind 31

Social Excellence 32

Reform in Teacher Education 32

Knowledge and Language 33

Research 35

Continuous Professional Development



Seminars and Meetings 36

School Education 37

Conclusion 37

3. Students and Education 38

Introduction 38

The Bible on Education 38

The Heart Versus the Mind 39

The Bhagavad Gita 39

Gautama Buddha 39

Patanjali 39

Prophet Muhammad 40

The Ramayana 40

The Ishopanishad 40

Vivekananda 41

Mahatma Gandhi 41

Nelson Mandela 41

Socrates 41

George Bernard Shaw 42

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Bertrand Russell 43

The Vedas 43

Charles Darwin 43

Development of Intelligence 43

The Choice is Yours 46

The Mastermind Club 49

A Note for the Parents 50

4. Conquering Constructivism 52

History 24

Constructivism and Sciences 54

Social Constructivism 55

Constructivism in Philosophy of Science 55

Constructivism and Psychology 55

Constructivism and Post-modernism 55

Cultural Constructivism 56

Radical Constructivism 56

Genetic Epistemology 56

Criticisms 56

Constructivism and Education 57

History of Constructivism 58

Types of Constructivism 58

Constructivism in International Affairs 58

Constructivism and Art 59

Constructivist Cinema 59

Constructivist Architecture 59

Tenets of Constructivism 59

Origin of the Term 60

Early Empiricism 60

Benefits and Failings of the Theory 62

Criticism on Vygotskian Legacy 64

Jean Piaget 64

Piaget‟s Theory of Cognitive Development 64

Challenge to Piagetian Theory of Cognitive 65

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Piaget on Education 66

Moral Education 66

Scrutiny of Piaget‟s Theory of Moral



Challenges 67

Questioning 69

Clarifying 69

Summarising 69

Instructional Format 69

Uses of Reciprocal Teaching (RT) 69

Thought and Language 70

How to use Reciprocal Teaching (RT)? 71

BBC Active 71

Success of RT in the Classroom 72

RT and the Teacher 72

Use of RT in Mathematics 72

Demonstration 73

Predicting 73

Clarifying 73

Solving 73

Summarising 73

Observations 74

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) 74

Discussion on Piaget and Vygotsky 75

Resemblances between Piaget and Vygotsky 78

What Should We Make of All This? 78

Group Dynamics 79

Peer Learning 80

Role of the Teacher 80

The Master Mind Club 80

The Road to Excellence 81

5. The Purpose of Education 84

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Creativity 84

Intelligence 85

Wisdom 85

The Sayings of the Greats 86

Progressive Learning 87

The Five Senses 88

Reading 89

Speaking 89

Listening 90

Group Dynamics 91

Peer Learning 91

Peer Tutoring 92

The Importance of Definitions 92

Ignorance 93

Discipline 94

Virtue 95

Integrity 96

Questions 96

Absenteeism 96

Prosperous Schools 97

Reestablishment of Education Authority 97

E-learning 97

Missing Children 97

Accelerated learning 98

Skill Development 99

6. Progressive Accelerated Learning through Dr

R. D. Mohota’s Teaching Technique


Accelerated Progressive learning through

Creative Education


Why Creative Education?

Quality Education

Problems in Education






Shortage of Teachers 108

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Weight of School Bags 108

Heavy Syllabus 108

Disinterested Students 109

Dr R.D. Mohota‟s Teaching Technique 109

Technique for Maths 110


Group Dynamics 111

Advantages of Communication and

Analysing Skills


Advantages of Creativity 112

Time Management 112

Element of Noise 112

Time Table 113

Ability to Read and Write 113

Problem of Parents 113

The Sequence of Implementing the



Scope of the Technique 114

Efficiency of the Technique 114

Tuition Houses 114

What Can You Do? 114

Quotations On Accelerated Progressive



Words and their Meanings 119

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Jalad Pragat Shikshan (Accelerated Progressive Learning) is a

great initiative by the Department of Education, Government of

Maharashtra. It wants education to be accelerated and progressive.

This should be the central theme of education throughout the


The word accelerated above does not only mean faster

education. It also means that the student must progress both

mentally and physically through creative education.

The important documents of education of the Government of

India are the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and National

Policy of Education 2016. These documents and Accelerated

Progressive Learning must be viewed in totality to really

understand the direction that education must take in Maharashtra,

in India and in the world.

The new concept of education is to help the student to

construct knowledge as per his own creative mind. This

construction is created by combining what is known to the student

and the information made available to him in the classroom.

The idea of constructing new knowledge is taken from the

idea of constructivism, advanced by many constructivist

philosophers including John Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.

There has been very limited idea of how knowledge can be

constructed by the student in ways that it helps him to become a

successful individual. There is very subdued recognition of the use

of the mind and the brain in education. This is where Dr R. D.

Mohota‟s teaching technique becomes a true asset in providing

accelerated progressive learning. For Dr Mohota, the main stress is

on the role of the brain in education. He says, “The starting point

of every education should be the „brain‟.” In this respect, he is

influenced by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who said in his immortal

character of Sherlock Holmes, “I am a brain–the rest of me is a

mere appendix.”

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The brain must be clearly distinguished from the heart. There

is much confusion today about the functions of these two human

organs. This has caused irreparable damage to education and to

human existence.

This is the essence of this book. It provides the answers on

how the human race can be saved from ruin. This is possible if the

mind is used creatively. The human brain is very powerful. Its

powers can ruin or make a human being.

Human character is built on learning creatively. This process

of learning continues throughout the human life. This fact has to be

embedded in the minds of the students. This will open their minds

and remove the undesirable aspects of false ego.

Conventional education is based on completing the syllabus

prescribed by the appropriate authority. There is bound to be a time

lag between the framing of the syllabus and the time when it is

imparted to students. Many new things take place in this

intervening period. This makes the syllabus obsolete. This is why it

is important that a subject is used in a manner where the changes

are continuously imbibed and discussed.

The syllabus can be renewed by the creative power of the

brain. These include thinking, learning, creativity, imagination,

analytical ability, and decision making. Education must ensure that

these qualities are important to the students. At present, there is

simply no reference to these vital powers to be imparted in

education throughout the world. This is shocking and saddening.

The damaging difference between the brain and the heart is

the difference between reason and emotion. Untrained human

beings take decisions as per emotions. This generates very poor

consequences. Decisions become great if they are based on reason.

It is vital that every student is fully aware of the difference

between these two factors.

Similar to the above is the difference between opinions and

facts. Decisions should be based on facts. Human beings often

decide as per the opinions of others.

The teaching technique of Dr R. D. Mohota has the desired

quality required for Accelerated Progressive Learning and

Constructivism. It is the pinnacle of his sixty years of research.

The technique has been invented to suit classroom education

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because ninety percent of the education gets imparted there. That is

why the potential of the technique to benefit the students is

immense. It can change the face of humanity. It is a „zero defects‟

technique because nobody has found fault with it, in spite of being

implemented over millions of students.

Dr Mohota has not stopped after inventing the technique. He

has seen to it that it is practically implemented and its effectiveness

successfully verified. This was possible because the technique has

been kept very simple. It does not need any cost. These features

make it the technique for the creation of abundance in the future.

The technique is suitable for education for all subjects taught in the

classroom from class IV to post graduation level. It is also suitable

for adult education. Thus, it has universal application. It can

replace the lecture method of education, which most intellectuals

believe has destroyed students.

Dr Mohota heard the word Constructivism only recently. His

research would have created far-reaching results had he heard it

earlier. He started his research from a single word “educe” which

in Latin means to “draw out.” Since then he has ceaselessly used

his technique to draw out excellence from the minds of the


Dr R. D. Mohota‟s teaching technique can remove most of the

flaws of the conventional teaching technique. It increases marks in

the examination of students and develops various personality traits

in them. With suitable modifications, it can be applied to many

other educational and training programmers as well as in the

corporate world.

Education is the most vital public service in the world. It must

create excellence in the world. It must also create abundance for

every human being. Bad education ruins humanity and by

extension to the society and the nation. Good quality of education

can generate an abundance of wealth, health and happiness.

The book in your hand provides a very fine blend of

Accelerated Progressive Learning, Constructivism, and the needs

of the National Curriculum Framework, 2005 and the National

Policy of Education, 2016.

This book has pointed out the failures of conventional

education and the expectations of the documents mentioned above.

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It has also provided the technique which can achieve all of the

above as well as give a vibrant personality to every student who is

made to learn through it.

Squadron Leader (Dr) Proven Bhatia

Co-founder Creative Educators

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Accelerated Progressive Learning


Chapter 1

National Curriculum

Framework 2005

National Curriculum Framework 2005 is the greatest document on

education in India. It is a document which wants teachers to

upgrade themselves from giving lectures to helping students to use

their minds creatively by facilitating their process of learning.

The document says that students should read, speak, think,

write and listen (RSTWL) in groups. This will improve their

communication and analysing skills. It will also help them to read,

speak, think, write and listen intelligently.

The document wants „learning without burden‟. It

acknowledges that learning is a burden to students and tells us that

its new vision will replace burden with pleasure and improvement

in the learning of students.

The document talks about poverty and India's diversity of

religion, caste, and gender. It believes the new technique of

teaching and enhanced sensitivity among teachers will

considerably reduce the problem of treating others badly due to

their religion or caste.

In keeping with the tenets of the NCF 2005, the Department of

Education, Government of Maharashtra, has launched an

accelerated and progressive education project. The contents in the

NCF can achieve this excellent project with ease.

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Squadron Leader Dr. Pravin Bhatia


This chapter brings you a gist of what the NCF and Accelerate

Progressive Learning wants to achieve, and explains how each of

these expectations can be implemented. It also explains why it is

absolutely necessary to achieve them. National Curriculum

Framework, 2015 is prepared by the National Council of

Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, under the

chairmanship of Professor Yash Pal, former Chairman, University

Grants Commission.

Professor Ash Pal feels he is privileged to participate in a

remarkable process of social deliberation to focus public attention

on what should be taught to the children of India and how it can be


He acknowledges the role of a large number of very special

individuals in the course of a wide-ranging churning of ideas and

expectations to prepare the document. These include eminent

principals, teachers, Education Officers, and Vice Chancellors of

Universities from all parts of India. These also include members

from NCERT and Shri Ashok Ganguly, Chairman, Central Board

of Secondary Education (CBSE) New Delhi.

The central idea during the discussion among these eminent

thinkers was to create a curriculum and give direction to education

which would enable children to construct their own knowledge.

This is crucial to learning. It is an echo of the central idea of

Constructivism, the most acceptable idea of the world, to make

education creative and truly helpful to the students.

Constructivism is about creating an atmosphere in the

classroom where the students can construct new knowledge.

This requires three things. A student must superimpose his

previous knowledge to the knowledge available in the classroom.

This may be available from a textbook, provided by a teacher, or

from any other source. It may even be the information from

another student in the classroom. The student must use his own

knowledge and what is available in the classroom to create an

entirely new knowledge as per his needs and understanding.

The knowledge the student creates cannot be random or

arbitrary. It should be based on his objectives. These may be long

term objectives or the need of the moment.

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Accelerated Progressive Learning


The process of constructing knowledge means the student has

to use his imagination to create ideas which he considers good and

worthwhile. This is creativity.

Professor Ash Pal makes two crucial points. He says that in

discussions, the teacher is central to the process of constructing

knowledge. Two, the mother tongue of the student, and the social,

economic and ethnic backgrounds of the student are important in

the construction of new knowledge.

The above lays to rest many old ideas about education. One,

the teacher is now a facilitator in the process of learning. He is to

quench the thirst of the student in his search for knowledge as per

his needs. He is to let the child seek knowledge and interfere only

when the child needs help. Two, the teacher has to uplift his own

intelligence if he is to quench the thirst of the student. Three, the

mad desire to learn English does not serve the purpose of students

who seek jobs and skills through it. These constitute only one per

cent of the students. The remaining ninety-nine per cent have to

create excellence through their own language and ethnic


The document delves into why the curriculum has been

terrifying for the children. It comes to the conclusion that this has

happened because memory based, short term, information has

bartered understating.

This is crucial if we are to understand the problems of

education. Education is obsessed with examinations, which are

based on learning by rote like a parrot. They might get jobs for a

few students, but they put them in extreme stress. The percentage

of those who manage to get a job is so low that it is criminal to put

more than 99% per cent under disease-inducing stress.

Stress is removed when education concentrates on

understanding. This empowers the students because it opens their

minds to think creatively.

To understand is to know or realise the intended meaning of

words or a text and to become aware of its importance. It includes

making the student attain sufficient intelligence and understanding.

Intelligence is the ability to gain and apply knowledge and

skills. When the National Curriculum Framework talks about

constructing knowledge, it talks about intelligence. There is no use

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