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Sample Accounting Group, LLC

Qvinci Dental Group

Sample Financial Report

prepared bySample Accounting Group PLLC



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Apple Family Dental

KPI Financial TrendingLast Month and Same Month Last Year

Apr 2019 Apr 2018 Trend


$1,611,650 $4,153,139 -158%

100.0% 46% 54%

100% 39% 61%

100% 100% 0%

2% 8% -263%

0 0 -445%

2 9 -261%

$32,950,406 $32,950,406 0%

- 15 -

27% 96% -263%

2% 3% -41%

27% 96% -263%

26% 96% -263%

11245% 11164% 1%

11245% 11164% 1%

1% 1% -1%

1% 1% -1%

$0 $0 -

$1,611,650 $4,153,139 -158%

$0 $2,261,201 -

$1,611,650 $1,611,650 0%

Total Revenue

Operating Profit Margin

Profitability Ratio

Gross Profit Margin


Working Capital Ratio

Accounts Receivable Days

Accounts Payable Days


Cash on Hand

Months of Cash Reserves


Return on Equity

Return on Assets

Return on Capital Employed


Asset Turnover


Quick Ratio

Current Ratio


Debt to Equity

Debt to Total Assets



Gross Profit

Total Expenses

Net Income

Apple Family Dental

Total Income Analysis Year Over Year By Month

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Last Year Income 5,594,615 4,907,242 4,083,391 4,153,139 6,217,904 3,422,715 5,794,820 4,867,201 4,056,697 4,339,997 5,954,981 1,448,150

This Year Income 4,790,382 3,665,573 4,113,022 1,611,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Variance (804,233) (1,241,669) 29,630 (2,541,488) (6,217,904) (3,422,715) (5,794,820) (4,867,201) (4,056,697) (4,339,997) (5,954,981) (1,448,150)

Net Income Analysis Year Over Year By Month

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Last Year Net Income 3,013,085 934,290 2,055,438 1,611,650 2,102,152 887,576 3,013,085 934,290 2,055,438 1,611,650 2,102,152 1,121,148

This Year Net Income 2,779,513 934,290 2,055,438 1,611,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Variance (233,572) (0) - 0 (2,102,152) (887,576) (3,013,085) (934,290) (2,055,438) (1,611,650) (2,102,152) (1,121,148)

Apple Family Dental

Expense Account Analysis

Expenses YTDExpenses Same

Period Last YearDiff

Year Over Year Top 10 Expenses by Account

$5,869,984 $13,838,240 -$7,968,256a

Top 10 Expenses

Accounts This YearSame Period

Last Year% DIff

Staff Expenses $546,229 $1,309,699 -140%

Dental Supplies $520,846 $1,077,840 -107%

Admin Staff Payroll $456,970 $1,095,683 -140%

Rent Expense $453,920 $1,088,369 -140%

Hygienist Wages $411,688 $987,110 -140%

Assistant Payroll $373,930 $896,576 -140%

Associate Salary Expense $370,231 $887,709 -140%

Laboratory Fees $360,609 $864,637 -140%

Associate Contract Labor $224,678 $538,712 -140%

Interest Expense $177,097 $424,629 -140%

Apple Family Dental

Forecast Based on Prior Two Years Performance

Snapshot MetricsLast Month Income $1,611,650.25

Last Month Expense $0.00

Last Month Net Income $1,611,650.25

Forward-looking Trend

Actual Projected


VarianceLast 90 Days Next 1 - 90 Days Next 91 - 180 Days Next 181 - 270 Days

12 Month Trended


Total Income -482.6% $9,390,245 -$1,940,208 $400,885 -$82,831 $7,768,091

Total COGS 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Gross Profit -482.6% $9,390,245 -$1,940,208 $400,885 -$82,831 $7,768,091

Total Expense 0.0% $4,169,032 $4,169,032 $4,169,032 $4,169,032 $16,676,127

Net Ordinary Income -224.0% $5,221,213 $2,297,766 $1,011,207 $445,015 $8,975,201

Total Other Income 0.0% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Other Expense 0.0% $619,835 $619,835 $619,835 $619,835 $2,479,339

Net Other Income 0.0% -$619,835 -$619,835 -$619,835 -$619,835 -$2,479,339

Net Income -185.5% $4,601,378 $2,467,406 $1,323,102 $709,489 $9,101,375

Projected From The Last 90 Days Forward

Qvinci Dental Group

Balance Sheet

As of April, 30, 2019

Apr 2019


Current Assets

Bank 32,950,406

Total Checking/Savings 32,950,406

Total Current Assets 73,545,307

TOTAL ASSETS 73,545,307


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable 654,003

Total Accounts Payable 654,003

Total Current Liabilities 654,003

Total Liabilities 654,003


Capital Contributions 272,873

Net Income 7,380,891

Opening Balance Equity 2,052,921

Retained Earnings 63,184,618

Total Equity 72,891,304


Qvinci Dental Group

Profit and Loss - Detailed

Last Month vs Same Period Last Yeara

Apr 2019 Apr 2018 $ Diff % Diff


Fee for Service Income 1,611,650 4,166,536 (2,554,886)

Interest Income - 8,184 (8,184)

Other Income - 8,756 (8,756)

Patient Refunds - (31,181) 31,181

Product Sales - 843 (843)

Total Income 1,611,650 4,153,139 (2,541,488) (157.69)%

Gross Profit 1,611,650 4,153,139 (2,541,488) -


Associate Costs -

Associate Benefits - 45 (45)

Associate Contract Labor - 90,718 (90,718)

Associate Payroll Taxes - 8,319 (8,319)

Associate Pension Plan - 585 (585)

Associate Salary Expense - 149,488 (149,488)

Total Associate Costs - 249,155 (249,155) 100.00%

Business Expenses -

Accounting - 26,358 (26,358)

Bank Service Charges - 2,301 (2,301)

Billing Services - 11,064 (11,064)

Business Taxes - 12,017 (12,017)

Client Gifts - 20 (20)

Computer Expenses - 27,673 (27,673)

Consulting - 41,068 (41,068)

Disposal Fees - 1,500 (1,500)

Dues and Subscriptions - 6,927 (6,927)

Insurance - General Liability - 12,258 (12,258)

Insurance - Malpractice - 6,051 (6,051)

Insurance - Warranty - 2,028 (2,028)

Insurance - Worker's Comp - 4,568 (4,568)

Interest Expense - 71,506 (71,506)

Legal - 6,529 (6,529)

Licenses and Permits - 3,446 (3,446)

Management Fees - 3,126 (3,126)

Merchant Service Fees - 42,606 (42,606)

Office Expense - 33,628 (33,628)

Office Supplies - 16,350 (16,350)

Pension Plan Fee - 834 (834)

Postage and Delivery - 3,441 (3,441)

Printing and Reproduction - 1,774 (1,774)

Reference Materials - 137 (137)

Small Tools and Equipment - 7,011 (7,011)

Uniforms - 3,436 (3,436)

Total Business Expenses - 347,659 (347,659) 100.00%

Discretionary Expenses -

Automobile Expense - 11,866 (11,866)

Charitable Contributions - 3,789 (3,789)

Continuing Education - 17,554 (17,554)

Meals and Entertainment - 10,457 (10,457)

Other Promotion - 3,068 (3,068)

Parking and Tolls - 605 (605)

Staff Meetings and Training - 4,175 (4,175)

Travel Expense - 16,912 (16,912)

Total Discretionary Expenses - 68,425 (68,425) 100.00%

Facility & Equipment Expenses -

Equipment Rental - 2,818 (2,818)

Janitorial Expense - 7,238 (7,238)

Monthly Property Services - 7,855 (7,855)

Property Taxes - 9,222 (9,222)

Rent Expense - 183,279 (183,279)

Repairs and Maintenance - 13,490 (13,490)

Telephone Expense - 13,660 (13,660)

Utilities - 23,776 (23,776)

Total Facility & Equipment Expenses - 261,338 (261,338) 100.00%

Marketing Expenses -

Advertising and Promotion - 56,279 (56,279)

Direct Mail - 28,959 (28,959)

Internet and Website - 43,688 (43,688)

Total Marketing Expenses - 128,925 (128,925) 100.00%

Payroll Expenses -

Admin Staff Payroll - 184,510 (184,510)

Assistant Payroll - 150,981 (150,981)

Employee Benefits - 15,415 (15,415)

Hygienist Wages - 166,227 (166,227)

Outsourced Services - 21,147 (21,147)

Payroll Clearing - 2,033 (2,033)

Payroll Service Fees - 6,820 (6,820)

Payroll Taxes - 66,221 (66,221)

Pension Plan - 5,938 (5,938)

Prior Period Payroll Expense - 1,379 (1,379)

Reimbursement - 11 (11)

Salaries & Wages - 21,523 (21,523)

Staff Expenses - 220,550 (220,550)

Temporary Labor - 24,704 (24,704)

Total Payroll Expenses - 887,458 (887,458) 100.00%

Variable Costs -

Dental Supplies - 120,249 (120,249)

Laboratory Fees - 145,603 (145,603)

Ortho/Implant Supplies - 52,389 (52,389)

Total Variable Costs - 318,241 (318,241) 100.00%

Total Expense - 2,261,201 (2,261,201) 100.00%

Net Ordinary Income 1,611,650 1,891,937 (280,287) (17.39)%

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

Total Other Income - - - 100.00%

Other Expense

Owner Comp

Owner Disability Ins - 4,885 (4,885)

Owner Health Ins - 6,674 (6,674)

Owner Life Ins - 3,123 (3,123)

Owner Payroll Taxes - 23,758 (23,758)

Owner Pension Plan - 1,602 (1,602)

Owner Salary - 240,246 (240,246)

Total Owner Comp - 280,287 (280,287) 100.00%

Total Other Expense - 280,287 (280,287) 100.00%

Net Other Income - (280,287) 280,287 100.00%

Net Income 1,611,650 1,611,650 0 0.00%

Qvinci Dental Group

Profit and Loss - Detailed

Year Over Yeara

Jan 01, 2019-Apr 30, 2019

Jan 01, 2018-Apr 30, 2018

$ Diff % Diff


Fee for Service Income 14,213,809 18,796,511 (4,582,702)

Interest Income 20,268 35,504 (15,235)

Other Income 21,687 37,988 (16,302)

Patient Refunds (77,225) (135,274) 58,049

Product Sales 2,088 3,658 (1,569)

Total Income 14,180,627 18,738,387 (4,557,760) (32.14)%

Gross Profit 14,180,627 18,738,387 (4,557,760) -


Associate Costs

Associate Benefits 111 195 (84)

Associate Contract Labor 224,678 393,564 (168,886)

Associate Payroll Taxes 20,603 36,090 (15,487)

Associate Pension Plan 1,450 2,540 (1,090)

Associate Salary Expense 370,231 648,528 (278,297)

Total Associate Costs 617,073 1,080,916 (463,843) (75.17)%

Business Expenses

Accounting 65,279 114,348 (49,069)

Bank Service Charges 5,699 9,983 (4,284)

Billing Services 27,402 47,999 (20,597)

Business Taxes 29,763 52,135 (22,372)

Client Gifts 51 88 (38)

Computer Expenses 68,537 120,055 (51,518)

Consulting 101,712 178,167 (76,455)

Disposal Fees 3,715 6,507 (2,792)

Dues and Subscriptions 17,157 30,053 (12,896)

Insurance - General Liability 30,358 53,178 (22,820)

Insurance - Malpractice 14,985 26,250 (11,264)

Insurance - Warranty 5,022 8,798 (3,775)

Insurance - Worker's Comp 11,315 19,819 (8,505)

Interest Expense 177,097 310,219 (133,121)

Legal 16,171 28,327 (12,156)

Licenses and Permits 8,536 14,952 (6,416)

Management Fees 7,742 13,561 (5,820)

Merchant Service Fees 105,521 184,840 (79,318)

Office Expense 83,285 145,889 (62,604)

Office Supplies 40,493 70,930 (30,438)

Pension Plan Fee 2,066 3,618 (1,553)

Postage and Delivery 8,522 14,928 (6,406)

Printing and Reproduction 4,393 7,695 (3,302)

Reference Materials 340 596 (256)

Small Tools and Equipment 17,365 30,418 (13,053)

Uniforms 11,847 18,244 (6,397)

Total Business Expenses 864,372 1,511,597 (647,225) (74.88)%

Discretionary Expenses

Automobile Expense 29,388 51,478 (22,090)

Charitable Contributions 9,384 16,437 (7,053)

Continuing Education 43,474 76,153 (32,679)

Meals and Entertainment 25,898 45,365 (19,467)

Other Promotion 7,598 13,309 (5,711)

Parking and Tolls 1,499 2,626 (1,127)

Staff Meetings and Training 10,340 18,112 (7,772)

Travel Expense 41,885 73,369 (31,484)

Total Discretionary Expenses 169,465 296,850 (127,384) (75.17)%

Facility & Equipment Expenses

Equipment Rental 6,979 12,225 (5,246)

Janitorial Expense 17,926 31,401 (13,475)

Monthly Property Services 19,454 34,078 (14,624)

Property Taxes 22,840 40,008 (17,168)

Rent Expense 453,920 795,124 (341,204)

Repairs and Maintenance 33,411 58,525 (25,114)

Telephone Expense 33,831 59,262 (25,431)

Utilities 58,886 103,149 (44,263)

Total Facility & Equipment Expenses 647,248 1,133,773 (486,525) (75.17)%

Marketing Expenses

Advertising and Promotion 159,404 264,176 (104,772)

Direct Mail 81,732 135,643 (53,912)

Internet and Website 121,547 202,879 (81,332)

Total Marketing Expenses 362,682 602,698 (240,016) (66.18)%

Payroll Expenses

Admin Staff Payroll 456,970 800,467 (343,496)

Assistant Payroll 373,930 655,007 (281,077)

Employee Benefits 38,179 66,877 (28,698)

Hygienist Wages 411,688 721,147 (309,459)

Outsourced Services 52,373 91,741 (39,368)

Payroll Clearing 5,034 8,819 (3,784)

Payroll Service Fees 16,890 29,587 (12,696)

Payroll Taxes 164,006 287,287 (123,281)

Pension Plan 14,707 25,763 (11,055)

Prior Period Payroll Expense 3,416 5,984 (2,568)

Reimbursement 28 49 (21)

Salaries & Wages 53,304 93,372 (40,068)

Staff Expenses 546,229 956,819 (410,591)

Temporary Labor 61,183 107,172 (45,990)

Total Payroll Expenses 2,197,938 3,850,090 (1,652,152) (75.17)%

Variable Costs

Dental Supplies 520,846 667,898 (147,052)

Laboratory Fees 360,609 631,673 (271,064)

Ortho/Implant Supplies 129,750 227,281 (97,531)

Total Variable Costs 1,011,205 1,526,852 (515,647) (50.99)%

Total Expense 5,869,984 10,002,775 (4,132,791) (70.41)%

Net Ordinary Income 8,310,643 8,735,611 (424,968) (5.11)%

Other Income 21,687 37,988

Total Other Income - - - 100.00%

Other Expense

Owner Comp

Owner Disability Ins 14,655 19,540 (4,885)

Owner Health Ins 20,021 26,694 (6,674)

Owner Life Ins 9,370 12,493 (3,123)

Owner Payroll Taxes 79,682 95,031 (15,349)

Owner Pension Plan 5,205 6,407 (1,201)

Owner Salary 800,820 960,984 (160,164)

Total Owner Comp 929,752 1,121,148 (191,396) (20.59)%

Total Other Expense 929,752 1,121,148 (191,396) (20.59)%

Net Other Income (929,752) (1,121,148) 191,396 (20.59)%

Net Income 7,380,891 7,614,463 (233,572) (3.16)%

Qvinci Dental Group

Profit and Loss - Detailed

Trailing Twelve Monthsa

May 2018 Jun 2018 Jul 2018 Aug 2018 Sep 2018 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Feb 2019 Mar 2019 Apr 2019May 01, 2018-Apr 30, 2019



Fee for Service Income 6,239,341 3,432,607 5,808,217 4,888,638 4,066,590 4,353,394 5,976,418 1,448,150 4,800,274 3,678,971 4,122,914 1,611,650 50,427,163

Interest Income 13,094 6,042 8,184 13,094 6,042 8,184 13,094 - 6,042 8,184 6,042 - 88,003

Other Income 14,010 6,465 8,756 14,010 6,465 8,756 14,010 - 6,465 8,756 6,465 - 94,161

Patient Refunds (49,890) (23,022) (31,181) (49,890) (23,022) (31,181) (49,890) - (23,022) (31,181) (23,022) - (335,301)

Product Sales 1,349 623 843 1,349 623 843 1,349 - 623 843 623 - 9,066

Total Income 6,217,904 3,422,715 5,794,820 4,867,201 4,056,697 4,339,997 5,954,981 1,448,150 4,790,382 3,665,573 4,113,022 1,611,650 50,283,091

Gross Profit 6,217,904 3,422,715 5,794,820 4,867,201 4,056,697 4,339,997 5,954,981 1,448,150 4,790,382 3,665,573 4,113,022 1,611,650 50,283,091


Associate Costs

Associate Benefits 72 33 45 72 33 45 72 - 33 45 33 - 482

Associate Contract Labor 145,148 66,980 90,718 145,148 66,980 90,718 145,148 - 66,980 90,718 66,980 - 975,518

Associate Payroll Taxes 13,310 6,142 8,319 13,310 6,142 8,319 13,310 - 6,142 8,319 6,142 - 89,455

Associate Pension Plan 937 432 585 937 432 585 937 - 432 585 432 - 6,296

Associate Salary Expense 239,181 110,372 149,488 239,181 110,372 149,488 239,181 - 110,372 149,488 110,372 - 1,607,492

Total Associate Costs 398,647 183,959 249,155 398,647 183,959 249,155 398,647 - 183,959 249,155 183,959 - 2,679,243

Business Expenses

Accounting 42,172 19,461 26,358 42,172 19,461 26,358 42,172 - 19,461 26,358 19,461 - 283,431

Bank Service Charges 3,682 1,699 2,301 3,682 1,699 2,301 3,682 - 1,699 2,301 1,699 - 24,745

Billing Services 17,702 8,169 11,064 17,702 8,169 11,064 17,702 - 8,169 11,064 8,169 - 118,975

Business Taxes 19,228 8,873 12,017 19,228 8,873 12,017 19,228 - 8,873 12,017 8,873 - 129,225

Client Gifts 33 15 20 33 15 20 33 - 15 20 15 - 219

Computer Expenses 44,277 20,432 27,673 44,277 20,432 27,673 44,277 - 20,432 27,673 20,432 - 297,578

Consulting 65,709 30,322 41,068 65,709 30,322 41,068 65,709 - 30,322 41,068 30,322 - 441,620

Disposal Fees 2,400 1,107 1,500 2,400 1,107 1,500 2,400 - 1,107 1,500 1,107 - 16,128

Dues and Subscriptions 11,084 5,115 6,927 11,084 5,115 6,927 11,084 - 5,115 6,927 5,115 - 74,492

Insurance - General Liability 19,612 9,050 12,258 19,612 9,050 12,258 19,612 - 9,050 12,258 9,050 - 131,812

Insurance - Malpractice 9,681 4,467 6,051 9,681 4,467 6,051 9,681 - 4,467 6,051 4,467 - 65,064

Insurance - Warranty 3,245 1,497 2,028 3,245 1,497 2,028 3,245 - 1,497 2,028 1,497 - 21,807

Insurance - Worker's Comp 7,309 3,373 4,568 7,309 3,373 4,568 7,309 - 3,373 4,568 3,373 - 49,126

Interest Expense 114,410 52,796 71,506 114,410 52,796 71,506 114,410 - 52,796 71,506 52,796 - 768,932

Legal 10,447 4,821 6,529 10,447 4,821 6,529 10,447 - 4,821 6,529 4,821 - 70,213

Licenses and Permits 5,514 2,545 3,446 5,514 2,545 3,446 5,514 - 2,545 3,446 2,545 - 37,061

Management Fees 5,002 2,308 3,126 5,002 2,308 3,126 5,002 - 2,308 3,126 2,308 - 33,614

Merchant Service Fees 68,170 31,458 42,606 68,170 31,458 42,606 68,170 - 31,458 42,606 31,458 - 458,158

Office Expense 53,805 24,829 33,628 53,805 24,829 33,628 53,805 - 24,829 33,628 24,829 - 361,612

Office Supplies 26,159 12,071 16,350 26,159 12,071 16,350 26,159 - 12,071 16,350 12,071 - 175,813

Pension Plan Fee 1,334 616 834 1,334 616 834 1,334 - 616 834 616 - 8,969

Postage and Delivery 5,505 2,540 3,441 5,505 2,540 3,441 5,505 - 2,540 3,441 2,540 - 37,001

Printing and Reproduction 2,838 1,310 1,774 2,838 1,310 1,774 2,838 - 1,310 1,774 1,310 - 19,074

Reference Materials 220 101 137 220 101 137 220 - 101 137 101 - 1,478

Small Tools and Equipment 11,218 5,177 7,011 11,218 5,177 7,011 11,218 - 5,177 7,011 5,177 - 75,396

Uniforms 5,498 5,874 3,436 5,498 5,874 3,436 5,498 3,337 2,537 3,436 5,874 - 50,297

Total Business Expenses 556,254 260,025 347,659 556,254 260,025 347,659 556,254 3,337 256,688 347,659 260,025 - 3,751,839

Discretionary Expenses

Automobile Expense 18,985 8,761 11,866 18,985 8,761 11,866 18,985 - 8,761 11,866 8,761 - 127,597

Charitable Contributions 6,062 2,797 3,789 6,062 2,797 3,789 6,062 - 2,797 3,789 2,797 - 40,742

Continuing Education 28,086 12,960 17,554 28,086 12,960 17,554 28,086 - 12,960 17,554 12,960 - 188,759

Meals and Entertainment 16,731 7,721 10,457 16,731 7,721 10,457 16,731 - 7,721 10,457 7,721 - 112,445

Other Promotion 4,908 2,265 3,068 4,908 2,265 3,068 4,908 - 2,265 3,068 2,265 - 32,988

Parking and Tolls 969 447 605 969 447 605 969 - 447 605 447 - 6,510

Staff Meetings and Training 6,680 3,082 4,175 6,680 3,082 4,175 6,680 - 3,082 4,175 3,082 - 44,893

Travel Expense 27,059 12,487 16,912 27,059 12,487 16,912 27,059 - 12,487 16,912 12,487 - 181,859

Total Discretionary Expenses 109,480 50,520 68,425 109,480 50,520 68,425 109,480 - 50,520 68,425 50,520 - 735,794

Facility & Equipment Expenses

Equipment Rental 4,509 2,081 2,818 4,509 2,081 2,818 4,509 - 2,081 2,818 2,081 - 30,301

Janitorial Expense 11,581 5,344 7,238 11,581 5,344 7,238 11,581 - 5,344 7,238 5,344 - 77,834

Monthly Property Services 12,568 5,800 7,855 12,568 5,800 7,855 12,568 - 5,800 7,855 5,800 - 84,469

Property Taxes 14,755 6,809 9,222 14,755 6,809 9,222 14,755 - 6,809 9,222 6,809 - 99,168

Rent Expense 293,246 135,321 183,279 293,246 135,321 183,279 293,246 - 135,321 183,279 135,321 - 1,970,856

Repairs and Maintenance 21,584 9,960 13,490 21,584 9,960 13,490 21,584 - 9,960 13,490 9,960 - 145,065

Telephone Expense 21,856 10,086 13,660 21,856 10,086 13,660 21,856 - 10,086 13,660 10,086 - 146,891

Utilities 38,042 17,555 23,776 38,042 17,555 23,776 38,042 - 17,555 23,776 17,555 - 255,674

Total Facility & Equipment Expenses 418,141 192,955 261,338 418,141 192,955 261,338 418,141 - 192,955 261,338 192,955 - 2,810,258

Marketing Expenses

Advertising and Promotion 90,046 61,573 56,279 90,046 61,573 56,279 90,046 20,021 41,552 56,279 61,573 - 685,264

Direct Mail 46,334 31,391 28,959 46,334 31,391 28,959 46,334 10,010 21,381 28,959 31,391 - 351,445

Internet and Website 69,900 45,603 43,688 69,900 45,603 43,688 69,900 13,347 32,256 43,688 45,603 - 523,177

Total Marketing Expenses 206,280 138,567 128,925 206,280 138,567 128,925 206,280 43,378 95,190 128,925 138,567 - 1,559,886

Payroll Expenses

Admin Staff Payroll 295,216 136,230 184,510 295,216 136,230 184,510 295,216 - 136,230 184,510 136,230 - 1,984,099

Assistant Payroll 241,570 111,474 150,981 241,570 111,474 150,981 241,570 - 111,474 150,981 111,474 - 1,623,551

Employee Benefits 24,665 11,382 15,415 24,665 11,382 15,415 24,665 - 11,382 15,415 11,382 - 165,767

Hygienist Wages 265,963 122,731 166,227 265,963 122,731 166,227 265,963 - 122,731 166,227 122,731 - 1,787,492

Outsourced Services 33,835 15,613 21,147 33,835 15,613 21,147 33,835 - 15,613 21,147 15,613 - 227,396

Payroll Clearing 3,252 1,501 2,033 3,252 1,501 2,033 3,252 - 1,501 2,033 1,501 - 21,859

Payroll Service Fees 10,912 5,035 6,820 10,912 5,035 6,820 10,912 - 5,035 6,820 5,035 - 73,336

Payroll Taxes 105,953 48,893 66,221 105,953 48,893 66,221 105,953 - 48,893 66,221 48,893 - 712,092

Pension Plan 9,501 4,384 5,938 9,501 4,384 5,938 9,501 - 4,384 5,938 4,384 - 63,857

Prior Period Payroll Expense 2,207 1,018 1,379 2,207 1,018 1,379 2,207 - 1,018 1,379 1,018 - 14,832

Reimbursement 18 8 11 18 8 11 18 - 8 11 8 - 122

Salaries & Wages 34,436 15,891 21,523 34,436 15,891 21,523 34,436 - 15,891 21,523 15,891 - 231,439

Staff Expenses 352,880 162,839 220,550 352,880 162,839 220,550 352,880 - 162,839 220,550 162,839 - 2,371,648

Temporary Labor 39,526 18,239 24,704 39,526 18,239 24,704 39,526 - 18,239 24,704 18,239 - 265,646

Total Payroll Expenses 1,419,934 655,240 887,458 1,419,934 655,240 887,458 1,419,934 - 655,240 887,458 655,240 - 9,543,136

Variable Costs

Dental Supplies 409,942 627,402 360,495 227,101 93,522 307,107 147,019 - 120,216 280,413 120,216 - 2,693,436

Laboratory Fees 232,964 107,503 145,603 232,964 107,503 145,603 232,964 - 107,503 145,603 107,503 - 1,565,714

Ortho/Implant Supplies 83,822 38,681 52,389 83,822 38,681 52,389 83,822 - 38,681 52,389 38,681 - 563,356

Total Variable Costs 726,728 773,586 558,487 543,888 239,706 505,099 463,806 - 266,400 478,405 266,400 - 4,822,506

Total Expense 3,835,465 2,254,852 2,501,447 3,652,624 1,720,972 2,448,059 3,572,542 46,715 1,700,952 2,421,365 1,747,666 - 25,902,660

Net Ordinary Income 2,382,439 1,167,863 3,293,372 1,214,577 2,335,725 1,891,937 2,382,439 1,401,435 3,089,430 1,244,207 2,365,355 1,611,650 24,380,431

Other Income/Expense

Other Income 14,010 6,465 8,756 14,010 6,465 8,756 14,010 - 6,465 8,756 6,465 - 94,161

Total Other Income - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other Expense

Owner Comp

Owner Disability Ins 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 4,885 - 53,735

Owner Health Ins 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 6,674 - 73,409

Owner Life Ins 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 - 34,355

Owner Payroll Taxes 23,758 23,758 23,758 23,758 23,758 23,758 23,758 23,758 26,561 26,561 26,561 - 269,743

Owner Pension Plan 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,602 1,735 1,735 1,735 - 18,018

Owner Salary 240,246 240,246 240,246 240,246 240,246 240,246 240,246 240,246 266,940 266,940 266,940 - 2,722,788

Total Owner Comp 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 309,917 309,917 309,917 - 3,172,048

Total Other Expense 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 280,287 309,917 309,917 309,917 - 3,172,048

Net Other Income (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (280,287) (309,917) (309,917) (309,917) - (3,172,048)

Net Income 2,102,152 887,576 3,013,085 934,290 2,055,438 1,611,650 2,102,152 1,121,148 2,779,513 934,290 2,055,438 1,611,650 21,208,383