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Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese

903 Ann Street Homestead, PA 15120

Rectory Office Phone: (412) 461-3264

Church Office & Auditorium: (412) 461-9437

Web Site:


E-mail Address:

Pastor – Very Rev. R. Michael Zak, Cell phone:(412)-804-8865

Deacons: Fr. Deacons Artemius Stienstra & Dr. Marc Wisnosky

Sub- Deacon: Andrew Halapin, Jr.

Cantor/Choir Director: Danielle Bartko

Assistant Cantors – Donald Bodnar Jr. & Michele Tomko

Parish Council President: Tom Pingor Vol. 7; No. 1

Monday, January 7, 2019


SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST Divine Liturgy: 9:00 A.M.

Epistle: Galatians 4:4-7; Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12

Tropar & Kondak: Blue Book: 132-135 / Red Book: 149-154

Altar Candles’ Sponsor: In memory of the +Harris Family, offered by Trona & Family.

Nativity Candle Donation: Donated by Chris & Diane Lacock in memory of: +Edward &

+Dolores Pingor and +Wendy Pingor.

Begin Fast-Free Period!

All worshipers are kindly asked to proceed downstairs after the Liturgy for an appetizing

Nativity Social, hosted by Father Michael & Pani Deborah. Greet everyone with the words:



Tuesday, (Jan. 8)… 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy on the Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother

of God.

Wednesday, (Jan. 9)… 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Proto-Martyr and

Archdeacon Stephen. 7:00 P.M. Prayer (Moleben) Service of St. Nectarios, with the

Anointing of the sick, in body & soul.

Thursday, (Jan. 10)… 9:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy for the repose of the soul of God’s

departed servant, +Michael Sukaly, offered by +George Sukal & +Mildred.

Friday, (Jan. 11)… 9:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy for the repose of the souls of God’s departed

servants, +Frank & +Mary Kolesar, offered by Mary Kolesar Family.


Sunday, January 13, 2019


Service of the 3rd Hour: 8:20 A.M.

Divine Liturgy: 9:00 A.M.

Epistle: 2 Timothy 4:5-8; Resurrection Tone: 7; Gospel: Mark 1:1-8 (Sunday before Theophany)

Tropar & Kondak: Blue Book: 102-104; 142 / Red Book: 117-119; 162

Birthday Prayers intoned for, God-Mother, Joan Ribovich, offered by God-child, Susan Miller.

Panachida Service conducted for the repose of the soul of God’s departed servant, +Ann Timko,

on the 2nd Anniversary of her falling asleep in the Lord, offered by Trona & Family.

Panachida Service conducted for the repose of the soul of God’s departed servant, +Allan Fecso,

offered by a Parishioner of St. Nicholas.

Matthew 2:1-12 – 2:1 – Herod: ruled Judea from 37-4 BC. He was a great builder but a cruel leader. Luke mentions Herod to pinpoint the historical date of the birth of Jesus Christ. An ancient prophecy of Jacob indicated the Messiah would come when a king ruled who was not from the tribe of

Judah (Gen. 49:10). As Herod was a non-Jew calling himself the king of Judea, the coming of Christ was surely at hand. The wise men, or magi, who come from the East (most likely Persia), were the scholars of their time. In the Old Testament, Balaam (Nm. 23, 24) was one of their predecessors, a Gentile who anticipated the Messiah. These foreigners prefigure the Church, in which membership is determined by faith and not by ethnic lineage. 2:2 – The star proclaims the extraordinary birth of Christ. To ancient pagans, a star signified a god, a deified king (Nm 24:17). Christ being born under this star fulfills the prophecy in Ps. 109:3 and shows all of creation participating in the Incarnation. 2:4 – Herod had to summon the Jewish leaders because he knew little about the Jewish Messiah and he feared losing his throne to this newborn King. The chief priests were the political and religious leaders of the Jews, and the scribes were high cabinet officers. They knew where the Messiah was to be born, but in spite of all the signs being in place, they had no idea that He had come. 2:11 – Into the house: Whereas the Jewish shepherds worship the Savior in the cave on the day He was born (Luke 2:8-20), the Gentile magi came to worship Him some time later. By then, Joseph and Mary had found a house in which to dwell. This indicates that Christ first came to the Jews and then afterward was worshiped by the Gentiles. The significance of the Magi’s gifts is revealed in a hymn sung at Compline of the Nativity: “Gold is for the King of ages. Frankincense is for the God of all. Myrrh is offered to the Immortal One, who shall be three days dead.” ****************************************************************************** RECTORY OFFICE HOURS are 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday thru Friday. EMERGENCY SICK CALLS can be made anytime. Please notify your Pastor when someone is taken to the hospital; Sacred Scriptures remind us to call the presbyter to anoint the sick. MARRIAGES are celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays. Consult the Pastor at least 6 months in advance and before wedding reception plans have been made. Marriages cannot be celebrated during Lent or Advent, or on Fridays. BAPTISMS are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays at 11 A.M. Two God-parents are required; at least one of whom must be an Orthodox Christian by Faith, and the other a practicing Christian. An infant’s first or middle name must be a saint’s name. CHURCH FUNERALS are provided for parishioners who are current in their spiritual and financial obligations to the Parish. Otherwise, burial is from the funeral home. The Church does not permit cremation.

****************************************************************************** FOLLOW OUR DIOCESE ON-LINE! Diocesan Website: Camp Nazareth: Facebook: Twitter: You Tube: **************************************************************************************************************************


“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,

and we beheld His glory,

the glory as of the Only-Begotten

of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

The Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ

celebrates the great miracle of the Incarnation.

The Almighty God chose to be born a helpless Child

in the cold and darkness and poverty of a Bethlehem cave.

The Lord of Life chose to become human,

that He might die on the Cross in order to save you and me.

And the All Good God chose to do all of this

even though we continue to sin and fall short of His glory.

For this incredible miracle, let us say with St. Paul:

“Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift!”

(II Corinthians 9:15)

Dearly Beloved in the Lord:


“Today, the Virgin gives birth

to the Transcendent One,

and the earth offer a cave

to the Unapproachable One.

Angels and shepherds

glorify Him,

And the wise men journey

with the star –

For unto us the Eternal God

is born as a little Child.”

As we join the chorus of Heaven and earth praising

the God Who loves us more than we love ourselves,

may He richly bless you and your loved ones

with all of the good things that come from His hands.

TO ALL MEMBERS OF ST. NICHOLAS… who park in the lot behind our sacred temple or on the streets around the church, make sure your lock the doors of your vehicle! We have had problems with people breaking in and stealing items very recently. Be safe and protect your means of transportation and its contents! ************************************************************************************************************************** ST. NICHOLAS ORTHODOX CHURCH – MONTHLY BOARD MEETING! Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church shall conduct its monthly Church Officers’ Session on Monday, January 21, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. Auditors will meet at 6:30 P.M. All parishioners are welcome to attend these monthly board meetings, and anyone can participate and express their opinions. ************************************************************************************************************************** SENIOR A.C.R.Y. CHAPTER #11 REMINDERS: Purchase a “Lots of Luck Calendar” for $25 from Carol Dunn and become eligible to win a monetary prize daily for a whole year. These calendars are perfect gifts to give on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ celebration; there are a few of the mouth-watering St. Nicholas Medovniki Cookies remaining to be sold by the Senior Chapter. The pastries are individually wrapped with a special treat from St. Nick himself; the sale of these honey desserts will benefit the National ACRY Stewardship Campaign. Cost: $2.00 each or $10.00/half dozen. Please contact Aaron Zak to secure the honey desserts at or 724-910-9719. ************************************************************************************************************************** COME AND PARTAKE OF THE “SECOND HOLY NIGHT SUPPER” WITH YOUR CHURCH FAMILY ON FRIDAY, JAN. 18TH AT 5 P.M. IN THE PARISH HALL! Theophany Eve is a strict fast day, so contribute a non-meat, non-dairy food entrée to share with our brothers & sisters of St. Nicholas. Sign your name to the designated list on the table in the auditorium and the strict fast culinary dish or beverage that you will be offering. Following the sacred repast, the Vigil Service for the Theophany of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ will be celebrated at 7 P.M., concluding with the Great Blessing of Water, Church Sanctification and Distribution of the Holy Liquid to the faithful participants. ************************************************************************************************************************** “PIGS-IN-A-BLANKET” ARE A FAVORITE FOOD STAPLE OF OUR SLAVIC PEOPLE, CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST! Now that the glorious feast of our Saviour’s birth has finally arrived, you may wish to buy the freshly-made, cooked holupki (stuffed cabbage) and haluski (noodles and cabbage) for the Christmas dinner. The “pigs” are on sale in the auditorium for $3 each. See Flo Davis, Mary Lou Lenart or Jean Colantoni, who will assist you! ************************************************************************************************************************** ST. NICHOLAS ORTHODOX CHURCH – SPECIAL PARISH MEETING: SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2019! (SECOND NOTICE) St. Nicholas Church will hold a Special Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 13, 2019 after the Divine Liturgy, at approximately 11:15 A.M., regarding our church roofs, gutters, and downspouts, and the replacement thereof. We will also discuss the rollout of our Stewardship Program in 2019. All church members are encouraged to attend this important session. The meeting should last about 30-45 minutes. Thank You! Thomas Pingor, St. Nicholas Church President. ************************************************************************************************************************** CALLING ALL MEN OF ST. NICHOLAS TO CELEBRATE RUSSIAN NEW YEAR’S DAY ON JAN. 14TH AT DUKE’S ON 8TH AVENUE IN HOMESTEAD AT 7 P.M.! The Men’s Club will provide a nice variety of appetizing foods; you merely have to pay for your own beverages. Come and enjoy a night out on the town and welcome in the new year on the Julian Calendar. The Men’s Club will conduct its regular monthly meeting and you will be aware of the sterling stewardship that the organization commits to the Church! ************************************************************************************************************************** WE ARE LOOKING FOR A DONOR! From the office of our Diocesan Chancellor, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro: Fathers: We have received a request from our parishioners – Anna, Ron and Jacob Markosky – at St. John’s Church in Ligonier (Wilpen), PA. Their son, Jacob (age 33) was born with Polycystic Kidney Disease, a genetic disorder in which there is growth of multiple cysts in the kidneys. At the age of 3, Jake had a transplant from his dad which has lasted for 30 years. It’s now failing. Jake’s mother, Anna, intended to be a donor, but after testing she was not found to be compatible. They are now looking for a donor. Any interested person may call Living Donor – Pittsburgh UPMC at (412) 864-5475 or go on-line for more information. God bless them in their search. Sincerely, Fr. Frank Miloro, Chancellor. ************************************************************************************************************************** THERE IS NO FASTING UNTIL THE EVE OF THEOPHANY ON FRIDAY, JAN. 18TH! Partake of whatever food you so desire in celebration of the glorious Nativity of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. But, eat and drink in moderation. The Fathers of the Church suggest that we should leave the table meal, knowing we are capable of digesting additional culinary staples. But, we eat to live and not live to eat! ************************************************************************************************************************** THE CHRISTMAS BULLETIN! What a joyous feast! We have found our true foundation as Christians: the God-man Jesus Christ Himself. Gazing upon Christ in the manger we see not only the birth of God but the

rebirth of humanity, the 2nd chance at Paradise lost, for in Christ and through Christ we have access to Our Father in Heaven and the Holy Comforter the Holy Spirit. I pray you have found yourself a heart that has more room in it for love, for forgiveness and for His peace and stillness. Give thanks to God this day before you exchange the many Nativity presents among your family members for God is with us, for us & loves us!

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church
