Runaway love



Analysis of Runaway love ft. Mary J Blige

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Analysing Music Video

Analysing Music Video

Ludacris & Mary J Blige- Runaway Love

Camera Shots

There are wide range of camera shots in this music video, but I specifically chose these shots because there something different and something I would consider to use in my music video. I chose the shot of the different flyers, as they indicate awareness and show how many people are missing, we want to use this but with articles of people suffering with an eating disorder. I like the close up of the girl with the tear on her face, because is indicates her internal feeling which she hides from the whole world. The shot with the artist in the background, unaware by the actress is also appealing as it connotes help is out there and also gives an insight into someone's unfortunate life. Also the focus is shown on the artist as he is rapping, as the actress is blurred, which would be a effect to use.


The use of fading used in this shot worked really well because it changed as he started singing the verse after having the chorus with both artist together. The other shot was the when the car went past and the scene changed I would like to experiment using this transition because I think its a good editing technique to incorporate. And the other editing shot were fast shots at the beginning and they changed with the beat, which I though is a good technique to use.


The use oflocationsused are very urban style with the graffiti, I dont think this would fit in to the genre style of our song, but it could represent the lower class lifestyle the girl come from. The ways its shown in an ally also symbolises the negative of what is represents, such as muggings, however at the end it contrast as everyone who ran go together in that same location. Thepropsof the alcohol used in that shot already connotes a negative atmosphere, and shows the abuse that the person is suffering. The mirror reflection shot we will use in our music video, of a teenage girl putting on her make-up and also looking at her figure feeling depressed about the way she looks.


I like that the song lyrics is like a storyline about 3 different girls suffering from three completely different situation but they also come together and connect because they lived a bad lifestyle and ran away. I also like the way that the artist appeared with the three girls, which signified that they have support, but they need to confide in someone. It made it more personal seeing how their lives really are and made the audience empathise with them. I like the idea of the artist also being separate this is what we are going to do with our music video but he will be playing a piano in a plain room with a spotlight.

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