Rounding and Estimating LESSON 17POWER UP DPAGE 108



Whole Numbers Round 2,436,501 to the nearest ten thousand.

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Rounding and EstimatingLESSON 17 POWER UP D PAGE 108

Rounding 5 or higher: round up 4 or lower: round down

Whole Numbers Round 2,436,501 to the nearest ten thousand.

Decimal Numbers Same rounding rules as whole numbers Do not fill the places dropped with zeros

Round 4.125832 to two decimal places. Round 2.701234 to the nearest whole number.

Mixed Numbers Multiply the numerator by 2 If the product is less than the denominator, round down If the product is greater than the denominator, round up

Or Numerator less than the denominator round down Numerator greater than the denominator round up

Mixed Numbers Round to the nearest whole number

Estimating Estimate the sum of 1432 and 4721.

Sam works 38 hours for $7.75 per hour. He calculated his paycheck at $2945.00. What is a reasonable estimate of what Sam earns?