Ron Seabridge. Konrad Zuse He created the first freely programmable computer. It was made in 1936 it...


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Ron Seabridge

He created the first freely programmable computer. It was made in 1936 it was called the Z1 computer.

It was a binary electrically driven mechanical calculator.

It was completed in 1938 and financed completely from private funds.

This computer was destroyed in the bombardment of Berlin in December 1943.

a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs or defects in a computer program.

The terms bug and debugging are both popularly attributed to Admiral Grace Hopper in the 1940s.

a global system of interconnected computer networks.

The internet was created by a group called ARPA.

The internet was created for the sharing of information.

It was a engine used to process the information needed for a computer its was the design of the computer.

The tabulating machine was a machine used to assist in the process of information. It spawned a larger class of devices known as unit record equipment and the data processing industry.

Was the first general-purpose, electronic computer.

its first use was in calculations for the hydrogen bomb.

Work on the computer was begun in secret by the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering

A program is just a sequence of instructions that were instructed or written to perform a specified task.

Well it could switch on and off. It would have a shorter response time to

get the message that would need to be sent.

Binary system is the system of binary code.

Binary code is the code that a computer reads.

The code is represented by 0 and 1.


