Role Exchange and Load Sharing for Human-Robot Haptic Interaction Cagatay Basdogan Robotics and...


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Role Exchange and Load Sharingfor

Human-Robot Haptic InteractionCagatay Basdogan

Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory (RML)

Koc University


Even though robots can be programmed to share control with human operators to perform a task, the interaction in such systems is still artificial when compared to natural human-human cooperation.






Why? Adaptation to human needs:

Intuitive, natural, and multimodal communication Intention recognition and expression Understanding personal traits Role allocation and load sharing Negotiation and conflict resolution


Kucukyilmaz, A., Sezgin, T.M., Basdogan, C., 2013, "Intention Recognition for Dynamic Role Exchange in Haptic Collaboration", IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 58-68.

Mortl, A., Lawitzky, M., Kucukyilmaz, A., Sezgin, M., Basdogan, C., Hirche, S., 2012, "The Role of Roles: Physical Cooperation between Humans and Robots", International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 31, No. 13, pp. 1656-1674.

7 PhD, 5 MS

Artwork by Karya Başdoğan

Acknowledgement:Ayşe Kücükyılmaz (PhD Student, Koc Univ.)Özgur Oğuz (MS Student, Koc Univ.)Alexander Mörtl (PostDoc Fellow, TUM)Martin Lawitzky (PhD Student, TUM)Prof. Metin Sezgin (Koc Univ.)Prof. Sandra Hirche (TUM)

Alumni: Ayse Kucukyilmaz (Imperial College London), Özgür Oğuz (IIT/Italy), Nuray Dindar(UBC/Canada), Berkay Yarpuzlu(Ford Otosan R&D), Yunus Has (SAGE), Selman Cebeci (Ford Otosan R&D), Sina Öcal (Eczacıbaşı), Umut Özcan (Ford Otosan R&D) Bilal Örün (İpek Kağıt), Mert Sedef (UNC, Mimic Tech/USA), Aydin Varol (EPFL), Nesra Yannier (CMU), Erk Subaşı (ETH), İhsan Günev (Ford Otosan ArGe), İbrahim Bukusoglu (Ford Otosan R&D), Cengiz Öztireli (ETH), Evren Samur (EPFL, now Faculty Member at Bogaziçi Univ.), Sertaç Karaman (MIT, now Faculty Member at MIT).

Control Systems

CCD Camera

LDV Microscope Adapter

Laser Spot Positioner

XYZ Manual Stage

XYZ NanoStage


CCD Camera

LDV Microscope Adapter

Laser Spot Positioner

XYZ Manual Stage

XYZ NanoStage


Surface Haptics


Medical Simulation