ROCC Alive! Spring 2015



Inaugural Issue. Enjoy!

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A NEW SEASON Like us on Facebook: ROCC of South Holland

16931 South Park Avenue, South Holland, IL | 708-331-8881 Sundays: Sunday School 9:00 am | Worship 10:00 am

Wednesdays: Midweek Service – Dinner 6:00 pm | Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pmCopyright 2015 River Oaks Community Church. All Rights Reserved

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Welcome to the first issue of ROCC ALIVE!

The quarterly magazine of the River Oaks

Community Church of South Holland! It seemed

fitting that the launch of our magazine coincide

with our journey into a new season – SPRING!!

As spring generally brings forth growth, life

and a sense of newness, it is our hope that this

publication will also provide information, truth

and encouragement, as you grow in your walk

and relationship with the Lord! May this journal

also provide you with a new way to become and

remain connected with what is taking place at the

ROCC. Embrace this new season! Be blessed.

Pastors Vince and La Tonia, Joshua and John Lambert


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We are so thankful for the support and prayers of ROCC. We completed two-thirds of the

language school, and have already started to minister in local Assemblies of God churches

in Indonesia. This summer, after we finish our year of language study, we will move to a

city called Jogja. Jogja is a college city, home to over 70 thousand college students. We will

be working with Chi Alpha Jogja, a ministry of the Assemblies of God that focuses on ministry to college

students, specifically reaching those who have never heard the gospel. Currently there are 100 students

coming weekly to Chi Alpha meetings, and about 60% of them belong

to the majority religion of Indonesia. We will also be teaching at a local

AG Bible school once a week, and training local churches to equip

them to do youth ministry more effectively. Please be in prayer as we

transition from language study to various ministries that the Lord has

laid on our hearts.

Ben and Kathleen StrussMissionaries to Indonesia

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed

free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. Luke 4:18-19

There are currently over 49,000 individuals incarcerated in the state of Illinois. Many of these inmates

are seeking salvation and spiritual development. For this reason, the ROCC prison ministry outreach has

been established. The purpose of the prison outreach is to serve as Christ instructs us to in Luke 4:18-19, to

proclaim freedom for the prisoners; in this case, spiritual freedom.

During the month of February, the ROCC hosted a training for those seeking to go into the prisons to

minister to the inmates and show the love of Christ. Our first prison ministry weekend will take place on

May 8-9, 2015. There are still openings available if you would like to be a part of this ministry team that will

pray, evangelize, teach and disciple those who are incarcerated.

Please contact Pastor Phil Cleveland, ROCC Evangelism Pastor at

Pastor Phil can give you more details about this exciting ministry opportunity!

REACH OUT! News From ROCC Outreach


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Hello beloved, I greet you in the precious and strong name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In this inaugural issue of ROCC Alive! I want to share on the topic of prayer. Jesus Christ is the model for us concerning an effective prayer life (Matt 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12). When we study the life of Jesus, one thing that

is apparent is that prayer was central for him. Even though Jesus was the son of God, he still took time out to pray. Luke 5:16 tells us two things about the prayer life of Jesus.

First, there is frequency.The Bible tells us that Jesus often withdrew. The word often illustrates regularity. Prayer was not an occasional activity for Jesus; he prayed and he prayed regularly. If Jesus needed to take time to pray, how much more should we! Prayer must be a natural occurrence in the life of every believer. If we allow our prayer times to be few and far between, we will not experience the fullness of the Christian life that is intended for us.

The second thing we see in this verse is that Jesus withdrew to be alone with God. God is looking to have a one on one relationship with you. Getting alone with God denotes an intimacy and an authenticity that only comes from a genuine relationship. Jesus is calling every believer to connect with him at the heart level so that we can walk in the fullness of the Kingdom of God. We live in a culture today that is often times busy and frenetic. With all of the interference from social media, smart phones and the like, it is easy to get distracted from the necessary, critical, daily communion with the Lord.

During this season at the ROCC, it will be so important for us to pray both corporately as a body, and as individual believers. We are asking the Lord to do so much this year! We want to see God move in our church in every way possible, and that all begins with prayer. We are well into 2015, so let me ask you, how is your prayer life? Even if it is not what you want it to be right now, you still have time to make this a profound year of prayer.

Calling the prayer line on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM (CST) and participating in corporate prayer on Wednesday’s at 7:00 PM at the ROCC is a good start! Determine in your heart right now that nothing will prevent you from praying because as John Wesley said, “God will do nothing on earth except in answer to believing prayers!”

ROCC Prayer Line Tuesdays @ 8:00 PM Central: 712-432-1212 ID# 358855580

FROM THE PASTOR’S HEARTPrayer...necessary, NOT optional

Getting alone with God denotes an intimacy and an authenticity that only comes from a genuine relationship.

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Laurie’s Corner Thoughts from our Editor

B L O O M where you’re planted

As I continue to take some quiet time for reflection, I am brought back to Pastor Vince’s recent message regarding the fact that God gives gifts to each of us; gifts and skills to use for good and for His glory. It is up to us, however, to make a conscious decision and choice to embrace those gifts and allow God to work through us. We may not, at all times, feel entirely content or happy or at peace in

where we are – physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Given this, it may be easy to talk ourselves into the untruth that we can’t be used by God; that there are others better equipped to fulfill His purposes and plans. The truth, however, is that God knows where He has you…where He wants you, and He does not make mistakes. Ever. The truth is, if you want to bloom, you have to trust the gardener! As we move toward the season of Spring, let Spring not only be evident in that which we can see (more sunshine); that which we can hear (birds and bugs chirping) or that which we can feel (warmer temperatures), but let it be evident in the change that God stirs within us; evident in the willingness to be vessels used of God and “bloom where we’re planted.”


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WISDOM & REVELATIONPraise is Moving Us Forward | Pastor LaTonia Lambert

In order to move ahead with God, we

have to lead with praise.

Pastor Vince recently encouraged the ROCC, through one of his life-changing messages, to shift into the new season that God has for us. I am so thankful that God is neither stagnate nor stale. Rather, God has fresh bread for us daily, as Jesus is the bread of life as revealed in John 6:48-51,58. Whenever the Lord wants us to move ahead, we propel His plans forward as we begin with praise. Whenever the camp of

Israel would launch a journey, Judah was the first tribe to move (Num. 10:14-16). It was only after the tribe of Judah (along with Issachar & Zebulum) advanced forward that the tabernacle would be moved. In order to move ahead with God, we have to lead with praise.

The ROCC Praise Team prayerfully establishes an atmosphere which reflects praises to God, the move of the Holy Spirit and the heart of God. The dance ministry not only praises the Lord through movement (Psalm 149:3), but also provides the congregation with a visual representation

of the move of the spirit through dance, colors and banners which declares the salvation and truth of God (Psalm 20:5 and Psalms 60:4). Worship at the ROCC is an invitation for all to adore the Lord in spirit & truth (John 4:24). May we guard against routine worship in our hearts, but let our authentic praise and daily revelation of God move us forward.

Sources: Holy Bible; Judah Goes First, Ronald Sawka; Dance B4 Him, Jacqueline Saunders





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1. Soda contains zero nutrients, and is high in calories and sugar. Studies show a strong link between soda consumption and childhood obesity.

2. Soda suppresses the appetite so kids are less likely to eat nourishing foods. Soda drinkers are less likely to get the recommended levels of vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium.

3. Phosphorus, a common ingredient in soda, can deplete bones of calcium. Girls who drink more soda are more prone to broken bones. Doctors are becoming concerned about the health impact of carbonated beverage consumption on teenaged girls.

4. Studies show a direct link between tooth decay and soda. Not only does the sugar cause cavities, the acids in soda etch off tooth enamel. Acid can begin to dissolve tooth enamel in only 20 minutes. Dentists are reporting complete loss of the enamel on the front teeth in teenaged boys and girls who habitually drink sodas.

5. Caffeine is known to create physical dependence and upsets the normal balance of neurochemistry in the developing brains of children. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal gland without providing the nourishment it needs. In large amounts, caffeine can lead to adrenal exhaustion, especially in children. Colas contain 35 to 38 milligrams of caffeine per

12-ounce can. Diet colas often contain a lot more. A can of Pepsi One has about 56 milligrams of caffeine. Mountain Dew, Mello Yellow, Sun Drop, Jolt, Barq’s Root Beer, and Sunkist Orange soda all contain caffeine. Sprite, 7-Up, ginger ale, and many brands of root beer are caffeine-free.

6. Drinking a lot of soda every day can lead to blood sugar disorders, including diabetes

7. Aspartame, used in diet sodas, is a potent brain toxin and endocrine disrupter.

8. Citric acid, often found in soda, may contain traces of MSG. MSG is another potent brain toxin. The artificial flavors found in soda may also contain traces of MSG.

9. Drinking sodas regularly can upset the fragile, acid-alkaline balance of the stomach, creating a continuous acid environment. This prolonged acid environment can lead to inflammation of the stomach and duodenal lining, which can be quite painful.

10. Sodas act as dehydrating diuretics, much like tea, coffee and alcohol, and can inhibit proper digestive function.

KIDZ ROCK!Hey Kids, Do you remember learning the names of God in Bible Study? Test your memory and ask a grown up to give you a quiz!

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NAMES OF GOD1. Elohim Strong Creator

2. Jehovah, Yahweh I Am

3. El Shaddai God Almighty

4. El Elyon God Most High

5. El Kana Jealous God

How did you do? Now challenge a friend and see who can remember ALL five!!

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IMPORTANT DATESMay 8 through May 9 – Prison Ministry Mission Weekend

May 10 – Mother’s Day

May 18 through May 20 - Illinois District Council (Carlinville, IL)

May 24 – Pentecost Sunday

May 29 through May 30 – ROCC Women’s Retreat (Deerfield, IL)

June 21 – Father’s Day

June 22 through June 26 – Breakaway Kidz Camp

June 26 through June 28 – Rinehard Bonnke Crusade Weekend

(Allstate Arena: Rosemont, IL)

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BooksFacing Your Giants by Max LucadoEmotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter ScazzeroCrazy Love by Francis Chan

SongsI Will Trust by Fred HammondLove Came Down by Kari JobeRedeemer by Nicole C. Mullen

Recommendations for reading and worship, to stir the heart and the mind…


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Alvin Aliey Women’s Outing: The women hosted a fellowship and outing in which they attended the performance of the Alvin Aliey Dance Theatre. A pre-show reception was held where the ladies enjoyed lunch and learned the history of the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre..

Gladys & Kenny: Gladys Knowles Kenny Kaufman were honored for over 20 and 30 years of service at the ROCC.

Illinois Assembly of God Connection Conference: The ROCC Pastoral Staff attended the AG conference designed to “minister” to the ministers.

“GO” Ministry Expo: Members of the ROCC were encourage to “Go” and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) by becoming passionate about and active in ministry.

Pastoral Anniversary: The ROCC celebrated Pastor Vince’s one year pastoral anniversary in January of 2015.

One Year Pastoral Anniversary.

We love, appreciate and honor you!

Pastor Vince!


Like us on Facebook: ROCC of South Holland16931 South Park Avenue, South Holland, IL | 708-331-8881

Sundays: Sunday School 9:00 am | Worship 10:00 amWednesdays: Midweek Service – Dinner 6:00 pm | Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pm

Copyright 2015 River Oaks Community Church. All Rights Reserved

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