Rjs Pre 2011


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  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    he Rajasthan Public Service Commission held Rajasthan Judicial Services Competitive Exam

    2011 (Preliminary on 21 !ecember 2011" #he $ollo%in& is the 'uestion paper o$ RJS Prelims



    #ime 2"00 )ours *aximum *ar+s 120


    1" Answer all questions.

    2" All questions carry equal marks.

    " Only one answer is to be given for each question.

    " If more than one answers are marked, it would be trated as wrong answer.

    " Each question has four alternative responses marked serially as 1, , !, " #ou have to darken only

    one circle or bubble indicating the correct answer on the Answer $heet using %&'E %A&& (OI)*


    3" 1+! part of the marks- of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. A wrong answer

    means an incorrect answer or more than one answers for any question. &eaving all the relevant

    circles or bubbles of any question blank will not be considered as wrong answer-.

    4" *he candidate should ensure that $eries ode of the /uestion (aper %ooklet and Answer $heet

    must be same after opening the envelopes. In case they are different, a candidate must obtain

    another question paper of the same series. andidate himself shall be responsible for ensuring this.

    5" 0obile (hone or any other electronics gadget in the eamination hall is strictly prohibited. A

    candidate found with any of such ob2ectionable material with him+her will be strictly dealt as per rules.

    6" (lease correctly fill your 3oll )umber in O.0.3 $heet. 4 marks will be deducted for filling wrong or

    incomplete 3oll )umber.

    10" If there is any sort of ambiguity+mistake either of printing or factual nature then out of 5indi and

    English 6ersion will be treated as standard.

    Warning : If a candidate is found copying or if any unauthorised material is found in his+her

    possession. 7.I.3 would be lodged against him+her in the (olice $tation and he+she would liable to be

    prosecuted under $ection ! of the 3.(.E. (revention of 'nfairmeans- Act, 188. ommission may

    also debar him+her permanently from all future eaminations of the ommission.

    1" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& statements is correct 8

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    1- *he (rincipal offender must have the same guilty mind as that of the abettor.

    - Abettor9s liability is dependent on the liability of the principal offender.

    !- Abettor and principal offender may be differently liable for different offences.

    "- If the abettor is innocent, the principal offender is also not liable.

    2" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& correctly distin&uishes the$t $rom extortion 8

    1- In theft movable property must be dishonestly taken whereas in etortion there is delivery of the

    thing etorted.

    - *he etortion there must be dishonest intention whereas in theft the same is not necessary.

    !- *heft requires dishonest intention whereas etortion requires fraudulent intention.

    "- *heft is an offence against movable property.

    " 9:9 intentionally causes ;:> has committed

    1- 7orgery

    - 7orgery for the purpose of cheating

    !- heating by personation

    "- Attempt to commit forgery

    " >:>= a Spanish citi?en= %ho %as residin& in Paris= insti&ated the commission o$ an o$$ence

    %hich in conse'uence %as commited in ,ndia" )e

    1- is a liable as the offence was committed in India

    - is liable since the Indian (enal ode also etends to etra

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    1- but bailable

    - as well as non cogni=able

    !- and compoundable

    "- and non bailable

    4" #he establishment o$ a sessions Court as a special court to try o$$ences under the

    scheduled Caste and Scheduled tribe (prevention o$ :trocities :ct" 1656 re'uires concurrence


    1- $tate government

    - hief >ustice of the concerned 5igh ourt

    !- ?istrict >udge of the concerned area

    "- Advocate @eneral of the $tate

    5" :ny person a&&rieved by the order made by the competent authority under the juvenile

     justice (Care and Protection o$ Children :ct= 2000 can appeal to

    1- *he $essions ourt

    - *he 5igh ourt

    !- 5ome 0inister

    "- hief >udicial 0agistrate

    6" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is not a condition precedent to the release o$ an o$$ender on

    probation under section = Probation o$ /$$enders :ct= 1658

    1- ircumstances of the case

    - )ature of the offence

    !- haracter of the offender 

    "- Amount of damage caused by the offender

    10" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is not the$t o$ electricity8

    1- 'sing electricity through a tampered meter 

    - *apping of any connection with underground cables

    !- 'sing electricity for the purpose other than the authorised

    "- 'sing electricity as per the licence

    11" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is correct8

    *he information technology Act, applies also to an offence committed outside of India when the

    1- accused is an Indian national only

    - accused is of any nationality

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    !- act or conduct constituting the offence involves a computer, computer system or computer network

    irrespective of its location

    "- act or conduct constituting the offence involves a computer, computer system or computer network

    is located in India

    12" ,n a criminal case documents are exhibited as %hich one o$ the $ollo%in& 8

    1- E < 1 by one party and E A < 1 by the other 

    - E < ( < 1 by one party and E < ? < 1 by the other

    !- E < B < 1 by one party and E < # < 1 by the other 

    "- E < 0 < 1 by one party and E < ) < 1 by the other 

    1" Select the ri&ht option based on $ollo%in& :ssertion A Reason

     Assertion A- C *he principle of equality before law means that there should be equality of treatment

    under equal circumstances.

    3eason 3- C All persons are not equal by nature, attainment or circumstances.

    :ns%er /ption

    1- %oth A- and 3- are individually true and 3- is a correct eplanation of A-

    - %oth A- and 3- are invidividually true, but 3- is pot the correct eplanation of A-

    !- A- is true but 3- is false

    "- A- is false but 3- is true

    1" Select the ri&ht option based on $ollo%in& :ssertion A Reason

     Assertion A- C )on

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    1- %oth A- and 3- are individually true and 3- is a correct eplanation of A-

    - %oth A- and 3- are individually true, but 3- is not the correct eplanation of A-

    !- A- is true but 3- is false

    "- A- is false but 3- is true

    13" Select the ri&ht option based on $ollo%in& :ssertion A Reason

     Assertion A- C *he offence of dishonour of cheque ecludes mens area.

    3eason 3- C If creates strict liability .

    :ns%er /ption

    1- %oth A- and 3- are individually true and 3- is a correct eplanation of A- .

    - %oth A- and 3- are individually true, but 3- is not the correct eplanation of A-

    !- A- is true but 3- is false

    "- A- is false but 3- is true

    14" Ban on smo+in& in public place is a violation o$ %hich one o$ $ollo%in& articles o$ the

    constitution 8

    1- Article 1"

    - Article

    !- Article 1

    "- Article 4

    15" ,n %hich one o$ the $ollo%in& cases it %as held that telephone tappin& is an invasion o$

    ri&ht te privacy 8

    1- (eoplesD 'nion for ivil &iberties v. 'nion of India

    - $tate of 0aharashtra v. 0urali ?eora

    !- @ovind v. $tate of 0adhya (radesh

    "- 0r. B v. 5ospital

    16" 7hich one out o$ the $ollo%in& is not a $undamental Ri&ht 8

    1- 3ight to strike

    - 3ight against eploitation

    !- 3ight to equality

    "- 3ight to freedom of religion

    20" #he Jurisdiction o$ the Supreme Court may be enlar&ed by the

    1- (arliament by law- (arliament by resolution

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    1- order attachment

    - eecute the decree against the legal representatives of the deceased 2udgement debtor

    !- send the decree for eecution to another court

    "- order eecution at the instance of the transferee of the decree

    24" #he trans$eree o$ a decree

    1 - may enforce the decree against the legal representatives too D

    - may enforce the decree against the sureties available with the 2udgement debtor .

    !- may enforce the decree against the securities available with the 2udgement debtor

    "- shall hold the equities which the 2udgement debtor might have enforced against the original decree


    25" 7hen a commission has been issued under section 4= Code o$ Civil Procedure= 1605= the

    commission= i$ not a Jud&e o$ Civil Court 8

    1- can call any witness relating to that matter

    - can determine the legality of questions asked during the conduct of proceedings by the


    !- can etend time and grant eemption from personal appearance

    "- cannot impose penalties or fine and initiate contempt of court proceedings

    26" .nder %hich o$ the $ollo%in& provisions o$ the Code o$ Civil Procedure= 1605 an exAparte

    order and exAparte decree may be set aside 8

    1- Order 8, 3ule ; and Order 8, 3ule 1

    - Order 8, 3ule " and Order 8, 3ule 4

    !- Order 8, 3ule ; and Order 8, 3ule 1!

    "- Order 8, 3ule 11 and Order 8, 3ule 1

    0" ,nterpleader suit cannot be instituted

    1- for any property which relates to two persons but which is being held by a third person for the time


    - for determining the relationship between a property and the persons claiming it

    !- for getting himself. absolved from the liability to keep the property which is not being held by him

    "- Fhere a suit is pending in which the rights of all parties can properly be decided .

    1" /nce revision is made be$ore the court under the Code o$ Civil Procedure= 1605= it

    1- acts as a stay on the proceedings

    - acts as a res

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    "- shall not operate as a stay of suit or other proceeding before the court ecept where such suit or

    proceeding is stayed by the court.

    2" : caveat under the Code o$ Civil Procedure= 1605 may be lod&ed %hen any

    1- suit is instituted

    - proceeding is initiated or instituted .

    !- suit is about to be instituted.

    "- suit or proceeding is instituted or about to be instituted

    " >:> and >B>= t%o members o$ a three member partnership $irm= brin& a suit $or recovery o$

    the debt due $rom" >D> to the $irm= but their $irm is not re&istered on the date o$ the institution o$ 

    the suit" #he suit

    1- is maintainable with leave of the court.

    - is maintainable with the concurrence of DBD

    !- is liable to be re2ected in view of section :8, (artnership Act

    "- will become maintainable after the original defect is cured by subsequent registration

    " 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& contracts is speci$ically en$orceable 8

    1- DAD, an author, contracts with D%D, a publisher, to complete a literary work

    - DAD contracts to sell and D%D contracts to buy a residential building

    !- DAD contracts to marry D%D

    "- DAD contract by a guardian to purchase immovable property on behalf of a minor

    " Cross%ord competition is

    1- wagering agreement

    - contingent contract

    !- illegal agreement

    "- valid agreement

    3" :n advertisement o$ auction is

    1- proposal

    - mere statement

    !- invitation to offer

    "- standing offer 

    4" ,n %hich one o$ the $ollo%in&= consideration is not re'uired 8

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    1- ontract of insurance

    - ontract of bailment

    !- ontract of guarantee

    "- ontract of service

    5" >:> a&rees to pay >B> a sum o$ money i$ >B> &ets married to >C>" >C> marries >!> ,n such a

    situation= %hich one o$ the $ollo%in& statements= is correct 8

    1- *he agreement will be effective when DD will divorce D?D

    - *he performance of the agreement will be deemed impossible

    !- D%D is bound to get married to DD under the agreement

    "- DAD is bound to pay D%D the agreed sum of money

    6" >:> as+ed >B> , %ant to purchase your bi+e" 7hat %ill be the cost 8

    D%D replied that the cost will not be less than 3s. ,1#he rule o$ last opportunity> %as laid do%n in

    1- *homas v. /uartermaine

    - ?avies v. 0ann

    !- $mith v. %aker

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    "- 7ardon v. 5arcourt 3ivington

    " 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is de$amatory 8

    1- (ublishing a false report in a newspaper for which the editor tendered an apology

    - (ublishing a report of parliamentary proceedings showing the misconduct of a member present


    !- (ublishing a report of 2udicial proceeding showing statement made by a witness

    "- (ublishing a false report in newspaper that a minister was involved in a kidnapping case

    " Joint tortA$easors may be held liable

    1- 2ointly and severally for the whole damage

    - for damage caused by a person employed by any of them B

    !- for damage caused independently of their plan

    "- for damage caused by stranger 

    " :s a result o$ a collision bet%een t%o buses a passen&er in one o$ the buses died" #he

    accident occurred due to ne&li&ence o$ the drivers o$ both the buses>" ,n a suit by the le&al

    representative o$ the deceased a&ainst o%ners= o$ both the buses= %hich one o$ the $ollo%in&

    statments is le&ally sustainable8

    1- Each owner of the buses is liable. for the whole damage

    - *he owners of the buses are not 2oi,nt tort

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    5" ,$ %ithin todays the parties $ail to appoint their arbitrators= or the arbitrators $ail to appoint

    the third arbitrator= the arbitrator shall be appointed by the

    1- )ational Arbitration ouncil, )ew ?elhi

    - ?istrict >udge of the &ocal ourt

    !- $tate &egal $ervices Authority of the $tate oncerned

    "- hief >ustice or a person + institution designated by him

    6" ,$ any party to a proceedin& be$ore a revenuecourt does not appear on the date $ixed $or

    hearin&= the revenue court may

    1- hear the proceeding

    - determine the case in his absence

    !- dismiss the case in default

    "- refer the dispute to arbitration

    0" Speci$ic per$ormance o$ contract is allo%ed %here

    1- the plaintiff is net entitled to recover compensation

    - the defendant is incompetent to perform the contract

    !- compensation is not the adequate relief

    "- the defendant has died

    1" .nder pious obli&ation a son is obli&ed to pay a debt contracted by his $ather 

    1- before partition

    - after partition

    !- either before or after partition

    "- for immoral purpose before partition

    2" : )indu %oman a&ed t%enty years adopts a )indu boy a&ed t%enty years" #he adoption is

    1- void

    - voidable at the instance of the boy

    !- immoral and unenforceable

    "- valid, if taken with leave of court

    " 7hich one o$ $ollo%in& statements is not correct 8 )indu *arria&e :ct= 16 applies to

    1- >ains

    - %udhists

    !- $ikhs

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    "- (ersons belonging to scheduled *ribe

    " ,$ a )indu boy marries a )indu &irl o$ the same &otra under the )indu *arria&e :ct= 16=

    the marria&e is

    1- void

    - voidable

    !- valid

    "- unenforceable under law

    " .nder )indu a% a mother= in the absence o$ her son>s $ather= sells her minor son>s

    immovable property" #he minor son= on attainin& majority= can challen&e this transaction

    1- on the ground of not taking permission from the court

    - as the transaction was not done by his father

    !- as no such transaction can be done for minor son

    "- but he will be unsuccessful because the transaction is valid

    3" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is not correct8 .nder )indu a% a person can be adopted i$ he


    1- 5indu

    - 'nmarried

    !- Above fifteen years of age

    "- )ot already adopted

    4" *aina Bibi v" Choudhary @a+il :hmed is related to

    1- 0ahar 

    - @uardianship

    !- 0aintenance

    "- Fakf

    5" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is not a &round $or dissolution o$ a *uslim marria&e under the

    !issolution o$ *uslim *arria&e :ct= 166 8

    1- Fhere abouts of the husband is not known for four #ears

    - Option of puberty

    !- )on

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    1- laim for arrears of rent

    - (rovident fund payable after retirement

    !- A share in partnership

    "- A secured debt

    30" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is an exception to the rule a&ainst perpetuity8

    1- (ermanent transfer for gift

    - (ersonal covenants

    !- (re:> borro%ed a sum o$ money $rom >B>" #he last date $or $ilin& the suit $alls on a Sunday" /n

    *onday= the next day= >:> &ives a %ritten ac+no%led&ment to >B>" ,n this case

    1- DAD should file the suit on 0onday

    - $ection 1H, &imitation Act,18:! gives a fresh period of limitation

    !- *he suit is barred by limitation underD all circumstances

    "- *he suit can be field any time sub2ect to.the provisions of section 1, &imitation Act, 18:!

    3" : permanent o+ :dalat shall ta+e co&ni?ance =o$ any

    1- matter relating to an offence not compoundable under any law

    - matter relating to an offence compoundable under any law

    !- public utility service related matter where the value of the property in dispute eceeds 1 lakh


    "- matter referred to it by the ?istrict 2udge

    3" :n application $or residential order shall be made by a victim o$ domestic violence be$ore a

    1- ivil >udge $enior ?ivision-

    - 0agistrate of the 7irst lass

    !- 7amily ourt

    "- 0ediation entre established by the 5igh ourt

    3" Code o$ Civil Procedure= 1605 is a

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    1- substantive law

    - procedural law

    !- combination of substantive law and procedural law

    "- directory law

    33" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& is not correct8

    1- 5igh ourts should not pass interim orders which are likely to hamper investigation

    - A 0agistrate can under section 14: !-, code of criminal procedure, 18;! send a complaint of non<

    cogni=able offence to the police

    !- *he power of the 0agistrate of the first class to take cogni=ance of coni=able offence may be

    impaired by territorial restrictions

    "- ?uring the course of investigation by the police, the question of crossudicial magistrate for framing of the charge

    - 7rame the charge and transfer the case to the chief >udicial magistrate+ 0agistrate of the first


    !- 7rame the charge and transfer the case to a magistrate of the second class

    "- $end the case to &ok Adalat

    36" #he term >bail> si&ni$ies the conditional release o$ an accused or arrested person by the

    1- (olice during investigation, but not by the magistrate during enquiry.

    - 0agistrate during inquiry, but not by the magistrate during trial.

    !- ourt during trail, but not during revision

    "- (olice 0agistrate or court during investigation, enquiry or trial.

    40" : memorandum o$ arrest o$ an arrested person is re'uired to be si&ned and attested by

    one member o$ 

    1- his family and one of his relatives

    - the locality and one of his relatives

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    !- other locality and one member of his family

    "- his family and one member of the locality, and countersigned by the arrested person.

    41" :n Executive *a&istrate may act even exAparte under section 1= code o$ criminal

    procedure 164 i$ immediate prevention or speedy remedy is desirable

    1- to prevent obstruction, annoyance or in2ury to any lawfully employed person.

    - *o avoid danger to human life, health or safety

    !- *o avoid disturbance to public peace and tranquility, riot or affray

    "- on anyone or all of the above grounds .

    42" 7hile exercisin& its inherent po%ers under section 52= Code o$ Criminal Procedure= 164

    even the )i&h Court cannot

    1- 3eview its own >udgement.

    - ?o all the these mentioned things .

    !- onvert itself into court of appeal when the legislature has not conferred a right to appeal to it.

    "- @rant police custody from >udicial ustody.

    4" )abitual o$$ender is one %ho

    1- habitually commits offence

    - habitually remains in company of habitual offenders

    !- deals with and gives asylum to habitual offenders

    "- commits offences mentioned in section 11 and against whom record of commission of more than

    two offences is available at the time of initiation of proceeding against him.

    4" 7ho out o$ the $ollo%in& may investi&ate a= co&ni?able case even %ithout the order o$ the

    *a&istrate 8

    1- $uperintendent of (olice

    - ?eputy Inspector @eneral of (olice

    !- ?eputy $uperintendent of (olice

    "- Incharge (olice $tation

    4" >:> is tried $or a riot and is proved to have marched as the head o$ a mob" #he cries o$ the

    mob are relevant as

    1- *hey are related to things said or done by the conspirators in reference to the common design

    - Eplanation of the nature of the. transaction

    !- Eplanatory of motive or preparation

    "- Eplanatory of occasion, cause or effects of facts

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    43" #he expression >Police custody> means and includes

    1- ontrol by the police over the accused directly

    - ontrol by the police directly as well as through third persons indirectly over the accused

    !- ontrol over the accused indirectly through third persons

    "- $ome kind of surveillance and restrictions over the accused by (olice or through third persons.

    44" #he evidenciary value o$ a retracted con$ession is that it

    1- $till remains an evidence

    - 3emains an evidence but a weak evidence

    !- %ecomes a corroborative evidence

    "- %ecomes Dother evidenceD from Donly evidenceD

    45" >:> prosecutes >B> $or adultery %ith> >C>= %ho is >:>s> %i$e" >B> denies that >C> is >:>s> %i$e= But

    the court convicts> >B> $or adultery= #herea$ter= >C> is prosecuted $or bi&amy $or marryin& >B>

    durin& :>s> li$etime" >C> says that she %as never >:>s> %i$e" #he jud&ement a&ainst >B> is"

    1- Irrelevant against DD

    - 3elevant against D%D

    !- )ot relevant against D%D and DD

    "- 3elevant against DD

    46" -e%spaper report about any matter is %hich one o$ the $ollo%in& +inds o$ evidence8

    1- 5earsay

    - ircumstantial

    !- (rimary

    "- $econdary

    50" )ostile %itness is one %ho

    1- ?oes not tell the truth

    - @ives statements against the opposite party

    !- @ives statement against the party who called him as a witness

    "- Is not desirous to tell the truth, and gives testimony against the party who called him as a witness

    in his favour.

    51" : prostitute= su$$erin& $rom communicable disease= has sexual intercourse %ith a man

    representin& that she %as $ree $rom any disease commits

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    1- 'nnatural offence

    - 5urt

    !- heating

    "- 0ischief 

    52" : han&man %ho han&s a prisoner pursuant to an order o$ a court is exempt $rom criminal

    liability under the ,ndian Penal Code under 

    1- $ection ;:

    - $ection ;;

    !- $ection ;H

    "- $ection ;8

    5" >:> +no%s that >B> is su$$erin& $rom a heart disease and also that i$ a blo%> is &iven to >B> on

    his chest it is li+ely to cause his> death" Fno%in& this= >:> &ives blo% on >B>s> chest causin&

    >B>s> death" >:> is &uilty o$ 

    1- 0urder

    - ulpable homicide not amounting to murder

    !- @rievous hurt

    "- ausing death by rash of negligent act

    5" 7hich one o$ the $ollo%in& statements is correct 8

    1- Every, culpable homicide is murder 

    - ?eath caused by negligent act is murder 

    !- Every murder is culpable homicide

    "- ?eath caused in course of quarrel is murder 

    5" > अ पक र   > क    वलम   शबद    ह

    1- उतकर    

    - वकर    !- वनषकर    

    "- द       र    

    53" इनम   वदशज   शबद    ह

    1- वश  

    - ज     

    !- स स  

    "- लब  

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    54" इनम   एक    शबद   > सत > क    प    च   शबद    ह

    1- वग  

    - इल 


    !- सव  

    "- श   

    55" इनम   स   क न A स     > प    !     "    तकल > क    #तक    ह

    1- म      अन   कम   क   !  " .

    - म       #   कब   क  अन   कम   क   $    क  " .

    !- म     न अन   कम   वक% .

    "- म      &क  &न    अन  कम   म'   लग   ग% .

    56" > "   म$ स%त   म   "   क$ &   अ वन'(   न   हन > क   वलए   )प$त   म$ह   ह

    1- न   !   !#न  

    - बल   ब क   न   !#न  

    !- द   ()    )   कन  

    "- &सन   *#लन  

    60" > *+&दन > शबद    म   )पस,     ह

    1- &+ 

    - &  

    !- &, 

    "- अ 

    61" > ,- म,त > शबद    क    समस   व+& द    ह, 

    1- ग म   क#   ग%   !   &  

    - ग म   क#  &%   !   &  

    !- ग म   स  ग%   !   &  

    "- ग म   म'  &%   !   &  

    62" > स. पव/ > शबद    स0व1   स   %न   ह   वजसक   वनम!   इन   !2  क   वमलन  स   ह   $ *   ह

    1- उ   उ  

    - &   उ  

    !- -   उ  

    "- अ   उ  

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    6"  इनम   स   एक    शबद   > त > क    प    च   नह0  ह

    1- वनश  

    - %वमन 


    !- उवम    

    "- व.  

    6" क    3 प   *4क    क     ह   क > व(5प!   क   वलए   अ 0,- ज   म   वल6   जत   ह

    1- )ecessary action is needed

    - (lease take action

    !- (lease take necessary action

    "- ?o the needful

    6" >:&ainst Public ,nterest> क   वलए   )प$ त   वह7 द    पद    ह, 

    1- न   क   वल/  

    - ल#कव!   म'  

    !- न   क   स"  

    "- ल#क   व!   क    वक   0 ल  

    63" इनम   एक       श$8   ह

    1- स$   स    न  !   उसक   $!   उ   ग% .

    - बद1  &   #   $!   क' .

    !- स#2   व!3द   क   /क   ,3द   !4.

    "- म     न  /क   सल   क  &क       द( .

    64" वमवत  ( असहमवत  व(5प!   क   वलए   अ 0,- ज   म   )प$ त   पद    ह

    1- )o ob2ection note

    - Ob2ection note

    !- )egative note

    "- )ote of dissent

    65" > त%ल   क    %ल   %7 द   क   वस > लक वत   क    अ 9

    1- द#र   क#5 , 6 स  क#5  

    - द#र   क#   !$न  न  

    !- द#र   1क  

    "- द#र   क#   (#क  

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    66" स:       ,ह   क   वलए   अ 0,- ज   क    )प$ त   शबद    ह

    1- Estimate

    - (resent

    !- Evidence

    "- Eempt

    100" अ 0,- ज   क  >S,-E !,E> पद    क   वलए   वह7 द    म   )प$ त   पद    ह

    1- बद   कन  

    - 1"वग  

    !- व1   कन  

    "- अवनव7$   कल   क   वल/  

    101" अ 0,- ज   क  :utonomous शबद    क   वलए   वह7 द    क    सह   पद    ह

    1- 1ग  

    - 1%8  

    !- 1$वल  

    "- 1व89  

    102" > क न    न   प- वक-  > क   वलए   अ 0,- ज   क    )प$ त   पद    ह

    1- &egal (rocess

    - &egal )otice

    !- &egal Fork

    "- &egal 3ight

    10" GGGGGGGG you li+e to stay the ni&ht 8

    1- ?are

    - Fould

    !- )eed

    "- an

    10" She GGGGGGGG be able to drive to school"

    1- dare

    - need

    !- can

    "- will

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    10" GGGGGGGG you pass me the salt 8

    1- ould

    - )eed

    !- ?are

    "- Ought

    103" ,>m tryin& to phone her= but , can>t GGGGGGG GGGGG 

    1- get up

    - get through

    !- get on

    "- get away

    104" #he %eather is GGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG 

    1- carrying on

    - closing down

    !- clearing up

    "- come round

    105" GGGGGGGG GGGGGGG and see me any time"

    1- (ast perfect

    - (ast ontinuous

    !- (ast $imple

    "- (resent $imple

    106" #hey= ran past me and jumped into a car"

    1- (ast (erfect

    - (ast ontinuous

    !- (ast $imple

    "- (resent $imple

    110" , %as standin& outside the post o$$ice"

    1- (resent ontinuous

    - (ast ontinuous

    !- (ast $imple

    "- (ast (erfect

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    111" -ote Select the sentence %ith coordinatin& conjunction"

    1- 5e held my hand lest I should fall.

    - 5e is slow but he is honest .

    !- 3ama will go if 5ari goes.

    "- A book is a book although there is nothing in it.

    112" -ote Select the sentence %ith subordinatin& conjunction"

    1- 5orses neigh and cats mew

    - I was annoyed still I kept quiet

    !- 5e is slow but he is honest

    "- 5e ran away because he was afraid.

    11 -ote *ar+ the passive JHHl"ice %hich is correct

    #he Principal read the report

    1- *he principal is reading the report.

    - *he report was read by the (rincipal.

    !- *he report was had been read by the (rincipal.

    "- *he (rincipal will not read the report.

    11" Could %e have GGGGGGGG co$$ee= please 8

    1- some

    - few

    !- no

    "- a few

    11" GGGGGGGGGGG the money &oes into a sr"ecial ban+ account"

    1- Every

    - All

    !- Each

    "- $ome

    113" #he a&ent has as+ed GGGGG o$ his customers to &ive money"

    1- every- a little

  • 8/18/2019 Rjs Pre 2011


    !- a few

    "- each

    114" GGGGGGG , &et you a &lass o$ %ater 8

    1- ?are

    - )eed

    !- an

    "- Fould

    Identify the correct indirect speech

    115 , may not be at home"

    1- 5e said he might not be at home.

    - 5e said I may not be at home.

    !- 5e said he could not. be at home.

    "- 5e said he should not be at home.

    116 , do not thin+ 1 %ill buy another car"

    1- $he says she cannot buy another car.

    - $he says she will not buy another car.!- $he says she would not think of going to buy a car.

    "- $he says she does not think she will buy another car.

    120 J#ou can pay me cash or give me a chequeJ.

    1- 5e told her she could pay in cash or cheque.

    - 5e told her she could pay him cash or give him a cheque.

    !- 5e told her she would pay him cash or give him a cheque.

    "- 5e told her she should not pay him cash or give him a cheque.