Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Environmental Chemicals



Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Environmental Chemicals. By Abdullah Al- Darmaki Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Oman E-mail : darmaki2a@yahoo.com. Introduction to Oman. The Sultanate of Oman occupies the south­eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Risk Assessment and Monitoring for

Environmental ChemicalsEnvironmental Chemicals


Abdullah Al- Darmaki

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – Oman

E-mail : darmaki2a@yahoo.com

Introduction to OmanIntroduction to Oman The Sultanate of Oman

occupies the south eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula.

Oman extends between latitude 26 20 and 16 40 North and between longitude 59 40 and 51 50 East , along the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea, from the Straits of Hormuz in the north to the Yemeni border in the south.

HEAD OF STATE: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said (since 1970)

AREA: 300,500 sq. km. NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES:Yemen Arab

Republic, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

POPULATION: 2,331,391 (2003 Census) The official language is Arabic. Islam is the

official religion, but other religions are tolerated.

CAPITAL: Muscat CURRENCY: Rial Omani (OR) of 1,000 baizas

= US$2.58 NATIONAL DAY: 18th November TIME DIFFERENCE: GMT + 4 hours

Topographic of OmanTopographic of Oman

The topographic of Oman is varies between plains which occupied 3 % of the total land ( Batinah and Dhofar ),mountains which occupied 15 % of the total land ( Muscat , Dhaklya and Musandam ) and sand dunes which occupied 82 % of the total land ( Wasta , Sharqiya and Daherah ) .

Oman divided into 8 regions which are : Muscat , Musandam , Wasta , Dhofar,Batinah, Sharqiya , Daherah , and Dhaklya.

Climate of OmanClimate of Oman The climate differs from one area to

another. It is hot and humid in the coastal areas in summer; while it is hot and dry in the Interior.

Rainfall is generally light and irregular; although heavy rains and thunderstorms can cause severe flooding

Average temperatures in the south, Dhofar region has a moderate climate and the pattern of rainfall is more predictable with heavy monsoon rains occurring regularly between May and September.

the north of Oman are 32 - 48 0C from May to September; 26 - 36 0C from October to April.

Monitoring Activities on ChemicalsMonitoring Activities on Chemicals

The registration and monitoring activities on chemicals including pesticides is a sharing process between many concerned department in the government which there is a cooperation between them in order to

maintain the complete monitoring activities. Monitoring activities on chemicals


Ministry Ministry of Ministry of Royal Ministry of

of Health Regional Commerce and Oman Agriculture

Municipalities Industry Police and Fisheries

& Environment

Ministry of Agricultural and FisheriesMinistry of Agricultural and Fisheries

Directorate General of Agriculture

Department of Plant Protection

Plant Protection


Seedling and

Seeds Health Section

Plant Quarantine


Locust Control


Pesticides in AgriculturePesticides in Agriculture

It is clear that the pesticides is required in the modern agriculture , so that it is occupied an important part in the ministry of agriculture and fisheries activities.

Department of plant protection in the directorate general of agriculture is the department in the ministry of agriculture which are responsible providing and using the pesticides for plant protection and caring out the national controlling programs and issuing pesticides permit.

Pesticides and Environment Pesticides and Environment Doubs BugDoubs Bug

Ommatissus LybicusOmmatissus Lybicus(Tropiduchidae: Homoptera)(Tropiduchidae: Homoptera) Date Palm tree is one of an

important economic tree in Oman .There are 8 mullion trees

Yearly there is a national aerial spray program on the date palm trees to control the doubs bug which is done tow time / year.

The reason for spraying this bug twice a year is the presence of two generations. One started in April and called spring generation and the other started in October and called winter generation.

In this process large quantity of pesticides are used to cover large area of date palm trees in most regions of Oman

( villages ). Target area is a very large area

more than 30,000 acres sprayed using more than 40,000 liters of pesticides per each generation

This infestation is an historical problem, which in our days now have already more than 25 years in Oman

Table ( 1 ) represents the amount of pesticide Table ( 1 ) represents the amount of pesticide used and sprayed area in many regions of used and sprayed area in many regions of

Oman in the winter generation 2004 against Oman in the winter generation 2004 against doubs bug in date palm treesdoubs bug in date palm trees. .

RegionsAmount of Pesticide

( liter )

Area sprayed

( acre )







Table (2) type of pesticides used in Table (2) type of pesticides used in

aerial sprayaerial spray Type of Pesticides

Group Years of useDosage

Dichlorophose Organo


1990 - 19931.5L/ acre


96% ULV



1993 - 19971 L / acre

Fenitrothion 96% ULV



1997 - 20020.8 L/ acre

Sumi combi alpha 49%ULV


Phosphorus+ pyrethroid

2003 until now

0.8 L/ acre

Pesticides LapPesticides Lap

There is no study for the effect and side effect of the pesticides on human ( staffs who are responsible of the spray and the farmers ) , useful wild organism in the agriculture fields product , example the polluted insects , birds …etc , soil, water and environment .

From this training course I am looking forward to learn , see and gain techniques which are used to measure and monitor the environmental chemicals and the risk assessment of monitoring it in the plants , soil, water, …etc.

Ministry of Regional Ministry of Regional Municipalities & EnvironmentMunicipalities & Environment

Due to the rapid industrial and agricultural developments regulation was set up to control pesticides and chemicals imported and used in the Sultanate.

Department of Chemical Department of Chemical SubstancesSubstances

According to Article (6) of the Royal Decree the Department of Chemicals substances was established.

Department Functions: 1 -Conducting Chemical analysis to determine the level of toxicity and

hazardousness.2 -Granting permits for the use ,import, manufacturing and handling of

hazardous chemicals.3 -Keeping a record of the hazardous chemicals in order to establish a

hazardous chemicals databank. 4 -Classifying chemicals in accordance with the national and international

classifications.5 -Providing technical consulation on chemicals.

6 -Assigning inspectors who make sure that all the legal conditions are being met, checking on the chemical records and any violation to the law on


Sections of the DepartmentSections of the DepartmentA) Monitoring and Assessment Section

-Inspecting every one who deal with hazardous chemicals .

-Evaluating factories and establishment who manufacture and handle such substances .

-Detecting violation and samples to the Central Lab for analysis.

B) Permits and Record Section -Reviewing hazardous chemicals registration forms.

-Issuing permits for handling such substances together with adding information on the hazardous chemicals used in Oman to the database.

Laws and RegulationsLaws and Regulations

-The low of handling and use of chemicals was issued by Royal Decree No. 46/95.

-The regulation for Registration of Chemicals and the relevant permits was issued by Ministerial Decision No. (248/97).

-The regulation for the packing, packaging, tagging and labeling of hazardous chemicals issued by the ministerial decision no.(317/2001).

-The regulation for banning of handling or use of some hazardous chemicals issued by the ministerial decision no.(316/2001).

-The low on conservation of the environment and prevention of pollution issued by the royal decree no. ( 114/2001 ).

-The regulation for wastewater re-use and discharge by the ministerial decision no. (145/93).


11--Rotterdam ConventionRotterdam Convention..22--Stockholm ConventionStockholm Convention

Rotterdam Convention (PIC)Rotterdam Convention (PIC) -The Sultanate Joined the Convention in October 1999 by the Royal

Decree No.(81/99) -The Convention is based on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

procedure .This procedure:

- -Prevents export of certain harmful chemicals that have been banned or severely restricted or can cause problems under conditions of use in developing countries, unless the importing country agrees to accept

them .Prior Informed Consent ( PIC ):

-When a country exports a chemical subject to a ban or severely restriction in its own territory, it must inform the importing country before the first shipment and then annually.

Stockholm Convention (POPs)Stockholm Convention (POPs)

- -In May 2001, 127 government adopted this convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) .

-Oman signed the convention in March 4th , 2002.-Purpose of the Convention:

-The convention seeks the elimination or restriction of production and use of all intentionally produced POPs (i.e., industrial chemicals and pesticides)

-Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).POPs are chemicals that are persistent, bio-accumulate in

fatty tissues, bio-magnify through the food chain and adversely affect health and environment

Thank youThank you
